429-Health Hustle: Dive Into Actionable Strategies to Transform Your Physique, Energy, and Confidence, Matching Your Business Success! 🏋🏻‍♂️🔥 with Luke DePron from the Fit Men Project

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Luke DePron is a sought-after online weight loss coach for busy entrepreneurs and businessmen. He helps high-achieving entrepreneurs lose 20+ pounds of body-fat through the Lean Body MethodTM so their physiques, energy, and confidence match the success they have in business and in life.

  “Improving your health and fitness is not as intense as people think, but the rewards are much more significant than imagined.” – Luke DePron

fERGIE’S tOP 10+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. Luke believes that making a positive change in the world starts right outside your own door.
  2. There is always a way to incorporate necessary health and fitness frameworks, regardless of life’s complexity
  3. Take a leap and push through initial friction because the long-term benefits are worth it
  4. Luke offers a unique and authentic fitness plan to help you reach your ultimate human fitness potential
  5. Luke is not a cookie-cutter coach and genuinely cares about his clients’ success.
  6.  Luke has a huge heart and is known for his exceptional EQ (emotional intelligence) skills.
  7. Luke excels in connecting with people and understanding their challenges, offering support and holding space for them.
  8. Luke built the Fit Men Project, which offers fantastic programs for both men and women, with a focus on weight loss and overall health improvement
  9. Luke’s approach prioritizes health first, enabling clients to achieve success in their businesses and personal lives.
  10. Done beats perfect
  11. Regardless of life’s complexity, Luke believes there is always a way to incorporate necessary health and fitness frameworks.
  12. Luke has the ability to connect with others and offer support based on their unique situation

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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript


L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Time to shine today’s podcast. This is Scott Ferguson and I’m super excited, stoked to bring you my good friend, Luke Depron. We just recently kind of met, but I feel like I’ve known this guy forever. We, we were off the mic for probably, usually I have a 10, 15 minute kind of chat before we dig in the interview.

We chat easily for 30 minutes. The guy has a huge heart. He really is. He’s a fitness online fitness coach, but he’s not a cookie cutter I’ve been i’ve employed cookie cutters and I couldn’t stand it. Because they’re just the care is not there. I mean, he sets you up a unique Authentic plan that is going to help you level up to your best Ultimate human fitness potential.

He drops super awesome knowledge nuggets and just I just had the best conversation When we stayed on after and talked I can’t wait to really go out to san diego next time I’m out my favorite city in the world and meet him. So if you’re looking to level up your health Please break out your notebooks or share this with [00:01:00] somebody that has talked about leveling up their health because they, they need to hear what my good friend Luke says.

And if you like it, please smash the like button or smash the subscribe button. My sponsors and affiliates absolutely love that. So without further ado, here’s my, comes our really good friend Luke Depron from the Fit Men Project. Let’s level up. Time to shine today, podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And I just got stuck like awesome conversation with my good friend, Luke Depron here. Love, , he lives in San Diego. My most favorite place on the face of this earth. My ashes are going to be scattered there in the sunset class. And we were just kind of running.

He’s kind of take me down memory lane with a lot of stuff. Another jujitsu practitioner, somebody that I immensely respect with the fit men project, but don’t. Get that wrong. He also works with women as well. He has fantastic programs for women and men They all kind of go into universal, but he’s not a cookie cutter guy either He’s going to really dial into what you need because he’s a very highly sought after online weight loss coach For busy [00:02:00] entrepreneurs and businessmen He helps high achieving entrepreneurs lose 20 plus pounds of body fat through the lean body method So their physiques, energy, and confidence, massive success they have in business and in life.

And he’s a real proponent of health first. And Luke, thank you so much for coming out. Please introduce yourself. The Time to Shine Today podcast varsity squad. But what superpower do you have? Man, my really knows about,

Luke DePron: Ooh, I don’t know if they, I feel like maybe the cat’s out of the bag with the people that know me, but I really pride myself on my eq skills.

So my ability to, to, to connect with people understand kind of where, where they’re at in their their challenges and be able to support and hold space for them. It’s something that, that I would innately say I have and find easy.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love that you said that because I think when I first hopped on with you, we were having like sound issues and stuff and you were so chill, so cool, so California, so Midwest about it.

It felt like I had known you for a while and we were just catching up. Sure. Yeah. Right, man. You [00:03:00] lean right into that brother. Well, thank you, man. Yeah. So tell me a little bit about the roots from your brother, like where are we coming from? And like took you out in building the fitment project, which absolutely rocks squad.

