288-Stand Out In The Market Place and Attract a Steady Stream of Ideal Clients – TTST Interview with Founder of Reach Your Peak Brian Kelly

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Entrepreneurs hire Brian to Reach Their Peak because most do not stand out in the marketplace & fail to attract a steady stream of ideal clients.

So he helps them reveal their personal & unique massive exposure machine, free up their time, and create a steady stream of revenue.

Bottom line, he helps entrepreneurs establish high-value relationships that will result in high-end connections and joint venture partnerships within 12 months, guaranteed.

 Live a life of serving others, open to reciprocation and give without expectation to get

– Brian Kelly

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Your instincts are built on experience

2. When you are stuck get help, get your ask in gear and seek and accept assistance

3. Money is a vehicle for liberation. 

4. At times the intent is actually more important to the outcome. With good intent you can course correct

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time To Shine Today Podcast Varsity Squad. This is Scott Ferguson and if you’re looking to stand out in the marketplace and attract that steady stream of ideal clients, you have to listen to my show with my good friend BK Brian Kelly from reach your peak. We had a fantastic interview went a little longer than a lot of my shows did but just stick around to the end because the giveaway is just amazing or else you can also check it out in the show notes. But make sure you listen in and pick up on the knowledge nuggets that my good friend Brian drops. He is a man wise wise when it comes to really helping you level up in you know he’s not really up a gear. Get her like somebody that’s looking and expecting to get it’s very much more important for Brian to Brian’s more interested in your story than he is and telling you about his although his is fantastic. And I got a little bit out of him today. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Brian Kelly from reach your peak. Let’s level up. Time to shine in a podcast first we spotted Scott Ferguson and I’ve been super stoked to bring you this episode awesome conversation with legitly a really good friend of mine, Brian Kelly, he’s over on the left coast, I probably pick this guy’s brain more than most others that are in the business of helping others level up because that’s exactly what my good friend Brian does. You know, entrepreneurs hire Brian to reach their peak because most do not stand out in the marketplace and failed to attract a steady stream of ideal clients, which we know is key. So we helps them reveal their personal unique, massive exposure machine, free up their time and create a steady stream of revenue which we all love. The bottom line is he helps entrepreneurs establish high value relationships that will result in high end connections and joint venture partnerships within 12 months, guaranteed. He’s like the Joe Nemeth out there of making the guarantee is my guy here. BK Brian, Kelly and Brian. Thanks for coming on the show. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Whoa,

well, I guess I’d say blue because I’m wearing it right now. Yeah.

It’s your cat your color? Will you handsome devil. No seriously squat. Brian and I are good friends. And he’s someone I respect immensely. And Brian, I’d like to get to the kind of little bit of your background and roots that got you to the point now where you help people launch into the stratosphere, my friend.

I started out as a corporate employee, as many can relate, I’m sure. And I’ll make it real brief. When I was a kid at junior high level, around 12 years old. You know, I had a great childhood. I have nothing bad to say about it. But there was a sting coming out this movie and the bus was everywhere. There was no Internet back then. So it was just word of mouth, and marketing on TV. And all my buddies are talking about it. So I ran home and it’s time for the movie. I said, Dad, Dad, can I have a ticket? Can I have a ticket, and he looks down. It’s sorry, son, we can’t afford it. And until that moment, I was I did not realize that my family that I had been born into did not have much money. And at that moment, I realized I would never be in that position for my family. And it’s not just about money. It’s just it’s the feelings that go with it and the disappointment, and I love my parents to death. I mean, I’ve always have and that had nothing, no impact on that. But that was my driving force. I’ve always been driven and competitive. But that really took me over the top and I said I just dedicated my drive and my my life to excelling not only for myself, more importantly for my family. And now also for anyone I come into contact with. I just love helping people.

You don’t meet strangers. I mean, we first met, I felt like I’ve known you forever, man. And so you made this, I guess maybe a pact with yourself that you don’t want to ever not be able to afford something or if your kids need to afford something that if it makes sense without making them feel entitled that you can do it for them. What did you ever face as you’re kind of growing into this and you kind of have impostor syndrome because you and I literally were seven years apart okay, but it’s like I had the same thing my dad worked on the line at General Motors. There was a lot of nose coming out of his mouth when I asked for something right and luckily I had friends and support system that were like dude for me you can be what you want this this this. But as I started to grow I just felt like I really wasn’t meant to be there. Did you ever cross those paths at all?

Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, I think I think that’s normal. And it’s interesting when you’re first starting out trying to free yourself like in my case of corporate you’re you’re going through that scarcity mindset all over again. And you just want to make a sale it just to me for nothing was going to boost your confidence. I’m sure and I think everyone goes through that. And it’s a part of the process. And the cool thing is, the sooner you can get out of that mindset, the better though, the sooner you can get into the attitude of serving, versus the attitude of I just want to make a sale or I just need to make some money. The sooner you can do that, then that’s when things start to take off and blossom, because that’s truly, that’s you to a person to a core. And before, like you said, it’s more of an imposter syndrome, because you truly aren’t acting the way you normally would. If all the circumstances were, quote, unquote, in your favor at that moment.

Absolutely. And you just mentioned attitude of serving, and that’s, we had time to shine today we’re saying, you know, give, give, give until it hurts so good, right? And we do that through a little John Mellencamp in there, right. But what, how important is it to be open to reciprocation, while you’re given.

To be open to it, it’s very important. Here’s, here’s my, here’s my philosophy, though. I always I teach us and train it, I always say give without the expectation of receiving anything in return, it will happen. And it does happen. Just and I say beware, because you may fall into the trap of now doing it for returns. And so you have to be alert and aware of what’s going on in your mind. In my this is my opinion, sure. And just go at it with no expectations and return. But when they do come, yes, openly receive them and be grateful for them. Because it’s a two way street. Sure. You’re telling your mind, it’s okay to excel and to succeed. And everyone needs that, especially for someone like you, Scott, I want you to get as exceedingly wealthy as you possibly can. And why do I say that? And I truly mean this. And that’s because I know that Scott Ferguson will take that money, scale his business and serve more people.

Yes, absolutely. And that’s what I mentor is, well, I feel that the more you mentored, the more vulnerable you become right? And you’re gonna have to give, give, give, and keep going in. So with that being said, like the open to reciprocation, doesn’t have to come as a monetary value. I mean, like, I have this plant that sits here, it’s only plant I can keep my house and my cats don’t try to eat. But I know that when I breathe in, I breathe in oxygen, I breathe out that carbon monoxide that plants doing the exact same opposite thing. It’s breathing the carbon monoxide and giving me that oxygen. And it doesn’t come to you always in monetary, right. It might just be a phone call from an old friend or be actually aware for that, right? Just okay, I love Oh, absolutely.

Yeah, it’s you hit the nail on the head. It’s not just monetary or financial. Right? It’s anything, I get more joy out of helping someone than I do out of receiving money, I guess. But I do. And that’s what drives me money for me is a vehicle for liberation. Yeah, vehicle gives me the freedom to do what I want when I want more often. You know, a lot of people say I get to do what I want, whenever I want. It’s like, No, you don’t, you have to still make appointments for things when the doctor you got to show up and you have total freedom. But you have a lot more freedom in the choices that you make every single day. When you’re going to take vacations.

You Yes, things money doesn’t buy nothing except choices. And you just nailed it on the head. It gives you the choice to do things. And like you said, you’re still tied down to obligation. So thank you for Thank you. Thank you for saying that. So Brian, when you’re starting to work with these companies, right, or even individuals, and they kind of come into your family, which Swati has an awesome, awesome giveaway at the end. So stay tuned. So is you’re starting to bring them in? Is there any part of your secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing to maybe help them find their blind spots? You know that imposter syndrome or not? Not worth, you know, not net worth but not worth, you know, is there any good process that you use protocol to help them find their blind spots?

I don’t know if I call it a protocol or a process. It’s kind of instinct. But the instinct was built on experience from working with so many people. It’s funny that it’s so much easier for me and I think you can relate to this cut to help someone else in their business than it is for me to figure out my own.

That’s why I hire coaches. Dude, I love that. I love that you said that. I love that you said so. How about when people are coming in? In there? Maybe you’re in that discovery period. And with them in your instincts are firing away? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?

