295-Live Longer and Better with Fitzness – TTST Interview with High Powered Speaker, Author and Cancer Survivor Fitz Koehler

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Noisy. Bossy. Compelling. Fitz is one of the most prominent and compelling fitness experts and race announcers in America. She’s also the author of My Noisy Cancer comeback and the queen of corporate keynotes. She’ll help you live better and longer at Fitzness.com

  I am highly unsatisfied by work that only affects a small amount of people. My mission is to make a mass impact

– Fitz Koehler

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. It feels great to feel GREAT!

2. Do not fear the response no.

3. Take care of your temple (your body) prepare it for battle daily

4. Start each day in an active way, you will change your future for the better!

5. Pursue your skillset with passion! 

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

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Fitz’s Book: My Noisy Cancer Comeback

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Fitz please introduce yourself to time to shine today podcast varsity squad, but first, what’s your favorite color and why?

I’m blue. I love baby blue. But I also love my Gator blue so I might have just turned off about 30% But I also love the blue and the American flag so blue seems

from my fellow batch we definitely thank you

raging Patriot thank you for protecting freedom

is awesome. You know it’s funny you say like out of the big three in Florida like the Gators is my team. I’m from Michigan, so I’m a sporty guy. There you go. But like I love it. I bend to the swamp which is pretty cool. Saying won’t back down with everybody. That was fantastic time. So bits let’s kind of get I’m sorry for kind of laughing when I said the noisy Bob the cancer so that’s okay. Because I kept on noisy and nosy. It’s

like I wanted nosy. I’m definitely noisy.

I love it. You are You’re fantastic. I’ve watched a bunch of stuff on YouTube. It’s amazing. So let’s get to the origins a little bit of where you came through the cancer comeback and then where you’re at right now leveling people up.

Yeah. So you know, I’ve made my entire career teaching fitness. I’ve basically done nothing else since I was 14 when I was selling Cinnabons at the mall. I started to write the total opposite. But yeah, I love I love people. And I love helping people live better and longer and make fitness understandable, attainable and fun. I’m the no nonsense girl, I tell you the truth, they don’t sell you crap. And if you do what I tell you to do, you’ll get where you want to go so highly effective. And I make you feel good because I love you so much. And then the other thing is I’m a professional race announcer I am the voice of some of the most iconic running events in the United States. So Los Angeles marathon Big Sur buffalo marathon Gasparilla route 66, the DC superhero series, you name it, I make those races instead of just events and make them experiences I get every last participant involved even if we have 10s of 1000s and hopefully send them home. Every last one including the final finisher feeling like a champion so I am noisy. I get paid to make happy noise and compel people to do better and be better. Oh and then the cancer thing 2019 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and then I continued to travel the country bald and gray and sick but because I’ve chosen my career so wisely that even in the worst parts of my treatment where I was definitely ill and spending the night on my hotel bathroom floors, I would wake up at 4am and put on my clothes and the second I stood on those stages in front of those runners. Every last symptom or side effect I was experiencing faded away and I got to be full force fits color again, because I was doing the thing that I loved for the P pulled that I loved. And that’s kind of the magic of life is as when we’re doing the right thing. Nothing can stop us.

I love that. I love it. So where did you find the energy? To still perform? I understand it’s probably passionate. Where did where was it?

Well, you notice like you stand on a stage and it’s the most powerful adrenaline bolt in the world. I’m a I’m a psych, I’m a junkie for people who want to be fed. I love that. And they show up. It’s interesting. On the fitness side of things, I have to do a lot of arm twisting, I’m constantly trying to convince people, exercising is a good idea. You should watch what you put in your mouth, you should get some sleep, blah, blah, blah, they twist, twist, twist the arms on race day and organization says, Hey, let’s, here’s 30,000. People who think exercise is a good idea. Make sure they know what’s going on. And they have a great time. And it just fills me up so intensely, it’s it’s one of the most powerful experiences I ever had. And I fortunately, I get to have it, you know, 3050 100 times a year, depending on how many racism announcing It’s extraordinary.

In the passion, just songster, I just saw you get a little emotional about it too, which is just fantastic. Because you’re doing what you love in the service of people that love what you do, right? People see it.

