368-Record Breaking ROI from Your Pay Per Click Advertising! – TTST Interview with Hop Skip Media’s Ameet Khabra

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Ameet Khabra is a Pay Per Click (PPC) Specialist with 13 years of experience who breaks PPC down for everyone to understand better. She started her entrepreneurial journey at 19 and is now the owner & founder of Hop Skip Media, a PPC-only advertising agency. 

  In your life, do ONE thing and be the BEST at it!

– Ameet Khabra

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. At Hop Skip Media Ameet actually follows up on results of the clicks to make sure they serve her clients

2. A great PPC company will dig into your businesses needs, values, morals to make sure the correct traffic is heading your way to help you Level 🆙

3. When working with a PPC company, MAKE SURE you still OWN YOUR CONTENT if you decide to terminate the relationship

4. From Ameet: Nobody Cares About You – Just Do it!

5. Ameet wants her legacy to carry on longer than her natural life does. And she is absolutely killing it! 

Level Up! 


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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

11:24:57 time to shine today.

12:39:38 Time to Shine Today podcast Varsity squad.

12:39:45 This is Scott, Berguson, and I got my good friend from the left coast, but of north of the border, as well we’re good for a meet, Kabra.

12:39:53 She’s a top skip media and a meat is a pay-per-click specialist with 13 years of experience, who breaks paper clicked down for everyone to understand better, which is awesome because I don’t understand much.

12:40:05 And I can’t wait. I know I have my digital note taker right now, and you need to have it as well, or even a pen and pad a paper and take notes, especially if you’re looking to level up your business.

12:40:13 You know. She started her entrepreneurial journey at 19, is now the owner and founder of hop, skip, media a pay-per-click only advertising agency to me.

12:40:23 Thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself. The time to shine today.

12:40:26 Pausecast. Philosophy squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

12:40:29 Oh, if you’re right, my favorite color is blue. It’s always been a bigger color.

12:40:36 Yeah.

12:40:40 Whack!

12:40:35 I love like how calming it feels. But if we’re talking about like shades black, so I always have I have to differentiate that every single time, myself my teacher ingrained that in my head.

12:40:46 Where black is the shade. It’s not a color, but I absolutely love black, so.

12:40:47 Truth, truth, I’m not arguing, but it’s definitely I agree with that.

12:40:54 And both of them in your color wheel. So if you’re watching, she’s absolutely stunning, lady, here, but she’s also kind of like myself, a nerd, you know.

12:41:03 She really digs, and she she nerds out to help other people level up.

12:41:07 So you know a me that makes I wanna I love that.

12:41:10 You break through the stigma of making paper click. We’re just gonna call Ppc here, Scroll going forward, but really breaking down.

12:41:17 Ppc. And kind of lay in terms for people understand.

12:41:20 Thank you for being someone that breathe there on this earth.

12:41:22 That’s doing that. But let’s get kind of to the roots of where you kinda started, and what really transitioned you into going into the Ppc world to help people.

12:41:32 Oh, gosh! It’s a slightly blog story.

12:41:36 So I condense it down. But basically I was. It’s yes, perfect.

12:41:35 Oh, you’re fine. Yeah, 3 min. I’m kidding totally, Kitty.

12:41:40 Okay, I was like, I will do it, and they’ll try.

12:41:45 I was 19 when I started my first company I was actually in university for a bachelor’s degree in business, in administration, with a a minor entrepreneurial leadership, so I always kind of knew that I was gonna end up in business.

12:42:00 Sure!

12:41:58 I just didn’t know what exactly at that time, and I did micro Mac, your economic classes and I hated them like absolutely hidden.

12:42:07 They did not make any logical sense to me, and I eventually just happened.

12:42:07 Right.

12:42:09 I’m like I could do 3 levels of this. And I was like, Nope, that’s not how I’m like, I barely pass the first like I’m not gonna make it to 2 and 3 like that’s not gonna happen. So I looked over.

12:42:16 Right, right.

12:42:18 And I went. Where do my credits transfer? And it was a marketing diploma, and I was like perfect. All of them go over.

12:42:24 I’m gonna just do that. So it’s just a whim. Honestly.

12:42:37 Right.

12:42:27 And then we had, like a 3 h class on my digital marketing content, SEO everything all in 3 h, which, as we all know, those are not topics that you can talk about in 3 h altogether, let alone. Ppc.

12:42:40 Right.

12:42:40 In 3 h. I can never teach so it’s kind of it was funny.

12:42:43 And I wrote down Google analytics and Google ads for some reason in my notebook, I don’t really know exactly why and I think it’s probably because they had certification programs so it was like, Oh, like, if I get certified, somebody will think that.

12:42:53 I actually know how to do this so fast, forward! A couple of months later.

12:42:59 I like, really, I know it’s just one of the things I’m like.

12:42:57 Huh? Sorry. Right?

12:43:02 How do I find my resume the best and get a job?

12:43:04 Right.

12:43:04 A couple of months later I decided to open up an event planning company, and I used the Ppc.

12:43:16 Yeah.

12:43:12 Side of it to help sell some tickets. So I went from spending like 2, 50 a month, which is like 3 grand a year, and then I literally decided to close up shop 3 years later, moved to Alberta, which is like the next province over or like the next State, over and almost overnight, went from spending

12:43:33 Wow! Well!

12:43:29 3, grand to 4.3 million annually. So the learning curve was very, very, very steep, and thankfully, I’m that person who loves.

12:43:42 Sure!

12:43:40 I get really obsessed really quickly. And I need to know everything about everything.

12:43:44 Sure!

12:43:45 So I just went in and like headfirst into Ppc.

12:43:49 And thankfully it turned out well for me. So that’s kind of my origin story, is it?

12:43:54 Was all by fluke.

12:43:55 I love it, and love that you followed your heart because a lot of people, you know, especially their families, might be like dude.

12:44:03 Yeah.

12:44:02 This is what you need to do. I know mine was, and I’m thinking, probably maybe yours was as well.

12:44:10 Okay.

12:44:07 How about when you made that jump over to marketing? How did that go over with the fan?

12:44:13 I don’t really actually think they understood at this point.

12:44:16 Okay.

12:44:17 So like. I think this the beauty, and having immigrant parents is that they’ll just sit there and be like, Okay, so you’re gonna get a job at the end of this right and that’s kind of really the biggest paying for them.

12:44:28 They’re just like.

12:44:27 I wasn’t gonna say anything. I let you say it, cause I have a lot of immigrant friends right?

12:44:32 Yeah, yeah.

12:44:33 And the families with your background. Okay? And they just get slaughtered, you know, if they make, I have friends that have made the jump in the entrepreneur world right?

12:44:42 It is solely different. So I’m sorry to cut you off, but you know, I just wanted to say, okay.

12:44:42 No, no, totally fair. Yeah, no, it’s definitely a thing where they just wanna make sure you have a job.

12:44:50 Absolutely.

12:44:53 Right.

12:44:59 Right.

12:44:50 And then eventually you find somebody get near. You can do that whole thing, and I somehow chose something else, and nobody really realized as I was doing it, they just kind of went. Oh, it’s just a hobby.

12:45:02 And then suddenly, I’m in Alberta, and we’re like, Oh, she’s gonna find a job there. It’s totally fine.

12:45:05 And suddenly I come back, and I’m like, Hey, I own a company now.

12:45:08 They’re like, how, where, when? Like? All of these questions so that they really quite understand it over top of it, like Ppc is something that a lot of business owners who are pretty tech savvy? Don’t understand.

12:45:22 Sure!

12:45:20 Now think about immigrant parents now, right like they have no idea what I do for a living.

12:45:24 So my mom just reduces it down to she works for Google and that’s kind of the end of it.

12:45:29 And I was like, you know what I’m fine with that like, that’s okay.

12:45:31 You’re good with that. So!

12:45:33 Because in technicality I kinda did work with them for about 2 years.

12:45:36 Oh, did you? Oh, cool!

12:45:37 So my work, yeah, so they actually invited me to join like an ambassador program.

12:45:42 So I was part of that for 2 years, and I was one of when it started.

12:45:46 It was one of 25 in North America in the world, so it was a really cool experience.

12:45:48 Wow!

12:45:50 Yeah.

12:45:50 That’s so. That’s an awesome journey. You know, that you just brought up with that.

12:45:54 So I have to, you know, backtrack a little bit.

12:45:57 You went from like $3,000 years, or something to 4.3 million.

12:46:02 Can we that unpack that a little bit, please? What do you mean by that?

12:46:04 Yeah, it. So essentially, we have like monthly spends.

12:46:11 So let’s say, you’re spending a $1,000 a month.

12:46:12 That’s a $12,000 AD, then. So I was spending 2 50 of my own money to make X.

12:46:17 Y z for the tickets, and eventually just never really increased because of the small business, and literally just me.

12:46:24 Right.

12:46:25 And I was just doing it out of fun, because I just enjoyed making like having events and wanted to learn the incident of running a business just out of curiosity.

12:46:34 So when I went in for a job, I actually got offered.

12:46:37 It wasn’t even something that was actually looking for. I just literally got certified, and somebody found that I had gotten certified.

12:46:43 And they’re like, you have the skill set that we’re looking for.

12:46:45 So my notion from like school, of writing down Google Adam Whitz and Google ads to prime on my resume, actually worked out for me.

12:46:51 Sure!

12:46:52 And then I walked in, and they were like, well, we have about 38 accounts, or something like that.