Wow, that’s a great one. I don’t that’s interesting. The first thought I had was I don’t think about myself during these calls. And I mean that I’m not being like this. Johnny do gooder. No, no, I don’t. I don’t have anything that comes up to my mind Scott at all.

No problem. If I was working with the I’d probably ask, like basically for your story and how you got into i You feel that you can help me. You know, that’s, but that’s me. That’s what they like to say instincts builder experience, right or comes from experience and that’s me but a lot of people, they don’t know what to ask of their coach or their consultant and stuff like that’s why I just like to throw that question out there just a little bit. So what do you think the Brian are your strengths?

Oh my goodness, strengths, our attention to detail. The absolute desire, I will it has to be the highest quality or I won’t let it out of my fingertips I won’t go out. I do make mistakes. That being said, I have let emails go that have someone’s wrong first name on it, things like that.

I have a story that I built the whole podcast for a big player and I spelled her frickin name wrong. All the lakes dude. Oh, my God, he was.

Right, yeah. But the thing is, is the attention to detail, the intent is more important than the than the result than the actual outcome, in my opinion. So, you know, a lot of people, if you if you mess up, they’ll come back, and they’ll be upset with you. And that’s okay, that’s a natural reaction until you alert them of what my intent was this, I apologize, I made a mistake. If they are still upset, then I want nothing more to do with them. Because I know what my intent was. And if my intent was pure, and I didn’t mean to make that mistake, and I really didn’t and stuff and I don’t. And they’re like, Okay, no worries, no problem, then I’m like, okay, good.

You want to align? Pardon? Those are the people you want to align with? For sure.

Yeah, no, we as humans are too fast to judge. I’m a human too. And I judge and I will make that initial like, geez, what was that all about? And then have a chat with them? Oh, we’re cool. You know. And so it’s like, again, like you said, it’s about choice. It’s like, you have a choice how you react to every situation and every moment of your life. And, you know, getting upset is just one of those habits that I don’t like to go to because it just brings me down, you know, and I just I don’t think it’s good for I just don’t think it’s good for me to do it. I do get upset on occasion. I am human, but I practice and, and I’m alert and aware of when these times happen, the negative emotions and just say, this isn’t serving me, and it’s certainly not going to serve them. So just get over it and move on.

I love I love that. You say like, my coach has me? Because I do I am a recovering narcissist. And I’m okay with many that now, man, I was because I was so driven because the imposter syndrome, it was like, I’m going to serve people. Yeah, yeah. But I’m going to be about me too. But my coach since 2011, is, you know, I have to repeat the mantra, you know, humbly seek to understand before responding and never reacting, you know, so that’s, I have to say that 50 times a day since then. And it’s really, I’m still recovering man, because you can ask my lady I have some tendencies and still spark up everyone’s well, but I appreciate you saying that. That’s one of my weaknesses. Brian, what would be a witness that you have?

impatience. I’m one of those ready fire aim, kind of. And sometimes that gets me into trouble where I’ll you know, I’m a software engineer from days gone by, or I used to do software engineering, I’m not, I don’t want to identify with anything. I am not a software engineer. I used to do it. And I would do everything in my power to get to the result as fast as I possibly could. And, you know, sometimes I would cause mistakes and things. And so I don’t, I don’t tend to write things down as I go along. I’m not a big note taker when I’m doing work. I just figure it out as I go along. And it’s worked for me for decades. It’s just, if I were to call it a weakness that that would be one is just lack of patience to get anything done. I think that’s a common trait in many people. But that’s probably one of the biggest ones for me.

I love that you appreciate being transparent about that, too. And acknowledging it, because I’m the same way that that’s how something might go out misspelled, because I’m in such a hurry to get something out and serve that it kind of kind of heads back. So what was the movie by the way that you couldn’t get a ticket to?

Yes, Star Wars baby.

Really? That was a major movie, man. It was a game changer. It was like, go back

to school after it came out. And I’m hearing all my classmates talking a different language. They’re saying stuff like see Threepio and Artoo de tu Baca and I’m like, What are you guys? And I’m just like, Oh my God, I didn’t get to see it. I don’t know how long it was before I finally got to see it by then. It was all right. It really sunk in deep and it wasn’t just because I missed them. It was the whole experience. I missed you guys all because we didn’t have a few dollars for a ticket back then it didn’t cost that much right.