And the appalling thing is they pay me and they pay me well, you know, value to this thing. Yeah, I love doing but what do I do to earn a living and I and I speak to a lot of college students at University of Florida and otherwise, but you know, my intention is to get people to pursue their passions, their skill set in their passions, and when those things combine, boy, can you have a happy life,

that’s awesome. I believe also that everything starts with your temple, you have to be selfish with your tempo with your body before you can help other people like my squad out there that knows it and they see me speak I have a trampoline that I bring out in the first two and a half minutes is on a trampoline rebounding right. And that changed my life I’ve turned 50 years old. And I don’t feel it don’t look it and I attain a lot of it to trampoline, because I tell people, you know, you know, your blood is pumped by your heart and cleansed and purified, but your lymph system where cancer and all that other shit is stored and get out without movement. So when you’re at zero gravity to four times gravity, you’re flushing it out and pee the night, by the end of the speech like 14 or 15 people have usually literally bought a trampoline off Amazon, oh my given the link. So I love that you start in protecting that temple.

So and let me just throw it in there. Not only is fitness in general, a great preventative tool, ever. If illness or injury strikes, even if you’re the fittest person, your fitness level is going to help you recover rebound and get back to normal or fight off some of the nasty effects far better than others. And I tell you what, I traveled the country in a I had brutal treatment for 15 months, and I had more adventure in one year than most healthy people have in 10 years. And that’s because I’ve always taken great care of my body. So if you’re listening, today’s today get started. Don’t put

it onto this. Let’s get started. This puts you with bets. That’s for sure. So do you coach people as well fits? Are you more just to speak on the speaking tires?

Almost everything I do is designed for mass impact. So Could someone technically hire me I’m sure there’s a number that would convince me but um, I am highly unsatisfied by work that only affects a small amount of people. My mission is mass impact. And so if you can send put me on a stage in front of 1000s millions on national television that feels like a very satisfying day. So is there an opportunity perhaps for individual stuff, but really, my heart is with huge audiences.

I love that. So obviously your speaker, I’m speaker, we get pulled aside after speeches all the time, and there’s, we’re blessed for that. But when you’re speaking to somebody, and they’re coming up to us to him, and I really want to level up my fitness and whatnot, is there any questions, you might ask them on the spot to maybe help them find their blind spot to blast through because they don’t have access to you. So for that 1725 minutes that you’re on stage, right?

So well. So this is a thing@fitness.com that’s fit ze n ess.com I have provided so many free resources that I truly send people if you go on the cover page, there’s the exact formula for weight loss. This is your specific personalized formula on exactly how much of the right foods to eat to get to the goal weight. So, you know instead of me spending 27 minutes regurgitating this, I say hey, go read this five minute article. Ask if you have any questions. I have over 100 of free workout videos. Some are pretty small sum or maybe 1012 minutes. Yeah, but I have provided all the free resources. I do not take money from the individual and so I say hey, for me and for you go read this stuff or utilize these tools. And then if you have a question that sets outside that box, I’m happy to answer your questions. And much like you just stated, Scott is one of the greatest gifts of this work and traveling the country and standing on stages is I get to know so many people, and I make so many genuine friends. I feel like I can. I can hit every state in the country and have a warm bed to sleep in a friendly meal. Thank you for saying I love people.

Yeah, right. Right. What do you find? Do you find any people might be intimidated by you in any way, shape, or form?

Sure, it’s really interesting. Exhibit A is one of my friends who’s in the running industry, his girlfriend who’s a full grown up, she’s probably in her late 50s. Now, but she, she was afraid to introduce herself to me. And we had had a picture taken at one point. And I said, my friend, Renee, and so he came us like, Renee was so, so excited that you referenced her as a friend and I said, I’m sorry, I thought we were friends. You know, I just because I’m the person on the stage, does that make me less? More important or less? Real? I guess I mean, so yeah, there’s a lot of that people say, Oh, I feel like we’re friends. And I always think we were friends. So we’re

different. A lot of times, we aren’t, it seems like I am the Midwest guy. I’m 61 to 60 and pretty well put together and I hug everybody. You know, that’s my thing. Yes. And I say I love your guts to everybody because I do I freakin love people. Because I love what I do. You know, in that same class? Yes, we are. We’re like, sisters and brothers from different mothers. I love this. I love this. So let me I’ve been wanting to ask you this, like with you speaking 3040 times a year or more. Like, I call it chasing energy, right? Like You I turned 50. And things happen to your body. I don’t make any excuses. I just look for different ways and hacks, if you will, to get around it. Like I chase energy. Let people do Chase shit. You’ll never find it catch on like, Well, wait a minute, a coyote can chase a rabbit. And it’ll catch it. If it does

conquer stuff every day. Scott, I do not believe people are saying that chasing is is fruitless. No.

