361-Empowering Cops (Our Heroes) in Their Personal Lives – TTST Interview with Police Officer, Speaker, Writer and Podcast Host Wayne Mulder

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Wayne Mulder is a law enforcement officer, speaker, writer and the host of the On The Blue Line podcast. Wayne is an advocate for law enforcement officer total health programs and a believer in empowering law enforcement officers in their personal lives. For more on his mission visit OnTheBlueLine.com.

  It’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to stay that way

– Wayne Mulder 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Wayne enjoys the ‘boring’ part of law enforcement

2. The passion to solve issues and bring justice to help others keeps Wayne committed to law enforcement protocol

3. A reminder to police officers: you have the privilege of being in a situation at just the right moment is a blessing as it could be the worst moment of the victims life

4. Police officers need to understand all the different ‘hats’ they wear daily, the totality of the job and the ability to move between roles

5. The ‘reasons’ behind the ‘reasons’ helps you understand your ‘why’

6. Wayne will be remembered as someone who never quit, he failed forward and didn’t make excuses, he made adjustments

6. A life well lived is being the service of others

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:45

Time to shine today, podcast.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:52

Varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:55

I got so it’s actually a pretty good friend of mine as well.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:58

He is a a fellow, podcast, or he has a fantastic show on the blue line, but don’t go there yet, because I want to hear you to hear what my good friend Wayne has to say, and he is a law enforcement officer speaker writer and again, host of the on the blue line

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:14

Podcast, he’s an advocate for law, enforcement officer, total health programs which in this day and age I’m not going to go political, but it’s needed.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:23

And especially the the mental hygiene, and what we need for them to, you know, stay in shape of mentally and physically.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:32

Wayne is is all about it, and he’s really about empowering the blue in their personal lives.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:37

And I’m so blessed that there’s people out here in this world.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:40

Breathing air, like my good friend Lane Moulder to do that.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:44

And Wayne, if you don’t mind. Please introduce yourself to time to shine today podcast.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:47

Versus squad. But first, what’s your favorite color?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:50

And why.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:07:51

Well, ironically. My favorite color was blue. Long before law enforcement, so it just kind of segway to that.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:57

Love it

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:00

When I was a kid it was green and went to blue, and the why, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the royal part.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:04

Maybe it’s the the male part I have no idea, but it’s always been

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:07

Hey, we we reside in Florida, man, and we have these oceans, things.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:12

It’s nice and blue, right? That that helps out now, like your setup back there.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:12

And there is something about blue water. You’re absolutely right.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:16

Bro, I like the setup that you have with a bookshelves, and you know it’s it’s like, I wish I had that would.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:22

So the screen screen but no, that’s awesome. But wait, let’s get in the roots, man, you’re a police officer like.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:29


[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:29

When when did you start getting, you know, into the business, and being a police officer, brother

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:34

So I just pretty much finished my eleventh year in this career field.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:40

So something I came to later in life, as in my early thirties, when I came into law enforcement which usually people with that story came from something like military service and so forth.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:51

But that wasn’t my story. I went into the business world, thought I was gonna put plants in the ground and I did for many years in landscaping in.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:08:59

Then that didn’t work out when the housing crisis hit Florida, as I’m sure we all remember.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:03

Oh, yeah.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:09:04

And then that is what let me law enforcement

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:06

Okay? And was it an easy process to to get into law enforcement?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:12

Being older for lack of a better term, you know. Just kind of getting into that.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:17

That that world, that business of serving the public was that people look at you and say, man, you’re you’re 30, some years old, and you’re just getting into us. Were they questioning you

[Wayne Mulder] 10:09:26

So easy, was definitely not my story partially for a few reasons.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:29


[Wayne Mulder] 10:09:32

First of all, I, the landscape company that I’ve been running. We ended up losing.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:09:37

So you have all the headaches that come with that as far as debt, and so forth, so that obviously looks like a negative.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:42


[Wayne Mulder] 10:09:42

Potential negative. But then you also had the fact that I didn’t have a college education or anything either.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:48