Go there after this and check out his website and whatnot. Don’t go there now. Cause he’s going to drop some serious knowledge on goods. Let’s get to the root CP loop.

Luke DePron: Yeah, man. So I’m originally from Illinois. And like a lot of folks who end up in the fitness space grew up, , doing sports.

Didn’t really have an idea of what, what that looked like when pretty, pretty quickly it was evident. I’m not going to be a professional athlete went to school for business. And I remember sitting in an accounting class thinking, man, I absolutely hate this stuff. And I started thinking about like, what am I spending my time on and realize that I’m reading about nutrition.

So it was my fourth year change schools went in. Yeah. Change universities joined a kinesiology degree because I had an idea of, Hey, this is a passion. This is an interest. And I’m going to figure out something with this. And it really did kind of help me marry two things that I’m, that I’m really passionate about, which is helping people and my personal interest.

So it was kind of the, the perfect [00:04:00] mashup after school. Kind of like a lot of folks. I wasn’t sure where I was going. And had met a, met a girl that kept me in Illinois a little longer than intended. And then we actually moved out to San Diego, kind of on a whim , like eight days before we’re going to leave, we’re like, Hey, we probably need a place to stay.

And Move to California. And here we are 15 years later, it’s a awesome place. And yeah, I feel like I’m, I tell people like, I think I’m destined for Colorado, but I’ve been saying that for a long time and right. San Diego is a tough place to leave.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, it is. It’s to me, it’s the most beautiful place on the face of the earth.

Cause , living there for seven years, being stationed there, it was like, bro, I could check out everything. Always had something to do. , outside, inside and whatnot, but so the, the, the coaching part of it, how did that come about with, , with the fit men project and really, I know you’re leaning into what your passion was, , pretty much your whole life, but how did it really, the fit men project come about?

Luke DePron: Yeah. So, , I, I started in the fitness industry as a personal trainer and did that for a while, started my own personal training practice, and then I actually [00:05:00] injured my back and ended up crawling into a chiropractic office. When I say crawling, we’re talking like, how are we going to get me out of the house?

We don’t know. Out of the car, I’m on all fours walking across the parking lot with V. She’s next to me. I mean, we look like some crazy couple crawling up a flight of stairs. And Veronica, she also went to school for kinesiology. She was working in rehab and on the spot, the the chiropractor. Is negotiating with her about like, Oh, he needs a physical therapy assistant.

So they were talking about working together. Yeah. I’m on like a flight. I’m on like a flexion and extension table. Like more like, as I raise up on the table, like you deserve more. And this was a place that I really got to cut my teeth on the physical side, working with some doctors of physical therapy, doctors of chiropractic, some, some soft tissue experts.

It really was a tremendous. Growth opportunity from a knowledge standpoint. And this, but again, was in the rehab space and. There was always this [00:06:00] idea of, I really enjoyed the more of the like lifestyle transformation side of things helping people find their path on health and wellness, which was what I tried to do as a personal trainer, and I’ll be honest, I saw a lot of failures in that.

There was a lot of people that I would work with that would ultimately check the box. They saw me as their trainer, got my workout in, that’s it. Versus what’s the actual goal? Like, Hey, I want to have lots of energy. I want to feel better. I want to sleep better. I want to perform better. I want to lose the weight.

And. Online coaching actually ended up being at first, it was a challenge. It was something that I was like, how am I going to do the physical side of this coming from a rehab background? That was so detailed in, in biomechanics. Yeah. And, and to understanding that there needs to be a growth gap and the online world creates the growth gap.

I’m not there to babysit you. I’m there to help you optimize the process and you need to have a growth gap to where you can become the guy or gal who’s willing to do the hard work. [00:07:00] If the only way that you’re willing to get a workout in is if your trainer is going to drag you through it, you’re not likely going to execute well.

On the lifestyle factors. You’re not likely going to execute well in the nutrition principles. And I found in the online space, I had this really great opportunity to dive into a little bit of the psychology side of coaching. And again, create that growth growth gap where, Hey, here’s the frameworks.

Here’s the accountability and support a level of accountability and support without babysitting people. And it really gave them more autonomy to actually step in, become the version of themselves. That is the healthy fit version and really step into some identity based decision making. And that’s where stuff started to take off for me.

