134-Ready to Take Mental, Spiritual and Physical Action? – TTST Interview with Life and Leadership Coach Ryan Stanley

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Welcome to Episode 134 – Top coach Ryan Stanley drops by TTST to share his story and drops some serious Knowledge Nuggets to help you Level UP.  A musician and entrepreneur who knows what it takes to help others! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!

Live on purpose and inspire others to do the same

– Ryan Stanley

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Entrepreneurship is an art form 

2. A great coach holds their clients to an agenda (be able to see a project through)

3. Thoughts are things – choose wisely

4. Most of your blind spots come from fear

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click



Ryan’s Book: Be Patient, Be Present, Be Joyful

Ryan’s Linked IN

Ryan’s Twitter

Life and Leadership Facebook Page

Ryan’s Instagram


Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout  

Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript


Hey, this is Ryan Stanley. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson. Time to shine today podcast Rob. This is Scott Ferguson and it is Episode 134 with my good buddy Ryan Stanley. Ryan’s a rockin musician. He’s got a fantastic pro coaching program. He’s going to remind you that entrepreneurship is an art form, that thoughts are things and choose wisely and without giving away too much more than interview. I really need you to sit back relax, break out a notebook and take some notes because when I went through this interview with him, I have two pages of notes and so should you. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Ryan Stanley.


Hey, time to shine today varsity squad did Scott Ferguson and I’ve got kind of a really good Brenton. Now his name’s Ryan Stanley, and he is a person, that entrepreneur. He’s going to help you level up. He’s helped thousands of other people level up. And again, I mentioned he is a lifelong entrepreneur who has no firm, impressively, his impressively natural ability to connect with understand and empower those who are willing to make significant changes in their personal and professional lives. Notice that he says willing to, you know, he wants people to be there, be mindful as he takes some time we’re going to dig into that as well. He is certified through the Institute for professional excellence at AIPAC, which is fantastic. And it did that in 2009. He has changed the lives of hundreds of clients from all walks of life. And also he’s an author published author of his book, be patient, be present be joyful. The link will be in the show notes with the link to purchase his book, but I’m also going to do a giveaway which we’ll talk about at the end when Ryan talks a little bit about his book, and Ryan is welcome to the squad if you could introduce yourself, but first what’s your Favorite color, and why? First, I would say my favorite color is a happy middle, similar between blue and purple pie. I don’t really know for sure. It’s just something that I forget at an early age just kind of stuck out to me and I wish I had a better answer than just go man. It’s regal. It’s royal, bro.


That’s awesome. That’s it. That’s


it right is my jersey guy up there, man. It’s fantastic. I love what I do cuz I get to talk people. You know, earlier, I was on with someone from Australia. And I got my jersey East Coast guy here. I love it. I love it. I love it. Let’s get the origins man of where you were as an entrepreneur, and how you really kind of maybe segue that into really wanting to service and help people through coaching. Yeah, happily. And again, first of all, just let me just share a little gratitude. Scott, thank you for having me.


appreciate being here.


