431-Revolutionizing Holistic Health, Discovering Your Personal Wellness Dream Team 💪🌟 TTST Interview with Viair Myles

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Viair Myles, a marketing strategist and founder of The Holistic Sister Circle Podcast, is also an IBS-C survivor who defied medical odds. After facing severe symptoms and limited help from traditional medicine, Viair turned to holistic health, which transformed her life. Now, she dedicates her life to spreading awareness about holistic remedies and supports holistic health experts in gaining visibility, leveraging her marketing expertise to make a positive impact in the health community.

“A life well lived is one that you experience for you. It gives you an opportunity to learn and discover who you truly are.”
– Viair Myles

fERGIE’S tOP 10+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. Self-discovery is key to to understanding how our experience shapes us
  2. Viair is an advocate for building a personalized wellness dream team based on your unique needs and intuition.
  3. Breathwork is a powerful tool for managing stress and improving overall well-being and reducing stress
  4. Healing oneself can lead to healing for future generations, breaking the cycle of generational trauma.
  5. Everyone has a story worth sharing and learning from.
  6. Viair encourages individuals to seek out expert help in areas where they need support, aligning with their own inner guidance.
  7. There is a significance in understanding individuality and that everyone’s journey is unique.
  8. A great coach or consultant will create space for healing emotional traumas
  9. Viair preaches empathy and care toward others, fostering a culture of support and understanding to promote growth.
  10. Pursue meaningful connections within wellness communities to maximize benefits and inspire positive change.
  11. Encourage journaling emotions and patterns to recognize and release deep-rooted traumas and beliefs

Level 🆙


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript


L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] . Time to shine today, Podcast Varsity Squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And I’m super, super stoked about bringing my fantastic chat, interview, conversation.

Actually a masterclass with my good friend, Viair Myles. She has the holistic, holistic sister circle podcast, kind of a tongue twister there and her story about the trauma that she went through, the anxiety she faced and how it was really breaking down her physical body is something that you want to tune into.

You might want to even get your tissues ready because I was on the brink of shedding a couple of tears because the story that she told and how the journey that she had. Is amazing and how she takes those lessons from her journey and really pours them into Her clients or even just her friends and family that she cares about future generations is very important to Viair and not just her family and generations, other people’s as well.

And it just shined right through. So again, break out your notebooks. I [00:01:00] have three pages of notes that I have that I’m going to implement and put into my lifestyle, even my coaching with my clients. And again, without further ado, here’s my really good friend Viair Myles. Let’s level up. Time to shine today, Podcast Varsity Squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I got a little Florida friend here. Some of that immensely, immensely respect. We’re off the mic talking for like 22 minutes. We’re supposed to actually, , get out here and rock the mic for you guys. But we were just bouncing stuff off of each other.

She planted some seeds. with me that I was like, wow, I can really kind of level up and help you folks out there level up. And hopefully I did a little bit of the same for her, but it’s my good friend, Vierre Myles. She’s a marketing strategist and founder of the Holistic Sister Circle Podcast is also an IBSC, which so am I, survivor who defied medical odds.

After facing severe symptoms and limited help from traditional medicine, Vierre turned to holistic health, which transformed her life and Now she dedicates her life [00:02:00] to spreading awareness about holistic remedies and supports holistic health experts and gaining visibility, leveraging her marketing expertise to make a positive impact in the health community.

And she is just super awesome, soft, fantastic. She has a podcast that you do not want to miss out on the holistic. Sister circle. Don’t go there now to be in the show notes, cause she’s going to drop some serious knowledge nuggets on your squad right now. But Viair, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today.

Podcast varsity squad. But first what’s your favorite color and why?

Viair Myles: My favorite color is pink,

L. Scott Ferguson: pink, and you’re rocking it.

Viair Myles: It is.

L. Scott Ferguson: If you’re watching on Vimeo or YouTube, she’s an absolutely stunning woman, but she’s so well spoken. And I, again, I immensely respect her. So why pink?

