316-Happiness and Self-Love for Highly Sensitive People – TTST Interview with Lifescape-Wellness Coach Tammy Goen

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Author of Professional Woman’s Guide to Handling Stress, Listed in Who’s Who in the World, an Tammy helps other Highly Sensitive People create a toolbox for decreasing overwhelm, and to increase self-awareness, self-compassion and self-love. She uses various coaching techniques, EFT/Tapping, energy modalities and focus on shifting limiting beliefs to help HSPs honor their sensitive selves so their sensitivity can be their Super Power.

   I would like to be remembered as someone who carried life with light and flow

– Tammy Goen 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Honor and celebrate your sensitivity and use it as a strength

2. Tammy will be remembered as someone who carried life with light and flow

3. A life well lived is being true to yourself and doing what resonates with you without worrying. 

4. If average life is a crayon box of 12 colors, highly sensitive people have more colors with different experiences

5. If you feel you are not being heard, understood or disrespected, please let us make an intro to Tammy

6. A great coach listens with all senses and provides a place where the client is understood, not cookie cutter

7. If you are aware that you are a highly sensitive person, you are not alone, Honor it 

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Tammy, thank you so much for coming out. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast for our subscribe. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:41  

Green, because I’m a major nature lover. And I love leaves as a symbol. And I just like the vibrancy of it and the aliveness. And it really connects me with nature. So

Unknown Speaker  2:53  

I love that do you walk barefoot? I know it’s random.

Unknown Speaker  2:56  

I do when I have very tender feet, and I get cold easily. So when I do have the opportunity, I love it, I you know, I hike like crazy and I try to when I sit down and have my snack or whenever I take my shoes off and do that grounding thing, because physiologically, it’s it’s really helpful for us energetically, it’s helpful for us. So yeah, I tried to do that.

Unknown Speaker  3:15  

It’s just so random. Because a lot of your pictures and some you know, I’m your website, which you gotta go there squat, it’ll be in the show notes. It’s like you’re in nature and that see the green and I I’m a huge believer in walking barefoot anywhere I possibly can. Just because I know that, you know, lightning striking the earth 10,000 times a day, you know, almost a second somewhere on the earth. And there’s an energy that I want to feel coming in my body. Hopefully it’s not close to me. But now I’m looking at the Atlantic right now.

Unknown Speaker  3:45  

Those negative ions are super important for us. Right? Right polarities off these days, because we never we never do that anymore. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  3:53  

yes. So let’s get to the origin. Just get to the roots of Tammy and kind of like, tell us where you may be started in how you’re getting up to help people like myself that are sensitive people, you know, kind of over, never overcome it, but live with it a little bit.

Unknown Speaker  4:08  

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, of course, anybody who’s highly sensitive has always been highly sensitive, and they know that they just may not necessarily realize that there’s 20% of the population that is also that way. So I, you know, went through my childhood and my early adulthood, and I got a Master’s in Counseling, and I was working with really intense populations, you know, all kinds of different views. And I’ve always felt well, I was really helpful. But then I reached burnout. Like in a like, walk in walking into a wall, I woke up one day and like, oh my gosh, I don’t want to go to work. And so it really had an effect on me because I wasn’t quite conscious of the way everything was going so I make a big shift. And then eventually I came back to the helping realm in terms of emotion and that kind of thing and started coaching. But in the meantime, I discovered the sensitivity trait high sensitivity, and it just, you know it it reframed my whole life to that point, you know, it’s very validating and helped me really understand myself and why I’d had a hard time with my, well, I mean, I, I, it worked well with my career, but then I, you know, hit that burnout. And I was able to understand that. And then as I got to understand myself more in high sensitivity more, and hit had headed in that direction of coaching, I started realizing that the majority of people who were finding me who were also highly sensitive, and that that was a niche that was really not being met, because a lot of people would say, oh, yeah, I’ve had counseling, I’ve had coaching, but I could only get so far, because I just didn’t really feel like that was understood or, you know, it’s it, it just couldn’t quite get there. So that’s then become my niche, because I do get it and, you know, it helps me to, or helps them, you know, for me to understand where they’re coming from. So, so the journey has become, you know, being aware of myself as a highly sensitive person, what that means, developing all my tools and, and learning, you know, how to maximize that to make it my superpower. And then helping other people do that, as you know, they were starting to find me as well. So love it. So

