340-Let’s Enter the Quantum Consciousness Accelerator! – TTST Interview with Janet Elaine Schmidt of Reprogram for Success

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Janet Schmidt is the creator of Reprogram for Success and for over a decade has been a practical yet potent Quantum Consciousness Accelerator™, Integrative Holistic Healing Facilitator and Business Coach, enabling business teams and individuals to identify and remove energetic blocks or ailments caused by inherited imprints held in the subconscious for generations. She teaches you how to recognize your program, imprints, blocks or ailments and provides you with tools to discard what no longer serves you to have a healthy, prosperous, and wealthy life. Janet will share with us the four techniques she uses with clients that have a 95% success rate in reprogramming for success.

        Trust yourself, hold yourself to a high level. You are worthy of the very best of what life has to offer

– Janet Elaine Schmidt 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Success in any area of your life is obtainable, remember the power is in your possession

2. Janet grew up in a family that assisted the underserved which Elaine knew she had to raise her success consciousness. 

3. Janet lives a life of unconditional love for everyone and everything with a heart of service for others

4. Janet listens with her ‘neck’ really leans in knowing her clients will expose what is going on with them at the deepest level!

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Janet, please introduce yourself to time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:28  


Unknown Speaker  2:29  

Violet, and you’re rocking it today?

Unknown Speaker  2:31  

Yeah, violence, my favorite color just makes me happy. It’s got a really high vibration to it. And so I really love it.

Unknown Speaker  2:38  

And it’s in your color wheel in my color, while it’s still Royal and regal. Have the mixed between between like kind of a red and a blue, kind of to make that and then you know, you have the fiery side and the chill side. And I just I feel that rating after the 1012 minutes that we talked off. Microphone. So again, 10 Seriously, thank you for coming on. And if you don’t mind, kind of like let’s get kind of the origins because people don’t probably, you know, three, four or five, six years old say I’m going to be holistic, or I’m going to be this. You know, like what got you there?

Unknown Speaker  3:13  

Well, actually, when I was four, yeah, actually, when I was four, my grandfather passed in front of me. And when he passed, I saw him with angels. I mean, I really saw him. I didn’t see it in the same way everybody else did. And I didn’t put it together at that time. And when I was 10, I started doing laying of hands on horses out in the fields in Wyoming. And I still didn’t really understand what I was doing. I was putting love into them. And so that’s kind of the energy work that I was doing. And I grew up in a family that always assisted the underserved. So that was kind of my mission, I always helped the underdog in school. And then I went through the mainstream of life. And as I went through life, I was still interested, even though I was chairman of the board of a nonprofit that helped homeless women get a better education or awesome. I helped inner city hospitals raise money. So I was doing all this other work. But on the side, I became a Reiki Master, I was still interested in energy healing, and kind of how it worked. And through all of this, I ended up having three kids and I ended up getting divorced. And when I got divorced, I ended up getting a sum of money. And with that sum of money, I could now help the underserved right, both nonprofit and individuals alike. And before I knew it, everybody was hanging on to me for my money. And I couldn’t say no, I couldn’t say no, I didn’t know how to say no. And I found myself in arbitration because my financial advisor who was with an internationally known institution had made an investment outside the scope of the firm. And now here I am in arbitration and all I can think about is I’m going to lose this money. So I always say that’s the quantum physics part, right? That’s the energy part, you’re putting it out there, that you’re losing this money. So you’re pulling that reality to you. And I know better than that. But here I was just, and I never thought it wasn’t going to I was going to lose, never thought that. And in the end, he was disbarred, his partner find the company five. And sure enough, I won. But I only got 10% of what I lost, or, and so I thought this has to be more than just energy. You know. So I started going back into my family history into the epigenetics part of it. And that’s, that’s when I discovered I came from, I looked at my money, inherited money, consciousness, everybody needs to look at that. And I, I went back in. And sure enough, I came from eight generations of ministers who signed up to be economically challenged, who signed up to give their lessons to the underserved, and who had no money to manage. Now, I don’t want to I don’t want to take that away from them, because that’s outrageous, and that’s them. But I didn’t sign up for that. Right? And that’s imprinted in me. Right. And so that started my journey. I mean, I learned Neuro Linguistic Programming, hypnotherapy, eye movement, integration, Psych, K, Theta Healing. I don’t do debt tapping, but I do DNA reengineering. And decoding, I do a whole process, the list goes on. But I do know tapping pretty well.

