Are You Really Listening

Are you REALLY Listening?

Hey Time to Shine Squad!

On a Zoom with my mentor today.  I was explaining how I was having a bit of a hard time really connecting with some of my coaching clients. He asked if I was ‘listening’ and asked again if I was ‘really listening’ I thought I had, but also know that I was ready to come back with an answer before they had finished their thought.  

This is something that I’ve really had to work on.  I lived in a split family and even spent a period of time in an orphanage. With this looming in my rear view mirror of life, I find myself really over-trying to fit in and the way I would do that is with trying to always be right which put me in a position of over-over-talking people. And at that point in my life I had to be right.  

As I worked my way through the real estate profession and to coaching awesome peeps online I knew that way of communicating will never fly.  My Mama always said ‘God gave you 2 ears and one mouth for a reason’. I’ve gotten much better. But was nice to get a refresher today.

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. They’re either speaking or preparing to speak. They’re filtering everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people’s lives. – Stephen R. Covey.

I also did a quick two minute video on my thoughts of ‘listening’ You can View it here.

What’s your thoughts?  Do you struggle with this?

Stephen Covey is someone who I love to read and refer back to him quite a bit for a refresher.  If you have not read his book ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ I strongly recommend that you do!  As always please let me know your thoughts!


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