286-Surviving The Killing Fields in Cambodia – TTST Interview with Mass Genocide Survivor, Author and Inspirational Speaker Sara Im

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Sara Im grew up in Cambodia.  She endured 4 years of captivity and survived the Mass Genocide that claimed two Million lives.  Sara is an inspirational speaker and an author of an award-winning inspirational book “How I Survived the Killing Fields”.  Sara graduated from Western Connecticut State University. Sara speaks to inspire, motivate and encourage others to have hope, more courage and a positive perspective in life. Sara just celebrated her 32 years of marriage.  

Never give up hope, keep the daily – help and love those close to you and those in need

– Sara Im

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Sara loves to share her story to instill help in people

2. A life well lived is to love someone, have someone to love you and give to your community

3. Be optimistic, appreciate what you have. Strive for more, but do not crave what you don’t have yet

4. Education is critical to Leveling UP!

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

Sara’s Beyond Surviving Website

Sara’s Book: Surviving The Killing Fields

Sara’s Linked IN

Sara’s YouTube Channel

Sara’s Twitter

Sara’s Facebook

Sara’s Instagram

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time To Shine Today Podcast Varsity Squad.  This is Scott Ferguson and we’re in Episode 286. With my really good friend Sarah M. And Sarah has went through hell and back like literally, there was movies made about what she went through called the Killing Fields. She’s an actual survivor of the mass genocide that went on in Cambodia. Such a moving story, you probably see me tear up a little bit or hear me tear up depending on what you’re watching or listening on. Just fantastic, but she did not let it hold her back from loving and helping others and that’s exactly what she does. She rock stages. She’s authored a book, she’s learned English so like, she’s so clear with their speaking and you can just hear her passion come through. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend author of surviving the Killing Fields. Sara M. Let’s level up. Time to shine a podcast varsity squad. This is step one. And I have a friend here from the north but the a little bit we’re both in Florida. Welcome joining some pretty good weather. But this lady a good friend of mine, Sarah M is with through literally Helen back. She grew up in Cambodia. She didn’t do it for years of captivity and survived the mass genocide that claimed 2 million lives. Sarah is an inspirational speaker and an author of an award winning inspirational book, how we survived the killing fields, which if you listen to the end, myself, I’m gonna buy a copy of the book and have Sarah sign it and send it out to you. Sarah graduated from Western Connecticut state universities and she speaks to inspire, motivate and encourage others to have hope, more courage and a positive perspective for life. And I cannot wait for one day that Sarah and I share a stage and get out there because the story story needs to be told about survivorship not only surviving but learning to thrive. And Sara, thank you so much for coming out. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today podcast versus the spa. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Our favorite color? Blue.

You’re wearing it? I love it. I love love love. Why do you why do you like why do you like blue?

A sense of calm and peaceful? Like, like

so I’m looking at it right now the Atlantic you got the Gulf over on that side. So Isn’t it nice here in Florida, we get the water and in the blue. I love it. I love it. So, Sarah, I told you off camera off, Mike that you know that your story makes me emotional. You know, I I’m a history nerd when it comes up. So I know the story of what you’ve been through, but I could never imagine living it. So if you don’t mind kind of take us back in kind of share what you went through and then how you used the lessons there to thrive and level up.

Okay, maybe I’ll start from my childhood a little bit. Audience who might know me a little bit more. I grew up in the countryside, in the farm area where my dad my parents are farmers, but I enjoy the environment, the major that surrounds us. And as a first child in the family. I feel so loved and secure. Yeah. Yeah. And, and my parents was our hard worker, and they realized that farming is really hard work and want me to grow up as a farmer. So still in me that education is the way to go. You need to have higher education. So that have been implanted in my mind. So when I when I graduated from high school, guess what? I went away from home to the college. College is in the capital city, which is about 350 miles away from home. Okay. That mean I left all my family behind? Oh, wow.

And how old were you like when does college start over? There is it’s 18 years old.

I was 20 Yeah, because I started late. I was a small girl, and my father didn’t want me to go to school. So For me, hold me on for a couple of years.

Okay. Understood he was so he’s afraid for safety and well being a lot, huh?