12:46:57 And I was like, Okay, that’s fine and pretended that I could manage them, cause naturally, why would I make myself look?

12:47:00 Right.

12:47:02 I’m understanding now, right?

12:47:02 You know, incompetent right? And eventually that 38 turned into about 65.

12:47:09 I want to say, so that the end of it all it was about.

12:47:09 Okay.

12:47:12 I wanna say 320 ish 1,000 every single month with would have been 4.3.

12:47:17 Yeah.

12:47:18 I think, yeah. So it was. It was really interesting.

12:47:24 Yeah, yeah.

12:47:20 You went from like 3,000 a year under management for lack of a better term, to where, like 300,000 a month, 330,000 a month or so that comes to 4.3.

12:47:32 Okay, I get it. I got it squad. I got the math.

12:47:35 If not, I’ll put it in the show notes. I absolutely love that.

12:47:38 So with regards to with pay per click. Okay, I do have a question for you.

12:47:46 Why would? That? I don’t know if this has to do with too much?

12:47:50 But why would Google, if you, if someone has a website and then there’s Google ads, are you familiar with those as well?

12:47:55 Yeah.

12:47:56 Okay. Why would they decline being? Because I get I’ve been approached like this maybe 10 times in the past 5 or 6 years from people.

12:48:04 And I don’t know anything about websites. I have a question for you.

12:48:06 I have written down just for you. Why would Google turned down putting Google ads on someone’s website?

12:48:16 So you’re talking more about Google adsense.

12:48:21 And it’s usually based off of like content on a website.

12:48:24 Okay. Okay.

12:48:24 But also if the topic makes sense as well right, so they have.

12:48:35 Okay.

12:48:28 They’ve been reinforcing their policies actually quite a bit in 2022 in regards to what people can show, what we can even advertise at this point, narrowing it all down even like housing stuff like we can’t even do it at a full scale it’s actually very

12:48:40 Right.

12:48:41 restricted because they have their own housing policies where they don’t align to people and stuff like that.

12:48:47 Okay.

12:48:47 So that kind of like all of those policies, tend to narrow down where you’re going to end up. Seeing ads.

12:48:52 Okay. Gotcha, that’s what I appreciate. That’s Lehman’s terms.

12:48:58 Of course.

12:48:57 I actually works perfectly. Thank you so much that way. I have an answer for them as well.

12:49:00 But let’s circle back to the Ppc.

12:49:04 Here. Okay, so do you work with people, one on one, or is it companies that you’re mainly working with?

12:49:10 Or what’s your story? There? Me!

12:49:12 Our client base is actually pretty like robust in that sense.

12:49:16 So we’ve got a lot of owner operators, and then some that have 50 to 100 to 2, 50 employees.

12:49:23 It really depends on that business for us. We really like working with, like the business owner the marketing manager, really closely and trying to figure out if the leads that we’re generating are actually generating money.

12:49:34 So I think that’s where the biggest kind of gap comes in.

12:49:37 Where? With Ppc. And why it has a negative reputation in the industry to a certain degree, is that a lot of people will be like, oh, I got you 100 leads.

12:49:44 Well, that’s fantastic. But what exactly did that result in did was that a sale?

12:49:49 Was that 2 sales? Was that 5 sales? What did that actually result in?

12:49:52 And a lot of agencies and a lot of freelancers don’t necessarily do that work.

12:49:57 And I think that’s how I was able to make a name for myself.

12:50:01 Yeah.

12:49:58 That’s amazing. Right there, that fricking is awesome like I swear, because people will be like, Oh, for when I was launching my coaching business 9 years ago, I got approached by everybody, and I and I went.

12:50:10 I went with a couple of them, and I was getting bookoo leads right, but not one of them said, Hey, Fergie, how many did you actually convert you know what I’m saying?

12:50:17 Yeah.

12:50:18 And it was like, you know, none of them ask that, and I I would just would not renew with them.

12:50:23 And I and I really built a substantial coaching business organically, in a sense, cause.

12:50:27 Yeah.

12:50:29 It is kind of a person to person kind of thing, right?

12:50:31 Yeah.

12:50:32 But I I love that you follow up like that’s kick, ass!

12:50:35 Dude that you don’t have people that do that.

12:50:38 They’re money grabbing for those, you know, for the business.

12:50:41 That’s beautiful. Wouldn’t. Why, please!

12:50:41 Yeah. And that’s because I used to work at an agency that was very like, focus on billable hours.

12:50:48 So when I left I was like, I don’t wanna be that agency like I would love like for us the way that we build out is retainer.

12:50:54 We get X amount every single month, whether we do more work or less work.

12:50:58 That doesn’t matter. But at the end of the day we were taking care of the account.

12:51:02 I don’t wanna be paying like I don’t like the hourly model, because then we’re constantly trying to do more hours and fiddle with an account that doesn’t need to be feddled with.

12:51:10 Yeah, so yeah, basically right, I call mine. And I’m like, how much am I gonna get billed for?

12:51:08 Like an attorney. See? You get a retainer, but then they bill you the hell on the hours!

12:51:15 So!

12:51:15 Yeah, exactly. I’m like, is it? 15 min or half an hour this time? What are you?

12:51:20 Gonna where’s my bill going to come in from? Right like?

12:51:24 Sure!

12:51:29 Yeah.

12:51:21 And I hated that the unknown part of it, for even for invoicing, or even on the client side, like I I wanna know what I’m gonna get in terms of when my contractors or my other vendors are sending me invoices I just wanna set them out that way I can

12:51:36 budget and plan. But when you do hourly you can’t do that.

12:51:39 So I went with the retainer model, and I went 10 months.

12:51:41 Nice.

12:51:41 We’re gonna do a lot more work some months. We aren’t. I’m like, at the end of the year.

12:51:45 It’s all gonna equal out. So I’m like, I don’t.

12:51:45 You’re only gonna pay this. Yeah.

12:51:47 Yeah, I’m like, it works out for both sides of the party.

12:51:50 But then it allows me to actually sit there and be like we could do these meetings.

12:51:54 Sure!

12:52:02 Right.

12:51:55 And you’re not getting built. But we could sit here and talk about this really robust topic, about your business and talking about your leads and the quality of them, because we’re not really on that clock anymore.

12:52:05 Wow! That’s awesome. So in your discovery phase, when somebody comes in a a prospect, what is some of your secret sauce?

12:52:14 And you’re starting to work with them in their company that maybe help them find their blind spots around.

12:52:19 Ppc.

12:52:21 We invest a lot of time into the education side of things.

12:52:24 For me. And that’s like literally the reason why I go on podcast really, at this point, is just the education.

12:52:29 I really love. I think there’s no nothing bad can happen when people have more information.

12:52:35 Sure!

12:52:34 Really at this point, like it really doesn’t make any like, how could something bad happen if you have more good, accurate information in front of yourself?

12:52:44 For me it’s always been that notion. So we try to do that with our client.

12:52:44 Right.

12:52:45 However, we sit there, we tell them exactly what everything means. We’re not trying to use too much jargon in our language.

12:52:54 Make it really, really simple for them to understand, but then also going back and actually being like, Okay, if it takes you, 10 leads to close one that we need X amount of leads to make sure that we are breaking even at this point, and this is where profit looks like so it takes some business owners, don’t

12:53:08 really want to give you those numbers. And that’s okay.

12:53:10 Yeah.

12:53:11 I understand that. But what the ones that actually do are willing to give us those numbers we do excellent work, or because we’re able to take that back and be like, okay.

12:53:19 Now we have our benchmark and we can go backwards.

12:53:27 Right.

12:53:22 So explaining that process to them is usually kind of like that, that I think it’s that I would really say that the secret sauce is really spending that time on education.

12:53:29 And the proof is in the pudding, because you built a company.

12:53:33 Hi! Good!

12:53:33 You know your event coordinating company and implemented pay per click to help build it.

12:53:39 So you have that as a background, it’s just a small internet, small, but like an entrepreneur you’re able to quote unquote.

12:53:45 I’m saying this, if you just listen in air, quotes, you know, sell them on your experience with it.

12:53:50 But when you’re starting to to maybe work with somebody again, and you’re in that initial conversation, make sure it’s a right fit, is there?

12:53:57 Any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do.

12:54:02 I would. I honestly, really, at this point I think agents are clients really need to be asking about ownership and stuff like that about content.

12:54:11 So, if this isn’t as bad as an issue as it was using years ago, but I would get clients like we wanna leave our agency.

12:54:19 And I was like, Okay, perfect. And then we would look at the contract, and they owned nothing that they paid for.

12:54:23 So the add account, the Google analytics account, like all of that, would be owned by that agency, so that if they were to leave they would be giving up all of this data that they essentially paid for, so I really wish like I mean I know, on my end I do it.

12:54:39 Correctly where everybody owns what we’ve produced for them.

12:54:42 We’ve been paid for that. That’s exactly what they should be getting.

12:54:44 Good.

12:54:44 So when you leave, you get your AD account, you get your Google Ads.

12:54:49 Right.

12:54:48 You get all the AD copy that we’ve ever written, if you ever wanted like, take it go like it’s not my problem really.

12:54:55 Right.

12:54:54 At the end of the day, cause we were paid for it.

12:54:57 But it. I wish people would ask about that a little bit more, just because I know that they’re interviewing other people.

12:55:02 Sure!

12:55:03 So at that point, I’m like, are you asking all these other agencies?

12:55:08 Right.

12:55:06 If you own your content that you’re paying for. So I think that’s like one of the bigger questions that I would love for people to ask, just making sure.

