346-Obsessed with Helping the World Live An Abundant AF Life! – TTST Interview with Coach Joel Evan

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Joel was a first responder for almost 15 years, turned holistic health coach, helping busy & motivated professionals get healthy and lose weight. He’s also the host of The Hacked Life podcast, focusing on mindset and alternative health. His motto is “Live Healthy, Live Happy.”

        Aggressively take imperfect action

– Joel Evan 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. There are no excuses for not having good energy – start by being grateful

2. Take notes when Joel speaks about his ‘Perfect Day’ exercise to Level UP your life!

3. When starting to work with a coach, make sure to ask them their ‘why’

4. If your beliefs are not serving you, make sure you challenge them!

5. Joel will be remembered by being a person who wants to help the world transform to their human potential and that he ‘burned the boats’ and leaned into his challenges

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Joel, Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, Joel, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:36  

Blue? Absolutely. I don’t know why it’s my favorite color. But I can tell you going back in the day, Leonardo that ninja turtle was blue and that was my favorite color. So he was a leader by the way, Leonardo katana blade, leader of the squat and I think there you go I just been always gravitated to leadership and maybe that’s why I don’t know about you guys sticks out for me.

Unknown Speaker  2:56  

That’s awesome. I used to watch it in the cheesy like 1990 version Leonardo was always my jam too. And it’s funny you say blue. I mean, I am looking at the Atlantic Ocean so I get the blue every every morning but you you’re a Boise man, you’re an Idaho and they have the Boise State. And they’re there. Their turf is blue. The smart turf there. It’s really cool man and actually got to experience a game. There’s like two degrees, but still they had the time of my life. But Joe and I let’s get into the roots, bro. I like how you started. You’re like me, very high, highly energetic. We border on that ADHD or whatever they call it. We’re all over the place. And you and I talked. So let’s get into your roots. Man. Let’s read about you and have me shut up for a little bit.

