239-Brain Based Wellness – TTST Interview with Coach Elisabeth Kristof

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Elisabeth Kristof is an expert in using applied neurology to move people out of pain, unwanted behavior and stress response. She is the founder of Brain-Based Wellness, a revolutionary online platform that trains the nervous system and body to resolve old patterns, improve performance and increase well-being. Elisabeth is a certified applied neurology practitioner who has been in the movement industry since 2007. She works with entrepreneurs, athletes, leaders and creatives to improve resilience, manage stress and regulate emotions through intentional, science-based brain training.

  Don’t be so hard on your nervous system, your body is your ally

– Elisabeth Kristof

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Make all major changes slow and gradual

2. Most of our life experiences come from what our nervous system is producing

3. Systems include: Visual, Inner Ear, Body Mapping and Interceptive 

4. Every skill is trainable

5. You can only do the best that you can at the level your nervous system lets you

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Hey this is Elizabeth with Brain Based Wellness and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson

Unknown Speaker  0:09  

bomb to shine today podcast first you squat at Scott Ferguson and I’m bringing you Episode 239 with my really good friend from brain based wellness coach Elizabeth Kristoff, this interview was pretty much life changing for me. If you listen to about maybe listen all the way through and she puts me through an exercise that literally took me about 12 seconds that I implement every single day. Now that just helps me level up and get centered. I believe I’ll probably be hiring her and her taking me on as a client due to just everything starts with the nervous system. And I’m not going to say too much more because I want Elizabeth the pro to explain everything to us. So seriously, sit back, relax, open up your brain. Take some notes. Because here comes my really good friend Elizabeth Kristoff from brain based wellness. Let’s level up. Time to shine to the podcast, Marcy squads a Scott Ferguson. And you know, I’m always feeding myself with nutrition, good stuff that goes into my mind. And we’re going to get into the brain here with my really good friend Elizabeth Kristoff from brain based wellness. She’s an expert in using applied neurology to move people out of pain, unwanted behavior and stress response. Again, She’s the founder of brain based wellness, wellness, a revolutionary online platform that trains the nervous system and body to resolve old patterns, improve performance and increase well being. Elizabeth is a certified applied neurology practitioner, I said that without tripping on my tongue there has been in the movement industry since 2007. She works with entrepreneurs, athletes, leaders and creatives to improve resilience, manage, manage stress, and regulate emotions through intentional ScienceBase brain training. Elizabeth, thank you for coming on, please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast versus squat. But first, what’s your favorite color and why?

Unknown Speaker  2:05  

My favorite color is green, green. I think there’s a real healing energy to green and I love nature. I love being outside. And I love to just be surrounded by the trees and the grass. And that green reminds me of all of that. Its

Unknown Speaker  2:21  

growth, right? Yes, the color wheel. If you’re watching, we have a beautiful Miss Elizabeth Kristoff, she’s a rock star. If you go to her website, which is brain base dash wellness calm, you’re gonna see a lot of what she is capable of doing, not only with her brain, but with her body, and she just rocks and she wants to take you to the next level. So Elizabeth, like can we get your backstory here a little bit about where the foundation is to where you were, and then 2007 really kind of leveled up with the brain based wellness.

Unknown Speaker  2:54  

Yeah, so I have been in the movement and wellness industry for a long time. And I we were developing a teacher training program for some Pilates studios that I owned here in Austin. And I knew that I wanted brain training to be a part of that I understood that I knew enough about movement science to know that like you don’t have a tight hip flexor, you have a brain that is telling your hip flexor to maintain a certain amount of tension. You don’t have you know limited range of motion, you have a brain and a nervous system that’s limiting your range of motion and until you resolve that like you can stretch all you want, you can foam roll all you want. But unless you address it at the level of your nervous system in your brain, that pattern is not really going to change. And so I started studying applied neurology got certified fell in love with it went deep into my studies. And then in 2018, my life really kind of fell apart, I had to dissolve my business. My partnership shares in the business, my romantic partner at the time was diagnosed with a rare cancer around his heart and we went into a long period of fighting that and I was under a tremendous amount of financial stress. And I started to experience really severe outputs of my own Nervous System almost blacking out binge eating chronic pain, migraine. And I had all this information and knowledge about applied neurology and I really understood that most of our life experience comes from what our our nervous system is producing. And I started to look at myself with a lot of curiosity and began to use applied neurology not just for athletic performance and pain management, but for behavior change for resolving old trauma patterns from moving out of these unwanted behaviors like binge eating and and healing all of the stress that I was going under at that time and worked with a lot of different practitioners and healers and and through that work really came up with the platform that is brain based wellness now.