Unknown Speaker  6:39  

Awesome. I literally today interviewed Brad Yates, who lives in Sacramento, on his tap with Brett, it was fantastic. I got to introduce you guys. Because maybe there’s a synergy there. It’s funny that you said or interesting that you said the inherited money catch that come from the same thing where my father worked on the line at General Motors, and it was always like, you know, he would always say, oh, scatter V. Okay, we can’t afford that, you know, and that, luckily, I had people in my life that kind of pulled me out and then I made I printed money for for seven years. And but with that, which I’m sure you can attest it, I think you mentioned that the theory, relativity happens when you have money, which means everyone’s your relative, right? They come out with their hands out. And stuff, you don’t have that identity, like you said, to really hold on to it. And that’s something that I had struggled with for a while now I’m over that, and I get it, but sometimes it does pop up his rear of the head. So thank you for being transparent about that. So do you work with people, one on one more or in groups?

Unknown Speaker  7:40  

I work. I work mainly with people one on one, even if they’re in a group, and I’m working with a management group, in the end, I’ll take them separate by themselves. Okay. Because when when I’m doing what I call psyche, which is the balance in the end, which brings your left cortex and your right cortex.

Unknown Speaker  7:58  

Man, I’m sorry, to cut you off. But

Unknown Speaker  8:00  

it’s p s yc. H dash k. Got it? So sure. That’s a that’s okay. It’s it’s a technique that a lot of people are not familiar with, even though it’s been around for probably 30 years. It was created by Rob Williams. And if anybody knows Dr. Bruce Lipton, he wrote The Biology of Belief. And it was a best seller. It was about 20 years ago. And in the back of that book, he basically says the reason why he finished writing the book and the reason why he has great relationships today is because of psych K. And and he goes on to say it’s the fastest quickest way to change a self limiting belief into a self pantsing belief. But anyway, this is this is just the process that that, that

Unknown Speaker  8:51  

when you’re working with the people, let’s just say one on one, then is there any part of your protocol or secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing, to help them find their blind spot that you’re going to help them align in blast through it?

Unknown Speaker  9:04  

Well, part of it is just listening to somebody speak. So people always disclose what’s going on with them, even if they think they’re not. You, you listen to the words, you watch the mannerisms and you can pick up that’s part of neuro linguistic programming, you can pick it up right away, but also I I’m intuitive, so it’s a process that I have there too. So I can just use that with the process. But I pretty much know and once you start with one thing, it’s like an onion, it just kind of keeps unraveling. The person keeps unraveling, right? And, you know, somebody will come and say, Whoa, I didn’t think I was coming for that today. But I guess I am. So so it’s it’s people, people just kind of slowly unfold, that’s all and then and then you can go through the whole system and replace it with you No more self enhancing beliefs, behaviors.

Unknown Speaker  10:06  

Yeah. And then they’d be becomes part of their conditioning. If you are not conditioning, what would it be? Like? It’s obviously a lifestyle change. But it’s it does level them up. So, Janet, while you’re working with so many because it’s it’s not as well known as hey, let’s give me a pill to fix this right. So when you’re working with somebody, maybe in that discovery conversation, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  10:35  

Oh, that’s a good question. Um, a lot of them don’t ask me how I came about doing what I do. Most people don’t. They just come in and, and they might ask me to explain the techniques that I use. And I go through that process anyway. But none of them asked me what I’ve gone through or how many balances I’ve used on myself. I call them gold balances for when you’re in psyche, I probably use 200 on myself already. I use I use one a couple of weeks ago on myself.

Unknown Speaker  11:08  

It curious about that? Do you? Do you do a lot of your own healing? Or do you have a practitioner that you go to, to maybe if you’re maybe stuck on something to work with?

