309-Actionable Marketing Strategies to Help You Grow Your Business with Confidence! – TTST Interview with The Marketing Nomad Prit Madhukar

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Prithvi Madhukar aka The Marketing Nomad is an entrepreneur, business owner, podcaster, youtuber, digital nomad and a nano-influencer with a zest for life! She started her company The Marketing Nomad in Delaware, USA with the sole purpose of  empowering entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small business owners across the world to implement long-term actionable marketing strategies and help them grow their business with confidence. Her social media platforms guarantee a bucketload of marketing, mindset, & business tips along with her quirky sense of humor and a side of wit!

 If you find something that you are passionate about, you owe it to yourself to go after it – Prithvi Madukar  

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. A great consultant/coach listens intently with all senses to understand their clients mindset, vision and mission

2. Prit loves to let her self confidence bleed into her clients

3. Be more interested in other people’s stories than being in a hurry to share yours

4. If you are ‘stuck’ pause and relax, be persistent in your passion, get help. It will all come together

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

She started a company the marketing Nomad in Delaware, USA, with the sole purpose of empowering entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small business owners across the world to implement long term actual marketing strategies and help them grow their business with confidence. Their social media platforms guarantee a bucket load of marketing mindset and business tips along with their quirky sense of humor and sight of wit. And I wish I would have met Fred probably about six years ago because I’d probably have leveled up my time to shine to the platform even quicker. But now I get access to it. And this is fantastic. So please come on. Introduce yourself the time to shine today pockets. Firstly, squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:28  

Oh, it’s a blue. My favorite color is blue. Because I think it reminds me to be calm, which is quite the opposite of my nature. So every time I do see blue, it reminds me Hey, Fred, you got to stay calm, you got to cool down, you got to take it slow. So I think that’s what the color represents.

Unknown Speaker  2:47  

I think you’re more of a purple. But purple is a blue and a red. Right. And, you know,

Unknown Speaker  2:55  

fiery, I think I think it’s perfect. Probably me trying to balance both sides of my personality. I think that’s great.

Unknown Speaker  3:04  

I love it. I love it. So print your young lady, you’re you’re rocking it. And so I just want to like get in to get to the roots of your little business journey, how it started, and how you got to really work with entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. Please,

Unknown Speaker  3:18  

perfect. Well, first off, thank you so much for having me on your podcast, Scott. It’s an absolute honor for me. So a little bit about my story. I’m so excited to share it with your listeners. It’s got drama, it’s got intrigue, it’s got everything crazy. And I’m very excited to share that. So my journey actually starts during my engineering days, sometime during my engineering degree, I realized that I was just not cut out for the engineering degree and wasn’t happy in it. I could not see the next 40 years of my life doing that. And for me as a person, I think it was important for me to find something that I was passionate about and have a career, which basically meant something to me. So in my second year of engineering, my dad’s a very typical Indian parent, he said, Stop lazing around the house and get to do some work, you know, get some real life experience. And I said, you know, with my engineering marks, I don’t think anyone’s going to hire me. And he of course, laughed. Because that was a joke. But he said, you know, he was an entrepreneur himself. He has his own company. Yes. So he actually took me to his company. And he said, Why don’t you work with the website team and figure out the grammatical mistakes in the website, make sure that there’s a, like a sort of flow to the website. So I did that I worked with the team and eight hours just flew. That was the first time that I felt that I was in my element. And you know, I also helped my dad with, you know, setting up social media pages because the company had been around at that time for about 25 years, but they hadn’t established any online presence. So I helped them set up a Facebook page, I worked with his team. And I kind of analyzed what was important to post what was not important to post all of those silly you know, I to me back then it seemed silly because I didn’t know it was called Marketing at that time. So for me, it was, you know, just, you know, I was just wiling away my time at home. And instead now I was doing an internship at my dad’s company, I came back the next two summers, and I worked with the team improved their website, goo helped them grow their social media pages as well. At the time, there is a like, a very common misconception in the society that I grew up in. And that is that you either have to be an engineer, a lawyer or a doctor, for you to be successful in life.

