093 – From a 55 Pound Anorexic to a Being Highly Sought After Elite Hybrid Body Coach – TTST Interview with Ande Carlomusto from RX Training & ViKehn Foods

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Welcome to Episode 93!  Ande is a good friend of mine from Michigan.  She is 100% on point when it comes to helping others Level UP their mindset and fitness.  A true Go-Giver who will help you realize your potential.  She walks the walk!  Remember Our Troops, Always Level UP and Enjoy!

Analyze who you are as a person so you are able to give to others

– Ande Carlomusto

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. A great trainer REALLY pays attention and reading your client, take it all in!

2. There are two sides to getting on point and Level UP your life. Mental and Physical

3. Get out of your own way, stop over analyzing your faults, realize your potential and know you have the talent to show others your potential

4. REALLY listen to your instincts, they are usually right

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Hey, this is Andy from RX training and if you really want to learn how to love, love your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson.

Unknown Speaker  0:10  

Time to shine today podcast squad, Scott Ferguson and I got to interview my homegirl from the mid Michigan, Andy color musco she’s just fantastic. I would see around the gym when I was training. And she always was fully invested in her clients, really taking them to the next level or leveling up as we’d like to say here. She is a fantastic human being. I’m proud to call her a friend and a colleague and you are in for a real treat. From Andy she was an anorexic that really just turned herself around and started leveling up and helping others. I’m going to apologize in advance. There’s a little bit technical difficulty because of Andy was actually relocating and I really wanted to get her on the show. And so she didn’t have the equipment Usually has but I think our editor did a really good job of making her sound at least maybe half as much of a rockstar, as she really is. So without further ado, break out your notebooks sit back, relax, because here comes my friend, Andy color musco from our x training and Viking foods

Unknown Speaker  1:26  

Hey, time to shine today varsity squad, Scott Ferguson it I got the super awesome treat for you today I have my home girl like most of my listeners know, I’m from the mitten, aka Michigan, where it’s beautiful in most months of the year, but sometimes it’s not. And I got somebody that I would see at the gym all the time training clients and getting them ready and leveled up, and she’s fantastic. And she’s giving me the honor to be able to bring her on to the show and pick her brain and pass some tips on to you that will help you level off and her name is Andy. Carla Musto. She’s my Python homegirl there from the Detroit area. She was a 55 pound anorexic who turned in elite hybrid body coach. She’s a mentor in a minister obsessed with research in all areas of Fitness, Health, food, faith in law, and advocate for eating disorder awareness, special population health in autism. Well, this isn’t serious credentials, Andy. So please come on, introduce yourself to the time to sign today’s squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why? My favorite color royal blue, royal blue, okay, and why? Because it’s thought provoking. And it’s strong and it’s regal and it’s no I love that color. I love that color as well as any kind of shade of blue like I tell people I have this huge thing over here called the Atlantic and ocean is like flu is fantastic. So let’s go back to the origins like this is a story that I’ve never knew about you this 55 pound anorexic if you don’t mind talking about that now, from there to leveling up into not where you’re at with your company, or its training in Viking foods,

Unknown Speaker  3:10  

okay, well, I’m after many, many years of anorexia and bulimia, I was sent home to die from the hospital pretty much. So I started to look at my brother’s old bodybuilding magazine, and researching as much as I possibly could on health and fitness because I did not want to die. But what doctors were doing, it wasn’t helping. And I was feeling even more horrible if you can imagine that. So slowly, but surely, I started looking at these magazines and I was like, man, I wanna I want to get some of that. So I had an old gym membership in Michigan, nice to have this lifelong membership at a local gym. And I had one I never went. So I found it, dug it up and started going and what gym was that Andy?

Unknown Speaker  3:56  

That was fitness USA. I don’t know if you remember that.

