377-Helping Next-Gen Leaders Find Inner Peace and Lasting Success Through Spirituality – TTST Interview with Coach Neal Bakshi

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Neal Bakshi is a certified spiritual life coach, reiki energy healer, angel medium, and best-selling author. He specializes in guiding highly driven, motivated, and aspirational next-gen leaders achieve inner peace, lasting success, and energetic balance through the power of spirituality.

He is a former Goldman Sachs investment banker and left his vice president title, after his mother’s death, to pursue his spiritual passions, including teaching meditation and breathwork.

   It’s easier than you think it is, love yourself and and body completely – accept yourself

– Neal Bakshi

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Being raised in meditation gave Neal free reign to center himself

2. Neal will meditate to gain solace and peace and receive receive messages to help himself and serve others

3. Instead of carrying your weight of your luggage of the past reach out to Neal to help you ride that ‘passion wave’

4. Lean into one thing that brings you joy every day

Level Up! 


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Neal’s Book: Banking on Angels

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Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time To Shine Today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson, and I have a legit. If you read one of my favorite books, I always put out Buddha and the Badass. I got my guy here,Neal Bakshi. He’s a certified spiritual, life coach, reiki, energy healer, angel medium, and best selling author, which, if you stick around to the end, I got a five book giveaway to some lucky listeners. He specializes in guiding, highly driven, motivated, and aspirational next gen leaders achieve inner peace, which I’m telling you right now, squad, I’m 51 years old, so I’m a little bit ahead, and I do worry a little bit about what’s coming up behind me. But with people like Neil doing this, I feel a heck of a lot more comfortable. He’s a former Golden Sachs investment banker, so that means he was in the shit, for lack of a better term. He was there, he was around people. A lot of greed, which greed is not bad, but there’s a lot of people in insecurities, and I think maybe he even found himself in an identity crisis, which I think we might get into a little bit in the podcast interview as well. Man, I’m so. Blessed to bring you on. Neil, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to time to Shine today podcast Varsity Squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why? Horse. Thank you for having me on, Scott. My favorite color is royal blue. It’s a color that’s deep, it’s genuine, it’s rich, reminds me of space. Also color of my favorite football team, New York Giants, which I grew up loving. Okay, that’s cool. The energy of that royal blue. Yeah. Out of all the New York teams, the Giants are my thing. I’m a Detroit Lions fan, so I’ve had no love for ever my whole life. Being 51 years old, it was, like, almost 30 years before I was born that they won a championship. It wasn’t even the Super Bowl then, though. No, I dig. The royal blue, man, actually fit your color wheel, you handsome devil. I love it, man. So let’s get to your roots, man, because I know that you working on the East Coast. You immigrated here, were from India, and you went into one of the most competitive environments that’s known demand on the East Coast money here in the United States. Let’s get to the roots and how you really blast the tune. How you get now to help people level up from a spiritual sense. Absolutely. So my parents are the ones that actually came to the US from India. I’ve heard the story a million times. They came to the US with $7 in their pocket. They worked super hard, they grinded, they worked and went to school simultaneously. And they really set me and my sister up for tremendous success and seeing them work so hard and really chase the American dream and achieve that for themselves. I had always wanted to raise the bar because when you’re given that level of incredible mentorship and role modelship, I really just wanted to be able to follow in those footsteps. And so I wanted to be an investment banker since twelve. And so we were asked in 7th grade to write a paper and create business cards of what we wanted to be. And so mine was an investment banker and owning my own firm back she Bucks. And so life has a brilliant way of I continued on that. Path. I went to New York University, studied economics and history, worked in investment banking at Goldman Sachs for about six and a half years and worked at another firm for a year and a half before that. So about nearly a decade on Wall Street in total. And all this being said, I grew up in a spiritual family. So my parents raised me meditating since the age of five. And talk about a blessed thing, right? Yes, talk about a blessing. And so I loved what I did. I worked in leverage finance and structured finance, capital markets and syndicate at Goldman Sachs. And what we did is we sold high yield bonds and leveraged loans. We structured