306-Awaken, Heal and Love at the ‘Soulular’ Level – TTST Interview with Spiritual Guide, Life and Love Coach Roxanne Chaput

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Roxanne Chaput is a Spiritual Guide, Energy Healer, Shaman and Life and Love Coach, her Soul’s mission is to guide Souls to Awaken. Heal. Love at the “Soullular” level, Roxanne is  here to inspire, effect energetic change and empower amazingness in each and every single Soul possible!

Silence the noise and trust yourself, go deep, trust your instincts and follow your souls mission

  – Roxanne Chaput

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Roxanne will help you find disruptions in your energy field. Will work with you until you are fully sustainable on your own

2. Never negate your self care!

3. A great coach will help you identify your life’s purpose. Will help you see your authentic self.

4. Be honest and truthful, accept the positive and negative

5. Silence the noise and trust yourself, go deep, trust your instincts and follow your souls mission

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Roxanne, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast versus buy. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why? Oh, purple? Why is it purple?

Unknown Speaker  2:20  

I just love cotton candy. But I just love fun. Can you guys just purple, I just find it so soothing. So melancholy. And I just find it such a beautiful color.

Unknown Speaker  2:30  

And it’s regal and royal like yourself, you know. And it’s you also have the red and blue in it. Right? That’s my favorite color too. So, right I’m sure you can get a little fired up every once in a while, like humanity. But the blue is kind of chill and relaxed. and stuff. And you got a little purple hue there and your background to looks. I do my logo. I love it this suit. And I love how the angel if you’re watching sky, you can see like the little halo like sits right above her head. I love this. I love it. So let’s get to a little bit of the roots of kind of where you started and how you got to the point now where you’re really helping people level up at the soul year level.

Unknown Speaker  3:06  

Yeah, absolutely. So ever since I was a little girl, I just had this deep, knowing Mattis that I was being called to elevate that I was being called to serve humanity, I was always very receptive to energy. Even as a child like adults would come to Me for guidance, they would share their whole life story with me, they would kind of just like to be in my presence, just because they always had like a very calm presence of like, if their energy with a little bit disrupted, they’d kind of just come in my energy field and kind of get their fix I like to say, and I remember always asking my family and my friends like my parents, like, do you have this burning desire that you’re just meant to serve humanity on a greater scale? They’re like, No, like, I just don’t understand what you’re like what you’re trying to say. So I just kind of, you know, I couldn’t resonate with anyone. I couldn’t click with anyone in that sense. Like I couldn’t find, you know, the purpose of that, like was different was it just something that I was feeling inside of me that everyone feels inside of them, but just didn’t maybe didn’t want to, you know, bring it forward. And, you know, just going to life’s trials and tribulations I worked at the cancer center. And throughout my entire life, people would always kind of refer to me as their angel. And I had these incredible patients at the cancer center. And obviously, most of my clients and patients were palliative. And I had a pediatric population and a very, like young population, which was obviously very challenging. Yes. And they would always refer to me as their angel. They would always come to me and I wasn’t like the psychologist or neuropsychologist or like the Counselor of the program. I was like, like the coordinator, like I did a lot of the coordination and they would literally just share their entire life story with me right there at my desk and like just pouring out their heart to me and like, telling me their fears of like the next transition that they’re going through and like most of them, like I said, we’re palliative and they’re dying. It was just something that I thought that everyone did, I thought that everybody had like kind of that gift like that everybody was able to kind of help, you know, heal others and to like, just sue them. Especially like end of life, I just I wasn’t sure that that’s kind of, that’s what my gifts were. And as I kind of went through life a little bit further, I, you know, experienced some unhealthy relationships to a very, very unhealthy marriage. And then I ended up leaving with my three beautiful children. Oh, after I left my marriage, I experienced four near death experiences. And the first near death experience was truly one of like one of the more pivotal moments of my awakening period. And it just made me realize that I wasn’t living to my purpose. And at this time that the first near death experience happened, we had went over a cliff. And I remember, I was working as an executive at a local college here in Canada. And I just remember thinking to myself, like, I’ve been telling myself, I’m happy, I’m good. I’m always positive. I’m always, you know, in a great mood, I’m always uplifting others inspiring others, but am I really living my life’s purpose? Like, is this really what I want to do for the rest of my life? Like, how am I serving humanity by doing this job? I just, I couldn’t Lincoln and it didn’t feel fulfilling? And I was like, What am I doing with my life? And then that’s when I started to embark on my own self and soul mastery journey.

