382-Unveil Your Brilliance and tap into Your Purpose, Power and Presence! – TTST Interview with Author and Coach Natalie Jobity

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As “The Brilliance Unveiler,” Natalie Jobity leverages more than a decade of experience empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now as a leadership coach & personal brand strategist of The Unveiled Way. She works with trailblazing women to empower them to unveil their brilliance and maximize their impact.

  Own your brilliance! Be aware of what you love to do and do it well and do not listen to naysayers!

– Natalie Jobity  

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Natalie is an artist of connecting stories and her passion is to help her clients tell theirs!

2. A great coach will provide an authentic safe space, is super curious and help you find your new fire!

3. When starting to work with a coach, ask them what their brilliance is.

4. The 3 ‘A’s = Agency, Authority and Autonomy

5.  A life well lived is one where you live according to your values and make people around you better!

Level Up! 


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Pick Up Natalie’s Book: It’s Your Time To Shine Girl

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Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time to shine today. Podcast. Varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson, and I have my really awesome sauce friend, my Trinidadian miss Natalie Jobity And she is the architect of the Unveiled Way. And as a brilliance unveiler, Natalie Joby leverages more than a decade of experience, empowering hundreds of women as an image consultant and now is a leadership coach and per personal brand strategist of the Unveiled Way. She works with trailblazing women to empower them to unveil their brilliance and maximize their impact. And Nellie, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself. The time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why? Oh, God, you asked me the tough because I love color. As you can talk my back I can tell of I would say it’s leaning more towards the magenta lately. Magenta? Yeah, love it. You’re the first guest of over 450 that has said magenta. So you are a unique lady. I love it. Natalie, I know that you’re out there really helping the women level up in this world. Thank you so, so much for doing that. But I’d love to get to your roots. I’d love to get to where you kind of started and got to the point where you’re so immensely respected by people that they’re seeking you out for that help to level up. My journey has been interesting as most of our journeys. So, of course, I was born in Trinidad, born and raised, came here to go to college, went to Ruckus University. I think with me coming to this country was the first thing that had me look at myself a little differently because in Trinidad, being 6ft tall, very at eleven years old, I was almost like people would stare at me, I was like a thing. And it was very hard to grow up like that. But then coming to this country was like, are you a model? And all those questions, I was like, oh, am I actually pretty or whatever. So it kind of boosted myself as team being here. And then, long story short, graduated a very smart girl, went to Cambridge University, did all the things and then finally that was like the best year of my life still. And that was how many years ago? But landed in a career in market research, which is interesting because it wasn’t where I would have thought I would have been, but it’s what I’m so gifted in many things. One of them is connecting things, understanding numbers, but stories. And so I was really good at telling the stories and the data for the clients. Did it for 15 years, but I always knew that that was not my thing. And I kept trying to seek like, what am I really here supposed to do? And I really was, I’m somebody who needs to be on purpose. And so I was always looking. Finally, I stumbled on this career called Image consulting. And when I heard about it was just like everything left in me. I was just like, oh, my God, I can get paid to help people look good. And I went all the way in resigned from my very lucrative career at the time shift to be an entrepreneur full time. It was crazy looking back at it, because it’s a woman of color. All of the things I did was very crazy, but it just made sense at the time. And that building, that business from scratch, learning the lay of the land in that, being so good at it, working with hundreds of women. Scott that is where my passion got really ignited of this is what I’m supposed to do. I’m supposed to empower women, especially men too. I would say a few good men because they are I was going to say don’t leave us out, Natalie, because you all are. There are a few good men who are mentored to help too. But even back then I did. But women, for some reason, women were my focal point. They were my passion. And I saw how I say we because it was me