12:55:11 Thank you for saying that man cause so many people fly blinded.

12:55:16 If I was to hire a company for the paper.

12:55:19 Click, you know, and they start getting me deals and leads, and then maybe I have a falling out with somebody.

12:55:25 There, and I wanna bail they could keep some of the content if it’s not set up the right way.

12:55:27 Yeah, and this.

12:55:30 Correct like not the content, but you know the again.

12:55:32 They could keep the entire account. So really, at this point, you’re starting a little over again.

12:55:39 Right.

12:55:36 So whatever was working in the account, you would never be able to figure it out and then you’d have to spend months, possibly years, just trying to fiddle around in the account and get it back to where it was.

12:55:42 Right.

12:55:45 Right.

12:55:45 So that’s just a massive loss and revenue right there, and some agencies are totally fine with doing that, and I can understand why.

12:55:52 But making sure that you actually own that. Yeah, it’s kind of a hostage technique, really, at this point, right?

12:55:53 Not if you’re getting paid for it. Man, you know I’m sorry that yeah.

12:55:59 Like those agencies that don’t really have a lot to offer in terms of like service and actually quality.

12:56:04 Right.

12:56:05 They’re the ones who are usually going to be the ones to keep their. The AD accounts. Yeah.

12:56:07 Keep the stuff right? So what do you offer? That’s above and beyond what other companies offer there at Hopskin?

12:56:16 Oh, gosh! I feel like everything, honestly.

12:56:19 Don’t tut your own hornet.

12:56:21 I’m kidding, please. Sued it loud, cause I’m loving what I’m hearing.

12:56:22 I think, yeah.

12:56:27 Yeah.

12:56:25 One. You give a shit about. Excuse me like if you give a a about them growing because you’re on a retainer, you’re gonna make yours. Whether or not.

12:56:34 But you also want to retain them as clients, but you’re also willing to give them the content back if they don’t get.

12:56:39 Yup!

12:56:39 They’re happy. So that sets you apart. But what else?

12:56:43 Which is name. One thing that is just comes to your mind that it makes you kick their butt. The other competitors.

12:56:49 I think the competitors that are we currently face are all full service, and we’re literally one thing we do.

12:56:56 Paper click.

12:56:58 Oh, wow!

12:56:56 One thing, we do it well, we don’t do mediocre work on that, but and that’s why I chose not to go full service cause. I sat there.

12:57:05 I tried it first, like literally 45 days.

12:57:08 Sure!

12:57:08 I think it was and I sat there one day, and I went.

12:57:10 This doesn’t make any sense. I hate web dev. I don’t understand social media I’m not really a great content writer, I’d have to outsource all of that.

12:57:18 And now you’ve got quite questions coming in about, like all of these other topics, that I might not be super well versed, and I do understand them.

12:57:25 Obviously, but not to a point where I could literally like rattle offbacks about it off the top of my head, like I can with.

12:57:32 You can see. So yeah, I 7, 8 years ago, however many years it was, I made a conscious decision that I wanted to be great and known for one thing, and not mediocre or multiple things.

12:57:43 A lot of things. Yeah, you really niched in and really did a deep dive into that feel.

12:57:51 Thank you.

12:57:50 That’s awesome, I mean, like, that’s fantastic.

12:57:54 So can a small business of yeah, I know that you mentioned more employees.

12:57:59 But can a small business like generate enough profit with the targeting that you do with a pay per click at like $500 a month budget?

12:58:18 Okay.

12:58:07 They can, they would have to be a bit more narrow in terms of their targeting, so if you’re a local business that’s like in a certain radius than that $500 could work even 2 50 could actually make a bit of a difference as well, and I think the really great thing

12:58:22 about PVC. Is that you can be as small as you want, or you can be as large as you want.

12:58:25 Sure!

12:58:25 It’s just a matter of scaling back or scaling up.

12:58:32 So, if you only have 2 50, that’s okay. But just like, don’t have expectations of like, I’m gonna make a $100,000 off it right?

12:58:37 Grander. Yeah, I feel you, yeah.

12:58:47 That’s what I’m fly. Yeah.

12:58:39 Alright, I’m gonna have a 100 keywords cause like a $100 for a 100 keywords is a buck each, and that’s not gonna go anywhere like, just do me simple math and be like does this make a lot of sense is kind of really the way that I go about

12:58:54 Yeah.

12:58:54 places, too, or even just thinking about budgets to our clients, because there’s really no real way for us to know.

12:58:59 We can only make estimates really, at this point, so I’ll sit there and be like, does this make logical sense for this person?

12:59:04 Sure!

12:59:04 And if the answer is yes, then we suggest that budget.

12:59:07 If not, then I go back and like, how do I scale back or scale forward?

12:59:11 Gotcha!

12:59:12 And then, yeah, it’s like a little bit of a a puzzle piece that you’re just putting together.

12:59:16 Yeah, I love it. Do these companies actually talk to you? Or is there so, staff that you have that they’re talking to?

12:59:23 Yeah. So they’re talking to staff. So it’s our director sales and marketing.

12:59:28 Beautiful!

12:59:27 Idris. He’s actually somebody that I met at the agency that inspired me to start my own agency.

12:59:33 So him and I go back, for I guess, like 10 years.

12:59:36 At this point. He’s he’s not a Ppc. Marketer. He is.

12:59:40 Okay. Okay.

12:59:39 A generalist, or like a marketer so like, and I think that’s where the added value really comes in, because he can sit there and be like, Okay, let’s talk about your SEO.

12:59:54 Right.

12:59:48 Let’s talk about your content and talk about your website because he can talk about those things. And I don’t think that’s another thing that agencies are able to provide at this point because of that mediocre.

12:59:58 Right.

12:59:57 I’m I’m good. I’m like moderately good at all this other stuff, right?

13:00:01 So with him.

13:00:01 He can actually qualify him, in a sense right? Make sure the business is good for your Ppc.

13:00:06 Model and then that way you could. They can. I love that, I mean I love it so let me ask you something.

13:00:11 If you seen the movie back to the future.

13:00:14 Oh, gosh! I have! But I remember it vaguely.

13:00:19 Okay.

13:00:16 Okay, let’s get that Delore in that car with Marty Mcfly.

13:00:22 Let’s go back to the eight-year-old to me.

13:00:23 Oh, gosh!

13:00:23 Okay, what kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on her to?

13:00:29 Not so much change your journey because your journey is pretty awesome, but to maybe help her shorten a learning curve or level up, maybe just a little bit quicker.

13:00:35 Honestly, I feel like I would just tell her to be a bit more confident in Michelle.

13:00:39 I like. I’m a relatively confident person, but when I got into Ppc.

13:00:50 Oh, yeah.

13:00:44 Because it was so saturated by men. I was constantly questioning whether I was good or not, and I constantly was seeking validation from like other people in the industry, and I didn’t need it frankly, like I was able to impress people who had double my experience within or not even double

13:01:03 triple like somebody had been in the industry for 8 years.

13:01:07 I was in it for about 4 months. At that point, and he sat there and looked at my boss, and was like, you know, why, she’s a keeper.

13:01:13 She asked the right questions at the right time, she tries to figure it out on her own.

13:01:16 Yeah.

13:01:22 Love it.

13:01:27 Right.

13:01:17 She’s actually very good at her job, and I remember her boss standing there looking at me like what the heck just happened here like, and he was like I don’t even know who this person is we’re just in California for like a Google summit basically he’s just like what’s this random person.

13:01:30 You’ve been. And I was like, this is Eric.

13:01:32 Right. I love it.

13:01:31 I talked to him online like all the time, and he just kind of stop. And he’s like what the heck I just wish I didn’t allow those influences to make me think that I wasn’t as good at at my job. Yeah.

13:01:41 That’s great lesson. That’s beautiful. And the cat is built organically.

13:01:46 I love it. There was no flaw. There’s nobody like, you know.

13:01:49 Saying, you’re great. You’re I love that.

13:01:53 Yeah.

13:01:51 You built it on your own it so how does a meet want her dash?

13:01:58 Remember that little line in between her incarnation date and her expiration date.

13:02:01 Hopefully. It’s way down the road. Your life date, your death date, that little dash.

13:02:04 How does a meat want that dash?

13:02:05 I genuinely want my own legacy. In a sense, I want my name to carry on for longer than my life does.

13:02:13 So for me. I think. Ppc. Isn’t really the end like it’s not the end.

13:02:20 Right.

13:02:19 All be all for me. I think philanthropy would be so.

13:02:28 Love it.

13:02:23 I’ve been like trying to work really, really hard. So I can like get to a place where I can retire in maybe about 8 years and then start working on getting more coding classes into schools.

13:02:33 Sure!

13:02:31 Specifically towards women, because we, I honestly believe, like, if we look at studies, women actually write code, and they actually write it more accurately than men do like.

13:02:38 Probably better sorry the guys out there. No.

13:02:41 Yeah, I mean, like, men are great at just trying and failing. And I love that.

13:02:46 I love that. But women are so like they’re perfectionist.

13:02:52 Yeah.

13:02:50 So like. If you look at these study, they write. These codes are these lines of code, and they write them accurately the first time.

13:03:01 Right.

13:02:55 And I love that, but then they get deterred because they don’t have that confidence in them, because they haven’t practiced a lot as much as like maybe the men have so I would love to see that happen a bit more and see more dominant.

13:03:06 Support in the field. Yeah.

13:03:06 I can see it. I can see it. I can just see you leveling women up and well, I don’t even think it’s I think you’re gonna end up being some kind of coach like myself in the future.