[Wayne Mulder] 10:09:48

And there’s been a big push, a good push in recent years to really bring in law enforcement officers who have college degrees, or at least some level of college credit starting a career being in the landscaping business and being a business owner, I was had that mindset that you know that why get

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:57


[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:04

the degree until the need was there. Since then I have fulfilled that, but at that time I had it so.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:10

That was kind of what led me, and it just no, it wasn’t an easy process.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:14

In fact, there’s a longer story to even segue into law enforcement.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:18

If that’s something you want to hear about. Yeah. So again, landscaper love to work outdoors, love to work with my hands.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:10:19

Absolutely. Let’s hear that man

[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:27

I thought that was gonna be my feature. So when I started looking at what is something more secure, more set, my obvious inclination was start looking at Fwc.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:36

Because I’m down here in the beautiful, state of Florida as are so I started looking at fishermen. My life commission, thinking, Hey, I can work outside while the State was having the same hiring issues that everybody was it when the Housing crisis took place and it was a 2 year process to get

[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:51

Through their hiring process to get a job. So I actually put myself through a local law enforcement Academy.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:10:56

And that’s when I met law Enforcement officers and said, You know, I like the boring parts of law enforcement.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:01

I like writing. I like talking to people I like, you know in your thirties.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:06

It’s no longer about driving fast and having shining lights.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:11:07


[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:08

You started enjoying these other things. So that’s what they brought me.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:11

And then there was a lot of affirmation type things that happened as well, where I just show up at a random prayer meeting one time by an invite, and the guy was like, Have you thought of law enforcement?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:11:19


[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:19

And I was like, funny thing. I’m trying to go down that road and then fast forward.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:25

A year and a half. From that moment that and I hadn’t met him before that evening.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:30

That minister ended up working at Disney. With one of my first zone partners.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:36

Neither of whom I’d met previously. They’re both at Disney one day and it’s like, Hey, we know this guy, this wing molder that is, from the is not working with me in any way.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:11:46

It just became an affirmation that I was walking down the right road

[Scott Ferguson] 10:11:48

That’s beautiful, man! It’s it’s awesome how God puts people in your life or people out there are listening.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:11:54

Your Creator or or whatnot puts people in your life, and you had the intuition, if you will, to really kind of follow that gut feeling of you know him in the in your calling and the pulling that’s awesome, man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:12:09

Yeah, and so, what do you love most then about law enforcement?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:12:14

Cause. I know you said you kinda like the boring part.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:12:17

So the paperwork and whatnot, and serving and being friendly, with a smile on your face and whatnot. But like, what do you like most about it?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:12:24

Yeah, I, I, it’s cliche right when law enforcement officers come in this career and you sit down.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:12:31

You know you’re having an oral board, or whatever, and you’re talking to them, hey?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:12:34

Why’d you come in this career? And the cliche is, you know, to help other people.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:12:37

But the reality is is, that’s very much what I love about this job.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:12:42

I I talk you mentioned early on, you know wellness, and so forth, and there’s something I think about which is called Academy resiliency training, and I teach the spiritual wellness, portion, and one of the things that I mentioned to them is this concept that hey?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:12:57

You have the privilege of being there at just the right moment, when someone’s having the word no one calls law enforcement, on the best day of their life.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:04


[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:04

Right. You know you’re not calling us and saying, Hey, you know, everything’s going great. Today.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:08

I just want to see how you guys were doing. Usually it’s the worst moment of your life.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:11

In one way or another, either you’re the victim of something or something occurred, or your need help, or whatever it is, and so to be able to be interjected into that moment where you can make a difference.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:21

Now granted, I can’t solve you know, something tragic happens.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:24

I may not be able to do something, that’s going to solve that problem.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:26


[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:27

But by my presence I can bring something into that moment that hopefully will make a lasting difference.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:32

So honestly. That’s what I love about it, whether you look at it from an investigative standpoint, where I have the ability to try to solve something for you to, you know, bring some justice.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:42

If if you can, or from a leadership standpoint where you can be a mentor to younger people and to really help them find the path as well.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:13:49


[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:50

Oh, man, that’s that’s one of the best answers that I’ve ever heard.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:54

Honestly man in over like 400 interviews, food about, you know, being there at that moment, and as a coach myself, people don’t just say, Hey, dude!