Unknown Speaker  5:44  

Got it? I have a lot of Indian friends. So

Unknown Speaker  5:48  

absolutely. So I completed my engineering degree, or when I was about two, and here, I was thinking that this is not for me, I didn’t want to do any of those things. I rolled out doctor very early in my life, because well, I couldn’t stand the sight of blood. And so engineering too, wasn’t my cup of tea. And I always had an interest in business, you know, and starting something on my own. Both my parents are entrepreneurs. So there was a natural inclination for me with, you know, listening to dining table conversations and listening to them, how they grew their business, I definitely had some sort of interest in starting something on my own. So I decided to apply for MBA universities. And I did get into Rochester Institute of Technology, which is a New York. So I go there, I complete my engineering degree, I completely shift my focus to business. And I’m there in my first marketing class. And the professor is standing in front, and she was just asking questions, just to gauge the level of knowledge of the class and where she should start from. And there I was answering every single question, Scott, it was crazy. And I did not have any technical background in marketing, I had absolutely no technical knowledge. I didn’t even know what marketing was to be honest. And these weren’t simple questions. They were questions like marketing campaigns, from 10 years ago, Coca Cola marketing campaign, 10 years ago, or Maggie campaign three years ago. And there I was, I just knew all these things. And it turns out that all my life, my entire focus, when I was reading newspaper articles, or when I was reading magazines, was to absorb information about marketing. I just didn’t know it was called marketing, right? Oh, there I was. I even remember exactly what I was wearing that day, when it hit me, it hit me so hard, that I was meant to be a marketer. So I decided to pursue my passion for marketing, I was so relieved that I found a passion for marketing, because the four or five years of my engineering degree were very confusing for me, because everyone else had their life figured out. They knew they wanted to be an engineer. And then there I was saying, Well, this is not the path for me. But I also don’t know what to do. So everyone thought I was kind of the odd duck, basically. Finally, when I found my passion, I felt like I fit in somewhere, I had a goal, I had a purpose to my life, all of those things, completed my MBA, and I got an amazing job at a top solar firm in New York that was on Long Island, and one year flew by when I was working at that company, at the time, I was on my student visa, and you get one year of training on your student visa. And that’s what I did the one year of work experience in. So what my employer has to do at that point is convert my student visa into a work visa. The work visa, the process is a lottery. And unfortunately, my visa was not processed. That meant I had to return back to India. And it was absolutely devastating for me, I was living my best life. I just found my passion for marketing. I had a direction in my life. And then boom, I was just literally dropped. And I felt like I was starting over from ground zero. It was very painful. I was leaving all my friends behind and basically a place that I’ve called home for three years. And it was gut wrenching. It was absolutely gut wrenching. Scott. At that time, I kind of thought that, you know, I was already at Ground Zero. Why not? I start something on my own instead of five or 10 years down the line. I mean, if it didn’t work out a year down the line, then I could just quit that and go back to submitting my resumes on LinkedIn. That was always an option. And I knew that if I didn’t take advantage of the situation that I was in, then maybe I might regret it a few years down the line. So I decided to I came back to India, but before I came back to India, I had decided that I would become an entrepreneur, I would start something on my own. Because when I came back to India, the question When he starts, you know, what do you what do I do? What do I start something in. And around that time, I realized that I had two passions. One was to travel and to marketing, I really wanted to help businesses. And the reason why I wanted to start something on my own was because I didn’t want any borders restricted me. I didn’t want to be restricted to an industry either. So I decided to start my own startup on my own. And I said, you know, why not? I try it for a year, see how it goes. And then take the next steps of, you know, setting up a company and, you know, making it all legal. And not I wouldn’t say legal, but just a lot real, I guess,

Unknown Speaker  10:39  

come to fruition, correct. Yeah, yes, absolutely. So

Unknown Speaker  10:43  

that’s how it happened. I got a few clients within the first year. And over time, it was pretty clear to me that I had something good going on I was, I kind of had a knack to moving forward in this entrepreneurial journey. So August 2020, I set up my business in Delaware while I was still in India, and that enabled me to be a location independent consultant. And that’s exactly what I am. I’m a digital nomad right now.