Let me assume they’re just curious. I’m gonna go way up basically, when you go in 1997 to see it on the big screen when on the 20th anniversary.

I know I get it too. Yeah,

I do that. I went to I was five years old and I went to the drive in with my mom. It was Oh, yeah. And then yeah, and then but when I went, when I got the Navy literally, we went and watched the on the big screen again and 97 of the 20th anniversary. So speaking of movies, have you seen Back to the Future? Yeah, I

did. Alright,

let’s get that delorey with Marty McFly, let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Brian Kelly. Okay, what kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on Brian, that will maybe help them shortness learning curve lat last through and level up just live in that so much change anything but maybe shorten that learning curve just a little bit.

Get help. Like, get a mentor, get a coach, get multiple mentors, be accepting of assistance, seek assistance. You know, when you’re a 22 year old male, it’s all about you. It’s ego, baby, I got this, I can do it. And guess what every one of us can do it. It’s just how long do you want to spend getting to that end result? Versus if you got help you take the shortcut? You know, do you want to take 10 years? Or do you want to take two years? It’s a Here we go. It’s a choice. We get back to that again. But it’s ego. It’s it’s work on the ego and mindset at age 22 Oh, man, at age 47 is when I learned the importance of mindset became NLP certified. It literally changed my life. And I don’t say that I’ve never said that until I went through that. I’m not a big drama, drama drama person. But yeah, NLP mindset was huge, huge. And it’s changed my life for the better. Yeah. Believer, you know, so I’m a Christian. That’s my number one. So it’s like, it was like being born again. But I’m in human form. But

I love it. I love it. It’s like you hear that squat? He’s basically Tanya, get you’re asking your ask for help. Be open for it in put into action, what you’re asking it will shorten that learning curve a little bit and make things easier on you no matter what age you’re at. I mean, I get my asking here on a daily basis. But so, Brian, how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date, your death day, which hopefully it’s a long ways down the road? But how do you want your dash remember?

Just as somebody who who loves to help people, and it was open arms for anyone who wanted help or needed help? I’m not a big person on what is my legacy to humans that are left, after I’m gone. Write more about what is my Lord and Savior think I do a good job. I’m not worried about what people think. Although it will be, you know, it can impact how they go forward, if there’s anything left of me. Or they can see, you know, evidence and they actually read it or absorb the information and it does help them then then Good, good. But if it’s just, you know, what legacy Do you want to leave and it only matters if people actually take action on sure your experience, you know, either good or bad and learn from it and make the choices that are better than the ones you make.

I gotta tell you, man, like you legitly are planting trees that you’re never gonna sit in the shade on brother. I’m gonna tell you right now. And that’s my compliments the biggest compliment, I can really say to people, because you’re leaving that legacy, whether it’s important to you or not, it’s already being done, Brother. So I appreciate that. So, Brian, what keeps you up at night?

Um, lots of stuff. Personal stuff going on now, but as far as a regular just make gosh, I wake up sometimes thinking oh my gosh, did I get that last thing done properly that I was going to do in the day? But me too. Yeah, it’s like, and it’s usually like well, did I make that? Did I set that up properly? You know, I’ve got a client that’s got a show coming up? Do I did I have everything set up that I make sure my team was prepared. You know, it’s the little details that I just wake up and go you know, there’s little things that would not me, right? It’s nothing big. It’s just the day to day stuff. And then there’s so much that goes on every day no matter how much you you put it on your calendar and you’re writing notes. I do take notes during the day for stuff like that. Sure. There’s still things that get missed. I’ve got calendar, my calendar so filled these days. And I get shocked like oh my gosh, I do have another appointment coming up and that kind of stuff too is like oh my gosh, already. Do I need to get up this morning? Do I have an appointment? I forgot.

right there with you man. So what do you think people misunderstand the most value?