debt instruments. We created capital structures for companies, very well known companies that are your run of the mill you’ll see driving down the street. And over the course of my time there, I worked on $100 billion of transactions, talking to some of the largest investors in the world, CEOs. Been on calls with Elon Musk as we did Tesla’s inaugural bond deal. So really fascinating world in banking that kind of led me to there. That’s awesome. Were your parents fully supportive of the investment banking side? And I’m not trying to be stereotypical, man, okay? But I have a ton of Indian friends. A lot. Yeah, right. And a lot of them get pushed into either engineering or into doctoring. I don’t have that many that are in the finance world. Did your parents push back or did they let you because of how they brought you up in meditation or whatnot? Did they allow you to metaphorically spread your wings? They gave me complete and free reign. It’s really beautiful. They just supported me in whatever I wanted to do. And we had some family friends that worked in finance and invest in banking or hedge funds, and I grew up going to Christmas parties at their houses and just, like, being around that energy. And so seeing that, I really wanted to emulate that. And similarly. My mom worked in healthcare finance, and so my sister took the healthcare side of that. She’s a doctor. And I took the finance side of that, and I went into the banking world. What’s beautiful about what you just said is that you wanted to emulate it, not envy it. And that comes from your parents, too, of the meditation and the freeing of the mind and just not knowing. A lot of people get that green eyed monster when they see people that aware that they want to be the envy of them. Right. But, man, you emulated them. You’re, like, wise way beyond your years, brother. May I ask your age? Sure. I’m 30 years old. I actually turned 31 in about a month and a half. Okay. Wow. Okay. So you’re a young man, which is fantastic in light years and working over 100 billion. That’s pretty incredible. Congratulations, man. I’m like a proud big brother over here, man. That’s fantastic. I appreciate. So let’s move into the journey of kind of into the spiritual world and kind of maybe letting go of a little bit of the money and not so much monetary, but. The rat race of that and how you really moved into the and how you help people from there. Absolutely. So things were going fantastically well at Goldman. I did really well. I was a vice president there, and I was running a number of transactions and deals for clients. And it’s basically like if you can think about quintessential sort of Wall Street movies, in a sense, it was that lifestyle. I was, like, really living that Westmin Banker dream that you kind of see in the movies and that feeling growing up. Billion. Yeah, exactly. I love those shows, man. I grew up more envying them Neil, than emulating them, though, because my father loved him. Best friend in the world. But he worked on the line at General Motors in Detroit. Right. So I would see that big. I want it because I want to drive what they drive, you know what I’m saying? But sorry for cutting you off, but again, you’re kind of worked into it. You may rank pretty quick, and we’ll go from there. Sorry. Yeah, no, all good. So then what happened is in mid. 2020, actually. Two days after my birthday, my mom went in for a very routine 30 minutes outpatient thumb surgery to fix a partially torn ligament right here in her thumb. She went in for the surgery and they couldn’t arouse her. At the end of this procedure, which was 30 minutes, my dad was waiting in the parking lot and she was innovated rushed to the Er. And she was then put on life support. She was having severe seizure activity in the brain and she was on life support for about three weeks before ultimately passing on. And that turned my entire world upside down. My mom was my best friend, my biggest role model breadwinner. She was just the definition of love and kept our family she was the glue of our family and kept even our extended family connected together. Thanksgiving was at our house, and she was really this just dynamic force of love that just kind of one that was gone. Didn’t even really know what to do. And so the first six months after that, through the end of 2020, we’re kind of picking up the pieces for myself and my family. Finding login. That was during COVID too, so you probably couldn’t really be with her. And so I heard may 2020. I’m so sorry, Neil, but go on. I’m sorry. Thank you. I appreciate that. It’s so sad to not have her here in her physical presence, but I know and we’ll get into this, she’s guiding me from the other side, and it’s been an incredible evolution in terms of the gift she’s been able to unlock in me as a result of this happening. And so fast forward, I basically pick up the pieces from my family in terms of how do we transfer mortgages and cars and all of this stuff, which is like, no one tells you, like titles, deeds, providing death certificates, talking to insurance companies, no one teaches you this stuff. And so I basically took the lead on all of that. And then fast forward, I went