329-Taking the Headache Out of Finding the Perfect Podcast for You- TTST Interview with Host of The Friendly Podcast Guide Andi Smiley

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Andi Smiley is the host of The Friendly Podcast Guide. Her podcast helps parents figure out what kind of podcast they want to listen to in about 10 minutes, because parents don’t have time to listen to a bunch of different podcasts to figure out which one is right for them. 

      You are perfect, love yourself. If you are doing something out of love and/or curiosity, but do not feel shame

– Andi Smiley

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Perks of a podcast is that you can consume content and listen anywhere

2. A good podcast host is curious, does not talk over their guests, takes it seriously and consistent

3. People are actually  human errors during a podcast, um’s and stumbling is okay

4. As a podcast host, always remember you are making content for your avatar of listeners, keep it interesting! 

Level Up! 


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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Andi!  Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today’s pocket varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Orange? Really,

Orange has been my favorite color since I was five. I think I just like how bright it is. And also, if I’m gonna be real. I grew up with all brothers. So being feminine was kind of hard. And pink was my favorite color until I switched to orange. Right? It’s been orange ever since

and it’s in your color wheel. Your ride is true. Right now. color blue. I love it. I love it. So, Andy, let’s get into let’s dig into the I mean, you’re a fantastic mom. So you have the platform, you’re raising, I believe two beautiful children, and you have the platform, the half parents to maybe make an escape a little bit and listen to a really good podcast. And also, knowing if the podcast is good, even if you want your children to listen to it as well. So let’s kind of get into the roots of where you started and how you came to this.

Totally. First of all, I didn’t even say thank you. Thank you so much for having me on my podcast. It was it was a delight. It was such a fun find. I absolutely adore you and I am so glad that I can call you my friend. Thank you. Um, and truly, I actually have three kids as of recently I have a baby, you’re fine. Oh, you didn’t you didn’t meet her when she stayed asleep while the other two decided to crash the party. I love it. That’s That’s why you didn’t remember her because you didn’t meet her. But um, I started the podcast. So I have been a podcast lover, since my, my oldest was born. So about five years. And I wish that my podcast existed that too, because it was really overwhelming. There are a lot of podcasts out there. I think last check. It was like more than a million. And that’s a lot. And so I feel like I needed some sort of guidance like, but also, I didn’t my friends that might have had different tastes than me. They would give me podcast recommendations. And then I’d be like, I actually didn’t like that at all. Like, that’s not what I like, I don’t like crime. I don’t like true crime. That’s not my jam. It gives me nightmares. And so like a lot of my friends were like, here are a bunch of true crime. You got to try these. They’re so much fun. And I’d be like, actually, like I couldn’t sleep last night because I was listening to that podcast. And so I feel like my podcast is for me five years ago, pretty much so that people who specially parents because I feel like podcasts are a really good way to consume content. As a parent, like you can have it on. Like in the car when you’re driving carpool, or you can have it on while you’re doing dishes at the end of the night. Or for me, my main way of doing podcasts when I first started was I had like a six month old, who all he wanted to do was build blocks and knock them over for hours. And I felt like my brain was melting out of my ears and slowly. I was like I gotta listen to something. I’ve got to do something. And that’s when I found podcasts. And I was like, Oh, I can turn on a podcast like a History podcast and learn more about like, something random, like the history of dentistry or something. And I’m learning something but also I’m engaged with my son So I can do two things at once without being completely bored out of my mind. Right. So that was kind of the reason that it started. And I haven’t looked back since.

