330-Talking Real Estate, Service, Jiu Jitsu and Living a Blessed Life – TTST Interview with South Florida’s Premier Real Estate Advisor Ariel Scherzer

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Ariel Scherzer is a South Florida based Real Estate Advisor. Living a life of service is paramount to Ariel serving the needs of arguably the biggest investment her clients make to that point in their life.  She is a fur-mama to her awesome pup Luna and a Jiu Jitsu blue belt. 

       I strive daily to live a fulfilling life where I do not live to work

– Ariel Scherzer

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Know your return on time and energy – Monitor your ‘bandwidth’

2. Your WHY must excite you!

3. Continuously work on yourself to be a person of service. Don’t be afraid to try new things

4. Win your morning, find your highest ‘energy time’ 

5. Practice delayed gratification, it’s not about the destination, but the journey.

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Ariel! Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today. Podcast. First you squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Oh, I love this question. My favorite color is red. I think that’s kind of my my aura. And the energy I give out. Red is powerful. But it also can represent other things. Of course, like love, passion, love, but red is definitely the color that I see represents confidence and strength as well, but also some femininity, so it’s always red. And it’s

in your color wheel. Right? Red.

Red is one of my power color.

It’s funny in the Jits room. We’re always talking about red and blue. With Eric Right. So

Oh, yeah.

So let’s get to the origins of Ariel, I know you’re an east coaster. You made your way down here. But let’s get into origins and kind of like how you came up through life and then really ended up thriving in the real estate game by serving people.

Yeah, I grew up in New York. So I’ve been down here for about nine years, I did a lot of different types of positions, you know, sales positions, I got into real estate, I think as some people do, they’re like, Oh, let me just get my license. But you don’t realize what it really takes to become successful. You know, it’s really not, it’s not easy. It’s it takes time. I tell people if you want that instant gratification, you know, if you want to make money now, I would probably not recommend doing this. Thank you. It’s a delayed gratification. So yeah,

you know, it’s funny that you’re saying that, I mean, we could dig in this because they’re both real estate professionals and stuff. But like, like we’ve talked before about like, like you get your license, like you just said, and then you you know, you might sell your mom a house or your brother a house and then you’re like, What the hell right? So that’s the biggest thing is people don’t understand that you and I wake up unemployed every day. Right? We’ve got to find somebody to interview us to sell them a house to rent them a house or buy or in your case, whatever a triple net lease is and all that stuff. Right. So what do you think, is your strength in building your business? To thrive on a daily basis?

Right? My strength I think in the beginning my strength was I always wanted to learn I had a mentor I worked with The team, especially in the beginning, when I was doing more residential, I learned so much, you know, in value, you know, it’s priceless. So being that is really important to learn, be willing to learn and be open to criticism, you know, like, I was always saying, What could I do? What can I say? Little things that are overlooked. So there’s that. And then for me, as I got more as I went on, in my career, I started focusing on working on myself and I had a routine and like a daily and a morning practice for to kind of keep myself at a good place. And to keep myself continuing the hustle, you know, because I, you can get so overwhelmed. You can your bandwidth shrinks, you know, it’s because it’s exhausting. You know, obviously, life work is exhausting. But this obviously, career can be very draining, you know, so you have to have a good, good place mentally for yourself. So I think that was a big part of me continuing a lot of people quit real estate, like in their first year, I think the statistics are not, they’re not promising. Yeah, they’re not you really have to be, you have to be confident. I think also now I would say, the biggest thing is being personable I think everyone I meet, they say they know me for a long time. So I think relationships are really important. My father always says people do business with people that they like, yeah. You know, because there’s, there’s so many agents like we’re saturated, especially in South Florida, right? So you have to like, you have to really trust him like the person that I you know, I gain connections and relationships. I think that’s really important.

That’s funny you say that, because it’s the you know, there’s a joke that goes around here in South Florida, the prerequisite of being a Florida resident, is having a real estate license as an agent here, right? So I don’t want

to say it, I’m like I do.

I love it. We’re never invited to networking events, you know, didn’t say unless it’s a real estate, that working event Other than that, they’re like, Oh, we don’t need another agent here.

But rack capacity.