Unknown Speaker  6:09  

tell me, what was your trigger? to really find out like, wait a minute, like, highly sensitive, like, this is something I’m going through, you know, what was it? What was that moment or, you know, moment,

Unknown Speaker  6:23  

as scenario happened with a couple of friends where I felt like I was totally not heard or understood, very disrespected, you know, it’s just the way this whole thing went down. And while I was trying to process that, and not getting support through that, another friend who was supporting me said, Hey, you should check this out online, it was 16 traits of highly sensitive people or something, I don’t think I can even find that one anymore. But, but but I found it and I looked at it. And so here is, you know, in print basically, all this all these questions that you would, you know, answer for yourself about high sensitivity? And I’m like, yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah. You know, like 14 out of 16, or something. And then it was just this aha moment of, oh, my gosh, this is me. And it’s not just me, or it wouldn’t be on the internet, right. So it was super validating. And I just realized, there’s a reason for the way that I interface with the world, the way I, you know, respond to people the way things feel for me, or you know, all of those kinds of things. And so then I was able to go, Whoa, high sensitivity, what is this, you know, and then, and really start researching it and understanding myself in a way of, this is the way I’m wired. And this is me. And I don’t need to fix that. It’s not wrong, or weird, or whatever. It’s, it’s the it’s like being left handed or right handed. I mean, highly sensitive. Okay, well, that feels totally different than feeling like an outsider. And, like, fix everything that I do fit with the mainstream. It’s like, this realization that yeah, I’m totally fine as I am. And not only that, if I can honor that, and really be aware and develop the tools and all that kind of stuff, it can be my superpower. I mean, absolutely amazing in so many different ways. I just didn’t realize the connection there.

Unknown Speaker  8:07  

That’s so good. And you said like, 20%? Do you really think it’s that low?

Unknown Speaker  8:14  

Oh, it’s 20. When the first you know, like, in the 90s, when the research was being done, it was like, they were saying probably 15 to 20%. And the stuff that’s coming out now is suggesting that the maybe that’s higher, and the more I

Unknown Speaker  8:27  

think it’s in the 60s, yeah, to be honest with you, especially, you know, in this day and age, the sensitivity is on steroids, for lack of a better term. And, yes, we’ll need someone like you. So let me ask you, So what then is, what would you consider a great coach in your field, or a great coach overall?

Unknown Speaker  8:49  

I think listening is, is a big, a big piece. I mean, whether it’s coaching or counseling, of course, that listening and, and being in that place where the client is understood, instead of, you know, putting parameters on Oh, do this, this, this, and this, just, you know, kind of a turnkey system or something, but just really being there with that person and what their experience is, and then providing a lot of different viewpoints and different ways of you know, seeing things, but then also looking at in terms of coaching versus counseling or, or other modalities, really looking at not only what isn’t working, but what is working, how to make more of that happen. And then really looking at releasing judgment. And, you know, usually people come in thinking, I’m wrong, or I need to fix this or something’s not working, and I don’t know what it is, but helping people to realize what they’ve already got, that they’re working with, that they’re not accessing, or that they’re downplaying because, you know, like one of the things with high sense highly sensitives is all of the positive characteristics that we have. We just assume that everyone else has As, and it’s no big deal. And so they don’t really, like honor those so much and celebrate them. So part of that, you know, for me is helping people to realize like, well, you know, these things that you experienced, you know, as a highly sensitive person, not not everybody sees it that way, or does those

Unknown Speaker  10:17  

are understood actually saying, like, embrace your sensitivity, in a sense and use it as a strength, right? Oh, wow.

Unknown Speaker  10:27  

tools to manage the overwhelm, then that becomes easier if you’re, if you’re constantly just in fight or flight and feeling exhausted. That, you know, that doesn’t work very well. But once you have those tools, and can can get to that place, then you can say, oh, yeah, this is me, I can celebrate that. I don’t have to say, Yeah, I’m highly sensitive. But yeah, I am highly sensitive. And this is what it does for me. And this is what the light that I bring to the world, because of my sensitivities.

