275-Be It, Do It, Have It, Share It! – TTST Interview with The Perspective Coach Nathaniel Brown

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After years of living the lies, pushing boundaries, and shelving belief systems, Nathaniel takes his life experiences and uses it as a tool to help Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and the Curious: P.A.R.E.,: Pause. Ask. Respect. Embrace., the circumstances in their lives so that they can breathe deeply, love fully, and live authentically.

The more I expanded my understanding of myself, the closer I got to who I truly wanted to be and how I want to be in the world.

– Nathaniel Brown 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. P.A.R.E. = Pause, Ask, Respect, Embrace

2. Great coaches live in the ‘what if’ – they are interested in the ‘because’

3. Nathaniel was put on this earth to help others heal

4. Done beats perfect any day

5. Nathaniel wants to have supernatural awareness. YOU are naturally super! 

6. Everything is an artifact of something else, but it all comes from the same source.

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:10  

to shine today packets. First you squat. This is Scott Ferguson weird episode 275 with my brother from another mother, even though we’re 10 years apart, my good friend Nathaniel Brown, he’s a coach that likes to pare it down and I’m not going to tell you what pairs the acronym for the P ar e. I will let him explain it to you because I’ve never heard it like this before. And it just blew my mind. I literally have three pages of notes. And I’m so so blessed that Nathaniel was able to carve time and come on here and share this with you because I left levelled up, right Iraq and just serve serve serve other people in just a way that I guess like Baryshnikov says, you know, everywhere he went, he picked up a stuff from somebody and I picked up leaps and bounds for my good friend, Nathaniel. So without further ado, here comes my really really good friend, Coach Nathaniel Brown. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast varsity squad, the Scott Ferguson and I have my good friend Jason Holzer for 40 athletes introduce me to Nathaniel Brown. And Nathaniel is a rockstar coach is into agro tourism, which I cannot wait to get into discussion with that and how he’s helping people level up and naturally level up their life. And you know, after years of living the lives pushing boundaries and shoving belief systems. Nathaniel takes his life experiences and use it as a tool to help leaders, entrepreneurs, and the curious pair or part pair will get to this care, pause, ask respect, embrace the circumstances and their lives so they can breathe deeply love fully and live authentically. And again, from his website, you’ll see it right in the front just really stood out to me. You must be it then do it, so you can have it and then share it. He’s also a podcast host as well. It’s got a silky smooth voice it’s actually so much better than mine. I kind of wish I had that. But welcome to the show. Brother. Please send yourself introduced something at a time to shine today packets first you spot but first, what’s your favorite color, and why?

Unknown Speaker  2:19  

My favorite fit. First of all, thank you so much. My favorite color is pink. I always enjoyed pink is one of my one of my go to colors. Whenever I’m dressing up. It’s one of those things I call it like a unisex color. It can be masculine, it can be feminine, so it kind of lets you just kind of be free with me I’m able to be creative with with with your ensemble of dress. So however you want to do it. Right,

Unknown Speaker  2:38  

right. It’s in our color wheel. I never wore it and my girl is like that she got me a pink button down to I get more compliments on rocking the pink because I have the dark skin tone and whatnot. So it looks good on us. That’s awesome, man. That’s awesome. So let’s get into a little bit about this pushing the boundaries and shoving your belief system and what you kind of reliving then and then how you level up to where you’re now helping other people blast through their beliefs. Absolutely. So