too. We lack confidence, we doubt ourselves, we don’t do the things. And just even as an image consultant, I would go a little bit deeper than of course the external. So that was where that I didn’t know it at the time. I thought it was going to be the thing, but I was like, I want to go deeper. What does she really want to be? What does she want to project? All this different stuff. Did that career for a minute until it was a God story where I had to end it. I’ll just say that for time’s sake, had to end it. And then it was like, what am I supposed to do now? That was supposed to be my life, whatever work. And God again gave me this business name for the Unveil way and started me on this coaching journey where I got certified. I used to hate the idea of coaching because I long story too and I never thought I would have been a coach. I kept thinking, God a coaching. I kept saying, why are you leading me here? But I was like, I’m very obedient now, so follow the promptings. And I realized, oh my God, I would love this. And so I got into this now business. It didn’t start as leadership coaching, but it evolved into this. Because, again, God showed me that I have always been a leader. And I’m meant to help other leaders, beautiful, especially women who don’t even see themselves as leaders, but are to unveil their brilliance so that they can step into their power, their influence, and make the impact that they are divinely designed to do. That is my heartbeat. That is everything for me. So that is where the passion comes from. That’s just beautiful. And you use so many words like brilliance and design and that’s who God is. And again, not everybody out there believes in our God, which is fine, they have a creator, but so many people want to stay away from that goodness because I mean, God is love, God is money, all those things is why wouldn’t you want to stay close to that source? God is wisdom of good, right? Love it. So do you take clients more one on one or are you in a group study? Natalie so I love my one on one. I’m an introvert, but I’m also present as an extrovert because nobody ever believes I’m an introvert. Me too. Love me too. Never think you are. I will go to a coffee shop by myself and sit there for hours reading my Kindle or and have no problem. Go out to eat by myself, have no problem. But. But I really thrive in that one on one small group connection thing. That’s where I and I am realizing because, of course, we want to scale to scale our businesses. I’m doing more groups. I’m doing some virtual groups, and I’m beginning to launch some different things coming out later this year, like Masterminds and things I’ve also seen. And this is I’m being very much like, where do you want me? And I see that I’m a really I create really authentic safe spaces. And whether it’s one on one or whether it’s a small group environment, that’s one of my superpowers. So I’m leveraging that more and more nowadays. I love that. So if you’re in maybe a one to one with somebody and they’re seeing if you’re the right fit, I call it the right horse for the course with my coaching. Right. So finding out if you’re the right fit, is there any secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing, that maybe helps them kind of locate and zone in on that blind spot that’s holding them back? Well, I just had one of those calls yesterday. Mono was Monday, and then we had a follow up yesterday. It’s interesting. Some I just echoing back the words somebody say that you know is potent, but they didn’t even know it’s potent. So this is what this person said to me in the call on Monday. They used the word, I want to find my new fire. They don’t even know they said that word. And I said, So later on, I said, you said you wanted to find your new fire. Where is it? And then she was like, Well, I used to have it, but now I don’t know where it’s gone. And maybe because I’m old, I’m like, no, it’s not about age. It said, this is where you need to do the work because you said it. You know who you are when you have that new fire. And so for me, it was like mirroring back something that because when I kept saying, what’s your vision? Where’s your she couldn’t give me answers. But her saying, I need to find my new fire and me using that word now on and on with her, she embodies something for her. So that’s the gap for her. It was, I know this feeling. And when I have this feeling, I’m my best selves. And if I can recapture that, that’s what hooked her into. Let me hear more what you can do to help me get this new fire back. I love that you kind of caught that and you probably asked permission to reflect that back to her, right? And that’s a sign of a fantasy coach, which means you’re freaking listening. I love that. I love it. So how about if you’re maybe working with a group or even one on one, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do? That the group would ask me either group or even just in a one on one. Like maybe you’re just making sure again it’s the right fit. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you? It they don’t usually ask a lot of questions to. You’re right. I would wish that they would ask me what my brilliance is as a coach. Yes. You know what? Also, that’s a fantastic answer. I want to be asked, are you coached? I’m sure you have a coach. Right? My success squad, as I call it, because I’m all about them finding their brilliance. I don’t know, Scott. There’s so many coaches out here. I’ve been certified by ICF. I’ve done the thing, and I have learned in my journey. And every coach doesn’t have the same story, but in my story, it’s like I am a coach, and I’m a lot of other things, too, because I’m bringing all my brilliance into this space. I’m bringing all of me. I’ve had other careers, I’ve had others, I have other strengths. And so I share with this client I just spoke to, I said, you’re getting my strategy because that’s one of my top gifts. And so I coach you. And there’s an and there so as the brilliance and veiler. I am a coach and a strategist and a co creator and right so in the spaces I create as a coach, the coaching is one part of the whole picture. I love that, that it’s not just that. And a lot of us coaches get sucked in, not sucked into. We get kind of categorized as consultants. And what I love again about you went back to about the Find the Fire, is that I’m a big believer, Natalie, that we all know what we want, we just don’t know how to talk ourselves into it. Right. And a great coach knows that that problem or issue or obstacle is within. But so is that answer, especially coaches. And I wish they would stop, to be honest with you, is that they try to consult it out of them, like, tell them what to do. Like I did that early in my career. And people come back and be like, Fergie, you’re an idiot. That didn’t work. But if they come up with it more help with the reflection, what you talked about, then they’re more apt to take massive, as Tony would say, massive action on it. Right. To do it. Because it’s all about at the end of the day, what we’re helping our clients do is to tap into their own agency, authority and autonomy. We can’t be that for them, else they’ll be dependent. And it’s like we don’t try to raise dependent clients. We try to raise self empowered clients who know that they have the wisdom inside of them and who can now understand the voice and learn to tap into that inner wisdom and be the guide. So, yes, I think part of what I try to say is, like, you already have all the things you need. It’s just about me helping you bring the things out that need to be aired out and brought to the front so that you can do the thing you’re meant to do it’s already all there, and there are blocks. And so part of what I’m going to do is help unveil those blocks so you can then start to navigate around those blocks or get rid of them. Completely. But at the end of the day, it’s about the client’s agency. It’s about the client’s empowerment in themselves. I am the guy, the champion, the co creator, but I am not your boss. You know what I mean? I’m not your guru. Even what I do is, if I’m in person client, I’ll put them in my car, or actually their car, and I sit with them and I’ll say, because I believe so many people have a foot in the past, a foot in the future, and they piss all over the present. Right? They’re there when you get in their car and say, this rear view mirror right here is small for a reason. That’s your past. You can learn from it and pull some good memories from there, but don’t live there. This windshield is your future. It’s big. It’s scary, right? And I point at their console and sees this GPS right here. That’s me. I’m going to help you. But I guess what, I’m not going to bulk your seatbelt. I’m not going to hit the ignition, put it in gear. I’m your GPS. And that’s exactly what you’re saying. Yeah. I want to kind of move this forward just a little bit. Kind of a chapter in your book or part in your book about getting clarity in your calling. Can you unpack that? Not too much time, because I want people to go read the book. Which squad? I am doing a book giveaway at the end, so stick around, but can you unpack a little bit of the clarity in your calling? Yeah. So that is one of the first things that actually developed. One of my first lead magnets was this book I call The Clarity in Your Calling because I realized, because of the work I had done on myself and on my journey and what clients were coming with that. There are three key pillars that people they’re very obvious. You’re going to know what they are when I say them. Scott but a lot of people don’t actually do the work to understand what those mean for them. So the first pillar is the passions. Where are my passions? Where is my hobby? What lights me up? You’d be surprised caught. How many people cannot answer that question. So that’s number one. Number two is what are my strengths? What am I actually good at? What are my superpowers that I’m