13:03:18 Maybe I’ve heard that before. I’ve heard that before.

13:03:23 Yeah.

13:03:18 I really that to really lean into, you know, to own their curiosity, to get their asking gear when they are not confident they can ask people like you and other people that have made it, and I love that it’s beautiful.

13:03:35 So what do you think, then? People misunderstand the most about you? I mean.

13:03:38 I think people think I’m a bit more rocker around the edges than I actually am.

13:03:43 Yeah.

13:03:47 Sure!

13:03:42 I’m pretty like straightforward, if you rub me the wrong way, you’ll hear a response that you don’t necessarily like, and that goes for clients as well, which is kind of funny, because Idris is kind of the one who tells staff no and I’m the one

13:03:55 who tells clients. No, so it’s like a really great mix between the both of us, like, I love my staff and like they’re family to me.

13:04:01 Really, at this point I know I everyone says that. But, like I genuinely need it.

13:04:04 Sure!

13:04:05 So then it’s really hard for me to say no to them when they ask for stuff that it was called Idris.

13:04:10 And I’m like you do this for me, please, but when it comes for clients he’s kind of the opposite so I’ll go in, and I’m like, no, absolutely not.

13:04:17 Okay.

13:04:16 We’re not doing this. So yeah, it’s always I feel like.

13:04:20 But I can also see here you saying, here’s why, right, they say, just don’t listen.

13:04:23 Yeah. And I try to. But sometimes they just don’t listen to that kind of turns into a little bit of an argument.

13:04:28 I feel you. Yeah.

13:04:29 And that’s when I have to really plant my flood.

13:04:32 And I think the impression is.

13:04:32 What you’re saying is, you’re really a nice person.

13:04:34 I I’m somewhere in the middle. I would like to say I like to.

13:04:37 Alright! That’s cool.

13:04:43 No!

13:04:39 I’m very honest and it’s not coming from a bad place, or like malicious life, but I feel like some people tend to believe that I’m getting like like I’m getting like my my jolly’s off of it.

13:04:50 And I’m like, this isn’t bringing pleasure. It’s just.

13:04:54 Yeah.

13:04:52 This is how I talk, and this is how I am. And if I care about you, and I’m going to tell you so, it’s actually more of a compliment that it is an assault. Right? So.

13:04:58 Yeah, and that’s appreciative. No, I’d rather have someone do that but whether they’re a friend or a colleague, and I’m blessed to be surrounded by those people because I believe you know your Vibe attracts your tribe and I’m also

13:05:11 Yeah.

13:05:12 that dude that’ll be like. Listen, you know a meat.

13:05:15 So your role, get into this and this is what you need to do.

13:05:19 And that’s what I do with poaching. I coach a little bit different than other coaches as well love it.

13:05:25 So what is a meets definition of a life well lived?

13:05:28 I think it’s doing what you want when you wanted to, not letting yourself being restricted by other people.

13:05:34 So I think that’s what new I have over my probably my entire family, and even my friends.

13:05:40 Really did what I wanted, and I we’ll never regret that.

13:05:46 And I think that’s kind of the beauty of my life really, at this point is that I don’t really have any regrets.

13:05:51 I love that!

13:05:51 I did what I wanted at that moment, and I can’t.

13:05:55 How could I ever regret that? So, yeah, I would.

13:05:57 I would say. I think that’s a likelihood.

13:06:00 And then also just being not well liked, but having love in your life like I got very lucky.

13:06:04 Yeah.

13:06:05 I have so much of it like it’s so weird.

13:06:07 I just so much of it everywhere, so for me, I’s just like I when I think about them, like if I were to, you know, hopefully, God forbid!

13:06:14 But like drop dead tomorrow, like I had a good life. I had a good life.

13:06:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah.

13:06:19 I had a ton of love, and I had a a life where I did what I wanted.

13:06:22 Love it. I love it and squad. We’re gonna take my good friend a meat through our lovely enough lightning round just as soon as we get back from thinking our sponsors and affiliates.

13:06:33 Time to shine today Pakistani squad, we are back, and you know I was thinking, here well, we’re a break that it’s like, I actually had a really cool conversation about papers like I didn’t know which way this interview was going to go in any just you just blowing my mind I mean thank you so much.

13:06:52 For putting in layman’s terms and having fun. But we have our leveling up lightning round.

13:06:55 Okay.

13:06:56 And you and I. We might meet up on day. We might do some business together, but and we can discuss some of these questions.

13:07:03 You know at length. But today you have 5 s, with no explanations, and they can all be answered that way.

13:07:11 Okay, yes. Definitely.

13:07:11 I promise you you ready to level up. Here we are, I mean, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received.

13:07:18 Nobody cares about you just do it.

13:07:20 Perfect, sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

13:07:24 Oh, gosh! I like to say every morning that it’s gonna be a good day, and that puts me in a great mindset.

13:07:31 Love it hear a lot of neutrality that’s beautiful.

13:07:35 So if you see me kinda like walking down the street, or I had an event or whatnot, I’d be like man first.

13:07:40 You. It’s like using his doldrums.

13:07:42 What book might you hand me to? Maybe level me up?

13:07:45 Oh, gosh! I at that! This is gonna be the worst answer.

13:07:50 No fun. Nope, that’s fine, love! You’re good.

13:07:50 I’m not a big reader.

13:07:53 You’re good. What’s the most commonly used, Emoji, when you text?

13:07:58 Lack of love. It nicknames growing up and don’t lie.

13:07:57 Oh, the black heart. Yeah. Ak, 47.

13:08:04 Oh, love it! Yes, the yeah. I love the initials.

13:08:10 Love it. What’s a hidden talent or super power that you haven’t? Nobody knows about.

13:08:14 I? Well, I’ve been telling a lot more people about it, but I have this weird knack of predicting things based on your behavior, and like the language that you use.

13:08:22 Beautiful!

13:08:23 Yeah, I don’t know how I do it, but I’ve been able to predict a lot of weird things.

13:08:26 That’s awesome. Just checkers are monopoly.

13:08:30 Oh, monopoly!

13:08:31 Awesome headline for your life.

13:08:35 I did what I want when I wanted.

13:08:37 Beautiful. Go to ice cream, flavor.

13:08:40 Nit, chocolate, chip.

13:08:42 Me, too. We’re best used for the rusty now.

13:08:44 Awesome, so there’s a sandwich called the Ak.

13:08:47 47 Ppc. Build that sandwich for me.

13:08:51 A little bit of Mayo lettuce, tomato cucumber, and then some cheese for sure, and I would probably put like a smoke turkey in that, too.

13:09:01 Oh, I was. Gonna hope there’s gonna be some meat on there.

13:09:02 Yeah.

13:09:04 Awesome good deal, favorite charity, and our organization. You’d like to give your time or money to.

13:09:08 I like donate. I actually split my time between.

13:09:11 These are and money, but it’s usually animal charities, cause I’ve got 2 dogs and they’re rescued. Yeah.

13:09:14 Oh, thank you. I saw that. I saw that one of your accounts.

13:09:19 I have a rescue pity that’s literally by my feet right now, and 2 rescue black cats that are be in the wrong place.

13:09:24 Yourselves, probably tearing up stuff around here.

13:09:26 Yeah, I had to shove mine into the room, and I’m like, please stay in bed for a little bit.

13:09:31 Just a little bit longer. Love it. So last question you can elaborate on this one the best decade of music, 60 seventies, eighties or 90.

13:09:38 Oh, gosh! Oh! That’s such a hard question! I feel like that.

13:09:45 Sure!

13:09:42 Nineties was really cool in terms of like pop music, cause like it’s just never gonna get back to that.

13:09:48 Right.

13:09:53 Hmm!

13:09:55 Love it.

13:09:47 That was like the prime for but I’m a bit of a rock lover, so sendies and eighties is usually kind of where I sit around with those guys.

13:09:58 Yeah.

13:09:58 Yeah, yeah, it’s really, yeah, it’s hard. I just love music in general, like, I do.

13:10:03 If it feels good in my body, I just wanna listen to it.

13:10:05 It’s not like a genre. Yeah.

13:10:09 Yeah.

13:10:02 That’s cool. Yeah, I’m like you, man, like I am across the board if people listen to my workout like, you know, if they’d be like what or you know, like, if I’m editing podcasts or not really editing, but listening to him building, notes, it’s like I have the seventies.

13:10:17 Yeah.

13:10:18 on right cause. I I’m 51. So like I grew up like, I graduated 1990.

13:10:22 So the eighties is kind of like my jam right?

13:10:29 Yeah.

13:10:25 But the somebody says that classic rock, fullsee, that you can actually understand their stories right? And the eighty-fed your invasions like from like you 2 from Ireland or Duran Duran from Australia, or whatnot is so like I resonate most of the eighties.

13:10:44 Yes.

13:10:40 And if you listen to so many songs today, they have hooks from the songs from the eighties, like Pit Bull is notorious for it.

13:10:47 Flow riders, notorious for having, like you, spin me round, I mean, that’s from freaking, dead or alive, from a bank called that are live in the eighties right?

13:10:58 Yeah.

13:10:54 If people is, you know, uses all his songs, have hooks on the, you know, and I love.

13:11:01 I love it that may I? Can we say your age?

13:11:04 Yes, I’m 33, yeah.

13:11:05 Really, I thought you were like 22 or 22. That’s why I usually say 22 on the throwback question. Right?

13:11:14 Oh, my gosh! You don’t look at all that’s beautiful!