So let me ask you something, you said the word bandwidth. That’s that’s the word I use a lot. What do you do to keep that energy level four in your bandwidth, at the best capacity that you’re able to keep it at?

Yeah, I learned about myself and what I need to do and what I always focus on, Okay, where am I the best, where am I my highest peak, and that’s usually in the first half of the day. So I do a lot of that, you know, more mental intensive work in the mornings, I set myself up, you know, with my morning practice to like, I like to do a little meditation. And again, I’m not like some yogi, but I definitely like to spend some time doing some meditation stretching, I need to get in the zone. But then I also know myself, I know that in the evenings, I’m not as quick to most quick I’m not going to be, I don’t want to be able to 10pm doing contracts unless I have to. But I really like to balance it out. And then also taking time again for me, because I can’t take care of me, I can’t take anybody else.

I love that. And it’s so true, because that’s being selfish. And what people don’t realize is that selfish, even if you look in Webster’s Dictionary, those even exists or even Wikipedia, whatever, you know, but it’s like selfish, not a bad word. It’s taking care of you. So you can serve others, right? I mean, if the airplane was just going you stealing it, I was just gonna say if I was sitting next to you on the airplane and want to save your life, but I’ve got to save mine before I can save yours. I say I love it. I love it. So what do you think? Real estate agents, whether they’re commercial or residential, what do you think their biggest blind spot is to building their business?

I think that one of the biggest ones is learning. And this might be the more commercial New York side of me, but learning about what’s going to be the best return on your time and your energy. People tend especially early on agents, especially residential, you spread yourself so thin, because you’re so excited and you wanted to take all the clients, but sometimes you can’t help everybody in the best way possible. And that’s not fair to the clients. I want to make sure that they’re fully happy and satisfied. And sometimes I can’t, you can give it all to them. You know, you work with someone else, you do a referral, because again, helping me helping you so I think a lot of times they try to overdo it and pile on, which then shrinks their bandwidth. Sure, and they’re exhausted. And then after a year real estate, they’re like, they’re great. And they’re like I’m done. Okay. Oh, you know, so

they have no process, no protocol, they’re just thrown in. This so what did you do? Like you got license, you’re excited, but what do you what did you do to keep that excitement going? Because no matter what, whether in a relationship with somebody, just a regular friend, it’s like, okay, yeah, you know, but what do you do to keep it exciting and what do you do to step away from it and have fun?

Yeah, keep it exciting. You know, I definitely have had times where I was kind of new Um, you know, do I want to do this? Like, you know, I’ve had so many crazy and funny and weird experiences. Um, but I think for me, I try to number one, like anything that goes wrong or something that happens I, I started to learn how to reframe it as like this is I learned something because every job I’ve ever done, every company I’ve ever had, I’ve learned something, I’ve taken something away.

You’ve said that twice. I have. And I love it. Continuously leveling up in, in progressing and learning because nothing stays the same. Nothing ever. You know, I do a speech on stage about being finite. Everything’s finite, the good things are finite. The bad if you’re like, Oh, I meet Fergie for breakfast this morning. That that’s awesome. I’m going to meet him, we’re going to have a great breakfast that breakfast ends. Well, same. So you have to overlap that happiness, like you say you like find things that really motivate you. That’s going to go because if your passion is not there, it’s going to wane. You’re going to quit just like yeah. Right.

And finding your why’s which I think is really important. Yeah, that’s one but the whys for me. Like, I want to know your why What’s your why? I know commercial excites me, which is that when I regained my, my extended my bandwidth when I decided to put more of my focus on commercial because I think the possibilities, everything just felt very exciting and new again. So I think that’s what revamped me in real estate. And I was like, okay, like it just something about it. Really, I couldn’t even put my finger on. It just got me excited again. So I think it’s because of the possibility and I like I like the opportunities so I actually got throughout the question

you answered it, you answered it perfectly. You know, it’s being excited no one your why. What is your Y?

