315-Training the ‘Complete’ Rather Than Just the Physical Body! – TTST Interview with Shanti Fitness Consulting Hema Murty

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Author of Professional Woman’s Guide to Handling Stress, Listed in Who’s Who in the World, an advanced yoga instructor, certified online personal trainer, nutrition coach and expert in East Indian Philosophy, Hema Murty, PhD, has a keen interest in training the complete being, rather than just the physical body

  Understand internally, express externally – Hema Murty

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Your why is crucial – take time asking tough questions of yourself about your why.

2. You need your engine working before you can drive – Take care of your body!

3. People refer to Hema as a magician, but it stems from her studies and passion which smartened her eye to her clients blind spots

4. When working with your own coach what they expect you to do when they are not around

5. Spend 5 minutes daily to work to understand yourself with your eyes closed 

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Hey, Hema, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. But first, oh, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:39  

Pink is my favorite color. I love it. I like everything that’s big. It just makes you happy. Doesn’t matter where what you’re doing. But once you see a pink thing, anything Yeah, it’s just okay, I’m happy now.

Unknown Speaker  2:55  

Love it. I love it. And pink is in our color wheel are both kind of dark and black and pink rocks on both of us. You know, I love it. I love it. I love it. So let’s get to the roots a little bit because I know you have an engineering background a little bit. A lot of it, you know, PhD, that’s a lot of it. Like maybe kind of get to the roots of where you were and how you’re really helping, especially women over the age of 50 kind of really level up their life. But can we get to the roots, please?

Unknown Speaker  3:20  

Sure. Yeah, I Yes, I do have an engineering background. And that makes me kind of think analytically. So when I was training in the gym, I when I was trying to get my stress levels down. And I noticed that the training wasn’t specifically catered. I mean, at that time, you know, I wasn’t in the age category, I’m training now. But at the time, I was just thinking like, there was no specific women’s spirit centered, very specific to me kind of thing was just, you know, really general training for everyone else. And I thought, hey, this is something that needs to be addressed. So when I got the opportunity to have that business, you know, make that business decision, I still do engineering work, but I’m kind of interested in that whole thing I thought and then the demographic of over 50 women with pain issues started coming up like a lot of my friends and myself included as a long distance runner. So I just wanted to have a business that would just cater to that business solution and just really focus on that demographic that niche and get them up in the morning. So they’re not curtailed by any restrictive issues which the solution is there. It’s just not doled out in the regular training world as as a normal modality. So now that’s what I do.

Unknown Speaker  4:28  

I love it. I love it. And thank you for not using big words being a doctor and all that jazz. You know that seriously. It’s needed. You know, I was I was at a carwash. This was like a year ago and a gentleman leaned over me and I could feel him. Like, you know, you have that person around you. And he’s like, Hey, how do you get those big shoulders and stuff? I’m like, Yeah, pizza and beer. I was just joking. I looked up in this gentleman’s like in really good shape. And you could tell he is he has a lot of experience in life. He is He a little bit and I asked him, you know what? How you know, are you How old are you? Basically, he’s like, I’m 86. Right? And now he’s my pickleball partner, which is actually pretty cool. But, you know, I’m asked, What do you do? And he’s like, Well, I wake up every day and I chase energy. And in being somebody that’s kind of the same, like a little bit, right? It’s like, I don’t believe in chasing too much. But he’s like, Listen, you know, if a coyote sees a rabbit, if he strategically chases it, he’s going to eat for the day. So what is your maybe outlook on providing energy for yourself in the morning? You know, being a little bit? You know, we’ll just over the age of 50, right? No, definitely not at all. But you?

Unknown Speaker  5:41  

Well, you’re my best friend for today. was amazing. Okay, I’ll take it. No, and you’re totally right, you have to get that what is the point of you know, where do you plug in this basically, what you’re asking, and you have to have the why solid, solid, solid wife to spend some time with yourself asking yourself the hard questions. Why do you want to do anything? Not just business wise, but anything? What it? What is your world? How are you configuring your world? How are you making your relationships you’ve got, you know, your home care, you’ve got real family, relatives, yourself. So all the spokes of that wheel? Like how are you taking care of the because if one of those folks is not addressed, you’re just gonna get that flat tire and you go, so that’s going to be unexpected at the least expected time and you’re not may not be ready for it. So have your backup plan ready? Try to understand or one get it solid? Really, really, if somebody you know, pushed you against the wall, What’s your why you should be able to blurt it out and five seconds, you know, that kind of thing?