Unknown Speaker  3:07  

absolutely. Scott, I appreciate that question. I grew up you know, most people in the south grew up very Bible Belt, Christian, very staunch religious belief systems or whether you’re, you know, Missionary Baptist or whatever. It’s about the same thing. It’s Bible based. And it has a certain rules and regulations, certain set of principles that you must abide by, in order to be a part of that culture. And I had a lot of questions about things that were being taught as a child, but I couldn’t ask those questions because children were supposed to be seen and not heard. So it wasn’t until I got into my maybe mid 20s that I started investigating some of these curiosities, the origins of mankind. Where did this stuff come from? And then at some point, I’m fast forward, I’m giving you a condensed version. But at some point about that, say 15 years ago, I started really getting deep into Hebrew studies, I started studying Hebrew and Greek and Aramaic, and the ancient languages, ancient Sumerian, and all these other stuff. And I started to find a, a silver lining that there was a semantic sort of count a correlation to all this stuff that kind of comes down the line to religious belief systems that we have, and how they originate and how they’re connected to actually nature. So we get the word mother nature, we get it from the Egyptian text, the major nature, which is a concept where it meets basically suggests that nature and all of its aspects is a part of who we are. So I started really getting deep into that stuff. And one day, a question popped inside of me like, it was like, someone tapped me on the shoulder and said, What if everything you believe is complete BS. And I had to sit with that because I couldn’t prove that what I had believed before was the absolute truth. And it was that day I it dawned on me that the truth is the thing in the room that no one has the vocabulary to truly describe. So everything that we’re actually saying about spirituality and really Religion is basically almost like a social construct to say, Okay, I’m going to, I’m going to, I’m going to say it like this, because it’s the only vocabulary, I have to say it like that in this way. And I push through those communication, barriers. And then I started expanding my language and understanding how to read Hebrew, how to how to understand the pictures, how to understand all of the, the nuances, the DAT guesses, and all these other things. And it started to open up to me in a different world of communicating, it was biological was agricultural. It was connected to the land and the sky, the water, and it was more it made me more expansive. It was like, okay, the key to getting from where I want I am right now to where I want to be, isn’t trying to try to run faster. It’s about expanding at a very consistent rate. So it’s expansion, what the more I expanded my understanding of myself, the closer I got to who I truly wanted to be and how I wanted to show up in the world.

Unknown Speaker  5:56  

So what I love about this, you grew up kind of in the Bible Belt, right? So I believe in it. I’m from Detroit, but I was raised Southern Baptist because my whole family were sharecroppers from Alabama. And so that was like, pounded into me. And it just I’m actually writing a book right now called regurgitate because everything’s regurgitated all the way back to the stoics. I mean, like, if you take someone like Tony Robbins, you know, he regurgitate Jim Rohn or Earl Nightingale all the way back all the way back. And so I love that you’re expanding your knowledge, because everything comes from a creator, I’m a born again, Christian, I’m not afraid to say it, right. But I also live in I’m reading the stoics. I’m reading Buddhism, I’m reading everything, because I want to expand my knowledge, because there’s an Ultimate Creator, my kind of catching on to what you said through the expansion

Unknown Speaker  6:45  

that you are, I believe that everything starts with what some would call source. And it’s the I call it the artifact effect. Everything is an artifact of something else. But it all comes from the source. And it’s almost as if this whole entire living sequence where everything we’re experiencing, it says if there’s this intelligent design, that sort of orchestrating things that it wants to experience, so the life that I’ve lived the things that I’ve experienced in life, if I was not here, this infinite intelligence would not have this experience. It’s a very unique experience. The only one like it, nothing else is like that’s why that’s how unique we all are, really, is nothing like anyone else’s. I don’t care how many Scots you line up in a room, no one, Scott is going to have the same experience because the desire of creator is to have a different interaction in the creation.

Unknown Speaker  7:38  

Wow, it’s that that’s so great to say, because Raul, and this isn’t a political term, we’re all snowflakes. We’re all all unique, and how we kind of take in what we feel from our source and that in our identity that’s built on that. I love that. I love that. So you’re do coach people, one on one, Nathaniel,

Unknown Speaker  8:01  

do both. I do both. I do group coaching. And I do one on one coaching. When I’m doing group coaching, it’s usually around the concept of the law of attraction. Most people want to know, how do I get myself to where I want to be? How do I get the things that I want, but then I have to go, you know, let’s get within the nuances of what this law of attraction is. It’s always working. So if it’s always working, then it’s it’s an alignment situation. So people how to align how to attune themselves, what they’re agreeing with. And then what what they’re surrendering to and those sort of principles, I kind of lay out through a 12 week course I actually did one for a company called SRT global, which I’m a partner of. And they taught, they teach I learned a practitioner modality called the energy healing, or the subconscious release technique. Basically, it’s sort of listening to the subconscious mind, being able to clear the emotional energy around these programs that have running that are running in the subconscious and getting people out of those blocks so they can start attracting the things they truly want. I love that. I love

Unknown Speaker  9:01  

that. And so coming from an angle of you’re starting to work with somebody, maybe one on one, right? What is some of your secret sauce over there that maybe helps you find their blind spot.

