289-That Sucks, Now What? – Real World Solutions for Getting Through What Your Going Through – TTST Interview with Coach, Author and Speaker Scott Schilling

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Scott Schilling is the Executive Vice President of Strategic Partnerships for BeeKonnected, an online platform that combines the attributes on online dating software, with search engine capability, and social media visibility, connectivity, and branding, to create an intentional community of business professionals coming together to do purposeful business with quality and integrity.

Scott is also a Media Host, Executive Coach, International Trainer / Speaker, and an Authentic Connector who brings a unique combination of 35+ years of life experience in coaching, sales, marketing and training to corporations, business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals.

He has presented at over 2,500 live events sharing the stage with General Colin Powell, Suze Orman, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, former first lady Laura Bush and many more.

As an Internationally accomplished and entertaining presenter, Scott has spoken to hundreds of thousands of attendees across a range of industries. Scott brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the airwaves, stages, board rooms, podiums and print.

Scott is a highly sought-after Executive Coach and Business Expert because of the results he produces. His training propelled one client’s business to grow from approximately $8 million annually to almost $100 million in just under six years.

Scott’s Life Purpose is: To Inspire and Empower others to serve humanity through living their life’s purpose in Spirit, Love and Joy!

  Being off course is okay. You will be off course more often than not. Strive to be off course less often, less far, use course correction

– Scott Schilling

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. When you are looking to hire a coach ask them how they differentiate themselves from other coaches

2. A great leader was at one time a great follower – Good observer

3. Failure is a learning opportunity unless you quit

4. Scott will be remembered as a person who really cared and used it all for the good for himself, his family and the world

5. Leadership, is observation, sharing and giving everything that you have got

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time To Shine Today Podcast Varsity Squad.  This is Scott Ferguson and that sucks. Now what is the title of my good friend Scott shillings book which kind of goes through this health scare which I’m not going to get into here in the introduction because I want him to tell it it was just an incredible story incredible comeback if you will in using the lessons that he got from the health scare to help you and other people level up he was already super high on the on the chain of speakers and authors and coaches. But now he’s he’s just in the stratosphere. He’s such a Go Giver, such as an amazing human being he’s literally a giant that I stand on the shoulders of to help myself level up. So without further ado, here’s the author of that sucks now what real world solutions for getting through what you’re going through? Scott Schilling let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast bursting squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I got a gentleman here that rock stages. A fantastic speaker phenomenal communicator and he’s referred to me by our good mutual friend Brigitta Hoffer Lee, just a fantastic human being is named Scott Schilling. You can find them at Scott Schilling speaks that calm and I will spell it out for you afterwards. So make sure you listen to our information. Our show here. I got some awesome questions set up from a voice Scott. And he’s an Executive Vice President and strategic partners for be connected an online platform that combines the attributes on online dating software with search engine, capability and social media visibility, connectivity and branding to create an intentional community of business professionals coming together to do personal, purposeful business quality and integrity. This guy has accolades upon accolades. You know, he’s been an authentic connector. For years he’s presented at over 2500 live events, sharing the stage with General Colin Powell, who I worked for there and Desert Storm Suze Orman Jack Canfield, Les Brown and former First Lady Laura Bush, and many more. He’s an internationally accomplished and acclaimed entertaining presenter, which I’ve watched his YouTube videos I’ve kind of looked him up and the guy rocks the stages I think that I have energy. This guy is like right up there, if not surpasses me so you know Scotty is purpose is to inspire and empower others to serve humanity through living their life’s purpose in spirit, love and joy. And Scott, thanks so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself that time to shine did a podcast rescue squad but first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Purple? Purple? Royals regal awesome. I love it, man. It’s your color wheel. I see a little bit of purple back there too.

Well, that’s the steps on my logo are actually purple. Yeah, yeah. My original or one of my logos over my career was two s’s coming together to make a heart Yeah, inside inside a diamond, which was purple. Okay. And its heart was heart centered selling.

I love it. heart centered selling and also squad. There will be a book of way at the end. If you’re watching on YouTube or Vimeo or, or the other. That sucks. What now? I will have a book giveaway. But you have to listen to the end. And it’s Hancock signed by Scott here. And Scott. Let’s get Yeah, you shared your story with me when we had an Off mic moment last week. But let’s get into a little bit of your your story kind of like how you help people level up and also that health scare that you went through?

