311-Helping Men Reveal, Build and Live with Purpose- TTST Interview with Purpose Infused Brotherhood’s Clay Smeltzer

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Clay Smeltzer is the founder of the Purpose Infused Brotherhood which brings men together to Build, Battle, and Bond so that they can be the best version of themselves for them, their families, their careers, and their communities.

  Be selfish to be selfless

– Clay Smeltzer 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Drink from the overflow.

2. A great coach will provide a place to feel heard, respected and have the tools needed for success

3. Your blind spot is purpose, when you search for purpose it is always searching for you. 

4. Consistently reveal your purpose and practice gratitude. 

5. Mental health is a ‘shadow’ a dark space, you need to talk about it. 

6. Work to answer yes to the following. Am I good enough? Do I have what it takes?

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Clay if you don’t mind, please introduce yourself the time to shine today packets are swept but first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:08  

I got to read in black is the word colors.

Unknown Speaker  2:11  

Yeah. Awesome, dude,

Unknown Speaker  2:14  

I gotta be black. Yeah, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker  2:16  

Flavors of Johnnie Walker every once in a while.

Unknown Speaker  2:21  

Blue, not the blue.

Unknown Speaker  2:22  

Oh, blue is my go to and I it’s funny. I have clients that ask me and they actually send me bottles of blue. And I’m not complaining anybody out there that are my clients send it but I have like four of them here. So it goes down smooth and buttery, that’s for sure. But clay let’s let’s get to the origin span where you kind of start and really getting into helping men level up.

Unknown Speaker  2:46  

I got into helping men really reveal, build, and live with purpose because I was not at 35 I’m 41 right now at 35 years old, I was sitting on my couch over here having a panic attack over TV show. My wife was sleeping next to me. And I like I it was a point in my life where I was like this kid, this is not what my life was supposed to be. You know, I think we get into that time in our lives where we become the responsible man. And I’m gonna put that air quotes there. And that responsible man is taking care of business, you know, doing the things around the house, paying the bills, going to work, having a career, taking care of your kids doing all that stuff. But all of a sudden, you know, we look back and we lost who we were, we lost who we are. And for me, I was being everything for everybody else. And I was being nothing for myself. And that’s that’s where the point of something had to change. And I think as men is is and I think women do it a lot too. But I do, I mean to the realm of men, is when men, we are providers, and protectors, and we will literally sacrifice ourselves all the time for everybody else. And that’s a good thing. Because when we sacrifice ourselves and think about yourself as a cup, when you continually deplete, deplete, deplete your cup, you’re always depleted, we want to do is we want to teach men how to overflow their cup. So you’re not taking putting in my cup and you’re not taking out of your cup, your anybody can drink from the overflow, right? And you can drink as much overflow as you want. But what we were taught is to deplete, give, deplete, give deplete and not take care of ourselves first, but first.

Unknown Speaker  4:20  

Yeah, I love that you say that? Because especially our temples or bodies, right? It’s like, we have to take care of us one. And it’s selfish. But if you go to Webster’s Dictionary wherever you go to Wikipedia, selfish does not it’s not a negative term in addition to taking care of yourself so you can take care of others, right? Yep, we agree on that one.

Unknown Speaker  4:43  

Absolutely. And I heard this I was in business a long time ago and the leadership team but that business said the one of the guys said you have to be selfish in order to be selfless. And at that point in time in my life, I was like, What are you talking about? Oh, like as a great saying, but I had no clue And then when I went through that panic attack when I went through and I started building myself, and revealing my purpose. That’s when I’m like, the light bulb went off. And I’m like, oh, man, okay, now I get it. Because if I don’t put me first, if I don’t love me first, how can I love my wife and my kids the way they deserve to be loved? If I don’t take care of me first, how can I take care of my wife and my family first, and our brothers in the brotherhood and impact men? If I can’t? If I can’t do that, first, how can I? How can I do that for somebody else, it just doesn’t work like that.

