344-Closing The Gap To Realize Your Highest Potential – TTST Interview with Peak Performance Coach Jeff Wickersham

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Jeff Wickersham is a sought after mental toughness and peak performance coach who helps guide clients to intentionally step into the best versions of themselves and unlock that inner hero waiting to be unleashed.  Jeff’s a #1 best-selling author, Tony Robbins award winner, podcast host, speaker, creator of the 4-step Morning Fire Methodology and founder of Morning Fire Coaching.  If you have that itch that you can be more, do more, want more, Jeff can help get you there!

        Today is a gift you will never get again, choose wisely!

– Jeff Wickersham

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Continuously work to close the gap towards your ultimate human potential will help you feel more fulfilled!

2. We are programmed to listen to our feelings – if you do not take action then your feelings can betray you

3. Define your identity when you wake up to take action upon that identity. Ask yourself what would that world class person do to take action

4. Don’t be afraid to step into who you are and meant to be!

5. Work daily to serve and impact others positivity 

6. Reps breed confidence 

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

Visit Morning Fire Coaching

Pick Up Jeff’s Book: Rise, Fight, Love, Repeat

Jeff’s YouTube

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Jeff’s Instagram

Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout 

Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Jeff! Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today podcast varsity Squad but first what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:14  

I would say blue one because I love the color of the ocean right there’s there’s nothing like a crystal blue ocean as well as it’s just it’s it’s light on the eyes and easy to take in.

Unknown Speaker  2:27  

It’s in your cup. You know your color will your handsome devil you know I’m saying not to rub it in. But I’m looking at the Atlantic right now. While we’re having a little conversation here here in South Florida. So Jeff, let’s get into your rockstar man I watched your videos I’ve dug into your content, you really level people up remind me a lot of how I work crowds and and just really deliver fantastic content they can go to to level up on a consistent basis. But I want to get back before like I understand that you don’t do anything with your clients. So you haven’t tested on yourself. So obviously you put yourself through some testing with your methodologies and your protocol. But I want to what got you there to help you level others up. Yeah, it was

Unknown Speaker  3:11  

it was the deepest pain I’ve ever felt in my life. And it was it was eight years ago, where I lost my mom to breast cancer. And I watched the woman and that brought me into this world leave this world literally take her last breath. So that Mark has just been imprinted on my soul, my heart and the fragility of life kind of smacked me in the face with that, that two by four and I said okay, what is my purpose? What is my mission? And is what I’m doing today? light me up and get me excited to get out of bed in the morning. And that I asked myself that question, the answer was no. So I choose, I chose a different path. I was in corporate America at that point, chose the left, leave corporate America and then I started discovering I didn’t have these habits, these daily things that I was doing that was setting me up for success, I was kind of going that down that path that everybody goes towards and I was unfulfilled, unhappy, unsatisfied. And that’s why I went down that deep rabbit hole of personal development and uncovered a low low glimmer of gold underneath all the layers that society beliefs all those things that we carry. And once I saw a little piece of my potential Sure, I’ve been on that never ending quest to level up myself, but then also help others do the same because closing that gap between your potential and where you’re at currently. Yeah, if you close that gap, then that stress that overwhelming anxiety that unhappiness it starts to diminish, right, you feel more fulfilled. So that’s that’s the reason why we’re so deep searing pain and losing my mom.

Unknown Speaker  4:45  

That’s I can relate to that my lost my mom to breast cancer as well in 2019. And it sucks, sucks ball especially if you have that kind of relationship that sounds like you had with her as well. So Have that rabbit hole that you spoke about? When you first started into the personal development like Where were you? Do you first start if he wasn’t a book? Was it a video? Was it a person? Just curious because I did a deep dive in how I got started. And it was really a book that was handed to me called the travelers gift by Andy Andrews. But like, where did it really start for you?