Unknown Speaker  3:41  

Yeah, so I mean, if you want to just talk about the energy, let’s go right there. Because, you know, when I was 18 years old, I was lost. I was I didn’t know what I want to do. I was graduating high school, my parents were getting divorced. And I had all these friends. I went to a private high school. My friends literally had like five good friends. They went to Stanford, two of them went to Stanford, Cal, UC Davis and UCLA. Do you know where Joel was going? absolutely nowhere. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was wanting to the military, because I’m like, Well, you know what, I’m passionate about my country. And just I was always kind of like, patriotic and I’m like, that’ll be fun. I can do that. I grew up with a My father was a law enforcement. My grandfather was a San Francisco Police Department. Officer. So I thought, you know, maybe I’ll do that. And then I backed out at the last second because I said, well, all my friends are going to college, they must do something that I don’t know. So I’ll just go to the JC and That’ll buy me time. And so I did. And one of the things though, that I’ll talk about energy was I started out at 18 years old, I started selling Cutco knives. And that is a time that I really think when I look back and I’m like, Well, how Why do you have so much energy? Why are you so optimistic? Why are you so positive? And I think it really was when I became a Cutco salesman because I was taught at an early age relatively early attitude is everything. And I was being you’re bombarded by Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn Zig Ziggler Brian Tracy, I named those names right now nobody know you know those names. But there’s a lot. I was on a podcast the other day, and they’re like, I can’t, dude, you’re just my guy, because I can’t believe you’re naming these people. Nobody talks about him anymore. And those were the guys that I was listening to bombarding my subconscious and learning about attitude is everything. And from that day on, I just remember, I can be having the worst day ever. And you asked me, Joe, how you doing? If the day was just okay. Or it was all right. You wouldn’t know. I’d be like, great. It’s an amazing day. Because I want to continue to you know, it’s that kind of NLP, I guess, you know, I want to Yeah, you wouldn’t know it. But I want to keep reinforcing like, my good days, great. It’s gonna get better. So I think that’s when you talk about roots and energy, like, that’s where it kind of stems from 25 years old, I got hired by the I ended up going into law enforcement, I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I had an always like this business background, entrepreneurial spirit, but I didn’t know how to do it. There was no one in my family or no one to kind of cater that energy. So I fell into the trap that many of us do, went to college, got a degree, thought I was supposed to get out, get a good job, have a white picket fence, 401 k pension, retire at 50 and live the good life. That’s what I was told. And so that’s what I was just programmed to follow that playbook. Got in, got out of college, and didn’t want to work as a police officer. My dad, I said, was a police officer. I said, I’m going to be much better than my dad. I’ll be I’ll do way more than him. I’m gonna go for work for the FBI. And guess what takes a little bit longer to get hired by the FBI? A little bit? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah. So local law enforcement at the time was suffering, they were hiring. And my dad said, I think you’d really like it, try it out. And worst case scenario, you have all this experience, go work for the FBI later, which was great advice. So 25 years old, I get hired by the Oakland Police Department. Anybody that knows Oakland, California, that is top five debtor live the most dangerous cities, always murder, capital, robbery, very high volume crime. And, and actually, they say, a cool study done out of the FBI showing three years in the Oakland Police Department as an officer, and you have worked about an 18 year career anywhere else. So that’s where I started out. And you know, that also then led me to San Francisco PD, where I worked for the last eight and a half years. Do you want to talk? Should I tell everybody what happened? Just, let’s go. So just the story that sets it up, for sure. Okay, perfect. So yeah, worked for San Francisco for about eight and a half years. And, you know, during that time, really, I was just becoming disenfranchised with police work. And I still think it’s one of the most noble professions anybody can do. But the bottom line is, I felt like I was being weaponized for political reasons, and just a pawn for everything. And I just didn’t feel connected to it anymore. And I think having my kids and just a lot of other things, I realized I could do more in this world, and I want to do more. And, well, lo and behold, and October 2021, the San Francisco Police Department gave me an ultimatum, they said, if you don’t get this product, this, I don’t know, I don’t want to get censored, I don’t want you to get censored Brother, if you don’t get the juice, I think everybody knows what I’m talking about this product that is safe and effective, you are fired. I said, Well, you’re gonna have to fire me because I don’t align with that. And that’s not who I say I am. And so I really feel like that was my opportunity. And I had in the background been starting a health coaching business and doing things in the background. But really, that experience is what I feel like I was guided by there by source or God, and it was time to burn the boats. And this is the time you need to lean into it. And so I did I was always one foot in one foot out, not any more brother jumped all into it.

Unknown Speaker  8:22  

That’s awesome man in the coaching side that you you work with people in more groups, or one on one brother.

Unknown Speaker  8:31  

Right now it’s one on one. So you know, there were my coaching program was getting filled up. And I was like, Man, I’m gonna have to I had to create a course rapidly and go into the group coaching setup. At the same time, I kind of backed away at the moment from the doing the coaching, but I backed away and I’m actually kind of recalibrating and so I have a book that I’m working on that’s going to drop at the top of next year. And so because of that because of the volume right now people coming into my coaching business, I’m just less but so right now I have the ability to work one on one but it won’t be long so I’m doing one on one and that’s going to phase into a slot hybrid. It’s gonna be a hybrid version of what I want to

Unknown Speaker  9:09  

do I do a lot more one on one so just because I just feel like I’m more connected that group I just feel a little bit distant I do have one group but the one on one so you know I’m right there with you on the energy on that so when you’re maybe you starting to work with someone one on one job, is there any secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing that maybe helps them find in their discovery period? No doubt maybe help them find their blind spot.