Unknown Speaker  5:29  

There’s old cliche when you’re trying to meet your forever girl or whatever, you know, you can’t love them. If you can’t love yourself, which is freaking true. Is that like, goes in one ear and out the other. So we’ve really loving yourself or you’re stuck, you’re on that couch with anxiety and whatnot, like, how did you like what was that? flip that switch that flipped? That said, you know, and what was your first step really, of going down the journey of self improvement, if you will.

Unknown Speaker  5:59  

The flip was, I was tired of it. Like I spent 15 years of my life not telling people about anxiety, how how much I had it, and how much I dealt with it because I was I was a man to man up and I was tough. And I wasn’t rah, rah, you know that dude. I was trying to be that dude. And the problem is, is I wasn’t, I wasn’t reaching out, I was trying to be a tough guy. And the more I was a tough guy, the more I actually was insecure about my

Unknown Speaker  6:26  

emotional states, they hide behind they

Unknown Speaker  6:29  

do and

Unknown Speaker  6:30  

My Shadows over here, and I was faking everybody else out, I was faking myself out, right. And honestly, up until that point, I didn’t want to deal with it. That’s the whole point. Like I knew it was there, right? I knew I had a shadow, I knew I dealt with it, I tried to kick it out and get rid of it. I tried to get rid of all the things I hated about myself. And the problem was, is I was lying, because they’re a part of me. And I’ve actually used them for good. And the more I’ve tried to kick it out, the more kickback. And that point on the cast, that panic attack was my endpoint to say this has to change. And looking at my wife, and my kids sleeping upstairs. And I’m like, This can’t continue. Right. And so I think men change for two reasons. One, or anybody changes for two reasons. One, there’s this golden carrot out in front of you. That’s so so great. And number two, the crap hits the fan. And for me, it was the second one. And that’s where it’s like this had to change. And that’s where the first step was to actually talk and share. Because when you’re going through mental health, you’re dealing with mental health, you’re dealing with things, you’re dealing with your shadow and I put it over here my back because your shadows that dark space, you don’t want to go that you don’t like about yourself, when you’re dealing with that the only way to step into it is actually talk about it. So I actually reached I finally said something to my wife, about how much I was feeling anxiety, how it was just overtake it was literally control, like control. I allowed it to control my life, right? And I finally talked to her. And she’s like, I don’t know what to do, but I’m here for you. And I said, No, you don’t think I’m less than? And she’s like, why would I just like because I do. Right? And there was there was the point of me not saying anything, I was ashamed of myself for the anxiety that I had, that I didn’t know what to do with it. I didn’t know how to handle it. I didn’t know how to fix it as a man, because I was ashamed and I felt less than myself. The two greatest questions every person has in every man has is Am I good enough? And do I have what it takes? I cannot answer yes. And yes to those two questions at that point in my life.

Unknown Speaker  8:34  

It is so tough, you know us being raised. I mean, I’m a little bit older I’m 50 You’re 41 And we were raised with you know kids a lot of kids these days including you know my god daughter you know they got timeout right we got knockout right is his boys right? You know, I

Unknown Speaker  8:49  

got whatever’s on the kitchen counter Jedi

Unknown Speaker  8:54  

squad if you’re watching this, I mean, the students pretty well put together I probably think twice before tangling with them. But like for him to be vulnerable and really put that out there is essential and key to start that healing process in a sense and also you know, we don’t do anything until we are absolutely fed up with it. Right it’s like that’s it and like I love that you went to your wife in asked for support there and she gave it to you and then you really kind of got you’re asking here right you asked around and how that you can absolutely really level up that’s awesome. And so you move forward a little bit you’re kind of going through that awesome path the shadows getting a little lighter, if you will, like what really brought you into helping others.