Thank you. So what is your secret sauce, if you will to chase energy, so you can be Fitz that you are every day.

So I am laser focused. I know what I want. And I’m willing to do the work to get there. And so when it comes to my health, my body, I love feeling fit. And I enjoy the process of exercising, Am I doing the things I don’t enjoy to do? No, I love strength training. So I do it. I love running races. So I do it. I prefer races in the mud. So I do obstacle course races. But yeah, in that regard, it’s easy to keep me moving because I love the outcomes. And I used to be overweight, I was a chunky teenager with an eating disorder. And it feels great to feel great. I’m proud of my body. I love it. And that that’s worth the effort. Because I remember what it felt like and what emotionally felt like to be in a body I was uncomfortable with. And there’s nothing that would drive me back into that position. And then as far as my ambitious, this was my career, I get so much personal pleasure out of it. I adore making an income and I think that’s one of the things some people are embarrassed to say. I love receiving a paycheck and I love having a great value that makes people better. And you know, I know if I’m being paid X amount they’re certainly profiting far more than the amount they gave me or they never would have made this deal. And I just Just enjoy it I love I love every day I love getting to do what I do.

You don’t you are stuck in like I think you said chunky body or something before and where you’re at now. Do you ever find yourself feeling like you might have a little bit of impostor syndrome every now and then any doubts any weaknesses?

So interestingly enough, I would say when I first got out of college, and I was I was branching out more into public speaking and I’ve been doing this level of or a high level of presentations for a very long time. And I remember at that point, hearing until you fake it till you make it and so sometimes I would accept an opportunity before I really had ever done it before and I just thought that’s right. That’s right. And then now honestly, I’m your girl I’m your girl if you want someone to stand on stage and hit it out of the park every single freaking time if you want your people to be engaged, informed, entertained. You want your audience to leave feeling damn good and excited about your experience. I’m your girl. I don’t have any doubts anymore. I do not have any depth. Now I love it. I don’t believe I’m the prettiest girl. I don’t believe I’m the most stylish girl I know who I am. Yeah, and I know when I what I can provide. But yeah, the things that I’m trying to accomplish. I’m you know, I’m a proven product

that it came through reps, not just in the gym, but it came through reps getting on stage. Doing it in the grid. That grid is monotonous activity, man. He’s got to do doo doo. And I love that. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Of course. All right, let’s go back with Marty McFly, can that DeLorean let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old. I don’t know if it was cooler then let’s go back into a double Deuce fits what? If any knowledge nuggets which you drop on her to maybe not change anything but help her level up blast through and shorten that learning curve just a little bit?

Yeah, I had to learn the hard way not to fear the word no. And that was a tragic flaw being someone who was afraid to make a phone call or ask for an opportunity. I figured that out I was a competitive kickboxer for 10 years. And it was one of those moments where I left a particularly brutal training session covered head to toe with bruises and battered and I was I wanted to call and asked for this opportunity that I had been putting off for years. And finally I thought, Hey, dummy, you just face for different people twice your size for an hour, you step out into a ring surrounded by 1000s of people with an opponent wants to knock your head off. Why are you afraid to make this phone call? I just thought Why in the world. And so I called it was a it was a magazine publisher. They had been writing articles about me and they constantly butchered the information. They misspelled my name. And it pissed me off and it made my brand look bad. And so finally after that aha moment, I call and I said Hey, Bob, it’s fit. Oh, hey, Fitz is in you know, I’m thinking about it. I’d really like to write an article for you goes, Oh, that would be great. And I thought, he said yes. And he goes, and how much do you want for it? And then I thought he’s gonna pay me and it just really changed the way I thought about things. So I try not to be a coward on the things that can’t that don’t involve bruises, broken bones or public humiliation. So

how you and I are so parallel, like, I compete in jujitsu for years. Right? So you’re out there. I competed in bodybuilding for years too. So I’m out there my underwear flexing in front of 2000 people like the Mr. Michigan is like a huge thing. Oh, and it’s just kind of like yeah, like if you can do that you can pretty much find ways to do anything. So fits How do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date which we hope it’s a long ways down the road your life thing that they how do you want fits his dash, remember?