Unknown Speaker  11:12  

I love it, you’re living kind of the laptop lifestyle, in a sense, love your passion of travel. And in your your, your family subconsciously posted that in your mind, you know, with those dinner table discussions, and then what you’re reading and what you’re absorbing. I love love that. So, you know, if I’m at kind of a networking event, or I’m talking to somebody, either maybe via zoom or whatnot, what are some key words, I might hear from people that would make them a good referral contact or connection for you?

Unknown Speaker  11:43  

Well, Scott, before you actually start to recognize these keywords, I think it’s important to go into every single conversation with an open mind. Okay, that’s the first thing that I, I first, you know, because I think that when you go with the intention of, okay, I need to network, I need to go and build contacts. Most often, it actually restricts your conversation, and it stops you from building relationships with people. And that’s what I have figured. So every time I enter a conversation, I actually do not have any keywords in my mind, I make sure that I’m going in with an open mind and taking the conversation where it needs to lead to. And the minute you know, I realized that, okay, this conversation is building, I’m getting to know the other person, maybe it doesn’t happen in the first conversation, maybe it actually happens in the second or the third, in the second or the third, I think a few key words that I do pick up would be when they start telling me about the problems that they’re facing in their marketing for their business, or whether it is someone else’s marketing, that’s, you know, they have a contact who’s struggling with their marketing. So those are the keywords that I would look for, especially when someone has a pain point that they’re talking about, and you can solve it. Those are good keywords to look out for

Unknown Speaker  12:57  

love it love, okay, so that what I was saying is if I’m at a networking event, because I believe in two ears and one mouth for a reason, I’m more interested in your story than you are about mine. So if I hear somebody talking about, there’s lacking a little bit in the marketing department and not getting notices my body really want to, then there’ll be a great referral for you. I love that. So when you start working with individuals or companies to help them level up their their marketing side of the business, is there any secret sauce to you helping them find their blind spots within their business?

Unknown Speaker  13:34  

Well, what is my secret sauce? Is that what you’re asking? I think the first and foremost thing is that I understand where they’re coming from. I take the time I take a lot of time, Scott to understand their mindset, I understand where they’re coming from, what is their vision for their business, what is their mission, and I invest a lot of time, understanding why they are taking the decisions that they are taking, whether it is coming from a place of fear, whether it’s coming from a lack of resources, all of those things are important for me to be able to be a good marketing consultant. So when I am a marketing consultant, I’m not just giving marketing strategies, I’m also giving mindset strategies, I’m also giving business strategies with an MBA degree, I can look at a business pretty holistically, and I can see every aspect of it. On the other hand, I am pretty self aware as a person and mindset is very important to me. So I’m also able to look at that aspect for the business. So I think my secret sauce is that I genuinely want care about them. I go all out for them. And the third is that I take the time to understand every single aspect of themselves and their business. I

Unknown Speaker  14:48  

love it. So maybe while you’re in the discovery process with them and making sure that you’re a right fit for them and they’re a right fit for you. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never Do

Unknown Speaker  15:02  

what they would ask me that they never do. I think one I think that they most likely do. They do ask me a few of the questions that they do ask me is, well, why are you qualified? Or how, how can you help me? But

Unknown Speaker  15:17  

thank you for saying that? Yeah. Because there’s a lot of scams in this world. Okay. Yeah. approached me daily, oh, I can do this for you. And then I did, because I don’t spend a dime until I dig. You know what I’m saying? I personally don’t I don’t have my team do it. I do it before I spend a dime, because it’s a good chunk of change, you know, because it’s your reputation. That’s really on the line, taking your advice, and whatnot. So with that, dig in, because that’s the reason why I asked kind of those questions is because I mean, you’re upstanding, the proofs in the pudding, and it’s out there. You know, I really appreciate you saying it like that, that you actually have met so far.

Unknown Speaker  15:55  

Yeah. So far. I think all my questions usually do their homework before they meet up with me. They asked me all the questions, and I’ve not yet to meet a client who has lacked in their research on me. So I mean, that pretty much tells me how invested they are to work with me as well. So it’s a sign on my end as well that they have done their homework. They’re, you know, fully invested as I am in their business.