L. Scott Ferguson: You started giving them a kind of responsibility for themselves. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. And that you’re, I love that you’re not a babysitter. Cause I, again, I’ve worked. I competed in bodybuilding. I actually had a, , a bodybuilding coach and it was a cookie cutter program. Sure. What I’m saying?

It’s like, Oh, and I caught him in it. Like I cut and paste, , the day of the [00:08:00] show, , what sets your program apart from those cookie cutter programs out there?

Luke DePron: I think it really is. That is all my coaching is highly customized to your unique situation. And so there’s foundational principles that we’re all going to have to bring in.

But how do we actually like execute that for your unique life? Again, I tend to work with busy entrepreneurs. These guys who are, , building some, some are building big businesses. Some have a lot of a lot of stress. Yeah. And some of the challenges might be like, well, they are having sleep is they’re going to be biggest domino.

So maybe we’re going to tackle that first. Stress is going to be a huge challenge for a lot of these guys. Hey, maybe we need to do some stress mitigation. So really meeting people where they are within those challenges and then figuring out how do we inject these kind of foundational principles around exercise, sleep, nutrition.

But ultimately it has to be unique to you telling somebody, Hey, here’s your, I mean, here’s a great example. Cool. You’re going to You’re going to do a Monday through Friday workout routine and at 6 a. m. Here [00:09:00] you go. Great. I get y’all excited about it. But how about the fact that you have three kids under the age of five and you got to be out of the house by seven?

Well, that’s, that’s a mismatch,

L. Scott Ferguson: right?

Luke DePron: So really is about how do we fit these foundational principles into your specific situation. And ideally we want to make it feel as easy as possible. Sure. Let’s make the hard feel easy.

L. Scott Ferguson: So getting to shining the light on their blind spot, cause you’ve mentioned sleep.

You’ve mentioned diet. You’ve mentioned what, what is some of your secret sauce about? Cause you gotta, you gotta notice that first before you can really customize a program to me. So I would thinking, so what is your process, your secret sauce really to, to do that?

Luke DePron: So I have a pretty, I have a, I have an overly in depth intake form.

Okay. You’re online

L. Scott Ferguson: dude. It’s again, you’re not cookie cutter.

Luke DePron: Yeah. And I, and I hop on, , I hop on, we do zoom calls, so I’m having face to face opportunities with, with folks and, and really it’s honestly, it’s just diving deep, getting to know them [00:10:00] creating a space. To where they’re comfortable to share things, right?

Like, I mean, I’ve had a client who again, this is, I share this publicly because , he was willing to, but to be able to feel comfortable to open up with the fact that like, yeah, man, I’m coming home and I’m, I’m pouring a a Yeti of vodka, like that’s how I’m getting to sleep and actually feeling comfortable to like, share that level of, of challenge, but also, Kind of vulnerability to where like, he knows this isn’t good.

His liver enzymes are peaking, but actually like having, , having the confidence to, to actually express that, like, well, yeah, I’m crushing it in my three businesses, like clearly things are kind of falling apart in my health. And I think really it’s just having a judgment free zone for folks. Right.

I’ve done this long enough. I mean, this is something on every initial conversation I have with somebody, whether it’s just a, they’re potentially interested to working together. I’m like, there is no judgment in this. I’ve done this long enough. I’ve worked with people who have got the pizza, ate half of it, put it into the trash.

[00:11:00] Outside, gone back into the trash and pulled it out. Like, I understand the challenges that people get with this. There’s a lot of psychological things that are going to rear their head to this. Right. And so I think the biggest thing is just the fact that I’m not bringing any judgment is probably a huge piece.

L. Scott Ferguson: All right. And I absolutely love that. And what I’m also hearing is, , I, I’m not a believer in balance at all. I think balance is junk. It’s zero. It’s like, but 10 pound plate on this side, 10 pound plate, you got zero. But what I’m hearing with you is. Like how I coach actually I coach from a place of neutrality right from being really neutral, but i’m also We need harmony.

Like i’m i’m a big jazz. I love jazz, right? Okay so like let’s say god is the the drums or your You’re your creator’s the drums and personal growth is The guitar and family is the horns and on and on through work community money living environment and health and recreation, right? But each one of them is a different instrument if one of them is out of tune You It sounds like junk.

Now I’m not asking you to be Eddie Van Halen on the guitar or Bonham on the drums or whatnot, right. Or Louis Armstrong on the horns. [00:12:00] But if we can just get it tuned up to the point where you’re leveling up, that’s what I’m hearing you do. Like you give a shit about those different pillars, not just, Hey, let’s frickin work out.