So yeah, man. I mean, I’ve always been a little bit of a lifelong entrepreneur to be honest with you. My father was an entrepreneur sometimes for better for worse type of scenario. Years and years, but as, as a very early age, I just had the understanding that it was a possibility. And that’s kind of what was an option always just to start your own thing and create your own thing. And so my first entrepreneurial endeavor, I think, was when I was maybe 18. I got involved with a multi level marketing direct sales organization. And through that I started reading, thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. And that obviously helped me level up a little bit. I’m, I’m what I call a bit of an add entrepreneur, I’m always working on something I see entrepreneurial ism as a an art form. I think when you look at artists, you look at musicians, you look at sculptors, painters, whatever. There are people who are able to start with nothing, and have an image or something in their mind. They want to create and make the time to put it out there and create it for the world to see. And entrepreneurs are no different. Try they are people who make time to create something that will ideally create service of some sort to the world and get paid for it right. But it starts off with an idea Yeah, you know, that’s interesting that you said that brother because artists like I suffer from this, myself artists, like even Van Gogh there is like 72 like paintings or canvases that he never finished, right? I mean, like legitly. I mean, he didn’t live a long life, but he never finished and being an add attribute which I am to I’m a great starter. I’m a great initiator, do you ever have problems being an admittedly? So being an add entrepreneur, finishing where you have to bring on somebody else to help you with the finish? Or do you see it all the way through? Just curious? Yeah, great question. I think it’s a combination of both. I do see it through. But I think the benefit of bringing in other people to help focus specific areas, depending on what the project is putting with the businesses is certainly helpful. Okay, so some of my projects kind of to answer your question. I say both. So my projects, it’s not there, I give up on them or stop spending time on them as much as they take longer than they probably could have because of my distractibility, right and then so sometimes it’s just about bringing somebody into debt. You know, we touched on that before the actual show started but delegate some of some of the efforts that need to get done, which in itself is a lesson in entrepreneurship itself though delegation part. So, let’s get into the story of when you started, you know, segwaying into coaching. Yeah, happily. So 2008 I was I had an artist management company, I was working with bands, I used to manage a bunch of bands, and loved it. I’m a huge fan of lydenburg Yes, big fish nerd. seen them over 100 times, but just in general Love Live music, love being around the energy of live music, love watching people improvise, or the things I love most about life is the ability to be here now and improvise with life. So musicians that are able to do that are I’m naturally a fan of. So I was working with musicians and what I loved most about it was the empowerment was the was helping these often young people recognize that there are opportunities that they can set big goals. It’s interesting, you know, we talked about entrepreneurship being a form of art. But a lot of people don’t realize that musicians are actually entrepreneurs, right? They don’t take the time to think about that. But they are creative entrepreneurs. They’re creating a product that they want to sell to the masses for income. And so I being a lifelong entrepreneur loved approaching these, these young artists and musicians, from a space of entrepreneurship and kind of helping them see what their options and goals were. I didn’t necessarily like dealing with shady club owners. And I didn’t if I was working with a band, and half the members didn’t want to show up to practice on time or whatever. There were aspects of turned more into babysitting than it was really about working together as a team. Couple other things I didn’t love about it. And I’m a firm believer that you can love your job and you can love every aspect of your life if you choose to remind yourself of what that looks like every day. So in October 2008 I think it came up three times in the same month. Somebody mentioned that the term coaching and I was like, You know what, that is what I do. That’s what I love. That’s who I am. I didn’t know it necessarily, but that’s definitely aligns with who I am and how I want to serve. So I started doing some research. And you know, as you mentioned, I enrolled in AIPAC in 2009. And still worked with musicians, I was able to get rid of all the things I didn’t like about working as an as an artist manager and keep all the things that I did love, as well as learn a lot about myself along the way. So I mean, next to parenthood coaching is the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done. I will absolutely do on some level for the rest of my life. They are both places where you are teaching and learning at the same time consistently. And yeah, I absolutely love it. Dude, do you still coach musicians?


I do. Okay. I don’t just work musicians, a part of my career, worked specifically with musicians first five or six years. I then was asked to become the first ever internal coach for AIPAC. So I coached their staff, everyone from entry level to CEOs. So the C suite I was coaching, and so that was able to kind of, I was able to kind of spread my wings a little bit in the diversity and types of bros able to coaching right And so since then I’ve coached doctors, I’ve coached authors, I’ve coached, you know, people in all walks of life. But yeah, I certainly still look musicians that that’s where I started and I bought referrals in that space as well. Gotcha. You hear that squad. He started out where he was niched in where he was comfortable in then inch by inch. It’s essentially kept growing, growing, growing his business now he’s handling, you know, multi million dollar earners. I fantastic, man, thanks for sharing that. Ryan.


Real quick, you know, what do you think makes a great coach?