Unknown Speaker  9:36  

Yeah, love that. So I always like you introduce me I always talk about mindset. I’m big on health. But but obviously like if your mindset I know many great healers that have healed people just by putting a different idea in their head, and that’s crazy, right? And people can’t even fathom that. But I’ve seen people heal from endometriosis, fibromyalgia, all these things, and it wasn’t a magic pill. It was just like they touched them in a certain way. And boom, like it was a chiropractic adjustment. How could that possibly happen? Well, I can tell you, if you understand high level healing, there’s, there’s some things that can be happening in the background. But one of the big things that I’ve seen a lot brother is, you know, people not being aligned again talking about being aligned with their truth. And they don’t even know what that is just like me. They’re being programmed by school, it is beliefs from their family and all these things. And next thing, you know, they’re in their 40s 30s. And they’re just living this life that they don’t know why they’re even here. And so one of the biggest exercises that I have people do that really just puts it makes a lot of shifts happen is the perfect day exercise, which I think a lot of people have heard of, but believe it or not, a lot of people I haven’t, and I’ve seen people’s lives change dramatically. I’ve seen people start businesses I’ve been I’ve seen people move to different states and move to different places, because so the perfect idea exercise, let me just explain it real quick. The idea is, you wake up tomorrow, we snap your fingers, right? You wake up and tomorrow, Scott, you’re living your perfect day, like what is that? Like? What does that look like? Mercy? Yeah, yeah, like, if you what does it look like when you wake up in the morning, I ask people who are you waking up next to they usually get a good chuckle there? I’m like, Well, I mean, that’s something to think about. Right? Like, what like, you know, what life are you living right now? Right? I mean, and a lot of us, we stay in these relationships for comfort and just for ease, and sure that’s not serving you. And so again, who are you waking up to? What’s your breakfast? Like? Where are you located in the world? And it just all these amazing ideas? What are you doing for a living? What would you really want to be doing because most people are working in their nine to five or whatever they’re doing just like me, they’re not satisfied. Again, it’s just comfortable. Yeah, you make good money, you’re making $20,000 or whatever you think is good money. But you’re not you’re not fulfilled. And so that exercise really will show you a huge shift into how you’re living your current reality. And what you really want

Unknown Speaker  11:52  

dude, I love I love that exercise. Because you as a coach, I really listening with your neck, you’re leaning in that way you can really help them build a game plan because we’re coaches, not so much consultants were consultants will tell you what to do. You’re actually good. Everybody knows what they want, Rachel, but they don’t know how to talk themselves into it. So when you set up that perfect day, it’s like do you can set up a game plan like a coach? To where when they have that idea through the question? That’s frickin awesome. Do you so I appreciate you saying that. So, Joel, maybe while you’re in this discovery period, you’re working with somebody? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you as the coach, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  12:33  

Oh, wow. I don’t man. Is there any questions? I wish they would ask me now you’re talking about when they when they’re people

Unknown Speaker  12:41  

are still sitting down here. If you’re starting to coach me, I’d be like, bro, what’s your lineage? Man? Tell me your story. Tell me that’s the coach. What I want because you know, you’re a sports fan like myself and you know, you know, these coaching trees that come down like anyone that coached under Bill Parcells, right? We’re gonna probably be a solid coach, you know? Yeah. But like, I might ask lineage, I might ask you to tell me your story. You would tell me it just, you know how you did? You know, three minutes ago. So I just wonder, is there any other questions man that you wish they would ask you?

Unknown Speaker  13:12  

I think the big one is really what you hit. I mean, I think that would be a big one, like, what’s your lineage? And then the other one would be like, What’s your why? Like, man, why are you doing this? And actually, I had a coach asked me that just the other day. And you know, it’s like, Scott are wise. Like, our wives are always I mean, I don’t want to say they’re always changing but sometimes even I have a wife. Right? Yeah, all they change, right. And I have different passions and different joys. And and actually, it was just as a guy who’s like, pretty in tune with this. It kind of took me off. I was like, man, you know, man, well, that’s good. Wow, what what is it that I really what drives me right now? Then I told him transformation. Seeing people transform, right, and even and I gotta say, like, even when I’m in my darkest moment, or just like, man, it’s like, nothing’s working. The business is doing terrible or whatever, the family everyone hates me. I’ll pull up a testimonial that I have a video. Yeah, and I and I see one of them. And I just It reminds me It connects me like that’s doing this.