Well, yeah, I’ve been very fortunate. I started as a young child. Not a small child, but a young child. No, I’m just kidding. So the whole thing is I’ve been very fortunate to do a lot of different things from speaking to training to coaching and everything that way. I was actually out in LA on a infomercial shoot. I’ve also been the frontman for eight infomercials, and I was walking along and all sudden my legs stopped. And I looked down and I was standing on two tingling stumps. I told my right foot to move it said no. I said move. It said no. All of a sudden I started getting disoriented started falling backwards. Luckily, there was a railing behind me. I grabbed the railing somebody threw a chair underneath me was walking with seven people three of them doctors coincidence I think no. I fell back in one of them looked at me and said what’s your telephone number and I shouted up my number two I go What the heck would you ask me that right now? Can’t you see I can’t walk. You said oh no reason. While I was sweating, I was cold. I was clammy. I was gray for the five days. Key indicators was right in the middle of a cerebellar stroke. cerebellum is responsible for speech memory, fine motor skills, walking, talking vertigo, by the grace of God. You see me now? It was onstage 23 days later.

Wow. Wow. And how scary was that moment? I mean that obviously I’ve been through encounters suffering a little bit from PTSD and whatnot where there’s anxiety that just fires up. And you went through. Did you go through kind of a rehab?

Oh, yeah, well, okay. Well, the the the moment, it’s interesting, we actually played a game the other night, and one of the questions was, what’s your what’s the scariest thing that ever happened to you? As I was going through it, they took me to the emergency room for five hours, and they misdiagnosed me with a major migraine and released me remember you saying that? Yeah. And that wasn’t the, you know, so then I went on, went on set the next day, shot three TV segments, went to a neurologist, he did an MRI the next day, his first words, get your ass to the hospital, check into ICU, you’ve had a stroke. Wow, that was the scariest moment because all of a sudden, for two days afterwards, I felt like, you know, God took care of me, allowed me to walk and talk and do the things that I was doing, and be filmed and all that. But all of a sudden, he said, check into ICU, you’ve had a stroke. And now I became like a, to me a china doll. Right? It was like, all of a sudden, I knew that I was broken. But I didn’t know how I was broken. Because two days earlier, they said I wasn’t broken. Sure. You know what I’m saying? And so that was that scary moment really driving from the hotel to the hospital, to to get under care. I felt like once I got there, you know, once I got to my room, I was okay. But it was that that process in between that not knowingness, right? And I think quite frankly, how many people are living through that the last couple of years? Sure. That’s not the event. It’s the not knowing how you’re going to come through the event. That becomes that scary part?

Yeah, yeah. And so you went through? I’m glad you backtracked and said that, because I remember you telling me that you had went and been misdiagnosed. I’m glad the squad gets to hear it now. But how about getting on that stage three weeks later? A little over three weeks later? And like, was there any anxiety in the back your mind because I’m, you’re a polished professional speaker. And I’m working my way to that. Was there in I, like, I have a trampoline, which my slide knows that people that see me speak I use it actually as a release kind of before I go there, that I take it out on stage with me, and it’s there. But what kind of anxiety was ramped up saying, oh, shoot, man, I hope I don’t have another one on stage. There actually

was none of that, believe it or not. I mean, it was I was I was excited to be back on stage. But funny story at that event. Again, it was 23 days after the after the initial stroke, which is unheard of, by the way. I mean, I’m phenomenally blessed. Yeah, not. You know, I give God all the credit for that for bringing me through it all. But while I was talking, I was actually there were about 100 business women in the room. And I was sharing on being an entrepreneurial and they said, as an entrepreneur, sometimes you just got to fight through, you know, I mean, 23 days ago, I had a full blown cerebellar stroke. And then I just kept on going on with what I was training on or speaking about. And a woman walked up to me afterwards and said, Did you say you had a stroke 23 days ago? And I said, Yeah, actually, I did. She said, well, people don’t come out like you write. I said, Well, if you say so why do you say that? She said I work for the American Heart and Stroke Association. I said, Awesome, then use me. And she goes, What do you mean? I said, if my story is that unique, then utilize it for the good of the American Heart and Stroke Association. And also anybody else let’s help educate them. That death is not the only choice in this love it. And we did and we actually put three galas together we raise $750,000 utilizing the negative event.