Unknown Speaker  4:55  

Well that’s a magnificent story. So I love that you say that you don’t have a type hip flexors, your brain firing in telling it which you can actually keep it tight. And since I realized that that’s happening, I’ve my jujitsu is leveled up, my yoga is leveled up, everything is great. But let me ask you something you said you’ve been in the movement since oh seven? Were you not really in the brain based movement then is that when 2018 when you’re going through that, we’ll just call it hell, your Oh,

Unknown Speaker  5:20  

yeah, let’s call it hell. I started studying applied neurology in 2014. And that was when we were developing the teacher training program. And then I really started to use it in all these different ways in 2018, when I went through that unique experience that we’ll call Hill, that taught me so much, and really gave me a different perspective and understanding that we all do the best that we can at the level of our nervous system. And I began to understand how frustrating it can be, when cognitively you’re trying to level up your life or move past certain patterns or handle a certain amount of stress that you know, everyone faces high stress times in their life, and how frustrating it can be to feel like your body is working against you to keep getting shut down every time you try to level up or move through something. And that we have this miraculous system inside of us, our nervous system, and it’s intelligent, and it’s responding to the stimulus that we put in. And it’s always changing. And we have agency over what that stimulus is and in what direction our nervous system changes. And so I began to understand that we could train our nervous system to move out of those patterns to handle more stress, and to not go into that protective mode of, of shutdown of migraine of pain, of exhaustion, and of unwanted behavior, most of our behaviors, our brain’s best way of getting the regulation that it needs, getting the stimulus that it needs to stay healthy. And it’s actually our brain trying to protect us and keep us safe. So if we want to change those patterns, and change those behaviors, we have to find new tools to give our brain the stimulus that it needs and to help it self regulate, help our nervous system regulate.

Unknown Speaker  7:07  

And these tools with maybe you can give us a little teaser. So I don’t want to give too much I want people to get a hold of you and really learn them. But you give us a teaser those tools.

Unknown Speaker  7:16  

Yeah, so a lot of the work that I do, I train the various input systems. So I work on the visual system, the balance system inside of your inner ear, your vestibular system, your body mapping system that tells your brain where your body is in space, and then your interoceptive system, which is just the system that tells your brain what’s going on inside of your body. And so all of these different systems give information to your brain, your brain takes it all in and integrates it and then it makes a decision on how to act next and makes an output. And if your brain is stressed out, if it’s having a hard time making predictions and generating an output, then it will generate a protective output. It’ll limit your range of motion, it’ll make you weaker, it might use pain. Pain is a great behavior change tool of your brain to keep your world smaller, you take smaller steps, you work out with less intensity, you go out less. So if your brain doesn’t feel safe, at that very physiological level, it’s going to generate protective outputs to try to get you to stay safe. If the input coming into your brain is clearer through those different systems, your eyes, your inner ear, your body mapping system, then your brain has an easier time doing its primary job, which is making predictions to keep you alive. And when your brain can do that better. It feels safer. And then it’ll move you into a performance mode. It’ll give you more range of motion through your joints, it’ll make you stronger, you’re more able to be connected be present. And so by training these systems, which are all trainable, everything is a skill every skill is trainable, then your brain is getting better information on a second by second basis. It can make better predictions and change the patterns and generate a new and more performance output. I

Unknown Speaker  9:04  

love that you brought that up because I have a dear friend of mine we dated for a while but I remember I was I suffered from PTSD from military stuff and I wasn’t able to go into a restaurant like we parked and I couldn’t go in is weirdest thing and I mean I got up on stage probably earlier that day in front of like, I don’t know 100 people and stuff had no problem but I just got locked in and she just said one day you need to we need to retrain your brain. And that’s funny that you said that with every skill is trainable.