Unknown Speaker  6:22  

Wow. Where did you start with that?

Unknown Speaker  6:26  

My, my, my journey, your journey? Yes.

Unknown Speaker  6:28  

I mean, obviously, you had to journey to where you’re at. And by the way, I don’t understand how you have three kids, if you look like you’re about 20.

Unknown Speaker  6:38  

I’m close to Hardy. But I’m gonna say 29 forever.

Unknown Speaker  6:44  

I just turned 50. So we were like fine wine. We

Unknown Speaker  6:49  

It’s what my soul feels like inside. Right. Right. Right. And yeah, so I think that journey really just commenced, as I just really started questioning my reality, questioning my belief system, and really figuring out what was really authentically me and what was kind of, you know, put on me, what did I feel that I should do? What did I feel that I was supposed to do opposed to what I truly desire to do? And what was that burning feeling within, you know, my soul, that was telling me that I wasn’t living in alignment, and that I was doing something different. So I think that’s like, the moment where I just, you know, really started questioning everything, my belief systems, it’s almost like I, if you think of a house, and it’s like, I tore down the house and tore down the foundation, ripped out the foundation and started building a brand new foundation on my own belief system, and what actually felt right within me, and that resonated within me, and not what was being said in the world. Because I’m sure, you know, there’s been a lot of conditioning and conformity that has happened and transpired throughout the world, especially as childhood, you know, like going through our childhood. And that was something that I really, really took a lot of time about six months to a year to really kind of dissect and rebuild that aspect of my cycling.

Unknown Speaker  8:06  

Wow. And then I don’t mean any disrespect to in this, because I’m sure you did throughout your life. But when did you really start to believe in yourself?

Unknown Speaker  8:16  

Honestly, I really started to believe myself at that moment when I when I nearly died the first time. And before that, I didn’t believe in myself before that. I didn’t know that I had guests. I didn’t know that I had different abilities and other people,

Unknown Speaker  8:32  

even though people were telling you the whole time.

Unknown Speaker  8:35  

I got those compliments. I thought everybody, like because I get compliments to everyone as well. So I just thought that that was normal. I realized,

Unknown Speaker  8:44  

wow, that’s amazing. So yeah, I live kind of a life of an imposter, in a sense, where like you’re doing your job and doing it well. But you had a gift that you were not given to the world yet. And it was just in good timing. So then, do you work one on one or in groups? I work one on one. Okay, perfect. So when you start maybe in a discovery period with a new prospect or possible client, what it is your secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing to maybe help them find their blind spot.

Unknown Speaker  9:17  

Their blind spot is always within that we always know our blind spots, but sometimes it just takes somebody else to see something a little bit differently in order. You know, like I always say that it’s always good to have people that surround us to have different perspective because we can see our blind spots when we don’t yeah, sometimes we have to kind of when we’re deemed is deep work and we’re going into our self mastery journey. It’s important that we kind of ask others what they see in us, right? Because sometimes just like myself, I didn’t see what I had within me and that doesn’t have to just be our strengths. That could be our weaknesses as well. And sometimes we already know those weaknesses. Sometimes we already are in within that shadow work. We’re already kind of suppressing a little bit of part of ourselves subconsciously by consciously we kind To know what kind of, you know, not trying to show to the world as opposed to what we’re like wanting to present the world. So I think that really the first part of that is really to just be honest with yourself and to be truthful to yourself and to like, just take away the math and allow, you know, the dark and the light energy to kind of intertwine and be okay to come to the light.