Yeah. Like, so. What? I was attending college in April 1978. Why? The communist claros took over that country. They came in, in the military. Processing, okay. All the trucks the tank in the web. The military people walk in, right. And we have no idea what to expect. But they took us by surprise. Okay, price. Everything had to be shut down. Nobody there to open the store or marketplace or office or any kind, nothing open, toe completely shut down and went door to door demanding that everybody come out, come out, come out and go. Go where and they push us to go away from the city. They don’t want anybody to stay in the city. So we are piled up on the street like millions of people on the street. crowded, and we try to, to walk away from the seating and we carry a little belonging, because we cannot carry mine. And people that have car or motorcycle or anything like that they cannot take with them. They have comfort. So we walked and I was crying. I want to go home. But there’s no way I can go.

Right? How long did you walk for Sarah?

For a few weeks? Home? Wow. No wait, and we slept. We slept on the ground? While we ate a little bit of food that we carry from home? That’s all. Can I buy anything? There’s nothing to why? Oh, it was it was miserable to start at the beginning from the beginning. So finally, we get to the village where led was already prep to receive a flood of people from the city like us. So they was giving a temporary play to stay with. With the the family that was already there. So they let us stay in their house for temporary. Okay. And then they want us to go to work right away. What guess where the work is? In the fields and the field in the field. So we weren’t in the heat of day long. Oh, wow. So this is the beginning of the whole thing. They they try to spread people all over the country. So some area too crowded in some areas, not enough people. So they they post an announcement that whoever wants to go to Bom Bom. They sign up, okay? And the Hmong is my is my hometown.

Okay. That’s where you were from.

Okay, yeah, that’s where so when I heard that word, it just like music in my ears and said I want to go there. So I saw an app and then they put us on the truck on the boat and then a few steps and by the time they let us go, they want us to stay it’s the middle of nowhere. Okay, disappointing, weary disappointing. So

what happened after that then

we had to build our own shelter and live then. And then there is another announcement that this is the in the process. They try to spread people all over and they make an odd amount announcement. They want single people, single men and woman to sign up to go get the trainings and say when you go to this camp, you will get trained and maybe there is a possibility that you can move to help other people in the next door Village. Okay. When I

get the sheriff sir, what kind of training? Well,

I hope not. No.

Okay. Trouble? No.

But But when I heard that, it’s a possibility that I might be able to move around to the, to the nearby village, I want to do it because I don’t want to get stuck in the middle of nowhere. And I want to have a possibility maybe, maybe I can find my family. Okay. So that’s my mom’s for thinking when when they took us to this place, and it’s the big cam, they want 1000 men and women all single, that means strongest force. And they work extremely hard. Okay? The training is in the rice, rice fields, okay? The rice field 1516 hours a day, seven days a week. Not enough time to sleep now more time to rise, right. And we will give in very little. Very late for barely, barely a corner our stomach. So we will pray? I just asked. Right. Only at the beginning, the first couple of months. So many people already got really sick. Cause of the condition?

Yeah, seven days a week, 1617 hours a day that’ll kill you. I mean, literally, you know, in like you, fortunately, were younger. So I know that you were a smaller person, but you could maybe withstand just a little bit more than maybe elderly people, older people. And those were did you find that a lot of the people that passed or just dropped from exhaustion were maybe elderly people and stuff like that. That’s just terrible. I’m so sorry.

I don’t have exposure to the older people because this is the single.

Right? Right. That’s right. Single people. They’re trying to build the strength. Okay. Okay, so keep going, keep going. Because I just I want to get, you know, to the roots of the story with the genocide in the mass stuff that just was terrible.

Yeah, so I got sick, when I become sick. You know, I have a cup. I kept a few disease at the same time. Malaria, high fever, typhoid. And then my body was swelling and then initiating. So every time I swung while was falling, and then I lost like 1015 pounds each time.

So you’re already a little thing.

Yeah. So go up and down like that. I prefer emaciated, and I lost a lot. So finally, I lost all the way that I can possibly the most. So I became like a walking skeleton. And so it’s, it’s was not possible for me to continue to work that way. Right? When when I was too sick to work, they sent me to a different place. They want me to infect other people or whatever. So that place this they call it the hospital. But when I got there, I was so surprised that this is mild, really a hospital? There is no no doctor, no medication is no nurse for a chance to play for us to stay there without going to work. Okay? Eventually, either you get better, or you die. On the two option, right? How can we get better if we don’t have the help? Yeah, without the help. So I saw people die, surely. Yeah.