Yeah, of course. Me often, I think, what I think what makes the best coach are people who are truly able to hold the client’s agenda at all times. I mean, obviously, there’s some basic stuff that comes to mind from anybody who might assume it’s like listening is good. Reflecting is good. You know that that type of the ability to be present with people, it certainly makes a big difference. But in the grand scheme of things a coach, what would what makes a coaching relationship powerful in general is their ability to hold your agenda. A lot of the time we have friends, we have family, we have other people who love us. And if we’re looking for guidance, they have their own agenda, which is sometimes that they love us. But it also is based on their fears and their background and their limiting beliefs and things that hold them back. They are going to be presenting to us, because their agenda is they love us and quote unquote, don’t want us to get hurt based on their life. I’ve never heard that holds the agenda. I’ve never heard that. That’s fancy. So you’re actually putting their needs, I’m doing that in air quotes, people if you’re listening, you know, their needs first, you know, to be able to work around them to help them still level up their lives, right? Yep. And by doing that, you know, because of a client comes to me and I’m working with them two things. One, I don’t have their fears. I don’t have their blocks. I don’t have their limiting beliefs. I’m mostly focused exactly on what they said they want to accomplish. And that is their agenda. Right? That’s awesome. I hold that up. Sometimes. And for new coaches out there, we might even say it’s like, Am I asking the right questions? Am I being a good coach? You know, that is my agenda, believe it or not like sitting there spending any time during my conversation focused on that stuff. I am not present with the client. The other point that comes up is sometimes the human nature is wants to ask questions that are more serving of our agenda like just curiosity or even a sense from human nature nosiness. But if we can avoid all of that and truly stick to what the clients outcome once you know what what the client wants their outcome to be and focus on that at all times. Sometimes you don’t ask questions that have nothing to do with the outcome and helps you stay focused and help people move forward. I love that. So if I’m out at a networking event, which in South Florida, we’re allowed to do a little bit down here, press some flesh, meet some people, you know, what is it? What am I listening for someone to say? That would make them a great referral contact or connection for you, Ryan? You know, what have you and you kind of touched on it. By the way, thank you for asking the question. You touched on at the beginning, I think people who are willing to take some some steps make willing to take daily action, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional action, we’re ready to live a different life or ready to change directory of your life and are you know able to recognize it They haven’t been able to do it on their own. It doesn’t make them a bad person. Everybody is exactly who they should be for every single second of life they’ve lived up until this moment. Your past does not equal your future. But sometimes it leakier present. And so if you want to shift that, and you’re looking for somebody to help you guide you to ask you questions you hadn’t thought to ask yourself, somebody who spent a lot of time focused on mindset, and this change lives and I’m a guy, you know, I love that I love your confidence, I love that you put it that way to that they are they need to be ready, in a sense date, you know, to take action, mentally, physically, spiritually, etc. So, when you’re bringing someone on if you don’t mind sharing some of your secret sauce, you bring someone whether discover you’ve taken them, you know, on as a client, what is some of your secret sauce to help them find their blind spots versus recognizing two things? Fear and judgment. Right. So typically, most people’s blind spots come from fear. And first thought, well, I’ll caveat this with nine caveats I will also say that fears a liar, just as kind of a point before it gets really, really important for people to recognize. But a majority of people’s blocks and limiting beliefs come from fear of what others think. Right? So in some capacity, you’re worried about someone else somewhere else thinks and so I’m afraid to step outside of my comfort zone, because that might be then which leads to part B judgment I might be, I’ll be judged as good or bad. Right. And so when we are, at any point concerned what someone else thinks it holds, it keeps us in a box, and keeps us from really being our true self and integrated flowers. Yeah, that’s to say that that’s, that’s something I resonate. I did a whole podcast on, you know, I was taught by my mentors to live in the duality of life where one as long as you’re not hurting someone, or they’re judging them or demeaning them, don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about you at all, as long as you’re not hurting by and then that also comes with a duality of serve the most petty people as you can. That’s how, you know I coach my clients. You know, and I think that’s how I love that you the blind spot that the fear, you know, can lead to judgment of themselves. That’s fantastic. That’s that’s one of the best answers I’ve ever freakin had of that. So is there any good when you’re when you’re bringing somebody in? We’ll go back kind of the discovery period. Is there any good as I see this any good questions that you wish they would ask you, but never do?