back into my spiritual roots when this happened. And so my family and I would meditate while she was in the hospital altogether. Sending her healing energy. And after this happened, I first sought meditation out again in my life as a way of gaining solace and peace within myself. And I went deeper into meditation than I have ever gone in my entire life. And mind you, I’ve been meditating for 25 years at this point. And so in the first three months of 2021, I actually started to receive messages from outside of me, message saying, you need to help people. You need to help people. You need to help people every single day for three straight months, january through March, I got the same message. I was like, I have no idea what this means. How do I go about doing this? I wanted to be an investment banker. This was my dream, and now I’m supposed to help people. And so then friends came back into my life who had similarly lost parents very suddenly, who were like, what are your gifts that you can share with the world? And I was like, I don’t really know. I guess people say I’m kind of empathetic and non judgmental, and I have a lot of wisdom to share with people. That’s been sort of a very consistent theme throughout my life. And she was like, okay, take that away and see what you can do with that. And I sat on that for a couple of months, and I was like, I have no idea. Interestingly. At that time, life coaching certifications came in my path. Jay Shetty, who is an incredible hey, baby. Yeah. I’ve been blessed to actually meet him and break bread with Jay, so absolutely. That’s awesome. He’s a guy. Not only is he a gorgeous man like yourself, but the way he talks, he puts you at ease, brother. And he’s like that all the time. Anyways, I’m sorry. I keep interjecting. Man I’m rude, but no, please. It’s great. He is. It’s that kind of energy. And I was drawn to him. I loved his book think like a monk, and then I took his coaching certification course, and I tore through it. I went through it. Within three months, I graduated with over the amount of necessary live coaching hours that you need. I graduated with well over the amount of self study hours in terms of work that you need. To integrate yourself. And so over like 250 hours, of coursework, in three months while working my full time job as a banker. And yes, that’s 80 to 100 hours a week on top of that. So where did I fit this in? I didn’t really go out during this time. I didn’t really see my friends. I’m kind of in this mode. I’m just being led by life right now. Sure. And then I was called to work with Ayahuasca in the Ruby and Amazon and Shapebos there and then started to learn energy healing and then became certified in breath work. And then all of these things just started to instead of me pulling a dream of life behind me or climbing the corporate ladder behind me with this dream behind me saying I need to climb up, I need to climb up and there’s this weight and this luggage that I’m carrying up. This was a wave of just passion that I was riding. It was almost like I was being pulled forward instead of pulling forward the things that I was carrying forward. And this was just the path unfolding. As I just allowed myself to surrender into saying, okay, this is where I’m supposed to go. And then the most interesting part about all of this and kind of where the title for my book, Banking on Angels comes from in 2021, I started to communicate with angels first through numbers. And I’m sure a lot of people out there see repeating numbers, angel numbers. And so I take my numbers seriously as a banker. And this wasn’t just like, oh, 1111 here, two, two here. It was no joke. Probably 20 times a day, I would see these number patterns. I’m like, okay, there’s something way broader happening here. I started to research that, go into that, meditate on it, and then I started to say, okay, there’s a language here. And even Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher from 600 BC, you may remember from your high school geometry class, the Pythagorean theorem. He talks about he’s the father of numerology, and he talks about all numbers having an innate vibration. And when they’re put into sequences or repeated in patterns, they carry a frequency and then start. To go deeper into understanding the number language. And then I started to say, okay, if there’s angels trying to communicate with me, can I receive physical signs from them? So I started to ask for signs, and I would receive them, be it either words written in a billboard or words in an advertisement or something on Instagram as I was scrolling through it. Or I would go for a run in the morning and see a message written out in chalk of something that I asked for to see. And then I was like, okay, there’s like some thing way deeper happening. Way deep. Yeah. Pay more attention to the angel signs. Rainbows feathers, even, like random songs coming on shuffle on spotify. There’s nothing. Hearing a final man. Absolutely. Even the people you meet in your life, they’re not coincidences. No. Everyone is. Yeah. I love it. And you really work this into a coach program now? Correct. That you help people really level up in pretty much any