Unknown Speaker  10:22  

Wow. So remove the mask and let any of the energy kind of come into you to be able to work through that in a sense, right. You probably do that through some pretty powerful bludgeoning. Correct. During the maybe the discovery period.

Unknown Speaker  10:35  

Yeah, absolutely. And because I’m a shaman, I’m a generational Shaman. So what I also do, because we do energy healing, and for those that don’t know what shamans are the listeners that don’t know what challenge, please, shamans are ancient healers, so they’ve been around for over 100,000 years. And back then they would be considered the medicine man, medicine woman, spiritual healer, energy healer. And back then really, it was all about traditional healing modalities and about soulful healing modality so shamanism is not spiritual out like is not religion is not organized religion. It’s smoke in yourself to your own individual. So

Unknown Speaker  11:12  

I go straight strong. Well, yeah, I’m sorry. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  11:16  

Yeah. So when so and being a shaman, you can’t just become a shaman is something that you’re born with, you’re initiated into, there’s a whole process and becoming a shaman.

Unknown Speaker  11:25  

You can’t do it online. We keep it light here. We are in that discussion with your prospective clients? Do you call them clients, by the way? Or would you call them the soul connections?

Unknown Speaker  11:43  

Soul connections? I love that. So what is maybe? What is like when you’re working with them? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  11:58  

Yes. You know, I feel like what is preventing me from truly effectively healing. You know, being a human being we have we are four layered beings. We have our emotional, we have our mental we have our physical and then we have our spiritual or energetic Right? Right. A lot of us only heal either one or two aspects of ourselves opposed to healing the actual source of who we are, which is our energy, right? That’s where the disruptions and imprints happen in knowing that we are energetic beings, we’re electromagnetic beings, and that energy never dies. This component disposition of who we are,

Unknown Speaker  12:34  

that is so strong, because we are energy. You know, I mean, everything is energy. And I’m myself, I’m really, really, really big into sound healing myself. You know, I took the course if you really didn’t do it online, actually, when there’s fantastic sound healers here in South Florida and you know, you got the tuning forks and whatnot that we kind of rock out and get it going. But we are all energy and like, if I liken it to almost like a jazz band when I coach clients, right, so, you know, like, the drums might be your financial that guitar might be your personal and like you just said that there’s different aspects that if one of them’s out of tune, it can throw off everything correct?

Unknown Speaker  13:15  

Yeah. Well, we have chakras within us and I’m sure you probably are aware what chakras are but for those that are listening your chakra? Yes. Yeah, your chakra system is like think of little energy turbines within your body. So from your sacrum, like from your sacral, all the way to your crown. You have these incredible chakras as little energy turbines that are turning within you. And if there’s disruptions or there’s imprints that’s what causes mental health, illness, emotional illness and within you Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  13:41  

well, I would like maybe a little step of what you might do to help them clear up those chakras.

Unknown Speaker  13:47  

Yeah, so absolutely. So I do massive trance so I do most shamans do trance so we do journeying as we called it journey. So if you think about NLP, neuro linguistic programming or hypnotherapy is very similar to that. However, they’re fully cognizant and they’re fully aware of what’s happening through the trance. So we ended up going at a soul level and we ended up connecting with their soul. The being an energy healer, an energy reader, I can tell where the disruptions are happening within their energy field. So I can tell which chakra is disrupted. And sometimes for those, it’s percussion, it’s about hitting, I do native drumming. I do rattling I do crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls. And it’s frequency because our our chakras really resonate with frequency because we are vibrational beings, right. So it just depends on the client and it depends on the Schrock on the chakra that’s affected.

Unknown Speaker  14:40  

I love it. So when you’re taking them through your process, and they’re beginning to heal and level up, what kind of things do you put them on for like I’m saying this in air quotes, kind of like maintenance to keep leveling up because a lot of times it can, you know, you’ll hit a block or a loved one may die or you almost fall off a cliff. You know, I mean And what kind of things do you kind of set them up with maintenance?