And I love that you said that you’ve been bored out of your mind. I mean, before podcasts what you know what was there having a TV on and absorbing content where you’re trying to but if it’s in your ears, and you’re cleaning, and just doing what you’re gonna do it that I’m the same way I listen to podcasts, my favorite one, other than the friendly podcast versus is a business wars because I been in business for ever and I built three businesses and it’s all about it goes like right now I’m listening to UPS versus FedEx. Right. And but it’s, and there’s actors, right? So you’re listening, there’s a guy narrating. But then there’s actors that are acting out the parts of the CEO of FedEx meet with the CEO of you, and it’s so fun. And you’re just like you’re watching a movie, or watching a show, but it’s like, so well done. They’ve come so far. And, you know, it’s funny, you said that there’s a million podcasts, right, like over a million podcasts. But that’s where I started mine as like, wait a minute, it’s like there’s over a million and someone said to me, Andy, they said, you know, there’s a billion blogs, but there’s podcasts out of the million 90% of them are zombie podcasts, meaning they’ll record one or two. And then that’s it. Because if you go through like Spotify or something you like last recorded date? 2015. You know, so, you what you’re positioning for people is fantastic. So I’m wondering, is there any secret sauce or formula that you use to? I don’t want to call them ranking podcast? Because that sounds judgmental, but like to take it and make it the right one? The right horse for the course? The right podcast for the person? Is there a formula that you use?

I would say? So let me let me clarify. So are you saying like, if I’m to recommend some a podcast to a specific person, how do I decide? Yeah, so I would say, first of all, it kind of gets figured out what they want. So I feel like sometimes, kind of case was that podcast called Business wars. I’ve got to write it down. Yeah, that you? Okay. Yeah, that sounds fabulous. And I really want to listen to your love. Okay, I’m gonna have to, and hopefully I can have them on my podcast, those are my favorite when they have like multiple people in it’s like, more engaging, so. But I would say, kind of, you have to figure out what they want out of a podcast, or you have to figure out for yourself what you want. Some people will just want escapism, right. And so usually, I’ll tell them something like business wars, or there are a couple store storytelling podcast that I really like once called solar, it’s literally a story. They call it oh, do they call it like cinematic audio or something like that. And it’s like, they produce it so well, that it feels like the spaceship is like going over your head. And then sometimes, the doors opening behind you or whatever. So I feel like if you want something like that, then I’ll give you a storytelling podcast. But if you want to, like, learn more about something specific, like their podcasts about the housing market, if you are trying to buy a house, you can dive into a podcast all about buying a house, or if you want to just learn how to build a 401k There are many podcasts out there. So I feel like it’s kind of just depends on what you want. And then I usually will figure out, like, when they’re listening or who they’re listening around, because if you’re listening with littles around, and you don’t want to have to put headphones in, you’ve got to make sure that the podcast is okay for little ears. Sure. Sure. Right. Yeah. Right. And I feel like you know what the beauty of podcasts is you can put headphones in, or you can wait and listen to it another time. While like if it’s live radio, you can’t. So I feel like podcasts are a little more flexible that way. But I feel like some people and some people just don’t really love more explicit content. And so just kind of figuring out their preferences, there also will help. I would say if you don’t have me as a friend or whatever, I would say find people that have similar tastes in books or movies, and talk to them about what podcasts they like, that will kind of give you a jumping off point when you’re trying to figure out where to start in the podcast world.

Wow. That’s amazing. That’s that’s yeah, that’s that’s a great point to find people that you have similar tastes with that said dog but a lot of people don’t because they’re like podcasts. And let me let me ask you some Do you notice it? I hate to use the word fake news because that’s just thrown around. But with podcasts there, it’s just they seem so much like you’ve mentioned the housing market, like these are actual professionals are in the trenches that have no agenda. So do you find other than to educate you, you find that there’s a lot more accuracy in podcasts?

I would say that it would depend. I feel like some podcasts. You kind of have to Do a little bit of research and kind of look to see who the host is, right? Some podcasters or podcast hosts are, you know, they’ve been Realtors for years, like they’ve worked in housing markets, you know, either in one specific spot that you’re looking for, like, I’m from Utah, so like, I would look for a Utah based one, because the housing market is different everywhere. But I feel like you, you kind of have to look. And I feel like sometimes if it looks like they, you know, they were like a social media influencer for the past five years, and then they decided to jump into the housing market that might not be as, like accurate or sure, you know, maybe you just listen to it for fun, but that might not give you the most accurate information. I feel like you just kind of have to dive deep when you’re wanting to learn something, compared to just being entertained. And I would say, the easiest way to do that is almost everyone has a website if they have a podcast, so you can just hop on and be like, hey, so how long have they been doing this? Or, you know, what are their credentials, and that can usually tip you off pretty quickly, like a five minute internet search would probably help, you know, if you’re getting the best information.