Unknown Speaker  9:39  

Other firm for me it was is I will be always grateful for James is that he asked me if I could help him because he saw what I was changing. And I was like so the Brotherhood was not in my mind. You know building a community of men to reveal build and live with purpose was not in my mind. coaching men on revealing their purpose was not in my mind. None of that was in my mind until James came along and said, Hey, I see how you’re changing. I’m going through something, and can you help me and I was like, Sure, I don’t know what I’m going to do. But, and what I did is I walked them through the process I went through. And from there, it just kind of expanded. And from there, I realized that there are so many men in this world that don’t have a space in place, that they feel supported, they feel cared for, they feel heard, they feel respected, and where they can develop the tools that they can put in their tool belt, in order for them to be their best self for them for their, their, their spouse, for their kids for their career for their communities. It’s like, we don’t have that space to be able to talk about that we got a lot of spaces that are like, let’s go. But we don’t have spaces like, Dude, we need to actually have the conversations we need to have, we need to talk about the stuff you really don’t want to talk about. And that’s what we do in the Brotherhood as we provide that space for those conversations for those discussions, but also for the tools for you to be able to reveal, build and live your purpose.

Unknown Speaker  11:03  

That’s also and that in again, a lot of it, you have to be vulnerable to be able to go through this and you coach people one on one or in groups, mainly? Both. Okay, we

Unknown Speaker  11:14  

do this. Yeah. Okay. So

Unknown Speaker  11:15  

if you’ve maybe a discovery period of maybe a one on one discovery period, you haven’t that first, that first chat to make sure you’re the right horse for the course for them. Is there any secret sauce, you could share with our listeners, our squad that maybe helps them find their blind spot, so you know where to start from?

Unknown Speaker  11:33  

For me, their blind spot, their blind spot is oh, they come to me because they want to know what their purpose is? Why am I here on this earth. And that’s their blind spot, because they don’t know why. And that’s, that’s, we want to know, and here’s, here’s what I want everybody to remember is that, when you’re searching for your purpose, your purpose is also searching for you. Oh. And what I here to do is because of what I went through, I just have the ability to reveal that for you. And I say, reveal, and I don’t say fun, because a lot of people say well, I’m gonna find my purpose never reveal, it’s always been in you, it’s always been with you, you have literally made decisions in your entire life because of your purpose. And it comes down usually to two to three things. And what I do is I walk people through a process that allows us to go back in time to be in the present, and then afterwards, look into the future, to say, hey, who was I? Where did I show up? How did that show up? What are the things in my life? And why? Because it really comes back to why every decision that you’ve made Scott and every listener here, every decision that you’ve made in your entire life, there’s a reason why you’ve made it. And that’s the biggest thing, because a lot of people will purpose is what you do. No, no, no, no, no. Your purpose is who you are. And why you do what you do is your purpose, not what you do. Wow, your purpose will just show up in it.

Unknown Speaker  12:56  

That’s I love that you said that the purpose is searching for you as well, you just simple art. Our brains were what using like, 16% of our brains, it’s actually there. So while I love that you made the analogy of the like I with my coaching clients sitting in a car, you know, the rearview mirror that’s really small, the big dashboard that you can see out forward. But really, it’s important is that present time to so many people, you know, they have a foot in the past a foot in the future, and they piss all over. I love my favorite sayings. And it’s so true. And I love that you dig in with them in get that purpose in have them level up. So while you’re maybe still in this discovery, period play, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  13:44  

Good question I asked me. I think I don’t know. Just because I get I get the questions. During that time they get to questions that they’ve never wanted, they always wanted to ask but never had before. Because we have those discussions to go into it. And I’m not easy on it. Like and that’s one of the things I say I’m like, Listen, this isn’t going to be an easy path. And I’m going to ask you the questions you don’t want to ask. Yeah. And so, I mean, because I’m an open book. Because I’ve exposed I was so afraid to expose myself to replace Meltzer in order to be free and have that freedom of self and have that freedom of purpose and just live as me it no matter where I’m at, is that and who I’m with is like I had to expose everything.