Oh, the y that’s it. So my Y was is always obviously that there’s like smaller wise like, you know, of course take care of myself I you know, Luna like grown my own like personal life, but also is to live a life a fulfilling life where I don’t have to work, to live, you know, live to work. I want you to live to explore and travel and I want to train jiu jitsu in different countries. I want to be able to enjoy my life, and live a fulfilling life where work is it’s part of my fulfillment. But you know, some people all they do is work. I don’t want to wake up one day, 67 years old, and I’m just still waking up and just Brian. Yeah, rounding? Yeah, it feels like I’m all about working smarter, not harder. You don’t have to burn yourself to the ground that you don’t have to sleep an hour a day to like be successful. And I think a lot of people think that it is what else?

What excites you most aerial about commercial real estate again, because I personally, I can’t see it because I hate it. You know what I’m saying? It’s just like, it’s just because it’s confusing to me. And that’s the only reason because I got over of 99 Right so I’ve been licensed as an agent with 23 years and again, I tried commercial but failed I think because the the way you just mentioned the excitement wasn’t there. My why wasn’t there why commercial?

Yeah, for me, it excites me because I like it definitely a bigger pool of opportunity. And also like let’s say for leases or even someone’s purchasing a place for their business, I love seeing the business come to life. It’s a different type of development like I’ve had friends and clients that have done leases with me and they’ve opened up gyms you know, martial arts gyms and a barber shop and just to see them posting the business is thriving, like seeing their little, the, you know, the decoration and all the updates and seeing their Instagram stories of all the clients waiting in line like to come get a haircut. That to me is so it’s so cool. And you know, I’m a little more i Although I am emotional, I can be emotional material. Commercial definitely is a little more business oriented. And I like that mentality, like black or white. Does this make sense? It just does not make sense. You know, residential is a little more like the granite countertops. Yeah. Right. So you know, I like residential too. But commercial definitely has a bigger place for me in my, my heart. You

know what, I love that you just said it wasn’t about the money, man, you’re gonna make that it’s a byproduct of service, right? I frickin love that. You said that. It’s like looking at their IG or something when they’re opening up their barber shop. Isn’t that frickin awesome? It’s like, you know, I just, you know, close the house for first time homebuyer last week and watch them. He’s carrying his new bride over the threshold of their new house. I was like, That was better than the paycheck that I got. It really was. It’s nice to get it. But that’s just it’s awesome. It just keeps your wife going. I freaking love that. So what do you think then? We’re gonna go another way. What do you think your weaknesses are? And how much do you work on them

in a day My weakness a big one was was an is patience. So I had to really work on my patience. Throughout the last, you know, six years, I had to really work on my patience and, you know, the delayed gratification circling back to that and also patience with people and understanding, you know, I had to understand where people are adding you learn how to figure out where they’re at. So you know, you know what you need to do what you don’t need to do. So I think patients has always been a big one for me. And it used I used to get overwhelmed, stressed more easily, but I’ve worked on that. So now I’m like, again, all the things that I’ve listed that helped me not get overwhelmed, you know? Honestly, like, it’s all in the head, like a lot of it is, but most of it is mental. So right. Getting that.

Have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes, a long time ago. Yeah, it’s almost 40 years old. I mean, right. So let’s get in that glory with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 18 year old Ariel. Okay, what kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on her? Not to change anything here because your life is pretty freakin awesome. Okay, in it. Admittedly, I’m envious of you in a lot of different areas. But what would you maybe help say to her to maybe help her shorten their learning curve? Level up or blast through maybe just a little bit quicker?

It’s a great question. Cuz I’m thinking about 18 year old Ariel. It’s kind of funny. You know, freshman year in college, but I would definitely say to work on yourself. try more things. Because I’ve been I’m very, like, I still am a little bit of a creature of habit. So, you know, I tried to put myself in more uncomfortable situations. So I told I would tell her to do more of that. Gong. This is the time to do that. You know, I started over the years, I did do some stuff that was out of my norm or No, sir. Go to certain places. So I did a little bit but I would tell her like, this is super important. There’s so many things that I look back on. I’m like, wow, she did that. You know, you know, so definitely to explore travel, learn what you love. You know, because I was kind of in a bubble. I was in college just like going to class and partying. So I definitely would have told him you time for that. Right? Trust me. Let’s you know, focus on you know, on yourself. right word because I think when at that time, a lot of people never did that. I don’t think it was, you know, therapy wasn’t as popular as it is now. Of Work self reflection. So I would have been like, listen, let’s, let’s go to a therapy session.