Am I hearing it

Luke DePron: right? Absolutely. And man, this is where, , I’ve often felt like an outsider in the fitness industry. , I’m not interested in doing a bodybuilder show that like, just doesn’t not my thing. And when you look at the fitness industry, most people, they’re getting information from a community of people who are obsessed with it, right?

I’m clearly very interested. I mean, it’s a passion. It’s, it’s an interest, but at the end of the day, it’s, Actually, it’s funny that you use jazz because I think to somebody who doesn’t know jazz, it can feel noisy and maybe a little chaotic and that is actually like I think many people’s lives and how fitness actually a nutrition needs to fit into it.

It cannot take over your life. It needs to support all of the things that you do. And This is where, , you mentioned balance. A lot of guys fall into the all in all out mentality and [00:13:00] that really, really hinders them. And it’s because your health and your wellness is something that is so foundational.

It cannot be this thing that is this all encompassed focused part of your life because it’s, it needs to be the air. The oxygen it’s there. It’s important, but you’re not constantly thinking about it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Luke DePron: And that’s where, if we can get to that point to where it’s oxygen and it exists for you, it’s there.

It’s crucial, but you’re not obsessed about it. And for that all in out person. I dare, I mean, I can’t, I have this conversation so often. Oh, you don’t understand. I’m an all in all out kind of guy. I get it. That works in your business. You’re approaching your health and your fitness as a marketing launch.

We need to approach it as a business plan, something that you can do long term, that feels somewhat light and somewhat easy within that. There’s going to be some peaks and some valleys, but you really do have to step back and reevaluate what it means to be quote all in, right? Stop it,

L. Scott Ferguson: man. That sounds so [00:14:00] if you’re in a discovery conversation there, Luke, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do,

Luke DePron: man, that’s interesting

off the top of my head. I don’t think I have anything, but I’m going to ponder that for myself.

L. Scott Ferguson: I’ll be doing, because again, you’re not cookie cutter and you’re really figuring me out and that’s something that I appreciate. And that’s why you’re fricking successful at this. I’d probably ask, what should I be doing if I’m not doing this?

, like if i’m not doing this, what would you recommend me doing for this? Or maybe I might even ask about your lineage and what your day looks like. I don’t know. That’s just me, But no, I appreciate your transparency on that by the way So what do you feel like your strengths are in your coaching?

Luke DePron: Again, I think communication and connecting with with guys is a huge piece. And and this is the part I like, I enjoy the coaching process, right? I enjoy , we have set coaching hours that I get on calls with guys, but like people have 24 seven access to me and like, man, if they’re willing to learn and they want to dive in, like [00:15:00] they can get, they can get a lot of access.

So I’m definitely willing to give and to share that. And so my, I think. One of the biggest strengths is like, I hate to say it in this industry, but like actually give a shit

L. Scott Ferguson: showing up, there’s, there’s so

Luke DePron: many, like, there’s so many people in the fitness industry that just, they like exercise. So they’re in it, right?

Where I’m like, I actually liked the coaching process. I actually like seeing people grow, seeing people level up. That’s what’s exciting to me. I don’t really care that you work out. I care that you feel awesome. I feel that you’re coming back and telling me like how good, like the most exciting thing is listening to somebody try to explain how good they feel because they can’t put it into words.

I care that you’re going to show up as a dad and like, go do some awesome trip with your kid.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Luke DePron: Or the guy who, , was struggling with alcohol, who’s kicked alcohol and like has literally ended generational alcoholism in his family. Like, that’s exciting to me. And so, yeah, the deeper stuff.

L. Scott Ferguson: How about weaknesses, man? What are you trying to tune up [00:16:00] right now?

Luke DePron: Man, so weaknesses on mine. I got a lot but the big, the big one, I would say. And this comes for, for me as a, , as a co entrepreneur is systems. So I’m not naturally, , I tell people like I’m an, I am an EQ guy.

Right. And I think on the opposite of that, I know some really high performing IQ guys that operate. Through life through a very systematic approach. And while I do have that in, I’m bringing, it’s, it’s odd cause I’m bringing tons of structure and system to my, to my clients to get them to that point to where it’d be like oxygen, something that they don’t have to think about, but in my own day to day, I definitely.

