341-Using ‘Tapping’ to Clear Your Subconscious Blocks to Happiness and Abundance – TTST Interview with Brad Yates

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Brad Yates is known internationally for his creative use of EFT/Tapping, and has over 1000 YouTube videos. He is the author of the best-selling children’s book “The Wizard’s Wish,” a featured expert in the film “The Tapping Solution.” and a presenter at numerous events, including Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success. 

        Self sabotage is really just misguided love

– Brad Yates

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Brad is fascinated by the power of the mind and personal development

2. Tapping is a complementary therapy to Level UP your lifestyle

3. When starting to add tapping into your lifestyle protocol don’t get into information overload, learn the correct protocol (from Brad) and you will realize it is simple

4. A negative stress response will slow us down, tapping is a nice reminder to stay present and level down your stress

5. Tapping is complementary to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

6. Tapping helps to calm the nervous system and great tool to down regulate stress

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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Brad!. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine. Today packets varsity squad, but first what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:12  

Oh man that wasn’t on the prep work.

Unknown Speaker  2:16  

There’s nothing on that prep work.

Unknown Speaker  2:20  

You know, it fluctuates sometimes it’s green sometimes it’s burgundy sometimes is teal. Okay. Okay. I love my favorites.

Unknown Speaker  2:28  

I like to Lonnie, I think peels and you’re good color wheel there brother. You’re handsome devil you. So

Unknown Speaker  2:34  

no really go up Scotty.

Unknown Speaker  2:38  

Alright, so let’s get into because not everybody just grows up saying I’m gonna be a tapping professional. You know, I’m saying they say that they’re like, oh, tap dancer or whatnot. I just have to tell you that I not your video. But before I get introduced to you by our good friend Amanda rose. I watched a video with I think it was toad. The wet sprocket was a band and hit the the leader of the band, the lead singer showed how he tapped himself to sleep because of his grind on the road in whatnot. And I just love it. I’m like, That is amazing. I just haven’t had the patience to sit down and really dig into it myself. So let’s get to the origins. I’d like you know, maybe your earlier years a little bit Brad and then kind of move into how you’re EFT and tapping tapping internationally known person.

Unknown Speaker  3:28  

How far back do you want to go? As far

Unknown Speaker  3:31  

as your, you know, our timeframe.

Unknown Speaker  3:34  

I was born in and I was born in Anaheim. And I used to have dreams that I was born underwater on the submarine ride at Disneyland and I years later went back and worked at Disneyland. But I started out as an actor and had got my degree in acting. I traveled the world doing theater and went to Hollywood to become a movie star. And then I met a woman got married and when I first child was on the way I thought I should probably have a backup career. So I get instead of getting a steady nine to five job I trained to become a hypnotherapist because I’d always been fascinated by the power of the mind. And started doing that back and forth with the hips with the acting. And then after a couple of years when our second child was on the way I realized as much as I loved acting, personal development work was really my calling. This is what really, really felt right for me. And we left LA and through some other hypnotherapist I heard about this tapping thing and went to Las Vegas took a workshop with the founder of EFT Gary Craig. And it was like wow, this is really interesting. And start introducing it little by little into my hypnotherapy sessions until little by little they became tapping sessions a little bit of hypnosis

Unknown Speaker  4:48  

at the end. Can you get into the EFT part of it?

Unknown Speaker  4:53  

Yeah, so Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT a lot of just called tapping is a simple process of tapping with our fingertips on these key points primarily in the face and torso. And I know if people are new to this thinking, What the heck, yeah, see, it’s based on acupuncture originally. So for 1000s of years in Chinese medicine, they said there’s this flow of energy through the body along these pathways called meridians. And when you stimulate these points in Chinese medicine, they use needles and stick it in there to stimulate that healthy flow of energy. And this, another psychologist named Roger Callahan, determined that you could just tap these points with your fingertips and get all this benefit from calming down the nervous system. And we have a growing body of scientific evidence validating that it’s a profound tool for down regulating stress. And when you consider that stress either causes or worsens, most, if not all of our issues, than having a simple technique for calming down the stress response is profoundly powerful in all kinds of areas of our lives. Love, including our entrepreneurial endeavors. Oh, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker  6:03  

Absolutely. You find that you blend the tapping with other breathing techniques? Or is it like is part of your kind of personal arsenal to I mean, you’re pretty well put together, you’re you do well, but you found that it just blends well with other lifestyles that people live to level up?