My intent sometimes. I’m a very as you can tell, very fast talker. I’m kind of a large frame six to I’m getting heavier by the moment I’m getting. I need to get on the trampoline but like somebody I know. But I come off as some to some kind of a girl So, I mean, I literally Scott, I couldn’t believe this one time, I went into a gentleman’s office to help them with their automation. And he’s, he’s a, he’s a marketer, social media marketer. And it was a woman, a young lady that was taking care of all of his automation. And I stood there and she was in a cubicle, and we worked for, I don’t know, five hours. And as I was leaving, she shared with me that when I first got there, I intimidated her. Mm hmm. And that shook me to the core. I’ve heard it a couple of times from guys and it’s not but from a woman. That is the last thing on earth. I don’t want to intimidate anybody. Let’s be clear, male or female. But to come off to a woman I’m like, what? I’m like I’m I see myself as pretty happy happy go lucky, gentle. But sometimes my persona or is overbearing, I guess. it intimidates people on it shocked me. I have never forget that. I’m like, What do I want? What did I do? And she goes, You just big like, I can’t help that.

Dude, I I’m like you I’m six one and 255 and pretty well put together and I have it so way I got combat it is a smile wide and I give hugs. I’m from the Midwest. And I just walked up to people I give them that little side hug so they know I’m not trying to go in for a real but I do it man. The hugs, like melts a lot of people I get that to like 30 Man, oh my gosh, you walk in and you know, I can be too much. And so that’s where people misunderstand me about as well. So Brian, let’s think out of this equation, this question anything electronic, whether it’s phone, iPad, whatever you use to run your life and also any of the gravity air you know, water like what are three things they Brian can’t live without?

My wife. Love it. My kids love it. People like you i connection, right? Yeah, I love to talk with other entrepreneurs. Because I have my own show, talk to entrepreneurs from all over the world. And it’s it’s like that every time Scott, you talked about like, it’s like we’ve known each other forever after two seconds of seeing each other and talking. That’s what keeps me going. I love what I get to do. And I love doing being a host I love being a guest. I love you wonderful people. I’ve gone to so many seminars and conventions and things like that. And it’s funny you go there, like, I may be meeting you soon, I hope in Florida. But the thing is, I land I go into the hotel, there’s people milling about before we even go on the door, and I just feel I am with family. I feel at home, because there’s that can do vibe, there’s a positive. It’s just a beautiful, beautiful thing. And that that kind of that feeds me

connections, everything, man. And it’s funny during COVID We had to find new ways to connect, but I probably wouldn’t have even met you. If it wasn’t for God. This is for me. That’s a blessing. So, Ryan, what is your? Excuse me? What is your definition of a life well lived?

I’ve left it all Oh, on the table. I’ve given it all I’ve given everything I’ve can to make life better for other people. Love that right.

Time to sign today. Podcast versus squad. We’re back. And Brian, you and I will one day talk probably an hour on each one of these questions. You have five seconds with zero explanations. We got a little bell that we’re gonna ring. I’m just kidding. But seriously, five seconds. Zero explanations. You ready to level up? I’m ready, baby. Let’s do it. What is the best leveling up advice Brian’s ever received. Never give up. Beautiful. share one of your personal habits that contribute to your success


love it. Probably prayer to the iPad. Without a doubt. So you see me walking down the street. You’re like, Fergie, he looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit other than the good book. What book might you hear me to level me up? Do you have a hell of a library brother?

That’s yeah.

But quickly if you have one.

Let’s say thought conditioners. Norman Vincent Peale again.

Love it. Love it. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you tax? Smile? Nicknames growing up?

Johnny be good.

Just checkers or monopoly? Chess. eautiful Wow. Smarty Pants. All right. So what’s your what’s your go to ice cream flavor?

Ice cream. I’m gonna say vanilla. Beautiful. Beautiful.

So there’s a sandwich called the BK the Kelly What’s on that sandwich brother?

Nothing but health and no bread. It’s no

fun, but I get it. So if you can take you have access to Time Machine for one day, you go 50 years into the future, or 50 years in the past or anytime in the past spend one day, what are you gonna do? Future maybe? I’d like to just kind of see play out too, especially if it’s past the time where I biologically you’re going to be gone. I’d really like to see what’s going on. What’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

Oh, my that’s a that’s brutal. There’s so much that’s going on with at this moment of the one that I would have said, I honestly don’t have one because it gets too deep. I couldn’t say in five seconds. Okay.

You want to give just a gist of it.

