268-Access Your Pure Divine Power to Overcome Any Obstacle – TTST Interview with Diana Saturna of Angelic Assistance

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~Grow Spirituality Organically from Your Divine Power Within~ Diana provides Angelic Spiritual Coaching with physical, mental, emotional, financial or spiritual issues with individuals including children and furry family members, in the Home or Business/Office on the Soul Level. The transformational assistance penetrates deep into the darkest areas detaching from duality, and refocusing to Strengthen and Empower your Light, your Heart, your Soul. 

When the light comes in the blind spots will disintegrate

– Diana Saturna

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Build your foundation off inner knowism (strength and wisdom)

2. When you give truth – truth will come back to you

3. When you are deep breathing, your body can process your emotions easier

4. Be the light that is already available

5. Maintain and be responsible for your own energy, no matter what is going on around you.

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:13  

Time to shine today podcast firstly squad This is Scott Ferguson and we’re in Episode 268 With my awesome sauce friend, Miss Diana’s a turnout from angelic acceptance. She is fantastic. She lights up a room when she walks in people magnetize to her and she also helps you level up and find your pure divine power. And with that, like the title says you can overcome pretty much any obstacle if you can really look inward it with the truth and the way your body can process emotions with breath and I’m just getting way ahead of myself. So just sit back relax, because you’re gonna have a really good friend Diana Turner from angelic acceptance. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast Farsi scribe this is Scott Ferguson and I got my girl who just moved down into my neck of the woods a little bit here in the sunny state of Florida. This Miss Diana said Turner and angelic spiritual coach at the light within and it’s all about grows spirituality organically, organically from your divine power within Diana provides angelic spiritual coaching with physical, mental, emotional, financial or spiritual issues with individuals including children and furry family members. I love that. In the home business office or on the soul level, the transformational assistance penetrates deep into the darkest areas detaching from duality, and refocusing to strength and empower your light your heart and your soul. And Diana, thank you so much for coming out. Please introduce yourself to time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  1:59  

I love pink. I actually I reflected on that question, because I didn’t want to understand why I kept on choosing that. And it was coming into my existence. And I just could feel how it harmonizes and balances and brings unconditional love, which I feel is part of my mission here. So it’s it’s a way of expressing that. And as a service really?

Unknown Speaker  2:21  

Pink Guy loving, I’m wearing pink. So yeah, yep to my color wheel. So I get to wear pink. I love that. So let’s get to a little bit of origins of you, Diana, you know, in the in, I am a God fearing person. Okay, I grew up kind of Baptist and whatnot. And it took me a minute to really kind of get into the angelic side of things. But I learned so much and pull so much from that to help myself level up. And my clients level up, but I’d love to hear your origins.

Unknown Speaker  2:49  

Yes, so, okay, I really I had somewhat of a spiritual background as well, grandparents, and but when I got into college, I was originally going to go for finance. And I wanted to become a lawyer and really make a difference, especially with people with disability because I’ve had that in my family. So I was like, Okay, well, I’ll go in and help people. And when I was trying to push and get through my classes, I could feel my heart not in it. I know, it’s just something wrong. And I just felt all out of sorts. Okay. So I remember sitting down on the couch, and it was with a guy was dating, and I looked over the list of different majors that I could do. And as I’m going through the list, I heard a philosophy. Philosophy was, so I was like, Alright, I’m gonna take a class on this. As I took my first class, I like open the door. And it was alignment to how my brain worked of asking why.

Unknown Speaker  3:59  

I love that. I love that philosophy. It’s like, okay, I never did college. But I’m going to this community college here in Palm Beach for philosophy only. It’s like I could do whatever courses I want. It says, I love that you said that. So what did you really grab from philosophy? Did you go like all the way back to the stoics? Or, like, what did you grab from philosophy?

Unknown Speaker  4:22  

Well, that’s a great question. Um, it was really actually asking why why am I taking these actions? What is reality? Where should I be connecting? What is truth? What is knowledge? And I even just in the point of stepping back and asking, Well, who am I and the reality of who I am and what is around me in the world around me and what I am looking to in each moment, take action.

Unknown Speaker  4:53  

Wow. Yeah. I heard a lot of what and wise and I love that you did Val both of those especially the wise without any judgment on yourself, did you feel kind of weird at first with you know, you’re you wanted to go finance business but then you you felt drawn to philosophy, then there was a lie that was really answered in there somewhere. How did you feel? Did you feel like it was gonna be worth it? Or were you like just air like, hopefully a phrase that a way that you can answer it? So

Unknown Speaker  5:26  

I know what you mean. Yeah, it did it. It just felt so natural. And it felt natural to the way that I thought it because, you know, I’m, I like to look at things logically. But I also know there’s understandings underneath the logical points of it. And as I, I would study like the Bible, but I still look back and was like, Okay, well, how does this feel to me? Why is this being played? Yes. And was able to build a foundation of my inner knowingness and my inner strength, because then I would study Buddhism, and I really did I was, I could sit down and abstract pieces of information of wisdom, that played a harmony in my own heart and my whole own being, as I explored all these different places. And that, you know, there’s structures in different religions and nothing wrong. People want to get into religions, but different structures, and if it doesn’t feel right to oneself, and you’re trying to go in and you’re hearing well, don’t do this, don’t do that. Right. If your heart is telling you something, that that is that source of information, yes, source is coming from you. Right, and the sense of reality, who is there, there’s you, there’s the I

Unknown Speaker  6:47  

write in my Creator God, you know, put within me the, the ability to make decisions on that to build my foundation, like you would say, you know, have inner know, wisdom, strength and wisdom. And I 100% agree with you. And I know a lot of my listeners do as well. So thank you for being transparent with that without sounding judgmental, and some people will and thank you so much for that. So do you work one on one with clients?