Unknown Speaker  6:25  

Absolutely. It’s what I love that is such a complementary therapy to whatever other people, what are the modalities people might be using. And because it’s so simple, and the great thing about is that it’s, it doesn’t take any thought to do it. Now in my videos, I use all kinds of words to try to bring up what might be holding people back and try to, you know, figured out where the blocks are. But if you’re in a place of stress, you don’t need to say anything. So it’s not like, you know, if you’re, if you’re in a stressful situation, like you have a presentation, and you’ve just found out that the audio system has gone out. And you’re stressed out, it’d be very hard to say, you know, sit down and meditate for a few minutes. Right? Yeah, unless you’ve been pret word for 30 years. But but this is a very simple thing that requires no, no thought. And it will start to calm down the nervous system. And then you can integrate it with all kinds of affirmations, with prayers with CBT, with all kinds of different processes, too. And what it does is it calms down the stress that comes up when we try to make changes, when we’re looking to make you know, if we’re trying to be more successful in our business, a lot of us have blocks that we don’t know about about why we couldn’t or shouldn’t be successful, why couldn’t or shouldn’t be wealthier. So when we sit there and think about, oh, I have this goal of making this amount of money this month, and at a conscious level going Yeah, and I’m going to kill it. And I’m going to do this, right. And unconsciously we’re thinking, Yeah, but then all of our friends will be jealous. And our parents are going to be asking us for a handout, and and all this stuff. So that stress response shuts us down, we find ourselves, oh, I forgot to make that phone call, or I showed up late to that interview and made a bad impression. Or I just didn’t get stuff done today. Or I and I and I’m also off my exercise routine. And I’m not feeling physically well, which throws me off, which is all brilliant. Self Sabotage is simply misguided self love, based on beliefs about how we need to take care of ourselves, because we have that stress response, we try to make changes. So hey, if only there was something we could do to calm down that stress response, and then we’re talking about our goals. It’s like, oh, yeah, I can do that. It’s okay for me to have that level of success. But

Unknown Speaker  8:43  

so have you found that the when you tap certain areas that it actually differs to other areas to work, meaning if you’re just tapping on the head, it really calm the stress, do you find that it works to other parts of the extremities, the body to calm that as well?

Unknown Speaker  9:04  

Yeah, I mean, the whole system is so interrelated. And it’s like, if you’ve seen a reflexology chart, they’ll show the foot and it’s got all of these nerve endings are there, but things are so interrelated. So in the practice of EFT, there’s eight points that we use those eight, eight major meridians. But there are times that I may just have one point, and that’s all I feel I need. So the different meridians are related to different organs of the body, which tend to be related to different emotions. And you might get some people argue about, well, this meridian actually goes to this organ to this emotion. Sure, I don’t worry about that too much. That’s the whole point of the original version of tapping was you would identify which two or three points to use EFT was a simplification in terms of, we’re just going to use all of these eight points and cover all the bases whether we need it or not.

Unknown Speaker  9:56  

Gotcha, and that’s emotional freedom technique. EFT is a Okay, beautiful. So when you’re maybe starting to work with somebody, and they’ve been referred to you and be like, Hey, you gotta go talk, you know, if I was like, hey, Fred JC has really helped me level up and get over my, you know, because like you said, like, you know, you’re afraid to make money, a lot of people are afraid to do that, because the theory of relativity comes, you get money, everyone’s your relative, right? You’re afraid of that kind of stuff happening to you. So we refer to you, there’s got to be kind of a coaching aspect to it also to help them find their blind spots, if you will, for lack of better term, to help them find the technique for you to tap. So is there a way that you are part of your protocol or secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing bread? To help them find that blind spot before we get into the the cool therapy? Okay.