Unknown Speaker  15:03  

Right, I work with my clients until they’re fully sustainable on their own. That’s why I do offer guarantees. And my journey is, is that they do affect so either healing or awakenings. And so far, and I think that it’s important understanding that we are human beings and that our energy and that we are always going to be embarking on our self and soul mastery journey that will never end we are always going to be attaining wisdom, we are always going to have to do the self work that we need to do. So we need to, and for that, like for some people like to meditate. Personally, I don’t do meditation, that doesn’t work for me. So I do journeying. So however you find your peace and that you’re able to connect with yourself and experience the inner peace and allow that inner peace to kind of prevail through your work that we need to continue to do. And we can’t negate that self care. It’s just like when you’re exercising, you can’t just stop exercising and expect your body to be healthy. Right? So we have to continuously exercise you’ve got to continuously practice just like yoga, continuously practice and make sure that we strengthen love it.

Unknown Speaker  16:01  

Yeah, you know, it’s funny because like I, you know, being 50 and I keep myself decently in shape and whatnot. But it’s like every morning when I wake up now it’s like my check engine lights on, you know, it no matter how much recovery I do, I’m not a meditator, either. I’m a breather. Like I love the deep box breathing and you know, my morning routine is, is always on point, if the you know, I call it chasing energy, a lot of people like Oh, you shouldn’t chase things. But no matter was like, you know, a coyote sees a rabbit. He’s gonna chase it, he’s gonna have a strategy. Gonna have a strategy for catching the rabbit, right? And if you stick to a strategy, you can have that energy. I love that. I love it. So let’s unpack a little bit about this journey. Journey journey. Can you elaborate just a little bit more on that?

Unknown Speaker  16:53  

Yeah, so as shamans, and I mean, this is gonna be a little bit foreign to some listeners. Yeah, as shamans we traveled through worlds, right, so we traveled through dimension. So that is the point of being a shaman. And that’s where we find descriptions. That’s where we encounter our spiritual guides and our animal guides and that’s where we receive our guidance. So shamanism, for me is from an indigenous culture right? So I am indigenous, I’m made of I am French and Native, and it’s a Matey culture here in Canada. So a journey here in Canada and journey can be different in Peru, it just depends on the shaman in their traditions. However, here when we journey it’s like we are going and we’re asking the right questions in order to receive the right responses to see how we’re able to help them heal to guide them to heal. So when we put a client through a journey through a trance is that we are now allowing them they have to get to a certain point in their work, where they’re able to actually open up to actually connect with their own spiritual and their own animal guides. So that’s what the journey where they will receive the answers by doing the journeys.

Unknown Speaker  17:55  

I love that in like it’s funny you said Peru, you just kind of mentioned it because I do make a journey there every two years for little iOS Casca and cleansing and stuff like that, you know, it changed my life it really has it’s not for everybody because it’s a scary as hell situation.

Unknown Speaker  18:13  

Right? It’s a soul retrieval. So yeah, it’s not all shamans youth Ayahuasca here in Canada it’s not legal unfortunately. But we do other medicinal herbs or we do like percussion and we do different things to put them into a trance

Unknown Speaker  18:28  

love it I love this is so fun this because I’m unpacking so much with a professional that does it because I only get my fix you know every couple of years and COVID cut a year out I’m heading there back there in August to do have a meet with guys I served in the military and some hard target you know stuff and we all kind of meet up down there and just, you know, get some you know, black maca and just kind of relax and just, you know, kind of just let loose and I’d come back totally refreshed, cleaned out. That’s for sure. I’ll tell you that with Ayahuasca. Oh my gosh.

Unknown Speaker  19:03  

My first and that’s the thing sometimes when people come through journeys with me because we’re releasing so much emotional distress, distress, mental distress when people start throwing up, some people you know, have bounce. Right, you’re doing an energy cleanse just like you would do like a detox. Like, you know, food detox,

Unknown Speaker  19:22  

right. Have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yeah, let’s give him that glory with Marty McFly. Let’s go back because I know your age kind of let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Roxanne. Okay, is there any good knowledge I guess so we call me your time to shine today is there any good knowledge nuggets you might share with her not so much to change anything right? So because our journey is our journey right? But to maybe help her shorten the learning curve level up and blast to maybe just a little quicker?