And? I don’t know. That’s a great question. I think everybody’s journey is so unique. So I can’t say that anything comes to mind answer your questions. And the questions they asked me because the cool thing about being a coach is it’s really never ever about me. Right? in any sense. I literally have, you know, been working as a coach for 10 years. And the amount of times I’ve had anybody asked me about anything about myself. I mean, literally is one hand I could ask and it’s typically in that case is typically after our calls or after our coaching relationship ends, we become friends, and we talk a little bit. So really, most people I think it’s what’s important for them to ask themselves these questions and when is he willing to step up? Do I recognize that I have the ability to be whoever I is that I want to be loved? There’s a lot of powerful questions in general. I’d be asking about your fails, man, somebody somewhere you failed forward and be like, how did you get over? And how are you going to help me? That’s just something that, you know, I have coaches, and I asked them even now, I’ve had one for five years. Like, dude, tell me about that one again, you know, but hey, so let’s, let’s get in our DeLorean with Marty McFly, you know, that is right back to the future. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Ryan Stanley, what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on? Ryan, with the experience that you have now to maybe help shorten the learning curve or level up quicker? Sure. So the identity of 22 year old Ryan was somebody who drank a lot, not necessarily in an abusive space, but and it wasn’t like seven days a week but you know, Thursday through Sunday, like I was partying quite a bit. I was certainly identified as someone who I felt like I needed to be the life of the party or I needed to have other people’s approval or to like me as a person. Like, that’s, that’s what got me going. Like that’s how I wanted to be. I was I was always a bit of an entrepreneur. So I like building businesses, but really, at the end of the day, most of my focuses was around being on other people so I could feel their love and some capacity. It’s almost like what you just talked about with people’s blind spots, right? It’s like the layer and judgment, right? That’s cool. See, so what would you tell them? I would say spend less time on that and for more focused on exactly who you want to be for the rest of your life. And that could change and it’s okay that it changes. But really, if you make more time, choosing to be present, choosing to create something that will serve others and work hard towards that type of an outcome. I promise you in the end, it will be worth it. You’ll get there sooner than later. Love that. Love it and right, we talked a little bit here a lot a bit about the dash, that little line that’s in between your incarnation date and your expiration date. You know, how do you want your dash remember, how do you make Your epitaph for your legacy statement. Yeah. And that’s, you know, we touched on my book, but it was part of the reason that I wrote that is really is as a piece of a legacy. I think I want to be known as somebody who lived on purpose every day and inspired others to do the same. And was, you know, like I said, my most important thing in my life is being a father. And that’s in the sense that I want to be remembered as somebody that guided their children to be that as well as on purpose. I love it. It’s a total go giver mentality. And you have two boys. I think I read on the ones that six of the handful, enough to keep me busy. Yeah, I love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. So


what are three things that Ryan can’t live without?


Oxygen, sunlight and gravity.


Okay. Very good. I’ll take that. That’s, that’s fine. All right. on there, though, right? Babies a little bit of bacon, I’m saying.


I say that intentionally. And I don’t want to


this too much, but really just the concept of those Do you think about those three things often like daily, like a sense that when I wake up every single morning, there’s oxygen, there’s sunlight, there’s gravity just so that I can exist.


It’s gratitude.


Right? And when I recognize that, and I recognize that today is a gift, every single day is a gift. No matter whether it’s a global pandemic are not like life is happening for me. I’ve my you know, my consciousness is here today, with sunlight, gravity and oxygen so that I can exist, what am I going to do with it? So not only cannot Can I not live without those things, but I cannot live without the awareness of those things. I know it sounds obvious, but really, when you think about it, it brings you to the present and gives you the opportunity to the miracle that we’re able to exist like we are take advantage of that, you know, and help as many people out as you can to realize that as well. So, right what’s what’s one thing you know, for sure. One thing I know for sure is that your thoughts are things and if you that, if you recognize you combine that with the fact that life is happening for you, and you choose your thoughts wisely. They will lead you to where exactly as you want to be Love it. Love that love it love it. So what would be your definition of a life well lived. A life well lived is someone who decides who they want to be, or and is open to that changing drawing doesn’t have to you have to decide right depending on where you’re your age where you are in your life where your relationships are, but decide who you want to be. take action on it every single day. And simultaneously being the light you want to see in the world. Love it. Love it this beautiful. So as we wind things down just a little bit. We’re going to do our leveling up lightning round, man. So I’m going to ask you five or six questions you can I can talk for an hour on each one of these but five seconds in fact real quick answers with no explanations. You’re ready. I’ll do my best. All right, here we go. What’s the best leveling up advice you ever received?