Unknown Speaker  9:36  

Okay, I work with a lot of people with PTSD and, and myself I have complex PTSD. I come from a lot of childhood trauma and you know that it is what it is right? But I have learned ways to help my body regulate when it gets into those high stress states and a lot of what PTSD is is it’s a real issue with your interceptive systems. So again, that’s the system that tells your brain what’s going on inside of your body. And so what is happening is that system is predicting too much threat where there isn’t any. And so then it creates a physiological response inside of your body is threat, right? Your heart is biting, you get sweaty, your shoulders rise up by your ears, you move into a protective state of fight or flee response when the threat is not really there. But there’s something that triggers that right. And so if when we start to feel those signals, we can give our nervous system and our brain new tools for regulation. And a lot of what I do for that is like Vegas nerve stimulation, that’s a really important component of your of your parasympathetic response and calm and respond network, then if you can start to feel those signals, like hey, I’m moving into threat response, My mouth is drying out, my shoulders are creeping up, my heart rates going a little bit faster, let me stop and do a couple of things that changed my internal state, so that I’m no longer experiencing that threat response, you start to recalibrate, and then you create a new experience over and over again. And eventually, longer time passes before you move into one of those episodes, you start to learn to reregulate re regulate and you create a different baseline for your body. When you experience those same triggers.

Unknown Speaker  11:22  

Actually, so what is your stance on if someone’s like, there’s a pill for that?

Unknown Speaker  11:28  

Well, I don’t want to I’m think there are different tools for different people. And whatever you need is whatever you need, and I don’t want to be the person to tell someone whether or not, it is right for them. But I think that there are also a lot of tools available to actually change at the root level of your nervous system so that you’re not just kind of like blanketing out your nervous system, but you’re actually changing it, you’re changing the way that it responds to things. And so it’s possible to retrain yourself. And for some people, when it’s really severe, you may need some help, right? calming the nervous system, until you can get to that place where you’re capable of making those changes. But it is possible to create that change over time with practice with a daily practice of training your nervous system, just like you would train your muscles in the gym.

Unknown Speaker  12:18  

right thank you for saying that too, because some people just they need it. But even the people that I coach to kind of rely on it a little bit more than you know, it’s kind of want to ease them off into something that like, you know, brain based wellness has. So when someone you’re maybe you’re in a discovery period, you kind of bring in them in Is there any secret sauce, if you don’t mind me sharing that maybe helps you find their blind spot.

Unknown Speaker  12:44  

So a lot of what I do is I watch people walk, you can tell a lot about what’s going on in someone’s nervous system, by the way they walk. It’s called their gait cycle. And I look for different neurological patterns in there because everybody’s nervous system is different and unique. And so I’m looking for the deficits in their unique nervous system so that we can heal those resolve those and then a lot of what I do on the membership site is I teach people to be the expert of their own nervous system, I teach you how to assess and reassess what is working well for your nervous system, because the really cool thing is that change at the level of the nervous system is instantaneous. And so it’s its whole body, it’s systemic, and it happens right away. So you can always assess and reassess if something is moving your nervous system in a positive or negative direction. So you can do something really simple like turn your head side to side and see how far you can see out of the corner of your eye, maybe rate the amount of tension in your neck. And maybe notice how much saliva do you have in your mouth. So if I have a lot of saliva, that means I’m moving into a rest and digest state because that’s part of our digestive process, right? If my mouth starts to dry up, that means I’m moving into fight and flight into threat response because I’m preparing for fighting or fleeing. So I’m moving out of a digestive state. So if when you do a drill, you do a neuro exercise, you test it first test your range of motion, maybe test an exercise, then do a drill, and then reassess. I noticed Do I have more range of motion? Do I have less tension in my neck? Do I get a little more saliva in my mouth? Is it easier to take a big, full deep breath, and you can start to learn what drills are right for me? What exercises does my nervous system need? And then you can really apply that to everything in your life. Does this type of meditation make me feel better or worse? Just going for a walk make me feel better or worse because everybody has different way

Unknown Speaker  14:35  

to do their job better or worse, right? Yes, exactly.