Unknown Speaker  19:52  

Yeah, like if I could have redone it from the age of 22. Is that where

Unknown Speaker  19:56  

you don’t know that’s not changing anything on but like you maybe drop some knowledge on her to help her along the journey.

Unknown Speaker  20:04  

Yeah, I would tell her to trust herself and to believe in herself. That would be my biggest that would be the biggest words of wisdom that I received

Unknown Speaker  20:14  

it nails it hits home so much with you because it’s like people had almost inadvertently

Unknown Speaker  20:26  

How do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation? Didn’t your expiration date your life date and death date on your tombstone? Which we hope is way down the road? Right. So stay away from Cliff’s How would you like your dash remembered Roxanne?

Unknown Speaker  20:41  

Honestly, I I’ve never really thought of that. And I think that I really would want to be remembered for just being incredibly loving. Yeah, light Love and Light is what I do want love light and peace on my on my terms. Wow,

Unknown Speaker  20:57  

love light and peace. That strong in you’re actually walking that walk. There’s a lot of people out there. Unfortunately I’ve even interviewed in there. They they talk a good game, but they’re not living. And that’s so imperative I believe, to live to live what you’re talking about. And you do it and we’re so the world so blessed for that. Roxanne. So what do you think then people misunderstand the most about you?

Unknown Speaker  21:26  

I think that they don’t understand what energy healing is. A lot of people like in my surroundings, like a lot of my family and friends really like they’ve always known that I was a very old soul. Like I’ve always kind of labeled as an old soul. I’ve always carried a lot of wisdom. I’ve always channeled a lot of higher universal messages to those around me. And they’re like, where did that go? But yeah, I think that new people like it’s very, I can’t have superficial conversation. I’m a very deep conversationalist. So it’s just for I can’t really speak to those that aren’t really awakened or that are not open to receiving the information that is being channeled.

Unknown Speaker  22:04  

Wow, that’s strong. That’s where you can help them. So like, as you evolved to where you are, in you look back at your journey, your physical journey, if you will. Was there ever somebody that was always there? Whether metaphysically or physically there was always there, you look back into Damn, I just wasn’t aware to it.

Unknown Speaker  22:33  

Yeah, I’ve always had an incredible spiritual guide two angels over me and one is an ancestor and an indigenous ancestor. And she is a shaman. And she had this is how I knew I was a shaman is because she came into my dreams for almost four months straight. And she kept calling me to the land, I won’t go into the full description of the dream because it may take up some time. However, it was an incredible dream. And it wasn’t till another shaman in my community. Let me know what that by doing dream interpretation. Let me know what that dream is. And that’s kind of how I realized I was a shaman, but instinctually and the feeling of the warmth that I felt with her in my dream. She has always been around me.

Unknown Speaker  23:13  

Wow, that’s amazing that you’re we’re alert to because there’s been people in my life that were barking at me in a sense, right? That I just wasn’t open to hearing it could not have been an ego for me, to be honest with you. But then I look back now and I’m a lot more centered. I mean, I’m always evolving, but there was there was people there my path. There was awesome. So then what, what keeps you up at night,

Unknown Speaker  23:37  

the world where it’s going

Unknown Speaker  23:41  

with heavy,

Unknown Speaker  23:42  

heavy use of the world just because obviously I am working with light and I do a lot of light working and there’s a disbalance meant happening in the world. And I think that energetically any light worker is failing that right now. It’s just not to be playing into that narrative and just to keep emitting light and loving peace regardless of what’s transpiring throughout the world. However, it is bothersome for our futures. It’s bothersome for our children. It’s bothersome for just other living beings. We’re all divine creatures. We are unity we are Divine oneness, so that’s bothersome.

Unknown Speaker  24:15  

Wow. So what are three things that that let’s not say any computers or technological or anything basic like food, air, water or whatnot, like what are three things that Roxanne can’t live without?

