310-The Real Estate UnSalesperson! – TTST Interview with Introvert and Real Estate Agent Rockstar Barry Karch

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Barry Karch has always considered himself an unlikely Realtor – quiet, introverted, unsalesy.  Not your prototypical formula for success!  Yet, Barry has been a top selling Realtor for 36 years, selling as many as 100 homes per year.  He has come to realize that being an introvert in real estate gives him many advantages over his more extroverted colleagues.  He has created a podcast called The Real Estate UnSalesperson to encourage and inspire his fellow introverted Realtors and has just launched the UnSalesperson community (find info at patreon.com/unsalesperson).  His mission is to teach introverts that they have what it takes to succeed in real estate.

  Being a real estate professional and an introvert gives me an advantage as I really listen to my clients and they feel heard

– Barry Karch  

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Being an introvert does not mean saying no to things, be active and move and say yes to new experiences

2. Don’t fear investing money into building your business. 

3. Be sure to save and invest 10% of every dollar you earn, the earlier in life the better

4. A real estate agent MUST evolve and adapt to the ever changing market

5. Barry will be remembered has someone that left the world a better place through his service to others

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Barry,please introduce yourself to the time to shine today. Podcast Squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why?

Unknown Speaker  2:34  

My favorite color is blue because spending most of my life in the desert. I love water in the ocean.

Unknown Speaker  2:42  

I love it. I love it. And I’m looking at the Atlantic right now. I am jealous. It was a dream of mine growing up just to have a place on the ocean. Right and it’s like in doing the podcast from here is absolutely absolutely a blessing. It very let’s get to the roots of your kind of journey as a real estate professional, you know, because they look at us as Realtors as maybe the bottom three rungs of the ladder with you know, accountants you know, sale you know car sales and then realtors or lawyers. You know, we’re all kind of bunched down there. That’s your journey, because I got to hear your journey just coming from introverted aspect.

Unknown Speaker  3:21  

Okay, well, I never set out to be a realtor. I never expected to be a realtor. I’ve always considered myself an unlikely realtor. You know, I went to school, I went to college at UT Austin. And I was a good student. I got A’s I got A’s in my classes. So I had a lot of options. I could have done a lot of different things. I’m probably more suited to be an engineer.

Unknown Speaker  3:51  

You’re stealing my questions, man. No, I’m sorry. Go ahead and more suited to be something more of it. Yeah, Bert does okay.

Unknown Speaker  3:59  

But I, when I was young, in my early 20s, I didn’t really have a drive or desire. I didn’t know what I wanted to do in my life. I just wasn’t pulling any direction. I was kind of directionless. Like I was doing my classes doing well. But I wasn’t excited about anything. So my parents were in real estate. And they were doing well. And I just not knowing what to do. I thought, I guess I’ll follow their steps and go into real estate and see how I do at it. I’m a completely different type of person than my father. He was very domineering intimidating. I’m completely different than him. But I decided I’m going to try real estate and follow his footsteps. Somewhat. But so that’s how I ended up in the career. It wasn’t a choice. It was just kind of by default. I didn’t know what else to do.

Unknown Speaker  4:47  

Okay. And with your father in your parents, were they pretty supportive as you kind of came into into the business?

Unknown Speaker  4:56  

Oh, they were very supportive. They they really wanted me in the business. They They, they tried to help me. It’s just we did things I learned a lot from my father. He ran the brokerage. Okay. And he was he was a very, he was one of the top salespeople. So I learned a lot of what to do. I got a lot of good lessons. And like, everyone’s different, I learned a lot what not to do, too, because a different personality, so I kind of had to find my own way and see what I was comfortable at and what fit. But, yeah,

Unknown Speaker  5:28  

so being an introvert and admitted introvert, what challenges did you first find coming into the real estate business? And what did you do to overcome them?

Unknown Speaker  5:41  

Okay, well, when I started in the business, the sales trainers at the time now I’m going way back, I’m a big fan and stuff like that. I’m an old guy here now. Somehow, I started in the middle 80s.