Viair Myles: Thank you. I appreciate that.

So pink is bright. Pink is one of those colors that as soon as you see it, you’ll stop and you’ll turn and you’ll look. And for me, [00:03:00] I mentioned this to you before the show, I am, I like to be behind the scenes. I like to, I’m very shy. Right. So we’re going to work on that. I am working on that. I’m working on that.

Right. But for me, it gave me an opportunity to have a color that really stood out to me and to other people. Yes. It was a great conversation starter too.

L. Scott Ferguson: Absolutely. And it’s funny because, , I got the dark skin like yesterday. I was speaking at a very casual event in Palm Beach, right? And I had a pink t shirt and blue shorts on and stuff like that.

And the guy’s like, Hey, you need to talk to one of the coaches in the area, that guy in the pink shirt. And I’m 6’1 I’m like 230. I’m kind of a big dude. So I like stand out, right? And they were just thinking the pink. I’m like, yeah. I can rock pink. I can rock the yellows and everything like that. No, pink is in your color.

I love this. So let’s get to the roots. Like where are we starting at life? I know you went through the, I had irritable bowel syndrome, like wicked bad in 2006. Right. And I cured it through [00:04:00] holistic ways. The medicine was just eat me away and I did my thing, but really want to kind of dig into your past, how you kind of, Got to a form of homeostasis, right?

And how you really have a passion for helping others do the same.

Viair Myles: Yeah, of course. So one, thank you for having me on the show scout. I really appreciate it. But when it came to my IBS, a lot of it had to do with childhood trauma. When I was younger, just growing up, I suffered from again, anxiety, stress. When I was in certain situations and I felt like it was a lot of pressure on me.

I internalize that I shut down my feelings. I didn’t want to talk about it. I ran away from problems from conflict and growing up. I realized that conflict is necessary. It’s needed for change is needed for improvement. And there was not a way for me to really be able to showcase my talents and my [00:05:00] expertise, and also be able to help others.

If. I didn’t embrace it. So for a long time I wasn’t embracing it and it didn’t hit me until it affected me internally. So over the years it was hard to date. Sure. Over the years it was hard to have just conversations with family around the topic.

L. Scott Ferguson: I

Viair Myles: would go to family events and they would eat whatever they wanted and I would eat it and Three days later, I’m having chronic pain, can’t go to work, can’t do anything because I’m in so much pain.

Hospital visit after hospital visit, and I just got tired of it. I had my first colonoscopy at 24, and during that process, I remember the doctor telling me, you’re going to have to live with this for the rest of your life. And it truly affected my quality of life in every area. I didn’t feel like I had a community.

I didn’t feel [00:06:00] like anyone really understood me and what I was going through. I And last year was the first year where I learned about alternative medicine. So during that process, I remember I was on a work call. This was at the time I was actually working for an advertising agency and I was on a work call and I felt lightheaded.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe and I was holding my stomach because I was in so much pain. So I got my keys, walked to the car, and as soon as I got to the closest hospital I could think of, I walked inside and I collapsed.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh my gosh. And I was having, I was

Viair Myles: having an anxiety attack at the same time that I was having a crisis.

I couldn’t tell if it was the turmoil of the crisis, or if it was actually just me having another cyst episode, because with IBS [00:07:00] too, especially in women, you typically also have a cystic ovaries. So I wasn’t sure what it was, but I knew that. It couldn’t stop here, and I had all of these people coming over to me, trying to calm me down.

And I knew at that moment that I was completely removed from my body. And when I got to the, the, when I got inside and they ran all these different tasks, they said, you don’t know what’s wrong with you.

L. Scott Ferguson: I’m

Viair Myles: like, what do you mean? You don’t know what’s wrong. Clearly there’s something wrong. And that was a wake up call for me.