situation that they may be in? Correct. Like, you don’t have to niche into some. Thing like you could really help a broad spectrum. Am I saying that correctly? That is 100% accurate. Because what it is, is so yes, I use a life coaching framework that I learned from Jay, which is helping people get to their goals and outcomes. But I infuse a lot of this spiritual wisdom and knowledge as it relates to either angel wisdom or just I was raised on this path of Parmahansa Yogananda, who incredible guru who teaches how to basically use scientific forms of meditation, of breath control and pranayama. And so I infuse all of an energy techniques, energy healing, how to create better boundaries from an energetic perspective because we’re here on this physical level and physical plane, but this is just the last manifestation of the thought thinking itself, which is what we are. And so that’s why you hear, you create your life through the thoughts that you think, the words that you speak, it’s all very true. And so yes, that’s exactly what I do. I primarily have been working with startup founders. Biotech executives, CEOs, CFOs. And it’s fascinating financiers because they operate on a very high level on the physical plane. And then when they’re able to tap in exactly. And then when they’re able to tap into the energetics behind everything, it makes everything that’s happening in their life flow so much more seamlessly. Yes, there’s a harmony that’s found in what you do. There’s harmony versus balance. I’m not a big believer in balance. I’m a really big believer in harmony. And the people that I coach and the speeches that I’ve given on multiple stages about harmony, where balance is kind of zero. Right. Where harmony is like, okay, let’s liken it to like a jazz band. Where, like, God or spiritual is the drums. Your personal growth is the guitar. The horns is your community. And on and on through the eight pillars. And if one of them is out of tune, it doesn’t sound that great. I’m not asking to be Beethoven on the piano or John Bottom on the drums or Eddie Van Halen guitar. It’s just but if you can have someone like. Do. They can really help them build that harmonic hustle is what I call it, into their life. That’s just beautiful. So let’s move forward a little bit. If you’re working with somebody and you’re kind of in the discovery period, what is any of your secret sauce that you may use? And I know that’s a really broad way to say it, but secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing, to maybe help them identify that blind spot that they have. Yeah, a lot of it is based on this concept of a life audit. So what I’ll do with people is take an extended period of time, two plus hours, and go through people’s lives in extensive detail. Like, we are examining what’s happening in your relationship life, what’s happening in your family life, what’s happening in your career, finances, physical health, physical environment, leisure time, social life. Because what happens is yeah, life is this interconnected wheel. And when you see where there’s the biggest gaps, you can first target those biggest areas. Where you want to see the biggest improvement. And naturally because you are a multidimensional human that has all these facets of life, you will see ripple effects across all the other areas of your life once you start to see these improvements. And it’s really like I’ve noticed some of the most basic little building block habits that just need to be put in place. And then once you’re able to hold people accountable towards those specific habits that they feel aligned and called to within their own self, it’s like that wave that carries itself forward because that consistency builds and builds and builds like a snowball rolling down. That’s like harmony, man. You’re Beautiful. You were like brothers with different mothers, man. It’s like we look at things really the same way. And I love that you said you find the gaps within the wheels and then you help either put them back into congruence so the harmony happens. That’s Beautiful. So when you’re working with somebody maybe still in the discovery period. Neil. Is there any good question? You wish they would ask you but never do. Fascinating question. Let me give this a quick couple of second thought. I’m not saying it to trip you up, because I know that in my former life, I would have been like, Listen, man, like foo foo spiritual shit. That’s how I would be. Now I’m meditating. I’m up to 7 minutes right now. For me, amazing. You know what I’m saying? Pranayama every Tuesday. So I get Ashtanga yoga and Mysore style. I start adding it inch by inch. It’s a cinch into my life. Right? Is there any good question that when they start sitting with you that they would ask you? Yeah. So to answer your question, in terms of what is a question I wish I were asked from people that they don’t necessarily ask me is how can I more deeply understand who I really am? Because the biggest disconnect that yes, I’ll let. Sink in for a second. How can I understand who I really am? Because we understand, baby. Yes. The biggest disconnect is we go through our lives believing that we are this story of this physical