Unknown Speaker  9:14  

I teach people to pare it down. That’s where you kind of started down here at down P

Unknown Speaker  9:19  

ar e it’s an acronym. You said that okay, my bad. Sorry,

Unknown Speaker  9:22  

there you go. No, no, good. So I teach people to pare it down first. Because sometimes when stuff gets it’s really hot and it’s fresh, it really seems much bigger than it really is. It’s like you know, it’s it expands it’s like water when it when it gets heated up. It can be very pressurized and expansive. But when you cool things down a bit, you’ve got something as small as an ice cube, you can take the same ice cube and put it in a pot, put it in a pressure, put a pressure lid on it, and it can fill that entire pot of Yes, pressure. But then when you take the lid off and let things kind of cool down a little bit. Then you learn how to pare things down. So number one, I teach people to pause when they get into that spiraling and it’s starting to talk about the problems that were this the standard going on, and I don’t like this person. And this person said this to me, I’m like, Well, it starts with you. So let’s pause. Let’s take a moment and breathe. Don’t let the moment take over, you take over the moment and breathe. Everything is about breath. That’s why we call it a spiritual journey. Spire, breath ritual, it’s a ritual you do with your breathing. So whatever you’re doing that you’re breathing, you’re breathing life into it. So if you’re breathing life into your problems, you will get more of them because they will expand based on what you give breath to. So number one is pause, right? Take a moment breath, take a breath, relax, stop, don’t don’t don’t give any more energy to it. Number two, ask that’s the A, you want to ask questions that are non bias to your belief system. So you got to be curious enough to know what your belief systems are, and then ask questions that might might come up against them might resist them. So be aware of what is being asked of you to pay attention to in those moments, if you’re frustrated, that sciences actually proven this, that that that fear and interest are almost similar and their responses in the body. So the the blurred line is in your ability to respond with a curious question. So take a moment and ask that question. And then once you do that, you want to you want to you want to take some time and respect, right? Respect, it basically means to look again, re, again, SPECT look, so see it again, look at it from different angles, be a non biased observer, see the problem from other perspectives, maybe maybe tap into some Hinduism, Buddhism, some stoicism, is tap into those those those vocabularies because they will give you some vocabulary to describe your problem differently, or just describe how you feel about things differently. And then last but not least, embrace that’s the moment of surrender, right? Be enthusiastic about the way you embrace life, be willing and accepting of what you can, and you cannot change. And once you pare things down to what you can and cannot change, the problem gets really, really small. And there’s men this tremendous potential, and surrendering to what we can and cannot control.

Unknown Speaker  12:04  

You do that through powerful questions that you’re asking them?

Unknown Speaker  12:07  

I sure do. Okay, I asked, I always ask what if questions, I never say, you know, that there’s that there’s the people that live in down shelters. And there’s the people that live in what if and I live in what if so when people make these statements, well, this is happening because I treat the because I am only interested in the because I want to know what the story is that you’ve attached to this moment, this event in your life that you’re creating this lifestyle out of so when someone says well, so and so did this, because it lets me know because because it’s one thing we learned in literature in high school, it starts this kind of afraid phrase, it’s called a prepositional phrase. Sure, to me, this is where you were before the event actually happened. Absolutely event came to show you your preposition. Didn’t set you anywhere, right? Invent the event by the position you are already in. So when you state your problem, and you say because that should be a red light, like, oh, wow, this happening because of me. So that event is mirroring to you what position you’re standing in, as it is correlated to how life is transpiring before you.

