257-Heal Your Hunger! – TTST Interview with Internationally Renowned Transformational Expert Tricia Nelson

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Tricia Nelson lost fifty pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. Tricia has spent over thirty years researching the hidden causes of the addictive personality. Tricia is an Emotional Eating Expert and author of the #1 bestselling book, Heal Your Hunger, 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now. She also certifies health coaches so they can get better results, referrals and revenue by helping their clients overcome emotional eating. Tricia is the host of the popular podcast, The Heal Your Hunger Show.  She is well respected speaker and has been featured on numerous media outlets, such as NBC, CBS, KTLA, FOX and Discovery Health. 

YOU are good, follow your heart, it will never lie

– Tricia Nelson

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Feeling stressed? Are you emotionally eating? Please reach out to Tricia

2. Please please please get your hormones checked!

3. Be humble to understand your weaknesses

4. A great addiction coach has walked the walk. 

5. Most emotional eaters do not binge in public

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

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Pick Up Tricia’s Book: Heal Your Hunger, 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Hey this is Tricia Nelson with Heal Your Hunger and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson  

Unknown Speaker  0:11  

shine today pockets varsity squad This is Scott Ferguson and with this is the first episode of 2022 So Happy New Year to everybody. I hope you crush your double Deuce the 22 it’s a fantastic year across the board and want to open up this year with a good friend Tricia Nelson from heal your hunger there’s a lot of people especially going through the holidays, well emotionally eat and Trisha is a transformational special issues and author. She’s a speaker, she’s an overall Rockstar I love her guts. And she has fantastic book that we have a giveaway for but just if you’re going through some times you have a friend that you know is going through some times and emotional eating. Please give this podcast a listen. Break out your notebooks and let us make a personal warm introduction to Trisha just to help you level up so without further ado, here’s my really good friend Trisha Nelson from heal your hunger. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I have an awesome hookup for you today with my really good friend Trisha Nelson from heal your hunger. Tricia has lost 50 pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating which I struggled with that after my brother’s suicide, and also some PTSD that I deal with from overseas and whatnot. And she’s just a breath of fresh air. She works a lot with women but men listen because I know you might have a significant other and bosses out there that have ladies working for you. You want to level them up, then you definitely want to listen here you know she spent over 30 years researching the hidden causes of the addictive personality. Trisha is an emotional eating expert and author of the number one best selling book heal your hunger. Which side note I will have a book giveaway that Tricia will autograph that will be on time to shine today’s dime, but you have to listen to the end so you have to stay on. Okay here and again. She certifies health coaches so they can get better results referrals and revenue by helping their clients overcome emotional eating. Trisha is the host of the popular podcast the heal your hunger show which when we’re done don’t go over there now but make sure you subscribe for episode 342 is just fire about saying nice things it’s kick ass and you’re gonna love it she uses she also has a secret sauce group which I’m a little bit offended because that’s what I kind of call mine a little bit of secret sauce but I guess we can share it because I just love this lady so much she is well respected speaker and has been featured on numerous media outlets such as NBC CBS KTLA Fox and Discovery Health and welcome to the show Tricia please introduce yourself to the time to shine today podcast first you describe it first. What’s your favorite color and why?

Unknown Speaker  2:44  

Oh, it’s great to be here. Thanks for having me Scott. My favorite color is pink and I rock in it happen to be wearing pink today. And because it’s a happy color it’s just a hat you can’t see pink and not be happy.

Unknown Speaker  2:57  

I love that I love that in pink it believe it or not, I if you look at some of my other videos I rock pink because it’s a real real real exam in purple, we rock it off right? So let’s get a little bit to the origins my 50 pounds is a big loss a lot of people don’t understand how much that is not only to lose it but to keep it off in the make decision to help others level up. So can we get to the origins?