Unknown Speaker  5:22  

So I started looking at those personal development gurus like Tony Robbins, and some others and just hearing the narrative of you could get better and it’s possible and diving into some books. I mean, Mindset by Carol Dweck is a great one, right growth, mindset versus fixed mindset and everything can be learned. And that’s, that’s a great one that I really dove into. And then just really discovering that I wasn’t doing the things that set you up for success. I still remember I opened up a gym before I moved into peak performance coaching. And I remember one morning I was I was going to coach a class at 8am. And I was still doing kind of the same things I did in my late teens, 20s and 30s. I was hanging out until the guys till two in the three in the morning drinking like a fish, right? I stunk of alcohol. And my wife laid some truth bombs out on me that morning, she said, how are you going to go teach a class about wellness? When you reek of alcohol? At that moment, I was like, Holy shit, you’re right, like, what am I doing with my life? And how can I promote something when I’m live in something that’s totally opposite to what I’m looking to promote? So, you know, once I started to really uncover those things that were kryptonite to my life and adding on some things that could really move the needle bookending my days is where I kind of always start, what’s the last 30 minutes of the day look like? What’s the first 30 minutes of the day look like? You control those? Right? some semblance of control and a chaotic. Just everywhere world, right. So yep,

Unknown Speaker  7:01  

that’s awesome that you said that you had that accountability partner and your wife. It’s funny how they can really push that button. But they’re 100% Correct. I mean, it’s, it’s funny, I don’t even know why I’m going here. But I woke up with heartburn this morning, for the first time, like for years, I used to only get it when I boost. Right? And I didn’t do so it’s like it’s it’s a but it was a reset reminder that there’s something within me, that has got to be recited and going back. So immediately, I called my coach this morning, she put me on the right game plan. So I appreciate you being transparent with that man. It’s open, it’s honest. And you have that accountability partner in your life. So do you work mainly with one on one clients? Jeff, are you more of a group coach? Or a little bit of both? Or what’s your story, they’re a little

Unknown Speaker  7:46  

bit of both, but I’m leaning more on the more and more on the one on one side, because then you can get to such a deeper level. And people are willing to be vulnerable when they’re talking one on one when you have that personal relationship. And I I feel like leaning into it is kind of the way life I feel like has evolved, right? We’re so connected by social and phones, but yet we’re disconnected and we don’t have deep conversations and we don’t question our beliefs and right. Ask why enough of you know what’s going on. And kudos to you, Scott, for listening to your body and saying something, I need to do something right, something’s wrong. And so many people just don’t have that awareness and they’re going through the motions. And I call it kind of walking zombies going through life just slugging along. And you know, you lost your mom, I lost my mom, we only get one we only get one life to live. Absolutely, man. Every day is a gift today is a gift. We’ll never get back. Right you get the opportunity to choose what you’re going to do with it. And so many people are just putting that choice and I want to wake people up that there’s a there’s a different path, you can choose to close that gap between your potential and where you’re at right now. For sure.

Unknown Speaker  9:01  

Absolutely. I love the way you you just said that because it like so many people have a foot in the future foot in the past I piss over the president, right. So it’s like if you’re in control of where you’re at, that you can move forward. It’s like sitting in a car like you have the rearview mirror. It’s like small for a reason, right? Where that’s your your history. It’s great to visit there every once awhile, learn from it, but don’t live there. And then you have a huge windshield in front of you, which is your future. But you can’t drive that car, unless you’re paying attention to now and I love that love that you brought that up. So when you’re working with people, maybe in the discovery period, Jeff and you’re really starting to get to know each other. Is there any secret sauce, you can share with us that the morning Fire coaching that that maybe helps them identify their blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  9:46  

So this is it’s a great, great question. And as the example I used in my own life with my 14 year old son last night, so he’s an athlete, went to the gym yesterday, couldn’t get all the machines he wanted came back and he was just Dima Like he was literally almost in tears. And, you know, I saw what’s going on. And he said, I’m just not motivated. And I said, Listen, we need to talk like, let’s let’s talk about this. And I do this with clients as well. We, we’ve been programmed to listen to our feelings and to be in touch with Well, how am I feeling? Well, it’s raining out, I’m supposed to go for a run, I don’t feel like it. So I don’t do it. Right. And based upon our feelings, and this is kind of the way most people will act, based upon how we’re feeling we take action, or we don’t take action. And our feelings can betray us, right? And they portray us most of the time our mind will fight us if it’s given the opportunity. So what happens is you have feelings, you don’t take action, then your identity, spirals down, right? You just feel crappier about yourself. I didn’t follow through on my word, I didn’t feel it. You’re not going to do it tomorrow. And you just, it’s demotivating. And this is what my son was experiencing. And I said, Well, I love to flip that. And the opposite way and define my identity when I wake up from an energy work love perspective. And I said for him, I said, to find your identity. You know, you’re you’re working out. You’re he’s a football and basketball player. I said, What if you were the greatest athlete in the history of your high school? That’s going to be your identity every single day? And he smiled a little bit. He said, Wow, I said, Isn’t that powerful?