Unknown Speaker  3:59  

Oh, yeah. Remember this he was like,

Unknown Speaker  4:02  

so I would get dropped off and kind of like just walk on the treadmill. And I would get stared at because I’m this itty bitty thing. But I would just sit there watch TV on the treadmill, and I would brave my way into the weight room and I started to pound weight. So, you know, when you’re anorexic and bulimic, you have osteoporosis, heart problems, you have a lot of problems. So I started to calm weights and I figured out a way for my own body to not get injured. Because I already knew that I was prone to break it. So little by little all these weird things that I did and weird angles. I came up with my own way of doing things. So I was asked to lead a class I wasn’t certified and I told them, but I started a class of a bunch of elderly ladies and made some gym friends and at first on my you know, gym, first gym family, and I loved the atmosphere in the gym. After that, I decided everyone started following me around the gym and they started putting on weight. gaining muscle. And they were just copying everything I was doing. And then they’d ask me questions about it. I’m like, I should really know what I’m doing here. So that’s when I went to school. Okay, I went to school to go ahead and do that. And then I worked at in home training for a while, I really never went to the big box gym until LA Fitness came around. And that was my first and only corporate gym job. away.

Unknown Speaker  5:27  

How long did you last there? I left there three years. Oh, wow. That long?

Unknown Speaker  5:33  

I did because after the first year was fun, but then you get new trainers. And so I would kind of help the new trainer. And then I get very emotionally attached to my clients. It’s a flaw. Like I didn’t want to lose them. Oh, it was I worked out. I started my own business while I was still working there. I talked to the management and I let them know what I was doing. And they were just like, Hey, you got to do so. Right? I started making more money doing my own And actually working in the gym, I just like full throttle with our training. So that’s it. So

Unknown Speaker  6:06  

what was that aha moment that made you say, Okay, I’m gonna go out on my own and do it, they have the lack of better term the balls to do that

Unknown Speaker  6:15  

when I saw the high pressure sales of the gym, the gym fast trying to get people to re up for training when they didn’t need it, or, you know, the contractual rule for clients. It was it was more about the money than actually the clients. And it also didn’t help that I would train people for free during my lunch break. So I got many, many warnings from I was reading a plus trainer, and I was threatened to be fired many times but I was like, I’m not going to pressure my clients and I’m on my watch. So I’m going on my lunch, no harm, no foul. It took them quite a while to fire me And two months after I was fired, they got so many letters, they called me back to rehire me by that time, I was already doing my own thing,

Unknown Speaker  7:07  

you’re always failing. And because every time I turn around, you’d have clients with you, they’re really engaged with you training them. And they, that’s what you know, makes you really good at what you do. So what do you think makes a great trainer?

Unknown Speaker  7:23  

Paying attention is the number one thing. And I think in any business, just any kind of people skill. I think people just do not pay attention. They are not emotionally intelligent, or they cut that part off of it. reading your client and not just reading the body but reading the expression. You just you have to take it all in. Otherwise you’re not going to be successful about it. Most of the people that you saw me with at the gym, those are Marie, I took on a lot of pro bono clients. Well, it was, you know, people that couldn’t afford it or people that were fighter, people that wanted it and you always want to help the people that want it. You can kind of gauge that in conversation and during the first workout. Sure, I think when you have a trainee like that it makes a trainer job just that much more enriched, like you want to work for that person.

Unknown Speaker  8:14  

Paying attention is number one, paid attention. So you’re such a go giver, it’s like, when you just even use the word pro bono in training people for free, that’s just giving a part of your time, there must have been somebody that was there in your life at one time, that maybe helps you level up. Was there anybody? Or do you really kind of navigate the waters yourself?

Unknown Speaker  8:33  

I like to say that there was but there wasn’t okay. I think that’s what makes me

Unknown Speaker  8:40  

I think when you have to fight on your own, then you recognize other fighters and you want to be that person, because I always wanted that I always wanted that hand up. I always wanted to help up like, just give me an avenue give me direction. Sure. I navigated on my own, which I’m grateful for now. I’m definitely grateful for that now, but I think that I’ve liked doing that for People.

Unknown Speaker  9:00  

No, I love that. And that’s what is happening with you. It’s a lot of times, you know, someone that was raised a certain way, it’s like they will never raise their children that way because of that. And what you’re doing is you’re leveling up people’s lives, right? You know how you’re doing it. That’s fantastic. So, Andy, tell me when you take on a new client or a prospect, how do you help them find their blind spot because everybody has, you know, different weaknesses and different strengths? What is your secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing with our squad? What your technique is to help people push through barriers and find their blind spots?