Unknown Speaker  6:46  

What do you mean by backup plan?

Unknown Speaker  6:48  

Well, meaning on there’s going to be days where the why is going to be Oh, yeah, but I’m exhausted or Oh, yeah, I got, you know, Mother care issues, or Oh, yeah, my friends, you know, not well. So on those days where that rocket fuel is just not enough, you need a booster. So you need to have a back up plan. And each person is going to have to develop that for themselves. I mean, 7 billion people on the planet, each person is going to have a different thing that’s going to light them up and make them go forward. And yours might be totally different from mine, I mean, probably is due, because we just built so differently. And that’s where the hard work comes. We’re all built differently. So yes, picking up a book, you know, listening to podcasts like this, yes, these are all things that will get you to the point where you ask the question to yourself, but you got to be honest with yourself and say, what lights you up, you know, what makes you go that extra step on days where you just want to go back into the bed and put the covers over your head and just forget the Dave and it’s gonna happen, you know, let’s just toss this out with the wash. But if there’s something you can figure out, that will make you go that step that day, make that small step, and also come to grips with the fact that doesn’t have to be earth shattering. I don’t have to make 10 sales today, if I made some small progress, talk to one other person made their day, maybe that’s what this day is going to be about. And that’s it. And that’s close the book and out you go. But, yeah.

Unknown Speaker  8:22  

That’s so good. Because I’m hearing a lot of people say I want balance in my life. And I really believe that balance is zero. I believe it’s more about harmony, if you will, like I kind of liken it with my coaching clients to a jazz band, where you have like, the guitar might be your health, you know, the horns might be your money, the drums might be your relationships, if one of those is not a tune. Yeah, you got sound all that great. Sounds like

Unknown Speaker  8:47  

such a good example. I

Unknown Speaker  8:49  

love it. That’s amazing. And a lot of the different pillars that you’re not just hitting on the health and fitness going through what I have, you know, that new out Aima you know, it’s like you touch on all of those, but with health. Am I right in saying that if you have solid health and your temples taking care of that it really bleeds into those other instruments to help stay leveled up if you have the health care first.

Unknown Speaker  9:15  

Yeah, I would totally agree with that because you need an engine working before you can drive around the block and start helping your world do you have to take care of you know, what is that famous saying on the aircraft you know, put your oxygen mask first before you help you know a child or somebody else and so if you don’t give your survival kit in gear and make it functioning optimally, you can’t do all the things that we you need to do service what we’re here for and help you know other people and that’s what we’re here for. And so in order to do that, though, you need yourself to be on solid ground not looking for help yourself. So making sure yeah, all of those things are taken care of and you are meant Totally and physically, emotionally, spiritually, all those things like just need to be addressed. And why I say that is because a lot of people say, Well, you know, I’ll go for my morning run done. You know, I’m good. But you know, that’s one part. I mean, that does help you mentally. I mean, I did that a long time ago for that. But you know, you’ve got to address all the other spokes of the wheel too, as you just pointed out, and all the other instruments, you got to sit down and say, Is there something bothering me? Because it’s gonna come and punch you in the face? As soon as you’re in the middle of taking maybe parent carer or something, you’re trying to get them to their doctor appointment, and all of a sudden, you’re going like, Oh, I feel horrible. Somebody just punched me out. Why? Because probably a thought process went in, that you didn’t, you know, didn’t really address and it’s probably bothering you and it comes at the least expect or want it time.