That is That is amazing. And it’s got I know that you know, you played some ball at Iowa. You know, I’m a big 10 guy. I’m a smarty. I hate Michigan. I hate Ohio State. I’m a smarty and I don’t hate Iowa at all. I think it’s the

oldest game I’ve ever played was at Michigan State. Okay,

and I like we go to Dan gables rustling camps and I was a kid and I just I love it there. But like how much have you been an athlete in the past helped you mentally kind of Get over because I’m here. Did you play for Hayden fry? I did. Okay, so he was using mofo man, he was tough guy. You know, he puts you through a lot. So how much of that background and having the structure and the discipline helped you? Like I know it’s kind of a miracle What happened to you, but how much of it does that implant in your mind even throughout your whole life being an athlete and then having success?

Absolutely. All of it played a role. There’s no doubt and and, you know, having being with Coach Frey and the the entire coaching staff that was there, Bill Snyder, who went to K State Barry Alvarez that went to Wisconsin, Dan McCarney, Iowa State in order to coach and we had the we had the most amazing coaching staff there was, yeah, but, but those guys built and rebuilt Iowa as a winner. And in Rosebowl, in a couple of years, you know, that kind of thing. But one of the stories that that I love to tell is one of my greatest life lessons, because I was a kicker and punter. And at the end of practice, we go into a fast mode, you know, the team would sit on the 25 in the middle, and you’d line up and you’d kick it and then you move to the 30 on the right hash and kick it back to the middle on the 35. Go over to the other hash on the 40. Anyway, eight kicks, you’d serpentine in and the last one was 55 from the angle. And I drilled all eight down the pipes. Wow. And Coach Frey chewed my butt after every one of them. And after the after the eighth one from 55 on the angle, tough angle, long kick all the other stuff, right? We’re in the eighth one we’re rushing, doing it all. And I spun around I said, Coach, I don’t get it. I just drilled eight kicks down the pipe in you chewed my ass after every one, right? Typical coach fry style. Great son. Don’t concern yourself when I’m chewing your ass. Only concern yourself when I stop. Because then I don’t give a crap. Wow. Wow, that’s the life lesson right there is when people are on you. Working to improve you. Yeah. Don’t take every bit of it. And thank them for it. Yeah. Because the reality is, it’s when they don’t give you the feedback. Right? They’ve stopped caring. And that’s when you’ve lost.

Love it. I love it. That’s such that’s just a Knowledge Nugget right there that, you know, I share with even my squad like I reprimand. If I even have to, which is few and far between. It’s and it’s in private, you know, but I learned I’m like, Listen, man, if I dress you up and down, it means I frickin care. And you’re doing something great. And I just want to make sure that you keep it up. That’s fantastic, man. So let’s get into leadership a little bit like what what do you feel than makes a great leader or a great coach? Well, a great

leader, at one time had to be a great follower. You know, they had to be somebody who took that input that feedback, you know, the chances of you making the right move the first time are almost negligible, right? But the only way you can gain any feedback is by taking an action. You’re going to be off course far more than you’re ever on course in your life. It’s not a problem to be off course. What you should strive to do is be off course, less often, less far. Wow. Because you’re going to you’re going to zigzag your way. I mean, think about it. I live here in Dallas, Texas, a jet takes off at DFW headed for Honolulu. And the pilot comes on about an hour out and says ladies and gentlemen, I know you thought we’re going to land in Honolulu, but we had southerly trade winds. So welcome to Anchorage. Great. It’s not what he does. No, no, he’s correct. He’s course correcting the entire time. So leadership is like that. All right. In order to be a great leader, first of all, you had to be a great follower. You had to be a great observer. You had to learn. Like I said, I had a whole new appreciation for Coach Frey after he dressed me down. Because as a follower, I said, Oh, here’s somebody who actually cares about me, right? But that’s a great part of leadership. Number one, you start as the follower you learn, you’re mentored you, like with I’ve written checks to 19 mentors in my career and I said one thing at the start of every one of them, Give me everything you got and I won’t keep it. Don’t hold back anything. I’ll share everything you put into me with my students and my clients

love it, pay it forward.