And, and how did you obviously you got better. But how long did it take you to get better and to be able to go back to work again.

I had to make one big. One big action that I pray and I asked God, ask God to have because I’m was about about to not waking up. Just to see. And I pray and ask God to help me. And one day gave me a courage to to sneak out from there. Wow. And yeah, yeah, were really warm. And I got out from there and I’ve met somebody who was so kind. And she she helped me to get a job in the kitchen. Wow. Okay. Yeah, it’s not more Nobody ever got a job in the kitchen. So I did not mean it is a life saving job for me, sure, I got to eat, to have more food, I got to work less our right and get the one in the shade. So all in all it just a place that I need to be to recover my health. For several months, I actually gradually feel better and regain my health now to 100%. But at least normal.

Sure you’re nourishing yourself getting a little bit of your energy back and be able to do it. So when were you able to kind of fast forward a little bit through this? When were you able to leave, and then make the decision that you want to share your story and help people that are going through hard times.

I fast forward eventually, I escaped from the beginning. Okay. That’s not a big jump. But finally, I get out from the captivity. It’s a long journey, but in the book will describe how.

And that’s why I’m going to drag people to the book a little bit later.

Yeah, yes. So and I was able to find my family. Too much story short, five, found my family and we reunited together. And again, they helped me to, to nurture me to recover my help. I have a few problem that still need to be recovered. Time. Yeah, at that time. But and then finally, the situation was still not not good. But by that time when I met with my family, the communists come arrows already kicked out. Okay. The whole country was liberated. Yeah. And then. And then we realize that we lost a lot of family members. Yeah. A lot of people,

2 million people died. And that’s just terrible. Period. You know, that’s just that’s just terrible.

So the country that the countries that have only 7 million?

Wow. Oh, it’s almost a third of the country. That’s just just gone. It’s It’s terrible. So sorry, you had to go through that. And so you reunited with your family? And then how did you make it then to the United States?

Another escape.

Wow. You know, and in squad out there, like all of this is in her book. So I strongly recommend just because time constraints, because everyone knows my time yet on the podcast, that you know, I’m very abbreviating the story, but you gotta go and pick up the book. And I will have that in the link in the show notes. But yeah, please. You know, tell us a little bit a little bit about that escape, sir. How that how did that go in to get to the United States?

Yeah, I had to go to the Thai border. It’s a long journey, but to make that, for the time being, I went to the Thai border, and that crossed over the dangerous landmine situation. And I found a refugee camp on the other side. I registered there. And I have a connection. I have a relative in the United States. And I searched for him and my conviction. And he did sponsor me to come. Oh, nice.

Very nice. Yeah,

that’s how I came.

That’s great. And then you attended college in Connecticut? Yes. Okay. What did you study?


Nice. Okay. And what did you work in after you graduated from college?

You got a really nice job in the in the insurance company in Hartford, Connecticut. Nice. Beautiful. Yeah. Hartford is the capital city of insurance company.

Yes. Right. Right, right.

Yeah. So

it’s a beautiful area too. So what when did you start to really want to share your story, get out in speak about it and write the book. When did that come about?

Well, several years ago, some people when they found out a little bit about my story, they invited me to speak at a group and so on. So the words start to spread, spread and then the It was a lot of encouragement that I should write my book. But, but I did not take action right away because you know, English is not my, my first language. Right. And I have no idea how to go about it. And then, and then, in 90 and 2013, one of my, my networking friend helped me to get the book out. The goal is to tell my story, to instill hope in people. They, the idea was that I came across people that lost their family to suicide. One of my audience members, she just lost her husband who did. And the other lady lost her teenage child to

thank you for donating to the Suicide Lifeline because my little brother took his life. And also, for people that I served with in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, they have taken their life. So it’s very huge for me. So thank you for bringing that up. And thank you for donating. By the way, I really appreciate that.

Thank you. So yeah, that’s, that’s some of the reason that I want my story to share with people,

Sarah, what do you think through all the hell that you went through? What do you think is the biggest lesson that you’ve learned through that?

The biggest lesson is this, this never give up hope. Never. And how I love my love for my family. That’s what holds me back what saved me? Yes. Wow. And then combined with a faith way you expect something to get better?