body that we live in with all the emotional history and mental history or past traumas or incidences that may have happened or these goals that we want to achieve. But that’s just part of the narrow and the storyline that we live in, this egoic construct of this physical body. But who you really are. You’re a limitless soul that has the capability and capacity to do anything. Change is the nature of matter, change lists is the nature of spirit. Wow. Limitless capacity to change anything. And with all of it I believe in coaching is everyone knows what they want. They don’t know how to talk themselves into it. Right. And within there, the challenge resides right in that heart. Right. But so does the answer. And someone like you, I can just see. That light bulb going off because you’re not consulting them. You’re not saying, go do this. They’re actually coming up with themselves. I can actually, from a view like a fly on the wall, see your coaching session. That’s just fantastic. So, Neil, have you seen the movie Back to the Future? I know you’re a little young, but have you seen the movie Back to the Future? I have a while ago. Let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly, man. Let’s go back to the 18 year old Neil. Okay, so at 1213 years ago now, 18 year old Neil, what kind of knowledge nuggets we call him your time shine today. What kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on him? Not to change anything, but to maybe shorten his learning curve, blast through and level up just a little bit quicker? Yeah, it’s easier than you think it is. Almost always, actually. Always. It’s easier than you think it is. Love your self and your body completely. You can want to continue to make changes and grow and achieve what you want to do, but it starts with accepting. Completely with self acceptance where you are and loving that and loving your body for what it is able to do and offer you. There was so much body shame in my life growing up because I played football. I got recruited to play in college. I was the center in a defensive tackles. I was 220 pounds. And there was a lot of I know talking about, dude, all lives I’ve lived. And so there was this self love is number one. How do you cultivate that? Self love at a young age is so powerful. Love it. Thank you for being transparent also that you played center, because I would have never would have thought that ever. Man. So how do you want your dash remembered then? That little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date. How does Neil want his dash? Remember life, date, and death? Hopefully, it’s gazillion years down the line. How do you want to be remembered, brother? Yeah. And this is actually an awesome exercise I do with my my coaching clients as well. It’s called my ultimate desire. And that ultimate desire is is just a few sentences boiled down into what is your ultimate desire in life? And so my ultimate desire I wrote this back in December 2020 after I went through all of this stuff and I started myself my self Love journey. My ultimate desire is to be someone who people turn to for spiritual wisdom and advice in terms of how to navigate the dualities of the material world and the spiritual world and to be able to give back to others in all kinds of ways financially, through guidance, through help, through love and being someone who is able to live in love, live in service to love and live in joy and be that example for people to embody themselves. Because I think the greatest examples come from the embodiment of it. And so being that embodiment of loving. To others, living in joy and allowing myself to be someone who goes through life able to handle and navigate the things that come up in a very conscientious and ease and graceful way. I love it. Steve harbor, he wrote a bunch of books. Awesome, fantastic coach. And I hear it just coming through this micro thrown into my speaker ears from you that do what you love in the service of people that love what you do, they can see that you absolutely love what you do. So they are going to become 100% on board. I love that. But Neil, what do you think then people misunderstand about you the most? Great question. I don’t think I’m necessarily that misunderstood. Love to be someone who is completely in their truth and is able to shine that light from who they are in their authentic selves. I think something that may be misunderstood is maybe that I go through life alone. And so I think so many people struggle with that because everyone thinks that that they need to handle life alone. And I had that for the longest time, and I’m still kind of going through that in terms of asking for help when I need help, or the biggest thing is I talk to my angels every day, multiple times a day, all the time. So they’re actually my higher guidance that is always coming through. But you’re not meant to go through life alone. We’re human beings all the same species here for a reason. We are instinctually, and we have the desire for tribal connection and connection to others. And so, so many times, people think they need to go through this life alone. Whether it’s someone who’s struggling with mental illness or a difficult