Unknown Speaker  14:30  

So so with that freedom, I honestly don’t know what question it was. No, that’s

Unknown Speaker  14:35  

fine. I would ask, possibly, you know what you’re going to expect of me during this time, what am I going to expect on this journey? But it’s a hard question to answer and I That’s why I throw it at my interviewees but you handled it like frickin awesome. But with kind of going through this journey that you have went through, because you’re walking the path that you’re taking them through with their shred. How often do you maybe feel like an impostor? Because you, you know, because there’s always that pull back. You know, one man, you always reminded that primal reminder of us. Do you ever feel like an impostor? And if so, it’s okay to say no. But if so how do you over overcome what

Unknown Speaker  15:21  

I definitely used to. And I used to feel that way, because it came down to value. People want value and usability. So I’m walking somebody through a process that I didn’t know if it was valuable to them. And what I was trying to do is say, the value that I’m bringing to the picture into this world, my purpose, the value of my purpose, I was trying to get other people to validate that. But the problem is, is other people can’t validate that. They can show up and say just think, think about yourself as an apple tree. People can show up and and be like, Oh, that’s an apple tree, you know, and take an apple and be like, Oh, eat that f of x. Wow, that is delicious. That is an awesome apple. But it doesn’t validate that the apple trees and apple tree produces great apples. All’s it does is it is it is it confirms that your apples are delicious. The apple tree actually has to say, hey, my apples are delicious. My

Unknown Speaker  16:19  

analogy, dude, for me,

Unknown Speaker  16:20  

I had to realize and how I overcame that obstacle of saying, hey, what value do I bring to the world because that’s purpose. When we reveal our purpose, we have to actually understand and believe that our purpose creates value in this world, I actually had to do that for myself. And it didn’t come from other people. And I tried to get it to come from other people. As I work with them. I walk through this process, but really, the results that they get are not a validation, they are a confirmation that the value I bring to this world. Wow. It’s freaking awesome. And I believe that now because I had to believe it in myself that the value that I’m bringing when I talk about purpose, man, and how do I validate dude, I just, I’m passionate about what I do. Sure. And same thing with you. That’s why I love the time to shine podcast because man if you don’t listen, if you listen to the time to shine podcast, and you’re not excited afterwards, something’s wrong with you like

Unknown Speaker  17:12  

you stop loving man, some definitely wrong. So I really appreciate that. So then what makes a great coach?

Unknown Speaker  17:20  

Relationships, it’s always that always relationship just like I’m a teacher as well. So I teach seventh grade math and Pennsylvania here, but the teaching is teaching is all about the relationships.

Unknown Speaker  17:30  

Yeah. Wow. Any indication? Yeah, phenomenal.

Unknown Speaker  17:34  

Anytime you serve somebody else, it’s always about building that relationship. Do they trust like and respect you? Love people, people don’t care what you know, until they know that you care. Sacrifice will love and if they know that I care, they know that I’m actually here for them. So that way, I can have the card part concept. So when you say hey, I’m not I want to be a great dad. I can say why. And then you give me an answer. And I can go well, why? Right? Because, you know, that’s like one thing with purpose. People are like, Well, what’s your purpose basket? Right? Well, I want to be a great coach or I want to be a great debt. Okay, why do you want to be a great dad? Right? I don’t know. Because I want to be a great dad.

Unknown Speaker  18:11  

Well, what’s that mean? Right? What’s that mean to you love it. Because it’s not.

Unknown Speaker  18:15  

It’s not being the dad. It’s not what you do. It’s who you are. That’s your purpose.

Unknown Speaker  18:21  

Right? Love it. Love it. And I love that you can it just stain it out to me so much about the purpose of searching for you too. And that’s fantastic. I’m gonna start using a little bit of that my coaching my clients. Thank you. Thanks. So take it. Have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Oh, yeah. So those were

Unknown Speaker  18:38  

my my favorite ones, the Western one, whichever one, three.

Unknown Speaker  18:42  

But let’s get that glory with Marty McFly. Let’s go back. So you’re 41 Let’s go back to the double Deuce a 22 year old clay. Alright, is there with what you know now? Is there any good knowledge nuggets as we call him here attention today that you might drop on him to maybe not so much change anything play because your journey is your journey, but maybe help them shorten his learning curve blast to level up maybe just a little bit quicker.

Unknown Speaker  19:09  

Stop lying to yourself.

Unknown Speaker  19:13  

Love it. Love it.