[Wayne Mulder] 10:14:04


[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:04

I I want to coach. And they spend thousands of dollars right?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:08

They they’re going to something, and I feel privileged.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:11

I’m gonna steal this man. I feel privileged to be able to be that person.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:16

Their light, their guide. And then that solve all their problems.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:20

But to get them into the right mindset for that transformation, to reach their ultimate potential that’s that’s amazing.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:27

The wings. You know you’ve been in there 11 years now, and you know you.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:32

You probably have people that kind of come up, and I heard you kind of say mentoring.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:35

And whatnot. What do you think? Maybe our the biggest blind spots over Rookie Top

[Wayne Mulder] 10:14:46

So I think that when you talk about Blind Spot, so I honestly, people are overwhelmed when they first come to the career.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:14:56

That is one thing I think the public and the listener.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:15:00

It’s good to kind of understand all the different roles, all the different hats that a law Enforcement officer brings to the moment, you know, at 1 min you can be dealing with something that’s you know, seemingly innocuous seemingly benign, you know, it could be a simple.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:15:13

As you know, the proverbial cat stuck in the tree kind of call I’ve I’ve literally fixed sprinkler systems on the job before, so I mean, you can.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:17


[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:21

With your background.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:15:21

These things happen? Yes, exactly so. You know that it can be something like that, and then next minute can be the kind of tragic things we see on the news every day.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:29


[Wayne Mulder] 10:15:30

So understanding that so I think when you talk about mentoring younger people, it’s first of all understanding the totality of the gene and learning to be able to seamlessly move between those certain roles and be able to be you know, it really is a customer service, business my one of my first

[Wayne Mulder] 10:15:47

jobs, was working at Kmart. So I really many times go back to those foundational years of 16 to 20 years old, working as a department manager at Kmart for really the basis of how I come to this career.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:57


[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:00

You know, it’s a there’s a lot of similarities there.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:03

Thank you. Yeah.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:03

I think the second in most important thing is the officer Wellness portion.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:07

Fortunately there’s been a big push towards that.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:10

But you mentioned me, starting the podcast, and I did in 2,019.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:14

And the reason I did that is, I was getting to that 7 to 8 year mark in this career, and I began to understand that I saw changes in myself.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:22

I saw things that I was beginning to get concerned about. I saw the way that I reacted to things I’ve talked before about, you know, coming home and like watching loved one sleeping.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:32

And you sit there and stare at their chest to see if their chest is moving, and stuff because of so many of the negative things we see on the job.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:34


[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:38

Oh, my! Gosh, yeah.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:39

You start to find yourself in those situations, so that would be the second component.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:43

In fact, that’s why I’m a big. That’s why I’m involved in the thing called Academy resistance training.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:48

Because the idea is as we start early in their career, giving them the tools and resources to be resilient.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:53

It doesn’t mean you’re not going to face problems, resiliency is the ability to spring back.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:55


[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:57


[Wayne Mulder] 10:16:57

It’s like a rubber band stretched to its inth degree, and then you let it go, and it returns.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:17:02

It’s we’re all going to face the problems. It’s how you react to them and how you are able to work through them in the future.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:08

It, and and let’s say you said that because, as a police officer, you’re not just a law enforcement, or you are sometimes a marriage counselor.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:19

You you know your, you know, a roughery, you know. There’s so many different hats that you wear and that that’s thank you again for seeing that.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:17:22


[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:30

And when, when maybe again, I’m gonna go back to that cause, you’re in the position now where you’re mentoring the younger police officer coming up.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:39

Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:42

But never.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:17:44

Hmm! That’s a great question. Scott.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:48

Or maybe you wish you would have asked your mentor

[Wayne Mulder] 10:17:53

Yeah, I think I would, you know. And and funny thing is with this newer generation, because we’re of an older generation. And now, Gen.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:00

Z. Is coming into this career. So you’ve got guys, you know, same ages, my son, that I.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:02