A few months later, I went to. a gynecologist because I wanted to learn more about my fertility options. Again, with IBS, especially in women, fertility is a concern. Infertility is a concern.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Viair Myles: She told me that my uterine lining was too thin to carry a child. So not only did it affect my quality of life, but now it affected the children I couldn’t potentially have.

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:08:00] Right.

Viair Myles: So in that moment, I said, well, do you have any other options for me? He said, well, you can get on birth control. So why don’t I don’t want to do that because I eventually want to have children bear a child. Yes. She said, well, we didn’t learn about alternative medicine in medical school. That’s not something that we’re taught.

Right. So if you want to go down that route, you’re going to have to see someone else.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s transparent from the doctor though. Right. It’s like, listen, it’s like, I don’t really believe in it, but I really didn’t learn it, so give it a shot. Right. Oh my gosh. Okay. I’m sorry. I cut you that. That’s I’m sorry.

I’m giving a medical professional some props here, which I rarely do. So

Viair Myles: no, I appreciated that because that was a wake up call for me.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah.

Viair Myles: It really showed me that Viair, you’re going to have to, you’re going to have to figure this out on your own.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Viair Myles: You’re on your own with this. What you thought was to be true, it just isn’t, and [00:09:00] you’re going to have to listen to your own body, listen to your own intuition, and do the things that you’ve been called, that you’re called to do.

So, I had a I was thinking of, I remember a few weeks later, a few weeks prior to this incident, I had a conversation with a friend, and she was telling me that she was at the hair salon, and she had learned there that a lady was talking about holistic health. So I called her and I said, what was that lady again?

What was her number? And I just told her what happened and she gave me her information and I go, okay. What do I need to do? So I call her up, go into an appointment, and she says, well, IBS is really triggered from trauma. You’re holding on to trauma, and it’s affecting your organs.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Viair Myles: And I said, oh, really?

She said, yeah, it’s very simple. It’s a symptom. It’s not something that you’re going to have to truly deal with forever.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Viair Myles: And that gave me hope.

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:10:00] Yeah, absolutely. And I started

Viair Myles: working with her. I started working with a nutritionist and then I started working with a remedy coach. I don’t know if anyone is familiar with Surviving Vegan Academy, but I learned the circadian rhythm, how to eat, what to eat, when to eat.

Yeah. In that program. According

L. Scott Ferguson: to your body. According to my body. Because a lot of people different have

Viair Myles: different ones. Yes. Absolutely. According to my body. I understand. I learned how to Research, whether it was Google scholar, whether it was books, but learn how to research and identify, okay, these are the issues that are happening in my body.

Right. Now let me do proper research to see what I need to do to make sure that they don’t continue to come up.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Viair Myles: And within 90 days, I was symptom free.

L. Scott Ferguson: Wow. That amazing how the brain in, in the trauma that is just stuck there on unlock, was there like coaching therapy involved in this holistic as well?

Viair Myles: Oh, yes. So after that, after those 90 days, I sat in, in, in [00:11:00] meditation, I said, , I typically, I do this a lot, but I asked my body, what do you need for me today? So I’ll put my hand over my heart and I’ll sit in a quiet room. Take a couple deep breaths body. What do you need from me today? And what I heard back was I need you to focus on your emotions.

So I started researching therapist and I came across a trauma therapist and that’s really when the inner work began because the physical was. You could see that physically I was, I was in pain, but mentally, emotionally, that, that took some work,

L. Scott Ferguson: right?

Viair Myles: I was in trauma therapy for a few months and I learned more about abuse.

And I don’t think sometimes our parents or our grandparents and great grandparents really realized this, but whatever we don’t do in our lifetime, it gets passed down to our children.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh, a hundred percent. Yes.

Viair Myles: Whatever we decide [00:12:00] that we don’t want to focus on, or we put off or, We say we’ll do later. I never get to it.