Unknown Speaker  19:15  

Because when you lie to yourself, you’re lying to everybody else. And that’s what I did for a long time. That was that was 2022 was? Well 21 was the start of where anxiety kicked into my life. Prior to it, I didn’t realize it but the anxiety. The reason why I was so good on the on the baseball field in the football field is because I used anxiety and I used my ADHD to actually perform well. So when somebody said Hey Clay, we got to two outs bases are loaded. We need this out to win the game. Hey, you need to come in and pitch and get this guy out. I’m like, dude, let’s it’s all on. Let’s go right got it. Let’s do this thing. And I’m like, hey, yeah, now Hey, you’re watching a TV show. And then this chemicals released into my body. I’m like, What the hell is going on here? Yeah, yeah, it’s like I didn’t, I’m not you like I didn’t, I didn’t understand that piece. And until I dove into who I was, and realize what’s happening in my body, but also what’s happening and then thought my environment, and what’s happening with my purpose, like those three combined, plus, gratitude, when you throw gratitude in there better.

Unknown Speaker  20:25  

I love that you brought up graduates, I was gonna ask you that a little bit later. But I I’m a big I make each one of my clients eat a gratitude sandwich daily. The way it is, is you the first line, which is the bread you have you set your intentions for the day. The second thing that you’re going to type up or jot down is what you’re worried about in the day, and then I make them put 14 Things are grateful for below that and those 14 things along with your intention squeezes out that’s their sandwich kind of squeezes out the worries if you follow and be gratified love that man. So

Unknown Speaker  20:59  

let me jump in there real quick. Yeah, intention is your purpose for the day. Right? Your worries get depleted because you have intention and purpose in your day, right? And the gratitude just enhances everything you’re like I always say this. You want to change your life drastically. do two things reveal your purpose, and practice gratitude. Those two things will absolutely change your life.

Unknown Speaker  21:21  

So reveal your purpose in practice gratitude, practice

Unknown Speaker  21:23  

gratitude. You don’t believe me? And I’ll challenge every one of you don’t believe me Go Go Go challenge Scott and I to say now I’m gonna prove you wrong and right and let us it’s,

Unknown Speaker  21:33  

it can never happen because if you start writing down things you’re grateful for I don’t care if it’s you know, if it’s your dog or the weather outside, it’s still you can’t feel bad when you’re feeling grateful. It’s your the chemicals in your body physiologically won’t let you love that you said they’re so clear. How do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date your deputy, which hopefully it’s way down the line? But how do you want please dash remember

Unknown Speaker  22:00  

when this is actually one of my questions in our questionnaire for for the purpose of the program, the one on one program, I didn’t. And and for me, when people were at my funeral and talking about me, they’re gonna tell that hey, man, Clay, dude, he owned himself. He loved his story. And he lived with purpose every single day.

Unknown Speaker  22:19  

Wow. That’s enough said, you know, you can’t get much better than

Unknown Speaker  22:25  

that period. So that is my that is my purpose.

Unknown Speaker  22:27  

So does anything keep you up at night?

Unknown Speaker  22:31  

My, the anxiety and I had to switch that because I’m gonna say my anxiety false false false, the anxiety that that occurs in me, My is trying to take ownership of something that, that that gives too much power to it. But the anxiety that I have, that sometimes still gets me when like with traveling new things, and traveling and deal with that. So it’s not that anxiety has gone away that I’ve kicked out because it’s ever going to you want to know because you can use it. Yeah, in good ways. It’s just, I’m working through a lot of those things that are from my past that keep creeping into the present. And making sure that hey, I’m staying present focused, intention focused purpose focused, and enjoying life and through those but they’re still struggles, you know? Absolutely. Like my family, man, you know what I mean? You always worry about your family.

Unknown Speaker  23:21  

So yeah, absolutely. How about what do you think people misunderstand about you the most?

Unknown Speaker  23:31  

That might I think a lot and I think this happened in sports too. Is that my confidence in who I am, and his arrogance is arrogance.