Unknown Speaker  11:18  

It depends on what it is. But I do have I have a really great quantum teacher in Brazil. Okay, that right now I, I would go to okay, but if it’s something that, like, for instance, I had a conversation with my son. And I noticed that when I would have conversations 50% of the time it kind of go, hey, you know, we’ve learned tug of war. I thought, what is that? Why do I feel that way? I don’t go into why he feels that way, or what he’s doing. I go in. And I would say that to most people don’t look at what somebody else is doing. Even if they wronged you don’t look at that. Look at why you are in that situation, why you’re responding to that. Right? That’s deeper than just looking at the surface of this person wronged me. Why were you there? Why were you responding the way you were responding? Right? And so I looked at myself and said, and as a child in the family, I was abandoned. And as an adult, I had been abandoned. And so I said, Oh, that’s the feeling that I feel like my son might have paid me or something. And he’s not he just moved to London. That’s all right. And I was just like, oh, this is silly. So I went through, and I did a balance for abandonment, I went back to where it first started. Yeah, I clear it out. I use other techniques. So I clear out that old belief. And I clear it out. And I replace it with safety, security and confidence, right, and, and love. And then I instill it through psyche balance, too. So in essence, what I do is I clear out the old belief, and I put in a new belief, and then I double lock it down was like, Hey,

Unknown Speaker  13:06  

I love it. I love it. So how much responsibility do you take? And I believe the responsibility is the ability to respond. And that’s my thoughts on responsibility. How much responsibility? Do you take about any turmoil that you go through?

Unknown Speaker  13:23  

I take a lot of responsibility for it. It’s just like, even losing the money when I tell my my

Unknown Speaker  13:31  

to ask it like that, but you brought it up?

Unknown Speaker  13:34  

No, no, even my money inherited money consciousness. Look, I Somebody asked me the other day, what’s the difference between innocence and ignorance? I that that was a great question. It was I was being interviewed for a podcast actually, when they asked me that. And I said, Well, innocence to me is when you haven’t been exposed to something. And all of a sudden you’re in there and you don’t really know anything. I said, you know, when I was given this money, I didn’t I didn’t know anything. My my ex husband handled all the all the finances right? I didn’t come from a family of money. So I knew nothing. So but when I was given them money, I wasn’t ignorant anymore, because now I have it’s now I have a responsibility to care for it. Right. And so that’s ignorance. Well, I didn’t I didn’t go through the process. Yeah, yeah. So it’s taking ownership and that’s why I say to people don’t look at the wrongs that if you perceive them as wrongs, I always say they’re good lessons to go through but don’t perceive that see your Why are you there? What was your response to it? What are your feelings and go and sit in the feeling because you’re going to go sit in the feeling and that’s going to take you to the abandonment or that’s going to take you down the road? Yeah. Oh, that’s why because I never managed it, but that’s not a reason for me not to get skills to manage it now,

Unknown Speaker  15:01  

I love it. No excuses. I’m just a big believer, you know, winners make adjustments, you know, mediocre people or if you want to use the word losers, they make excuses. I love it. I love it. So, have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yeah. Okay, let’s get that glory with Marty McFly. Let’s go back. The double Deuce that 22 year old. Janet, okay, what kind of knowledge and I guess we call them here attention today like not to change your journey at all, really. But to maybe help you shorten the learning curve, or maybe level up, maybe just a little bit quicker at 22.

Unknown Speaker  15:38  

To actually trust myself to actually, to actually hold myself at a higher level, I had a very, I didn’t have very much self esteem. So it would be to tell myself I am worthy of the very best that love and life have to offer. That’s what I would tell her.

Unknown Speaker  16:02  

That’s beautiful. She listened.

Unknown Speaker  16:05  

Um, maybe, maybe at 22 She might have been in a space that she would have. Love it at 20 at that age, she would

Unknown Speaker  16:13  

love it. Now that’s beautiful. That’s beautiful. You’ve you’ve just been such a caring, passionate person, since you’re laying hands on animals at four years old, or 10 years old, or whatever it was, it’s, it’s beautiful. And it just it bleeds through in a lot of times that nice people like that they get walked on, you know, it’s loving now that you’re really even even through these this journey. You’ve stood your ground and, and continue to level up. And that’s just so critical and so important. I love that Jen. So how would Janet want her dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date your life date and death date on that tombstone? Please? A billion years down the road. But how do you want your data? Thank

Unknown Speaker  16:54  

you that I had unconditional love for every one and every thing. And and that I was in service to others.