Unknown Speaker  9:35  

Well, the blind spots with the physical training is much different than the the mental blocks they have. And I will say that in the gym, I would say it’s a 5050 split. Most of the time, I was below 50% of the time, people’s own brains get in the way so I kind of lead gently from behind. I asked a lot of questions, a lot of open ended questions and you know in the gym, it’s almost like they are So when you get somebody talking, you ask a question, they end up answering your own question. And then you just repeat it back to them. And they have the aha moment. Right? They have it within themselves. I’m just trying to bring it out. When it comes back to trying to get them to recognize their blind spots in their physical training alone. That one’s easy. I, I throw at them the exercises that I know mentally they’re scared of, and what they’re not going to be best at. And I i sandwich that in between the things that the rock stars at so it magnifies it even further, right. I really don’t even have that very rarely do I have to say anything to somebody? I’ve, I’ve had to have a few tough conversations, but most of the time, it’s a gentle conversation and they it gets revealed organically, right conversation and in the order of the exercises, and the type of questions that I asked them.

Unknown Speaker  10:58  

So if you’re really pushing Are there buttons with what you’re digging for? Because everyone will say, I just want to lose weight. There’s a underlying reason for why they want to do that. But you’re also like, meshing that with things that they’re strong at, to level them off at the same time. That’s fantastic. I love that technique. You’re not cookie cutter. And that’s why, you know, I’ve always watched you and I was like, man, like, she actually gives a shit about what’s going on with their clients. Excuse my language, but it’s true. And that’s awesome. And you’re so humble. And so, such a giver. So if I’m at a networking event, in like, right now, we were in, like day 9000 of our quarantine here with COVID. But when I get to go out and press some flesh and meet people, what would someone say to me that make it click that this is a great prospect contact connection, or referral for Andy?

Unknown Speaker  11:55  

Oh, that’s a really good question. Um, honestly, if you’re in a networking networking part,

Unknown Speaker  12:09  

oh my gosh, usually the people that aren’t as when they’re looking for structure when they feel like it’s not just I’m not the one that you would refer to though, for someone who wants to lose 20 pounds. I’m someone that if they start bringing up their family and talking about their kids, and we’re talking about this, and they’re like this so busy, and you can just kind of tell that they need a little guidance in the fitness arena right now. That would be a prospect for me.

Unknown Speaker  12:35  

That’s, that’s awesome. That’s fantastic. So let’s get in our DeLorean with Michael J. Fox or Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Andy with the knowledge that you have now. What kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on Andy to help her maybe shorten the learning curve and level up quicker

Unknown Speaker  12:57  

I would say get out of your own way.

Unknown Speaker  13:01  

Stop over analyzing your fault.

Unknown Speaker  13:04  

realize the potential you have

Unknown Speaker  13:08  

and realize you have the talents to show other people that are potential and you jump on it.

Unknown Speaker  13:15  

So you’ve been through a lot of stuff and it’s really transformed to not only physically but emotionally mentally and whatnot like what was there any fails where you failed forward and something that sticks out that you really learn from because I listeners love to hear challenges and going into superhero mode. And in getting through is there one that really sticks out to you?

Unknown Speaker  13:40  

One that that kind of like elevated me in my career that gave me more confidence was

Unknown Speaker  13:47  

a client I was failing with big time.

Unknown Speaker  13:51  

I do things based on instinct of course and research and everything else and for some reason I could not help this woman out. She went to a Everybody doctors and therapists in everything, she couldn’t lose the weight and there was something off. That’s when I’m very hands on. And I feel I’m like, No, this is not fat. There’s something else going on there. Your body is there’s something going on and I shut that down for a few weeks. Finally, I finally said it audibly to her. I said, you need to go to the doctor. You need to get this checked out. And then she came back after she’s six factors and she ended up having to get a double mastectomy. They miss they miss her cancer, or previous doctor cancer. Miss the cancer said it was fatty tumor and it’s been festering in her body for two years. So she touched. Obviously the train you got canceled because you know, she called me up and she just said I’m going for surgery. I’ve never heard of somebody diagnosed with cancer going for a double mastectomy, so happy that she just had an answer of what it was. So that kind of projected back at me more into diving into the medical research. No, I’m a trainer. But I always think that you have to look deeper. Sure. When it comes to people’s health on, it’s not always just losing the weight. So that really gave me a new perspective on health of fitness. When it came to stop, stop suppressing what your brain and what your fear is telling you about somebody, you have to give that just as much attention as you would. Your mentality. You have to really listen to your instincts