Unknown Speaker  23:40  

It can come across as that especially but they don’t see what’s going on behind the scenes while you’re grinding you know what I’m saying it can come across but you have to have the confidence that’s why I give most of the cops in the world of paths is so because we can kind of come across a bro you need them to have that so I love I love that you’re transparent about that. So then what is your definition of a life well lived

Unknown Speaker  24:04  

is living with purpose. Love it. And you’re

Unknown Speaker  24:07  

gonna say that you know, it’s one of my canned questions. And you’re gonna say I love it I love that man. Time to shine a podcast varsity squad we are back and clay we’re gonna get down to Florida this next winter man to rock some stages. You know, we’ll talk about each one of these questions over a brain grenade or a Kool Aid or something. But you got five seconds to answer them. turfy No, no, this is great when nations you write a great level up

Unknown Speaker  24:38  

brother already. hotseat here and it says go through this.

Unknown Speaker  24:41  

Alright man, it is the bottom that I Tuanku out game. This guy bro. Let’s go Alright, so Clay What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Reveal your purpose. Love it. Share one of your habits to contribute to success.

Unknown Speaker  24:57  

Practice visualization.

Unknown Speaker  24:58  

Love it. Love it. Do you see me walking down the street and like for you, man, he looks like he does doldrums a little bit what book might you hear

Unknown Speaker  25:06  

me? Outwitting the Devil?

Unknown Speaker  25:08  

Actually, no one’s ever said but that is a great read. So what’s your mind? What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  25:17  

This one Rocco? One bad. I

Unknown Speaker  25:19  

love it. So you don’t lie to me on this one, my friend is you’re an athlete. But if you can stay one age physically, for the rest of your life, keep the knowledge you’ve garnered and continue to gain wisdom. Physically, what age would you stay for the rest of your life?

Unknown Speaker  25:34  

I would say right now.

Unknown Speaker  25:35  

Really Okay? Actually. Ortiz’s is good. I would take 28 to 32. Anytime. So what was your nickname growing up?

Unknown Speaker  25:45  

Man, I had a lot. Smets betzler I was probably one. Okay. So I love it.

Unknown Speaker  25:52  

I love it. So just checkers or monopoly?

Unknown Speaker  25:57  

No, I just totally checkers. Whoo. Awesome. My dyslexia just slipped in. You said three things. I don’t even know what you said.

Unknown Speaker  26:06  

Go to ice cream flavor.

Unknown Speaker  26:10  

You got chocolate dark chocolate with black raspberry,

Unknown Speaker  26:13  

lava mixed. Love it trying to stay healthy. good deals. So there’s a there’s a sandwich named smells. What’s on that sandwich, bro?

Unknown Speaker  26:24  

You got roast beef, turkey and lettuce, tomato. Cheese and Bacon. No.

Unknown Speaker  26:32  

Better mess mentioned that man candy bacon. So you have a time machine that you can go to for one day can’t change a thing. But just experience when you go 20 years forward or 20 years back? Oh, just for the experience that? Oh, okay. Very good. It was a kegger back in 89. I like to go back and go any favorite charity organization or organizationally to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  27:02  

Not I love that I help him out veterans anyway. You know, where they’ve served us. And it’s It’s shame on me if I don’t serve them.

Unknown Speaker  27:11  

Not I appreciate you. Donating to the Suicide Lifeline for prevention hotline. You know, it’s for a lot of the veterans that I served with, and my little brother took his life. So I really, really appreciate you saying that. So last question in you can elaborate a little bit on this one. But what is the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  27:30  

Man 60 Can I get earlier? Yeah, do 50s Rock and roll man isn’t a fun teach. You can’t beat it. I was just listening to a man I love like you get into the Elvis you get into like, yeah, you know all those ones in there. You know? totally forgetting a bunch of

Unknown Speaker  27:46  

Buddy Holly big Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  27:50  

All that. Yeah, you know that you cannot deny the enthusiasm, the change the energy that comes from them. And it’s just it’s universal. It’s blasting. It was