Yes, sir.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:07

And so a lot of times you feel like it’s a fatherly type relationship that you end up having just because of the natural age differences and that’s part of that natural progression of being later in life when I joined the career, I think too, I think a question.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:12


[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:14


[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:18


[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:22

And it’s not specific enough. So maybe. But I it’s just that general question, why?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:26

Which they do more intuitively, but understanding why we do what we do, understanding why we react in a certain way, what what that greater impact is.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:35

It’s kind of like what you brought up with the statement that I made in reference to being there in the moment when we ask why law Enforcement acts and reacts in different way.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:45

And we understand, that’s not just simply we do this because Florida State statute says this, a general order says this, a directive says that you you’ve been in that military world.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:55

You understand that? Yeah, that is ultimately that’s the Bible.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:18:57

If you would, in that world you’re going to do it because of that.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:59


[Wayne Mulder] 10:19:00

But there’s reasons behind that, and those are the greater reasons.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:19:04

That’s what inspires it. That’s what gives you your why. So I think that understanding that better earlier in my career would have would have provided for a more natural segue into just why I did the job as opposed to just another profession or I just show up and do my 12 h

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:21

Dude. Why is everything? You know, no matter what? And it’s just.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:28

It’s a it, it that’s exactly what I was hoping to hear.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:34

The answer, because there’s there there was a a militant part of it where you have to be in your line of work, but there’s also, I heard compassion, empathy, and sometimes I feel that that’s missing in any kind of service, oriented business.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:51

I don’t care if you’re serving food at a restaurant you know what I’m saying.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:54

It’s like you have to have the empathy.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:19:55


[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:58

You have to have the compassion, whether it’s for for the workers or for you know your clientele that you’re working with.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:04

That’s awesome. So Wayne, have you seen the movie back to the future?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:20:08

I have. It’s been years.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:08

Okay, yeah, that’s you know. I I know how old you are, but I’m I’m gonna say, let’s go back to the the double deuce the 22 year old Wayne moulder.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:19

What kind of knowledge nuggets that we call me a time show today.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:22

What kind of knowledge do I get so much you drop on the 22 year old, Wayne, so maybe help him not change so much because your journey is pretty unique.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:31

But to maybe help them level up last through, or maybe shorten the learning curve just a little bit

[Wayne Mulder] 10:20:38

Yeah, I think for me at that point in my life I was too geared on career, and I was too geared.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:20:48

My preview. I don’t wanna mention his name, because if I do, it becomes instantly political.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:20:53

But a businessman out of New York wrote some great books that influenced me as a child, and those books really is how I saw myself.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:00

I thought for sure you know, I was gonna be a deal maker.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:03

I was gonna build this business. It was gonna be in all these different states and so forth.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:06

And that became my focus. And so I focused so heavily on that working.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:11

The you know we would laugh and joking those days about landscaping.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:14

By headlight, and we literally would we’d get contracts where we’re putting trees in the ground with the headlights of trucks on.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:19


[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:20

In doing that I lost the focus for family, for my son, for now, fortunately, I’ve been very fortunate.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:28

I still am married, still have my son still have the relationships.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:31

So I you know in the end it all kind of works out.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:34

But if I was going to go back and talk to 22 year old me!

[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:37

It isn’t so much about balance. I don’t personally believe in the concept of work life balance as it’s often portrayed because you can’t do all these things, but we have a time.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:42

Me, neither

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:45


[Wayne Mulder] 10:21:46

Such a time that we have to do this, or we have to focus on that, but not forgetting those more important things, whether it’s family community and really wellness and building around those countries

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:53

Thank you right? No. I actually speak on stage about balances.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:00

Junk right, believe me, I, because balance is 0 right, that if you look at a scale balance you’re true.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:07

I was taught by my mentors, my coaches, that it’s about Harmony, right?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:11

It’s like I liken it to a jazz band like, you know, each person, each one of the 8 areas of harmony, would be like, God is one personal growth.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:22

Family, community, work, money, living, environment and health and recreation.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:26

Let’s just say that the the the god is the drums or spiritual is your drums.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:33

Health and recreation is the guitar. You know your business is the horns, and if any of those are out of tune it sounds like chunk.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:41