That’s the that’s the part about leadership is in one of my mentors. One of my great mentors, he said, always give them everything you got for two reasons. Number one More than likely, they won’t remember what you said. And number two, even if they do remember, they won’t implement it. Right? And so the point is that, you know, everybody’s, not everybody, so many people sit in this lack mentality, I don’t want to give you my proprietary work. Trust me, for whatever reason, you can have the best widget in the history of ever. And all of a sudden, they’ll try to change the widget, because they want to put their stamp on. Right? Right, use the damn widget as it works, and don’t make it happen. Or they’ll just be so lazy, they won’t do it in the first place. So again, leadership is, is observation. It’s sharing, it’s giving everything you got, it’s not holding anything back for for any reason.

You ask the people that you coach to pay forward what you are giving them? Absolutely.

I said, None of you know, none of this. You know, the reality is, there’s a pretty good book written, you know, 2500 years ago, that’s got most of the instructions in it. Right? Absolutely. And, and the fact of the matter is that there’s not all that much new if you really think about it, there’s no new takes on it. And so again, to to play in that ego space of this is mine, right? This kind of silly act, right?

It’s funny, it’s like that’s why I’m writing my the title of one of my books is regurgitate and basically like, every time I’m coaching a client or, or whatnot, I’m regurgitating what I kept, you know, from standing on the shoulders of the giants that have helped me along, you know, I mean, if you look at like, say, everyone really knows named Tony Robbins, like he regurgitated Jim Rohn Jim Rohn. regurgitate Earl Nightingale back to Wallace, wattles, way back to Aristotle, Hippocrates and everything else. So like you just said, it’s everybody wants to put their own swing on it. So just that’s what I say, give, give, give to the hurt so good. You know what I’m saying? And then they’re gonna do with it as they please in that holy thing back. Thank you for saying that. So when you’re working with, say, a company, and they come to you for leadership, and to help them level up? What is some of your secret sauce that you use? If you don’t mind sharing, Scott that maybe helps them find their blind spot?

Well, the first thing you do is identify that you got blind spots. You know, I mean, there’s many people believe it or not, don’t think that they have, you know, yeah, that might apply to somebody else, but it doesn’t apply to us. Sure. It’s like, Are you kidding me? I was brought in to a fortune 500 Company A while back. And they say, our guys when he I don’t know that you can help our guys. They’re so good at acquiring business. And I said, Okay, well, then why am I here? And they said, well, because our business is decreasing on a monthly basis. And I said, You Will you just told me your guys are amazing at acquiring new business. Oh, yeah. We acquired, you know, like, 1500 new accounts a month. Sure. And I said, So you acquire 1500 new accounts a month in your business is going down? Yeah. Okay, I got the I got the solution. They said, What do you mean, you’ve already got it figured out? I said, I absolutely have it figured out. He said, How are you going to train our guys that are really good at acquiring people to acquire more. I said, Well, that’s a bad assumption, because that’s not what I’m gonna do. Right? They said, What are you going to do? I said, I’m going to shut the back door. And they said, What? Well, you haven’t even told me how many accounts you’re losing on a monthly basis. But it’s the only thing that’s possible. It’s called math, right? It’s true, right? You’re acquiring 1500 and your business is going down? That means you have to be losing more than that. How many? Are you losing a month? 2200. Oh, I said, good. The first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to put systems in place that shut the back door. Because then when they’re even better at acquiring new business, you’re gonna get a double double. Right, you’re gonna save the business from the backside, you’re going to add more business to the front side. Guess what happened?

Exactly. Yeah. Love it. So So I mean, some of the stuff

is, don’t look for what everybody else looks for. I mean, if you want a real secret, right, don’t look for what most people think are the obvious Sure. Because it ain’t it. It’s not necessarily the obvious

it’s not it’s not because they’re blinded by that hence the answer the blind spot. So, Scott, when we maybe in that discovery conversation with somebody that might employ you, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never give

You know, sometimes I had one go, do you have a workbook? I said, No. And they go, Well, the other guys that were in your, you know, pitching us have a workbook, how come you don’t have a workbook? I said, you really want to know the answer. And they said, Yeah, I said, because I’ve never seen a workbook work. And they go, What do you mean? Instead of workbooks theory? Yeah, you’re not hiring me to bring in theory, you’re hiring me to bring in action action? Maybe? Yes. And so it again, it’s, you know, if there’s any question to ask, the question is, quite frankly, you know, how are you going to accomplish this task? Sure. Or how are you going to go at it differently than other people are going to do? I love that? Because the reality is, if you want the same old, same old go get the same old, same old? Yeah, you know, I don’t do same old. I, you know, give you one, we took this client from 8 million to 100 million and about five and a half years, is that pretty good? Most people would think that that’s a pretty good growth. Well, I mean, when when I first got there, they said, how are you going to do this? And I shared how I do it. And they said, well, we don’t we don’t want it done that way. We want to do it our way. I said, good. Okay. Then have fun, right? And then see, what do you mean? I said, I’m not your guy.