13:11:16 That’s awesome. So I mean, how can we find you love?

13:11:13 Yeah. Oh, thank you. I you can find the agency@hopsketmedia.com.

13:11:24 And then Instagram is kind of my best place, really, for especially for education.

13:11:27 Sure!

13:11:26 If you really want to learn more about Ppc. Adwords.

13:11:29 Girl on Instagram is my handle and actually my handle. Everywhere on social media.

13:11:34 Really at this point. So yeah, those places.

13:11:36 Add words, skill sets AD w o, r d s girl G, I, r L.

13:11:42 I’m looking at it right now. This is awesome.

13:11:43 She has good content. I watched some of her stuff before, so do you have like any kind of services like they can reach out to you, and what not for services.

13:11:52 But you did say something kind of like a month to month auditing.

13:11:55 What’s that about?

13:11:55 Yeah, so we technically have 2 services. Really, at this point, one is our month to month service, where we it’s done for you.

13:12:05 We take over your account, and just manage it month to month, and you get reporting by weekly, and then also for monthly reporting. And then a phone call.

13:12:11 If you need it. Really, some clients are fine with it.

13:12:14 Some clients aren’t, and then we also have an auditing service.

13:12:16 So if you are running Google ads, and you’re kind of wondering, are these as good as they could be?

13:12:21 Or I’d like to find the weaknesses and correct them.

13:12:24 Yeah.

13:12:24 That’s something that we also do, and something that I actually really love doing.

13:12:28 Because I I’m really good at finding the flaws like it’s just like picking up random words and knowing what they meant by it.

13:12:29 Of it. Yeah.

13:12:34 It’s like, it’s just a weird thing in my brain that it just makes sense. And I’m able to find things that most people normally wouldn’t be able to.

13:12:39 That’s awesome. Awesome. That’s beautiful.

13:12:50 Honestly, I think it’s the best piece of advice that I ever received.

13:12:43 So to me one last solid in leave us with one last knowledge, you know we can take with us, internalize and take action.

13:12:57 It was. Nobody cares about. You. Just do it like nobody’s like.

13:12:59 Love it.

13:13:01 I think we all constantly just going around thinking people are looking at us and laughing at us, and all that stuff.

13:13:07 Sure. Right?

13:13:07 And I definitely have that same notion sometimes. But at the end of the day nobody.

13:13:15 Right.

13:13:22 Yeah.

13:13:13 Everybody’s just like concerned about themselves. They’re not really watching you so if there’s something that you want to do, if there’s a new business you want to try, you want to go to singing lessons or start running like just do it see what happens, see what happens it might be the greatest thing that you ever

13:13:26 did, and might be something that you hate. But you won’t find out until you actually do it.

13:13:29 I love it. I love that your chance tanker, and I love it.

13:13:32 You’re saying. Just do it like you don’t find in my coaching.

13:13:38 I take all my clients to neutral right, because everybody’s like a lot of coaches will be like affirmations.

13:13:44 Affirmations, affirmations are great to get leveled up, and into your body in a.

13:13:52 Yeah.

13:13:51 In a physiological, you know, sense. But like everyone it’s like, Oh, like I’ve been even been told like, Oh, Fergie!

13:13:57 Like? How’s that positive thinking doing for you after a crappy round of golf?

13:14:01 You know, or a crappy jujitsu match like, how’s that?

13:14:04 And I’m like thinking, oh, you know, it didn’t work out this time. So you know.

13:14:07 But in a positive thinking doesn’t work a 100% of the time.

13:14:11 But what does it negative thinking? So I go back to neutral, and I love that.

13:14:16 You said nobody cares just do it, cause there’s no more of a neutral statement than that you can stay neutral.

13:14:21 Yeah.

13:14:22 It’s like what happened yesterday, like so many people have a foot in the future foot in the past.

13:14:26 They piss all over the present. Right? So it’s like I’d love that.

13:14:30 You said that, and it just resonates and Spot, I just had a fun conversation.

13:14:34 I did honestly, did not know how this was. Gonna go, but I’ve never interviewed anybody on paper click before. You know.

13:14:39 But come to find out she’s actually human being. She’s not one of those robot people, you know.

13:14:44 She’s 19. She really started their entrepreneur journey.

13:14:47 She she launched out into a vet coordinator, learned and kind of taught her outside of like.

13:14:52 Probably your parents and family’s wishes. She really kind of taught herself, and learned by getting her asking gear from people that she trusted to give her information, you know, and basically she can take your business.

13:15:05 And if you trust her, get you an you know she’s gonna dig into your business.

13:15:11 She’s gonna ask the questions. She’s gonna listen with her neck.

13:15:13 Not just with her dollar sign commission ears. Listen to what she can make.

13:15:17 She’s gonna want to make you succeed, and that’s what I absolutely love that.

13:15:21 And if you have a business and you’re working with somebody that’s doing paper click, for you, make sure you own the fricking content.

13:15:28 If not, try to get out of it. Let me make a warm introduction, my good friend of me.

13:15:33 Let’s see what she can do with it, because she doesn’t keep it. She works.

13:15:35 She’s know what she’s worth. She ain’t cheap.

13:15:37 Shane, uber expensive, but she knows what she’s what she knows what she’s gonna get your results, you know.

13:15:43 She wants to remind you in which she would wanted to remind herself in a really a man-driven world, to be confident.

13:15:50 Okay, to know yourself. You got a comfort zone. Everyone says, get out of your comfortable stretch.

13:15:55 That conference zone. Keep stretching it and stretching it, and get better.

13:15:58 She’s someone that will own her legacy it’s going to carry on longer than her life through philanthropy.

13:16:03 I mean my girl here is planning tree. She’s probably never gonna sit in the shade of right.

13:16:07 I mean she’s doing things for herself to make other people better right?

13:16:12 And then she’s gonna be a philanthropist.

13:16:14 You don’t hear that from 33 year olds.

13:16:16 It’s so frickin refreshing, you know.

13:16:18 She wants to do. We remembered also is there’s no restrictions to her life.

13:16:22 She’s doing what she want when she want. Guess what that equals that equals freaking freedom doesn’t have to be monetary freedom.

13:16:27 It can be just visible freedom. She wants to retire pretty much before she’s 40, and be a flanthropist, I mean she you know, God willing, she is like long life ahead of her are doing what the Frick she wants, and I absolutely love that and lastly.

13:16:39 Nobody cares just do it. If you’re bitching, complaining.

13:16:43 No one really cares. You might have a mommy and Daddy sitting there saying, Oh, it’ll be okay.

13:16:48 They know nobody cares in the real world. Get out there if you don’t know, get your asking gear, stay neutral and keep pressing forward inch by inch.

13:16:56 It’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard, so take it really, step by step.

13:16:59 That’s what my good friend, and me does. She levels up her health, she level up, or well, she’s a beautiful, stunning woman, but she’s hungry yet.

13:17:05 She’s humble as well. Thank you so much for coming on you’ve heard your diversity letter here time to shine today and thank you.

13:17:12 You’re the best, absolutely. Love your guts to 

11:24:57 time to shine today.

11:25:01 Pakistani squad. This is Scott Ferguson, and I have my Rock star friend from the left coast.

11:25:09 A good friend, Amanda Munir. She’s with multidimensional health and wellness.

11:25:14 We had such a fun conversation. So let me think she’s like my sister from a different you know, that we kind of like, whether it’s health, fitness, diet, drinking water enough during the day.

11:25:23 We had just a fun conversation off of, you know. Topic of the actually come down to recording.

11:25:29 But a mandate isn’t energy healer breathwork, facilitator, podcast host of the new earth, visionaries.

11:25:34 And you guys have to check it out will be in the show notes. But don’t go there now.

11:25:37 She’s gonna spill some serious knowledge, I guess, for you.

11:25:40 She’s a published author, a fitness junkie, a graduate student so she’s a smartypants, certified yoga teacher in a man is here to help people release inner struggle.

11:25:50 Lack of confidence low self-esteem, burnout, and codependency that helps people release the resistance that is keeping them stuck in people patterns, as she works with powerful techniques, designed to recode the energy field.

11:26:01 This is going to be seriously awesome. She teaches people how to tap into their innate superpowers and step into the version of themselves that is going all out in this lifetime and squad.

11:26:13 I want to introduce you to. Actually, I’m going to have Amanda.

11:26:15 You introduce yourself to the part time to side. Today, podcast first subscribe. But first, what’s your favorite color?

11:26:20 And why?

11:26:20 Oh, oh, royal blue, sparkly royal blue!

11:26:31 Hmm!

11:26:22 Whoa! I was gonna say that you better say that because you, when you rock the stage, you had that blue squash, use a Npc competitor, she’ll get her pro card one day.

11:26:34 Oh!

11:26:35 I can totally see it she was rocking this awesome blue bikini, so, Amanda, let’s get to you.

11:26:40 Do a lot to help people love a lot. Okay? So that’s kind of get to the roots of where you were.

11:26:45 And then kinda just bring it forward to where we are now.

11:26:48 Yeah. Well, first of all, thank you so much. Scott, for having me on you such good vibes.

11:26:52 You’re welcome.

11:26:53 And I’m just. I’m so pumped already for this.

11:26:56 I’ve already got my leg went out in today, you know.

11:26:57 Wow! It’s early. There.

11:26:58 Almost a half gallon of water. We’re going there so I’m so excited and yeah, it’s been a really interesting journey.

11:27:05 I actually had a career in law enforcement and sort of had my awakening when I was in law enforcement.