Unknown Speaker  10:49  

And like you said, Really, when that happens, go back to your why it really dig into that I love love, love that you coach people one on one or in groups, mainly

Unknown Speaker  11:00  

which one? You’re Yeah, I mean, one on one is my standard procedure, a standard operating procedure. That’s how I started as a one on one personal trainer in person before the pandemic. And then when the pandemic started, I moved all of these people to the online world and tried to figure out how to do that. And now, you know, I’m just trying to address that question in a bigger way trying to get more online presence and make sure I can, you know, touch give the message to as many people as possible. I did some in person yoga classes before the pandemic, and they all got moved to an online world as well.

Unknown Speaker  11:37  

That’s awesome that you’re with a lot of people say, pivoting now, I always thought it was shifting. We’ll call it ship it you know, you’re shifting right. So that’s fantastic. So when you’re maybe starting to work with somebody, and you’re maybe in the discovery period, Hema? Is there any secret sauce, you might use, really to help them find that initial blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  11:59  

Well, yeah, I mean, I think studying the body and understanding it inside and out my clients. Jokingly, I guess, half jokingly call me a magician. But I think it’s actually just as you pointed out, in the intro, years and years of study, I’ve got that mindset of trying to understand things from a cause and effect. So if I see something like if a client appears on video or on telephone and says, you know, I’m clipping along at the airport, which will actually reasonably happen, I can’t get on the plane, can you help me connects me some stuff I need to do, then since I’ve worked with that client, or just from asking them a few questions, I can tell them a few moves to rehab themselves to get to a good place where they can get on with their day. That’s just how I operate. But that’s just from years of knowing that how the body works and operates, the secret sauce, I think empathy would be my are my secret weapon, is that I’m passing to people. And thank you.

Unknown Speaker  12:59  

I love it. So maybe when you’re starting to work with somebody, is there really any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  13:08  

Yeah, I think they should probably ask, What can I do daily to prevent such emergencies from happening? Now? To be fair, half of my clients do ask that question. I don’t really want to call you these 911 calls are not fun. But there’s the other segment of the population, which are happy with the remedial rehab program, I give them on they go and then you know, they’re there kind of fall to answer would be I’m too busy. So as we just discussed a second ago, what does that really mean? You know that that’s the hard question, they’ll have to ask themselves, what is my excuse? If I’m too busy? What does it really mean? You’re too busy to answer the primary question of how you take care of yourself to serve your world. So these are difficult questions. But if they’re not asked, and as you point out, you know, they have to ask me and I could totally help them make sure they don’t get into the 911 situation where they need to call me I need an answer. Now, you know, you won’t go there. You don’t want to be there at all. So if they can somehow help them that’d be good.

Unknown Speaker  14:18  

That’s that’s, that’s fantastic. That because like you’re not around all the time. Right? It’s like you they’re on their own for a certain point. But yeah, if you they have the right guidance and other why they’ll Duke that workout in they’ll get that stretching, especially as we get a little bit older, flexibility, stretching is absolutely paramount. That’s just awesome. So then what do you feel then Hema, your strengths are?

Unknown Speaker  14:45  

I think, well, I just hit one of them was I do just from studying people and just being concerned about their well being from a internal sense, the mindset sense the mind body connection sense. I think I have a deep empathy I have a strong love for maybe something that a lot of people don’t like is analytics. And I think marrying the engineering or marrying that engineering mindset to the service oriented or body and client centered training world is my I think that would be my secret sauce is just that I do love studying the back end of things, and the body and the mind connection to how would a person operate in an emergency when things don’t work when there’s a body part that doesn’t work. And I know the training world, at least when you know I was coming through the system, Penn really focuses on healthy people coming in jock joking up, and then you know, becoming that person that they’re proud to look at themselves in the mirror kind of thing and then leaving and there was very little room for people who just wanted to be healthy and fit. And just get on with their day without pain, as I said in the intro. And, and I think that that is just the mistake that people tend to make that is just a one sided thing. And they really need to put all of that together like mindset, the why they really need to understand themselves internally. And that’ll express itself externally. But sometimes they put, you know, the cart in front of the horse and expect that to move. And it’s just going to sit there. So I think that’s probably where I’m coming from

Unknown Speaker  16:18  

using what you just said it understand internally expressed externally. That’s fantastic. How about weaknesses?