I actually would identify and I didn’t realize until maybe a few years back, but yeah, I kind of identify as more of an artist. I’ve actually stumbled into doing some things in the arts and we can talk about that later. Realizing that like, wow, I’m not a systems thinker or a systems performer. And when I’m around some really type a systems thinking people.

I’m like, wow, that would be a very supportive way [00:17:00] to naturally be tuned. And I’m not naturally tuned that way. I mean, I’m the guy where I’m like, where’d I put my keys? They’re not in the key dish because I tried to create the system of having a key dish. My keys have never been in the dish. So that is absolutely something that is not innate to me.

And then I have to actively, you and I are like

L. Scott Ferguson: brothers from different mothers, dude, because I’m the same way. I can set somebody up. Into their accountability into their harmony into what they need to be doing with systems But I got burda my coach. She’s she’s the one that sets my systems up for me to be successful And she’s a hard ass and she keeps me, , very accountable to this So thank you for being transparent on that man.

So Have you seen the movie back to the future?

Luke DePron: I have. Yeah. Okay.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s gonna be like 40 years old next year, right? So, let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly, right? Let’s go back to the double deuce. The 22, which by the way, you won’t believe how old this, this guy is. I mean, he’s, if you’re watching Vimeo or YouTube, the dude’s like a chicks would say a smoke show.

I mean, the guy, very good looking. He looks like [00:18:00] Scott Conn a lot. I don’t know if the actor. He’s like, good looking dude. Awesome jujitsu practitioner also, but. Anyways, man, let’s go back to the double guy

Luke DePron: who’s turning red over here. He may

L. Scott Ferguson: act the double deuce, the 22 year old, , Luke, what knowledge nuggets might you drop on him?

Not to change anything. Cause you’re do your journey’s pretty fricking awesome. Right. But to maybe help them shorten the learning curve, blast through a level up, maybe just a little bit quicker.

Luke DePron: Yeah, I think I think at 22. I was not proactive in what I was trying to create or accomplish really at all It’s interesting because I had a conversation with a nephew the other day.

I was back home visiting for my grandmother’s funeral and he’s 15 And so it’s not quite 22, but it’s a similar and I’m I’m , I was talking to him kind of similar of what I wish I would have thought to where, , when you’re young, you can really take some shots. You can do some career, I think some really creative things as far as like reaching out to organizations to, to people get access when you’re younger, because they’re going to look at somebody who’s young and [00:19:00] hungry and I at 22, wasn’t really thinking proactively about my future and what I really wanted to do at all.

Yeah. I’m going to school for this, but what am I trying? I had no plan moved to, when I moved to California, I actually moved and worked at a pedal bike shop because I grew up working and doing sales in a bike shop. And that was our access to come out to California, making 14 an hour with a degree that I’m like, what am I planning on doing?

So I would have been much more proactive with lifestyle design. And it probably wasn’t until. My thirties really that I thought like, Hey, let’s, let’s, let’s be more intentional with these outcomes.

L. Scott Ferguson: Dude, just wait until you’re in your forties and like get up even close to my age. Like people will start, they’ll look at you and be like that, dude, I need to learn from it.

, you’re going to be dropping knowledge nuggets brother from here going forward, man. I’m so glad that you have an open heart to do that. So how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date, your death date. Hopefully it’s way down the line.

But how does Luke want his dash [00:20:00] remembered?

Luke DePron: My dash remembered?

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, , the tombstone, you have that little line in between your life date and your death date. Yeah.

Luke DePron: I mean, , I think about when I think like the values that I’m trying to constantly like work to, to implement, it’s like I really value kindness.

I think that’s such an underrated element in society that like, God, we could solve so many, we could solve so many problems. So I really hope that at the end of it, like, , people reflect back and that I was, I was impactful to them. And, and, Supportive and productive. I really do enjoy the process of, of helping and working with, with folks.

So like, I can’t, yeah, like I can’t relate to like, like when we think of careers, it’s like, of course, working for yourself, everybody’s thought about like, I’m going to bag it in and go do something else. And it’s like, well, I’d have to do something that I’m passionate about. Like I can’t even comprehend doing something that.

Isn’t impactful, even if it was like, I mean, I don’t know what that money would have to be like, Hey, it’s 3 million a year. And you’re going to like [00:21:00] do this thing that you absolutely hate. And it doesn’t do anything for anybody. Like maybe, maybe then like, is that enough? So I guess that dash line would be like passion and purpose, man,

L. Scott Ferguson: giving, paying forward.

I love that brother. So what do you think people might misunderstand the most about you?