Yes. You because You You prayed and you had faith. But sometimes faith, you really have to be convicted to write you have to stick because you can’t see things. You know, you’re, you’re in the dark, you’re like a seed underground, right? That if you pray and you do the right things, you’re able to sprout out of that dirt, but you’re kept in the dark for a long time, and you’re dark was a long time, and it was terrible. And so I’m a big believer in faith. You know, I’m a Christian, but I believe in faith, and I believe I pray to God and I give God gratitude every single day, to give me the strength to smile to help others smile, and you know, level them up a little bit. So thank you for being convicted with that. So when When did you give your first speech then Sarah?

Maybe about 10 years ago, okay. It was at the beginning it just in the woman club, and then how pass You’re right. No,

no, no, that’s, uh, you have to so that’s where I started, I started speaking in front of three or four people, you know, and, and just really polished it and had people give me feedback about my speaking. And then, you know, I earned my way to bigger stages, you know, just like you did you know, I saw some of your stuff here on Facebook of, you know, a couple of years ago, I’m sorry, in YouTube a couple of years ago, of you speaking to you do you hold the room because people are I see, like the people are leaning in wanting to, you know, hear the next part of the story because it’s so captivating. And you know, our due to the time constraints on this show, this story is really abbreviated, but it’s covered in the book, which again, squad you have to go out and pick up the book and I will definitely have a link in the show notes again. But, Sarah, what do you think? Or what is your definition of a life well lived.

a life well lived is to have somebody to love has somebody who loved you and her gift to give to your community. You can you can define your community. Whether you believe whether your environment, whether your church, whether you’re state, for me, my community is in the water right now. Because where we are the world wide community appeal to my community.

I love that. I love that and you give a lot which I see that but are you open to reciprocation? To Getting? Yes, thank you for saying that, because so many people, I used to be that guy give, give. And then finally, my coach is like, Are you open to reciprocation? I’m like, What does that even mean? You know, and it’s like, you know, in that show, realizing the reciprocation that I was getting, without acknowledging it, you know, I would give, but then say, My god daughter would call me out of the blue, right? Just to talk, not to ask me for money, or anything like that. But just to talk, and that’s a gift from giving, you know, when you give a we say, a time to shine today, you know, we give, give, give until it hurts so good. Right? So, that’s what we do. And I know that you do it as well. So Sarah, what are you know, let me ask you this. What do you think people misunderstand about you the most?

The people that made the most may have conception that they probably did not understand what I’m talking about. Okay. Very good. Yeah, they are some podcaster. Who had to, to pre interview me to make sure they understand me.

Okay. Got it. You know, that’s that I understand it was you haven’t, English is your second or third language or whatever it is, you you are phenomenal with it, because I am trying my best to learn Spanish right now. And I could never, I can hold a conversation. There’s no way that I can get on stage and do what you do with in another language. You know, so I applaud you so much for what you do. That’s fantastic. So Sarah, does anything keep you up at night?

Anything keep me up at night. I’m just concerned about my country.

Okay. Understood, understood,

take a long time to rebuild the country after in it have been destroyed, completely destroyed. And we have to rebuild by right. had been for almost five decades now. Wow. ever took more time?

Wow. That’s just crazy that it’s been five decades. I mean, I was born in 72. So I was born kind of at the tail end of the Vietnam War, and it’s still on. I’ve been to Vietnam. I’ve been to Thailand and in whatnot. It’s such a beautiful country, but what they went through in the late 50s, and through the 60s and even into the 70s. It’s just into the 80s. It’s just terrible. It’s just terrible. And I don’t get why the world goes that way. All I can do is pray. Like you say pray for peace, pray for understanding pray for wisdom for the people that for yourself so much further, but we’re the people that are making the decisions. So Sarah, we’d like to talk about the dash that little line in between your life date and death date on a tombstone. Okay, that little line. How do you want that dash remembered? How do you want people to remember Sarah

I want the best to remember that. I don’t live my life on my own. I live my life to serve. So God that’s the first and so other.