And now our children become that person that not only lives with their own internal battles,

L. Scott Ferguson: but

Viair Myles: yours too.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh my gosh, that’s so true. It’s in, it’s this hereditarily kind of put down like from both sides. And it’s funny that I’m so glad that you reached out to. , a trauma therapist. Okay. Because , when I start coaching clients, the first thing I do, if I’m local, if I’m blessed to have them locally, as we get in their car, right.

And we, , I put them in their driver’s seat. I sit in the passenger seat and I say, listen, like this rear view mirror right here, it’s small for a reason. That’s your past, right? This is a great place to visit and learn from. But not a great place to live. And this windshield here is huge and scary.

And this is where you’re going. And since 2011, they [00:13:00] put this thing on the dash called a, , GPS. That’s me. Like, I’m not going to buckle your seatbelt if you choose to start the car and drive it for you. But I’m there to help you get and bridge that gap. Right. And, but if they’re stuck in here.

And that in that mirror I have to refer them. I’d be doing a disservice to them. So I’m so happy that you really reached to somebody for that rear review mirror to help pull you forward, , and move forward. That that’s, that’s big boy pants stuff there, honey , what I’m saying? That’s awesome.

So are right now, because we choked out the mike that you’re a coach Salter, which you kind of have to be. Right. , in squad, what I mean by that is she coaches people and she consults people, but let’s get, get to like the, how you use this experience from trauma. You work holistically to really level up your life and squad.

If you want the full story, do go to our podcast. So there is an episode there, which I will put in the show notes, just we’re limited on time, but like, With like, how are you using your [00:14:00] experience right now to really pour into others and help them level up?

Viair Myles: Absolutely. So I realized that this experience, it didn’t stop with me.

My partner has sickle cell anemia and one of his daughters also has sickle cell. So being around them, it allowed me to see that, okay, not only do I need to work on my food and my emotions, but they do too,

L. Scott Ferguson: and then

Viair Myles: it didn’t stop there. My uncle, he can’t hear or talk. He is, is deaf and he has diabetes. My dad, high blood pressure.

So I was seeing all of these different people in my life where they were having health concerns and they didn’t, they weren’t getting the answers that they were looking for either.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Viair Myles: So I said, well, I’m not an expert in those areas. But what I could do is learn more about the [00:15:00] industry and start networking with experts and really building my own wellness dream team community.

Yes, where if you’re connected with me, then you’re also connected with my squad. That’s badass. That is awesome. So we have people in the community who are sickle cell anemia experts. We have nutritionists. We have people who focus on IBS gut health and chronic constipation. We have people who focus on trauma therapy and sound healing and yoga and meditation and whatever you’re looking for, whatever you again, have these conversations with your body first, figure out what your body is telling you and what it is that you need.

And then we have the resources for you. And that was the purpose behind it. That’s actually why I started the podcast, because I started interviewing or really gathering research from the industry. And they told me that they had such a hard time communicating what they did to potential clients. [00:16:00] They had a hard time being seen, being heard, being understood.

And I said, wow, what better way to help them than to allow them to have an opportunity to share their story? Yes.

L. Scott Ferguson: And you do.

Viair Myles: That’s where that’s where it started

L. Scott Ferguson: and I love that they’re short form like meaning They’re 17 20 minutes. What i’m saying? It’s awesome because people can blow through three in an hour I mean if a commute’s driving to work is 30 40 minutes They can listen to two shows, and really pick it up and really dig in.

I love That you’re letting other people speak in that. That’s, that’s holistic. A lot of people think holistic is granola and , this and the herbs and essential oils. People don’t realize that holistic squad is whole body. That’s all that means. So there are times even holistically, we need a doctor doctor.

Oh yes. , we had to be holistic, but why put stuff in your body that man had made when if you can use what God’s made. Right if that’s who you believe is your [00:17:00] creator squad But my i’m a christian if you believe that god made it and put that in your body to heal you Why not right and it’s a lot less money and I mean, it’s it works So do you work if someone kind of comes in?

To you to kind of consult to be to really reach out to a branch of your dream team Okay, and you’re in a discovery conversation is Is there any process or secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing, that you use to maybe help them identify the blind spot that’s really holding them back? Like, what’s really there?