Unknown Speaker  14:15  

Man. Yeah. That’s awesome. Joel. Thank you. So as a coach, I don’t want you to think on this. I want you to tell me what your strength

Unknown Speaker  14:26  

obsession is dude. I’m obsessed. And just resilience really, I was talking to a great friend asked introduce you to George Ryan. He’s out of he’s a captain with LA Police Department. And I told him we were talking last night there’s a huge win in a huge lytic What is it litigation? No, I don’t know a legal when illegal. There we go. happened last night. And we were just talking and I said to him I was like, You know I never really thought about this like what I did what this what I stood for in that moment. I said a lot of people lay down their swords a lot of people Just, you know, even the toughest guys, I don’t care who they were like the toughest SWAT guys, whatever, lay down their swords. And they gave in. And I said, I never really thought about it, but I didn’t. And I held my ground. And I said, not many would do that. And he’s, he’s like, yeah, man, you’re like, the top of the one 1%. And it just made me realize, like, this is a different game that I’m playing, and I’m not trying to, you know, stroke my ego or just talk myself out. It was just a kind of a it was a reality. I hadn’t thought about

Unknown Speaker  15:28  

squad. That sounded weird. But no, I know, I feel you, man. How much do you appreciate that strength have been obsessed with helping people transform?

Unknown Speaker  15:38  

I mean, it just drives me man. Like, I mean, I think going back even to just my my mom when she had breast cancer. And that was another reason that started my journey, because I felt crippled that the people closest to me, I knew all these things about health, but I couldn’t help them. I didn’t understand systems and protocols, how to get in better. And that bothered me. And so that led that obsession led me actually to getting all these naturopathic certifications, because I wanted to know the why I wanted to know the root cause. And so, I mean, just driven by it every day, man, I think the only thing I can think about bad about the obsession is that I’m a dog. I work every day. I’ll work on the weekends. And so my wife has to bring me back and be like, it’s time to resolve. So

Unknown Speaker  16:18  

what’s her name again?

Unknown Speaker  16:19  

My wife’s name is Nene. She name is Gina. But she’s Latina. And so Latin women if you know anything about Latin women guys, or I’m sorry, Latin culture, they have like five different nicknames. That happens to be one of nicknames. So

Unknown Speaker  16:31  

yeah, I’d say both of my kids coaches are Latina. One of them is a women woman, Toby Alexander. She’s ranked number four in the world. And you know that her name is Toby, but she’s 115 pounds it, you know, just kind of the funny stuff. So yes. How about weaknesses, man?

Unknown Speaker  16:49  

Weaknesses, I would really

Unknown Speaker  16:51  

don’t Yeah, no, I mean, you work through them. But what’s one glaring? Maybe they you fight with every day,

Unknown Speaker  16:57  

right? Dude, I’m gonna tell you right now, I’m gonna tell you right now, I just hired a coach. I just I just got off the phone with a coach. Absolutely, brother. And people, you know, again, that’s the biggest problem of coaches, we think we can’t be coached. So I hired a coach to be a better dad to be a better father to be to rise up. And, you know, here’s, that’s my biggest struggle right now, I think is being an entrepreneur, you have to be somewhat crazy in the head, you really do. Because it’s not you get punched in the face every day. And you’re not, it’s not a nine to five, where you just check in and check out and life is good. No. But there’s things happening in the business. And you’re going up and down like a roller coaster. And to weather those, you have to be crazy and obsessed, like I talked about. But part of that obsession, sometimes I’m not present. And I’m not present with my kids. And I know that. And so because I’m just so busy. And I’m so calculating, like, what’s the next move I’m going to do. And so that I know is a weakness of mine to work on. And so I like again, hired a coach. I’m like, super excited. This guy is a very well known he’s a major podcast. He’s a very well known guy. And I’m very confident like, I need I need a tribe of men love strong man and people that is to learn from and get better. And that’s always gonna happen.

Unknown Speaker  18:06  

Thank you for being frickin transparent on that show. A lot of people will say sometimes I don’t ask the right question. Do you went deep, bro. And I really, really appreciate that. So, Joe, have you seen the movie Back to the Future A long time ago? Right? So it’s almost coming up on 40 years right? Let’s get that 40 In that DeLorean with Marty McFly, man, let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Joel look at a knowledge nuggets would you drop on him next so as to change that you’ve learned a lot in your journey. But to maybe help them shorten the learning curve blast through level up just a little bit quicker.