Unknown Speaker  11:24  

He said, right.

Unknown Speaker  11:25  

I feel good. I said, So write it down every single day you are future pacing, your success. I hate fake it to make it I think we’re not aligned that you feel like you’re a liar. Now Fincher pace your success. Here’s where you’re headed. So by defining your identity, you take action upon that identity. I defined my energy side as a world class athlete every day. Well, what would a world class athlete do? He works out every day he eats, right? He gets quality sleep, he meditates he, you know, he goes for a walk after some meals to get out in the fresh air, regardless of how I’m feeling. And then what happens? Identity action, feeling, I feel great about myself. And I’m spiraling upward, because I’m actually following through on the things I know, I need to do. And I commit to doing personally. So that identity, that is a game changer for anybody and a great place to start. Because then we’re not relying on our feelings that can portray us, we’re defining our identity. We’re stepping into it, and we’re taking action from it.

Unknown Speaker  12:26  

That’s beautiful man. And I love that the action was is part of that as well. And so when you’re maybe speaking with a new client, or somebody or prospect, if you will, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  12:44  

So there’s a great one. And I just thought about this the other day, there’s a new documentary out on Netflix called Stutz, and it’s about Phil’s thoughts coach, and Jonah Hill, put it together. And it was just awesome, because Jonah Hill was actually interviewing him. And he talks, Phil starts talks to Jonah and John is figuring something out. And and Jonah says, Do you ever struggle with stuff? And coaches? Like, are you freaking kidding me? I struggle with it just like you. So like, that was just I got goosebumps right now telling it because, yeah, I think so many times. And even as coaches, we feel we’re in the same battle, that every single person on this planet is in with their mind, and there’s you’re never going to win it. You’re only gonna have strategies, tools, tactics, algorithms, processes behind the scenes that you can snap back quicker difference between the people that are actualizing their potential and closing that gap as they have the systems so when they have a dip, they can get out of it real quick, rather than how I used to be in my teens and 20s and 30s. I would stay stuck in that rut for weeks. Yeah, I mean, I was I was voted beggars complainer my high school class on the senior side of it. If that’s

Unknown Speaker  14:08  

you, I can’t see it, man. Wow, I was

Unknown Speaker  14:11  

I was and even one of my fraternity brothers in college said you know what, you’re kind of a Debbie Downer like years later. And I was like, Holy crap, there’s two instances. And so right now, it doesn’t matter where you start. You can always finish and you can always evolve and you can always iterate.

Unknown Speaker  14:26  

And it’s so crazy that took a life event in the sense of tragic one. And really make you see that I know that you probably were practicing like before that but still that really make you kind of see and understand how life life can be in that. Let’s let’s unpack that a little bit. Where have you seen the movie Back to the Future?

Unknown Speaker  14:44  

I have. Alright, let’s

Unknown Speaker  14:45  

get that Dory with Marty McFly, man. You brought up your younger self. Let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old wick what kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on him at 22 next semester changing because you have your journey you have your path, but maybe helped them shorten the learning curve last year level up maybe just a little bit quicker.

Unknown Speaker  15:05  

Don’t be afraid to step into who you are. And don’t be afraid to go away from the well worn path. Right. And I think I just wanted to be a part of the groups and fit in but I always had like this itch of the back of my neck that I I knew I had more inside. But I was gripped with fear and what would people think and that’s why I didn’t take some of the shots that I probably should have back there.

Unknown Speaker  15:33  

Yeah, I love that you’re transparent. That’s freaking awesome. I mean, one of my my coaches Berta. So I was like, do it scared, like, no matter what, man there’s ways, and like how you book in your days, that really takes a lot of that fear out because you have that plan that suck because as coaches I’m not a consultant, I’m a coach. Like I don’t like Monday that my clients 789 figure earners. And if they forgot more about business, and I will ever know it to be able to see that light bulb, because every everybody knows what they want, right? They just don’t know how to talk themselves into into it. So that’s awesome. Like, I’ve watched a lot of your stuff. And I know that you do it that way as well, to pick up those knowledge nuggets and push them forward. So how do you want your dash remembered, man, that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and death date? And hopefully its way down the road? But how does Jeff one is best remembered.