Unknown Speaker  16:26  

For me, I think I pile too much on in my plate, that’s my biggest thing I want to do a lot, I want to do everything. And I, you know, as a single solopreneur, that’s a very dangerous place to be because I have those hard conversations with myself, you know, you cannot possibly run two courses at once. No, you cannot take another coaching client, even though she’s in great pain, and you may really need to get her referral for somebody else, that’s a really hard place to be because I feel like I should be the person who can, you know, snap my fingers. I can get her out of this. She should be 100% by the time I finished, but I just don’t have the human power and hours into helping her and maybe that’s because this isn’t a hard decision I sometimes have to me, and I

Unknown Speaker  17:16  

hear that you actually appreciate that weakness. I’m saying that in air quotes. That’s fantastic. So hey, man, have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes. Okay, let’s go back. In that DeLorean with Marty. We’ll say the double Deuce the 22 year old. What kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on her not to change anything? Because your journey sounds awesome. Okay, what kind of knowledge nuggets? Would you drop on her to maybe help her level upper class through maybe just a little bit quicker? shorten that learning curve a little bit?

Unknown Speaker  17:47  

Yeah, I would say stay focused. Don’t get distracted by all the other noise and stuff. Other people tell you sit in a room, figure out what you want. Stay focus, put some blinders on. I mean, not all the time. But as much as you possibly can try to decrease the noise. Try to decrease what you think you should do and do what you know you should do.

Unknown Speaker  18:13  

Love it. And so how do you want your dash? Remember that little line being in between your incarnation that your expiration date, your life date and death date? Hopefully it’s a long ways down the road. But how do you want your dash remembered

Unknown Speaker  18:27  

that you had some solid advice to help people on the planet, especially that demographic that isn’t that I feel is underserved the active women over 50 who just want to get on with their activities that I had a message for them. And that’s basically start by looking after yourself and your world will look be looked after once you do that. So what keeps you up at night? I don’t normally stay up at night. But if I did on the odd occasion, it would be worried about a client or a family member that might be needing my assistance and how am I actually wouldn’t be worried so much as let’s get a game plan. I’m very proactive. That’s my engineering side kicking in. Okay, this is the problem, you know, where’s the solution? Because there is one, what can I do to tweak my day so that that problem gets mitigated by just even one small amount? And then I can fall asleep?

Unknown Speaker  19:21  

Oh, wow. What do people misunderstand the most about? Hey, man.

Unknown Speaker  19:27  

Ah, that’s a good question. I would say that. There’s a lot of back ending to solve a problem. I mean, as I said, my clients joke it’s on my website. It’s a big quotation him as a magician, she can solve my pain problem. Get me on the plane when I’m crippled on the airport not being able to walk. And I said, you know to her, that’s really not what you’ve got going on. That’s just the way you’re expressing it. That’s not you know, really what it is. It’s my study of you know, the human body and the human potential and, and all of these back end Did yours I mean, I’ve lost a lot of certifications and a lot of books under my belt, a lot of online courses. So I think that’s probably not as obvious because I do tend to be empathic and people oriented. So I just really just don’t sound like I’ve been studying that much. Maybe that doesn’t come across. But the solution method comes from that and I think I can help them faster. So this you know, this testimonials seem to sit indicate that they think that it’s just some kind of Wizardry

Unknown Speaker  20:31  

that if you are a magician, though, in a sense, I mean, but it’s real magic. So then what is hemos definition of a life well lived?

Unknown Speaker  20:41  

I think if I’ve used my full potential to help as many people as I can, while I’m able, I think that would be a life well list.

Unknown Speaker  20:49  

Yeah, that is huge. That is huge. So wow, the app just blown away. You are full of serious knowledge nuggets time to shine today podcast versus squad we are back and him up. Hopefully one day we can meet in your ask you some of these questions in person. But we’ll probably talk 1520 30 minutes an hour on each one of them. But you got this you got five seconds to answer with no explanations. We have a buzzer here. We’re gonna I’m just kidding. We have five seconds ready.