Unknown Speaker  18:40  

Really what I said at the beginning, man, it’s beliefs I would have, I would have told him to just Radek to really question his beliefs, his upbringing, what his you know, thinking, what is success? What is success? What is success to you? Because, again, what success was to me was what my parents told programmed me and told me, which was get a good job, get married, get a pension, have a nice career and retire. And I don’t think any of that’s true. I’m living my highest version of myself, I think at this moment at 40 years old. And that was, you know, I had to actually, here’s the crazy thing. I had to go through a lot. I had to go through a lot of struggle and a lot of pain. And so I think that’s even another thing I would say is hey, man, on the other side of this is greatness. And we can

Unknown Speaker  19:22  

share that journey, man fluxion, your hustle muscle, getting out there and doing it with your clients, which helps them resonate, man. I really, really, really love that. So, Joe, how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date, your death day? Hopefully, it’s a bajillion years down the road brother because this world needs you. But how do you want Joel’s dash remember?

Unknown Speaker  19:44  

Somebody just asked me this the other day, not something I really thought about but and now you’re asking me I would say the big thing for me is I want people to know that I helped change their lives in some way in a positive in a really positive way. That’s maybe on

Unknown Speaker  19:58  

your tombstone, which I’ll probably be continues only so hopefully I’m done gone. Maybe I can look down from above. But I think that it’s gonna say Jill did it for the intention, not the attention. Because I see your social I see your stuff. You’re not screaming Joel Joel Joel Joel, you know what I’m saying? And I think that dude, and what you told me how you really dig in deep with your clients, I think that’s what you really do, man. And that’s fantastic job. What do you think people misunderstand the most about you? Oh,

Unknown Speaker  20:31  

I think, you know, I think people think probably that I’m perfect. Or that I have it all together, right? This guy, right, especially

Unknown Speaker  20:41  

the actors, man.

Unknown Speaker  20:42  

You know, I’m on social media. And they always say, right, people on social media are always just pumping it up and saying the good part of the reason why I do say I want to show highlight the good is because I want to put out that positivity, I want that to continue to resonate, because the more you focus on that, the more that energy is gonna flow. But you know, I don’t have it all together. There’s a lot of things I’m trying to figure out. But I tell you what, I won’t quit. And that is for sure. You won’t see me quit. And so that’s what I, but I think the best understanding might be is that, hey, he has it all figured out.

Unknown Speaker  21:15  

I don’t I love that transparency to Joel because I put out my coach of the day, blah, blah, blah, every once in a while be like, Dude, I need prayers. You don’t I’m saying I’ll just throw it out and not let him do though. My long story. No offense to the people that do need prayers, you need to feel the vibes, you know, and I’ll get more support from people with that, because of being giving the good. Yeah, are you seeing that out there too, the more you give the good, the more people there support, when you’re in that situation.

Unknown Speaker  21:46  

It’s so it’s so true. And like, I’ll throw out some very high level educational post on cancer and this and I’m like, I’m like, Man, this is gonna be so good. And people could care less. They share a story about like, and to me, so I don’t even want to share this story. Because I feel like it’s egotistical, but I’ll just do it because I realized it’s important it started something that I’m starting to learn is that I need to ask for help. I’m always, I’m always, you know, and I just got a chance to sit down with Dave Meltzer. And he said, Joe, there’s two things I asked myself every day one is, who can I help and who can help me? I never asked who can help me. That’s something I’m really trying to get out better. Because he says it and it’s true, the more someone can help you like he’s got if you can help me, I’m gonna appreciate more in my life. But guess what, I’m gonna bring it back to you. You’re gonna appreciate it’s just yeah, so many people don’t talk about

Unknown Speaker  22:33  

Give, give give right we time to shine today our whole team is give give, give till it hurts so good, right, but you open the reciprocation and like, I had plants in my room. And it’s like those plants wouldn’t be living if it wasn’t for me breathing out carbon dioxide for them to breathe in, in the whole world. So if there’s a give and take that’s naturally occurring, but we block ourselves off from that. I love that I love how you put that man so me it’s just something anything keep you up at night.