But if you can find the harmony within the

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:44

Perfect, you know. Not everybody’s a Mozart that’s on the piano, right?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:49

Or whatnot, but they’re if they’re good enough.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:51

You have that harmony. So thank you for saying a balance is not the the way to go, and and I’m a full believer in that.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:58

I’m not not getting anybody out there. This is balances the way to go.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:01

I just respectfully disagree with you, and and so we how do you want your dash?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:06

Remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:09

Hopefully, it’s a way down the road, but your life date in your debt date. How do you want that dash?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:14

Remember, on your tunes

[Wayne Mulder] 10:23:15

When I was a younger my father was always a big listener to like Ziggler, and other speakers of the time, and so I grew up listening to a lot of these tapes and a lot of things, and the Zigzagler corporation, and one of the quotes that he

[Wayne Mulder] 10:23:31

Often used and became. Their mission statement was, You can have everything in life you want if you just help enough.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:23:35

Other people get what they want, and I’ve had that quote written on when I was owner of a landscape company to what I’m doing now.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:37


[Wayne Mulder] 10:23:42

It’s sitting in my office at work

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:43

This suits above my fireplace. Bro. I know I live in Florida.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:47

I have one, but it sits there. Yeah, I live by that.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:23:48

I think you should have a fireplace in Florida, but that’s a whole different conversation

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:51

Sometimes, but no, it’s literally that’s up there. I’ll take a picture and send it to you.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:55

Now that I love. Yeah.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:23:56

I believe it, and to me, that’s the focus, right?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:00

I want at the end. Like you said perfectly. It will be decades from now, but Lord knows it could be 5 min from now because that’s the reality of life.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:03

Yes, yeah, we never know. Bro, yeah.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:08

But I hope that in that moment that I made a big enough difference in enough other people’s lives. And I know again it sounds cliche, but that is really the focus of many of the things that I try to do

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:13

Oh, absolutely!

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:18

Love it, man, I love it so. What do you think people misunderstand the most about Wayne

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:28

I don’t know. That’s an interesting question as well.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:31

In the environment of law enforcement. I think that sometimes there’s just a negative connotation that comes with the job where we don’t see the person

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:39

Really? Are you kidding me

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:42

Again. And so we’re we’re leveling up here.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:46

So we’re talking, and we’re we’re speaking the future.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:48

We want to see. But yeah, sometimes people see the badge.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:49


[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:52

They see that, and I get it again. It’s the worst day of your life.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:54

So you’re going to, you know. There’s so many horrible stories out there.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:54


[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:59


[Wayne Mulder] 10:24:59

But to that end you do really we do a disservice when we don’t see anybody, whether it’s our firefighters, our military, anyone in uniforms of any type.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:25:08

When we don’t see them as the person that where’s that uniform

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:12

Right it. I love that cause. I’ve I’ve been blessed I’ve met you a couple of times, and do I observe people, you know, that’s that’s my thing.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:21

You know I love to observe, and I see you. And I’ll I’ll I’ll glance over.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:25

We had dinner at at podcast. Ma’am, and you were so ingrained in everybody’s.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:25:26


[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:31

Whoever was talking, you were locked in. I could tell that, and I and I really respect that in a human being.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:37

And then you you know you’re, you know, squat.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:41

He’s kind of like a stoic guy doesn’t have too much to say, but when he talks, people like kind of listen, and that really really appreciate that about you, Wayne.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:25:48

Thank you.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:48

So you know some of the observves, and that makes to me a great cop, because, you know, people are going through the worst day of their life you’re not going in there with preconceived judgments.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:58

You’re going in there to find the facts. Listen, and then respond, and not just react.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:02

And I. I do respect you for that, brother. So we what keeps you up at night

[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:04

Thank you.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:09

Well, ironically, it would be the private flip side of this conversation is just the future of law enforcement, you know where where we headed, where we going.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:17


[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:21

And and again, we’re not gonna go down those dark roads.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:23

But yeah, it it does concern me a little bit, and what that future may look like.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:27


[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:27

Because, again in state of Florida, it’s a 30 year retirement.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:30

So theoretically, I have another 19 years to go.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:32