time in their life. And we feel like we’re very lone and no one’s going to be able to relate to us or no one has the capacity to help us or take us on. And I think that’s the biggest thing that there really is no such thing as being self made. I don’t believe it because so many giants that I’ve stood on the shoulders of, brother, I was told when I was young, when you don’t know something, get your asking gear. Don’t be afraid to ask, man. You know what I’m saying? And I do. Even to this date, I pick people that are 30 years old brain that I feel that reviving in my tribe. And I’ll pick your brain and be like, Neil, what do you think about this? I have five or six people there between the ages of 25 and 32 that I will reach out to. I also know that there’s a maturity that they still have to go through just in the physical world world. But I’m so blessed that people like you exist. And squad, we’re going to take my good friend Neil Bakshi do I live? Up lightning round. Just as soon as we get back from thinking our sponsors and affiliates. Time to shine. Today podcast. Varsity squad, we are back in Neil. We’re going to meet one day. I can see it. It’s already into fruition. It’s going to happen, and we’re going to intentions out in the field. Yes. We’re going to talk about a lot of these questions. I probably spend an hour, 1520 minutes to an hour on each one of them. But within the lightning round, level up. Lightning round. You got 5 seconds. Seconds with no explanations, and it can be done. Okay, let’s do that. All right. No explanations. You ready to level up? I’m ready to level up. All right, Neil, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? It’s easier than you think. Sure. One of your personal habits that contributes to your success? Daily meditation. Awesome. Them. So you see me walking down the street. You’re like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit, right? And other than banking on angels, what book might you hand me to help me level up? Autobiography of a Yogi by Parmahansa Yogananda. I have that on my bookshelf. I haven’t read it yet, I’m sad to say, but I actually have that. I love that. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? There’s three. It is the heart, it is the angel, the smiling angel. Emoji and the gratitude. Sort of prayer hands. Beautiful nicknames growing up. Man, this is going to be really funny. Cheesy puff. Because I love to eat cheesy puffs. When you were 20 in high school. I love it. Tell me a hidden talent or superpower that you have that no one knows about. That no one knows about. I would say the ability to I was going to say the ability to feel into people’s energy and understand what’s going on without needing to even speak to them. Love it. I guess most people don’t really know that, but that’s sort of. That’s a zoo par. Absolutely. Chess, checkers, or Monopoly? Chess, checkers, or Monopoly? I’m gonna go with Monopoly just because my old love right. Quickly a headline for your life. Live in live in love. Love it. Go to ice cream flavor mint chocolate chip. All right, my man. So there’s a there’s a sandwich called the back sheet cheesy puff. Build that sandwich for me. Okay. So I’m actually going to use the sandwich from my hometown growing up. Princeton, New Jersey. There’s a place called Hoagie Haven. One of my favorite sandwiches growing up when I meet was called the Sanchez. This is why I was 220,000. It was French fries, mozzarella sticks, fried chicken fingers, and this special sauce they made called Sanchez sauce. And I put lettuce on it and literally eat in a hobby. Could not be. I love it. More unhealthy. But it was delicious. Like a heart attack on a plane. I’m actually in the middle of a 72 hours fast right now. I do it three times a year and it actually sounds good. The good stuff. So, favorite charity and organization, like to give your time or money to yeah. So favorite organization is Self Realization Fellowship. That is the spiritual path I was raised on and the meditation that I learned how to become who I am. That’s one. And also there’s a number of foundations out there supporting Alzheimer’s research and my grandmother had Alzheimer’s and just sort of seeing how she went through that process and how my mom took care of her, that’s a cause that’s very dear to my heart. Good man. Appreciate that. And last question, we can elaborate on this one a little bit, but what’s the best decade of music? Sixty s. Seventy s. Eighty s or ninety s for you? 2000. No. Yeah, no, I’m gonna say I’m gonna go with like, the I grew up on classic rock, so led Zeppelin, AC DC, Pink. Yeah, that was the music I was raised on, so I’m going to have to go with that. Like, just classic rock. Love it, man. I love it. So how can we find you, Neil? So you can find me through my website. My name Neilbacksheet.com. N-E-A-L-B-A-K-S-H-I on instagram at Neil. N-E-A-L Bakshee. B-A-K-S-H. Those are the two best ways you can find me. You can also find me on LinkedIn and TikTok, but Instagram and my website are really where you want to also. Yeah. And Neil, tell us about your book Banking on Angels. Man, it looks like it kind of released earlier this year in 2023. Yeah. So I have