Unknown Speaker  14:39  

Yeah, exactly. So you start to be the expert.

Unknown Speaker  14:44  

Someone comes in for you will stay in the discovery period here with you. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?

Unknown Speaker  14:54  

Um, I think one of the things that I work with a lot and people in The very beginning is understanding that this can be a very gradual minimum effective dose kind of thing. So people, I think, sometimes come in wanting to take on a little bit too much, and they’re already in a very high stress state. And so one of the things I work with people on is understanding that it can be as little as like three minutes a day, three minutes of training your nervous system, three minutes of focusing on your breath of giving your Vegas nurse and stimulus of training your eyes, and then let it be gradual and build on from there. Because whatever we do, we get better at and if we’re already coming in, stressed out, and then we add more stress on to that, we end up moving more into threat response more into pain, and you get better at that, right. So I really, I wish that people would have a little more patience with themselves, it took a long time to get into the state of dysregulation. And it needs to be you can’t heal too slowly. It really needs to be a gradual process that you build on little by little so that it’s sustainable, and it doesn’t move you into pain or threat.

Unknown Speaker  16:07  

I love that you’re actually carrying Imagine that. So Lizbeth Have you seen the movie? Back to the Future? I have Okay, let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 20 year olds Lizbeth what kind of knowledge nuggets would you be dropping on her to maybe help her shorten the learning curve level up and blast through

Unknown Speaker  16:34  

I would tell her you’re doing the best that you can at the level of your nervous system. I lived so much of my life. Really, until like the past five years, driven through cycles of hyper vigilance, just working and doing and trying to secure safety out of like doing doing doing all the time, and then shutting down in a state of hypo arousal of freeze where you experienced brain fog and binge eating and migraine. And I would just cycle through those patterns trying to try to find my safety because I was very dysregulated. And that came from my childhood trauma. It came from learned behaviors that I experienced in my life and then the stressful situations I put myself in. And I was so hard on myself about the things that I did about the binge eating about about every time I would get shut down with a migraine. And really it was my body protecting me from too much stress for too long. And I would tell her that your body is your ally it’s doing the best that it can to keep you safe. Even this binge eating is helping to regulate your nervous system to bring you out of that state of hyper vigilance out of that chronic stress state. It’s your body’s best way of getting you to rest and be quiet for a minute. And so I would have more compassion for myself.

Unknown Speaker  17:58  

Love that. Thank you for thank you for saying that. And so how Lisbeth How do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date your life late date and your death date there on your tombstone? How do you want your dash remember,

Unknown Speaker  18:14  

I think as as someone who is very curious and hopefully contributed to a conversation about changing the paradigm of not only our healthcare system, and but also our mental health system, to being something that’s a lot more holistic and a lot more looking at the root causes. Rather than just addressing the symptoms.

Unknown Speaker  18:38  

Love it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. So what keeps you up at night?

Unknown Speaker  18:44  

I think about I think about how to convey this message to more people I would love to be able to especially get this get these tools and this knowledge out to children who are so resilient but could use more tools if cash if they just had the tools for self regulation and a different way of looking at their behavior. It could save people so much pain and so much struggle and I would love to to spread in that direction. Love that.

Unknown Speaker  19:16  

Love it. So what do people miss understand the most about you?

Unknown Speaker  19:22  

I think that Akash that’s a really good question. What do people misunderstand about me? Um, I think sometimes people think that, you know, I do drive pretty hard and it looks like I’m very visible and always going and doing and being out in the world. And I think it’s important for people to understand that like I am human to and I do have trauma and it’s even even me, there are periods where I get still shut down by my trauma responses where I’ll experience some chronic inflammation Under my eczema will come up or I’ll get really tired, something will still trigger me. And that that’s okay. And I’ve learned to have compassion for myself about that. let myself rest and that like we all experience that as we continue to push and grow and level up. And, and even me and it’s okay it’s just part of the process, love it

Unknown Speaker  20:21  

and have compassion I love, love, love that lisabeth so let’s get back in that DeLorean but this time with Doc Brown and let’s go five years in the future where there are no roads from if you remember that part of the movie anyway. But where do you see brain based wellness for you in five years.