Unknown Speaker  15:27  

that’s so strong that you say that because as a trainer, I don’t know if you know this, but I had time to sign personal fitness for five years in Detroit area where I was a trainer. And as a trainer, it was great proving ground to become a real estate agent because as a real estate agent was you know, we’re not only dealing people’s real estate, but you’re also a marriage counselor or psychologist like and as a trainer, you’re the exact same way. So for you to actually put an ego aside and be like, Listen, okay, I’ve got to really dig more not just on the physiological but there’s a cycle logical, there’s biological stuff and you’re always leveling up your game. And that’s what makes you fantastic. So, you know, I appreciate you, you sharing that. So, and you’ve done a lot and now without sharing too much, but you’re moving out of the state of Michigan, you’re really ramping up into something really big for you. But what is the big big that you want to accomplish in your life? What’s the one thing and he’s like, Oh, my gosh, this is where I’m going to be and what’s going to happen?

Unknown Speaker  16:31  

The ultimate dream right now is an all inclusive health health facility where I can train other trainers to do what I’m doing right now. To put the patient or a regular healthy person that just wants to level up. Put them as the main focus. I think in business we’ve gotten away from that authenticity has been neglected sincerity has been neglected. I think honestly the time that we’re going through right now, in this country, I think this is a great restart button for everybody to realize what’s really important because honestly, right now, how is money serving you right now? How is your reputation serving you right now really basics have spent time with your family spend time with your friends take care of your health. Now all these people are looking like oh, I’ve neglected my body, my health, my mental health for so long, right? This is a wake up call. It’s always been my dream to just have other people realize their potential. But I see here my Avenue is integrating the manual therapy, the foods right training, and since I’m going to start the spiritual aspects, right, I think we need to get back to what makes us human beings. And we’ve gotten so far away from that that is almost laughable.

Unknown Speaker  17:49  

This is like been the great equalizer this this coven. Fortunately, it has but it doesn’t matter. If you’re a gajillion air you still can’t go out and order a steak. You can’t go out and do Anything so like you said, a lot of people are finding out a lot about themselves right now and whether you take this time to level up or just sit on your ass and not do anything is a choice. Yeah, you’re so right so we talk a lot about the dash here on it within time to shine squad and what I mean by the dashes, you know you have your life date and your death date and that dash that’s in between is what you’re living right and like I live for that dash every day to serve as many people as we can and and help people level up. How do you want to be remembered with that dash, maybe your epitaph? You know what, what’s that dash mean to you and how you want to be remembered.

Unknown Speaker  18:42  

My epitaph would be kind of funny because it would just say she really gave a shit.

Unknown Speaker  18:49  

To be honest that that would be

Unknown Speaker  18:52  

that would be it. It’s like putting others before yourself and really genuinely finding joy in that and having other people find their key helps people find a potential I know that sounds kind of cheesy like a mean by I give a shit.

Unknown Speaker  19:07  

Yeah you do. And if you know it you’re the kind of person where I feel that like maybe your true worth is not determined on what you get but how much you give in a sense to you that’s how would I see you’re the ultimate go giver you got to read the book The go giver by Bob Berg. He’s fantastic. And he’s actually my neighbor here and Jupiter is helping me edit my book and stuff like that. But he’s, he’s like, read that. But you are the ultimate go giver. So if we were to remove your cell phone, computer, whatever, I’m sure you’d survive just okay. But what are three things Andy can’t live without

Unknown Speaker  19:43  

the Holy Bible.

Unknown Speaker  19:46  

Love it. I’m a man of faith and my all my listeners know it. So that’s great. You said that.

Unknown Speaker  19:51  

So the Holy Bible on my piano.

Unknown Speaker  19:54  

Wow. Know that. Okay.