Wow, that’s beautiful. As we so much comes from serving. You know, it’s like in you, my friend are planting trees that you’re never gonna sit in the shade of, you know, through your service. And I love love that you’re such a big heart and I absolutely love this conversation. Time to shine today. Podcasts versus squad we are back with my awesome sauce friend, Sarah M who went through of time that none of us that are really alive anymore at my age are younger than me would never ever been able to understand and comprehend. I still am having a hard time comprehending but, Sarah, we have a leveling up lightning round. Okay, so you and I could talk a long time about each one of these questions. But I’m going to ask you questions and you got five seconds to respond and they can all be responded in five seconds, no explanation, so you’re ready to level up? Let’s do it. All right. What is the best leveling up advice series ever received?

Ever by sunrise. I’ll trade order to

share one of your personal habits that contribute to your success

hmm How my own how know my agenda?

Yes, yes scheduling yes and time management. What book other than the Bible or whatever religiously that you read, but what book do you would you hand me and say Scott, you have to read this other than your book to

Napoleon Hill’s book

Thinking Grow Rich. Yes. That is the Bible for business to me. It’s It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful. Did you have any nicknames growing up?


What is it telling me Sara?

Called? Fight Fight? It’s like the little, the little,

like a little bit? Like I love it. Do you? Would you rather play chess or checkers?

Oh, chess.

Okay, wow. I’ll take checkers all day. I’m not smart enough for that. What’s your favorite charity? Or an organization you’d like to give your time or money to?

Campbell by Research Institute.

Thank you. That is excellent. What is your go to flavor for ice cream? What’s your go to flavor for ice cream? When you order an ice cream?

Ice cream? Potassium.

All right. If you can take a time machine. Have a time machine. Would you take it to the future or the past?


All right, love it. Last question. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s decade of music?

What kind of new thing? Oh, Eddie’s

There we go. That’s my girl. I love they had the big hair and don’t care and I use everything in the 80s that is excellent. So Sarah, how can we find you love?

Easy to find me on my website, say in.com i am.com.

Excellent. And then also the you can go to Sarah m.com/book To pick up her book. And the first person that’s that puts in a comment on any of the social media platforms where this lands. Survive and Thrive, survive and thrive. If you put that in the comments, time to shine today, we’ll personally purchase the book and have Sarah sign it and we’ll get it mailed out to you. And that’s something I have to actually we’ll do two books. With the two bucks survive and thrive the first person who puts in any of our social media comments, we’re gonna send two books out. It’s a must read. I’m gonna buy one for myself. So consider three of them being purchased. But, you know, Sarah, can you do me a favor and leave us with one last we call Knowledge Nugget, one last Knowledge Nugget that we can take with us internalize and take action

right now, keep your positive attitude. Be optimistic. I love it. Because when you are optimistic that mean, you appreciate what you have. You don’t cry for something that you didn’t have.

Wow, that’s true. That’s true. And then have that attitude of gratitude along with that. That’s fantastic. Yes, in squad we again I might even bring Sara on for a little more deep in depth story because I had to abbreviate the story just for the listeners out there. But make sure you make it over to Sarah m.com and we’re Sarah m.com/book. And again, it’s SAR A I m.com. In check her story, I’ll go to her YouTube channel. You know, she grew up kind of in a farming area. You know her parents in loved ones believe that education is critical. You know that she went through hell and back literally she survived malaria, typhoid, and a litany of other diseases. Luckily, she prayed and she had the courage to sneak out. And then she ran into somebody that really cared for gave her a job and a kitchen and it allowed her to nourish yourself that is God that is your Creator, answering your prayers. She wants her story to instill hope in people to never give up hope and make sure that you back that hope with faith and love and keep the ones close to you and make sure that they feel loved and also help the others in need. She believes that a life well lived as someone having someone to love someone to love You and to make sure you give to your community. You know she lives her life to survive serve others. She’s a servant leader. She rocks this stage when she gets out there, her book is just phenomenal. And she wants you to remember to be optimistic. Appreciate what you do have because when you can appreciate what you do have, you can gather more positive stuff. If you live in a negative mindset, you will just gather more negative Sara believes and being appreciated have the attitude of gratitude what you have, so you can guide or your Creator will provide even more of that greatness and don’t crave what you don’t need. You know, you crave the the need to help others and to be that certain leader that my good friend Sarah is she levels up her house, she levels up her wealth. She’s humble, yet very hungry for life and to serve others. You’ve earned your varsity squad letter here, Sarah, thank you so much for coming on. I love your guts so much.

Thank you for having me, Scott.

You bet. Talk soon. Bye now. Bye. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like where you’ve been listening to it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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