Unknown Speaker  10:50  

Yeah. And what I’ll ask folks to do is, first say, what is it that you want? Maybe I’ll have them describe their ideal life, and haven’t close their eyes, take a deep breath. And imagine your ideal life. So if you figured out on a scale of zero to 10, a 10? Was I’m just, you know, having the most amazing life. What does that look like? And they’ll have just sit there and imagine it, and notice what’s going on in their body. And if people are really paying attention, they’ll start to go, Well, I’m so excited. I’m Yeah, but I get this tightness in my neck, or I get this knot in my stomach. It’s like, Great, now we can see what the resistance is. Or I’ll say, Okay, now think of a specific action you could take, you know, is it somebody you need to reach out to? Is it developing a course? Is it writing a book, see yourself taking that action that would move you in the direction of a 10? And again, following your breath through your body, and just noticing what’s going on in there. See how committed you feel to that. And so sometimes I’ll tell them say, okay, tell them you’re going to do it tomorrow. Because they’ll say, oh, yeah, I can do it. Today, we’re gonna do it tomorrow. Okay, and then they get the knot in the stomach, or whatever. It’s like, great. Now we see what the resistance is, we may know, they may know, oh, I’m afraid that I’ll get it wrong, I’m afraid of being seen, they may have a specific memory of why that is. Or they may just say, I don’t know what it is by just get a knot in my stomach. And I’ll say, great. Let’s just start there. And we’ll start tapping, even though I have this knot in my stomach, and we’ll start to calm that down. And one of the great things is with the tapping, it’s often like peeling the layers of the onion, and stuff that we weren’t aware of consciously starts to come up. And I can be really mad at somebody. It’s like, I’m so mad at Bob for this thing that he did. And I’ll be tapping along. It’s like, all this anger at Bob all this. Oh, it’s not even Bob, it’s Cindy. In the third grade, she took away my favorite toy, and I and what Bob did reminded me of that. And I’ve been carrying this anger about Cindy for decades, and not even realizing it. And there could be all kinds of areas of my life where that has stopped me and limited my success and my happiness. So now we’re able to clear out decades of uncomfortable energy while I have a new level of freedom and I call it the freedom to succeed.

Unknown Speaker  13:04  

Wow. So you’re saying clear out decades it with freedom to succeed? I love that. So with you maybe you’re still kind of in a discovery session with somebody talking about tapping, see if it’s right from them. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do? This a lot of people are going to be you and I both know they they might be skeptical. Of course at first I’d be like, dude, how can I tap and it freakin works. I’m you know, you’re a believer in it. It works. I know people that do it now since I’ve met you, you know, it works. But like, Is there any question that you’re like, instead of really the skeptical shit, man, can you ask me a question? That makes sense?

Unknown Speaker  13:51  

You know, fortunately, because I have so much content on YouTube. By the time someone comes to me and says, I’m I’m ready to pay your fee. And we’re all individually. Yeah. That’s cool. That’s, that’s I’m fortunate enough that I don’t have to do much explaining they’ve already they’ve spent hours tapping with me.

Unknown Speaker  14:09  

You’re gonna say that because the content you put out is is absolutely amazing. Is it? Have you ever seen or noticed? Your the tapping have a detrimental effect on somebody that you had to work through multiple sessions to get them to where they need to be? Or do you see that it works? Pretty much right? Because the only reason why I say is because I tried EMDR or one time and I held these paddles in my hand. And I remember I did it. And we went deep. It was like a CBTI kind of thing for insomnia kind of thing. Right? And it made it worse dude, I couldn’t sleep for like a month and a half. It was the worst January of 2022 I’ve ever had. If you ever had any detrimental effects from tapping or where maybe you opened up a wormhole lack of a better term, they get somewhere that you really have to dig deep with them.