It’s around the fact that my wife has breast cancer and what I’ve learned of organizations under the hood. Okay, people that work in them and operate them as they are wonderful people, but the reason for them and what they’re doing. I don’t agree with a lot of stuff that’s that I’ve learned. That’s Armstrong

understand. The last question, you can elaborate a little bit on this one. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 80s? Now my man big hair, don’t care. Love it. Love it. So Brian, let’s dig into your business and what you’re offering today, man. Yeah, it’s how can we find you, Brian?

I love to put on what I call a masterclass. It’s an advanced live video masterclass, where I help people to understand all the nuances that go behind a live video show, which is very, very similar to a podcast because a podcast is an audio version only. Technically, that’s usually recorded. with live video, you have more touch points. So I teach about the things that a lot of people don’t realize. There are myths about it, about how to monetize their myths about how to get likes and loves and downloads and how important that is to them and all that. And I like to peel back the onion and show them. Look, it takes a lot more than most people realize and a lot more perseverance, you have to be consistent. It takes it’s like it needs to be part of your, your existence of your business, if you’re going to do it. So I like to teach on that because I’ve been doing live video for cash. Since it’s been over 10 years. I haven’t been. Yeah, I’ve been doing it for a long time. And I’ve learned a lot. I don’t know everything I never will. But I get to talk to wonderful people like you who are podcast masters. And I learned things from people like you and implement them and integrate them into my teaching going forward to help people again, get to the finish line faster. But with higher quality. It’s about I hear this thing all the time. You know, it’s better to work smarter, not harder. And I disagree with that wholeheartedly. Okay, I disagree with that half heartedly. I say you want to you want to work smarter and harder. There is no easy street. If you lay off that if you take your foot off the gas pedal, then even if you’re working smarter, yeah, me feel better for a little while but long term, I think you’re going to find that your business is going to suffer a bit. If you take that kind of mantra and ingrain it in your mind and in your culture of your business in your team.

Love it and love it in squad it’ll be in the show notes below that you will put it on the first line down there if you go to time to shine today.com/our White P. Again, that’s time to shine today.com/r YP for reach your peak, there will be the advanced live video masterclass that Brian teaches it’s fantastic. And I gotta tell you also, I’m gonna put in the show notes spot is where Brian interviewed me and he interviewed me live and it was fun. It was a fun interactive, you let me get my jam on but he would throw in these like little knowledge bombs and airplanes flying across the screen and Trey was just so fun. And they’ve watched it and in all of the people that I’m aligned with like Fergie, man, you’ve got to do that too. Okay, like you need to get out there and do this. So luckily, I’ve connected with someone like Brian to do this and soaking up so if you’re really looking to level up and get that part of your business, you know ramped up then please go to that link or let me make a personal introduction to Brian is well in Brian like what? What like, if I’m in a room and I’m doing what my mentors tell me with, you know, two ears and one mouth I’m shutting up Am I listening? What kind of things am I hearing? That would make a great prospect introduction connection for you.

Hmm. I’m looking to gain more exposure for my business. I’m looking to gain more exposure for my brand or even just myself.

Yes, I love it. I

always preach that my show is not my business. It is not for the purpose of making or building business, it results in it. But my focus and intent is not to build a business to because of the show’s existence. It’s like writing a book. If you write a book on a subject, it doesn’t necessarily have to be about your business. And it probably shouldn’t be because you’re going to end up putting in URLs and website addresses that will no longer exist five years from now. People go to my friend. So it’s it’s about getting massive exposure. It’s about building your platform. So yeah, I’d be somebody that says, I No one knows who I am. Love it. I recognize who I am. And with, with what I teach, and that masterclass, by the way, is 100%. Free and nothing that’s for sale. Thank you love it, nothing at all. And there is a call to action where you can get on on the phone with me or a zoom call for an hour. One more time, nothing is for sale. I have nothing for sale. So anyway. Yeah. So I love when folks are looking just to get more exposure. And that’s what it’s about. It’s like getting yourself in the yellow pages, right and back are day to day. So now it’s if anyone comes to Scott Ferguson and says, and they talk to you for the first time, and you have something that you solve a pain of theirs, they’re going to do what they’re going to research you. And when they research you after going through this kind of process with live video, they will not be able to not find you, they will find you everywhere. Love that. I coined a term called carpet bomb marketing. So saturate the marketplace with your message and that through the initial part of that entire process is through live video shows.