Right? Yeah. Free to walk away from it.

What do you mean? And I said, I will not do that presentation that way. And nor will I train everybody else to do it. Sure. And I said, if I can rewrite the presentation, if I can do it this way, if I can implement it and do the training based on that, sure, we will make it work, right. And the founder said, I don’t believe that’ll work. I said, Great. Well, then we’re as we’re at a standstill, right, here’s what I’m gonna say to you. If you want me, give me 90 days. Let me put it in path. And if it doesn’t show progress in that period of time. Get rid of me. Right? Well, five and a half years later, we’ve grown it from 8 million to almost 100 million here.

Love it. That’s That’s awesome. You put the proof in the pudding and willing to walk away from it. That’s that’s a great leader as well. Scott, have you seen the movie The Back to the Future? Oh, yeah. All right, let’s get that glory with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Scott. What kind of knowledge nuggets as we call them here Townshend today? What kind of knowledge nuggets from if you drop on the 22 year old scouts maybe help them shorten the learning curve level up and blast through just a little quicker.

Understand you’re not bulletproof. Everybody was 22 year old doesn’t tell himself that, right? You got two ears and one mouth for a reason. Yes. There’s a there’s a lot of expertise to be learned ahead. Keep your eyes open. Yes. Understand that. Those that you meet on the way up, are still going to be there once you get up. And they’re due respect, honor and dignity. Thank you for saying that. Because they probably helped you get there.

Yes, yes. Yes, absolutely.

You know, I mean, it’s really about respecting and honoring the process. Yes, you know, pee and vinegar is great. But you’ll find out as you get more mature. That’s code word for older you’ll find out that the P and vinegar doesn’t work quite as well

doesn’t man. You’re right. And I’m no less than that. And so Scott, how do you you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date your expiration date your life date your death? It has Scott what is Dasher?

Here’s a guy who really cared. Who gave it his all. Who utilized every bit of the talents and capabilities God’s granted him to do good for himself for his family. And for the world.

Yes, man. That’s amazing. So I’m taking notes brother. Sounds good. This is this is such good stuff. And I love the sincerity I love that you’re vulnerable. I love your transparency, man. That’s just amazing, dude. Well,

that’s the key. It’s funny, you’ll see this when we when we work together on stage. I said there’s there’s typically an over and under when I’ll cry. There’s not a there’s it just there’s typically something that is so emotional or or hits such a point. In quite frankly. I never know when it is I never know what it is. I never know what causes me to, to get to that place. But I love the fact that I do. And if somebody doesn’t, okay, right, I’m good with that.

You’re good with it. I’d love it. You’d leave it all out there. So, Scott, what do you think people might misunderstand the most about you?

I mean, because there have been periods of my career where I worked to be a perfectionist that I stood, I was striving so hard to get it so exactly right. That they felt I maybe became unapproachable or or something to that level, because it was like, they thought it was really maybe ego based. Yeah. And it never really was. Right. It was, you know, let’s quote Les Brown. Live full die empty. Yes. Right. It was a desire to be so good. That, you know, it may have seen maybe I wasn’t as talkative or as, or is this or that in those days, right. And then somebody, but by the grace of God walked up to me one day after a talk and said, You are so freakin good at that presentation. But he said, Can I share something with you? And he goes, and I said, Yeah, and he goes, Well, it might hurt. I said, Good. He said, you’re kind of plastic. He said, You’re so good. That you’re I don’t feel you. And from that day on, is when I went, Oh, my God. It’s about the connection along with the delivery. Yes. And I never wanted that. I never purposefully lost that. Right. Right. I had because I was striving for perfection. And I went back into so I’ll give you an example. One time I was in front of, I don’t know, 20,000 people. Sure. And I lost track of where I was in the presentation. Did that already. Right? So here I am. I’m in the round. And I’m, and I’m doing this and all sudden I blank. And I look straight down. And I start laughing. And I look back up and I went, Oh, sorry. I just told myself a joke. And then I carried on.

Right, right.