Because you said before that holding trauma, right? Is there anything you kind of talk to them about that really kind of raises that up into the shining light?

Viair Myles: Yes. So for me, the whole purpose around it was really to identify. Who I needed around me to build my own wellness stream team. So I’m not like what you were saying, doctors are not bad, right?

There’s an opportunity where you do need a [00:18:00] doctor, but you need to understand from your own personal experience and what your body is telling you, which doctor is the most important and aligns with you at this moment in time in your life. So if you are someone, and again, I really focus on helping these health experts get their messages out.

But if you’re someone who is maybe looking to work with a health expert and you’re not sure if you might even be sure if you even have trauma, because a lot of times we don’t even know if it’s trauma. We just know that we’re crying all the time and we feel like we’re depressed or we have a ton of anxiety.

Right? Sure. But what you can do is take some time to yourself and really write out your feelings. Write out what it is that you are feeling in this moment where you feel like these feelings are trapped. Is it in your head? Is it in your stomach? Are you constipated is in your colon? And then once you write those down now say, okay, based on what I see here, I do you see a pattern?

Because a lot of times the trauma that we’re holding onto is a pattern of [00:19:00] thoughts, beliefs, and decisions that we’ve, we’ve experienced over time that we never physically let go.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Viair Myles: And that’s how, , when it’s time. To get some help.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Yeah.

Viair Myles: So from there, you can decide, okay, is this trauma affecting me emotionally?

Am I all over the place?

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Viair Myles: If it is, you probably need to see maybe someone who, who specializes in trauma therapy. Is it affecting your, your physical body where you’re not eating or maybe you’re overeating, you’re emotionally eating,

L. Scott Ferguson: right?

Viair Myles: Maybe we need to start focusing on more of how can you allow that energy.

To, to take hold in other spaces and places, maybe you’re eating because you’re stressed. I know when I was stressed and even to this day, sometimes when I’m stressed, I eat chips, crunchy. I like the crunch when I’m stressed.

L. Scott Ferguson: I’m right there with you. I’d be fighting you for the bag. Yeah. Yeah. That’s salty.

This. Yeah. , and that Gherlin [00:20:00] gets kicked on and you just keep eating it. It’s like that. Yeah.

Viair Myles: So if that’s the case, then maybe you need to focus on more of a nutrition. Nutrition recommend and learn. More about the nutrition aspect of it and how it affects your feelings and your emotions.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah,

Viair Myles: or maybe it’s a spiritual warfare Sure, right now everyone, , I don’t know what everyone believes But for me, I do believe in God and I do believe that he is, , my being so yeah with that What is what does he caught me to do that?

I’m not doing am I giving him an opportunity to have the space? And the time and the effort to hear so I can hear from him if my mind is clogged up with all these thoughts and emotions and I’m helping all these people and not spending time with myself, how can I hear from him?

L. Scott Ferguson: Right?

Viair Myles: I can’t.

L. Scott Ferguson: And so many people don’t give themselves the grace and space to communicate with their creator to communicate with the higher being so dear Maybe you’re still talking to these people and you’re figuring out.

Hey, which dream team member which way are we going to go? To have [00:21:00] the energy to hold their places and spaces but is there any good question that you wish they Would ask you, but never do

Viair Myles: the wellness experts or just someone who was looking for someone that’s come to

L. Scott Ferguson: you to be, , kind of referred to your dream team,

Viair Myles: right?

One of the biggest questions that I would like someone to ask is based on your experience, how do when it’s time to outsource?

L. Scott Ferguson: Gotcha.

Viair Myles: And I say that because. A lot of the time, the answers are already inside of you. And we think that we need to talk to this person and this person has all the answers and they can do it and they can really help me.

But in reality, they can only help you as much as you can help [00:22:00] yourself.