Well, I have a large school running program and I call them morning mile. And that is the most impactful thing I’ve ever done. Because I feel like if I could get children to learn the lifelong habits of starting each day in an active way, then I can really change their future. So fits Kohler morning mile, you know, Mother, noisy, noisy would go a long way noisy, joyous. Morning,

love that. Love that. So what do people misunderstand about you the most?

That’s a good question. I mean, I don’t know if anybody does misunderstand me. I think I’m so brutally honest. And transparent,

but I love it. And you know what, you have the cancer, just call it cancer background because it’s in our past, but like, Do people ever? Like I look at people like us, and we have, we’re humans. So we go through shit, right? It’s like we go through stuff. And people sometimes just don’t understand. They think, oh, yeah, you can blast through anything further, you can get through anything. And it’s just like, dude, I’m the same way. Man. If I’m not in the ocean, I can have a bad day. Like, every day, I got bored. I have a pimple. And we’re on the ocean, right, like, as long as the weather is cooperating. But yeah, I get most misunderstood a little bit about that. But so what, if anything keeps us up at night?

That’s another good question. I sleep pretty well, I’m at peace with the girl in the mirror. You know what sometimes excitement about opportunities once those wheels get spinning, if I have a new project or an idea, those are the things and what my my secret to getting past that is to take out my iPhone, use the notes section, and then write down my thoughts. And then that’ll allow me to know that those good ideas are there in the morning.

There’s absolutely nothing you can do about it at that moment. You know, except for put it on paper, your phone what now that’s why I’m like that guy with a three by five cards. It’s on my, on my nightstand. I like I just don’t I leave my phone out of my room. So it’s like, I pick up the card. I write it down in the morning. I’ll be like, what the hell that conference? You know what I’m saying? It might not have made any sense.

So this is actually a more challenging moment is I swim laps for exercise sometimes. And there’s nothing to think about when you’re sitting there. There’s no distractions in the pool. And then that’s where I get some great ideas, but you can’t write it down because you’re swimming.

So I’m telling you, like, at least sabbaticals every day Whether it’s just doing some Wim Hof breathing and chilling out, walking on the ocean or like you said, like in the pool like me in the shower, like, Alexa, take note, like, I’ll talk to Alexa. And be like, right? Yeah, I love it. So, I have to ask you, what’s your morning routine?

Okay? So sometimes it’s really leisurely. If I’m at home and I’m not at an event speaking or hosting. I wake up at my leisure and I cuddle with my dogs. I’ve got two incredible dogs that are, make me so happy. I check my emails and social media from my phone, they go bring my laptop into my lap and do a little work. Then I go straight to the dog park with the dogs or I take them for a big walk. They’re huge priority. And then it looks things like working out and more emails. And

I like that. Okay,

do I do I’m very big on taking care of myself. And then on a race day, for example, it’s up at 4am bolting over to the start line dealing with the timer’s and the sound to make sure they’re doing their job properly. Because I can’t do mine unless they do theirs. And then sometimes it’s managing 25,000 people, which is a great gift and yeah, yeah, and then and then I often go to sleep early when I travel people think I’m out party party. But no, my my morning start early and I have to be sharp. If I’m the one on the microphone, there’s little room for error.

Yeah, I like once I’ve done I’ll do the obligatory shake hands might have a Bev with the squat if it’s at a hotel, but then I need to talk to my lady FaceTime Susan. And it’s just kind of like this is give her feedback because we’re so different. She just levels me up like that. I love it. So let’s take out this equation, anything electronics, no phones, tablets, computers, and also the basic air food gravity. What are three things that Fitz can’t live without?