Unknown Speaker  3:24  

Yes, I mean I straight back to like age three or four I loved food I love to cook I love to learn to eat cook it three but I Sir I certainly love to eat at three and four and but when I did learn to cook, I love to cook food for other people go out to restaurants with my family. I mean, just obsess about food. It’s all I thought about. So you know which which wouldn’t be a terrible thing. You just call me a foodie. The problem is I did gain weight really easily. And by age 21 I was 50 pounds overweight and I’m not a big person. So I’m like five, six. So you know, it was a lot of weight for me. And not only that Scott, I was also just really unhappy about the way like I was not one of those people who could shrug it off and like well, I love food. This is the trade off. I was really unhappy about my weight, you know, in our culture, it’s it’s hard, you know, it’s hard and and it was hard being bigger than my friends. It was hard, you know, not being as mobile as I wanted to be. So it really took a toll on me and the fact that no matter what I tried and in terms of diets, the fact that they didn’t work for me like I couldn’t lose weight but I always put it back on so I was what you would call yo yo diet or it’d be like Up 30 Down 20 Up you know and I had like five different sizes of pants in my closet because I never knew what size I’d be so it was a big struggle for me and you know when the dieting when the writing was on the wall for me like diets aren’t gonna work for me. I felt very hopeless like wow, I’m screwed, you know, but turns out there was an alternative for me and I met some who showed me how to deal with emotional eating and that I didn’t know I was an emotional eater. And that helped, like, turned everything around for me that you know, going deeper and dealing with why I kept eating why I was using food in a destructive way that turned everything around for me,

Unknown Speaker  5:15  

how did you connect with that person? Because that’s what a lot of people had mad problems with sleeping, right? And it just took me research after research to find somebody to help me the level down at night. How did you find that person?

Unknown Speaker  5:28  

Well, I mean, I got a credit God, I mean, I, I was saying some prayers, you know, my prayers are Yeah, my prayer was, I can’t do this. And it wasn’t even a direct credit prayer to God, it was like, I can’t do this anymore. Like, I can’t keep doing this. And sometimes, you know, all my experiences, you don’t necessarily have to go looking for what you need, you have to be clear about what you don’t need anymore, you know, and then what you need shows up. So I was very blessed to be introduced to somebody who worked with people who are kind of like, quote, hopeless cases. And I felt like a hopeless case. So that’s basically what happened. And the nice thing is, is my program, I fashioned my program around what I was taught and what I’ve been practicing for over 30 years to stay in a thin body, but again, by the grace of God, but there’s a very specific process I went through, and I really codify that process. And that’s what heal your hunger is all about. So I try to make it as accessible as possible. And thanks to you and other people who host me on their podcast, you know, to let people know, it doesn’t have to be so hard. You don’t have to diet you don’t have to jump on a scale, you can have a whole new experience was all about that

Unknown Speaker  6:36  

lifestyle. I understand. So how much do you feel without getting too drawn out? And Dr. Yanna? But how much do you feel hormones play a part in getting your body you know, leveled up into where you can maintain and live that lifestyle?

Unknown Speaker  6:52  

Well, I am not a doctor, so I won’t get doctory on you.

Unknown Speaker  6:55  

Thank you, thank you.

Unknown Speaker  6:57  

I’m a lay person. And I’m a coach. I’m an emotional eating coach and my experiences were most of the urn hormones are important. Um, but they’re typically if somebody struggles chronically with food and weight, my experience is it’s more of a problem of emotional eating. So you got to of course, get your hormones checked, make sure your thyroids you know, working properly. and such, but at the end of the day, you know, how the stress is going to play a big part in how our hormones operate, you know, and how much we crave. So dealing with stress, changing our lifestyle habits, like you mentioned, and then digging out some of the deeper emotions. And you mentioned that beginning to the PTSD and the the experiences that might be contributing, you know, to emotional eating. That’s to me where people aren’t spending enough time love that

Unknown Speaker  7:47  

that’s transparency right there. Because they everything dig, digs deep into the emotions. And you and I are both coaches, we’re not therapists, you know, we really dig deep. And so being a coach, what do you think? Let’s just say, What do you think makes a great coach in your field?