Unknown Speaker  23:04  

Projects. Just I got hooked brother, I got so much stuff going on right now.

Unknown Speaker  23:09  

I would I are both like perfectionist, like we want to nail it. But we also know that the what we strive for perfection will be a greatness. And it keeps me up at night to do I’ve gotten

Unknown Speaker  23:21  

you know, there’s that there’s a famous guy who talked from good to great, I can’t Jim Collins, he says if you have more than three priorities you have none. And I really do believe that right? Because the more your brain just can’t focus on more than three. Well right now if I look at my whiteboard, I have about six and I know that’s a problem. But man, I just I don’t know how to turn it off. Like just entrepreneur mind. I’ve got a book coming out. I’ve got a product that I’m looking at developing with another guy and just some raw

Unknown Speaker  23:47  

podcast you get a lot of stuff podcasts.

Unknown Speaker  23:49  

Yeah, so just

Unknown Speaker  23:50  

Yeah, I love it. I love it. So let’s take out of this equation this question Joel. Anything electronical like computers or cell phones or anything but what are three things y’all can’t live without? Oh, they can be anything just nothing technological.

Unknown Speaker  24:08  

Nothing technological. Okay. I would say is it gonna be cheesy if I if I say like my family is that cheesy

Unknown Speaker  24:19  

is gonna kick your ass.

Unknown Speaker  24:21  

Okay, good. I was glad I could be one I didn’t know if that was gonna be too cheesy or not. No, you know, what’s crazy is to is like during this journey that I’ve gone on and just going from like, you know, losing a steady income and just leaning into this whole process is really just seeing who my true friends are and stuff and then there’s a lot of people that turn their back on me and said you’re an ignorant you’re an ignorant person for saying some of the things you’re saying and then your close friends and family and so it’s really interesting and in this process to just having my family it throughout this whole process. It’s been it’s been absolutely you realize you just there’s that sense of gratitude, right? So, okay, so that would be one. I would I would definite Only say something that has to do with my mind. So I’m going to say something like a journal, like The Five Minute Journal or something to recalibrate my mind. Because that’s all you really need. You don’t need I tell everybody, you don’t need any of these stupid hacks. I got a sauna over here. I’ve got an $18,000 stim machine that I use, but I use for physical therapy on people. You don’t need any of that man, you can control what’s in your mind, you can do it. Oh, absolutely. That’s, that’s the $18,000 Hack right there. So it would definitely be something like that, that controls my mind. And then, you know, we were talking about this before, I’m just gonna say this, just because it’s on the tip of my mind is maybe essential oils, you know, I mean, did that. And if I can’t have, you know, something I’m gonna need I’m a big natural health guy. So if I can have something to use in to maintain my health care anywhere, let’s go with that.

Unknown Speaker  25:42  

I love it, man. I love it. And I’m going to add a fourth for you as community. I think you and I are part of our oxygen is community man. You know, I’m saying that’s why you and I thrived during COVID Because we continue to build a community no matter how it if it had to be virtual, we had to do it. You know, I’m saying I met Janna through who connected us through adding her to my community during that time. No, I love that bro. So

Unknown Speaker  26:05  

launched my podcast December 2019. Unbeknownst to me, number one, December 2019. I launched my podcast. It was like the 31st like I did it like the day of like New Year’s first launch. It

Unknown Speaker  26:18  

was December 19 in 90 days. Yeah. And

Unknown Speaker  26:21  

my thing was, I was only going to do in person interviews. Well, that was a bad idea. But dude, I did as much as I could in California. And we did all these. That was a bad place to be at the time. And yeah, you’re right, man.