Unknown Speaker  17:08  

Yeah, that’s beautiful. And it I just don’t see you caring so much about the legacy in more about being a good person in leveling people up. I love that. You and I vibe. So good. This is awesome. So what do you think people that misunderstand the most about you?

Unknown Speaker  17:29  

I think they they think that I had a very easy life. They look at me because I live life with joy. And, and and in the now. So they just see that. And so they don’t see, you know, all the leveling up I took together and all my experiences. And I mean, I told somebody the other day that I said I actually grew up in poverty. I said, my parents the meat that we would eat would be what they shot and my mom was a better shot than my dad you know, so and she was floored? Yeah, like, nicely. Yeah. Because you just see people just see what they you know, and they don’t dig down deep and understand that all of us have. And that’s why I say epigenetics is so important to for people to understand the actual intricate programming that’s passed down through our ancestors to our parents and our parents pass it to us until we’re about eight years old. We have all this other programming other than even how we’ve lived right you know,

Unknown Speaker  18:39  

yeah, in you know, our kids brains are really mush until 25 years old when they’re fully matured you know the actual physiological motion when you tell a child no 135,000 times by the time he’s 32 years she’s 13 years old. How do you think that’s going to train them you know, and that’s where you know I grew up with that you know, my nickname was dummy and stupid you know and then I’ll you’ll never amount and you’re gonna be working right next to me on the line at General Motors which is me and my dad are best friends. But you know a lot of it was like as proving him wrong and that’s when I really want to make print that money you know, I look at me and that lost everything because I didn’t have the identity for like you said inheriting that that part. So then

Unknown Speaker  19:25  

what keeps you up at night? Nothing.

Unknown Speaker  19:28  

Nothing. You sleep good? Ah,

Unknown Speaker  19:30  

yes, that’s good for yes. Good for you. I nothing I learned that a long time ago that you know what? I can either. I’m not going to solve anything by when staying awake. I’m just going to be tired in the morning. So like I just hand it over. I just go here you go. Whether it’s what do you want to call it? God the angels, whatever. I just I know I’m gonna solve it in the morning. But right now, yeah. What’s it gonna do for me? If nothing.

Unknown Speaker  19:57  

One thing I love about our conversation is you know, The Book of Psalms, chapter 23. He says, As I walk through the valley of the shadow of God, it’s like you don’t sit down and cross your legs and wallow in this shit, right? You keep going, you take an actionable steps. And I feel that through your protocol, you’re putting people through the actual steps to bring them through their valleys, you know, in this, you know, lay down by the river where it’s a lot more fun in life, you know, so, what do you feel like, say it? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  20:30  

yeah, it’s a beautiful sorry for me interjecting, but

Unknown Speaker  20:33  

Oh, you’re good. You’re good.

Unknown Speaker  20:34  

I actually say that songs every day. So every morning. Yeah. So that’s a beautiful way to put it all remember that? I hope?

Unknown Speaker  20:42  

I mean, how will you know when the, you know, it turns the next day at midnight, right? It’s dark. You got dark times before that sunrises. And luckily, you know, I’m looking at the Atlantic Ocean right now. And the sun comes up over and it’s beautiful, but it’s dark. Before you’re gonna have times in life like that, you know, I love it. So what is Genesis definition of a life well lived,

Unknown Speaker  21:07  

to be to be happy and to know that you’ve done everything that you’ve wanted to do and everything that you possibly can do to live the best life ever. That’s awesome. And it’s a process to get there. Yeah, but, but to know that you’re taking the steps to get there. It’s a beautiful process.

Unknown Speaker  21:27  

It is. It’s in. It’s also beautiful when you have people that you’re aligned with like you in me and other people as well. I love that. So, time to shine today, podcast versus squad, we are back in Janet, that we will connect and hook up one day, and we’ll sit down and enjoy a beverage we’ll probably talk 1520 It’s an hour and each one of these questions, but today, you got five seconds, no explanations, and they can all be answered like that. I promise you. Okay, okay, level up. I’m ready. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Unknown Speaker  22:02  

That success is obtainable. And the power was in my hands. You’ve always had a beautiful,

Unknown Speaker  22:09  

share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  22:13  


Unknown Speaker  22:15  

So you see me walking down the street, and you’re like, Yeah, Fergie. Looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. What book might you hand me?