Unknown Speaker  15:05  

What happens when we’re when we’re, it’s not the tapping so much as when we’re when we’re exploring something. Okay? So I’ll say to someone, you know, when we’re tapping, that sometimes the results are gradual. Sometimes they’re very rapid in calming down the stress. There are a few times where it seems to be more stressful, but it’s not the tapping that does. So I’ll say it’s like, if you’re going to, if you’re having company over and you look at your living room and go, you know, on a scale of zero to 10, how dirty is it? Well, it’s, it’s maybe it too, but I like these people. So I really want to clean it up and I started cleaning it up, and I noticed there’s dirty laundry under the sofa. Well, now it’s dirty the level of six. And I wouldn’t say I shouldn’t have cleaned my room cleaning obviously made a dirtier because it was you know, it went up to a six star clean. So it’s not the tapping that doesn’t but it’s paying attention. Good. Yeah. And the tapping and it’s, it’s great because like Okay, now we’re aware of that now we’re consciously aware of that stuff. Now we can clean it out. Now I can get that dirty laundry out from under the sofa and my room really will be clean instead of me thinking it’s clean. EMDR is a powerful tool, but it does. There is a you know, the possibility of this AB reaction. That’s why you have to be a licensed therapist to use it and go through all this. EFT is much more gentle process.

Unknown Speaker  16:23  

Okay. Love it. I love that’s perfect how you answered that? Because it’s, it really got me educated just in what you said. I love that. It’s that it is more gentle. It’s a gentle art to leveling up that that’s beautiful. Right? Have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

Unknown Speaker  16:43  

A couple times.

Unknown Speaker  16:44  

I was just gonna say with. We’re probably right around the same age, you know, so. Okay, so let’s get that that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Okay, let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Brad is there any knowledge nuggets that you might drop on him as we call them here at times Sunday, but not so much to change anything because your life’s been good man. You’ve had

Unknown Speaker  17:04  

a great life. That’s always thing when someone says if you could go back and change them. It’s like, I don’t know. My life is so great right now I know are definitely bumpy times. But

Unknown Speaker  17:13  

with what you know now though, to maybe help them shorten the learning curve or blast through maybe just a little bit quicker.

Unknown Speaker  17:20  

Well, I wish I had known EFT because I didn’t there were places where I was had fear. That stopped me that I didn’t know about. Now the catch is that back then I was an actor. And if I had cleared up the fear, I might have had more success as an actor. And I might not have found this. And and I love what I do so much. It’s like I looked at you know, other actors and I go, there is no one out there who I envy and think oh man, if only I had yeah, like I feel so blessed to get to do what I do so, but, but there are some things where, you know, I might have made some better choices. If I had not had the stress that directed some of my choices, but you can’t

Unknown Speaker  18:03  

I can’t even imagine the rejection and the stress. I mean, I can’t imagine it just because I’ve worked in high end luxury real estate forever and I get told no or go jump in the lake or even more worse words than that. So I get it. But just being an actor and walking in and you’re just egos just there, bear, you know auditioning not to say I’ve ever did it. I’m into this new improv thing now getting on stage to help me level up you know, very cool, but it’s a it’s fun. I thank you for being transparent with that. How about your dash man? How do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date your expiration date your life and death date? How do you want your dash remember brand?

Unknown Speaker  18:43  

You know, when we had kids we had well, we still have kids but when they were little we had them watch Thomas the Tank Engine and in Thomas the Tank Engine, the biggest compliment the controller gives the engineers you are you’re a really useful engine. So I want the dash to be he was useful.

Unknown Speaker  18:59  

Love it. Love it as beautiful. Beautiful. How about what do you think people misunderstand the most about Brett? I’m sorry, did you ask me the questions because I don’t think any of these?