Unknown Speaker  10:57  

Wow, that’s awesome. So when you’re starting to work with a client, maybe you’re still in the discovery phase, making sure you’re the right course for the course. Right? Make sure the right coach, is there any secret sauce that you don’t mind sharing just at the beginning, that you help them find their blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  11:17  

You know, I always like to start by asking people if one of us had some kind of a magic or realistic magic wand. What would life be like six months from now? Wow. And then we, you know, depending on what comes up, and sometimes people are like, Oh, I don’t know. And then they’ll say something. So you ask again, and, you know, kind of get down a little deeper, and then stuff starts coming out. And obviously for me, I’m like, okay, these are goals, these are going to be goals, and then we’ll revisit those. But it helps people to get thinking, not only oh, what you know, what really is kind of blocking me or, or what are those issues, but then also seeing more? Okay, yeah, there is a way out of this. Negative space, like feeling miserable or suffering? Oh, if there’s a magic wand that’s realistic, you’re not like, isn’t the world of

Unknown Speaker  12:15  

Harry Potter, right?

Unknown Speaker  12:17  

What is that? You know, it’s, I can look six months ahead and go, Oh, what would that look like that? Immediately, they already start that shift that process of, oh, yeah, I can do this. I can, I can get somewhere beyond where I’m at right

Unknown Speaker  12:31  

now. That’s, that’s awesome. So while you’re maybe in the discovery, period? And is there any good question that you wish that they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  12:43  

Well, never do. I always ask them if they have questions, right? It’s about how I got to where I am and that kind of thing. But um, you know, what they never asked me is what? What are the good things about? Your high sensitivity? That is true that doesn’t ever come up? No one has ever asked me that. Wow. See that squad? I love it. Yeah. So that would be because then that would give me the opportunity to say, oh, yeah, it’s, it can be so amazing. I mean, I explained that to people, but yeah, no one’s ever said, oh, you know, what do you like about being highly sensitive? People are usually surprised when I start talking. And I’m didn’t some kind of an interview for a research project yesterday. And that was one of the questions. But what, what’s positive about that, what and why? And so

Unknown Speaker  13:29  

let’s unpack that. What is positive about being a highly sensitive person?

Unknown Speaker  13:33  

Oh, so many things. So for me, I think of it as being like if, if average life is, you know, maybe actually, this isn’t, I’m using this in a different way than I normally do. But like a crayon box of 12 colors. For me, being highly sensitive is the big jumbo box of 120 or whatever it is. Kind of like going from grade light light colors to Technicolor, you know, I mean, there’s just there’s so much to experience in life and as highly sensitives we pay attention to the details, we notice all these little things that other people probably miss most of the time. And, and everything has a big impact. It’s all super important and intense. And so our experiences Yeah, that can be challenging, but it gives us you know, just these great experiences you go and you see a sunset and you know you can move to tears and somebody else’s like oh, that was cool. Oh, that’s so sad that you have you don’t have that experience and how rich that can be. So that’s one of the biggest things for me, I think, but

Unknown Speaker  14:41  

that that is a strength is that you are embraced. I love it. But how about your weaknesses with being highly sensitive?

Unknown Speaker  14:51  

Yes, being very often reactive, if not just sensing.

Unknown Speaker  14:57  

Very good. There’s I’m raising my hand squat.

Unknown Speaker  14:59  

You things that we don’t like that wait. For us, it’s really hard to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, when they’re doing something that we would never do. So offended easily we can get disappointed and people easily we can look at a behavior and go, How Why would someone ever do such a thing and then make a judgement? Because we will never do that. So if it’s hard to let go of,

Unknown Speaker  15:26  

oh my gosh, that is so true. Tammy, you’re nailing it. Like, like perfectly and because that’s was me really, I’m a recovering I’ll never be recovered. But a recovering narcissists, like, from my younger days in my story that’s been out and you know, talk shows and stuff like that it they understand why I have the story, but like and why I was a narcissist, but that just really nailed it on the head. The Thank you. Thank you for saying that. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

Unknown Speaker  15:57  

A long time ago, it

Unknown Speaker  15:59  

was it’s going on 40 years, right? So let’s get that to worry with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old. Tammy. Okay. I don’t know if he’s going into the school back to 20 year old team. What kind of knowledge nuggets we call him here time strength today? What? What kind of knowledge I guess would you drop on or not so much to change anything because you want the experiences, but to maybe blast through level up or shorten the learning curve just a little bit.