I love that you said credentials like that were because there’s a lot of people that hopped on the podcast train, that we’re social media move, they move the needle in social media. But I’ve noticed that like, and I tell this to even my coaching clients or whatnot, but like a lot of the people, they want to be this big influencer online, which is great. It’s a grind. But if you look at a lot of the people that were huge influencers in 2010, you don’t even hear about them anymore, right? And then they tried to reinvent themselves through podcasting. But like you said, you can kind of do a search, find the credentials and see who might have said some not so favorable things are they scam somebody in one of their other businesses, and it’s just so easy to really vet them out. Thank you for sharing that. That’s, that’s an amazing Knowledge Nugget. So what do you think then makes a good podcast host?

I would say. And truly, as I say this, at least most of the podcast hosts that I’ve interviewed are like this, I think someone that is very, like, what’s the word? Oh my gosh, I can’t think like they they ask a lot of questions. They’re curious, a curious podcast host I feel like is, like the gold standard. Because then instead of just saying, Oh, I already know everything, I’m just gonna tell you back all of this information, they’re, they’re gonna be like, Oh, tell me more like, Oh, I haven’t heard of that before. Or I’ve heard of this. But like, dive deeper. Like, let’s talk about I feel like instead of someone that’s just like, this is exactly how it is. And I’m never wrong. So here’s the perfect, here’s the perfect information. I feel like that. And I feel like someone who is taking it seriously, and is consistent. I’ve would say those are the two things. Something’s someone that’s consistent and curious. Those are my favorite podcast.

And I see I started mine, which I shared on your, your podcast is like a really selfish endeavor. It was pre COVID. That bought I just wanted, I’ve been a coach for years, you know, a lifestyle optimization artists. That’s what my my coach, every label, I’m a coach, whatever breakthrough coach, but it’s like it was funny, because I’m like, Man, I’m going to interview every coach, I can write and pick their brain and get a bunch of stuff that can add into my repertoire. Thing is my coaches, what you mentioned, things about coaches that were curious, were trained to shut up. Listen to people. So when you have a coach interviewing a coach, the coaches, it took a lot of question asking, it really took me it’s like sitting down with that client. I’m like, where do I start with him or her? Right? And in talking and asking questions as a coach, they have the answer, I just bring the answer out of them with questions. So as a coach, interviewing coaches, but I found there’s like a little secret sauce to asking. And so I will ask them, like, you know, is there any good question that you wish your client would ask you write in stuff like that? It made me pull up a varsity game to be able to do that. But what you mentioned curiosity is key is key. So what do you think is a huge blind spot? Being a podcaster? That what do you see maybe that they need to make the most improvement? What are you seeing out there as you’re really looking at podcasts? What do you think is the biggest improvement podcasters have to make? And by the way, this is a selfish interview for me to love because I’m learning from a pro. So what do you think?

I would say podcasters need to learn. Maybe not learn but maybe remember that that It, like first and foremost, you’re making content. So like that you are a content creator. And you’re just doing it in a way because I feel like content creator has kind of become like the new social media influencer, right? Like, oh, I’m a content creator. But I feel like you are making content. So I feel like you need to remember that you’ve got an audience, and that they are listening, because it’s sometimes hard to remember that when you’re sitting in a room with a microphone by yourself, or you’re talking to, or you’re just doing an interview, but it’s just you to, I feel like remember who your audience is. And remember that they are there so that you can make sure you’re getting the content that they want. And remember that like, you’re not, I guess you could be doing it just for you. But most likely you’ve got an audience and you want to make sure you’re making content that they that they will enjoy and that they will tell their friends about.

What is your avatar of a listener the tunes into the friendly podcast,

I would say like as niched down as I can get would probably be a mom of littles. So pretty much mean five years ago, right? So a mom of two three littles that is bored out of her mind and needs, needs a community almost because I feel like one benefit of podcasts that people don’t realize is that you you get a community, when you start listening to a podcast, they most likely have a social media that you can just jump right in, and like, just start commenting, or just start, like even just following a page, you get more, you just get to become immediately a part of this fun community that you all like the same thing, right? You’ll all like st podcasts. And so I feel like someone who’s looking for community, a mom who’s looking for community and looking for entertainment is kind of my escape as niche niche down as I can get. Yeah, I

love that. I love that. But you know, I had to write my avatar. And I explained it to you a little bit, you know, before we went on, and I made sure I played to that person, every time. Right? Totally, totally. So what do you think as a podcaster? Your strengths are?