[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:32

So what does that future look like? And then what does it mean for the younger people coming into this career?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:26:39

And then what does it mean for society? So I’d say that thinking is kind of what keeps me up

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:41

Thank you for saying that, because, like, yeah, we had our Nintendo, and we had our sega and whatnot, maybe even playstation what I mean, I believe you’re probably almost 10 years behind me in age.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:54

But we kind of are still the same generation axers that the do stuff and a lot of the these kids are locked into.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:03

These one shooter games or personal shit whatever. There’s nothing wrong with them. I’m all about capitalism and selling video games and everything like that.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:09

But they’ve got to be reminded if, especially if they go into law enforcement stuff is not real pro, you know they they they do.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:27:14


[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:16

You ever notice some of these rookies that are kind of coming up, you know, in a generation behind us that they have a different mindset where they’re maybe invincible.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:26

And because, you know, you play those games, you get killed, and guess what you’re hit reset, and you’re good again, like, do you see that a little bit?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:34

Or do you guys train them to say, man, this is real?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:37

And we need to take this very soon

[Wayne Mulder] 10:27:40

So the training process is over a year. Comparing it to the military.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:27:45

It’d be like, how basic and your MOS all kind of rolled into one.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:48

Oh, yeah, I like that.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:27:49

But yeah, it’s a year to a year and a half process.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:27:52

But that being said, I, maybe a little bit, just because in general this generation honestly let me answer this in 2 ways real quickly.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:59

You can be blot, Wayne. I’m good with that

[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:00

The first half of

[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:02

Well, I I like what you’re saying. I haven’t specifically seen that where we’re seeing the biggest efficiency is communication, so much so.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:07


[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:08

The ability to do this, so so much so that the State actually changed and added communication exercises to the curriculum.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:10


[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:12

Hmm, yeah.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:17

So that they began to learn to have dialogue.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:20


[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:21

But to the video game thing I just want quickly mention where I see a bigger issue.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:25

And actually, I saw this anecdotally with my son is the not understanding the decodion mode.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:32

So again. I’ve got nothing wrong with them big capitalist.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:35

But I was watching one of the games my son was playing, which was one of these first British person shooter games, and he was in an incident not all that different than a tragic incident.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:39

Yeah, first.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:43

I was involved in. And I said, Son, we don’t roll from this into our one.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:49


[Wayne Mulder] 10:28:50

We have, like an entire decompression, like, you know, you’re talking to someone there’s there’s not that goes into it, because the same dopamine, the same rush that he’s going through is happening.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:59


[Wayne Mulder] 10:29:00

But then it immediately rolls into it again, immediately rolls into it again.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:29:04

So that’s where I see the biggest concern, and where I tried to interject that there’s nothing wrong with it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:07

Oh, that is strong. Bro, that is strong. You just mentioned something also.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:29:10

It is.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:14

That’s even better than the question I asked. Is it we when we were younger?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:19

It was like you just met at a parking lot, or or a baseball field.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:26

You figured out what you were gonna do right. There was.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:30

Now, you know, like, okay, I’m from Detroit, and a lot of my people, my age and 50, you know their executives in the Big 3.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:29:37


[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:37

Now, you know Chrysler, John murders for, and they’re saying that kids are not driving their car as much anymore because we were young.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:45

We drive our cars to find the parties right? So which put miles on and which means you’d have to buy another car sooner.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:51

Now they’re texting. Be like, oh, parties at Wayne, you know, or it’s here, and it’s just a communication is so AI now compared to what it was when we are in the no police officers need to know that when they walk into a house they’re talking to a real

[Wayne Mulder] 10:29:53


[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:07

person who’s having the worst day of their life. That’s awesome dude.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:08

Yeah, it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:10

Thank you for saying that, and bring that up. Bro.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:12

Everything’s predicated on that. Because when we talk about de-escalation, when we talk about all these things that we want our officers to do, the bottom line is your ability to have the conversation

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:23

That that’s awesome man. That’s that’s fantastic.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:26

What is your definition of a life oil lift

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:32

I would say it’s

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:37

A life what lived is a life that’s lived in service of others.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:41