Unknown Speaker  19:57  

Oh, I don’t need much It would have to be some type of exercise equipment. Okay

Unknown Speaker  20:06  

probably instead of

Unknown Speaker  20:07  

3030 I have 15 in a 20 over here and that’s all I’m getting down with right now so it works I love that so what is Andy’s definition of a life well lived

Unknown Speaker  20:23  

a life well lived

Unknown Speaker  20:28  

where we were able to help help others achieve what they’re what they’re put on this planet for me the ultimate helper why they’re here and not just go to daily life

Unknown Speaker  20:40  

I love that it along with I also with the clients that I coach and stuff I mean like yes they will use that is awesome that is definitely a life well lived but also be receptive to the good stuff. You’re so humble that sometimes I think I’m I wonder if Andy’s really receiving what she what she has coming to her but that’s for another conversation, but I I always hope and pray that you are just because you stand out. That’s why I reached out to you. I was like, I have to get Andy on the podcast because she’s always just been this lack of better term, a mysterious figure that comes into the gym. gets it done. She’s not bullshitting. She’s not standing around. You give me a wave of fist pump or whatever, and be like, hey, Scott, but it was just like, Well, you know, but I always see you, you’re grinding you’re out there getting after. So that’s awesome. And so yeah, definitely, definitely a life well lived by how you live your life. But okay, we got to like as we wind stuff down a little bit, we have what’s called our leveling up lightning round. Oh, geez. Okay, you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of these topics, but we have five seconds. So first thing after it. There’s nothing here that’s gonna like blow your mind. So all right, but what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Unknown Speaker  21:48  

Don’t put a round peg in a square hole.

Unknown Speaker  21:52  

share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  21:56  

Prayer every night.

Unknown Speaker  21:57  

Love it. Okay, so Let’s leave the Holy Bible out. And that’s not what you’re reading now, or the flavor of the month book. But what’s one book like mine is the travelers gift by Andy Andrews or the go giver by Bob Berg. But what’s the one book that of a client’s like, Man, I’m really struggling here. Read this this this helped me.

Unknown Speaker  22:18  

God, that’s not biblical.

Unknown Speaker  22:21  

That’s okay. It’s biblical. I mean, if you want to give me your favorite passage, then

Unknown Speaker  22:24  

well, Mere Christianity would be the book I’d give to people.

Unknown Speaker  22:27  

Okay. Love it. Love it. Okay, so what? What is the most commonly used emoji that you do you use when you’re texting?

Unknown Speaker  22:40  

The happy face look a little tears coming out.

Unknown Speaker  22:41  

Love it. Love it. If you can be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be? 4242 What’s your favorite charity and organization you’d like to you’d like to give your time and or money to

Unknown Speaker  22:56  

actually all timers.

Unknown Speaker  22:58  

Love it. Last question. What’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s 80s? Hands down, girl awesome. Eddie How can we find you?

Unknown Speaker  23:11  

I can find you can find me at our train calm.

Unknown Speaker  23:14  

Alright das training dot

Unknown Speaker  23:18  

find you can find us on Viking food calm

Unknown Speaker  23:23  

spell Viking form.

Unknown Speaker  23:24  

The i ke h n

Unknown Speaker  23:27  

fo od s calm

Unknown Speaker  23:29  

we’re to Viking come from.

Unknown Speaker  23:31  

That’s my partner’s last name is keen.

Unknown Speaker  23:33  

Love it.

Unknown Speaker  23:34  

I was like perfect. I was like that.

Unknown Speaker  23:38  

And all that stuff all this will be in the show notes to for people to check up on you and stuff like very cool. Very I love that in Andy leave the time to shine today squad with one last Knowledge Nugget you want them to take with them to internalize and hold on to

Unknown Speaker  23:56  

I would like to tell people to

Unknown Speaker  24:00  

Analyze who you are as a person, so you know what you’re able to give to other.

Unknown Speaker  24:05  

Love it so really dig deep than that strong in a squad. You know, we just had some serious serious knowledge nuggets dropped on us by my really good friend Andy. You know she’s 100% go giver, she loves to lead from behind. And what she means by that is she’s there she’s got her clients backs. When they explain something to her, she actually paraphrases back to them. So they have their own aha moment, which is seriously phenomenal when it comes to being a trainer. She loves structure. She wants you to get out of your own way to realize your potential, and she really just gives a shit. So Andy is humble, yet hungry levels up her health levels up her wealth and you’re part of our squad now Andy, you can’t go anywhere. So thank you so so much for coming on.

Unknown Speaker  24:50  

Thank you for having me. Awesome.

Unknown Speaker  24:53  

Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate really Stay excellent who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in Nugent comm if you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today comm slash guest If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes for our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribed while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.

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