Oh, wow. I don’t know if I’ve ever been asked that. I feel like I kind of had a leg up in a weird way. And maybe not weird, but in a unique way. I studied broadcast journalism in college, university. And so I was able to learn how to edit and be like camera ready. Like professionally as well as like literally the way that I look Sure, which doesn’t have anything to do with podcasting, but I feel like it helped me to kind of like, learn how to be professional in like a broadcasting way. And then when I graduated, I got to work in radio, which I absolutely loved. Oh my gosh, I love radio, which is why I started a podcast, right? But I got to produce a talk show. fresh out of college. It was really it was an amazing experience. I loved it so much. So like as a 20 something year old. I was like producing a podcast, another podcast, a talk show, with two really seasoned hosts that just took me under their wing and taught me everything that they knew about interviewing, and about editing and about, like just having a persona. Truly they’re my, one of the hosts Her name is Amy Iverson. I adore her, we still like send Christmas cards and whatever. Even though I haven’t been working there for a long time. But she taught me how to, like be professional on social media, which I feel like is kind of a weird thing to learn. But it was it’s become invaluable. Like I know how to just do all of those things as well as little things like the other host, his name’s Jay McFarland, he was able to help me learn how to interview and ask questions and kind of like, instead of just going with a set of questions, like kind of listening and taking it all in and asking questions that have to do with what the interviewer or just the interviewee just said instead of just okay, what’s the next question? The next question is blow

off of the answer from the other person. Exactly, exactly. I love it without like an agenda. I just feel like if you go in with something with like with an agenda, it’s just you start prying and it just takes the curiosity and the professionalism out of it. So how about what would you name is your biggest weakness of podcast?

Oh, man, my biggest weakness is probably huh. Probably a little bit. Perfectionism just because I’m like, Well, I have to just go through it one more time and make sure there’s no there’s no mistakes at all. And what I’ve realized, which I’m still working on, obviously, because it definitely is something that is a weakness is people like the humanity in a podcast, like they like the arms as long as it’s not every other word. But they like the long pauses when you’re like, who I don’t know like, Let me think about that or a Um, as you stumble through Your Word, sometimes I feel like that just makes it more natural. And I feel like being able to embrace that humanity and embrace that imperfection. Your podcast in a way that I feel like, sometimes I have to remind myself.

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So, have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes. Okay. Let’s go back to the 18 year old Andy. Okay. Okay, it’s kind of knowledge nuggets, would you share with her not to change anything? Because your journey is awesome. Three beautiful kids awesome husband live in a beautiful area. But like, what would you drop on her to maybe help her level up, shorten the learning curve and blast through just a little bit more? And this is in life? Not so much in podcast?

Sure. Oh, man, I feel like the thing I would say is your body’s perfect right now. Yes, it doesn’t matter. Like, I feel like, especially as a girl, but also, like, men deal with it. I feel like there’s such a morality placed on the way that your body looks like if you aren’t skinny enough. Or if you aren’t buff enough or whatever, you’re not good, right? Until you reach a certain look. You’re not quote unquote, good, right? You’re, and so you have to eat, like, the perfect thing all the time, or you have to exercise every day for an hour or two, you’re not good. And I feel like if I could have figured that out as an 18 year old, I feel like it would have, I probably would have pursued a podcast sooner because I would have had less, like mental blocks to work through. And now I feel like I’m finally not quite there. But I’m working on it.

No, no, I love I love that. Because there’s so much out there that makes you think that if you’re not this, you’re shamed, you know, in a sense, and they might not be saying, Oh, you’re fat, but it’s just like, man, you know, I feel that way. And it’s okay to be yourself. It’s 100. You know, I still, I still believe that. We as humans are temple, we have one temple, right for the rest of our life. And we should treat it as such. And if you’re not, you’re sending and I don’t mean it in a religious connotation. I mean, it’s like the Greek word Cine is where the context come from means missing the mark. So I think you’re missing the mark, if you don’t try to be the best of yourself, but don’t feel like you have to be shamed into that person. Like you have to be genuine. If there’s no, like you mentioned earlier, you’re not going to be consistent. It’s not going to last totally, even with a podcast. So how does Andy want her dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, which hopefully it’s a long way down the road, your life taking? deathy? How do you want Andy’s dash remember?