Unknown Speaker  5:57  

Oh, yeah, look like you could be that old enough to be able to do it, but no, appreciate. So middle 80s was before my time, but interest rates are probably in the double digits, correct. They were

Unknown Speaker  6:09  

they had just dropped below 10. They went down to nine and a half. They got in below double digits for the first time. And I don’t know how long when I started. And everyone was so excited, like, wow, it’s single digits. Now it was like such a great thing. People would be revolted. Now if they saw a nine and a half percent rate. But that was awesome. And those days. But when I started, there were a lot of sales trainers. And they all preached dialogue, I think more so than then now. And they were saying, here’s what you have to say, in this situation. And if you get this objection, here’s what you say. And if that doesn’t work, here’s what you say, right? And it was all so unnatural to me, like I listened to I study that. But like, I can’t do this, this is not me. This sounds so phony coming out of my mouth. So that was my first experience in real estate. And I decided, I’m just going to be myself, I’m not going to do, I’m not going to do this love. I’m just going to try to be a regular, friendly, helpful guy and try to help my clients achieve their goals, but I’m not going to be phony. And that’s that’s how I started.

Unknown Speaker  7:19  

I love it. So what do you feel are the advantages of being an introvert in the biz?

Unknown Speaker  7:25  

You know, there’s a lot of advantages. I think a lot of times people tend to think, Oh, I gotta be really outgoing. To be successful in sales. I got to be great at networking. And the truth is you don’t looking back on my career, I found that being an introvert has been a major plus to whatever success I’ve had. It’s been sure. So some of the advantages I found is I generally am fairly quiet. I’m not that talkative. So my clients get to talk a lot. Yes. And people love talking, right? Most people love talking love talking about themselves. So I’m just there listening and letting them talk. And that makes them feel really good about themselves.

Unknown Speaker  8:09  

I love that you said that. Because, you know, we, you know, my mom always said God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. And you’re actually being introverted, because it’s funny, I kind of go into the introversion when I’m starting to work with a client because, you know, I’m more interested in their story than they are about than than I am about telling me they’re telling them my right I mean, you’re dealing with arguably probably their biggest investment that they’re making to that point in their life right?

Unknown Speaker  8:37  

Most likely most likely. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  8:38  

So it listening is so keen you hear that other agents out there listening is key cuz so many people are ready with that, you know, Floyd Wickman, or Mike ferry or whatnot, and I love those guys, but their rebuttals, right, and just to come back and be ready, and so you know, you you seek to understand, right, what they’re saying, and that being an introvert really, really helps you do that. And, you know, thank you for doing that, you know. So what do you feel then, is the biggest challenges to be an introvert in the business.

Unknown Speaker  9:12  

The biggest challenge I think I face sometimes is I don’t want to come across as too quiet or not aggressive enough. If I’m going on a listing appointment, I want the seller to feel comfortable that I’m going to be out there marketing their house and doing all I can to get it sold. And I want them to feel that I’m too laid back too quiet. So I have to try to overcome that.

Unknown Speaker  9:37  

Okay, and what exercises have you kind of implemented are you just let it organically kind of happen with regards

Unknown Speaker  9:45  

to just let it organically just organically happened. I just again, I just tried to be myself and I think you just develop self confidence over time. After you do it for a while. You make some mistakes and you Learn and then you get better and better at your craft and you develop some confidence and you know what you’re going to do when you go to their house and you follow your normal procedures and they follow along and come to trust you

Unknown Speaker  10:11  

love it. So let’s go back to 2008 2009. How did you navigate that minefield of the market?

Unknown Speaker  10:23  

You know what I was actually pretty fortunate because my market I worked in was El Paso, Texas, and we’re such a different market. We don’t usually follow the national trends, right? When when prices go up like crazy elsewhere, El Paso, not too much. But when prices go down like crazy elsewhere, not too much in El Paso either. So yeah, they went down. I mean, I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but not to the extent of other places. And also a big plus was at the time. It Obama was president and he came out with his program, it was a tax credit people got, I believe, $8,000 cash back for buying a house. Yeah. And that was such a plus to market and use, right. So a lot of people took advantage of that and bought homes because I knew they’re gonna 8000 back on their tax return. So actually, those those years were good years for me,

Unknown Speaker  11:19  

I love that you that you have the positivity, I didn’t listen to my advisors because as printing money, remember the days when if you had a pulse and said that you made, you know, 200,000 a year you’re getting a loan, you know, the ninja loans and stuff like that I didn’t listen, didn’t bank my money, I kind of lost everything, I was really arrogant. My story is very well known and documented out there and in the world. But I kind of turned it in did short sales, you know, that was the thing. And I ended up in four years closing 400 short sales, wow, and a double dips, you know, with that, and but the I’m not saying that to impress anybody, but what it was was the lessons we learned and shifting with the economies in in basically making it more of a people oriented business. And I just feel that the introverts are more people oriented, they resonate a lot more with their clients, because they actually are listening a lot more than than they’re talking. And I really appreciate you saying that with

Unknown Speaker  12:21  

Scott, you know, it sounds almost counter to what you would think. But being an introvert, and letting other people talk more and listening to them. It allows you to develop, develop trust with your clients, they come to trust me more, because I know I’m not aggressive, not pushing them out trying to close them constantly. Right? They open up, they trust me, and we’re able to work together quite well. So it’s, it’s a plus.