Unknown Speaker  16:24  

And for me, since we’re talking high sensitivity, it would have been being aware that I was not the only so sensitive person. And then there were reasons for my experience in life. Not and that I didn’t have to change that. But just being aware that oh, okay, I’m a highly sensitive person, I’m wired this way. There are other people out there like me, I just need to be aware and honor and bring them into my circle for and then everything else could be exactly the same. But without awareness. Yeah, just why I think it’s so important for, for parents, with kids who are highly sensitive to become aware of that and support them and help them through everything. So that yeah, so they don’t have to go through all of those years. Beautiful. And finally, look back and go, Oh,

Unknown Speaker  17:10  

that’s beautiful. Because I’m always, you know, talking with my coaching clients. So like, live intentionally, and the only way you can live intentionally is to be aware. I’m always saying, you know, do it for the intention, not the attention, you know, so a lot of people that are hypersensitive, like me, I would go out and do a lot of stuff for attention. Right? Instead of being intentional when you’re doing it for the attention, you’re not being aware. And you just nailed that. Thank you so so much for saying that. So then how do you want Tammy your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and death date? on your tombstone? Hopefully, it’s a long ways down the road, but how do you want that dash?

Unknown Speaker  17:52  

You know, I just had a session yesterday, something called psyche and we removed some blockages, you know, below and some My mind is kind of thinking that direction of this focus of I think it would say, carried life with light, and flow.

Unknown Speaker  18:14  

Wow, you can’t really get much better than that. Right? I mean, it’s like, we’re here for a short time

Unknown Speaker  18:20  

comes up a lot of different things. I mean, it means a lot of things or letters from people, I’m sure. And depending on where I’m at, in the moment, wow, if your things but But yeah,

Unknown Speaker  18:29  

that’s amazing. And you’re taking on such a high wired person, you know, being overly sensitive, like I know, my coach, you know, is saying, you know, like, I have four coaches, and the one that I go to, for my narcissism insensitivity, is like, they can read my energy, whether it’s through a phone call, or through zoom, or even through text coaching with them, do you find that the energy changes a lot with a highly sensitive? Or is it kind of like a, like, like, a flow of the same?

Unknown Speaker  19:03  

Yeah, you know, for flow is the word for me. If people are wrapped up in what’s not working, and you know, they can, we can be really intense focused on something right, and you’re really serious are just really there. That energy tends to be kind of the same throughout. When you have like an aha moment or you are in flow, you know, where you’re able to forget, which is part of the learning the tools, if you’re able to let go of everything in the outside world and really be in tune, whether that’s meditating or dancing or hiking or doing something where you can just let go of everything and be in the flow. I think the energy shifts quite a lot.

Unknown Speaker  19:45  

In a great way, though, right?

Unknown Speaker  19:47  

Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And then people are more like, oh, I mean, it you know, even if it’s not conscious, it’s like, oh, this Yeah. So reaching that in in a session is always amazing. Awesome. Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah.

Unknown Speaker  20:06  

So then what do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

Unknown Speaker  20:11  

About me as a highly sensitive or about me and just just in general? I think because of that sensitivity and the intensity of everything. I’m, I’m a thinker, I’m always thinking and focused on things. And so I come across usually as very serious,

Unknown Speaker  20:28  

right? Maybe aloof a little bit too, because your mind

Unknown Speaker  20:33  

doesn’t really have anything to say. And the reality is, I have so much to say, I can’t figure out how to what you know what to start with. And I have to process all this for a while, you know, what was one of the things with it? sensitives we tend to process three days later and go, Hey, you know, when you asked me that question, you love it. You’re like, this is my answer. And they’re, like, that was like three days ago, I don’t even remember what we were talking about, like, the process a little bit, you know,

Unknown Speaker  20:56  

processing. So what, if anything, keeps you up at night?

Unknown Speaker  21:01  

Hmm. Thankfully, I sleep pretty well. And I have tools that I do to like, get rid of stuff before I go to bed. But if Yeah, if I was really thinking it’s often like state of the world stuff, which is big for how they sensitives Sure. process that and not take it in and hold on to it. And then actually, it would be just anything. There’s nothing going on with my dog. No, love it. Can’t hold

Unknown Speaker  21:30  

on to that. And I have to kind of kind of furbaby Do you have

Unknown Speaker  21:33  

a little pit mix? Me too?

Unknown Speaker  21:36  

Me too. Yeah, yeah, I have a pit mix. I adopted actually five years ago. Saturday because it’s July 2 stitches. Oh, nice day. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I’ll send him a picture when we send you a picture we’re done here. That’s awesome. So then what is Tamizh definition of a life well lived?