Unknown Speaker  16:21  

Awesome. What are your strengths?

Unknown Speaker  16:24  

Oh, how many do you want me to name?

Unknown Speaker  16:26  

I love the confidence. Oh, okay. Give me your top strength.

Unknown Speaker  16:34  

My top strength is my self confidence. I think I just, I think it was right there. I think I’ve always been very confident. And I think it is one of my strengths. Even if it is something that is new that I’m taking on. And I am scared there little bit of fears around it, I am confident that I will find my way through it. Whatever it is

Unknown Speaker  16:57  

about your self confidence because you your your enthusiasm to make people want to level up is bleeds into them and their mindset, their vision. I love that. So let’s talk about your weaknesses. Give me your

Unknown Speaker  17:11  

Oh, yeah, that I have quite a few too. Okay. Okay. Yes, I do have quite a few.

Unknown Speaker  17:16  

One that stands out. One of

Unknown Speaker  17:19  

it that stands out, I think would be how impulsive I am. And I think that one Oh, it’s definitely worked against me as an entrepreneur. Because as a business owner, I would see something and I would impulsively buy it because someone else recommended it or, you know, because it was the shiny object syndrome. Yes. So I think I mean, of course, you know, part of being an entrepreneur is recognizing your weaknesses and either figuring out ways to overcome them, or if you can’t overcome them it is to find ways to work around them. So I guess I’m pretty self aware about my weaknesses. And when it comes to my impulsiveness, there is something that I do I either wait 72 hours before I make a purchase decision. Now, I wait, I you know, no matter what, it’s a rule that I set for myself, because I know that this is a very inherent characteristic of me. So I would rather work around it than try to overcome it. Because that’s just, it’s a whole different process. Scott, I

Unknown Speaker  18:19  

love that you say that because I have been caught in that trap as well. I used to back in my day. I’m 50 years old. So back when I was younger checkbooks were still a thing, right? So I would leave my checkbook in my car, if I went to an event and people were selling stuff, because then I’d have to take that walk and I grew up in Michigan is usually cold, right? So I’d take that walk and I’d be like, do I really need this? You know, sometimes I get my car and drive away from the van. I love that you said that. So may I ask your age?

Unknown Speaker  18:49  

Oh, yeah, I’m 29 years old. I’m 30 in October. Well,

Unknown Speaker  18:52  

I mean, with all due respect, you look like I love it. I love it. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? No, actually, no worries. There’s this. There’s this guy. It’s old. It’s an old movie isn’t 85 but it’s a classic. So watch it sometime if you want a good laugh, watch it and also a lot of good lessons. But there’s this guy, Marty McFly and he gets in a DeLorean car and goes back in time. Okay, I want to get in that DeLorean with you and go back to the 18 year old print now. Is there any good knowledge nuggets? So we call here Townshend today? Was there any good knowledge nuggets? Or anything you could share with the 18 year old print with your 1011 years experience? Maybe not so much change anything because your journey is awesome. But maybe helper like shorten that learning curve or blast through maybe just a little quicker?

Unknown Speaker  19:42  

Oh yeah, so many so many when I was 18 and start I think it would be helpful for me to explain my mindset at the time. One I was very self destructive at the time. I kept on involving myself in toxic personal relationships. There was just so much self inflicted drama and my Life and I was also acting out because I was very, very lost in with respect to the direction and purpose of my life. So the 18 year old me is very, very different from the person that I am today. It’s almost like one I can’t recognize her, but at the same time, I have so much love for

Unknown Speaker  20:18  

her. Should you drop on or though? Okay, perfect.

Unknown Speaker  20:21  

So knowledge bombs, I guess I would say is if you’re feeling lost in life, and if you’re feeling that there is no sense of direction, I would say pause and relax, because you will have it figured out pretty soon it will all come together, everything will make sense. You just have to give it time. Because if you work from a place of fear, which is what usually happens when you’re feeling lost, and when you’re feeling directionless, most likely you’re not going to be making the healthiest choices. So when you’re feeling lost, when you’re feeling directionless, I would say pause, do absolutely nothing. Just trust that everything will come together for your highest good.