Luke DePron: Probably the, oh, this is easy. I think people from the outside looking in would assume, oh, so you’re, you’re a fitness guy, like you work out all the time and

L. Scott Ferguson: you’re a douchebag. Dude. Yeah. I see it, ? And,

Luke DePron: and it’s so funny cause again, this is the goal.

It’s like, let’s get you to our exercise and nutrition. It’s like brushing your teeth. It’s something that you do all the time, but you don’t put a lot of thought into it. And so even from like a content creation standpoint, I’ve actually struggled. So, , we talked about, I had a podcast in the past and if you go listen to it, you’re going to be like, Oh, yeah.

Where’s the health and fitness conversations. And it’s like, yeah, it’s like boring to talk about. There’s a lot more to it. And so I think from the outside, obviously marketing, putting content out, yes, I’m talking about exercise, but [00:22:00] it’s really such a small part of, of, of what I do and what I’m interested in.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it, man. That’s so transparent, man. So what, what do you feel then? What is Luke’s definition of a life well lived?

Luke DePron: For me, life well lived, I think focuses around family adventure venture for me is. New experiences. So things like jujitsu going into an acting class a few years back getting out in nature and then and then and then impact.

If I have those things, I’m solid.

L. Scott Ferguson: Can’t ask for more brother. That’s, that’s amazing. Time to shine today. Podcast versus squad. We are back in Luke.

Like I’m definitely, I’m going to be in San Diego like three times this year. So we’re definitely going to at least hook up. Maybe we’ll get a roll in and hang out and whatnot.

Luke DePron: That’s happening for sure.

L. Scott Ferguson: But like we’ll probably talk about some of these over a hoedad burger or something like that, some of these questions for 15, 20 minutes.

But. Today you got five seconds with no explanations. They can all be answered that way, brother. Okay. Ready to level up?

Luke DePron: Yep. Let’s go.

L. Scott Ferguson: What is [00:23:00] Luke’s best leveling up, best leveling up advice he’s ever received?

Luke DePron: Done, done beats perfect waterfall

L. Scott Ferguson: iteration. Love it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Luke DePron: Nature getting outside

L. Scott Ferguson: daily, favorite color, blue

Luke DePron: or green.

L. Scott Ferguson: Got it. So you see me walking down the street, , like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums, man. Like what book might you hand me? That’s leveled you up. That will stimulate me to level up.

Luke DePron: Probably one that maybe a lot of folks haven’t read is breaking the habit of being you by Dr.


L. Scott Ferguson: Oh yeah. Dr. D. Okay, Danny, put that in the show notes. Okay, cool. Awesome. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Luke DePron: Fist bump.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Nicknames growing up.

Luke DePron: Never had one real upset about it.

L. Scott Ferguson: So chest checkers and Monopoly,

Luke DePron: Monopoly, if I could ever get anybody to play

L. Scott Ferguson: headline for your life.

Luke DePron: Headline for a life. Enjoy the ride.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. Any superstitions you buy [00:24:00] into?

Luke DePron: I don’t split the pole if I’m walking. Gotcha.

L. Scott Ferguson: Gotcha. Go to ice cream flavor

Luke DePron: cookie dough. You’re insane. If it’s anything else.

L. Scott Ferguson: So go, there’s a sandwich called the dupe, the Depron build that sandwich for me when what’s on it.

Luke DePron: Man, it’s an all, I actually have it.

It’s an, and they stopped making the salad dressing. It’s an almond turmeric salad dressing that I do chicken thighs in with this Bragg’s 21 season spice, marinate it, air fry with a hoagie butter garlic and some Havarti cheese and sautéed onions,

L. Scott Ferguson: legit,

Luke DePron: so good.

L. Scott Ferguson: So favorite charity and organizational that you give your time or money to,

Luke DePron: , I think locally.

It’s funny. This is how I think of giving back. I don’t have, I can’t answer that with an organization.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s

Luke DePron: the individual people in my neighborhood that we were kind of talking about. There’s in San Diego, there’s a large homeless population, and it’s trying to impact the individual here. And there are [00:25:00] a number just in my neighborhood that I get to kind of lean into.

That’s been my route.