Unknown Speaker  19:17  

No, none of these. No, I was sweating over all of the questions. You know,

Unknown Speaker  19:24  

improv improv Okay,

Unknown Speaker  19:26  

okay just why does he tap on his face nervous tic that he has airports

Unknown Speaker  19:43  

How about if you what is your biggest victory with somebody that’s sharing names obviously, but maybe a situation that they’re in that tapping really got them leveled up and you know like to say maybe like fear of flying or or something like that, but maybe even Bigger ways the one that stands out, you’re like, Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker  20:05  

You know, there’s, there’s, there’s moments in all kinds of areas of life, you know, people with upsetting events from their past thing, things that have happened that, you know, maybe 20 years, and it still makes them cry when they think about it. And sometimes, in a short while, they’re laughing about it. And it’s like, yeah, I can’t believe I was upset about that. What that you know, that other person was such a dork or whatever, right? There’s financial things where people have breakthroughs. I had a client who ran a business. And she said, Every so often my team will say you need to do another session with Brad because every time you do, we all make more money.

Unknown Speaker  20:44  

Love it. That’s awesome. Dude. That is huge. We like get everybody on board with that. That’s awesome. So how about anything keep Brad up at night?

Unknown Speaker  21:00  

You seem so chill your mind muted like my girl, Susan. A little bit like how like, your demeanor. Like she’s just chill. Like, I’ve I’ve timed her falling asleep. It’s like a second soon. It’s like, she’s out? Like, is there anything that really kind of ramps up your brain and keeps you going?

Unknown Speaker  21:17  

Well, there are, you know, there are times where I, I look at people doing harm. And I And it’s frustrating that to see what, what people are doing out there. And, you know, I’ll find myself getting into some self righteous indignation. And then I’ll tap and then I’ll remember, okay, they’re doing the best they can. And they, they’re working through some stuff. There. Unfortunately, they’re in a position that they’re their trauma, or whatever is coming out and hurting others. And all I can do is try to reach more people with this work, help more people, set themselves free to do better, feel better, do better, live better. And that’ll counteract that. And hopefully, maybe even that person will also see one of my videos and go, oh, I need to knock this off.

Unknown Speaker  22:11  

Yeah. That’s, that’s, you were like so honest and transparent that you’re bringing up you’re not losses, but you’re learning experiences along with your victories. That’s beautiful. So what is Brad’s definition of a life well lived?

Unknown Speaker  22:32  

You know, it’s that it’s having a good time and being of service. You know, it’s, I definitely feel we’re here to be of service to make the world a better place in the ways that we can, but not at the level where it’s self sacrificing, and I never get to have fun. Sorry, allowing yourselves doing it, you know, enjoy our life. That’s why I’m blessed. I mean, I love to do so much. Awesome. So it’s, I get I get the two for one.

Unknown Speaker  23:00  

I’m gonna hang this on you because this is how I feel about you. I think that you live your life from just the 20 minutes we’ve been talking like, with options and not so much obligations. You know, I think that you free up so much in your mind, if you will, and I’m not if I’m wrong, tell me but you just seem like you have a lot of like options. You stay open to things instead of just feeling obligated to things because you love what you do. You know, and you’re really freaking good at it. And thank you for that and time to shine today podcast varsity squad, we are back with Brad Yates, the tapper, man, the tapping and EFT Emotional Freedom Technique. And Brad I cannot wait to meet you like in the flesh in person. And I’m just thinking of like 10 or 12 people Ron here, you just want to get together fly you out to South Florida. In and have you take us through a nice weekend. That’s just like my sister and I’ve been writing down names literally what we’re talking, but in there. When we meet, we’ll talk 1520 minutes about each one of these questions. But today, you have five seconds. No explanation. You ready? Need a tap?

Unknown Speaker  24:10  

I’m ready to go forward.

Unknown Speaker  24:11  

And here we go. Read what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received.

Unknown Speaker  24:18  

That you can’t give away too much free content.

Unknown Speaker  24:22  

Ooh, love that. Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success other than tapping

Unknown Speaker  24:29  

Are you caught it? You know, having having a morning routine, knowing what I’m going to do first thing in the morning with terms of exercising journey to things like that.