Unknown Speaker  24:33  

Love? Love family. My family like my imminent family. Sure, a lot of family and just goodness.

Unknown Speaker  24:45  

I love it. I think you need community in the sense to in a sense, you know, because it’s like you’re so your energy in the community just ramps up your energy. I absolutely love that. So, then what is Roxanne’s definition of a life well lived

Unknown Speaker  25:00  

a life well lived is serving humanity at a greater level beyond what we serve ourselves. And this might feel contradictory. And I believe that we should always obviously fill our cup. But I feel that what we give to the world has to be beyond what we can offer what we feel that we can offer, it has to go beyond that.

Unknown Speaker  25:19  

So let me ask you something, then let’s unpack that a little bit deeper. Like, are you open to reciprocation? Yes, absolutely. Okay. Because a lot of times, especially energy people, they’re giving, giving, giving so much that they can block the goodness coming in, you know, I mean, it’s, I’m happy that you are and I’m happy for you saying that,

Unknown Speaker  25:38  

you know, I did a lot of research around the laws of attraction, I have certifications and law of attraction. And I understand that it’s not just the law of attraction at hand, there’s 11 other universal laws that go into collaboration with the law of attraction. You know, law of vibration law of correspondence law of attraction, there’s so many different laws that go in like that coincide with the law of attraction. So when we think about reciprocity, it’s important that we understand how to receive and how to give.

Unknown Speaker  26:05  

Wow, that’s that is amazing and just being open to receiving too because I mean, I was I was give, give, give and delivered so good, but I wasn’t open, I found out the blocking and luckily, my coach, spiritual coach, you know, she’s just like, you have to feel the stuff. And once I did it, everything just really turned the corner. Time to shine today, podcast versus squad, we’re back and Roxanne. Maybe one day we’ll sit down and have a discussion in the flesh face to face. But and we’ll probably talk 1520 minutes on each one of these questions, but you have five seconds with no explanation on these questions, and they can all be answered that way. I promise. Okay. Okay. Awesome. All right. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Unknown Speaker  26:55  

I’m sorry, I cut out a little bit. What’s the

Unknown Speaker  26:57  

best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Unknown Speaker  27:01  

Hmm. Try for myself.

Unknown Speaker  27:04  

Yes, sure. One of your personal habits that contribute to your success.

Unknown Speaker  27:10  

Practicing what I preach. Yeah, there

Unknown Speaker  27:12  

you go. So you see me walking down the street. Ferguson Fergie. Looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. Is there a book you might have me to help me level up?

Unknown Speaker  27:24  

I don’t read books.

Unknown Speaker  27:25  

No problem. No problem. I’m sorry. No, you’re good. You’re good. What is your most commonly used emoji when you text? White heart? By heart? Love it. Any nicknames growing up?

Unknown Speaker  27:39  

Yes. It is it? Is it? Foxy? Roxy.

Unknown Speaker  27:45  

Foxy rocks. Yeah, I love chess checkers monopoly. Monopoly. All right, very cool. We can definitely hang. So there’s what’s your go to ice cream flavor? Oh, calm. Right now we could definitely I love a minute. So there’s a sandwich called the foxy Roxy. What’s on that sandwich?

Unknown Speaker  28:12  

Chicken. Bacon. Oh, man, candy.

Unknown Speaker  28:15  

Do you and I are like, You like my sister from another missed? I’m gonna tell you right now. Everything. Love it. Love it. Yes. So you, you can come back to present day. But you can happen a time machine for one day? Would you go 20 years or 30 years in the past and relive a day? Or would you go forward 30 years to see what’s what’s going on.

Unknown Speaker  28:41  

I mean, go back to the data. And I met my incredible partner.

Unknown Speaker  28:45  

It’s awesome. It’s awesome. There’s a awesome kegger in 1989 that I would go back and relive that

Unknown Speaker  28:54  

was really great passionate, you know, intimacy, we’ll just leave it at that.