L. Scott Ferguson: Thank you. If you’re not putting

Viair Myles: yourself in a position, you’re hearing from, again, your creator, your higher power. You’re hearing what your body is speaking to you based on the physical. Aspect of it, you’re listening to your emotions and how they’re affecting your judgment and your discernment.

How is the dream team actually going to be able to help you in time of need when you can’t help yourself? Right. So having that space to really listen to where you are is going to make sure that the team that we assign to you. Is really meant for you within that period that you need them.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, that’s, that’s amazing.

And what I love here is you’re not cookie cutter. You actually give up, , what about where they’re at? You are super empathetic. I think you might have some empath this in you as well. I’m not a big believer in that world, but I think that you really feel off of other people, which I do fantastic [00:23:00] trait, , but, , as we move forward here, have you seen the movie back to the future?

Viair Myles: I have not.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. Well, it’s about this dude. It’s it’s almost 40 years old I saw it when I was basically a teenager. So that’s my age age and myself but so There’s this guy he goes back. He gets in this delorean car and he goes back in time, right? So I want you to get in that delorean with car with him Okay and go back in time to the double deuce the 22 year old bier.

Okay What kind of knowledge nuggets, that’s what we call them here at Time to Shine today, what kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on her? Not so much to change anything because you kind of had to go through this experience, this trauma, so you can really lean into other people, but to maybe shorten a learning curve or blast through maybe just a little bit quicker.

Viair Myles: Absolutely. I would say to have grace, one of the things that I didn’t have at that time in my life was I didn’t have grace for myself. You hear all of these gurus when it comes to health and fitness [00:24:00] and, and, and spiritual warfare saying all of these different things of, , this is what you need to do and you need to do this and you need to do that.

And in reality, you need to do what’s best for you.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Viair Myles: Like you, like everybody, every body, like body here on earth, every human body and every human experience is different.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. The

Viair Myles: way that I see things, my lens is completely different from the way that you see things. Yes. So I can give you my experience.

And you can learn from the experience, but I can’t give you the steps in your lesson, right?

L. Scott Ferguson: Because

Viair Myles: I don’t have that ability to do that,

L. Scott Ferguson: right?

Viair Myles: And I think back then I was listening so much to other people and what they thought and what they believed that I didn’t allow myself to have that space to give myself grace when I made mistakes.

And to allow those mistakes to really carry me forward.

L. Scott Ferguson: You let them fester. And I did, I let them

Viair Myles: fester. Yeah, I absolutely did.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh, [00:25:00] so Viair, how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date. Hopefully it’s way down the line, but how do you want Viair’s dash?

Viair Myles: So my ultimate goal, because I know right now we’re in a health crisis and I don’t know how long we will be in one. But my ultimate goal is I know that one person listening, taking this information in, talking to health experts, really understanding how to build their own intuition and, and learn from it and build their own wellness stream team.

That’s one generation changed.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.

Viair Myles: Because if you can take the knowledge and the power and they use these tools in your own life, not only can you heal you help heal yourself with the proper resources and experts, of course. But you can heal your partner.

L. Scott Ferguson: That is fricking money, dude. That is do that. That is [00:26:00] all that.

That’s a me. Each person helped flows in the generation. They, it just, it just pours into the next one. That’s amazing. So then if people really knew you really knew you, they would know what?

Viair Myles: If people really knew me, they would know that I care. Yeah. And when I say I care, I mean, I don’t care for, for me. Yeah, I care for you because you have a story. We all have a story and we bury our story with disbelief, with insecurity, festering in our bodies, with frustration, with all of these emotions of depression, and we don’t use it as fuel to help somebody else.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, that’s amazing. And the way that you can have that bandwidth. to really care about somebody [00:27:00] else and still level your life up is because you’ve acknowledged the trauma. You’ve sought the help and you’ve started living the holistic lifestyle. That’s amazing. Thank you for sharing that. That’s transparent.

That’s really good. How about like, what is Vieira’s different definition of a life well lived?