bringing to the table? Again, you’d be surprised how many women go, I don’t have any strengths, or I don’t know what I’m good at. And it’s like, wow, right? There’s a whole thing I’m packing there. And then the third pillar, which is one that is very as coaches, we all know about, but I engage it a lot in my work because I feel it’s so foundational. It’s the values. Where are your values? Your values are what guides you. They are your fulcrum. You don’t even realize you’re using to make your decision in your choices. So if you’re not clear on what they are, you don’t know where your choices are coming from. So when the intersection of those three pillars is what I see as when you unpack it, and all those take their own work, and that’s why there’s a chapter on it, all those three pillars, when you unpack all those, the intersection of that is to me, the key to your quality. Oh my gosh, that’s so good. So many times when I start doing the work of what you’re good at, and when clients see something that they didn’t even know as a strength that they do so easily, and they’re like and I’m like, do you realize this is a strength? You’re just literally lying latent here waiting for you to pick it up. I love that with those three pillars that you mentioned, with the passion, the strengths, and the values, that they can step into them, their full self with that and live authentically. That is the whole hot. My number one value, which is interesting, is actually authenticity. So when you say those words into it authentically. It means so much to me, Scott, because at the end of the day, I say this all the time. We are each uniquely designed and wired to be a specific impact onto our sphere, the world, our domain. So it’s about our individuality. That’s our exceptionality. Right? So if you can unpack your specific secret sauce, your specific passion, your specific journey, your specific expertise and put it all together, that’s when you’re like you’re doing your thing the thing meant, the thing you’re designed, created to do, to make it. I believe that’s a whole lot of you said that individuality impact with what individuality is your exceptionality. Oh, I love it. That’s solid. I just made that up. I never said it before like that. It’s good. I pull it out of you. I’ll take the credit on that. So tell me a little bit about a failure that has really helped you in your life, how you kind of found that clarity in crisis. Okay. And really pushed through. That the one maybe you’ve learned the most from. Yeah, it’s funny. I would have to say it’s the quote unquote failure of my first business, my image consulting business, elan Image Management, which was a huge thing for me, to the point where for the longest time, I didn’t even look at it. It’s almost like it didn’t happen at all. I actually blocked it out of my I was so ashamed of the failure of it. I was like, putting, what’s a failure. But, Scott, you’d be surprised to learn that it’s only recently in the past couple of years and more recently, even last year, where I’ve fully embodied what it meant to look back at what I had built. Not just I had a best selling book back then, too, another book, my first book from Peter Fabulous. But this was the book. It was all the women I had helped. It was all the reviews I’d gotten and testimonials, all the talks I’d given, all the videos I’d done. I mean, there was so much content and transformation. I’m thinking I thought to myself, natalie, the lesson I learned from that, and I shared a little bit about it in my new book, is that I never stopped long enough, Scott, along the way to pause and say, look what I’m building and creating as I go. I was just going from thing to thing to think to think I’m a high achiever by DNA or whatever, by nurture. And so I was just building, creating, building, creating, not taking stock of teaching lives. Natalie, the thing you wanted to do, you’re doing it. You have a best selling book on Amazon. On that. Tens of thousand copies have been sold. I was just like, okay, next thing, next thing, next thing. And then when it failed, it just felt like failure. I did not incorporate and integrate the wins and the confidence and the seeds. So my biggest lesson from failure has to be that, because now I make a point. I actually did a whole series called the Saver Series about savoring our path, our time, but what we are building, what we’ve created, what we’ve achieved, and honoring and acknowledging what the legacy that we’re leaving behind before we have to leave behind. Love it. I love it. And that’s just beautiful. Thank you for going deep on that for me. I really appreciate that. Natalie, so have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Oh, God, too many years ago, right? Yeah. So almost 40 years ago, right? So let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double deuce, the 22 year old Natalie. Okay, I don’t want you to change anything because there’s all lessons and whatnot, but maybe something you