Unknown Speaker  8:02  

Well, when it comes to addictions, I really feel like somebody has to have been there, you know, and so I mean, that’s really the basis of Alcoholics Anonymous, one alcoholic helping another because we, you know, anybody who’s had an addiction knows, knows the hell of it. And so you know, a lot of my clients, they really resonate with me because I’ve been 50 pounds overweight because I know that how the secret how and I talk about it on my podcast, I’m super transparent about sure you know, the different things I share and I think it just connects me to people because it is a lonely condition, you know, to eat, we don’t we don’t bench in public like we wait to true, true, or very civilized and public and then in 91, everybody’s in bed, then we go to town and then we feel awful, and then we hate ourselves and be up and then we do it all over again. So it’s a very secretive shameful isolating thing to do. And so you know it knowing that somebody else has been there like it’s hard to just get nutritional advice from somebody who’s never been overweight for me I’d there’s part of my brain that’s like, how would you know you’ve never been there? Sure. No, and so that the connection I’m able to create with people because I have been there to me makes all the difference in the world no matter what somebody is coaching on if you have experienced it, you know, like yourself, I mean, you’re a speaker, you’re a coach or a business person and so anybody who’s looking for help in those areas, they’re going to be relating to you

Unknown Speaker  9:29  

love that it in so in your work you work one on one some with people Correct.

Unknown Speaker  9:34  

I do most of my work in groups and a little bit one on one. Okay,

Unknown Speaker  9:37  

so if you’re working with groups, or even one on one, and here comes those two words. If you don’t mind sharing a little bit the secret sauce that you helped them find their blind spot.

Unknown Speaker  9:47  

Well, again, it’s well I will say it helped the groups is great because of that isolation factor. It just pulls people out of their isolation and helps them know they’re not the only ones who’ve done something unkind with some If that helps and loving each other up, you know, support all that helps. But I will say I’ve been a meditator for over 30 years. And meditation is one of the things I teach my clients for helping them stay grounded and more just emotionally balanced. And for me, the fact that I’ve been there having had the personal trainers, but also so three things I’ve been there, I’ve done the work on myself. So I know, I know the inner workings of the emotional eaters mind. But also because I’m a meditator, and I’ve done this work, I’m super intuitive. And so I can, you know, when somebody is leaving, you know, somebody is, here’s the deal, I told my mentor a long time, his job was to comfort me when I’m afflicted and to afflict me when I’m comfortable. And that’s my job as a coach. So someone’s, you know, feed me a line of bullshit, I’m gonna call bullshit, you know, and, and so and they peep my clients appreciate that about me, you know, I’m super nice and loving about it. But yeah, call my time, you have to, you know, you have to, and at the same time, if someone’s beating themselves up, sure, I’m gonna jump in to protect them and block for them because I don’t want them opening themselves up. So it’s sort of that beautiful balance. But at the end of the day, I think intuition plays a big part of it,

Unknown Speaker  11:14  

the harmony that you have going on with that is fantastic. And I, I can actually see it jumping on them when they need it, that tough love. And so, Trisha, is when you’re starting to work with groups, and I say this when you start working with groups, or even one on one, is there any good questions that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  11:34  

Um, well, I always tell people, you know, it’s not about the food, you know, so if somebody asked me like, a whole lot about, you know, what should I eat? Is it you know, should I eat this? And is this ingredient been an ingredient either caught up in the obsession with food, you know, it is a symptom, food is a symptom, you know, overweight is a symptom of we’re overeating, over eating is a symptom of what’s eating me. So we’re always going to gently bring them back to what’s really going on and the real underlying causes. So not that I don’t answer those kinds of questions. But to me, we can get really caught up. And there’s, if you do a search right now, for diet books on Amazon, you’ll get over 60,000 results. Real quick, you know, there’s no shortage of diet information out there. There’s a big shortage of, you know, what the underlying causes are. So I’m always going back to that.

Unknown Speaker  12:24  

Thank you. Thank you. So they Trisha, what do you think your strengths are?