Be Here Now.


Love it. Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. I wake up every morning I meditate for an hour I then exercise I then do what I call my Im statements where I focus on who I am creating, I then stretch and then I journal meaning I start every day mentally, physically, spiritually emotionally on purpose. Love it. So morning routines beautiful awesome. So other than your website and of course time to shine today calm I’ve shameless plug. What website Do you like to go to the level up? Ah, sounds so bland but YouTube man, there’s so much right? So people just say Google my game that works for me this website. So now what you wrote not what you’re reading now. Not the flavor of the month. What’s that? Go to book if? If I was to come tonight, right, man, I’m in the doldrums. You know, you know, I’m just a little lost. You know? What’s the book that your hand into him? Breaking habit of being yourself by Dr. Joe dispenza. Wow. Okay, excellent. I have to look at I have not read that. That’s new to me. And there’s a there’s another he’s written about four books that break and have to be yourself is a great entry level. It’s a little bit heady because it’s really scientific but and then the second one is becoming supernatural and either one of those real from what’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? smiley face? I’m not a big emoji guy. God either said mask? Yeah. Got wisdom wise and knowledge wise, physical wise, what age would you be for the rest of your life? If you could be?


I feel like 25 there.


Yeah, I’m like between 20 and 32 is my jam. You know? Yeah, it’s kind of what’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time and or money to mockingbirds foundation? Was that do? They supply music, musical instruments to schools throughout the country? To who can afford them? Love it. Love it. Last question. This will resonate with you. It’s a little harder. But what’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s? That’s it. That is a difficult one for me to answer. I cannot I can Not too long, no problem. No problem. I had if I was forced to, I would say 17 because I think it came there was so much that came out of this so much. So that’s what I always answer, man. I’m just I’m almost 50 so it’s like, you know, Sunday’s was my jam. You know, my dad was friends with Bob’s ear, you know, we can hang out with him. Just be able to listen to people that were around at that time. But tell us a little bit about Be patient, be present be joyful. Yeah, happily. So it’s, be patient, be present be joyful. There’s a sub subtitle of first aid kit for the emotional bumps, scrapes and bruises of life. And I mentioned that now because it’s exactly what it is it was is written with two purposes, one that you can so first of all, it’s not a long read, you could probably read in about 35 minutes, intentionally created to be short. I’m not one who as we mentioned, being an add entrepreneur, I’m also an E reader. So I am not one who wants to read 300 pages, amazing books out there that a ton of information. I’m not awesome at reading them. So I wanted something that if I have someone like me was having a tough day they could pick up and Really just get something out of there like, you know from a layman’s terms from a conversational perspective. And so this book was written with two purposes, one that you can read straight through it, and gain some some concepts on how anybody can create patients and create presents that can create joy just in everyday life. And then you know, when you kind of read through, you have an understanding what those steps look like in any any given day, but then be as a first aid kit, if you’re having a stressful moment. It’s like thinking for those who see on YouTube, it’s a smaller book, you can literally carry it on you. And it was created and physically written to where you can open any page and find something that will be highlighted, or stand out to you as a quote or as a blurb, or as a message, or as a bolded text to serve you in that moment. So if you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, you don’t have a lot of time to read a book. You can just open it up and find the page and then how are you enlightened to write it meaning like who who is your inspiration? My inspiration was me, meaning in the sense that I was having I recognize these challenges in myself. I wrote this book as much for me as I did for the rest of the world. But also a combination of seeing after 10 years my clients having these basic and I don’t say that in a belittling sense but these basic needs of understanding the value of patience and the ability to create presence and to actually know that it’s possible to create joy on command if you really want to and you build out a practice as well love that love inspiration on demand that’s beautiful, and be able to carry it with you as well and squad I’m going to give away a book and when you listen to this, go over to the time to shine today. It’s facebook.com slash time to shine today it’s all one word, and then leave a little message in the link about this podcast. I think you’ve found some some serious knowledge nuggets here. So when you do that, I’ll dm you and we’ll get a signed copy out directly here from Mr. Ryan Stanley. So right where else can we where else can we find you? You can find me at Ryan Stanley calm, that’s where you’ll that’s where most of my coaching and speaking stuff like that as well. You see my impressive website? I like it. Thanks, man. Yeah, yeah, so you can find me there. You can also buy a copy of my book there as well if you also get a signed copy directly and my availability will come with a complimentary coaching session. But you can also find the book on Amazon and wherever books are sold. Sure. Quickly, I will just share to other plugs. I’ve got another t shirt company called setlist tees, calm, okay. And so it’s for fans of live music. It’s like a unique piece of art featuring the date from your favorite concert on the front. And then the setlist from that concert is going to be on the back. So you know, visionaries like myself, you see the band 100 times you want to remember certain ones in certain orders of songs they played, and then teach me to sell calm is another as a sales training company that I started this year. specifically working with service oriented solopreneurs or what I call SOS is I have a partner in that. And a lot of the time coaches, consultants, fitness instructors, people who want to serve even in direct sales, essential oils, they’ve they’ve had this concept where they want to serve the world. They want to Just be a life changer. And now they get their certification or whatever it is. And now all of a sudden someone asked them how much they cost and they freaked out and they get uncomfortable and they get nervous and they never planned to be a salesperson. And now somehow they have to be and so we train people to recognize that you really stop selling and start serving.