Unknown Speaker  20:41  

I like I said I would love to do programming for you if at some point and I also I would love to just continue to be able to scale the business I do two small group programs now one for people with disordered eating binge eating, since that is near and dear to my heart and then one for entrepreneurs who are burnt out and want to continue to level up their life without being shut down by a nervous system that has been under too much stress for too long. So they experience migraine pain, fatigue, all of that. And it’s a six month program, we really take a deep dive into healing love and I would love to continue to grow those programs and reach more people.

Unknown Speaker  21:20  

eautiful Wow, wow, you will and especially with the squad out there listening I know myself I need some help with this as well. So let’s take out our cell phones out of the equation. Let’s take out our computer out of equation, anything electronic, what are three things that Elizabeth can’t live without?

Unknown Speaker  21:40  

nature, I try to get outside every day and either hike or swim in freshwater. You know, I know that’s a luxury that I have here in Austin that I have that but it’s very important to me, community, I feel a deep desire in my heart to stay connected with people who are walking this path and share our experiences and movement. Movement is a huge part of my daily life. It’s really important for brain health. It’s also a lot of what I teach on the site is movement education and you know movement training. And it’s been a huge part of my healing and and my health.

Unknown Speaker  22:19  

Love it. Love it. So what is Elisabeth’s definition of a life well lived

Unknown Speaker  22:26  

a life well lived is a life of growth and curiosity and expansion. I feel like I don’t ever want to stop learning. I don’t ever want to settle for the day to day I want to keep being able to expand and I think in order for me to do that I also have to keep healing so going back and healing to move forward and expand love it and that is my that’s my dream life

Unknown Speaker  22:54  

knowing that that step back is actually for progress sometimes and I do that as well. Hey, time to shine today podcast bursting squad we are back with my brain based wellness Rockstar, Elizabeth Kristoff and Elizabeth we have a leveling up lightning round you and I could literally talk for an hour and each one of these questions okay, but we you have five seconds with no explanations. You’re ready. All right, we go. What is the best leveling up advice Chris Elizabeth ever received?

Unknown Speaker  23:24  

Stay Curious ass.

Unknown Speaker  23:26  

Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  23:30  

Um, morning practice of regulating my nervous system with love, love,

Unknown Speaker  23:34  

it has had the most profound impact on your life.

Unknown Speaker  23:39  

Um, my mother, Love it.

Unknown Speaker  23:41  

Love, love, love that. So other than brain based dash wellness.com and of course time to shine today.com a shameless plug. What website Do you like to go to to level up?

Unknown Speaker  23:53  

Um, I go to z health education.com a lot. That’s my applied neurology training person and education company. That’s where I go.

Unknown Speaker  24:05  

Good, beautiful, beautiful. You see me walking down the street. And he looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. Is there a book you might be handing me to help me level up?

Unknown Speaker  24:17  

Currently, I’m reading Eastern body Western mind, and I’m getting a lot out is that it’s breaking my rule. Very interesting. Good. Yeah, it’s

Unknown Speaker  24:25  

very look into that. Daddy, put that in the show notes. Awesome. Thank you. Awesome. So what is your most commonly used emoji?

Unknown Speaker  24:34  

Um, probably the little brain.

Unknown Speaker  24:37  

Makes sense. Makes sense. All right. So chess or checkers? Yes. All right. I figured you say chess the brain based checkers. What’s your favorite charity organization that you like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  24:53  

safe. It’s a it’s an organization for battered women and abused children. And I like

Unknown Speaker  25:02  

to get to that. Thank you. Thank you. Last question. You can elaborate on this one. But what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s?

Unknown Speaker  25:10  

Hmm, well, I grew up in the 90s. So I’m gonna

Unknown Speaker  25:14  

love it. Love, love, love it. So how can we find you?