might tell her or maybe anybody else that’s out there that’s a little bit younger or maybe someone that’s stuck. What would you tell them? To maybe help them shorten their learning curve? Blast through or level up, maybe, just to get through a little bit. Yeah. Well, part of the reason I wrote this book is because to my younger self, actually, because they have a lot of wisdom that she didn’t have back then. But one of the things I would definitely say is a couple of things. One I would say is to own your brilliance. And what that means is be really aware of what you love to do and what you do well. And don’t let anybody talk you out of what you know are your gifts, because I think I know in my journey there are gifts I had that I dismissed and deny because nobody was acknowledging them. And I didn’t get to be used and leveraged until much later in my life, and that hold held me back. And so I’ll say, you have everything in you my 22 year old yells about. Say, girl, you are smart. Own it. You are creative. Own that. You are innovator. All these things. I would say those things to her. And I’d also say, trust your intuition, because that’s something that I’ve only now learned to leverage and like, whoa, there’s so much there. Yes, I love that. And thank you for being transparent. And there’s so many people that needed to hear that right now and today. And, Natalie, how do you want your dash remembered? That little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and your death date? Hopefully it’s way down the road from that tombstone. How do you want people to remember Natalie? She made her impact. She changed lives. That, to me, would be everything. That’s why I do what I do. Um, without her, I wouldn’t whatever. Like changing lives, transforming mind. S anything along those lines would be like, I’ve done my work. All right, then what would your definition of a life? Well, live be lived according to my values. And that people you know what Maya Angelou said? That people just being in my orbit, being in my sphere, being in my circle, that it made a positive difference to you, to that person, that it elevated them, it uplifted them, it empowered them, whatever those words might be, that I love it again, in their was a positive contributing factor to their life. I honestly believe that you really care for other people’s success more than they care about yours. I really love that about you, Natalie. And I’m so, so blessed. And squad, we’re going to take my good friend Natalie jobidy through our leveling up lightning round just as soon as we get back from thanking our sponsors and affiliates. Time to shine. Today podcast versus squad. We are back. And Natalie, like I said, I’m going to be speaking up in DC. A few times this year. We’re definitely going to connect to one of the suburbs for a nice dinner and whatnot. Maybe we’ll talk some about some of these questions in person. If error longer. But today you’ve got 5 seconds to answer them with no explanations and they can all be done that way. Okay, you ready? All right. Let’s level up. Nellie, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Do you be you? Love it. Love it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. Gratitude journal every night, five different things. Yeah. Beautiful. So if you see me maybe walk around in an event or we’re just out somewhere and I look like I’m in my doldrums a little bit other than your book, what book might you hand me? What book has influenced you to really level up? Oh, God. I’m a reader. So many books. But I would have to say, oh, God. Okay. So many books. I’m a Bernard Brown lover. So I would say rising strong. I love. Yeah. Love it. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? The one like this with the hands. Like I love it. Every time I asked, type everyone’s like this or this or I love it. I love it. Nicknames growing up. Cannings tall Twelve. Say that again. Okay, so we had a drink, a soda called in Trinidad called cannings tall twelve. Okay. Because I’m tall. That was a nickname growing up. I love it. Yeah. Cannings tall Twelve. Love it. Okay, quickly, what is your hidden talent or superpower that you have that nobody knows about? Oh, gosh. Okay. I’m really good at wardle. Got it. I kill mordel every day. Love it. Love it. Chest checkers are monopoly. We monopoly. Awesome headline for your life. OOH trailblazing unstoppable failess femme. Love that. Love the femme at the end. Beautiful. Go to ice cream flavor, but a pecan. Awesome. So there’s a sandwich called the Candies Tall Twelve. Build that sandwich for me. Sandwich, yeah. Oh my God. Oh my God. Guys, I’m not a sandwich girl, but okay. I’ll put avocado. There we go. It’s garlic, some pepperoni, some cheddar cheese in there. I think that’s it. Beautiful. I love that pepperoni on there, too. Awesome. So, Natalie, any favorite charities or organization like to give your time or money to? There’s an organization, Christian Mentoring and Transition, that I’m a part