My people, my dog’s immunity, buddy. Yeah, people, my dogs and sunscreen. It’s probably

probably a good idea, man. So what cancer you had? I know you said you’re diagnosed. So I

had breast cancer. And that’s really was. That was the nightmare. But I have had a few episodes of skin cancer because already and so. Yeah, it was breast cancer and it was not a party. But 94% of all breast cancer cases are curable. And the real message for everybody is go get all of your annual exams, your eyes, your ears, your prostate, your colon, get all this stuff your skin. And then in between those appointments, squeeze your stuff. It’s your hands. It’s your stuff. You are permitted to touch yourself, you should look in the mirror. You should have your romantic partner touch yourself, your neighbors, your co workers, whatever it may be. And then if you find something that looks or feels strange, you need to report it immediately. Some people just do the ostrich thing but their head and your sand. My lava I found my I had a lump and three cancerous lymph nodes within six weeks of a clean mammogram. So had I not been scratching my underboob after a shower one morning I’d be dead. So um Don’t be dead. Don’t keep

living get busy living. I love it. So Fitz. What is your definition of a life well lived.

life well lived i i do the things that make me happy. You know what I can tell you? The answer. Did I used to ask it? Yeah, I mean, I go back. I make the decisions personally back when COVID When they were saying you know, blah, blah blah. Or when I was sick and people were saying maybe you shouldn’t travel. I have decided my life is better with people. My life is better hugging 1000s of sweaty Jeremie, strangers. I know what’s important in my life and I and I choose that every single day so that’s a life well lived and if I get hit by the bus tomorrow, I hope at my service where they play my theme song which is walking on sunshine I hope everybody can look at each other and agree that I live life to the fullest and made the best of all my days.

I love it. I love that dash that you have it’s just full time to shine today podcast versus squad we are back and with my awesome sauce friend Fitz Kohler fantastic speaker author just kick ass human being in fits you and I literally couldn’t we probably will one day talk probably an hour and each one of these questions I’m going to ask you but you have five seconds with no explanation. You ready to level up? Yeah, do it. What is the best leveling up advice this has ever received?

And don’t take no for an answer. Love it.

Sure one of your personal habits contributes to success.

Choosing to be optimistic,

of love, love that in outside of fitness which is fit Zi ndss.com And of course time to shine today. dot com a shameless plug what website does fix go to level up?

Amazon or Spotify spot

so you see me and walk down the street for he looks like he’s in his doldrums outside of like giving me a hug Jimmy up lookbook my handy

book to level up. You know what I’ve really enjoyed Rob Lowe stories. I only tell my friends it’s

Wow, that is awesome. That is a great book. I love it. It’s what is your most commonly used emoji when you text?

A heart followed by a microphone.

Love it. Love it other than fits any nicknames. Fitzy Betsy, London love it. Chess checkers or monopoly. Monopoly monopoly Me too. I’m right there with you. So what’s your go to flavor for ice cream?

Anything with big chunks of chocolate so I can eat out the chocolate chip

dough. There’s a sandwich called the business. What’s on it?

Oh, it’s a veggie cheese waste. Sorry. It’s a veggie sub.

Okay, I just love it. Love it. So you have a time machine. Okay, you can use it for one day, would you go 50 years in the past or 50 years in the future?

I would go back. I would go backwards because I really do think some of the I admire the greatest generation and I’d go hang out with those guys for a while.

Me too. I’m right there with you love it. Love it. Love it. What’s your favorite charity or an organization like to give your time or money to

anything for sick children or veterans and first responders. Thank

you for saying that. Hear that. My fellow vets Love it. Love it. Love it. So last question. Yeah, you can elaborate on this one. Fitzy but what is the best day good music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 80s 80s? Right big hair don’t care. I graduated high school in 1990. So I live the whole 80s So I would have loved to have been a little bit older and that decade of decadence, you know, not so much a teenager, but I’m so glad I grew up that big hair don’t care then kind of wrap all the invasions from YouTube and Ireland Duran Duran it was just about stucco.

Yeah, and timeless too. I mean, the cool kids that are 16 and 20 You know, doji cat is still singing Flock of Seagulls stuff. So 80s are

the best listen to like, a pitbull. Right? He has a hot Take on me. It’s the hook in his song. It’s like all these songs have these 80s books, right? It’s fantastic. So fits. How can we find you on?