Unknown Speaker  21:23  

Okay, all right. Let’s

Unknown Speaker  21:24  

level up. What’s the best leveling up advice team has ever received? Know your why and sticking? Us? Sure whatever your personal habits contributes to success,

Unknown Speaker  21:34  

morning practices, meditation, gratitude, some relaxation, some yoga.

Unknown Speaker  21:39  

Yes, I love that. Love it. So if you see me walking down the street, you may like Fergie looks like it is doldrums a little bit. What book might you handle hand me to level up?

Unknown Speaker  21:50  

Atomic habits by James Clear,

Unknown Speaker  21:52  

clear. I love it. I love it. I lied to speak on stage with him a little while back. It’s amazing. Oh, fantastic. So what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

Unknown Speaker  22:03  

A happy face?

Unknown Speaker  22:05  

So nicknames grown up? Hmm.

Unknown Speaker  22:10  

The whiz kid to say, No, you should hide my head. It’s

Unknown Speaker  22:17  

fine. It’s awesome. Just checkers on monopoly?

Unknown Speaker  22:21  

Chess. All right.

Unknown Speaker  22:23  

I figured you smarty pants would say that. What’s your go to ice cream flavor?

Unknown Speaker  22:28  

When you’re? I’m sorry.

Unknown Speaker  22:30  

Oh my god. You do it if you want, but I love it. So there’s a there there is a sandwich named Mahima. What might be on that sandwich? Oh, so

Unknown Speaker  22:47  

boring. Let us tomato and cucumber.

Unknown Speaker  22:50  

It’s fine. It’s fair enough. So you can’t change anything. But if you could go for one day and you can’t change anything 20 years into the future or 20 years into the or anytime really in the past and spend one day there can’t change anything. Just observe. What would you go?

Unknown Speaker  23:09  

I go to the future. Okay.

Unknown Speaker  23:11  

Very cool. Love it. Love it. Any favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  23:17  

Well, there is a worldwide organization called the Vedanta society around the world and they do Indian philosophy from a non denominational point of view. Like all denominations together, they have all of the sacred people in the world at the front and then they celebrate all the holidays and then they spread out their teachings all of them everybody’s but I mean, it’s India oriented, but it’s not denominational.

Unknown Speaker  23:42  

I love this daddy, make sure you email her for that link. Okay, awesome. And last question. You can elaborate on this one, but what is the best decade in music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  23:53  

I’m torn between 60s and 70s. I’ll go with 60s 60s Very cool. Very cool. Yeah, Apollo program, you know, aerospace engineering. I know. form factor. Let’s just go with that.

Unknown Speaker  24:05  

NASA is just a couple hours north of me here so you know so it’s cool because I can literally from my place right here when they’re launching something and I know about it I can watch it you don’t you see the stream and frickin awesome. I’m gonna tell you right now. So how can we find you love?

Unknown Speaker  24:24  

Okay, good shanthi.com How weird is that? So GE T sh en ti.com Every Yeah, get shanthi.com and Shanti consulting is my company name. So let’s get chante and everything is there the contact me and information about my upcoming course my online course to sign up for getting information that’s that’s to get on the waitlist and get more information. Just tell me you’re interested and I’ll talk to you one on one.

Unknown Speaker  24:53  

Do you have a podcast yet?

Unknown Speaker  24:55  

I don’t. I have been giving these information pieces out on other people.

Unknown Speaker  25:00  

I need one. I’m gonna tell you right now you’re so well spoken, obviously, you’re beautiful lady, but you’re so well spoken. And people will listen to you for one and two, you’d be able to land guests left and right to help others level up as well. I love it. If you ever need any help with that, I’d be happy to walk you

Unknown Speaker  25:19  

through it. Really? I’m writing it down. I’m gonna do that. I’m gonna follow up with you.

Unknown Speaker  25:23  

Yes, please do. And tell us a little bit about your book, the author of professional women’s sorry, professional Woman’s Guide to Handling stress.