And so it was that point of not taking yourself so seriously, and just having fun. And the response was so great. It taught me such a great lesson. Yeah. Quite frankly, the people in the seats are rooting for you as much or more free are

Dude, that’s our Yeah, yeah. And I and I have a great squad that I traveled with now that we’re speakers and just knowing that that’s in the I’ve lost trains of thought and one time I made it up there. I’m like, you know, what, can someone bring me back to our lives and then the guy just shelled out happiness. And I was like, Thank you, brother. You know, and I just rolled with it. But it was my it was my spots. So if we took out anything electronic, and that includes cell phones, tablets, computers, ie that jazz and let’s take out anything we need to live like air, food, water, food, or I said food, air water gravity. What are three things Scott can’t live without? Wow.

connection with others.

Thank you. I knew you’re gonna say that dude. That’s what I say. Every time someone asked me that. And I knew it. Also, okay, connection, you know?

Connection. You know,

just, you’re a reader. Man. I can see you being a reader. So,

yeah, I mean it while I’m a study or I’m gonna learn exactly. Okay, you know, I mean, I love learning. So love it. You know, so you can’t you can’t take observation away from me. There you go. So that wouldn’t work. You know? And then you know, just, I don’t know. Just came to me as the opportunity to do good.

I love it. I love and that’s three strong things although you left out chicken wings, man because chicken that I just can’t live without. Hey, all right, Scott. Let me answer this for me, I think is abbreviated as possible. But what is Scott’s definition of a life well lived

leaving, you know, playing playing full up leaving it all on the field move for

love it love it. Love it. Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We’re back and I’m so stoked to be able to go through our leveling up lightning round like conference scheduling here and Scotty you and I could talk 1520 minutes an hour and each one of these questions but you got five back ends with no explanations they could all be answered that way you’re ready to level up. Firewall. Let’s do it man. What’s the best leveling up advice Scott’s ever received? Listen, yeah, sure one of your personal habits you contribute to your success being quiet of it other than your own book that sucks. What now? If you saw me in Ferguson his doldrums, man, I want to give him a book. What book is success principles? Jack Canfield? There you go. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? Smiley face? Love it. Nicknames growing up.

Ooh, some not for Eric. Kicker. It’s actually my license plates. All right, chess

checkers or monopoly. Monopoly. All right, my man. Your go to flavor for ice cream and you order up?

Oh, mint chocolate chip goby. We’re

definitely hanging a lovely some chocolate chip. So there’s a there’s a sandwich called the Scottie shilling. What’s on that sandwich brother?

Man, turkey, ham, Swiss cheese, lettuce, onions. Green peppers.

Love it man. Tomatoes. Good stuff. Good stuff. favorite, favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

Well, there’s 21 in my first book, but it started with Habitat for Humanity.

Beautiful, beautiful. Last question. We can elaborate in this little little bit. But what’s the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Gotta be 80s

Here you go. Big hair. Don’t care. I love it. I love it. I love love. Love it. So Scott, how can we find your brother?

Email me Scott at Scott schilling.com You can go to Scott Schilling speaks.com. Scott shelling eight behind any of the social media. So Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, you name it. It’s all Scott Schilling in the number eight.

Love it. Love it. And that’ll all be in the show notes squad. So you can go there right when we’re done with this interview. But don’t go yet because I’m going to talk to Scott here about his awesome book that sucks. What now? When did you write this? And who is the reader that you’re really wanting to pick this up and change your life?

Well, I wrote it after my near death experience. And it was because there was so much myths and disinformation, about the things that I was looking up for myself from where I live through something most people don’t live through. And so every time I was looking for a piece of information, it was, well, you should be dead. But because you’re not, we’re going to tell you you’re limited. Not the kind of stuff I want to see. Right, right. So I really wrote it to share the lessons in the solutions I found coming through various difficult things that happened to me in my life severed an Achilles tendon. So I was told I’d never walk right or play sports again. Like I said, I was on the field 75 days later. Wow. I mean, unheard of. Right? And it’s because of the fire you you learned. So the book is for those who need hope and inspiration. need solutions? They they are looking for? How do I turn this pile of manure into a horse underneath it? Sure. Right? You know, how do I take and see I don’t believe in the word failure. Sure, there is no such thing unless you include the word quit. Right? But failure is not failure. Failure is simply a learning opportunity that you’ve uncovered. Yes. So take in, there are five questions that I train all my clients and students to use in the book on how to how to turn anything from a potential negative event to a positive event by asking these five questions,

dude, I love that you put that in there as questions. Because, you know, we can do affirmations to blue in the face, right? But there’s always that seed of doubt. And as human beings we’re our brains are wired to be problem solvers. So when you can ask yourself a question. Even if you don’t think about it the rest of the day your brain is like remember, there’s a question I need to answer I love you put it in five questions. And Scott is we we got to kind of jump here and scoop but if you could do me one last salad, and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize it take action.