Unknown Speaker  21:04  

That’s beautiful. That’s beautiful. So how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date your expiration date your life date, your death date and your tunes? And hopefully it’s a long ways down the road. But how do you want people to remember your dash

Unknown Speaker  21:20  

Oh, that’s quite a deep question Scott. I think

Unknown Speaker  21:23  

my coach made me write my eulogy when I first started working with her 50s So I want to know how you want your dash remember

Unknown Speaker  21:35  

the one who made a difference

Unknown Speaker  21:36  

okay, love it one way

Unknown Speaker  21:40  

made a difference in any way start whether it is helping businesses with their marketing whether it’s helping the people in my life in some way to transform their life for the better so I guess that was something that I want to be known for

Unknown Speaker  21:53  

love that so what is preached definition of a life well it

Unknown Speaker  21:58  

it’s to have whatever fills your joy your heart with joy whatever you define as success that’s it that’s a life well lived.

Unknown Speaker  22:08  

That’s that’s beautiful that in from such a young person that’s so refreshing to hear if you didn’t make it about yourself, you know what I’m saying? And that’s just huge and I think that you’ve went through a lot of change and a little bit of turmoil is well within that change but we need that to grow you need pain to work out you got to have pain to to grow right I love that I love that time to shine today podcast versus squad we are back in one day when print estate side I’m sure we’ll meet face to face in the flesh here. And in discussing this question, probably talk for 1520 minutes but each one of these questions but you have five seconds to answer them with no explanations. So I know you like to be energetic stuff but you got to lock into it. If not we got to but we don’t have you ready to level up? Oh, yes, God, let’s do this. Do this. Awesome. But what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Unknown Speaker  23:06  

Just go for it.

Unknown Speaker  23:08  

Love it. Share one of your personal habits to contribute to your success.

Unknown Speaker  23:14  

Oh, if I second? I think I would say my resourcefulness

Unknown Speaker  23:18  

Beautiful. Beautiful. Other than the marketing Nomad that see Oh, and of course time to shine today. My shameless plug here. What other website does print like to go to the level up?

Unknown Speaker  23:29  

YouTube? Definitely.

Unknown Speaker  23:33  

It’s a website. I love it. I love it. So were you ever recommended a book that just blew your mind? What is it

Unknown Speaker  23:43  

5am club by Robin? Oh,

Unknown Speaker  23:45  

Robin Sharma. I love it. I love it. I know him. So that’s awesome. Brett’s What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  23:54  

The one where they’re crying with the on the side like they’re on

Unknown Speaker  23:59  

the other side. Love it. Yeah, nicknames growing up.

Unknown Speaker  24:03  

Today, which means butterfly.

Unknown Speaker  24:05  

Oh, I see that again. Okay, shitty Awesome. Awesome. Just checkers or monopoly? Chess. I love it. What’s your go to ice cream flavor? Chocolate. Ha so you and I are gonna hang sometime. I love it. There’s a sandwich named the prince. What is on that sandwich?

Unknown Speaker  24:29  

That’s potato of lots of potato french fries probably in it.

Unknown Speaker  24:33  

I have to look this up too. And I’m breaking my own rules right now. But she is a potato fries muncher in a five hour nap or just just to have to put that out there. So I love it. Is there any favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to Pizza Peter? Oh, thank you for saying that. I love it. Love it. The last question. But what if you can elaborate on this one but what do you feel is the best decade in music 67 years 80s 90s or 2000s?

Unknown Speaker  25:02  

Nice hands. It is really a 90s baby you saw Oh, that’s

Unknown Speaker  25:07  

right. Yeah, you know, you’re gonna be 30. Right? That would have been put you’re born in 1992 92. Okay, very cool. I was two years into my Navy career at the time. So you you are just blown it out of the water. I love it. I love it. So how can we find you love?