Well, I am@fitness.com That’s my home base. That’s where we find everything. I’m also at fitness on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, you can find me on LinkedIn. That’s Fitz Kohler. And I love it when people follow me follow away. But please say I heard you on for this podcast. And I wanted to say hi, because I would much rather have friends and followers.

Thank you. Thank you so much is the quality. Awesome? So tell me a little bit about this, this book or your awesome book, which will have a giveaway. So anybody that puts business in fitness in our any any comment, whether it’s Pinterest, Instagram, across the board, we’ll get a free autographed copy with also some gifts you said from a good friend fits here. But the name of the book is my noisy cancer comeback running at the mouth while running for my life in that came out like the end of COVID here. So you know in 2020 Right. So

yeah, yeah, October 2020.

Yeah. So what? Can you give us a little bit of insight on that?

Yeah. So it’s a memoir. And as you see with the cover, it’s kind of a happy cover. And if you look at cancer books, most of them are kind of dark and scary. And I didn’t want to scare people. And, you know, one of the the original reason I wrote the book is because I thought God, nobody tells you all this stuff. How come nobody tells you the truth about what happens. This is kind of funny. I mean, things started going south in so many ways that it was hilarious. And when my cancer care collided with my extraordinary travels and race announcing, man, it’s filled with laughter That’s the greatest feedback I get is oh my gosh, right. I cried a little but boy, I laugh the whole time like big laughs And I enjoy people laughing at my expense. And then the other reason to read the book is, you know, life, life is hard. Nobody gets out unscathed. And I use my little Fitzy powers to compel people to get through hard times in a better way using perspective, passions, positivity, a little mantra, and yeah, it’s entertaining. I sell them on fitness.com hard and paperback and I sign all of those copies. So if you want one for yourself, that’s where you get it. If you have a friend going through hard times you’d like me to send the book I I grabbed them. And then it’s an audio book I recorded the audiobook. So if you like my big mouth, if you’d like the way it sounds, you can listen to me go blah, blah blah for 10 whole hours.

I love it. I love it. And I can’t wait to get to get into it myself and I have some friends and I think I need to buy it for it as well. So do me a favor one last salad and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action on today.

I think it’s important for people to control the things they can and you know, starting with your fitness, that’s your responsibility. If you look in the mirror and you don’t like what you see, you did that it’s your fault and you take ownership of that. And at that point that allows you to know that you can control it and make it better without if you’re pointing the finger at other people. I’m like I’m a mom, I’m a caretaker I got a job okay, it’s everybody else’s fault. You’re helpless but you’re not helpless. So when it comes to your health, prepare your body to do battle today start watching what you put in your mouth exercising off and getting to sleep, use the exact formula for weight loss. And then as it goes with everything else pick and choose your battles I find too many people finding reasons to be cranky and reasons to be upset where there’s equal or greater reasons to be happy and comfortable and Life is short so live large

do I love you say that because you know I take from the Van Wilder movie when Ryan Reynolds really nobody were you like don’t take life too seriously you’ll never make it out alive right and that’s how I absolutely live my life and squad there you have it I mean, we had a basically a free masterclass for my good friend Fitz here you know, she wants you to live with like herself full force gets cooler, you know, she wants you to do things that you can start to understand that that are attainable, and most of all fun. You know, make the happy noise do better, be better. You know, pursue your skill set with passion. Okay, inch by inch. It’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard. So if you have questions, get your asking gear and ask the people to help you get there and Fitz is an awesome resource for that. You know if she says reminds us that it feels great to feel great. You know that you know, get over your fear. Anything we want is on the other side of fear. So again, get your asking gear to get by it. She’s gonna remember it is the morning mild and noisy mother, just a cancer survivor and just an absolutely slit across home plate metaphor bumped and bruised but she scored she’s going to bring as many people along to score with her as possible. She wants you to take responsibility. Remember, responsibility is no more than the ability to respond. So no matter what situation you’re in, you can respond to that. Like fits did get noisy get happy, laughed. It frickin feels good to do that and prepare your body for battle every day. Like I talked about chasing energy and getting it done. Get out there get moving Get Lit meaning in the sunshine get frickin hydrated. And Fitz, you level up your health. You level up your wealth. You’re humble yet you’re hungry. You’re on your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming on. I love your guts so much.

I love your guts to Furby Thank you for having me and Big hugs and love to all your listeners.

Check soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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