Unknown Speaker  13:18  

I love it. And you’ve mentioned responsibility a couple of times. What is Nathaniel’s definition responsibility, your ability to respond? Oh my gosh, bro, that is what I look at all of my podcasts, everything responsibilities rooted in the word, its ability to respond. I was taught that by Rod Harrison. Wow, that’s crazy. Who owns envision you and my first coaches great guy, frogman. Just it, dude, thank you for saying that you are the first in over 300 interviews. This says the ability to respond. It’s rooted in the word right? You look at you look at my past email or a past podcast. I talked about it like 100 times. Thank you for saying that. Let me ask you another question. When you’re starting to work with a client, or prospect even Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?

Unknown Speaker  14:12  

No. I would actually prefer that they be sort of uneasy. Okay, because it’s the truth of where they are. They’re coming. If someone is approaching me, they’re approaching me because they’re, they have questions. They don’t know where to go, because I love it. Exactly. The preposition then the preposition of, I don’t understand what’s going on. And I’d rather them show up confused than to come in with knowledge thinking that they’re going to, you know, have this this intellectual conversation with me because it’s not going to go down the way you think it is. Right? I had a testimony. I had a lady in 2020. Right at the start of COVID. A lady called me she was about to take her life. She was white in the face. We got on a zoom call. And the first thing I did after she told me the spiraling story, I said, Can I ask you can I say something to you? I applaud it. So congratulations. You’re an amazing storyteller. This is proof that you can offer the life you want. So that’s right, a new story. And she looked at me like, when no one’s ever said anything like that, to me, all her therapist, all her coaches up to me, all gave her this, this sympathetic talk like, Oh, it’s okay. No, no, no, no, you’re the problem. And you’re the author of the problem. Yeah. So now let’s deal with the author. It starts with you. Let’s take responsibility for where you were, where you are. And let’s move forward, get the pen back in your hand, don’t quit. We don’t have time for that. Because there’s people out here in this world that need to hear exactly what you’ve been through. And if you don’t go through it, they’ll never hear it.

Unknown Speaker  15:39  

Right. and live to tell about it to Oh, someone is telling me

Unknown Speaker  15:43  

if someone tells me that they’re going to commit suicide, they’re not actually ready to commit suicide. Most suicide cases take place in silence, right? Someone is actually verbalizing suicidal thoughts. And anyway, anything like that? They don’t want to think exactly. They’re asking for a reason to stay in the fight, man.

Unknown Speaker  16:01  

Yeah, thank you for saying that. And also, thank you for donating to my The Suicide Lifeline. My little brother took himself and it was in complete silence again, nobody even knew it. Right. And then also four or five guys, I served in Iraq, the same thing you never even seen it coming. That’s crazy, man. So I appreciate you doing that. So let’s talk a little bit of the personally a little bit about this agro tourism thing that you’ve got going on at the farm because so again, I know people that do what you do with that, but like, what exactly is agritourism? Is that where people can come? I could come there, and you could kind of run me through.

Unknown Speaker  16:40  

Absolutely. Okay, so what happens basically, it’s exactly what’s in the road. It’s agriculture, and you’re touring agriculture with my wife. It’s my wife’s dream. She’s always wanting to be connected to the land. It’s something that’s sort of like been calling her back. And by about 2016 17, she’d been feeling that call 2018 We purchased the property and then we built the house here. And then her dream is to have like, you know, plants and things of that nature have a wedding venue, have an apothecary here where we do our own herbal mixes and stuff like that, tinctures, wow, the CBD and everything like that. So we were starting with CBD as a base. And then we’re moving into all kinds of things. So we just brought on an herbalist and everything. But her dream is to have a place called the places called Haven Farm, have a place called haven where people can come and sit in the space walk around the trees connect themselves to the land, be grounded again, get back in touch with nature, so that they can get back in touch with themselves. That

Unknown Speaker  17:33  

would be one of your first visitors. I probably wouldn’t get on Yeah, bro. Are you from like, what’s this North Carolina like? It was Charlotte, South Carolina. Right? Well,

Unknown Speaker  17:44  

Charlotte is right on that edge. It’s like not far from South Carolina.