Love it, man, I love it. And then you have another giveaway I believe, that has great access to things entrepreneurs or even basic entrepreneurs, I really helped them level up. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Yeah, it’s I call it a entrepreneur discount house. And it’s Think of it like Costco or Sam’s Club, but it’s a free membership. And there aren’t 1000s of products, there’s like four in there now. So it’s basically the number one in there that most people love is you can get what we’re recording this on right now. And a very, very, very small price for a 500 seat meeting 500 seat webinar. It is the same service. I’m being careful, I’m not supposed to say this publicly. But you’ll have to go to the actual club, it’s free reach your peak club.com is where you go. It’s a free membership. Get in there, you’ll see what I’m talking about. But you would normally pay upwards close. Well, it’s over 9000 A month because it minimum number of licenses to get the service that you’ll get for $12.99. And I use it every single day. So it’s a real deal. It’s legit, the masterclass happens to be in there as well, which is free, of course, really, my go to automation tool that I use for everything as a first thing I log into everyday P connector that’s there, any virtual e va agency is in there that I use that is certified in the CRM that I use. So they are a godsend, they do a lot of the back end processes for myself and for my clients on their shows. So all that I put stuff in that I use personally and on a daily basis and or I teach which is the master shirt. And so I’m very picky and selective. I don’t know when I’ll add more to it. I don’t know if I’ll add more to it, but it has.

It’s a great resource squad. Another great resource he has is reach your peak library.com It’s funny I’ve went through here and I’ve read almost every single book that Brian said on there. So if you want a really good refresher to help you level up, please also go to reach your peak library.com and everything is going to be in the show notes. There’s just a lack of better term a buttload of links down there for you to pick from to really level up and probably do me a favor. Leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action on

be authentic. Be yourself in all cases, live with the utmost character that you’re capable of know that you’re going to make mistakes and be okay with that and get over and move on. But live with the intent to do good to serve others to love people to give people a hug on the street. I’m like you Scott, I’m a hugger. He’s very respectful. Just put a smile on someone else’s face and it will be reciprocated but don’t do it with that in mind. Don’t Don’t don’t give a smile to get a smile give one to hopefully change their state internally to something better than it was a moment ago. Love

it. Love it. And thank you so much and squad we really had a free masterclass about leveling up your life and business on both sides here with my good friend Brian Kelly, who’s a person that really wants to excel in his faith, his family, his self and also help others Excel. You know he has an attitude of serving And he’s always really open to reciprocation. He doesn’t do it with an expectation of getting stuff, but he just knows that that’s the way the universe and God works. You know, he just wants to remind you, especially if you come from an upbringing, like Brian and I did have maybe you know, you didn’t, you went with lack a lack mindset. It’s okay. It is okay to excel and succeed. And that money is a vehicle for liberation. It gives you choices, and he believes that instincts are built on experience. So the more that you’re out there in learning your instincts will get better. You know, Brian is known for some of the this salad, stellar attention to detail and the highest quality and if you’re stuck in something get help or like my good friend Leah Woodford passed on to me, Ken, you’re asking gear seek and help is seek help and accept acceptance, but also take action on that, you know, Brian is somebody that is going to slide across home plate bumped in bruise, but no one that he’s planted those trees that he knows will never sit in the shade of. And he’s helping people really level up. And if you’re out there and you want to gain more exposure for your business or yourself, get involved with Brian’s carpet bomb marketing, it is absolutely fantastic. You know, he has an entrepreneur discount house, which that is in our show notes. And he wants us to remind ourselves in an always to be authentic, live with awesome character and live with the intent to do good and serve. And that’s exactly what my good friend Brian does. He levels up his healthy levels up as well. He’s humble yet he’s hungry. He’s earned his varsity squad letter here at times 10 Today, thanks so much, Brian, for coming out of legitly. Love your guts and I can’t wait to collaborate with you more in the future.

Same Same here, Scott. Thanks so much. It’s been an absolute blast. I appreciate you brother. Awesome

brother chat soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com/guest If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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