Unknown Speaker  16:22  

It’s gonna be after I’m 100 because I got to target age, I’m gonna live past 100. So I got still got some quality years ahead of me, but one that he played all out, right, he played full out wasn’t wasn’t scared to take shots once he finally realized that, hey, everybody has that fear, right? And made a significant dent in the universe by impacting as many people as I can. And it could be just the conversation. I mean, I’ve had individuals that have just had a half an hour conversation with me, it was I remember the guy who was it was Dad about ready to be a dad. And he was boozing all day long, and he couldn’t get over it. And he sent me a note couple months later said he changed my life with just that conversation. I checked, check myself and I got some help. And now I’m back on on this path. So just being known that I played all out, I was a little bit crazy. But crazy changes the world and that, you know, I cared and I loved all those around me to the to the fullest extent,

Unknown Speaker  17:27  

what’s been your biggest win in the past seven days. In the

Unknown Speaker  17:30  

past seven days, I hit 15,000 pull ups for for the year. So I put that out there. Wanted to I’m 47 years young. And last year I did 100,000 Push ups this year. I said alright, I’m gonna do those push ups, but I need to level up somewhere else. I said pull ups is the next one. So just chipping away at that.

Unknown Speaker  17:49  

That’s awesome. That’s I do a lot. It’s funny because I do a lot of my for my fellow veterans, right? And so I’m doing the 830 burpees 1500 Push ups or whatever, you know, it comes to in the month in some days, I don’t want to but when you have that person out there that you’re doing it for, you know to raise that money. It helps a lot I love that you’re doing them and continuously leveling up. So what uh, what do you think people misunderstand the most about?

Unknown Speaker  18:17  

New people that come into my world think that I was born this way and I just wasn’t right. I was a shy introverted kid. I still remember at six years old, my late mother would told me the story that I wanted to go over to a buddy’s house to play. She had to come with me. Rules. I was so shy. And then biggest complainer, right, as I said High School, Debbie downer when I was in the corporate space, I was the last person to talk in a meeting. I was scared to death to speak up. And it’s just, you wouldn’t know that if you watch me now or heard me speak or when I’m presenting to a bedroom, that it was terrifying. But I stepped into that fear, right? I remember going into a Toastmasters Club, and they welcomed the new people to the to the group into the meeting. And then they asked question who would like you know, everybody needs to get up and speak who would like to go first. And I made a commitment to myself before I went in, I would do things that were uncomfortable. I raised my hand first had the room rockin and I said What am I scared off like, I need to need to get better at this. So you know, those new people in my network would be shocked that hearing those things

Unknown Speaker  19:28  

you and I are like brothers different mothers do like it’s funny because they see me on stage. I start every speech on a trampoline. Right? And I do it for the lymphatic clean out when I’m talking and and there’s another reason why I do because everyone’s heads going like this or about the firm what I’m about to speak about, but they’re like dude, and usually I get offstage. I’ll talk for 1520 minutes, you know your obligation time with the crowd. And then I usually bail. They’re like, where’s forgive? I’m an introvert man. Yes, my girl you can ask everybody like I’m the first one that kava bar. I like to drink habits a route. It’s awesome. And I like to sit there and just, you know, work on stuff by myself. I go into restaurants by myself, I have no problem. But for some reason I can flip that switch. I have no idea where it came from. Do you know where it came from for you?

Unknown Speaker  20:17  

I did so many reps, right? I’ve done over 1400 podcast episodes, I’ve done so many reps that that rep. Those reps bred confidence. And what I’m speaking about, right, and I feel like that is such a last piece of the equation, right? Rep rep. Rep. That breeds confidence where when I’m going to speak to a group of 100 150 that I was just speaking out the other week. I know exactly what I’m going to talk about. I just have bullet points and I can deliver it and I’m just like you’d like I have people stand up. They take three breaths in lead them through a little guided meditation. We’re gonna we’re gonna yell boom and pound our chest. Oh, my countdown 321 You can close your eyes if you’re self conscious and in the room vibrates with energy. And you know, we kind of go from there. So yeah,

Unknown Speaker  21:07  

that’s awesome, man. It’s so do you think keep Jeff up at night?