That’s a heck of a URL to own. That’s, that was, that was a sign I was like, Okay, this is it. I made it man. That’s fantastic. If I leave us with one last validation, I get the you want the squad to take with them, internalize and take action on and, you know, I’ll dial it back to Napoleon Hill. Make time today to write down exactly who you want to be in all areas of your life. Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and relationship, write it down. If it takes you an hour, if it takes you two hours, I promise you, it’ll be worth it. After you write it down, make time to be grateful for that outcome and believe that it’s a possibility, create gratitude for the outcome, and spend time in that space with an elevated emotion. Next day tomorrow wake up in the morning and read that out loud with gratitude for the outcome. I just turned it up there I have my index card from the first time I wrote it in 2000 year 2000 so by this year I will have in my possession you know much money and I will do this by Sir Yeah, I still have it. You know, I’ve surpassed that index card but it’s still sits in my Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich book like literally I’m looking at it from right here. So folks, you get a Scott a free masterclass from my good friend Ryan Stanley, who is admittedly an add entrepreneur but he still sees things through through delegation, the fantastic quality of half. If you’re going to hire him, just remember he’s gonna hold your agenda at heart and he’s going to coach from his heart to work your agenda to help you level up and he’s looking for people that are willing to take daily action mentally, spiritually, physically and on and on, to help level up. You know, he is going to remind You don’t live in fear. Fear is a frickin lie. Okay? And, you know, if you do live in fear, you’re going to fear and then you’re going to feel like you’re being judged. So he’s going to help you level up from that when you take him on as your coach, which I strongly recommend you do. He’s going to remind you to focus on you want who you want to be. He lives on purpose and always inspires others to do the same. He will remind you that thoughts are things so choose your thoughts wisely, so make sure you pick up his book. Also check out setlist tees with all this stuff will be in the show notes and I also teach me to sell Ryan, thank you for coming on, man. You’re humble. You’re hungry. You’re leveling up your health, you level up your wealth. You’re part of our squad now you can’t go anywhere. So really, really appreciate you, brother.


I appreciate you as well, man. It’s really really My pleasure. Thank you for having


chat soon. Cheers. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, probably brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate, real estate excellence, who can be reached at 5612 497266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.

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