Viair Myles: I had to take a deep breath on that one. All right. I believe a life well lived is one that you experience for you. And that can mean something different for everybody, but it gives you an opportunity to learn and discover who you truly are.

Because I do, I do believe our lives that while we’re here, while we’re here on earth. Is we’re in a discovery phase. We’re here to break generational curses. We’re here to really understand and to learn and to grow. And what happens at a very young age is we have other people’s [00:28:00] insecurities, disbeliefs, and frustrations on us.

And we spend time over the years removing them so we can become who we were created to be.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right. And then when you get there, you can pass that down to the generations and things get better. I love that man. That’s such a knowledge nugget that I picked up today. Thank you so much. .

Time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. We are back and the air, like we’re going to hook up one time in Tampa. We’re going to rock some stages. Cause I’m going to make sure that you’re speaking on stage,

Viair Myles: but we

L. Scott Ferguson: will talk about some of these questions, maybe 15, 20 minutes over a cup of coffee or, , something good, good eats.

But today you have five seconds with no explanations, but they can all be answered that way. I promise you, you’re ready to level up.

Viair Myles: All right, let’s do it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Here we go. Viair, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Viair Myles: Keep going. Yes.

L. Scott Ferguson: Share one of your personal habits that contributes to [00:29:00] your success.

Viair Myles: Breathing.

L. Scott Ferguson: So if you see me walking down the street and you’re like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit, what book might you hand me that really had an impact on you to really level up?

Viair Myles: Atomic Habits.

L. Scott Ferguson: James, hear that Jamesy? I’ve been blessed to speak with him a few times. He’s actually a really great guy in person too, so that’s, that’s fantastic.

So Viera, what is your most commonly used emoji when you text? There you go. Nicknames the gotcha. Any hidden ta that you have that nobody now.

Viair Myles: I speak sign language

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Chest checkers are m Me too. So keep it simple to do. Headline for your[00:30:00]

Viair Myles: Keep it relatable.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Any superstitions you believe in?

Viair Myles: I don’t know.

L. Scott Ferguson: Not me either, to be honest with you. I don’t really have any. Go to ice cream flavor.

Viair Myles: I don’t eat ice cream.

L. Scott Ferguson: Me neither. I just throw it in there. If I do, it’s like a vanilla. So that’s the, there’s a sandwich called the B. Build that sandwich for me. What’s on that sandwich?

Viair Myles: Is it real?

L. Scott Ferguson: The real sandwich.

Viair Myles: Okay. Sandwich called the V. We have cucumbers, pickles. Spinach, kale, oregano, oil, and vinegar.

L. Scott Ferguson: Ooh, black or green?

Viair Myles: Black olives and banana peppers.

L. Scott Ferguson: Perfect. I am not a vegetarian at all, but I would eat that. That [00:31:00] sounds really good. Fantastic. Last question. Then you can elaborate on this one. But what is the best decade of music? 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s?

Viair Myles: Definitely 90s. 90s.

L. Scott Ferguson: Really? Okay.

Very cool. Why? You don’t look old like the 90s. So,

Viair Myles: well, I was born in the 90s.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. You, what year?

Viair Myles: 92.

L. Scott Ferguson: 92. Okay. Very cool. You’re like a little, little baby. I was born in 72. So I got like two decades on you. Awesome sauce. Good stuff. So Viair, how can we find you, my love?

Viair Myles: Ah, so you can find me on Instagram at ViairMyles, Facebook ViairMyles.

LinkedIn via Myles literally everywhere via Myles. You can also find me on at the holistic sister circle. That’s on all podcast platforms. Yes. And we’re also on Instagram and

L. Scott Ferguson: Facebook. Yes, you are absolutely everywhere. And it’s like, your content is fantastic. And like, you have to go. I allow you to go now squad to [00:32:00] her podcast, which is be in the show notes as well.