Unknown Speaker  28:58  

Very cool. Love that. So for every charity in our organization like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  29:06  

Yes, I’m actually in the midst of creating my own charity my own. Yeah, I believe in helping obviously, foster children and orphaned children. So that is something that is true and dear to my heart. So I’m just in collaborations actually with the US company right now. And we’re just looking and working, how that’s going to kind of look out for

Unknown Speaker  29:25  

you for doing that. If you need help, let me know I was an orphan and did some child slavery stuff. So I can probably put you in touch with some people. You know, if you ever need it, if you ever see somebody you’re like, can you make an intro? I’d love to be able to make that introduction. So last question. You can elaborate on this one, but what’s the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  29:49  

I’m gonna go 90.

Unknown Speaker  29:52  

Okay, very cool. I’m going to add sky but I’ll give you the night. I was

Unknown Speaker  29:57  

born in the 80s and I can’t

Unknown Speaker  29:58  

appreciate it. So how can we find you?

Unknown Speaker  30:06  

Anyone can find me on my website@www.rxanechap.com and all of my social media handles under that name as well.

Unknown Speaker  30:17  

What do you have these retreats going on that with the shamanic healing journey retreats and stuff?

Unknown Speaker  30:26  

Yeah, so those are all individual retreats. Those are all healing ceremonies and healing celebrations that I bring my clients through once they have mastered their cellular healing. And I’m looking to actually I am in collaborations with a company in the US in Canada right now. And we’re looking at doing global retreats with renowned healers throughout the world.

Unknown Speaker  30:46  

Oh, that’s fantastic. That’s fantastic. So give me one last solid here so you just rock this mic. So do me one last solid and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize it took action.

Unknown Speaker  30:58  

Yeah, just really to silence the noise and really to trust yourself. Go in deep. You know, trust your instinct, trust your intuition. And make sure that you’re following your soul’s mission and that sometimes that means change. Sometimes that means we have to change careers change business. avenues, we have to pivot sometimes that means that we need to let go of relationships and friendships that no longer serve us but understand that they needed to be a part of our journey, but they don’t need to be the rest of our journey.

Unknown Speaker  31:24  

I love that I love it and squat we literally have a free masterclass with my awesome friend here. Roxanne Did you know she had a deep knowingness to be called to elevate serve humanity? You know, she was referred to, you know, as Roxanne was referred to as people’s angels, you know, she would have to ask herself, you know, she live in her life’s purpose. You know, so she has commanding questioning, to find out what her authenticity is. And that’s what she will do for you when you work with her. You know, she builds her foundation on her belief systems that always level up. She’s, she wants you to remember that it’s good to have people with different perspectives around you, they might not match your energy, but different perspectives that can help you find your blind spot. You know, be honest and truthful and accept both the positive and negative because it’s part of your journey, and the negative parts. Let us make a warm introduction to my good friend, Roxanne here to help you get through that, you know, she believes that a lot of souls are connected, you know, and if you’re in a kind of a pinch, you know, ask yourself what is preventing me from truly healing truly leveling up, you know, she’ll help you find disruptions and energy field and work with you until you are fully sustainable on your own. You know, so she has and when she cares, she gives a shit she wants to be there and to help you. Level up and you know, she wants to remind us to never negate your self care. Okay, like you. You are important. You have your vehicle that you’re in your body, your temple, take care of that trust and believe in yourself. She will be remembered as somebody that’s incredibly loving wants light and peace no matter what is transpiring in the world. You know, she believes that serving humanity at a greater level than we serve ourselves is absolutely paramount. And lastly, silence the noise and trust yourself. Go deep. Trust your instincts and follow your soul’s mission. That’s what my good friend Roxanne does. She’s level up her helps you level up her wealth. She’s humble and curious yet she’s still hungry for more she’s earned a varsity squad level varsity level varsity

Unknown Speaker  33:27  

letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming. I love your guts immensely. And I can’t wait to collaborate with you on some stuff in the future. Excellent.

Unknown Speaker  33:34  

Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me today. It was such an honor.

Unknown Speaker  33:38  

You bet no Jetson. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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