And again, that’s kind of been a thing throughout this thing.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:42

But I would say that really is the point, because it’s the only thing that’s gonna outlive.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:45


[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:46

You, I mean the podcasts are gonna go away. Something else comes out.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:49

And we’re not doing digital downloads in the same way.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:51

The 8 track tape went away. You know someone may hold on to one, but you know none of that may last.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:54


[Wayne Mulder] 10:30:56

Who knows what the future brings when it comes to technology? Chat Gbt, or whatever might be doing our shows for us here in another, you know, 6 months

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:57


[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:01

Yeah, you you you just nailed it with, yeah, I learned it from Steve Barber.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:09

So that’s one of my coaches, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:11

You know, he said, do what you love and the service of people that love what you do.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:16

You love being a cop. People see cops worst day of their life.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:31:16

I love it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:21

They love you a lot. You know I love love, love that man so, squad!

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:25

We are going to take, my good friend Wayne Molder.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:28

Do I, leveling up lightning round just as soon as we get back from thinking or sponsors and affiliates time to shine today podcast versus why we are back.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:37

And Wayne, you and I. We’ve met up. We probably already talked about a few of these questions before one on one, but and we talked maybe 10 min on each one.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:46

But today you have 5 s to answer them with no explanations.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:51

They can all be done that way, you ready to level up alright. Wayne.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:31:52

Yes, sir.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:56

What is the best, lovely enough advice you’ve ever received

[Wayne Mulder] 10:31:58

Be the guy willing to raise your hand

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:00

Oh, sure! What are your personal habits that contributes to your success?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:32:04


[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:06

Beautiful you see me walking down the street, or you know I’m coming to meet you, man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:11

Fergie looks like you. Zoom is doldrums a little bit, not feeling it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:14

What book might you hand me

[Wayne Mulder] 10:32:18

Relentless courage by Sergeant Michael Sigur.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:21

Beautiful. Put them in the show, not Stein. Thanks. Most commonly used, Emoji, when you text

[Wayne Mulder] 10:32:30

Little guy with the sunglasses

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:33

Nicknames growing Up.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:32:35

Wing, or anything that rhymes with wing, which, by the way, there’s a lot of them

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:41

Just checkers or monopoly

[Wayne Mulder] 10:32:43

Oh, chess all day long, and then occasionally monopoly.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:47

Marty pants go to ice cream, flavor

[Wayne Mulder] 10:32:50

Hmm, kind of a plain vanilla guy

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:53

Me too dude, I will cause I can put anything I want at it to love it.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:32:57


[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:58

There’s a sandwich name the Wang air real that sandwich for me, brother.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:02

Oh, it’s gonna have to be something in those heart stopping meets like Salami, you know.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:08

You just gotta get a lot of salt in there

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:10

Put a little man candy little bacon on there, too.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:13

There you go!

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:15

Right, love, love it, favorite charity and or organization like to give your time or money to

[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:23

Of course, the kind of question that makes your mind go blank.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:27

But any of the many of them that are out there helping law enforcement officers, especially the ones that are dealing with mental health type concerns

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:30


[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:33

Especially the ones that are legit. This is, we live in Florida.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:38

It’s a sunny place for shady people, and sometimes but thank you for saying that, brother.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:41

You’re absolutely right.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:43

Last question you can elaborate on this one, my man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:47

But what’s the best iade of music? 60 seventies, eighties, or nineties?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:50

So I was a country guy. So I like the eighties and nineties country.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:52


[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:55


[Wayne Mulder] 10:33:56

I kind of felt like that was the last day of country music.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:58

My old family were sharecroppers in Alabama, and they moved the industrial North to work at General Motors.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:03

Christ, learned for. And I grew up on country, and then kind of pulled away from it, because I rebelled, went out in the military.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:34:08


[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:10

But now my woman Susan, who you, Matt, is the country.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:34:12


[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:14

So we hit up every country concert we can, and she’s got me into this modern country.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:19

But if I go back to the eighties with, like Alabama or even Ronnie Millsap, or something like that, you get into the nineties or their antibiotics and stuff like that, actually listen to it because live they guys I served with the military were legit cowboys right?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:34:23