Unknown Speaker  12:29  

Well, I’m pretty direct, as you might have discovered, and I think that’s important. I’m super compassionate and loving. I mean, to me, love is the foundation of the whole thing. And also, I don’t really, I’m not I don’t I talk about God pretty openly for you. I’m mapping. Yeah. Yeah. So I do also know so I mean, I mean, I keep it pretty open, kind of like it 12 Step programs like God has you understand God? Because I’ve met people of different religions who come to me, but you know, my goal. I mean, I tell people, I don’t have any willpower. So it’s not my fight against food, you know, I’m gonna have to tap into a deeper source, you know, and a divinity that’s gonna Yes, lay

Unknown Speaker  13:12  

it on your Creator, like, God, you lay it on them, and it just starts to come to the surface. So, to what extent do you think that you appreciate your strengths? Because a lot of people talk, shit, you know, I’m this, I’m that. But how much do you really appreciate your strengths? Because you’re so transparent. What do you appreciate about them?

Unknown Speaker  13:30  

Yeah, I mean, I, I don’t like to just beat my own drum. Okay, so, no, please do that a lot. But I, to me, that’s at the trans pairs. And trans transparency really goes a long way. You know, and just kind of being real with people. I mean, people like real that’s, that’s the only way to go. Yeah, I don’t. Yeah, and also my own personal experience. If I come from my own personal experience, I can say right size, you know, if it’s always from my personal experience, and I have so much experience with this, both, you know, personally and professionally and if I stick to that, I feel like I’m, I’m pretty good. I’m not gonna sound egotistical

Unknown Speaker  14:13  

about your limitations. What do you what do you appreciate about you any limitations?

Unknown Speaker  14:17  

Um, I’d say I would like to read more than I do. I’m so busy with my business that I don’t read as much as I want to read. So that’s always something that kind of bugs me.

Unknown Speaker  14:28  

I love that. I love it. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Of course, alright, let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Trisha I don’t know if it’s Nelson, but the 22 year old Trisha what kind of knowledge nuggets as we call them your time to shine today? What kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on the 22 year old Trisha maybe help her blast through level up or shorten any kind of learning curve?

Unknown Speaker  14:52  

Oh god, I would tell her straight up. I love her straight in the eyes and tell her she’s good. I would also tell her to follow Her heart that our heart will never lie. And I and I just I’d tell her to, you know, really? Just be proud of who she is. Yes, it took me a long time to get there. And you know, I wish I wish I had that at 22.

Unknown Speaker  15:16  

Yeah. In Do you think she would have listened? Well, I’m coming up on 50. And I know my 22 year old be like, Yeah, okay.

Unknown Speaker  15:27  

doubtful, but I’m near enough. And thankfully, I mean, early. I was 21 When I reached out for help. So fortunately, I had a good he told me those things for sure. So I got the training pretty early, but definitely it’s it’s a journey.

Unknown Speaker  15:42  

Love it. Love it in. So how do you want your dash? Remember that? Sure. You know, that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and your death date? on your tombstone? How do you want your dash remember?

Unknown Speaker  15:53  

Um, I mean to me as she followed her heart, you know, she shared a lot of light and love.

Unknown Speaker  16:01  

I’m writing that down. Sorry. Give me a second fold heart Light and Love. Love. Scott, I hope you’re taking notes because this is a mad interview. That’s just fantastic. So let’s get back in that DeLorean this time with Doc Brown where he says we’re going there are no roads, right? Remember that? Yeah. Where do you see your company in five years.

Unknown Speaker  16:23  

I’m I a household name, heal your hunger and making a major impact on the converse, the weight loss conversation to include emotional eating.

Unknown Speaker  16:35  

Love it. Thank you, thank you think there’s so much that is like so mysterious about it. And that’s why I’m so stoked for this, because I suffered from it. And I had to seek help on it as well. And now the lifestyle that I have moving to Florida to get into vitamin D having a pedal board, my pit bull on the front every morning doing yoga on the pedal board with my people over my Ashtanga studio. It’s fantastic. So what do you think? What do you think people misunderstand the most about trician?

Unknown Speaker  17:05  

About me personally?