11:27:12 I was a couple of years in, and I was like, Gosh, there’s just gonna be more to life than this monopoly day-to-day grind, and although I do love the grind, but I just was feeling like this missing piece of the puzzle, I was feeling really depleted I

11:27:25 was noticing these patterns showing up in my life where it was just like so much constant struggle.

11:27:30 It was like the same emotional patterns. A lot of it related to relationships.

11:27:35 And my body, and I was like, just determined to figure this out.

11:27:39 So I left my career in law enforcement. I was like, I’m going on this soul search and journey.

11:27:43 Doing it.

11:27:44 I sold my home, I left my job. I moved to Southern California, I’d be lying if I said it was all sunshine and rainbows, because everywhere you go there you are.

11:27:53 But it was everything, all the density, all the stores, all the old stuff that wasn’t me had to be just purged out of my system.

11:28:01 And I wouldn’t have it any other way, because now I have this awareness that allows me to support people in healing their bodies and reconnecting back into the truth of who they are, so that they can actually thrive in this lifetime rather than again living on these like cyclical looping

11:28:19 paths that keep them stuff in struggle, depletion, emotional just those looping patterns that we’ve all probably experienced on some level.

11:28:29 Wow!

11:28:34 Yeah.

11:28:29 So I’m just. It’s been a very humbling experience, and I’ve had to like, go into the depths of hell within myself to really be able to come out on the other side.

11:28:39 And it this to me. This is just a journey of remembering who you are and what you’re made of.

11:28:43 This is that’s awesome, and you went through like that’s a huge issue from being a top police officer.

11:28:51 At which I backed the blue trillion percent.

11:28:55 Into going out it kind of like almost waking up every day, unemployed.

11:29:02 But you have to find someone you to interview you, to help them level up their lives right?

11:29:07 So first, what is your family kind of? Think about that? And where did you grow?

11:29:11 The cohonies to really make that.

11:29:13 Oh, man, yeah, so definitely. There were some a lot of like skepticism, because in this society, right?

11:29:19 Sure!

11:29:21 We’re conditioned to think that you have the job.

11:29:25 You have the pension, you have the house, then you’ve made it.

11:29:27 I’m doing. Air quotes like you’ve made it right.

11:29:27 Right, right.

11:29:29 But it was like I had made it on paper, but my soul was just.

11:29:36 Yeah.

11:29:34 I my soul was like no, no, no, no, no! We I didn’t know what it was.

11:29:40 But yeah, because I had, I had worked really hard to get to that place in my life.

11:29:45 So where I was just like willing to let it all go.

11:29:48 Hmm!

11:29:49 And so, yeah, I had people that were definitely, what are you doing?

11:29:53 And I’m like I don’t know exactly what I’m doing, but I know I’m following my soul, and I know I have to do this.

11:29:56 That’s awesome. Sure.

11:29:59 And it was again. It was like all these old identity structures of who I thought I was and who I was conditioned to believe that I was, and all those hard shells that kept me safe, and things for so many years.

11:30:14 They all had to go. So yeah, there were a lot of people that are like, What are you doing but I didn’t care.

11:30:21 I really didn’t care.

11:30:21 I love it, I love it, and you know I make 2 New Year’s resolutions every every year, and one is, make someone smile every day and 2, unless I’ve hurt you.

11:30:32 Yeah.

11:30:31 Disrespect to your O you! I give 0, you know what’s about what you think about me, and that’s the way you really get on with it.

11:30:35 You know? Was there somebody that while you’re a police officer that really kind of trip, that switch that you’re right, that you ran into be like that?

11:30:45 I look at that person and go? Hmm! That could be me, or was it just intuition from the inside that was trying to escape the whole time?

11:30:52 Yeah, so so I actually worked with the I was a probation officer.

11:30:57 So again I it this allowed me to go from more business people, pleasing space into stepping a bit more into my power, but there were still some kind of distortions around that.

11:31:06 But it was definitely more of like an inner knowing, because I truly believe we all have a unique sole frequency, and we’re all coded for different things.

11:31:17 It’s like our fingerprints. There’s not us. The the same soul like it doesn’t exist.

11:31:20 Right.

11:31:21 And so I just knew. And I knew this, and it was a little girl, but I just knew that there was something like I wasn’t being told about being here on this planet.

11:31:32 Wow!

11:31:31 And I’m like, why is everybody so miserable like?

11:31:35 That’s.

11:31:35 Why is everybody so upset? Why like, why are we not loving each other?

11:31:39 Yes.

11:31:40 Why are we why are we waking up every day, and just like, you know, in these again?

11:31:44 These perpetual states of emotional turmoil.

11:31:50 Right.

11:31:48 I just didn’t get it. And I actually got to see again when I worked in the people that I would supervise on my Caseload just like that, though it’s I don’t even want to say the lowest to see again.

11:32:01 Sure. Right?

11:32:03 When I worked with the people that I would supervise on my caseload just like that though it’ it was people who just like I knew they didn’t wanna be there right.

11:32:06 But it was like the way the system has been set up.

11:32:09 It can be very challenging for people to do that, and then, you know, all these different mechanisms it’s like, Well, I don’t want like, I know.

11:32:19 Sure. Right?

11:32:17 I want to leave my job, but I can’t, because my mortgage or my kids are, you know, all these things were told, and I found that a lot of it is just simply an illusion that’s really caused that density within our consciousness to like add to the forgetting of who we are but

11:32:30 like you’re at that foundation of it. You are love, power, and pure magic like. And so it’s about remembering that.

11:32:36 Love it, and I love that you stuck in really to your to your true self.

11:32:43 And with that being said, I mean, are you working with people kind of one on one or group settings?

11:32:49 Or what do you have going on right now?

11:32:50 I’m doing both. So I have really pivoted to working with the physical body.

11:32:56 However, it’s all tied together, so I always say any dis ease, and I say, break it up.

11:33:04 This ease in the body is just a symptom of something going on deeper your body is always trying to get your attention, and so for me, I struggled with adult actne.

11:33:22 Sure. Right?

11:33:12 I had pain all over my body. It was I was so disconnected from my body, my nervous system was shot, and it was all rooted in a lot of childhood trauma a lot of ancestral stuff, and so where I do one on one in group work with the body.

11:33:28 But it affects all levels and layers, because oftentimes it’s like what we think is causing the disease in the body instead of, you know, going externally or masking a symptom.

11:33:38 Yeah.

11:33:39 We go straight into the seed point we pull that dang thing out.

11:33:42 Where it’s deferring from. I love it.

11:33:46 Right.

11:33:58 Hmm!

11:33:43 Yes, yes, and it’s just all energy. And so when we get to the seed point, what that does is, it allows the divine intelligence of the body the same divine intelligence, of the body that created your fingers toes, you didn’t have to tell it what to do it allows that intelligence to heal and so

11:34:00 that’s where you know, people have labeled it miracles.

11:34:04 It’s not, I mean it is, I guess, in essence a miracle.

11:34:05 But when we release the dis ease which is just low, vibe emotion, so it could be anything from shame to different identity.

11:34:14 Structures like, I’m not good enough my lights to bright.

11:34:18 I’m unworthy of love. Whatever these stories they’re compacted in your energy system, causing the physical body symptom.

11:34:27 Love it.

11:34:26 So I love working with the physical body on that essence. So.

11:34:29 That’s that’s beautiful and if you don’t mind sharing like, if you’re working one on one with somebody, is there any secret sauce that you use to?

11:34:38 Maybe if you don’t mind sharing it, the help them kind of locate that blind spot or really uncover.

11:34:45 There’s one of Genius.

11:34:46 Yeah, so I, the way that I sense things is I feel them in my body, and I always ask my clients, does this resonate?

11:34:54 I don’t do like I don’t tell people like this is the like.

11:34:57 You ask permission, love it.

11:34:59 Yes, everything is client-LED, because I feel like it’s important.

11:35:04 And even when I’m speaking here it’s like what resonates and this is the like. Yes, everything is client-LED, because I feel like it’s important.

11:35:15 And even when I’m speaking here, come through me, you know, it might 100% resonate.

11:35:19 10% might resonate. And it’s fine, right?

11:35:21 Yeah.

11:35:21 We’re all on our own journey. So my yeah, my biggest integration is to help others remember who they are.

11:35:30 Love it.

11:35:32 Right? Thank you. Love it. Yeah.

11:35:41 Right.

11:35:29 And I always say, like, when my clients don’t need me anymore, like job done, because I feel that it’s important for us to step into our own power and our own love and all that comes back to inner union because of all the separation that has been infused on everything in this planet.

11:35:46 Of it, and it’s we all we all know we want. We just don’t know how to talk ourselves into it, cause there’s so many voices that are out there, and with that is, maybe you’re still working one on one with a client.

11:36:00 Or maybe you’re in discovery period. Amanda.

11:36:02 Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you?

11:36:06 But never do.

11:36:07 Hmm, yeah. You mean, as far as like, what is coming through in there like what they’re sensing as far as healing.

11:36:17 And what’s coming up in their body?

11:36:15 Yeah, because like, okay, first time, like, I went and got like, say, acupuncture, go ahead. Sound healing.

11:36:23 Done. I mean, there’s like a skepticism.

11:36:26 Hmm!

11:36:25 It was kinda there before I really kind of bought into it.

11:36:28 But like is there like anything that like you’re starting to work with people you’re like, man.

11:36:34 I wish wish they would ask me this.