Just go hang out with a therapist. I love it. So let’s get some

help. What?

How does? How do you Ariel want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date, your death date on your tombstone? Hopefully, that’s a good jillion years down the road. But how do you want to be remembered?

Oh my god, that’s so beautiful. I’m gonna cry. Okay. So I think to be so I have this big, I’ll try make this really short and sweet. And I have this big connection with two things, the moon. Because of the obviously, it’s beautiful. But the importance of the light, how it was in the darkness, right? Second thing is the yin and yang sign the duality of things like the light, you have to have light to have darkness. But you know, I’ve had obviously I’ve struggle with mental health. It’s very common, I had some darker times. And I had a friend, one of my closest friends who talked with us, like she passed away four years ago, she took her own life. And I remember like, she was always saying, I’m so proud of you. Because I came from dark skinned dark times in my, you know, my past to my early 20s. So, just to be the, I want to remember someone who always like lit up, you know, lit up people lit up the room as the light for people, you know, because some people can’t see that or see the light is clearly they want to be able to like be that and also that my energy will live on forever because I do believe that too. So I know that is infinite.

And I love that because I mean you’re you’re definitely planting trees you’re never gonna sit in the shade of with a lot of people in your life, which is awesome because you give and you love. And it’s funny that you know, someone told me the other day it’s like, like our God, I’m not gonna religious into this, but God are your

Creator. Yeah, the

morning, the next day starts in the dark. It doesn’t get light for like six hours. So there’s a lot of darkness you have to go through in life, get to the light, but it’s still the same day. Right? And that just hit me I was like shit. I mean, every day you wake up, it’s dark. Right? But you know the light is coming if you stay the course and I absolutely love that you said that. You want to be the light for the people in your life and the people that you influence and help. That’s beautiful. So, Ariel, what do you think people misunderstand about you the most?

Yeah. That’s another loaded question to

ask these.

Whenever someone needs me they’re always like, very surprised by who I actually am. You know cuz I don’t I guess I come off sort of what I don’t know. I mean in jujitsu like you know, our professors always say like, I can’t I’m shocked that you came back I’m shopping you’re still here that my first class, they were like, Ah, she’s not gonna you know because I was like kind of girly I was like I was definitely confused and but I fell in love with it and it just it’s so funny because they’re people are surprised by my I guess by my grid. And by my layers I always joke my friends like I’m an onion like I have a lot of layers to me like the when you first meet me you don’t realize the you know how much is going on under the surface? I’m actually way more. I’m way more what’s the word vulnerable? Not vote like I’m weighing, like almost like Alan Watts heavy. Like I’m way more spiritual than people like thinking and worse, more emotionally intelligent. And a lot of people don’t realize how like, how much how much awareness I have of the outer world and also myself. There’s a quote by Lagerfeld is one of my favorite quotes. And it said, I’m very much down to earth, just not this earth. And I was like,


I still because I won’t get into the hole. No, you’re fine. Totally feel like yeah, I definitely feel like I,

I will admit to you when I first met you, and you’re gonna be nice as pie. To me. You’re like, Hi, I’m Scott. You’re like, I’m Ariel, but you just seem like, at first I was like, is she even interested in being here? Like, I because I’m an observer. That’s what I do for a living being a coach, you know, and also in the real estate business, 23 years, but then we would have like, these little one off conversations and I’m like, she’s a go giver? Like she did. Yes. You know, and, and that’s, I can see that where people might misunderstand, you know, just because and we live where it’s a sunny place for shady people. Right? So you have to, like kind of keep guarded into your back. It’s

correct. Yeah, I

know them. Right.

He’s gonna be friendly and smiley and cordial. But you know, I don’t just show the cards like with anybody like I have to get to know you trust is. Oh, especially on the mats. I’m always polite and friendly. Like hello sometimes early in the morning that’s who I look a little out of it was kind of doing space but definitely love being there. And it’s very interesting. Because I get that a lot. Yeah, and

like and I get it in you know, in squad you know, areas higher belt than I am. And she absolutely your technique just you just rocks. And but like, you get the people that when you first meet people in jujitsu, we’ll go down this road. You see a guy like me, you know, I’m a big dude, right? 612 60 And you look at me, and you’re like, and if I was to walk up to you and not know you from Adam, you know, you be like, Are you a spouse? You know, because we get that. It’s like, are you gonna Oh, yeah, I


I mean, technique is there, but I could sit on you.