I think I want to be remembered as someone who made other people feel seen and loved. I feel like the things that matter most are my family and my friends. And how I made people feel, if that makes sense. So I feel like as long as I was able to help people feel loved and seen, and my family feels loved and seen. I feel like that, like I’d be good. Like, other things are awesome. Like the podcasts, and travel and like, learning new things are great, but I feel like at the end of the day, what really matters is loving on people and like receiving that love back.

That’s beautiful. I love it. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Andy?

I, for the most part come off as pretty put together. I don’t know if that’s like a weird thing to say. Like, I feel like for me, I pretty much anyone other than probably like my parents and my husband think that I don’t really have that many problems, or like I don’t stress about things. And I do. Like I feel like I definitely have plenty of things that I’m worried about or that I’m struggling with that people just are like, Oh, she’s fine. She doesn’t need help. All right. Yeah. I feel like that’s

thank you for being transparent on that. So then what would be his definition of a life? Well, it’d be

a life well lived. probably similar to my dash would be loving people and letting people love me. But also, I would probably add to that traveling a lot learning about other people in other cultures would be a big thing and doing that with my family like teaching my kids how to know like learn about other cultures and not be like afraid to do that. Yeah.

Hearing just you you live a very curious life and that is Yeah, cool. Awesome.

That’s a good definition.

Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We’re back And he is smiling is here and one day we’ll probably meet up at a pod fest or something like that a podcast. And, you know, we’ll chat about each one of these questions, maybe 1520 minutes but my leveling up lightning round You have five seconds, no explanations and they can all be answered that way you’re ready to level up as ready as I’ll ever be. All right, Andy, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

To not think too hard about your decisions just to do what your gut tells you.

No, I love it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

I stretch my body every morning. Yay.

So you see me walking down the street. You’re like, man, Fergie. Looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. Like what book might you hand me to level me up?

Probably. Oh my goodness. What’s it called the lady the lazy genius way.

Oh, wow. I haven’t read. I actually have it. I haven’t read it yet. It’s good though. Okay, I’m gonna eautiful Love it. Love it. Me. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Oh, that one. I think that the smiling face is technically blushing, but it just looks like a happier smile to me.

I love it. I love it. Nicknames growing up.

Andy is actually my nickname. I feel like that’s right when I go by

love it. Just checkers a monopoly

can I say monopoly go?

Yeah, you can? Absolutely. Yeah, it’s a little bit quicker. faster version. I

love it. That game. Yeah,

I love it. Go to my go to ice cream flavor.

Oh, Neapolitan. Which is weird. I know. But I just love it.

Love it. Love it. So there’s a sandwich name Andy smiley, build that sandwich for me.

Okay, um, sidebar really quick. When you’re pregnant. You can’t have lunch me unless it’s like steamed first. So sandwiches are like my favorite thing. I would probably put pepperoni AM. Lettuce, honey mustard, normal mustard, olives. And Miracle on like, bread like ciabatta bread, like a little bit of

love. Is there any bacon on it?

Who bacon would be a

candy on there? I love it. I love it. So what’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And so we give give tithing 10% to that. And they help around the world. Like with a pandemic. They’ve helped a lot with like vaccines handing out as well as just like, when everything was closed, they would give food they would go door to door and get food out. And so that’s what I give a lot of my time and money

eautiful last question. You can elaborate on this one, but what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

I’m proud probably 70s Okay, I really love I like the disco vibe. I don’t really love disco dancing, but I like disco music

right the later 70s Absolutely. Love it. I listen to classic 70s When I’m actually going through and building show notes, right, but I’m okay. But I’m 50 years old. So it’s like the 80s was my jam. You know, I was Chuck graduated 9090 So it’s like, you know that you had the whole 80s thing you know, and big hair don’t care the invasion of wrath would like Run DMC and the Beastie Boys, right? And then yeah, invasions of YouTube Duran Duran met at work. I was just me, it was so that was just awesome. So, Andy, how can we find you?