Unknown Speaker  24:39  

Beautiful. I know you’re really like myself and personal development in whatnot. And if you saw me kind of walking down the street, and you’re like Fergie looks in his doldrums a little bit like what book might you hand me?

Unknown Speaker  24:55  

My all time favorite book is a book called illusions by Richard Bach. Same guy wrote Johnson live Since Eagle my dad gave me when I was 15. So I think you’re ready for this. And several of my friends from the secret Joe Vitale, Mike Dooley Bob Doyle have all said, that’s one of the books that first got me started as well.

Unknown Speaker  25:13  

Okay, beautiful. I’m, I feel terrible. I’ve never read it. I’m gonna get into that.

Unknown Speaker  25:17  

I feel terrible. It doesn’t serve anybody.

Unknown Speaker  25:21  

I really don’t want to say anything. So, what is your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  25:30  

Oh, probably. Probably the winky emoji and in my kids laugh give they give me a hard time. I said, Dad, you shouldn’t use that emoji. But it’s just because because they mean something else. Yeah, nicknames grown up. Oh they called me years taters. Somebody came up with that and all through high school and then yeah, it was weird.

Unknown Speaker  26:01  

Chess checkers or monopoly chess. Awesome. Go to ice cream flavor.

Unknown Speaker  26:10  

Rocky Road or fish food.

Unknown Speaker  26:12  

Okay, I’ve never had that. I’ll break my rule here. What’s fishy?

Unknown Speaker  26:16  

It’s a Ben and Jerry’s and say get these little chocolate fish that have oh, and um,

Unknown Speaker  26:21  

you Oh, you can’t go wrong. Yeah, sounds like kind of like the turtle stuff. Love it. There’s a there’s a sandwich name the Gators taters. Build that sandwich for me.

Unknown Speaker  26:36  

Oh, definitely roast beef. Or whatever it was. That was my go to sandwich forever. Although you know I’m also a big grilled cheese fan to

Unknown Speaker  26:50  

say to also so favorite charity and organization they can give your time or money to

Unknown Speaker  26:57  

I seen in America is one that I have a lot of my YouTube channels. videos go to. Yeah, and there’s one unstoppable foundation Cynthia Kersey is organization that does amazing work in Africa, build schools, but also creates the infrastructures that the kids can actually go to the schools love and support it.

Unknown Speaker  27:19  

So you’re gonna get that in the show notes. Awesome. Last question. You can elaborate even more on this one, Brad? But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  27:31  

Oh probably going to go with the the 70s with you know, with a little bit into the 60s and the the 80s. But you know, there’s huge Bowie fan. And that’s where so much of his his best stuff.

Unknown Speaker  27:51  

I got to meet him as a kid man. It was awesome. My dad worked tons of security. And it’s I get to meet all of them in like, Detroit area,

Unknown Speaker  27:58  

tapping on my envy. There you go. That was a lifelong goal. And unfortunately, I

Unknown Speaker  28:04  

didn’t know who I was meeting. I was like, makeup on dude, what’s up and he doesn’t look like kiss kisses cool makeup, you know? So. But I get it, man. So yeah, in Bowie. That’s, that’s amazing. So Brad, how can we find you my friend?

Unknown Speaker  28:20  

Easiest way is it tap with brad.com. But you can also as you said, I have over 1000 videos on YouTube. Go into YouTube and put in tap with Brad or tapping. And one of my videos are practical about a lot of great colleagues who have a lot of great videos out there too. But you’ll mine will probably come up as well.

Unknown Speaker  28:39  

Beautiful and you give a awesome course that you launch mid year that we definitely want to get there. Tap into money.

Unknown Speaker  28:49  

Tap into money. Yeah, we kick off trying to come up with all kinds of clever names but it’s just like now this is just it is because we have so much resistance to money. Yes, people have resistance that they just don’t know about. And so it was we thought okay, let’s let’s create a course that really helps people identify the reasons why they think they shouldn’t have it and clear that crap out so that you experienced the abundance that’s possible and and that creates more opportunities for you to share your gifts and talents with the world.