And that’s happened before? Not for you. But somebody’s done that to me, so I always

love Yeah, I love it. What if anything, keeps you up at night?

My own over my own overthinking. I, sometimes I kind of go through Sam I cry so I could have done this could have been then I have to reframe. reframe it for me. You know, like this is this is everyone’s journey is different. This is my process. I need to trust it. Things happen the way they’re supposed to happen. You know, I look back, I’m like, Oh, I wish I would have done this. I wish it would have gone this route, but ultimately led me here. And, you know, I’m grateful for everything I’ve done and learned and I, I really, I do spend sometimes, and I have to redirect my thoughts when I’m going to get in that headspace, like, the past the future than that, you know, just staying present. Wow.

It’s important. Like,

it’s a learning process. I don’t just, you know, it’s not like I’m, we’re human. So it’s gonna happen, but it’s about it’s really about the, you know, the, the period in which you stay there.

Yeah, it’s so true. Because so many people, like have a foot in the future a foot in the past and they piss all over the president. Right? Like, they’ll sit there and be like, drag that shit forward. And then, you know, if you just just stay in, you’re not everything’s a progression, right? I mean, if if you think you stay the same, you’re on narcotics, because I mean, I look at pictures of me like when I was your age, and I had a lot less Gray’s a lot less wrinkles, you know, things change and go go long. So Ariel, let’s take out of this equation, anything electronical anything that we think that we need to live by, you know what I’m saying? Cell phones, computers, laptops, whatever. Take that out of the equation, this question, but what are three things that Ariel can’t live without?

That’s not electronics. Yep. Wow. Can it be like a living thing?

Absolutely. Like Luna Yeah, absolutely. I was gonna say She better be on there. Yeah, Luna

I mean Luna now I mean obviously like as far as what I do like like passions obviously jujitsu I can’t imagine not training and obviously that I guess family for me I’m taking out anything anything electronic is family friend time time for me eautiful

community. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

There’s a there’s a quote it’s like, what’s more important the journey or the destination and they’re like no the company Ah,

that’s that’s good. I was like awesome that’s awesome. So what is Ariel’s definition of a life well lived

woof a life where I honestly I feel the light I can be the light for the people were obviously of course you know, there’s like the logistics stuffs like family and going my own family all that but like I said, I want to travel I want to live a life that I can look back on and be really really proud of and really excited about and I want to do things that I can’t that maybe I didn’t think I would do, right? Like I want to keep keep expanding you know?

Yeah, progressing. It’s beautiful. That’s beautiful. That’s just fantastic. Time to shine today podcast versus squad we are back and Ariel. We probably talked about a few of these things and maybe went a little bit more depth but on this little level of lightning round you got five seconds with no explanations at any level. And they can all be answered that way. You ready to level up? Let’s do it. Do it. Let’s I hope you’re gonna say what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

The best thing oh my god, if I said five seconds, you’re fine. Yeah, for sure. I think the best I’ve ever received. I mean, I honestly I think it really is about people to business people that they like

beautiful. Love it. Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

self self care meditation and organization, morning practice. Time blocking calendar. I

love it. I love it. So you see me kind of walk in in the jits room or down the street and like firkins in his doldrums a little bit. He looks like he’s down what book might you hand me?

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Beautiful, beautiful one I had I knew

I love it. Love it. What’s your most commonly used emotion when you’re taxed?

Oh my god. So I mean right now it’s five seconds, the new one with the smiley face and he’s like melting like melting Love it.

Love it nickname. Nicknames growing up.

Oh my god. shurberg We’re HSUPA sherbert moms I’m crazy all these nicknames love

it. Just checkers are monopoly


beautiful. Go to ice cream flavor.

Nutella or Menchaca chair?

Yeah. So there’s a sandwich called the shares what’s on that sandwich? Build it for me.