11:36:37 Yeah, I would say the thing that comes up most commonly is when we’re in more of like that intuitive container.

11:36:44 Right.

11:36:43 In the Energy Healing space. People will start getting like information downloads and they’ll sense things in there’ll be like that’s probably crazy.

11:36:51 I don’t wanna sound crazy. And I’m like, no say it, because half the time when it’s when it’s coming through, and you’re like, I don’t even know what this is.

11:36:55 Yup so good!

11:36:58 I’m seeing like an alligator. I don’t know.

11:37:03 Yeah.

11:37:01 Sometimes there’s like a deeper meaning to it. So I feel that it’s like the themes of just reminding my clients that everybody’s inner magic and intermittentine come through in a different way.

11:37:13 And so just to trust that some people see visions, more visions, more visions.

11:37:20 Some people will hear things, some people see visions, more vision.

11:37:23 Some people will hear things, some people will feel things deeply in their body, and it goes back to.

11:37:26 Yes.

11:37:24 We’re all coded and templated for different ways of expression. Some of us are templated for different type of leadership. Roles.

11:37:30 Some of us are templated to be the guide.

11:37:32 Some of us are templated to be on that grind and be doing things.

11:37:34 We love. And so I feel that yeah, the most often thing that comes up as far as maybe it’s not them asking me, but just like them trusting that stuff that might seem a little wonky little out there a little.

11:37:44 Yes. Right? Yeah.

11:37:48 Will. But like I’m like all the time, it’s always something that is like.

11:37:53 It is a significant thing, and maybe the metaphor or the uncommcious aspect is bringing that up for a reason.

11:38:01 And then we put together like it is a significant thing, and maybe the metaphor or the unconscious aspect is bringing that up for a reason.

11:38:05 And then we put together like the little puzzle pieces of it, and it’s like, Oh, my gosh! This is like the seed point of this childhood.

11:38:08 Right they take and you get the Root Man. That’s beautiful.

11:38:09 Yeah.

11:38:10 So have you seen the movie back to the feature?

11:38:14 It’s been many years. Yes, but I have. I do know what you’re talking about.

11:38:16 Sure it’s all right. It’ll be almost 40 years old, so let’s get that Delorean with Marty Mcfly.

11:38:24 Let’s go back to the double deeds the 22 year old. Amanda.

11:38:27 What kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on her?

11:38:29 That’s so much to change your journey, because there’s a lot of learning, not a gathering of information and transformation in there.

11:38:36 But maybe the help or shorten learning curve level up or blast through, maybe just a little bit.

11:38:41 Oh, yeah, it’s I would say it’s been within the last year that it’s like all really dropping through.

11:38:48 And I would say, going back to me at 22, the healing process actually doesn’t have to be so arduous.

11:38:56 And any part of the healing process that’s putting you further into collapse or emotional turmoil or trauma, or taking you out of your power, is a no, because the first I would say, 8 years I’ve been on this path for probably 10 plus years, and it’s been within the last

11:39:12 year that I have learned the tools on the deepest of levels to expedite this process exponentially.

11:39:19 So the main thing that I have noticed is, we often and I don’t know how many people can see on video.

11:39:29 Sure!

11:39:26 But I’m doing hand movement. So like externally, we go externally for all these solutions, and whether that be getting advice from others which all of these are beautiful things like they played a part in my journey.

11:39:37 But the most pivotal thing was literally going straight in and up right.

11:39:44 So connecting all of my energy work comes from source in whatever word that you know resonates with you, listening.

11:39:58 Sure!

11:40:03 Hmm!

11:40:05 Love it.

11:39:50 God, source, universe, the Divine Mother, Father, God. We all have a different, we human love, we love, label, but it goes straight up and we start to re-template the consciousness back to its original blueprint rather than having to piecemeal it by like clearing little emotions

11:40:10 Right.

11:40:09 here and there we go straight in, and it has literally created a space to where, like what would have taken maybe 4, 5 years, takes like 4 sessions or less.

11:40:21 Right shorten that learning curve by a lot absolutely.

11:40:23 And it’s just yes, yes, and that’s like, my main thing is, I’m like, I don’t want people to have to go through unless it’s like there’s sort souls, path.

11:40:29 Do what you went through. Oh, it’s beautiful, right?

11:40:33 And they want to. I don’t want them to have to go through collapse is not the vibe.

11:40:36 I love it!

11:40:36 If you are doing this journey in this work you don’t have to be going into collapsing.

11:40:42 What I mean by that is when you maybe you’re in these like low vibe, emotional states, and where you feel like you can’t create your looping on depression.

11:41:02 Right.

11:40:51 You’re looping on relationships. Looping is a whole different ball game and it’s been something that has become sort of common that I’ve noticed with my clients and just didn’t.

11:41:04 I mean, I went through that up until the last couple of years.

11:41:08 Love it look! I love that you really do the deep dive, and you unpack, and you get to the root of stuff.

11:41:15 And so then how does Amanda want her? Dash remembered that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date?

11:41:22 Hopefully. It’s way down the line. But your life, date, and death, and how it is I made a wonder. Dash. Remember!

11:41:26 Hmm, that whenever I walked into a room, people just felt love coming from me like, I just yeah, yeah.

11:41:33 Love it, love it, it is! That’s enough, said kind of, you know, yeah, it’s awesome.

11:41:40 And it’s like you’re not expecting anything in return.

11:41:45 Yeah.

11:41:42 But you’re open to the reciprocation of the feelings in the victory in that. That’s beautiful!

11:41:49 So what do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

11:41:51 Hmm! Interesting. That’s it. I love that question. I actually feel like it’s almost a way that I have.

11:42:00 It’s like twofold, because what’s coming up when you ask that question?

11:42:02 It’s like almost like my even own misunderstanding of myself, because I was really at a very low self-esteem, and I actually think that the way others saw me is not how I saw myself so it’s been like bringing the 2 into really just be everything.

11:42:20 Right.

11:42:19 I am, and really have the again. I just always go back to.

11:42:24 It’s like a combination of love and power both.

11:42:28 And when we are, when we’re connected into that pure love energy, it literally, it’s not like we’re giving from a place of depletion.

11:42:36 Right.

11:42:34 It’s just coming through us, and then it sends ripple effects out to the planet.

11:42:39 And it’s healing. That’s literally the healing energy that comes through me.

11:42:41 Yes, we we identify specific things, but it’s pure love.

11:42:46 And pure love is the highest frequency on this planet.

11:42:47 Hmm, yes, it is 100% right? I love it.

11:42:50 And that’s why he’s the planet.

11:42:53 It’s like with me. I’m very harmonic.

11:42:57 I’m not like balanced to me is 0 like hermonic, for me is is kind of like you have 8 pillars in life with like, you know your God, or spiritual.

11:43:08 Your personal growth, family, community. You know, your work, whatnot, and I liken it with my clients to a jazz band like, okay, so the drums are.

11:43:15 You know your work. The guitar is your family, your money is the horns, and if one boom is out of tune right, it might be the greatest noise, but it’s still yours, and all you have to do is just tune that up and then you live harmonically I love that I love that we

11:43:29 agree we run on that frequency. You and I both. So then what is Amanda?

11:43:35 Definitely show definition of a life well-.

11:43:38 Oh, I feel that that comes back to center like, did you?

11:43:45 Unleash everything inside of you, did you? I mean, because it is there, that’s and that’s again, why most people get the average of everything they’ve ever got.

11:43:53 That’s so strong. Yes.

11:43:57 You get the average of everything they’ve ever got, unless you push up against those edges.

11:44:01 Thank you. Yes.

11:44:01 I never like. I’ve always thought about, for example, competing at a Bikini bodybuilding show, but there’s a difference between thinking about it and choosing it.

11:44:12 Take an action on it.

11:44:11 And then on that path, like the emotional and mental, the last 2 weeks, like Peak week.

11:44:17 It was actually the week before Peak week for me. That was the most difficult, because I was like, am I too skinny?

11:44:22 It brought up all of these distortions, and it allowed me the opportunity to alchemize them.

11:44:27 Yeah.

11:44:28 So. One thing I always say to people, it’s like you can choose to see something from a victim.

11:44:33 Lens, or you can choose to see the gift and what it’s bringing up inside of you. And you could optimize that.

11:44:36 Yes, love it! That’s beautiful. It is like people understand even going that route within hitting on it like 99.5% of the people on this earth will not get in front of a 1,000 people or more.

11:44:51 Yeah.

11:44:49 And they’re underwear and be judged. And to do that, you’ve got to dig deep and kind of you know.

11:44:55 Push against those edges like you say it just to, you know.

11:45:03 Huh!

11:44:59 Get out of your like, not get out of the comfort zone, but really stretched the hell out of it and squad.

11:45:06 We’re gonna take my good friend Amanda here through our leveling up lightning round just as soon as we get back from thinking our sponsors and affiliates.

11:45:14 Time to shine? Today. A podcast firstly squad, we are back and Amanda, you and I, when I make a trip to the left coast, I’m gonna have to hook up with you for a cow or a coffee or a job or tea or whatever but and we can talk about

11:45:25 I’m so down!

11:45:27 these questions? Probably 1520 min in each one, but in the leveling up lightning round.

11:45:35 Okay.

11:45:32 Yup 5 s, with no explanations, and they could all be answered that way. I promise you.

11:45:37 Okay, I’m so excited. Yeah.

11:45:39 So you ready to level up alright! Alright, man! What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

11:45:44 And it’s one word.

11:45:47 It, could it? Just a phrase in 5 s?