Unknown Speaker  22:23  

I believe it’s called the awareness by example. Yes,

Unknown Speaker  22:27  

that’s wonderful. Yeah, most commonly used emoji media text.

Unknown Speaker  22:34  

Probably the star symbol with the tail on it.

Unknown Speaker  22:37  

Oh, beautiful, awesome. Nicknames growing up.

Unknown Speaker  22:41  

I Janee Janee R. Actually, actually Pooky I used to call myself kooky MIT because I couldn’t say Janet Schmidt.

Unknown Speaker  22:50  

Also just checkers or monopoly.

Unknown Speaker  22:55  

I really do like checkers because they’re so simple.

Unknown Speaker  22:57  

I know me too. Well. You and I are brothers and sisters from simple love it. Go to ice cream flavor. Chocolate. There’s a sandwich name the Janney Pooky. Build that sandwich for me.

Unknown Speaker  23:12  

It’s got avocado in it. Yeah, got it. Tomato. It, it doesn’t it doesn’t have a lot of needs. Okay, I’m just gonna say that it has some cheese in it. And it has some basil. And it’s on a very nice toasted bun.

Unknown Speaker  23:31  

Love it. I am adding some man candy to that a little bacon. But we’ll talk about that later.

Unknown Speaker  23:36  

I would do the bacon.

Unknown Speaker  23:39  

favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  23:43  

Oh, I was doing it to dream catchers, which is for special needs or veterans to do horseback riding therapy. I treat the horses because I’m also certified in acupressure kinesiology and massage for equines and canines. Hold

Unknown Speaker  23:59  

you scratch. She is smarty. I love it. I love it. You’re doing it all from a place of service and care. I love that. Yeah, that’s the last question. And you can elaborate a little bit on this one, but what’s the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s? Wow.

Unknown Speaker  24:15  

Well, definitely, probably the 70s Okay, gotcha. I remember dancing.

Unknown Speaker  24:21  

So in the 70s you remember dancing?

Unknown Speaker  24:25  

I mean? Well, I should say this. I remember watching my sister dance in front of a mirror. Okay. And it must have been, you know, well might be 80s Yeah, I have to think when the music was

Unknown Speaker  24:37  

due i I’m 50 I just turned 50. So it’s like the 80s was my thing. I graduated in 1990. So I just look at the 80s and it was so like songs today have the hook from 80 songs like yeah, the actual it’s crazy. But then you had, you know, you had all the invasions of the 80s of like, YouTube, Duran Duran, you know, men at work or whatever. But then you had the big hair don’t care and you know that you had, you know, rap with Beastie Boys or Randy. Everything happened in that cornice. That’s true decade. We grew up in the best time. I’m gonna tell you right now. That’s awesome.

Unknown Speaker  25:17  

So I think my parents played 70s musical

Unknown Speaker  25:19  

office. Oh, you know what, thank you for saying that. Because, you know, my mom would have on Croce or Eagles or whatever, all the time, right all the time. And so when I’m actually editing a podcast, I don’t do the full editing. But I build my show notes for it. I always have coaching in the back. Or somebody funny. Yeah, saying? Yeah, yeah. So that’s great. So how can we find you, Janet?

Unknown Speaker  25:43  

Oh, you can find me at www Jannetty. Lien schmidt.com. That’s my website. For us. Oh, sch Midt. Beautiful. Awesome. Where else are you? I’m on Instagram Janee. Lane. Schmidt. And I’m also on LinkedIn.

Unknown Speaker  26:02  

eautiful. Beautiful. And you’re also on YouTube? I see you have Yes, I am. Love it. No, keep that up. Max, I watched a couple of them earlier. Okay, make sure you keep that up. So let’s talk about the programs that you have. Right now with, with what you’re offering?