And she has fantastic interviews and she’s going to start putting out a lot more about her, just herself. Because if you notice she was super well spoken here and like you need, I’m sorry, I’m going to keep pushing you. You’re going to probably get encouraging texts from me. Probably more than you want to.

And she says she’s shy, but like, come on, man, you, you, you rock this. So do me one last solid and leave us with, leave me with one last knowledge. And I’ll get actually leave the squad with one last knowledge. And I get, we can take with us internalize and take action.

Viair Myles: Absolutely. The biggest one I would say is the breath.

I didn’t get into it that much in the lightning round, but really focusing on your breath. And what I mean by that is. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, and three, three times in for four, out for four, in for four, [00:33:00] out for four. And that literally. So a form

L. Scott Ferguson: of box breathing in a sense.

Viair Myles: Exactly. That will literally calm.

It does. Everything.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Before combat, we did that. What I’m saying? That was our breathing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And breathing from the diaphragm, ? Yes. Pushing the stomach out and then into the chest is the way, way that I can explain it. There’s more to it than that. But let me ask you something.

When you exhale, are you exhaling through mouth or nose for yourself?

Viair Myles: For me, I’m exhaling through mouth.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay, very good. Me too. So I like

Viair Myles: to sigh it out. Yes. I

L. Scott Ferguson: like, like when I do breathing with my clients, I like to purse my lips. For myself, like almost like I’m blowing out a candle, right. And get that out.

That’s the way that it works for me the best. Like a lot of the people will be like, which way for a game? Like, listen, what’s going to work for you. We’re going to generate that oxygen. We’re going to saturate that and really get you going. It’s going to help with so much stuff. Not only just breathing better, but , building up your immune system and breathing [00:34:00] up your brain.

Because if you, when you do that, you’re kind of for a minute, depriving the brain of oxygen. Just for like. A little bit, which it’s searching for. And when you give it back, it’s like, dude, I’m ready to get to work. Right. So that’s amazing.

Viair Myles: Yeah. It really is a way to just detoxify the body. So if you find yourself super stressed or high anxiety.


L. Scott Ferguson: I love it. And squad. I know we went a little bit longer than usual, but I had to on this one. Cause Viair is she’s just such an amazing person who’s an IBS. Survivor. She’s dealt with trauma since her childhood with anxiety, stress and the pressure. She really internalized it right in, but she kind of understood that conflict is needed for change and improvement.

So she really took that and found out that she was holding trauma in her organs. It was affecting her body. , she kind of like now gets to the point of the, I really asking her body, what do you need from me today? She started to really work on emotions and [00:35:00] what we’re doing now. And if you can just level up yourself or one person, it’s really going to bleed down into other generations, which just makes this world a much better place.

I never get negative on the world, but we’re not in a really great place. So if we can just really bleed it down into somebody that we care about, it’s just going to be really into the future generations. Thanks. , she’s not a cookie cutter. She’s going to find out what you’re dealing with and she has her dream team that she’s putting together to be a resource for all issues of the body and the mind, which is, and she’s going to find out which doctor is going to align with you best.

, she wants you to really ask, , what are you being called to from a higher power? , what are you really put on this earth to do? And what Viera’s doing is she’s planting trees she’s never going to sit in the shade of, right? She’s really passing it forward. Her, she does it for the intention, not the attention.

I mean, she’s a beautiful woman. She can be rocking all that out there, but she’s really pouring into other people. That it really wants to, Use the [00:36:00] bandwidth that she has to really care for others, but first she’s caring for herself as well. She probably has this like little morning routine that is about her so she can pour into others.

And she, she’s just somebody that I immensely respect. She does it scared. , she levels up her health. She levels up her wealth. She’s humble yet hungry. She’s stunning. And just look at that smile, man. So thank you so much for coming on. You earned your varsity letter here at time to shine today. I absolutely love your guts and I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future for real.

Viair Myles: Thank you so much for having me, Scott. I really appreciate you and your audience. Thank you so much. You’re welcome.

L. Scott Ferguson: We’ll chat soon.

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