Unknown Speaker  12:48  

I love it. So talk to me now that we’re back into being able to network and I saw some of your social media posts when you’re out and about a little bit there. What is your technique of working in a room? Like, like building relationships while you’re networking as an introvert?

Unknown Speaker  13:08  

Well, working a room is definitely not one of my strengths.

Unknown Speaker  13:13  

Thank you for admitting it, man. I really appreciate that brother, but like, you know, I see it out. You know, I don’t see you. But you know, and the social and I see you’re out, you know, pressing some flesh and meeting people. But what did you do to kind of get over the fear of maybe starting a conversation when maybe the other person isn’t wanting to talk?

Unknown Speaker  13:32  

Well, it’s taken some time to grow comfortable with that, I don’t want to get the impression that I’m good at that because I am still not good at that. And we don’t have to be good at everything. But we just have to find what we can do and are comfortable at. And introverts are generally better at one on one with people than in big crowds or so working in a room networking, non strengths of mine. If I’m with someone one on one, I can do a conversation with them and talk to them and learn more about their life. And I try to find out about them when I’m talking about myself, so I can do that. But

Unknown Speaker  14:11  

Bobby Do you usually use do you use the Ford technique at all?

Unknown Speaker  14:15  

Do I use the Ford once in a blue moon? I should. That’s a great technique. Yeah, but I don’t consciously follow it.

Unknown Speaker  14:22  

Okay. Gosh, I just noticed that that made me shut my mouth. You know, it’s I kind of grew more mature in the business as my coach is like family Occupation, Recreation and dreams. You can build your whole database out in the client with with that technique alone. And that’s actually something that a good friend of ours our mutual connection, Ashley Harwood the introvert move over introverts as well as she she said that she works at that way as well. So very lit. Have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

Unknown Speaker  14:51  

I have. It’s been a long time. So I don’t remember.

Unknown Speaker  14:55  

Coming up. I’m like 40 years, dude, it’s nuts, right? Yeah, let’s get that dwarf with Marty, let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Berry, with the knowledge you have now, what would you tell him? Not so much to change anything, but to maybe help him shorten his learning curve? blast through and level up maybe just a little bit quicker?

Unknown Speaker  15:16  

Oh, there’s a lot of things, you know, looking back, I would have done differently. I wish I had known number probably number one of a mile is don’t be afraid to invest money in your business. Oh, I was I was so cheap. When I started. Whenever I got any money. I didn’t want to give it up. I didn’t want to spend it on on advertising or marketing. I wouldn’t spend any money for a long time. Sure. So spending money on yourself is probably your best investment. Because you can make a great return on it. So don’t be afraid to do that.

Unknown Speaker  15:48  

Love it and what got you over that hump of of opening up that checkbook? Or that? That’s DD nos, right? But, but maybe the credit card, like what made you kind of get over that because being an introvert, I know a lot of introverts, like in this business as well. And they will take a lot more time methodically, like what got you over the hump to really pull that trigger in what was a product or a service that you got? That really helps you level up?

Unknown Speaker  16:16  

Okay. Well, I guess over time, you have to evolve with the market, the world is completely different than it was in the 1980s when I started. I mean, when I started back then it was a stone age. No one I mean, it’s it’s gonna be hard for your younger listeners to even imagine. But no, no one had no one had a computer, no one had a cell phone. I had a beeper. I mean, so that’s where I came from. So I had to learn to adapt. And so one of the things that really, this is going to, you know, not be earth shattering to the, the current people in the business, but one year I had a, I had a so so I had a decent year, but not a great year in real estate. And I decided, You know what, I gotta try to do something different to grow my business. And I saw an advertisement from a company to create a website, which is nowadays no big deal. But, you know, back then, I didn’t have one back in the 90s. And it costs a lot of money, it cost it was a big chunk, to have someone create one. So I decided I’m going to invest in this and do it. And that transformed my business I went from just having to generate local leads to I got leads from all over the place people relocating to our house all of a sudden, and it transformed things. And I didn’t you know, many things along the line, I keep evolving with the times and to survive this long.