Unknown Speaker  25:32  

Yeah, it’s a really quick read under 100 Pages for active women professionals. Now, what I did was I wrote that over the course like very early in my, when I started my company in 2005. I didn’t publish it until 2015. But it’s just a really quick way of getting anyone it’s written with the mindset of, you know, I was trying to help women who I felt were underserved. But anyone can read that and get a really quick 123 method for getting yourself out of stress. If you follow the exercises in that, honestly, you will have a what I said like a backup plan a way of getting yourself out of the doldrums if for any occasion, you know, whatever the case may be you just find yourself in that mindset where I don’t care, even Mahatma Gandhi could show up and I’d still be you know, feeling like a bunch of you know, garbage here. So I need to get something really fast out of this thing. You can follow those exercises. And really just get yourself out of it.

Unknown Speaker  26:30  

I love it inscribe. We’re gonna do a book giveaway whether it’s for a lady out there, or maybe a significant other that might need it which I know Susan, I’m gonna get one for my Lady Susan, for sure. But anybody that puts in any of our social that includes Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, whatever they just put in Hey, Ma, but spell it HEYM A not the way my my good friend here says that because I’ll know that you listen as far Hu y Ma, I will give a signed copy out to you, stat. So do me one last salad favor here. Hey, Matt, and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  27:11  

spend five minutes every day, everyone’s got five minutes to understand yourself with your eyes closed, shut everything else out and find out what your why is for that day. And it could be different every day doesn’t matter. Just get that solid so that during the day, if anything comes in your way, you will remember your why.

Unknown Speaker  27:32  

Right in squat. I tell you like that is the best advice, really that I give to my coaching clients as well. And then I’m like, no, no sleeping, no anything electronic no nothing just sit and really visualize and in tune into your day. And it’s harder than what you think sitting alone is hard. And without sleeping. I’m going to tell you but I got it mastered now myself to 30 minutes. But it took me since 2003. And I started with like two minutes and then five minutes and then but like caimans just give yourself five minutes squat. And I gotta tell you we got a free free masterclass with my good friend Hema that, you know, she was working out, you know, it basically said there’s gotta be a better way that engineer in her the analytical side of her came out. So there’s got to be a better way to help people with pain issues. So she started to build programs to help cater that solution. She wants to remind us that your Y is crucial. Spent spent a lot of time asking tough questions of yourself. And in to get to that why. And sometimes you might need a backup plan and someone like Kima will help you get there. You know, you know, she wants to remember like we say inch by inch, it’s a cinch, okay, by the yard, it’s hard. So it doesn’t have to be earth shattering in Amos works, okay, you know, remember about your body you need to your engine working before you can drive so take care of that tumble. You know, she’s called the musician you know, but it really comes from her hard knocks study through being a PhD in engineering and then parlaying that into health and fitness. Okay? And it’s smart in her eye, to be empathetic, and to help you find your blind spots. And if you’re starting to work with your coach, especially in the fitness world, Ask your coach what you should be doing. When you’re not with your coach. Okay? She has solid advice and my friend here, Hema is planting trees. She’s never going to sit in the shade of okay, she’s paying it forward. You know, she has a deep empathy and strong love for the analytics. You know, studying the back ends of things will help you out especially in emergency situations. You know, you have to understand yourself internally before you can express yourself correctly externally, you know, stay focused use that five minutes a day she asked you for to just get away from the distractions Okay, decrease the noise. Okay, and if you don’t know how, like my good friend Leah Woodford was sick You’re asking here, get out there and ask and get that help and let us put you in touch my good friend came here you know, she’s a person that from what I’m hearing really is saying, you know, to stay in the present, okay? A lot of people have a foot in the future foot in the past and they piss all over the present state in the present. You know, you have that full potential to help yourself. Okay? And again, just the reiteration five minutes daily of inner flexion. To really visualize play out that scene of how you want you to feel in your temple to with your relationships and relationships with money as well. Don’t be afraid of that relationships across the board and I am so humbled and grateful that Hamer came on me you level up your health you level up your wealth, your humble yet you’re hungry. You’ve earned your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming on. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future. Absolutely. Love your guts.

Unknown Speaker  30:51  

Me too. Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker  30:53  

You bet. Satsuma Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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