Well, I what popped into my head is the Zig Ziglar quote that forever changed my life and that is you can have everything in life you want when you help enough other people get what they want. Now that became my mantra and in really my credo to this day. Fortunately, I knew zig and was able to have those conversations, but find your thing, whatever that might might be, it might be a Jim Rohn quote, it might be a Tony Robbins quote, it might be a Scott Ferguson quote, you know, it might be one of those that that, you know, gives you that Guiding Light. And it is, if people sometimes ask about me, they’ll get oh, he’s that guy who Zig impacted so much, right? That’s a great way to be remembered. Right? It’s a great way to honor such an amazing man.

Yeah, he was fantastic. I didn’t have the I got to speak with them one on one for about three minutes one time, and it was enlightening. Just under three minutes. And that’s awesome that you’re able to have some a relationship with them. That’s fantastic. And squad, you’ve really literally just got like a little cliff no bit piece of a masterclass from my good friend here, Scott shelling, who you know, he brought up that not knowing can be the scary part. So go back, and really listen to what he spoke about that. And it says like, if someone’s dressing you up and dressing you down, a lot of times that will come from love. And so it’s remember, when they stopped doing that, that’s when people really don’t care. So understand that constructive criticism is good. Use it, use it, use it, use it to level up, you remind us that a great leader was at one time a great follower and a great observer, you know, he’ll tell you that a great leader understands will make you understand that off course it’s okay. Just be off course less often and less far in a great coach and leader will help you the course correct in with your giving to somebody and mentoring. Like I say the more more you mentor, the more the mortal you become. And I didn’t say that Bobby Knight said it. But you know, I use that in the when I do mentor people, I give everything because what Scott here said, You’re not going to they’re not going to implement everything that you tell them no matter if you give them the blueprint, a lot of times they’re going to try to make it their own. And that’s okay. It’s almost like a homage to you, you know? You if you’re going to hire a coach, ask them how are they any different than anybody else? Do they actually care about the end game? Begin with the end in mind, like the good old cubby guy said, you know, and that’s what Scott will do. Look at your company. He’ll begin with the end in mind and see you and put you on a trajectory, just like you said about that plane flying out of Dallas getting out of Ludo, who gets you to Honolulu with those coursebooks you know, he’ll watch you remember if you’re younger, or even if you’re a little bit older, that you’re not bulletproof. Listen, listen, listen, like Scott says. And I always say and on my podcast, God gave you one mile to two years for a reason. And if you’re stuck on something like my good friend, Leah Woodford says, Get your asking you there’s people out there that have been there, especially if you respect those people on the way up. Remember, they’ve been there and use their knowledge to help you level up and like Scott said, always pay that forward. You know, he’s going to be someone that lived full and died empty like our boy Les Brown says but he’s also going to slide across home plate bumped and bruised, but he’s going to score and the bumps and bruises come from the stroke comes from the Achilles tear comes from all that stuff. He’s always persevered and leveled up, you know, and also, he’s gonna be remembered as someone that they provided hope, inspiration to people that need solutions. And also some of that really turned that lemon into lemonade. He can take that. And you know, he’s reminded us also that failure is a learning opportunity and failure is not infinite unless you quit or it’s not finite unless you quit. Okay and like he got from his friend and somebody that I respect Zig Ziglar that find your thing find your niche help others and you’ll get what you want if you seriously seriously give give give until it hurts so good. And that’s what my guy Scott here does. I have notes upon notes and I hope that you do to make sure you pick up his book that sucks what now it’ll be in the show notes. Scott, you level up your health, you level up your wealth that you need another diversity letter, but you earned yours here at time to shine today. I’m blessed. I cannot wait to collaborate with you learn from you and rock the stage with you soon brother. I love your guts. Looking forward to it man. All right Talk soon my man. Thanks all. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. 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