Unknown Speaker  17:46  

It paid for itself in the long run and oh, yeah, should do so they thank you for saying that. Very. So. Do you remember the days of the MLS books? I caught the last two years? Oh, yeah. You know, I remember the stealing the pages that me but agents would actually steal the pages out of them people would come in during Florida time. Like I want to see this property in squat. If you don’t want what it is like right now, if you are looking for a house, you go on the computer and go to realtor.com or whatnot back in the day. And especially Barry’s day, they had books, and they had the MLS listings or the real estate listings in there. And you hope that it wasn’t sold because there’s nothing to update them. I love it. I love that it’s just a little back in time story. That’s fantastic. So very How do you want your dash remembered then that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date your life date and death date on your tombstone? Which hopefully it’s a long way down the road? How do you want your dash remembered?

Unknown Speaker  18:39  

I hope so. Yes. I wanted to be remembered that he made a difference and he left the world a better place. And that’s my main focus right now that I’m I’m mid life or beyond. I’m trying to give back and support clauses that are near and dear to my heart.

Unknown Speaker  19:02  

Thank you. Thank you for thank you for saying that. Thank you for doing that. So, Barry, do you ever eat alone? Do you ever eat alone? Yeah, at a restaurant?

Unknown Speaker  19:10  

Yes, I do that. And I eat a lot on my car a lot on the way to appointments.

Unknown Speaker  19:16  

I love driving up just kind of recently started a fitness journey. Right? A little bit. Where are you? I see you’re running some crazy miles. And you had a conversation with a friend that looked fit and good. And we look great brother, you know, compared to other pictures and whatnot. And I’d say you weren’t a handsome double down but like I’m just saying like, you look great. How’s that going for

Unknown Speaker  19:36  

it? Oh, great, Scott. Yeah. Thanks for asking. You know, I’ve always been kind of a fitness has always been important to me because I want to live as long and healthy of a life as possible. So I’ve always done a lot of running. I’ve run for 27 years, but I stopped competing in races and marathons over like 20 years ago, but the eating continued on Never stop eating. And I have a sweet tooth. Yeah. And so the pounds were adding on and on and on and up way from what I used to be so I decided finally I keep asking myself, when is this going to stop? When am I going to make this change? Finally, I reached the point when I went out to lunch with my friend that you saw that you know, I need to go the other direction. And so I’ve been on this journey the last three months. I’m down 21 pounds, and I’m feeling great and I’m running a lot harder than ever and just really psyched about it.

Unknown Speaker  20:33  

That’s awesome. That’s awesome. I mean, me I asked your age

Unknown Speaker  20:37  

Yes, you may I just turned 61

Unknown Speaker  20:39  

Are you kidding me? Wow. Like squad if you are on looking at looking at the camera real quick. Is there watching Look at this guy man. He is a fan fantastic. I’m 11 years behind him I want to beat him.

Unknown Speaker  20:51  

This is what you can’t see on this video fortunately is the back part of my head where all the hair is missing.

Unknown Speaker  20:58  

The real estate of apiary if we take out you know family or not family that’s actually let’s take out of this question like the basics like family air water. Food, you know and also new thing electron. Okay, what are three things that Barry can’t live without? Outside of Beto? What will make family number one but what’s your second and third? Things that you can’t live with that? Things are black people places things a noun? What are things? You can’t live with that?

Unknown Speaker  21:34  

That’s a good question. Good question. I’m going to say I can’t live with out. Concerts. I love going to concerts.

Unknown Speaker  21:48  

You saw the Eagles my favorite time to

Unknown Speaker  21:52  

Yeah, just saw they were great. Oh my gosh, they were great. Love the show. They love concerts. I love music. Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker  21:59  

that’s awesome. You guys got to hang out when I come to Texas dude for sure. Yeah, excellent. So what’s the third thing my friends

Unknown Speaker  22:06  

third thing is going to be dogs. I absolutely love dogs. So what are those dogs that you got? I got three little squirts. Yeah, there Shih Tzu a maltipoo. and one’s a little things.