Unknown Speaker  21:13  

Not really, my wife is always pissed off because I could fall asleep in the better way though, sir. Seven seconds. I have I have because I get up in Iraq hard all day long. She’s like, How can you fall asleep? Literally, I’m in the middle of a sentence in your head hit the pillow and it’s seven seconds.

Unknown Speaker  21:30  

Like oh, that’s a superpower. Susan has a two man like me. I’m a lot better than I was before WIC. But like Susan can be I’ve counted her down eight seconds one time. Yeah, I’m like that, to me. That’s a superpower. Because for recovery and whatnot. So how about what is your definition of life well lived.

Unknown Speaker  21:55  

Serving and impacting others to the best of your ability. And I feel like that’s such. So lost in today’s society and world is how can I how can I help and serve somebody else? And I love connecting with people one on one and thanks I always say is how can I help you? Yeah, I’ve had people just shocked that I even asked that question.

Unknown Speaker  22:18  

It all goes back to zig right? You know, like you can get anything we want by helping as many people do what they want and you’re such a Go Giver, man. That’s fantastic. And found the show today podcast varsity squad. We are back in Jeff, you and I are gonna meet one day we’re gonna rock some stages. Do some fun things. And probably some of these questions. We’ll probably talk about 1520 minutes, or each one of them but you got five seconds with no explanation. So you’re ready to rock ready to go. Let’s Level Up. Jump what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Daily consistent work. Beautiful. show one of your personal habits that contribute to success.

Unknown Speaker  22:55  

Meditation almost five years straight every single day. That’s frickin fantastic.

Unknown Speaker  22:59  

So you see me walking down the street like man Fergie looks like he’s an adult drums other than Rives bite. Love repeat. What book might you hand me?

Unknown Speaker  23:10  

Can’t hurt me by David gang.

Unknown Speaker  23:12  

Oh, Gods. I know. God. So from back in the military dude. That’s beautiful, man. So what’s your most commonly use emoji when you’re taxed? Fire? I love it. Nicknames growing up, wick wick. Oh, yes. I love it. Yeah, you got just checkers or monopoly.

Unknown Speaker  23:31  

Monopoly all day long. Beautiful.

Unknown Speaker  23:33  

Go to ice cream flavor.

Unknown Speaker  23:35  

Chocolate. Beautiful.

Unknown Speaker  23:37  

There’s a there’s a sandwich called the wick. The morning fire wick. Build that sandwich formula me?

Unknown Speaker  23:45  

Oh boy. Boy, it’s gonna it’s gonna be on a nice sesame long roll. Like we’ve got upside outside of Philadelphia. And that’s gonna be filled with some chunks of mozzarella, some roasted red peppers and some salami and ham and I

Unknown Speaker  24:02  

love the meat on there. Yeah. favorite charity and organization like you give your time or money to.

Unknown Speaker  24:09  

My wife’s on the board of a mother’s wish my youngest son has grown so love giving my time and raising money for

Unknown Speaker  24:15  

them. Thank you, man. Thank you for doing that brother. And last question. You can elaborate on this one. But what is the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s.

Unknown Speaker  24:23  

And I thought of 80s all the way I just there’s nothing like some caravan, metal rock. And then it led into you know, some some pretty good years from a rat perspective. That was kind of how my evolution was but there’s nothing like throwing on some Def Leppard crew Guns and Roses.

Unknown Speaker  24:45  

Everything like seven years is great. I usually do have the 70s on the background because it reminds me of my mom. Right. Growing up. You know, I was born in 72. So I kind of grew up listening to subsidy but the 80s like you just mentioned you had the rap Come on with a Beastie Boys and Run DMC and then you had the big hair don’t care the metal bands, the invasions from like YouTube from Ireland Men at Work Australia, and then you had all the one name like if you said Michael, you know you’re talking about whether it’s Jordan or Jackson right? You had Madonna one name or Prince one namer like you know, they are all you and I are bots man friends to the end now brother. So where can we find you bro?