of for women incarcerated right. Locally. Right in my tongue, actually. Yeah. That we pour into them with letters. Because of COVID we haven’t been visiting, but we’re going to be visiting again soon. So just empowering these women who are kind of like been through some hard times. That’s awesome. I do that kind of within a jail of the Palm Beach. I live in Palm Beach, Florida, and Mabel there allow me, because of my certifications and what I’ve did, to be able to go in and talk to the prisoners and be able to help them set their vision, especially the short timers, to get them leveled up. And they go and I do a pro bono, and it’s so rewarding on Sunday mornings after church. Wow. It’s just fantastic. All right, last question. We can elaborate on this one, but what’s the best decade of music? Sixty s. Seventy s. Eighty s or 90s? I’m going to be giving my age a little bit here, but I’m going to have to say the 70s. Really? I thought you were going to say the 80s, but I’ll take it there, too. But you know what? Some of my favorites are from the 70s, man. Like, oh, my God. Heat wave and oh, my God, it’s sad. We lost Tina Turner yesterday, right? I just found out today that we lost Tina Turner, but she was the legend. I got to meet her for like 5 minutes and I still comes back to this day and those legs of hers just run through my mind. How nice she was to me. She was so nice. And I have like a little I was in the military in the time out in San Diego, and she came out for the troops. Not a Polaroid, but like a picture you had printed. There’s no cell phone and that’s just amazing. But Nellie, how can we find you, my friend? So everything’s on my website, the unveiled way, but of course you can connect with me on LinkedIn. Instagram is where I spend my time. I’m not a Facebooker, but my website pretty much has all that I’m up to and what I’m doing. So the invadway.com is the best way. Yeah, I love that. And that’ll all be in the show notes out there, Squad. And also I’m going to do a book her book will be in the show notes. Both the Kindle and the paperback version will be in here. I’m going to do a book giveaway to the first person that puts anywhere in our social or even text. At 561-440-3830, the words tall twelve. Anybody that puts Tall Twelve in there is going to get her book. She must have stole it from me. I’m just totally kidding. But it’s your Time to Shine, Girl, and I’ve read through it the first couple of chapters myself, and that’s where I kind of got the question about the clarity. But if you’re a female, like I said, a Few Good Men out there, I’m going to get it from my Susan and I know she’s going to love it. And it’s a book that you need to be picking up. It came out in October of 22. But if you could give us in a synopsis, not too much time because I don’t want to spoil it for people, but if you could give us a synopsis of your book. Yeah. So it’s your time to shine, girl. I don’t know why I picked that title, but that’s the one I picked. That’s how we connected. Look, yes, I know brilliance, everything would light. But basically the book is an empowerment book, leadership book for women and A Few Good Men. And it’s twelve chapters, but in three sections. The first section is called no. That section is about knowing who you are, your brilliance, your obstacles, what your impostor, how it’s willing you so that you can get really strong in that foundation and get the clarity for your calling, all that. The second section is about no, sorry, no show. So Show is about you start to show yourself. When you get more confidence, you’re more show, right? And then the last section is called Glow. It’s about how to sustain so the shine you discovered and know how to sustain that glow so it never dies out again. So no show glow, and it’s all about your inside light shining outwardly so that you can be the best version of yourself and do the thing you’re meant to do. That’s the heart of the book. There are a lot of my stories in there, my own personal stories with my journey with all those things and stories of some of my clients, a lot of references to other books that I’ve read. So it’s a really all around good, solid book. I love it. And Squad, again, the first person puts actually, I’m going to buy five books. The first person that puts the first five people put Tall Twelve. Again, any of our social please, or if you even just reach out to Natalie and say, hey, I heard from you, from Scott Ferguson, Natalie, let us know and I’ll make sure you get that book for free on my diamond. Natalie, if you could do me one last solid, leave us with one last knowledge nugget we can take with us internalize and take action on. So we were talking earlier about leveling up and that’s actually the theme I had in my newsletter that went out this morning and I talked about are you ready to level up. And I said level up can look like a lot of different things, and it depends on who you are, what’s stopping you, where you want to go and what’s your