11:45:51 Be yourself!

11:45:52 Love it sure, one of your personal habits contributes to your success.

11:45:57 Nutritional discipline.

11:45:58 Beautiful. So you see me, maybe walking into an event, or even walking down the street or what you’re like. Man, Fergie, look!

11:46:05 Looks like using his doldrums a little bit.

11:46:07 You know what book outside of your book? What book makes you hand me the level up?

11:46:11 The power of now was the first one that came up. So I’m going with that.

11:46:14 Beautiful. That’s Great Book, Great Book, which most commonly used Emoji.

11:46:18 When you text.

11:46:19 Oh, the crying with laughter, Guy, he’s so cute!

11:46:21 Me, too, like that. What’s that hidden talent or super power that you have, that no one knows about.

11:46:28 I am. I do a mean sprinkler.

11:46:30 Awesome. It says checkers are monopoly.

11:46:35 Chat checkers, checkers, a 1 million percent checkers.

11:46:37 What’s your head? Me, too? I’m right there with you.

11:46:39 I I’d like to get stuff done, but not think about it too much.

11:46:39 Oh, I can whoop some booty and checkers.

11:46:43 Love it, headline for your Life.

11:46:46 Worthy of love.

11:46:48 Beautiful. See ice cream. Go to ice cream, flavor on your cheat days.

11:46:54 Coffee.

11:46:55 Beautiful. There’s a nicknames growing up.

11:46:59 Oh, gosh! You’re gonna make me air this out!

11:47:01 My dad called me Pudding Caker.

11:47:04 Good and Caker love it so there’s a sandwich called the Pudding Cake.

11:47:10 Here. Build that sandwich for me.

11:47:08 Oh, man! Grilled chicken, sourdough bread!

11:47:15 There you go!

11:47:19 We’re best friends.

11:47:17 Smoked Cheddar cheese. Yeah. Gotta get some veggies on there.

11:47:24 Some greens. Yeah, yeah, I I love hot sauce.

11:47:23 Yeah, yeah, I got through the green.

11:47:27 I feel like there’s some hot sorach on it.

11:47:29 For some reason I don’t know.

11:47:30 Good call, favorite charity, and our organization like to give your time or money to.

11:47:33 Oh!

11:47:40 Good. Thank you.

11:47:36 I, spent a lot of time working with the homeless, and when I was in law enforcement, so I spent 2 years doing that, and I took to help as many people as possible.

11:47:46 So, yeah.

11:47:46 That’s beautiful. Thank you for doing that last question. And you can elaborate a little bit on this but what’s the best decade of music?

11:47:53 60 70 s. Eighties, or nineties.

11:47:56 Hmm, 90. Sip up!

11:47:59 I love some hip hop I, my workout playlist, doesn’t make sense.

11:47:57 Nice. I love it. I love it. Yeah.

11:48:02 It’s like hip, hop, Morgan Wallen, like electronic dance music song.

11:48:05 There you go! Hey!

11:48:07 I’m like, make it make sense. I don’t even know but it works.

11:48:09 Yeah, I got to hang with Morgan once, and it was all blast we had so much fun.

11:48:15 It was good times, so.

11:48:18 Yeah, yeah, there are like, you said, they’re dope their fire man.

11:48:15 His. His new tracks are fire, so good dope!

11:48:22 This without a doubt. Amanda, how can we find you love?

11:48:25 My website, which is my name, Amanda Moniere is probably one of the best places aside from Instagram to find me, which is also my name, Amanda.

11:48:34 Can you spell mode near for us? Please?

11:48:36 M o n n i e r.

11:48:40 Beautiful. And it’s Amanda more near.com Amanda.

11:48:43 You have like a couple of different like you have a group right? They.

11:48:49 I believe it’s the embodied essence I kind of wrote it again.

11:48:53 I didn’t type it like we talked off camera. I didn’t type.

11:48:55 Yeah.

11:48:55 You tell us about the groups in maybe even some free giveaway or something you have for the squad today.

11:48:59 Yeah, so my private Facebook group is called the embodied essence member community.

11:49:05 And that’s free group. So I go live in there.

11:49:10 That’s awesome.

11:49:06 So, sometimes, and sometimes I’ll do a little group healings and all, all kinds of stuff to kind of be in my space, and then I do have a couple of healing and activations for the body that I would love to gift your audience with.

11:49:23 So I there are 2 in particular. One is stepping into the body of your deepest desire, so that one will help recode any like heavy emotions.

11:49:31 You’re holding in your body, you can listen to it 21 days, like, let’s say, there’s an area where you’re like kind of feel a little shame around your body or anything like that.

11:49:39 Love it.

11:49:37 You can set that intention, and then the other one is releasing addictive patterns in your body.

11:49:44 So like. Let’s say you have a addictive patterns around food or maybe there’s an emotional addiction.

11:49:48 It can be you can set the intention for any of that.

11:49:50 So I will create a code for those to be gifts for your audience.

11:49:57 There you go. Thank you for doing that.

11:49:55 We’ll we’ll just say the code level. Those can be found on my shop in my website.

11:50:01 Beautiful and that will be in the show notes. But I’m really soaked myself to even Dick into the healing addictive patterns is, while that’s beautiful.

11:50:13 So, Amanda, before let you go. Can you leave us with one last knowledge? Nugget?

11:50:16 We can take with us, internalize and take action on.

11:50:19 Oh, yeah, so the one thing that I always like to remind people is that your desires that are in your soul and your heart.

11:50:27 They’re not there by chance. So whether you need to kind of get clear on those, maybe write them down, speak them into an audio note they’re not gonna go away.

11:50:35 Those deep soul pings, and those deep soul desires, so anything where there’s like that gap between where you are now, to those differences that you know your soul wants to bring to this planet in this time space, the resistance in between that could be an indication of some areas where you can clean up your

11:50:50 frequency your energy, and then also a lot of things that are missed is inspired. Action.

11:50:59 Yeah.

11:50:55 So, in kind of like the new ag spiritual communities, you’ll see a lot of oh, be in the flow Latina, like no discipline over motivation.

11:51:11 Love, that?

11:51:04 Make it happen, though universe will respond to action, into your behavior and the refinement will be a byproduct of taking action so all you have to do is follow those pings, and it literally it makes sense when it makes sense.

11:51:17 There was so many times I wanted to quit give up, but I didn’t it all I’m like, Okay, no, I get. Why I cried.

11:51:25 17 buckets in like, you know, 4 months but don’t give up your desires.

11:51:23 Right, right.

11:51:38 Right.

11:51:28 Are there for a reason, but you have to take action, and you have to, you know, really get clear on what that is, because if you don’t know what you want, how is the energy of the universe going to respond to that, it’s going to be very distorted so get clear take some

11:51:41 action go through your process of refinement, and if you feel called to any sort of support, then you can do that as a additional additional help to get you there and accelerate it.

11:51:51 I love that, and squad we had like a really keycast, free masterclass, my good friend Amanda, you know former law enforcement.

11:51:59 She kind of had an awakening in her life because she’s stuck kind of in a monotonous day-to-day crying.

11:52:05 But she did not not like it. I mean she did like it, but she knew that there was something missing, and she found herself a pattern, found herself in a patterns of struggle, and she reminded us also that everywhere you go there you are so whether you leave a job you’re still that person so she worked a

11:52:19 perjure system to give herself awareness, and she turned that what she learned about herself and turned that to support other people, to thrive the level up.

11:52:28 You know. She dug down deep in that depths of her health, and she came out even better.

11:52:32 She wants to help you do that as well. I mean she felt.

11:52:35 You know people are like, oh, you made it on paper. That’s fantastic.

11:52:39 But her soul was lost, so I guess you took curiosity, or she flexed.

11:52:44 She flexed her curiosity, muscle. And I absolutely love that.

11:52:46 You know, and she reminds us that disease which is D. I. S.

11:52:50 Dash ease, you know it’s in your body.

11:52:54 It’s trying to get your attention to show you the low vibrations, to take it to the high vibrations.

11:52:59 You know that she what I love about her is a coach, or you know what she does for people. Is it?

11:53:06 She allows it to be client-LED. Okay, she just doesn’t force her agenda on people.

11:53:12 She picks up on their emotional. She picks up on the little triggers, she listens with her neck she’s leaning, and she’s just not listening to what they say.

11:53:21 She’s listening to other parts of her body, you know she understands.

11:53:24 Understand that healing does not have to be arduous.

11:53:26 You know you can stay within your power. Get your asking Gear.

11:53:30 Ask the right people, you know, and then go from the inside and go straight up and out.

11:53:36 I can’t do it as cool as she did. If you’re watching on any of our things here.

11:53:40 But it was awesome, and you know she will be remembered as somebody that people with it solid. They felt loved from her, and then she know that she loved herself.

11:53:49 I mean this girl is planning seeds that she’s never gonna sit in the shade of, and I absolutely love that she wants you to unleash everything inside you push against those edges right, and she’ll lastly, she reminds us that our desires are not there. By chance.

11:54:04 There’s something inside you that’s speaking to you, fricking.

11:54:07 Listen to it, people. There’s a gap to desire if you’re stuck in that gap, let me make a warm introduction to my good friend Amanda she levels up her health, she levels up her wealth.

11:54:17 She’s humble. Yes, she’s hungry, she’s beautiful.

11:54:19 She’s stunning. She’s awesome. She’s her diversity letter here at time to shine today.

11:54:23 Thank you so much for coming on, Amanda. Absolutely love your guts.

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