Unknown Speaker  25:27  

Yeah, you can go out to the morning feiyr.com That’s my website got a ton of content out there out on all socials. If you want to grab my book, rise, fight Love, Repeat, ignite your morning fire. You can find that on Amazon and I’ve got a podcast, your hidden edge where we uncover that hidden edge that helps you level up in life.

Unknown Speaker  25:44  

Do you do is it monologue or do you interview people?

Unknown Speaker  25:47  

So I monologue twice per week and that one interview per week so beautiful God, you know, five to 10 minute sessions twice per week and then about 30 minute interview each week.

Unknown Speaker  25:57  

Beautiful. I can’t wait to get on there. And let’s do a let’s do a book giveaway for the rights fight. Love repeat that. Tell us a little bit about your book, bro.

Unknown Speaker  26:06  

So that’s all about bookending your days right? How do you control that last 30 minutes of the day? How do you prepare for success? And what’s that first 30 minutes look like how do you stack all these wins and get this momentum this progress is focused this energy and it’s what I’ve used to really level up in my life and step into the greatest version of of myself.

Unknown Speaker  26:26  

That’s beautiful and squad we’re going to do a book giveaway we’re on time to shine today’s time. I’m going to buy a copy actually two copies for the first people that put fire it up, fire it up in any of our social or even text us that 561440330 But it can be Pinterest Instagram, LinkedIn wherever you’re gonna see this podcasts are here just put fired up and I’ll make sure that I get the books and Jeff you don’t mind just Hancock in them and mailing them out and you know, taking care of the postage. That’d be fantastic brother. Yeah, absolutely. Awesome. Awesome. Jeff, leave us do me one last salad. Leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget that we can take with us internalize and take action. Today as

Unknown Speaker  27:09  

a gift. You will never get again. And you can choose to do whatever you want. But it is a gift that you’ll never get again. So choose wisely.

Unknown Speaker  27:18  

Yes, in squad we have just had fantastic free masterclass from a boy wick here, Jeff Walker sham for morning Fire coaching. And you know, he went through the deepest pain about eight years ago losing his mom to breast cancer, the fragility, fragility, the fragility of life, and this really smacked him in his face, and really kind of lit him up he knew us living kind of unfilled, unhappy and unsatisfied so really work to do what he does with his clients right now closing the gap between his potential and where he is to really the field a little bit more fulfilled, you know, and it really came from taking responsibility, which I believe is the ability to respond. And with that his wife called him out and said, Listen, man, if you’re gonna walk the walk, you had her Talk That Talk You gotta walk it. So really shipshape booked and his days. And he reminds us that, you know, we’re programmed to listen to our feelings, we either take action or we don’t take action, you know, reminds us that feelings will betray us. So with no action taken, your identity will plummet and you’re not going to get that close that gap anymore. Now he’s somebody that’s a fantastic coach, I can see him in sessions really leaning in listening with his neck, the flood like to call it and really getting it and digging deep to find that blind spot for you. You know, in when you’re starting to work with a coach asked him about his troubles or struggles that he’s had a coach should be transparent, and how he worked and really gameplan with his struggles, because Jeff, again, I said before, is somebody that’s not going to do tests anything I do that he hasn’t really worked on himself. Okay, so he’s gonna be remembered as someone really that slit across home plate bumped, bruised, you know, but also making an impact and everybody that he could, you know, and he reminds us, don’t be afraid to step into who you are. And if you don’t know how to do that, like my good friend, Leah Woodford would say get your asking here, ask and ask people that have been there walked that walk this take an action, like Jeff said daily to really help you step into that fear. And also understand that that reps, reps reps is going to breed confidence in you. So whatever Jeff puts you on the gameplan that he works with you do the reps because that will bring the confidence out which will change that identity which will really close that gap. You know, and reminds us last that today is a gift you will never get again. So choose wisely to really level up and that’s what my good friend Jeff does. He levels up as healthy levels up as well. He’s earned his varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Man’s blessing to have you on absolutely love your guts and I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future brother.

Unknown Speaker  29:54  

Thanks for having me.

Unknown Speaker  29:55  

You bet chat soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today. A podcast proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine to date.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like where you’ve been listening to it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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