Unknown Speaker  17:48  

Are you? Like what’s the major city you’re near?

Unknown Speaker  17:51  

Um, let’s see what Raleigh North Carolina Raleigh. Okay. Cool. So we’re like, maybe 10 minutes outside of Raleigh in the country. So that we can Yeah, yeah, that’s it, man. I can see my guns and stuff. And I

Unknown Speaker  18:03  

love my guy here. I love this guy. Hey, so you seen the movie Back to the Future? I have. Alright, let’s get that dooring with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce and SWAT. If you’re watching this on YouTube, this cat is 40 He has a 20 year old son. It’s just amazing. He takes care of himself man we look at as we age, brother. But let’s go back to the double Deuce man 22 year old Nathaniel what kind of knowledge nuggets we call him your time to shine today? What kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on that Nathaniel maybe help him shortness learning curve blast through or level up just a little bit? That changed something so much. Right? Maybe blaster?

Unknown Speaker  18:40  

I would tell my 22 year old self that done beats perfect. Any day?

Unknown Speaker  18:51  

Dude, I’m sorry. I’m taking notes, man. Dude, I have two pages of notes right now and our outline. If you’re watching on YouTube, we go on on our third page right now. So Don Beach perfect any day?

Unknown Speaker  19:01  

Yes, I have found myself. And I recently had a human design sort of a session with a good friend of mine. She’s a very intuitive healer. And I found that because of the way I grew up, and the way I had to acclimate to the way my father fathers, he was a very, very militant in his way, which required me to be more intelligent than I probably needed to be at a young age. So like eight, nine years old, I shouldn’t be thinking about how can I outsmart my dad, right? Shouldn’t be out to be thinking about gamma go outside, throw some rocks and play in the dirt. But that’s not what I did. I was thinking okay, how do I stay one step ahead. You can cause me to be a perfectionist in how I approach life. So everything was in my head. I had to break it down. And I left the heart untapped. So it wasn’t until I got older that I understood Hey, my superpower is in how I can emote from the heart how I can live from the heart. So I would tell that 22 year old young Nathaniel to say hey done beats perfect. Don’t worry about getting it right Write don’t worry about getting it perfectly. Just get it done. You know, is this for you to do and watch the world unfold.

Unknown Speaker  20:07  

I love that and you’re enjoying the journey while you’re doing it. And you’re getting like my good friend Leah Woodford says getting your asking gear as well as while you’re doing it because done can’t be done without guidance. A lot of guys want to get things I love that. I love it. So how do you want your dash remember, man, that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and your death date? How does Nathaniel want his dash remember?

Unknown Speaker  20:30  

I want that dash to be remembered by saying that I reminded people that the power of being supernatural is in the awareness of knowing that you are naturally super.

Unknown Speaker  20:41  

Wow. Supernatural wareness. to This is awesome. That you are naturally super, yes. Wow. This is this amazing, man. This is a very enlightening and that say anybody other interviews are not. But this is just you’re just a case that we think so. Parallel, bro. So I mean, we grew up in a time where like kids these days get timeout. We got knockout. Yeah, you’re right. We had to stay a step ahead. What not to get in trouble in two to still expand in life. Instead of being shelled into what we were nothing get us our

Unknown Speaker  21:23  

parents, their parents, our parents did what they did. Yeah. Oh, it’s my parents like you neither, dude, I had this. Every time I talk about my dad, I told my mom, I am not blaming them for anything. If I am here, I am here because I am supposed to be here. And I had to come through them some things in their lineage that needed to be healed. And had somebody had to be a catalyst for the healing. Teal Swan said some tools one says something very powerful. She says we are given the wounds we are meant to heal and teach others to heal. So no one I wouldn’t be able to be the kind of healer I am had. I’m not going through those things. So I appreciate every hard moment, every tough time every knock upside the head or kicking the behind. I appreciate all those things. Because they did my father did only what he understood fatherhood to be, and I cannot blame him for that. I can’t

Unknown Speaker  22:14  

exactly say we’re raised in a different way. You know, in like our parents, well, my dad’s seven, he’ll be 74. And he was raised in a way that no, I wouldn’t say lack thinking but a survive instead of Thrive. Right? So it’s like, but he’s passed on to me the knowledge nuggets to say, Okay, this is how you survive. And then I got my asking gear to thrive. That’s awesome, dude. So let’s take out of this equation. Any cell phones? Any? Anything electric? Okay, what are three things? That nothing? Oh, can’t live without? Breath. Okay. Books. And a pen. Ah, love it, man. Three amazing thing. So let me ask you this. What do people misunderstand the most about you?