Unknown Speaker  28:02  

so pure. And it was you can understand the word you know, pretty much all their songs and stuff. And it’s funny because I actually have a radio show here in South Florida, called South Florida real estate, business and lifestyle and it’s on an oldies station. But what’s weird to me is that the oldies music is the ADC thing. Back when I was a kid, the old days, and this is like 8586 or something like that. The oldest was the 50. So it’s like that’s awesome. You’re the first person that ever went back farther. That’s phenomenal. So play how can we find your brother

Unknown Speaker  28:36  

you can find me on any social media at purpose and fuse brotherhood just type that into the search things on any the we got Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook there, go to purpose infuse brotherhood.com You can find all the information about the programs that we run and the purpose of fuse brotherhood. And then you can search in any of your podcast platforms purpose of us brotherhood, podcast, and we’ll be there for you to listen to and, and really just collect those tools and acquire those tools for you to be the best version of yourself. For you, your family, your community, your career, and just kick butt every single day.

Unknown Speaker  29:08  

So we love it man, like with the podcast, which is absolutely phenomenal squad. That but is it you and your partner? Is it Toby or who’s who’s

Unknown Speaker  29:18  

John John, John’s one of our brothers. Yep, John Doe’s Ellis. Here’s Him and I are co hosts. I did it by myself for a little bit and I was getting to work. John and I jumped on here, but we have a right now we have a bunch of different brothers that come on and talk about the different topics because what we do is we talk every Tuesday and Wednesday we meet as a brotherhood squad in there and we talk about the discussions and we bring that conversation to the listeners on Thursday. So having some of those guys come in there with their thoughts too is important as well.

Unknown Speaker  29:48  

Yeah, squat. It is an absolutely phenomenal listen to keep you engaged. It’s not boring and monotone. It’s a lot of fun. It’s kind of like this, this set so you know if you can do me One last solid plate and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize, take action.

Unknown Speaker  30:07  

I say the last nugget I always tell people is that you got to answer those two questions. Am I good enough? And do I have what it takes? In every single area of your life? You want to? Yes and yes, and sometimes it won’t be both. Sometimes there’ll be one sometimes it the other, but it’s always moving forward to answer. Am I good enough as a man? Am I good enough as a woman? Do I have what it takes as a man? Do I have what it takes as a woman? And they say yes, and yes of that in every area of your life.

Unknown Speaker  30:34  

And squab? This has just been enlightening. It’s been fired off, it’s been leveled up with my good friend here, clay and you know, with a brotherhood, they help men reveal and build and live with purpose, you know, he was on a couch, probably watching like a law and order. And something got hit with roads, Game of Thrones, Hackman, it was this, this person’s and the couch will come in at the bottom of the night, and strike people up and I can’t handle this, you know, he really kind of believes in being something for others. And really nothing and help people that feel nothing for themselves, to help those men and level up, you know, drink from the overflow, keep, give, give, give until it hurts so good. And you’ll never be depleted. You know, it reminds us you know, be selfish, to be self less, which again, selfishness is not a bad word. It’s nothing bad about it. You know, that shadow that mental health channel that’s following you around clay can help you lighten up that shadow and make that shadow a partner in your life. You know, he provides space to feel heard, respected, and have the tools to really get you to level up in your life. You know, your blind spot is your purpose when you search for purpose and know that your purpose is searching for you when that comes together as harmony. It’s fantastic. I mean, clay is planting trees that the dudes never really going to sit in the shade it he’s always giving in moving forward you know and he’s also reminds us in my analogy is that the trees with the most fruit bend to the ground. So he’s always wanting to help pull people along. You know, we want you to stop lying to yourself, because you rely on yourself you’re really lying to everybody else. Be authentic. If you need help get you’re asking your let me put you in touch with my good friend clay to help you level up and always, you know, kind of answer the question, you know, am I good enough to do it? And do I have what it takes? If there’s a yes, yes. Then get after it. That’s what my good friend clay does. He’s earned his varsity squad letter here. Not that he needs another one. But I’d love your God’s brother man. You level up your health. You level up your wealth. You’re humble yet you’re hungry. I’m blessed to have you and I cannot wait to collaborate with you in the future.

Unknown Speaker  32:42  

absolutely appreciate being here, man.

Unknown Speaker  32:44  

You bet chat soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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