Unknown Speaker  17:06  

Absolutely. Uh,

Unknown Speaker  17:08  

I think people look at me, first of all, I don’t believe I was overweight. So I have to show pictures. Um, you know, and sometimes, I’m still get pissed off because they don’t know as overweight. So like, what’s the skinny bitch trying to tell me about weight loss? Yes. So I have to, I have to sort of educate them about where I come from. Um, yeah, and I think when you have a sort of somewhat public public personality, you know, and you sound good, and maybe look good, people think you’re perfect. And I just That’s why I try to be as you know, Canada as possible about my foibles because I have a lot of them. Sure. No, but hopefully it helps people relate to me.

Unknown Speaker  17:47  

Love it, love and they do. Absolutely. So then what keeps you up at night?

Unknown Speaker  17:52  

Um, maybe a really good TV series.

Unknown Speaker  17:59  

With this new one, it’s called dope sick and it’s on about the opioid crisis it’s the most legit show that I’ve ever seen that digs deep and has some major stars in it. But yet you got to check it out if you haven’t if you’re looking at something you just want to like kind of binge watch a little bit at night or something it’s it’s fantastic I’m careful what I let in my mind. Yeah, but at the same time I want to be entertained just like everybody else so so what is Tricia his definition of a life well lived?

Unknown Speaker  18:30  

A sharing light and love and being super healthy.

Unknown Speaker  18:34  

That’s enough set on that so and you don’t let’s do the ask you this one question though. With let’s take out of the equation, anything electronical that includes cell phones notebook, or, you know, iPads, whatever computer What are three things Trisha can’t live without?

Unknown Speaker  18:53  

Um, I would say the water. You know, I like to be on the water. I like to sail I would say good food, good, healthy food. And I would say really good lovemaking.

Unknown Speaker  19:12  

Yes, yes. community and connection. Absolutely. I’m hoping you’re gonna throw that in there somewhere because I know that you said that you’re bragging about how awesome and hot Your boyfriend is and a couple of your podcasts. So that’s fantastic. I love that you put that out there. I talked about my lady all the time. Fantastic. She’s only took me 48 years to find her. But it’s just fantastic. Hey, time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We are back with my awesome sauce at friend Trisha Nelson from heal your hunger and Trisha you and I could easily literally talk an hour about each one of these questions. We have five seconds to answer with no explanation you’re at Rock event. Let’s do it. What is the best leveling up advice Trisha has ever received?

Unknown Speaker  19:53  

A follow your heart and use your head

Unknown Speaker  19:56  

yes. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  20:01  

Getting on my knees first thing in the morning. Yes,

Unknown Speaker  20:03  

thank you. Thank you. Thank you, other than heal your hunger calm and of course time to shine today back on my shameless plug. What website district you go to level up?

Unknown Speaker  20:14  

Probably some of the communities that I belong to that give me support and love. Beautiful beautiful if you see

Unknown Speaker  20:19  

me walking down the street like Fergie just seems like he’s in his doldrums outside of he’ll your hunger. What book are you handing me?

Unknown Speaker  20:29  

Um, I My favorite book is Emmett Fox around the year with Emmett Fox daily spiritual readings.

Unknown Speaker  20:36  

Never read it. I’m going to put it in the show notes. Look that up. Done. Please. Thank you so much. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  20:44  

A smiley face and two pink hearts?

Unknown Speaker  20:46  

Love it. What was your New Year’s resolution?

Unknown Speaker  20:50  

Probably to read more.

Unknown Speaker  20:53  

chess or checkers? Checkers love me too. I kind of suppose I don’t have time for the check. Yeah, it’s been a while. Yeah. favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  21:06  

Um, household 2.0 helping entrepreneurs helping men and men and women in prison to use the hustling skills from monetarism.

Unknown Speaker  21:16  

Gosh, that’s fantastic. Put that in the show notes. Look it up, put in the show notes. Danny, please. Last question. And you can elaborate a little bit on this one. Sure. Sure. But what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  21:30  

Oh god, that’s hard. I would say 60s 60s. Really?