Unknown Speaker  23:08  

They misunderstand the fact that I have taught myself to be articulate, and usually gets interpreted as condescending. So when I’m in a room talking to someone I had, when I was a kid, I would read the dictionary, I would literally, it was one of the big things.

Unknown Speaker  23:23  

Oh, my gosh, they’ll say, Well, yeah, yeah, I actually thumbed

Unknown Speaker  23:27  

through the dictionary. And it’s summertime and just kind of thumbed through all the words, I’d read my mom’s medical dictionaries, like when she came home from medical school. And she had all this, I’d read through all these things and try to pronounce the words. So I built my whole way of communicating and being articulate, but using words that were very some somewhat complex. And a lot of times that takes people it’s sort of a turn off to some because they because they don’t understand what I’m saying. They think that I’m trying to be smarter than them when I’m actually not. I’m just articulating things the way I understand it. Sure. And that usually gets, you know, communicated to me back back to me by my wife and other people, like you just kind of kind of come off like a No at all. Yeah, I don’t know at all. I actually don’t the reason why I study is because I don’t know what it is you don’t know at all you’re trying to level up. I just want to use the words in the vocabulary that I have to be as articulate as I can to communicate what I’m feeling, thinking, understanding and I would be open to more questions than I would be to assumptions.

Unknown Speaker  24:21  

Nice, nice. So then what is the Daniel’s definition of a life well lived?

Unknown Speaker  24:29  

a life well lived to me is a life that is living in your truth. It’s the truth of who you are knowing who you are. As Paul Selleck said something in his book, that he is a channeled work and he says, I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth, truth. I am free. I am free. I am free. And that statement of freedom freedom is you learning and knowing who you are in truth How you serve, if I can, it’s all about service my life at this point, as I have come into my, my full potential my full beingness is about serving until I can’t serve anymore. Love it,

Unknown Speaker  25:14  

and you’ll never stop. It’s just ingrained in us and it just what happens we’re open to reciprocity, but it’s all about giving in doing it and taking care of our temple and ourselves in the forefront but being able to serve I love that I love that time to shine today podcast varsity squad, we are back with my good friend Nathaniel Brown, and Nathaniel, you and I can easily talk 20 minutes to an hour and each one of these questions but you got five seconds with no explanations and they can all be answered. I promise you. Okay, great rock. Let’s do let’s level up. What’s the best leveling up advice Nathaniel’s ever received? Don’t overthink it? Yes, sure. One of your personal habits contributes to your success. Meditation. Love it, other than the perspective coach.us And of course time to shine today.com my shameless plug. What website does Nathaniel like to go to level up? Google? Can we do? YouTube?

Unknown Speaker  26:14  

I love it. Scholar. Google Scholar is my favorite.

Unknown Speaker  26:16  

Love it. You see me walking down the street or whatnot? You may Fergie looks like it is doldrums. You want to hand me a book? What is

Unknown Speaker  26:24  

the one thing Yes, Gary Keller, baby.

Unknown Speaker  26:26  

Awesome. What’s your most commonly used emoji? When you tap his

Unknown Speaker  26:33  

fist bottle? Love it. It’s just like this.

Unknown Speaker  26:38  

Okay, get my camera. Alright, so don’t lie to me on this one, my friend. But if you can stay one age physically, for the rest of your life. gain wisdom. Keep gaining wisdom and keep the wisdom you’ve gained. What? Physically would you stay for the rest of your life?