Unknown Speaker  25:18  

brain Bay stash wellness calm is the best place to find me. And I actually have a free video series on there. That’ll teach you five really high payoff neuro drills that have worked for a lot of my clients. So you can start establishing that morning practice of regulating your nervous system and just see how it feels in your body. And if you go there, you sign up, it’s totally free, takes five minutes a day and really helps to resolve stress and make behavior change. I

Unknown Speaker  25:42  

love it. And tell us about your membership site and also your private.

Unknown Speaker  25:45  

Yeah, so the membership site, I get on there live daily. And we do Nervous System training, we do somatic practices, which is moving stress and emotions through the body. And we do intelligent movement movement designed to really help overcome pain, really improved performance. And so we’re on there every single day, and it’s live and then it goes on to on demand. So you can do it either way. But I’m always around to ask questions, too. And then I do the small group neuro coaching, which is a really tight container held space for people to dig deep into their subconscious mind. And we’re rewiring the nervous system. We’re also rewriting subconscious narratives, doing a lot of somatic practices and EFT and it’s a very transformative program.

Unknown Speaker  26:37  

Wow, big work. Wow, that’s awesome. That can all be found on brain based dash wellness.com. Yep, awesome. Awesome. So squat, get over there and take a look at it. And please do me a favor and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  26:55  

Do you want to try a drill,

Unknown Speaker  26:57  

we have a few minutes so we can do that.

Unknown Speaker  26:59  

Okay, we’ll do it super fast. A very easy drill to do to help you up regulate your vagus nerve, which is that important cranial nerve is just to move your tongue. So I sit up nice and tall, relax your shoulders, lengthen your spine and then do an assessment, maybe test the range of motion of your neck. And then we’re going to take our tongue over our teeth and we’re going to make big circles keeping the mouth closed. And try to go a little bit further back each time perfect. Just relaxing into it. Maybe five circles in one direction. Five circles in the other direction. And then when you’re done with that, take a breath in. Take a nice long slow exhale really letting the drill settle into the body and then reassess and notice how you feel no more or less tension in your knock maybe a little more present and we just gave our vagus nerve a little bit of stimulus just that simple.

Unknown Speaker  27:52  

That’s amazing I felt it was just like a relaxation exactly if squad we literally had a free masterclass my really good friend Elizabeth Kristoff from brain based wellness she you know, the the brain it starts in the brain and it’s like if you have a tight hip or a tight calf or something’s out of alignment, it really is starting with your brain and she said that there’s various impacts from your visual, your inner ear, your body mapping your interceptive I’m not even going to try to explain what those are, go to her website and check that out. She will also tell you that every skill that we have is trainable. Everything can go back to the brain we just did a five second exercise or a 10 second exercise that really just released the Vegas nerve and just changed my whole perspective here. While we’re talking you know, you she can tell she’s such an expert she can tell a lot about your nervous system just by the way you walk the way you hold yourself. And again I love to make a warm introduction to Elizabeth to you on the spot or whenever that you’re ready you know she wants you to be the expert of your own nervous system and she will tell you that start if you’re going to make changes start small and gradual and like we say here at time to shine today inch by inch it’s a cinch by the yard it’s hard so do the little steps like we’re always seem to finally have somebody to back me up here. And that was just awesome. She’ll tell you have compassion for yourself. Don’t be so hard on yourself because it’s taxing your nervous system. And the remembered your body is your ally. She’s going to be remembered as someone that’s very curious, yet humble and contributed contributed big time to mental hygiene and that is huge with me with the work that I do with the troops returning to stateside or get back into civilian life. And so with that resonated big time with me that she’s really into helping you with mental hygiene. And she wants you to always grow and always work to internalize the good and expound it out to others in lisabeth Thank you for coming on you level up your health you level up your wealth. Like I said you’re humble yet you’re hungry, so blessed to have Have you cannot wait to collaborate with you. I love your guts so much.

Unknown Speaker  30:03  

Thank you so much for having me. It was such an honor.

Unknown Speaker  30:05  

You bet talk soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 5612497 to six, six and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.


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