L. Scott Ferguson: Doing it right outside your door. Let’s literally pretty much. That’s awesome So last question and you can elaborate on this one, but what’s the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Luke DePron: I mean, I’m going to, I’m going to ruin everybody’s day. I say 2000 rap. Let’s go. Okay. There were 90s, 2000 rap.


L. Scott Ferguson: Got some Dre in there and , M and M and whatnot. That’s awesome. There you go. Yup. So Luke, how can we find your brother?

Luke DePron: Easiest places. You can connect with me on fitmenproject. com. LinkedIn, I’m on Facebook as well, but , you can head to fitmenproject. com. We’ll take everybody where they need to go.

L. Scott Ferguson: Excellent. That’ll be in the show notes. I know that you do offer an actual legit masterclass sustaining nutrition and kind of weight loss. Tell us a little bit about that, brother.

Luke DePron: Yeah. So the, the lean body master masterclass kind of walks you through the best tactics and principles that my clients use to lose weight, do it in a way that’s sustainable.

So they have more energy, more confidence. So in about 20 minutes, you’re going to get a pretty good [00:26:00] idea of what you actually need to do. So obviously on that. Masterclass, there’s an opportunity to connect if you were to need support, but I’m pretty proud to say that, , there’s folks that have watched that and implemented and got results.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s solid squad. Just go to the fit men project, F I T M E N P R O J E C T. com. And just scroll down just one scroll. You’ll see a place to be able to put your email into, and then you’ll get that free video training. It’s definitely worth it. So, and. My friend, Luke, if you don’t mind, please leave us with one last knowledge nugget we can take with us, internalize, and take action on.

Luke DePron: Yeah, , around around my expertise of health and fitness, what I will tell you is the What it takes to improve your health and fitness is not as intense as I think most people think, but the rewards of doing so are far greater than you imagine. And it is going to require you to take a little bit of a leap at first, push through a little bit of friction at first, but once you get it [00:27:00] going, there’s a reason everybody who exercises eats healthy, never shuts up about it and it’s because they feel really good and you can absolutely do it.

Regardless of the complexity of your life, there’s a way to interject the necessary frameworks.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s that’s just so strong. I, that ended strong with this and my good friend, Luke, , he has high IQ skills skills. I mean, his communication with people, when he meets people, you almost feel like you’ve known him forever.

And I absolutely dig vibing with guys like this. , he really creates a safe space for people in his training where they can be honest because of his passion of helping people. And he puts his personal interests to the side and really leans into what you are trying to do. His plans are highly customized to your unique situation.

I mean my good friend Luke here is he does it for the intention Not the attention. He’s not out there. Yeah, he has videos out there He looks how he looks and whatnot, but he’s He’s doing it to really help you lean into your ultimate human potential. By doing that, I mean, he’s planting trees. He’s never going to sit in the shade of [00:28:00] them because he’s putting stuff out there that people can carry through, through generations, because he provides that space and that fun and that, that caring.

And he really, as he leans into his clients. , he’s a guy that I can just see him with a client man It’s really listening with his neck like he’s listening with all he’s really leaning in he’s doing that with absolutely no judgments He wants to support you in all you do and you just have to realize that health and fitness is kind of like a plane launching Off the runway.

It’s like, it takes so much to get it off the ground, but once it’s up there, you’re going to find that the rewards are really better than you can imagine. I mean, it’s a grind, get it up, but then you just have to do those micro adjustments, , if you’re going to go from San Diego to Miami, which I hope he does sometime soon, he’s going to make some minor adjustments.

, he’s someone that’s lived. A life well lived with, , focuses around family, adventures, nature, and impact. , he’s somebody that I can just see him telling this client show inch by inch. It’s a cinch right by the yard It’s hard. It’s not going to happen overnight But [00:29:00] he’s going to actually be there for you because he’s accessible and his biggest compliment really it’s something I really picked up is you can’t put into words How good you feel that’s what he loves to hear from people He wants to get him to places where they can’t put into words how good they feel because he just it’s a lifestyle He’s promoting it’s not a program You It’s not a diet.

It’s a lifestyle. And that’s what I dig about Luke, man. He levels up his health. He levels up his wealth. He’s earned a varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much coming on Luke, man. I absolutely love your guts, brother.

Luke DePron: Dude, I appreciate the opportunity and I, I love your energy, man.

I love when I meet other high energy guys. So absolute blast. And I can’t wait for you to get out to San Diego, man. We’re absolutely going to go get a roll in.

L. Scott Ferguson: Appreciate you brother. Talk soon.

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