Unknown Speaker  21:54  

Oh, I love that question. Being being true to yourself, and doing what resonates without worrying about what other people think.

Unknown Speaker  22:07  

Oh my gosh, that is that’s funny. I make two new year’s resolutions every year and I’ve did it since 2009. One is to make someone smile every day right so I just I just one right there I got got you a little little more in there but to unless I’ve hurt you or disrespected you I give zero you know what’s what you think about me? And it’s it’s it’s something that I have got to it’s actually almost a daily resolution because of you know, hypersensitive, I would worry and back in like that. And I was worried about how many likes do I get you know, and stuff that I put out there and as long as I’m helping people and serving people, I don’t care what people think. But it was it was kind of like a process and it’s something I still go through. I love that. I love it. So time to shine in a podcast. Firstly, squad we are back with a Tammy going and Tammy you and I hopefully we’ll meet up one day I’m speaking in Oregon or Oregon or Washington. Donny come, you know later this year. So maybe we can find a coffee cup somewhere, right? But you and I can talk probably 1520 minutes on each one of these questions because we’re both highly sensitive people, but you have five seconds to answer each one of them. No explanations. Each one of them can be answered quickly. Are you ready to level up? All right. Let’s do it. Tammy. What is the best leveling up advice Tammy has ever received? Listen to your heart. share one of your personal habits contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  23:38  

daily meditation no matter what eautiful

Unknown Speaker  23:41  

love it. So if you see me walking down the street or even in the woods, you like man, Fergie. Looks like he’s in his doldrums. What book might you hand me?

Unknown Speaker  23:52  

The Power of Now

Unknown Speaker  23:53  

ask the thank you for answering like that. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  23:59  

The web smiley face.

Unknown Speaker  24:01  

All right, me too. Nicknames growing up. Tam, Tam, love it. Love it. Just checkers monopoly

Unknown Speaker  24:12  

chess checkers or monopoly monopoly.

Unknown Speaker  24:15  

Love it. They’re What’s your go to ice cream flavor?

Unknown Speaker  24:19  

Chocolate mint.

Unknown Speaker  24:22  

You and I are like you’re my sister from a different mister. I’m gonna tell you right now. There’s there’s a sandwich name the TAM. What’s on that sandwich?

Unknown Speaker  24:32  

Oh, roasted red peppers and mushrooms and spinach and sun dried tomatoes.

Unknown Speaker  24:41  

Just forgetting bacon. I’m kidding. But so if you could get in a time machine just for one day. You can go 20 years in the future or experience anything from the past? Just when can’t change anything we come back to right now tomorrow. Which one would you do food Sure the past

Unknown Speaker  25:02  

to be honest, I wouldn’t want to go. I’d want to stay here.

Unknown Speaker  25:05  

Great answer you can answer that way. favorite charity and our organization like to give your time or money to

Unknown Speaker  25:12  

lately street dog heroes, which

Unknown Speaker  25:14  

is really is that is that just in kind of the Oregon area?

Unknown Speaker  25:18  

I think so. Yeah, it might be into Portland as well, I think but

Unknown Speaker  25:22  

awesome. I’ve done he reached out to you, but get us the the link for that. Like, oh, yeah, we’ll do we’ll throw in the show notes. Thank you so much. But last question. You can elaborate on this one, Tammy, but what is the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s 60s?

Unknown Speaker  25:38  

Or 70s? Okay. Yeah, so some of that kind of melds together for me is because I was younger than but yeah, I don’t, I don’t typically like it very much of the contemporary stuff big because to me, it’s not very deep, or meaningful, or I just appreciate the lyrics of the

Unknown Speaker  26:00  

older music. You like get into Bob Dylan and stuff like that? Yeah. Best poet ever to me is Bob Dylan. I love Jackson Browne. Steely Dan, I love the issue. The words Mike Gordon Lightfoot gym coach, that’s my jam to like, when I’m actually working. I listen to 70s You know, when I’m out wanting to reminisce or listen to 80s like graduated 1990 I just turned 50. So it’s like, I listened to the 80s the most but like the you want to hear stories being told you’re right, the 60s and 70s I love it. I love it. So Tammy, how can we find you love?