Unknown Speaker  26:23  

Well, I offer, I do offer straight up Cy K, which is it would just be me doing psych K with someone and putting in the balances that they want. So if they came to me for abundance, we would go through and just do those balances. But I do offer more of an extensive one where we actually move the old belief out. And we’ll put in the new one. And then I use all the different tools I have for the session. And then I do have a more extensive one, which would be three sessions. And we would just go through but each one of those more extensive sessions, even the one where I use all the tools, those are almost two hours long. So it’s not Yeah, so it’s not just one hour, the site case like one hour, but the other ones I even use ik at the end and you get about seven or eight balances. So we’ll do adjustments. And then I do have an executive one where it’s like 10 weeks, it’s intensive, you have contact with me on a regular basis. And we do at least one or two sessions a week we’ve counted out. Yeah, I know

Unknown Speaker  27:35  

that you’re offering something up for our listeners.

Unknown Speaker  27:38  

Oh yes. And for the listeners that they mentioned that they they’ve listened to us today, I will give them 50% off their first session with me

Unknown Speaker  27:47  

beautiful thank you that’s so generous and you also for people that maybe are working through that inherited money mindset where they might have lost a little bit of it or whatnot, they really need to get there. You offer a scholarship program

Unknown Speaker  28:01  

I have a scholarship program so all they have to mention is the scholarship program and and reach out and we’ll work something out.

Unknown Speaker  28:09  

Gotcha I love and you such a big heart I absolutely love your guts This is awesome. So if you could give me with one last salad and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  28:21  

Okay, success in every area of your life. And I say this really with passion success in every every area of your life is obtainable. But you always have to remember the power is in your hands. So So I would say if at a minimum find somebody who does psych K

Unknown Speaker  28:42  


Unknown Speaker  28:44  

eautiful and I’m going to go through your stuff and and learn a little bit more myself even about about the psych K and squad we’ve got it like a really fun conversation with my beautiful friend Janet. Today that kind of a free masterclass, if you will, you know, she was at a young age, was putting her love into things, whether it be the animals that where she was living, she just had a mission to assist the underserved. And there’s people like that are the people that I love to get aligned with. But she also knew she needed to, you know, make a little bit of money as well. And she kind of got interested into the energy healing she lived with, I really call your knowing like, you know, something’s going to happen. And she really trusted that path. And she really manifested her life through points. And one thing I love about her is that she owns what she manifests. You went through a marriage gave her three beautiful kids, but that didn’t work out but she still owned it. She took responsibility again, the ability to respond to what she was doing. You know, she is a fantastic practitioner with psych K and that’s Psy CH dash k, where you change limiting beliefs and they go really into enhancing your life that that’s so basic what I said just really let me make a warm introduction. And to my good friend Janet, you know, she’s somebody that asked the powerful questions she’s not a white asker she’s not going to ask judgmental questions. She’s going to ask questions it’s really going to help you level up the what’s in the house those questions and she listens with her neck she really leans in and she really cares about getting you past the humps, the bumps or the valleys you know, if you’re starting to work with a practitioner or a coach ask about their history and why they do what they do and what really was there like she just gave you her why that she does so ask anybody that you’re getting into work with their why you know this she also went over the the the differences between innocence and ignorance which I thought was was just awesome. She wants to remind you and maybe even people that are younger to trust yourself, hold yourself at a high level you know that you’re worried worthy, be the best at whatever you have to offer. And if you’re not sure how to do it, like my good friend, Leah Woodford would say, get your asking here. You know, do it ask for the help my friend Janet does what she does not for legacy, she does it for the intention, not the attention. And then again, that’s the people that I love to be around you know, she has unconditional love for everyone and everything and everything that’s including animals anything she I can see your pet and plants even you know really getting into harmony with things you know, and success in any area of life is obtainable. There’s just remember the power is in your hands. She reminded us of that. That’s what my good friend Janet does. She loves Opera House. She loves opera. Well, she’s humble. Yes, she’s hungry. She’s

Unknown Speaker  31:39  

our diversity squad letter here at time to shine. Thank you so much for coming on. Jenna. Absolutely love your guts.

Unknown Speaker  31:45  

Thank you. Thank you for having me. I love your guts too. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker  31:50  

Jetson. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.

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