Unknown Speaker  22:21  

That’s awesome. I have a pet I rescued and he’s on my paddleboard every morning and he makes sure we go to this little beach side Cafe pretty much everyone he says hi to everybody. There’s my guys stitch. So I love that you’re a doctor you and I are like brothers. Brothers are different mothers, man, I’m on your right now. Because I do have an introverted side to me, believe it or not. How do you find myself all the time? I don’t like doing lunches with people and stuff like that. But I can work a room and when I’m on stage people are like, You’re crazy. You know when it you know, I’m speaking in stuff like that. But I love the we are so aligned. This is just awesome. So what is Barry’s definition of a life well lived.

Unknown Speaker  23:04  

My definition of a life well lived is being active, having a lot of experiences, saying yes to things. I see some people that become too sedentary. They just sit around. They don’t want to do anything. They’re complacent. So just the opposite doing stuff. Being able to get getting out there.

Unknown Speaker  23:26  

That’s awesome. Have you ever seen the movie? Yes, man. I have not carried you have to watch it. An introvert I tell every one of my clients that I coach it’s introverted. To watch Yes, man. It’s hilarious. Write this down. Yeah, you watch it. You’ll you’ll laugh at Jim. It’s Jim Carrey at his best. It’s just basically just a really quick synopsis this guy that says no to everything in life. And then he was forced not forced us coalhurst to say yes to everything. And then the experiences that he got from that and then just picture Jim Carrey doing the experiences. So it was if you’re gonna check that out, you have to be an introvert. You have to have any client that I have coaching or any other realtor that’s kind of quite like watch this. It’s not life changing, but it just put a fun spin on it on it as well. That’s awesome. Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We’re back with my introverted rock star real estate professional Barry parch. And Barry, you and I will meet one day I’m going to make sure that 100% For sure. I would love it. Yes. And we will probably talk a lot of these questions for like 1520 minutes but you got five seconds to answer them with no explanations. You ready to level up? Let’s do it. All right. Here what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Unknown Speaker  24:44  

From my father make things happen.

Unknown Speaker  24:46  

Yes, sure. One of your personal habits that contribute to your success.

Unknown Speaker  24:52  

I have a list of things I want to accomplish on my desk. So first thing every morning I know exactly what I’m Want to do what they want to accomplish?

Unknown Speaker  25:01  

Beautiful love that. So other than your website, the real estate on salesperson.com And of course time to shine today my background my shameless plug what other website do you go to the level of

Unknown Speaker  25:12  

where the website do I go to the level up? I am a fan of the real estate trainer Brian Buffini so I like his website.

Unknown Speaker  25:22  

Oof, love it, love it. So if you see me walking down the street and like Fergie looks like using his doldrums a little bit what book might you ham you could maybe make a shift in my mind.

Unknown Speaker  25:33  

You know, I really enjoyed the book called The compound effect by Darren Hardy you talked about how making just little small changes in your life can lead to big results so

Unknown Speaker  25:44  

that we in here we coach inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard. Right? So yeah, anybody that I coach any agents I take under my wing where I just see that it factor. That’s one of the first things I say because they want that million dollar sale right now. I’m just totally breaking my own rules. I apologize. So what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  26:04  

I don’t I’m not big enough. Oh, cheese. I don’t generally use any

Unknown Speaker  26:08  

good enough nicknames growing up.

Unknown Speaker  26:11  

I didn’t have any I’m calling

Unknown Speaker  26:12  

you BK that okay, so don’t lie to me on this one. BK. But if you could stay one age for the rest of your life physically. With a keep the knowledge you’ve garnered, and continue to gain knowledge. What age physically would you stay for the rest of your

Unknown Speaker  26:26  

life? With my current knowledge? I’d love to be 24

Unknown Speaker  26:29  

Yes, right. I always say put a two or three on the front. Do you love it? Love it? Chess checkers or monopoly? Monopoly? Or you better see that my friend. So what’s your go to ice cream flavor on your cheat day? Chocolate right my man. There’s a sandwich named a BK the beak arch. What’s on that sandwich?

Unknown Speaker  26:49  

That’s gonna have some good old Texas beef brisket and

Unknown Speaker  26:55  

I love it. You can get a time machine for one day. Okay, one day and you come back. When you travel. You can’t change a thing. Just observe. Would you go anytime in the past or anytime in the future? Definitely the future really? Okay. Yeah, very good. Very good. favorite charity and organization like you give your time or money to

Unknown Speaker  27:18  

Pets Alive. San Antonio Pets Alive.