Okay as of this 2022 or by five seconds you know me I can’t do that. Oh that for me. All right. It’s like a either a croissant or like a subtype sandwich we got turkey salami lettuce tomato maybe cheese and we feta cheese with like a mayo and like a red vinegar sent like thing these days? Yeah, she

know why we’re friends. I love it. I love just have to add a little man candy little bacon on there. That’s the local favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to

the or like the kami county shelter. Anything animal related.

Thank you. Thank you. You’re the best. And last question you can elaborate on this one a little bit. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

I wanted to say the 90s because like I’m an

absolute I figured that

one of the styles. Yeah. Love Love. Love it.

So area. How can we find you my friend?

Ah, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn. I’m going to be creating some websites soon too. Maybe? I’ll be in here more often. Okay,

yeah, absolutely. We’re gonna be doing and squat me and Ariel are going to launch a little podcast. It’s going to be bigger podcasts here kind of in the local area and all those links for which you just mentioned will be in the show notes so you can connect with Ariel there and earlier if you don’t mind, please leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Great I’m glad you’re so next I just came to my mind. This is also one of my favorite business kind of level up quotes. Is that expression called maybe burn the boats?

Hmm Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yes.

And there was also another woman I think with like the some the Greeks there was another war going on at the same thing where it basically you know, you have to I saw someone that had this poster on their wall and it was the birds. The boats burning. I was like, Oh my God. And it’s really that’s what it is. But whatever you do in life, obviously with us as entrepreneurs, but anything you do you have to be Like, give it your all 100% You have to leave any of the reservations and like exit plans and Plan B’s out in order to get it

I love I love it in squad we literally just had like a fun not only phone conversation with good friend Ariel, but free masterclass where the analogy I guess she dropped on dropped on us, you know, she’s a lifetime learner. You know, she has mentors, she wants, she understands the importance of mentors, you know, mentoring, the more you mentor, the more motor mortar that you become, you know, because you’re gonna pass that along, they’re gonna pass along to other people. But one thing that’s nice about Ariel, and you kind of learn it in jujitsu squad is that she’s open to constructive criticism, you know, you gotta be humbled. And she wants you also to watch your bandwidth you’re gonna get excited about something, but that bandwidth will wane unless you know your why so she wants to remind us to know your why Where are you best Where are you at your highest place? You know, Ariel also wants you to win your morning but also find your highest energy time and get the most work done during that time. She said Know your return on time and energy that is absolutely critical. And that’s not about money, people. That’s about living life. Okay? So she doesn’t want to work till she’s forever old. Right? She but she also wants to build her business, her little empire, big empire through service, and that’s what she does. She believes in the delayed gratification. She believes that inch by inch, it’s a cinch, you know, because by the yard, it’s hard you try to bite off too much. You’re not going to do it inch by inch, it’s a cinch you know, we know that she mentioned the word grit three times and that’s what she’s full of in grit area will definitely agree with me it’s a monotonous activity you got to do what you’d have to do everyday sometimes you’re not going to like it but if it aligns with your why just get out there and get it frickin done. You know, you know she wants you to work on yourself on a daily basis try more things and if you have questions you’re likely good for Leah Woodford would say get your asking your ask around. But most of all enjoy the experiences. She has the connection with the moon and the duality of life and like she’s somebody that will be remembered as when she walks in a room she likes it that when she walks into jitsu everyone’s like Ariel Hey. And she’s like, Hey guys, and everybody’s just it lifts the mood and I’m not saying it kiss her ass because the higher belt that it’s for reals, okay. And she also was said listen to you know your why you gotta plan burn the frickin boats go after there is no plan B and I’m so blessed and grateful to be aligned with my good friend Ariel.

She loves her health. She loves up her wealth. She’s humble. Yet hungry. She’s our diversity squad leader here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming on. I really love your I get to see you a lot.

I know. I’m so sad. We got to do this. They did. Yes. Yes.

Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. pnina Scherzer

    Love listening to Ariel’s podcast interview.. her reflection and advise on life and work is inspiring…
    and contagious ❤️!

    1. L. Scott Ferguson

      I apologize for the delay! Thank you!

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