aspirations. And so just leveling up is I guess I’m saying it’s a broad term and you could take that word as specific as you need to, but we all are in a season where we can be leveled up. And so the nugget would be that. Be. Be clear for yourself what that looks like, for you to give a whole list of examples. Does it mean that you show up in a different way? Or you start to lead a different way? Or you start to knock out that impostor voice in you? There’s so many scenarios, but you get clear on what leveling up means to you, and you take those first intentional steps to get to that next level version of you, because we all have levels of ourselves, many levels. And so you want to be intentional about taking those steps to get into that next level version of you, wherever you are starting from. I love it. Level up. I use that. It was a joke back in the day because I used to in the military, everyone was into Nintendo and Sega. This is 1990, right? And I’d be like, I’m going to jimmy. No, we’re going to sit here and level up on your games. And I just, are you losers level up. But one thing I realized is, just like Nikes, just do it. Let’s level up, is a very neutral statement because you can either do it or not, or you can level up or not. So my whole coaching is based around neutrality, because positive people say, well, I had a bad round of golf the other day, and how did it go, Mr. Positive? I’m, like, didn’t go. That great, man, but, like, positivity is not working. I will tell you what, positivity doesn’t always work, right? But what does work 100% of the time is negativity. I like to stay very neutral, and that’s where I take my clients for that neutral place. Like, they’re in that car, right? And then work them forward. So I love that you and I are just so aligned. And squad. I had the most fun conversation with my good friend Natalie here, and I have pages upon pages of notes, and I hope that you really do, too. She’s a six foot tall ball of love and energy. She loves connecting stories and helping her clients connect theirs. She wants to empower women and a few good men to blast through their lack of confidence, and not just on the external, but the internal as well. She wants you to step into your power and influence and design your brilliance. She will provide a really authentic, safe place for you to really start your level up process, because she’s a very super curious coach. She listens not only with her ears, but she listens with all her senses. And if you’re working with a coach or starting to work with a coach, ask them straight up, what is your brilliance? Are you coached? How are you going to be that GPS to get me where they are? She wants you to develop your gifts and give them away to other people that might need that help as well. She has what I’m calling the AA, where you tap into your agency authority and autonomy. Become self empowered. She has her pillars that really fire you up. I’m sorry? Passions. The pillars of passion, strength, values. Find that fulcrum and she’ll help you guide there and get you to where you know that you need to be. We’re all unique and we all impact. People in different ways. Individually, individuality is your exceptionality and that’s where she wants to really push you to that next level. And big thing here squad. And I know that I have trouble with this as well because I’m always looking for the next person to serve. But really pause and celebrate what you’ve built. Savor your wins, as Nally would say. And while you’re at it, own your brilliance. Be aware of what you love to do and do well. Don’t listen to the naysayers man, okay? And if you don’t know how to like my good friend Leah Woodford would say, get your asking Gary. There’s people out there that will answer it for you. Want you to trust your intuition. She will be remembered as someone that made her impact bumped and bruised, mind you, because she has went through some crazy stuff and the failures that she shared with us. But she’s going to slide across home plate knowing that she’s leveled up people. I really believe she’s planting trees she’s never going to sit in the shade of. She wants you to live your life according to your values and make people around you better. That is what Natalie does. And how about no show and glow, remember who you are. Find out what’s stopping you from where you want to go. And remember, inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard. Do things in little and permits and you’ll get there. And that’s what my good friend Natalie will help you do. That’s what she does. She levels up her health, she levels up her wealth. She’s humble, she’s hungry, she’s absolutely gorgeous, she’s brilliant and always of her life. I absolutely love your guts. And La, I cannot wait to collaborate with you. Thank you so much. That was an awesome summary. I’m like, he’s good. Thank you so much. We’ll talk soon, okay? Yes. Awesome. Bye now. Bye.

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