Unknown Speaker  26:55  

I probably stay at 70 years old. 70

Unknown Speaker  26:57  

Okay, you get it? You’ll probably still be crushing it to. Nickname growing up. Little Nate lawmate Love it. What keeps you up at night? Oh, systems. Alright, very good. chess or checkers? I prefer chess. Alright. favorite charity and organization like to give your time and or money to.

Unknown Speaker  27:20  

My favorite that I give my time and money to with a need pulls me I haven’t haven’t. I don’t have beautiful as it pulls me.

Unknown Speaker  27:28  

Beautiful. You can elaborate a little bit on this last question. What what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s? Oh, I’m

Unknown Speaker  27:36  

gonna go with 80s

Unknown Speaker  27:37  

Matt did you and I are brothers from another mother do I’m telling you man this I mean, we’re 10 years apart. But bro, this is you my little brother. I love Nathaniel, how can we find you my friend?

Unknown Speaker  27:49  

Well, you can find me on Instagram. I’m at the real Nathaniel Brown. I titled that because my last account got hacked. And I lost all of my followers. So I just started over. I didn’t feel like dealing with all the stuff. I don’t resist when less I’m resisting to build strength. But at the real Nathaniel brown on Instagram, you can find me on LinkedIn. Just type in LinkedIn all the stuff and do the perspective coach. My profile will come up Nathaniel J. Brown. You can also find me on I’m on Facebook. I don’t even I think it’s in the Daniel J brown or any set the trend slash NB set the trend or whatever, you’ll find my profile there. Those are the places that I kind of hang out but I’m on clubhouse as well in the band around. Alright, so yeah, yeah, I enjoy I enjoy all those places or whatever.

Unknown Speaker  28:30  

Yep, and everything will be in the show notes squad down below. So do me a huge favor here and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you’d like to take with us internalize and take action on

Unknown Speaker  28:45  

one last Knowledge Nugget, I’d say realize that everything in life happens not just for you, but from you. Wow. So live life responsibly.

Unknown Speaker  28:58  

happens not so much for you. But from you. Wow. Wow, this is dude, I have notes upon notes. I’m scribble I’m gonna have to listen to this just to build a show notes. A lot of times I’ll write as we go along because it helps me internalize. But this is amazing. And squad we have literally just got a free like, that’s a capital Fr. E masterclass from my good friend Nathaniel Brown. And he has you’d ask yourself he asked himself knew what if everything you believed in was BS. You know that the truth can be hard to describe, you know, leveling up isn’t trying to go faster. It’s trying to expand at a consistent rate. You know, everything comes from a source, whether whoever your Creator is everything comes there. It’s interpreted through stories like his story and whatnot and kind of passed down to you I feel in the Daniel feels it’s our obligation to ourselves to take responsibly For ourselves again which is ability to respond and expand and when the thing starts to work with people he uses acronym pair which is pause ask respect and embrace and pauses really take that breath I always say you know breath is free medicine breathe you can breathe through so many things really pause and have that open mind you know, ask what might come up against your belief system okay that’s the A that’s that’s respect and see those new things that are being brought to you from a different angle and finally embrace surrender be willing to accept if it’s going to fit with you know, when you do that the pair it makes your problems actually go down to a smaller problem to be able to tackle it and that’s something that family Nathaniel can help you with you can actually take what you feel is a huge problem through his pair method and really dial it into a smaller problem that can be you know attainable to to succeed through you know great coaches he says lives in a what ifs he is really interested in the because your answers because and in my good friend Nathaniel will help you blast through that again I’m I’m paraphrasing through these notes people I have just a ton of them he wants to be reminded people that you know supernatural awareness that you are naturally super go back and listen that parks I just butchered it. But it’s it’s such the true and that everything happens no much for you. But from you again, take responsibility for your app. My good friend Nathaniel does that he levels up his health he levels up as well. He’s humble, yet hungry. He’s articulate. He’s part of that you just earned his varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming on. Thank you. I really appreciate your time today.

Unknown Speaker  31:44  

Thank you so much, guys for having me. Looking forward to connecting with you even further. So we need to

Unknown Speaker  31:49  

collaborate Brother Love your guts chat soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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