Unknown Speaker  27:21  

Thank you for doing that brother. So is it like a no kill shelter kind of thing? It

Unknown Speaker  27:24  

is it for you. Thank

Unknown Speaker  27:25  

you. Thank you. Thank you. Love it. Last question. And you can elaborate a little bit on this one. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  27:35  

You know, that’s a tough one. I think most people probably liked the music that they grew up with during high school. And for me, that’s going to be the 70s I’m going with the 70s I’m a huge Beatles fan. So it’s tough with the 60s in there. But 70s I

Unknown Speaker  27:49  

got to do a butyl so you know, I love it’s another question I asked every once in a while, is like, you know, Beatles or the stones. Or I also add in there Beach Boys are the four seasons, you know, because all four of those kind of roll through the 60s and semi I mean, the four seasons is like one of my favorite groups. I see Frankie Valli every time he comes to South Florida here. He was like 86 now or something and he still brings it but you know, four seasons had a number one hit before the Beatles during the Beatles. And after the Beatles. Wow. It’s just crazy. So but thank you for answering that. Like then the Eagles obviously are our SEVEN NEWS bands. So Barry, how can we find you my friend?

Unknown Speaker  28:30  

Well, the best place I guess would be the real estate on salesperson.com the website and there’s also the podcast called The Real Estate on salesperson wherever you listen to podcasts.

Unknown Speaker  28:43  

I love that I love that I loved your blue collar realtor because I started my business real estate business in Detroit and it’s a very blue collar area. And then just that that show resonated with me in spite it ever all of his it’ll be in the show notes, links to his podcast links to his website. Just just dig into the podcast. It’s fantastic, especially if you’re a real estate professional as well. So Barry Dooney one last salad. Favorite here and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  29:17  

Okay, I would say be sure something I wish I’d done younger. Be sure to save and invest at least 10% of every dollar you earn from the very beginning is going to multiply like crazy over the decades.

Unknown Speaker  29:41  

I love it. I love it again inch by inch. It’s a cinch man and like the age size the compounding effect that’s that’s fantastic. And squad. I love love love this conversation with my good friend, Barry Karsch and the weird from opposite ends of the spectrum but him and I could hang out listen to music together. Grab some brisket, you know, maybe back a couple brain grenades or adult beverages or whatever you want to call them and, and I look forward to doing that with him one day, but you know, he was that excited about the career like getting into engineering, you saw his parents having success in real estate and decided to take the chance the plunge, if you will, you know, in being an introvert what a major advantage is that they really listen because they have stuff to say, but they don’t really put it out there. But my good friend, Barry here listens not only with his ears, but all the other senses, you know, his eyes, his posture, I can just see him with a client and the client, knowing that Barry is really engaged. And that is such a strong, strong personality trait that you have to have in any business. That’s just real estate. But Barry also admits his weaknesses and continues to work through them, you know, he will remind you and no matter what business you’re in, don’t be afraid to invest money. And if you don’t know how to do your research, or like my good friend, Leah Woodford would say get your asking here. You know, ask for people that have been there getting there that ask them what they might do as well. You know, he reminds us you have to evolve with the market there’s going to be shifts, pivots, changes that you’re going to do, he’s going to be remembered as someone that really made a difference. Okay, he’s planting trees squad that he’s never gonna sit in the shade of, because he listens and he provides service. He’s a total go giver. You know, he wants he believes that life will live is you know, be active and experience life. Say yes to things. Because what’s the worst that can happen? I mean, make sure what you’re saying yes to it’s safe. But say yes, the things that can help you level up, you know, and lastly, and this is super important, especially the younger squat out there is that the Be sure to save and invest 10% of every dollar you earn, like I believe is Brian Tracy might have said Pay yourself first, take that first 10% and put it into something that is going to grow for you because with the compounding effect that Barry mentioned, it will make your life a hell of a lot more comfortable. And that’s something that I’m really glad that I did. Start it in 1999. So Barry, thank you so much for coming on. You level up your house and you level up your wealth. You’re humble. You’re hungry and curious. You’ve earned your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. I just love Your Guts Man. Can’t wait to connect live and Preston flashin in the brisket man.

Unknown Speaker  32:29  

Sounds Great Scott and you do a fantastic job and I love your show.

Unknown Speaker  32:33  

Thanks, brother. I’ll talk to you soon Barry. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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