Unknown Speaker  26:35  

A lot of the things. I love it. So time to shine today podcast, Rusty squad, we are back and Joel, you and I are gonna definitely hook up. We’re gonna rock stages and have a lot of fun. But we’re gonna probably go through these questions. You know, just over up rain grenade or protein shake or whatever, man, it will probably spend 1520 minutes on each one. But today you got five seconds with zero and zero explanations. Okay, they can all be answered that way. Ready to level up? Let’s go do it. So what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Unknown Speaker  27:10  

gratitude. Gratitude is the highest form of vibration beautiful

Unknown Speaker  27:13  

share, whatever your personal habits that contribute to your success.

Unknown Speaker  27:17  

Subconscious reprogramming in the morning

Unknown Speaker  27:18  

every morning. So you see me walking down the street. You may like Fergie’s, not very good, man. He looks like he’s in his doldrums. What book might you hear me to level me up?

Unknown Speaker  27:28  

The rays of Dawn by Dr. Thurman fleet.

Unknown Speaker  27:31  

Yeah, you go. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  27:36  

The fire emoji?

Unknown Speaker  27:38  

Beautiful nicknames growing up

Unknown Speaker  27:43  

joe joe joe or Joel? Joel? Joel? Yeah. Joe Joe. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  27:48  

Love it. Just checkers or monopoly?

Unknown Speaker  27:51  

Chess? No, no, no checker. Sorry checkers. Those

Unknown Speaker  27:54  

are the same man. We’re with ADHD. Go to ice cream flavor.

Unknown Speaker  28:00  

Go to ice cream flavor. Chocolate chip. And. And vanilla.

Unknown Speaker  28:09  

Love it. There’s a there’s a sandwich called the JoJo man. Build that sandwich for me.

Unknown Speaker  28:16  

Ooh, it’s gonna be a lot. A lot of meat. Mustard. No mayo, absolutely. No mayo and some type of sourdough. Sourdough bread. You

Unknown Speaker  28:25  

throw some bang candy on it little bacon.

Unknown Speaker  28:27  

Oh, yeah. Thank you. I said lots of meat. So roast beef was love it in mustard. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  28:34  

Beautiful, favorite charity and organization like give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  28:39  

One is my church. And then the second one is I just partnered with B one G one. And so actually, I pick up there. They’re a great organization online. Buy one get one. It’s kind of like the thing, but you can partner with multiple charities and so I will pick different ones. routinely. So yeah, awesome.

Unknown Speaker  28:57  

And the last question, and you can elaborate on this, but a little bit, but what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s 80s? For sure. Dude, you were going to go throw down do some good times here. So how can we help? How can we find your brother?

Unknown Speaker  29:15  

Yeah, check me out. Joel Levin. coaching.com. I’m on Instagram a lot at Joe live and coaching. Or check out the hacked live podcast. Guys. I love to connect with people man. I like you said tribe community. I run my Instagram right now still. So if you shoot me a DM it’s me. I promised. And so yeah, that’s the best way to reach out to me. I’m also actually telling people Scott because I love Instagram because it’s been a great venture for me to you know, connect a lot of people but bottom line is I get censored a lot and that platform could take me down any minute. So if people could just go to my website, sign up for my email. That’s just the best way I can.

Unknown Speaker  29:48  

I’m signed up. Absolutely man with people in the future. Just get over to Joel effing coaching.com and in actually before you even try to leave his page has a really nice pop up. So make sure you put your Your email address and their squad, you’re gonna get some fantastic stuff. He does get censored, I get censored, and it’s just as part of it. So how about this book dude going on, like in a brief synopsis? Because I do want to add it into the show notes. I think by the time this drops, it might be ready. And I can’t wait for my sign copy to

Unknown Speaker  30:19  

you got that right, brother. Yeah, the books gonna be really what my journey has been over the last year and a half of helping busy professionals lose weight holistically. I mean, I’m going deep into it into the mindset into the detox, nobody talks about that nobody talks about the detox, what are you talking about liver gallbladder. So I’m going to be going into all of that, and why it’s so important. And then I’m gonna throw in some of those, those bio hacks and some of those fun things that I like to do, we get into sleep recovery habits, and really like what I think at a high level, let’s stop talking about calories in calories out, I know, some fantastic coaches that do that, and they get great results. And I understand why it works. And good for them. Keep doing it. But I work with a lot of professionals who they have kids, they have a family, they have a mortgage, they’re not counting calories, they just don’t have the time. Sure they want to and there’s a way to really create this,

Unknown Speaker  31:04  

they want to feel good with what they put in their body. And I understand that we kind of talked a little bit off mic that you’re gonna offer a free half hour of power to, to a lucky listener, or just a really anybody that made me want to opt in to have a nice little conversation with you. And tell us a little bit about what they can expect with that.