Unknown Speaker  25:23  

Oh, you can find me on every single platform there is as the marketing Nomad, and on YouTube on Instagram on my podcast as well. The marketing Nomad, I’m right there.

Unknown Speaker  25:34  

I love it. You gotta tune into her, her podcasts quite. It’s actually you got some of the energy today. But her energy is absolutely fantastic.

Unknown Speaker  25:45  

That’s more energy coming up in my book, Scott. Yes, it is. And it’s from zero to four figures. So

Unknown Speaker  25:50  

tell us a little bit about that book that’s coming out in August of 22.

Unknown Speaker  25:55  

Yeah, so my book is zero to four figures, lessons learned by a book CEO. And the book has is basically a compilation of the stories and lessons that I’ve learned in the last three years of my entrepreneurial journey. It comes along with its own frameworks, its own learning tactics, its own performance models, which I’m pretty sure is gonna help every single person who is either starting on their entrepreneurial journey or even if you are a seasoned entrepreneur as well.

Unknown Speaker  26:19  

I love it. I love it. And will it be on all of like the bookstores and whatnot, all of the

Unknown Speaker  26:23  

websites and spots on the novels everywhere.

Unknown Speaker  26:26  

I love it. And Scott, I’m going to do a giveaway for my front print here of zero to four figures. And anyone that puts in print rocks, PR it rocks, in any of the comments whether it’s LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, across the board, I will have a signed copy of prints books sent to you. I can’t wait to dig into the book as well, just to hear the stories that come out of this young lady at such a young age in what she’s experienced that you want her on your team squad, you have to have her on your team. So print if you could give me one last salad, leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action on

Unknown Speaker  27:11  

perfect this is something that I personally resonate with. And that is if you find something that you were truly and really passionate about, I think that you owe it to yourself to follow it through. Not everyone is lucky enough to find passion in their lives. And if you found it you got to just make sure you’re you know seeing your vision through

Unknown Speaker  27:33  

like you said Go for it. I love it and squad me have had just an awesome conversation and awesome basically a masterclass here with my good friend print who realized that our engineer days were numbered, she did it because it’s kind of what her culture really expected her to do. But she she took she got ballsy man and just got out of her own way. And she found that passion that meant something to her. That helped her level up. She had a little bit of the subconscious business push from her mother and her father that weren’t entrepreneurs, you know, and she even when she was young, she didn’t know she was doing it but she was able to absorb marketing and then found out man you know she’s sitting in that classroom the first thing she’s answered questions, she said, This is what I found that she wants to balance the two she found herself at Ground Zero decided decided something on her own. And she knew that traveling and marketing were passionate so she can literally live the laptop lifestyle, you know prints more interested in hearing your story than telling you hers and that’s the number one thing I look for anyone I hire, when they’re when I’m spending my money. You’re listening to me. Okay, the other time I’m usually the one listening but you’re listening to what I want. You know, if you’re facing marketing challenges, you’re just not getting noticed. Let me make a warm introduction to my good friend Chris. You know, she listens intently with all her senses, not just her ears. She’s She listens with her eyes, she listens with her posture, she really leans in which I call listening with her neck, she’s leaning in to the conversation, you know, her self confidence that she has, is awesome. It’s fantastic for such a young woman and that self confidence bleeds into her clients, which when you can help someone else’s self confidence level up, then it’s a win win across the board. You know, she recognizes her weaknesses but she also found help found help. She got her asking, here’s what I like to say she asked for help when needed. You know, she would tell her younger self that he or she wants to tell you if you’re stuck or feeling loss of a sense of direction, just pause, use that P word and relax. Be persistent and we’ll all come together she will be remembered as someone that made a serious difference. She’s literally planting trees that she probably will never sit in the shade up because that’s how much of a Go Giver she is. You want you to do things that fills your heart with joy. And if you find something that you’re passionate about, you owe it to yourself to go after it. So like she said, go for it and print that’s what you do. You level up your health and you level up your wealth. You’re humble yet hungry. incurious, you’ve earned your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming on.

Unknown Speaker  30:06  

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you guys so much for listening

Unknown Speaker  30:09  

by now. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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