Unknown Speaker  26:34  

I am at coach Tammy go and.com. Okay. And then also I’m on link tree if folks are familiar with that, and a T r dot E, then slash my name tmmi. And so I’ve got a bunch of links on there, there’s a freebie and you know, all of my social media links and links to the website and all that as well

Unknown Speaker  26:56  

post about this online course you’re gonna be rolling out.

Unknown Speaker  27:00  

Yeah, it’s gonna be very comprehensive course for about nine weeks for hire all out, you know, not about high sensitivity. Although that bonus videos on there in case people aren’t quite up to speed on everything about it. But but really looking at all of the things that you mentioned in my intro of looking at creating the healthy lifestyle and self care plan and calming the nervous system, building those, you know, those tools, the tapping that kind of stuff, looking at how to honor yourself, how to create boundaries, how to, how to talk with other people about your sensitivities, all of that stuff wrapped together in just an online course in case you know, financial aid or timelines or whatever the industry just doesn’t work. So yeah, that’s coming in the near future.

Unknown Speaker  27:48  

Make sure you keep us up to date on that, because I’d love to get it out too. I have about 150,000 subscribers on my email list. So I’d love to get it out to them. So also, is there a little book that’s out now? Or is it coming out the little book a little bit

Unknown Speaker  28:03  

of high sensitivity it is actually complete because I just transferred my website created a new website but transferred to a new platform. This is all like in the next couple of weeks I hope all of this will be fine tuned so it’s not accessible at the moment but yes, it is it is done and available, I just have to get it out there for people to access so that’ll be the little book of high sensitivity which basically just gives you you know a pretty good overview of what it means what you can look forward to the tools that are helpful that kind of thing that just on a smaller scale.

Unknown Speaker  28:35  

That’s just awesome. And can we keep do me one last salad and leave the squad with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  28:47  

Yeah, I would just say as you know, highly sensitive people out there to remember that it’s this is the way you’re wired for a reason you’re here to be here on the planet at this moment with your sensitivities to shine those forward and and help humanity so acknowledge that there are important that there’s a reason that you’re sensitive. And you know, just just honor that and allow that to shine and become your superpower because

Unknown Speaker  29:20  

I love it and squad we just got just a really super fun actually a masterclass free one that I kind of needed. You know, a lot of times people will realize that they’re highly sensitive and Tammy kind of discovered high sensitivity in start to reframe her life and really just start to validate it and start to understand herself. You know, if you feel like you’re totally not being heard, understood or being disrespected, please let us make a warm introduction to Tammy for you because she’ll remind us that a great coach listens. So not only does she listen to their ears, you know, she great coach, like Tammy listens with all our senses, you know, and she wants the client to be in a place They swear they feel understood. And she’s not cookie cutter at all, you know, and she’ll remind you to make more of what’s working, put that on display. And get that out there, honor and celebrate your sensitivity and use that strengths in there’s tools within those strengths to help you overcome a lot of overwhelm. And if you’re still stuck, please let us introduce you to Tammy, you know, and if you had a real magic wand, you know, ask yourself what it would look like six years from now to be the person that you really want to be. And then that will get you thinking about what’s really blocking you, but also know that there is a way out, you know, and that I love her analogy with a crayon box and highly sensitivity people sensitive people because it’s like, you’re right, a crayon box might have 12 colors when people like Tammy and I, you know, we look for the 64 124 colors because it was just so spread out over a spectrum. It’s just amazing. It just be aware that you are not the only person in your position be except that you’re wired the way you are in use those gifts, you know, and Kami will be remembered as somebody that will help you get there. And that she carried a life with light and flow in 10 years, some of this planting trees, she’s probably never going to sit in the shade up. It’s just fantastic. You know, and when you’re in that flow, you let go and just get in tune in and I do it with being at the beach. Tammy does it with being in nature, but find your spot, do some meditation. And again that listen to your heart. That’s the one thing that Tammy said that really defines a lot of her success as listening to the heart and then I’m gonna I’ve already said it before, but remember you are wired a certain way for a reason. Use those powers in shine and honor those powers and that’s what my good friend Tammy does. She’s levels up her house she levels up are welcome. You’ve earned your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming on. I so much love your guts and I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future.

Unknown Speaker  31:53  

I can’t either and I really appreciate the opportunity and so great to connect. Thank you so much.

Unknown Speaker  31:58  

You bet we’ll chat soon. Okay. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com/guest If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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