Unknown Speaker  29:20  

Is that on your website, right?

Unknown Speaker  29:21  

That is on my website,

Unknown Speaker  29:23  

beautiful. You’ve i i just you know, being a coach and blessed to you know, have the clientele that I get to help level up. It’s it’s like I know that everybody in you can agree with this. They know what they really kind of want. They just don’t know how to talk themselves into it. And I just really feel that tapping can add to the repertoire to open that up and let stuff in in. This has been just you know such a pleasure talking to you about your passion. And if you could just do me one last salad and leave us when this Knowledge Nugget would kind of take With Us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  30:02  

Yeah, well, it’s something what you just said there about, you know, they don’t have to talk themselves into it. And because most people don’t know how they’re talking themselves out of it. And my, my one go to his final words is teaching people to love themselves. And it’s looking at why do you talk yourself out of loving yourself while you talk yourself out of treating yourself well, and whatever those reasons are, please tap those away. Clear that stuff out. Because they’re misunderstandings because you’re a magnificent child of the universe, you’re worthy and deserving of the best this world has to offer. And you have gifts and talents to share with the world, please, and thank you.

Unknown Speaker  30:40  

I love it. I love it in squad we’ve just had a entertaining but also educational masterclass with my good friend, Brad, Brad Yates. And you know, he started really kind of as an actor in theater. But then he had this thing called a baby. And he said, Man, I better get like a backup plan, and whatnot. And he was fascinated always by the power of His power of the mind and personal development. And so he really gravitated to the EFT the Emotional Freedom Technique. And with that, with the tapping, there’s eight major meridians that Brad kind of just tapped onto. But he really want to get deep into it, go to his YouTube channel, or let me make a personal introduction to Brad he reminds us that, you know, tapping will help calm down the nervous systems and in tool down, it regulates stress. You know, it can be a complementary therapy, if you will, to other things that you’re doing like myself, I’m in jujitsu, and I’m always speaking in traveling and stuff, tapping can really even add to my lifestyle to help me open up and level up anymore. Even more, you know, don’t look at it and get like, oh my gosh, am I doing it right? Am I doing it right? Like don’t get info overload on that, you know, tapping is Brad reminded us is simple. You just need to know the protocol. And that’s where Brad can get you. Yeah, he reminded us that self sabotage is really misguided love. And that just really hit home with me, you know, our stress response slows us down. And tapping can be a really nice reminder to, like, slow down, maybe even more and then work to level up. Okay, and tapping peels, kinda layers, like an onion tapping and EFT can peel the layers life like an onion and things can come up really from your past that you didn’t really know were bothering you. But tapping can in EFT can really help you move through that heal from it, and really level up, you know, he’s gonna be remembered as somebody, to me, Brad’s gonna remember someone that’s really planting trees, he’s never gonna sit in the shade of it’s so true in his YouTube channel squad, where, you know, he’s putting out content daily, and that content is going to be there forever. And it’s all as long as the YouTube wants to be there, but it’s gonna be there forever. And I’m blessed to have people like Brad that are doing that is, you know, he believes he’s gonna be someone who really have good service. And I am a coach. And I’m always saying, you know, people know what they want. You know, they just don’t know how to talk themselves into and Brandon, just knowledge bomb Ami. They really need to know how they’re talking themselves out of it as well. And that’s something I’m going to start reverse engineering and adding to my repertoire, you know, in, wants you to love yourself, love others. enjoy what you’re doing live your dream. And that’s what my guy Brad does. He levels up itself. He levels up as well. He’s humble yet he’s hungry. I’m so blessed to be connected to you.

Unknown Speaker  33:41  

You earned your varsity letter here, brother. It’s time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming at me and I absolutely love your guts.

Unknown Speaker  33:47  

Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate what you’re doing. And I appreciate this opportunity to share this work.

Unknown Speaker  33:51  

Excellent brother. We’ll talk chat soon. Bye now. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner, a professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com/guest If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.

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