[Wayne Mulder] 10:34:31


[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:31

Like they would ride bowls and stuff, dude like when they got me on one.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:36

One time I have a video that I’m gonna send it to you.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:34:38

And those were the days of Chrysler do, too. And that’s when actual cowboys were becoming musicians.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:38

It’s, oh, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:45

Chris would do in in what’s his name?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:47

John Anderson, and which did a little cowboy, and but then in Susan I are locked into this yellow stone. Saga man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:55

Do you watch it? Okay. Sunday, 1923.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:34:55

Love it. Yes, in fact, one of my favorite quotes comes from that Sunday

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:59

Comes back, do spent, does Spencer come back and save the day?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:04

I I love it! She got stoked. I love it so way.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:07

How can we find you, my friend?

[Wayne Mulder] 10:35:09

So the easy way is on the blue line.com. Oh, in on the blue line.com. And we’re on all social media, on the blue line, podcast

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:12


[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:15

It’s got. You have to listen to the show I’ve I’ve checked out pretty much everything that kind of comes.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:20

So across my spotify, feed from him, and also his Youtube channel gets really fun.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:27

And and the interviews are there as well. And, Wayne, if you could do me one last, leave us with one last knowledge. No, we can take with us, internalize and take action

[Wayne Mulder] 10:35:35

You know, I think, and this is usually again become kind of trite.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:35:41

But it’s okay to not be okay. But it’s not okay to stay that way. And I think whether you’re in law enforcement or not in law enforcement, we all have bad days.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:35:48

We all have struggles. It’s okay. But it’s not okay to stay there, get the help you need, and let’s move forward.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:55

Love it, and squad like I had such a fun conversation.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:35:55

Or, as you would say, let’s level up

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:00

Wayne and I were like, How are we gonna take this conversation, you know, but it was actually so easy, you know, he he found law enforcement later in life, you know, through the work of God and guidance, and the person he met at the prayer.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:12

Meeting and just got him really loveed up. You know the person that loves to work with his hands.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:16

I this way he gets to work with hands to help people in their worst moment, and like he teaches it, and it’s taught, you know, through the Academy resiliency training that you know you had the privilege of being at the scene in the person’s worst moment and making their day a little bit

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:33

Better, you know, and to solve pro their problems, and to bring justice.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:38

You know it also that the cap where’s different hats every day, just like kind of yeah, it’s a real estate broker like we’re marriage counselors, we are, you know, psychiatrists, and stuff that aren’t even licensed and the way we actually have to do that and if

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:53

you’re looking to become a police officer, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:56

Understand your why? Why do you want to become one? And if not, you know, kind of just kind of figure that out, because it’s a very important.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:04

I lean on the blue, I lean on the police to make sure that we’re safe, and people let them feel better with people like Wayne.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:11

That’s out there, you know, protecting us you know Wayne is person that failed.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:16

Let’s just admit it. Let’s throw it out there.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:18

He failed at his landscaping business. But the thing is about Wayne.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:20

Is, he failed forward, and Wayne’s a winner, you know. He didn’t make excuses.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:24

He made adjustments, and that’s what winners do.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:26

And as Zig said, You know, main kind of brought out with Zig said, we get anything we want by helping other people get what they want.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:33

I mean, my boy, Wayne is planning trees. He’s never gonna sit in the shade of, you know, because he does what he loves, in the service of people that love what he does and like.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:42

Remember, it’s okay to not be okay. But if not, okay, to stay there and if you’re there, reach out the time to shine today, I’ve interviewed over 400 counselors, coaches even myself.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:55

I’d love to be able to help you level up and reach your human potential as well, and I know Wayne’s podcast.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:01

Does that as well. He! He brings that that spotlight on an industry that needs it in the good part of that industry, and when you level up your health you level up your wealth.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:12

You’re humble, yet you’re hungry. I appreciate you coming on your end.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:15

Diversity squad letter here. Time to send today. I absolutely love your guts, brother.

[Wayne Mulder] 10:38:18

Thank you very much. It’s been a privilege

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:20

Chat, soon

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