Unknown Speaker  21:35  

Okay. Very cool. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  21:36  

that’s my decade.

Unknown Speaker  21:37  

Okay. Very cool. Very cool. Awesome. So, let’s talk you actually let me just ask you How can we find you Trisha?

Unknown Speaker  21:44  

will for sure. Heal your hunger calm at Al he’ll also on Instagram, Trisha Nelson underscore underscore at the very end of Trisha Nelson. And my group on Facebook is the secret sauce to end emotional eating. I love

Unknown Speaker  21:59  

it. And how about is there still live the quit sugar challenge calm?

Unknown Speaker  22:03  

Yes, absolutely. That you’ll you’ll you’ll get notifications about the next one coming up quit sugar challenge.com It’s a five five days of classes on how to quit sugar and support and quitting sugar so you can feel great lose weight and just be your healthiest

Unknown Speaker  22:17  

and ladies that are out there. If you’re listening, please reach out to me because I’d like to pay for the first 10 Women for her her programming and it’s not like I’m it’s a huge investment in part squat. It’s only 17 bucks, man. It’s so so freakin worth it. And for the first 10 women that reach out to me directly I’d like to pay your way in if that’s okay, Trisha. So sweet. Okay, very cool. Very cool. And let’s talk about your book kill your hunger. Seven Steps to end emotional eating, or emotional eating now.

Unknown Speaker  22:47  

Yep. Oh, that’s a it’s my, it’s, it’s, I lay out my whole all my steps, you know, and the things I do to heal. It’s also got my personal story. And people love it. They just you know, it’s got cartoons. It’s also an audible I recorded last year on Audible. So you can it’s a five hour listen. Yeah, it’s great.

Unknown Speaker  23:07  

And squat for less than that a supersize meal that you could go out there and not get you can buy the paperback version and for even maybe two cups of coffee at Starbucks, you can get the Kindle version right now. So I’m looking at paperbacks, 997 and Kindle 657. But I’d also like to buy a autographed copy from my good friend Tricia. What I’ll do is I will purchase the copy and mail Trisha maybe you can handle the postage mailing it out Trisha. If not, I know you’re the money but anybody that puts and let me see. Love each other up. We’re gonna say whoever it says love each other up into any whether it’s Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, anyone that puts love each other up. I’m going to purchase the book and my friend Trish is gonna sign it and mail it out to you. So Trisha, do me one huge salad. Last one, to leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  24:06  

And your problem is not food.

Unknown Speaker  24:10  

I love it. It’s a lot. They’re emotional in squad. This has come from someone that really could not shrug it off of being able to put you know, take that weight off and keep it off. You know, she was having a hard time comparing herself to her friends, you know, and she wants to tell you that if you’re looking at being leveled up in really locked into your emotional eating, loving make that direct, soft, nice introduction, my good friend Trisha, you know, and when you’re working with somebody that if you’re going through the emotional eating, you know, find yourself a coach like Trisha which I hope that you do that has went through the addictions walk the path, that when you look at her you’re like, No, why would I want to listen to this skinny bitch, right? So you really want to find somebody that has walked the path that’s kept it off and lives a lifestyle. You know, they know the hell of it. And again, love each other up no matter what community you’re and Trisha reminds us to love each other off. And she’s a coach that will give you comfort when afflicted but she’s also going to bring the hammer down when you’re not following the protocol which she knows that will help you. She’s direct and loving. She’s also humble to understand her weaknesses and is always looking to level those up. You know, she’ll remind you and her younger self and no matter where you are in life, you are good. Follow your heart, He will never lie and be proud of what you do. And she will be remembered as somebody that has followed her heart and shed light and love and she’s earned her varsity squad letter here at times shine today. Trisha, you level up your health, you level up your wealth. You’re just a rock star. You’re humble yet hungry. And thank you so so much for coming on. We love your guts can’t wait to collaborate with you.

Unknown Speaker  25:42  

Thank you so much, Chad soon.

Unknown Speaker  25:44  

Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcast, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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