Unknown Speaker  31:22  

Anybody. I’m ready, listen, go go sign up to the email, there’s actually a nice if you go to my Instagram profile, you can sign up and I’m giving like a free like my free diet, cheat, least cheat sheet that I actually I give this to my private wellness clients. So this is a really good one. This isn’t like some cheapo freebie. It’ll really give you a blueprint of like how to structure meals. And kind of like the blueprint, I think to overall health and weight loss. And then yeah, anybody any of your listeners that want to jump on a 30 minute call for me for free, I will give you I promise you will walk away in 30 minutes for free with a Blueprint for Health and optimization and kind of have a roadway and a path of where you want to go.

Unknown Speaker  31:59  

I love that bro. And just to me one last salad is very generous. And thank you, brother. Give me one last salad in leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you can take with us and internalize and take action on

Unknown Speaker  32:12  

the big thing that I tell everybody is aggressively take imperfect action. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t if I didn’t do that every single day. I’m wondering who should I do that? Should I do this people are sitting on the sidelines right now wondering if they should put out a certain post or something. And the bottom line is there are people that are dying. Literally there are people that are dying and fallen asleep crying because they need your help and your to your ego is getting in the way from you actually putting out that post or putting out that offer that we just talked about that offer to serve. So go out there and serve aggressively take imperfect action and you will see some beautiful results.

Unknown Speaker  32:47  

That’s proven. Thank you so much squad, we had an awesome conversation of free masterclass with my good friend Joel Evan here, you know, he’s 18 years old. He’s watched his friends go to Stanford, Washington to go to these colleges. He went really nowhere at first and that resonated with me so much that I hopped into the military because I had nowhere to go. But you know, I saw that me and Joel, that kind of brothers a different mothers man, you know, we’re not sure what to do. But he understands that attitude is everything. There’s no excuses for having good energy. And the way you can do that is by being grateful for what you have and wanting to give, give give it but also be open to reciprocate. He mentioned the Cortes burning the bridges and really start to lean into his challenges. You know, he has a perfect day exercise. You know, he wants it I’d love for you to get with Joel, for that 30 minute, you know, half hour of power. And I’m sure he’s going to probably break it down with you the perfect day, Jeff says who you waken up to the location you’re waking up, you’re eating your movement, you’ll get your there if you’re starting to work with the coach Joel reminds us to say, you know, ask them their why why are they doing that? You know, I’ve said it before, you know Joe’s doing it for the intention, not the attention, you know, he’s planting seeds and he’s probably planting trees that he’s probably never gonna sit in the shade up because of how much he gives, you know, because he’s obsessed with helping you with your transformation. He doesn’t want you to buy into your negative beliefs. He wants you to challenge them. If you don’t know how like my good friend Leah Woodward, Leah Woodford would say, Hey, you’re asking here, ask for that help. Nesby people like Joel are available. You know, he might do something about little Jim Collins if you have more than three priorities that you really have none. So really get a coach help set up that game plan for priorities make that coach Joel, you know, again, I said, I think I’m gonna name this episode leaning into your dream life or leaning into your good luck, because that’s what Joel does every day he leans in. And lastly, he wants you to aggressively take imperfect action. That’s exactly what my good friend Joel does. He levels up as hell. He levels up as well. He’s humble. He’s hungry. He started his varsity squad letter here at time to shine today, brother I absolutely love your guts and I mean that with everything every John, me. Thank you so much for coming on brother.

Unknown Speaker  35:02  

Thank you, man. Appreciate so much man.

Unknown Speaker  35:04  

You bet chat soon. Yep. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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