So the easiest way is my website friendly podcast guy.com. You can get all of my, all of my episodes are on there. And I’ve set it up in a way my brother in law helps me with my website, but he puts it in a way that you can just click on a type of podcasts you want entertainment, parenting, informational, whatever, and then click that. And then all of the episodes that are under that will be right there for you. So you don’t have to just like scroll through a whole list. Also, I’m on Instagram, and Tiktok and just find me there DM awesome. I’d love to say how awesome

Instagram it is friendly podcast guide, all one word friendly podcast guide. I love it. Love it. And then also going forward a little bit you’re going to be opening up a podcast audit what’s going to, like kind of take place there?

Sure. So with a podcast audit I have when I do interviews with podcast hosts, I kind of get to dive into their process a little bit. And what I’ve learned I’ve learned a lot kind of like you were saying, like I get to pick podcasters brains all the time, which is really fun. And I feel like I’ve learned a lot about making a podcast what like the do’s and the don’ts. And also, I’ve learned that podcasting looks different for everyone. And so sometimes something that works really well for one person is just not working for another person. And so with a podcast audit, I’ll listen to a couple of episodes depending on what kind of audit you want. And we’ll sit down for like, for a Zoom meeting, and I’ll kind of talk through what I’ve seen, and you can kind of let me know what you need. And I’ll kind of try and help you get to where you want to be.

Oh, that’s awesome. That’s awesome. Where were you in 2019? So Eddie, do me one last salad and leave us with one last knowledge we can take with us internalize and take action on

I would say, because I am the friendly podcast guide, I would say try out a new podcast. Or honestly try out a new medium of any sort. Try a new book, try new music genre, try something new and see if you love it. If you don’t, no harm, no foul. If you do, you have a whole new like, catalogue of stuff.

Tribe, because usually people go to me and you get the connection is so important. We’re losing that over time. In squad, we just had a I thought it was just really going to be a fun conversation. But it was kind of a masterclass on podcasting in with my good friend Andy smiley here who is a podcast lover now she found that she could find guidance in certain episodes, and that you can get into there and then build your tribes out with it. And that’s an awesome way to consume content, where you can listen to it anywhere she does it when her five year old was kicking over a building block or her five year old that was a baby was kicking over the building blocks and when he’s outside playing like a ninja now, you know, she can still have the pockets and air and keep her eyes on him. You know, you can go what do you want to listen to business storytelling, entertainment, or just looking for a solid escape? There’s so many good podcasts out there. And Andy will put you in touch with the one that’s going to meet your flavor. You know, and, you know, if you’re out in finding the right podcast, if you don’t find Andy before, which I know you will, but like find people with similar interest in books in movies and see what third listen to a podcast, and maybe check it out. You know, she’ll tell you that a good podcast host is curious. They don’t talk over people, they take it seriously. And they’re consistent with their content, putting it out there, it’s a it’s up business to them. So they’re very passionate about it. Remember, when you’re making the content to keep people interested if you’re going to start on a topic, stay on topic, don’t go away from that topic. Right? And, you know, she believes that you know, I’m stumbling blocks are okay, if you’re a podcaster you know, a lot of arms a long pauses, just try not to make them the too much. And remember that you as a person that you are perfect, you know, love yourself. If you’re doing something out of love or curiosity, it’s okay, but don’t feel like you need to be shamed. And anything you don’t she’s a person that will be remembered as she made other people feel seen and loved. And she’ll receive that in the same way that she’s giving it. Basically Andy is planting trees, she’s never going to sit in the shade up. And I’m so blessed to be connected with her. And you know, try a new podcast out, go to her site and find a new podcast. It just get consumed by it and don’t remember and remember there are tribes that belong to these podcasts. And you can make new friends with similar interests. And I’m glad that Andy is my friend. She levels up her health. She levels up her wealth. She’s humble yet she’s hungry. She’s learned her varsity letter here. Time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming out. I absolutely love your guys.

Thank you so much. i This has been an absolute joy. I’m so so glad that we got to connect. Yay.

I’ll chat soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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