a copy with me right here. The book actually wrote itself in six weeks last year in 2022. So then I took a couple of months off, came back to it and edited it, added in a lot more authenticity with the angels and published it this year became a best seller in ten categories on Amazon. And the book is my story as an investment banker mixed with my ability to communicate with angels following my mom’s passing. And then it is a basically personal growth, spiritual growth, practical toolkit and tool belt so practical tools and techniques that you can put into your life. A simple five minute, single page journal entry that I use every single day that has changed the way my mind works. It’s basically a tim Ferriss of spirituality. Love it. I love it. I have a gratitude sandwich that my clients have to eat every day. Where the top layer is your intentions. Also, who you’re going to send good vibes to big wins from the last 24 hours. The middle is your worries. Go ahead and list them. And the bottom is 14 things you you’re grateful for. And the 15, write one sentence love letter to yourself for the day and that can squeeze that negativity right out. So it sounds like we were kind. In alignment with what we do with the stuff. So, Squad, whoever first puts and I’ll know you’ve listened, broad spectrum. Broad spectrum in any of our social I don’t care if it’s linked, I don’t care if it’s Pinterest, you can text it to us at 561-440-3830. We’ll be happy to get you a copy of Neil’s book on Time to Shine Today’s dime. And I can’t wait to. I’m actually going to buy it on Kindle. Nile he has agreed to send me a signed copy, which will go on my bookshelf, and I’m going to read it on my flight to Connecticut tonight. So, Squad, Neil, if you would please be so kind as leave us with one last knowledge nugget we can take with us internalize and take action on. Absolutely. That simple nugget is lean into one thing that brings you joy every single day, that will elevate your energetic vibration, that will bring you into an ultimate state of receivership, because you’ll be grateful for that thing that brings you joy. So it’s a way of infusing gratitude and joy together. And then you become a magnet for the things that you want to attract in your life. So one thing of joy a day and lean into it and actually do it, that’s beautiful. And Squad, I don’t know about you, man, but I have, like, pages of notes with my good friend Neil here. He was raised by parents that really let him his metaphorical wings fly. He’s raised kind of in meditation and gave Neil the free rein to really experience life. One thing that stood out, and I mentioned it earlier in the podcast he wanted to emulate the people that he wanted to kind of be like instead of envy them. And that’s a lesson that I love to teach the young people, is like, don’t emulate that’s beautiful. Be that person. And if you don’t know how, get your asking gear. The people usually that have made it to where you want to go to, they’re happy to kind of give you a little bit of inch along, you know? So, you know, he he talks about, like, meditating to gain solace and peace. And, like, through that, he received messages where he can help so many people, and he’s a big believer. And the whole zig ziggler. To me. What I was raised on is we can get anything we want by helping others get what they want. He mentioned, instead of the weight of luggage in his life, he started writing the writing the passion weight, which he really got into what he was seeing. And that’s going to come to fruition for people. He can help people because of what he does. From a broad spectrum, it matter what niche you might be in. Neil can definitely help you out. He believes in having a life audit, and it goes really extensive in detail. He does like 2 hours of power with his first meeting. Right. He finds that wheel of interconnectedness. And Neil will help you fill those gaps and make them more harmonious. He wants you to ask your coach if it’s not Neil or if it’s not me. How can I more deeply understand who am and how can I be the master of my story? How can I have limitless capability? I mean, my guy Neil here is planting trees. He’s never going to sit in the shade of. I can see it. Right. You know, he if you don’t know something again, get your asking gear and that it’s easier than you think, you know, love yourself, embody completely. Accept yourself self. Love is is huge. It’s key. You know, he lived completely in his truth, and he really wants you to do it as well. He does it for the intention, not the attention. That’s what it really came through to me from this interview. He wants you to lean into one thing that brings you joy every single day. And that’s what my boy Neil does. He levels up his health. He levels up his wealth. He’s humble, he’s handsome, he’s hungry. He’s earned his varsity letter here at Time to Shine today. Thank you so much for coming on, Neil. Absolutely. Love your guts, brother. Thank you, Scott. Thank you for having me on. It’s been absolute pleasure and can’t wait to see the rest of your listener base continue to level up. That’s awesome chatsu, my man.

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