Unknown Speaker  7:16  

i Yes. Okay. Yeah, I work with one on one. Okay. No, no, go

Unknown Speaker  7:19  

ahead. Sorry. Oh, no. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker  7:22  

work one on one with all different types of clients. People? Yes, yes. And all different types of souls.

Unknown Speaker  7:31  

While you’re starting to bring them in maybe in the discovery period. Is there any secret sauce, you don’t mind? Sharing to helping them find their blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  7:41  

Oh, sure. I would just say sitting down, placing hand on heart and breathing into that space. And then start just asking, you know, why, why, and the answers will emerge. And once you sit in that emerging, just breathe through it to come in and out of your system, because that’s when you’re breathing, you’re processing those emotions. Emotions hold information. Even if we talk about fear, fear has an emotion to it, and the way that your body is telling you, okay, this is this is not in alignment, or someone’s crossing your boundary, to really acknowledge that and listen, how your body is responding, in itself helps with the blind spots, because that opens you up to really expand. And that’s where the light comes in. And then those blind blind spots disintegrate.

Unknown Speaker  8:37  

Yes. Yeah, that’s fair. I’ve never heard it answered that way. Because you’re, you’re the answers, answers will emerge. But as you’re going through the whys and whatnot, that’s, that’s awesome. So while you’re in a coaching session, or let’s say in the discovery session, while you’re still contemplating working with with you, Diana, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  9:04  

I guess if they’re contemplating. I’m a person, I love experience. And I love feeling. And I feel like those when you sit down and talk to someone and is very present. Yeah, whatever reasons or thoughts in the back of their head, and which they have any questions about at some point, when you give truth, truth comes back to you. And if they have that question, I’ve watched it, it might not emerge immediately. But when you get into a session with someone, and you speak from that place of heart of truth, and they’re, like holding back a little bit, if you go into that space, they’ll meet you. Love is

Unknown Speaker  9:49  

so badass, excuse my phrasing on that but that’s because you’re getting ingrained in that space and that shows that you care and you’re being fully present. That’s something that unfortunate a lot of coaches don’t have. And I’m actually guilty of it sometimes, you know, with not being fully present, but going to where they’re knowing is really has to keep you present. There’s no way around it right? I mean, if you’re that connected, that’s fantastic. So what do you think are your strengths, then?

Unknown Speaker  10:20  

My strength would be my self observation and self awareness.

Unknown Speaker  10:24  

How much do you appreciate those strengths?

Unknown Speaker  10:28  

Whenever I notice a pattern has shifted, when it comes back up into my life, then I say, Okay, wow, I’m grateful for my obsession of consistently asking why and connecting inward and asking, you know, God, how can I be better? What can I do this?

Unknown Speaker  10:50  

Love, love? Love that. So? To what extent do you appreciate your limitations?

Unknown Speaker  10:57  

Well, that in itself, I, I find is the greatest thing because they’re the shadows that we can move light into. And that comes up to, that’s what we’re here for is to continually to grow and become stronger. And to find that light. Does that reflection.

Unknown Speaker  11:16  

I love that because, you know, I work with my clients. And, you know, they’re, they’re searching so hard for the light. And it’s like, dude, the lights coming. You have to like, kind of believe that and know your why and the lights and come I mean, do you know, every day starts at 12am. Right? And it’s dark, you still got six hours of dark, and there’s a lot going on during that six hours. But you got to appreciate that journey through that darkness. Right? And then as the light happens, then it’s even more rewarding because you’re appreciating the journey. Am I in alignment with you?

Unknown Speaker  11:51  

Oh, yes. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, the gratitude totally there. Yes,

Unknown Speaker  11:54  

yes, I have a what I call a gratitude sandwich every day and all my clients have to do it too is where you know, I set my The first thing is I set my intentions for the day. It’s always make someone smile. See, I just made you smile. I love it. I win my day, right? And then the second part is my worries for the day. Okay, what, what, what I’m worried about in whatnot. And then I list 14 things of what I’m grateful for 14 Just a fun number for me. And it really lines up with me. So it’s called My gratitude sandwich, you have your intentions, your worries, and then the 14 things you’re grateful for. So it kind of squeezes out the worries. And I love that, that you had said that about gratitude. So how about what is the best constructive criticisms you’ve ever got to your journey here with Angella? Ah,

Unknown Speaker  12:43  

aren’t you with my smile? Okay. I’ve had been asked why I even starting in third grade. This boy turned around and asked me why am I smiling? And I don’t know if I answered I just probably smiled and that it’s an answer, right. Yeah, so And because I do smile. And I went to the DMV, and from like, I’m smiling and they asked me, you know, the take a picture. And she’s like, no smile, your natural face. And I was confusing, because if you say natural to me, my body’s gonna respond with a smile, because I feel that it’s natural. So I’ve noticed that that in the sense of the smile, because it isn’t really that natural, at least according to the DMV. Right? Is a little uncomfortable for people. And to me, I just, I do my what’s natural, and that to me, is I love to smile.

Unknown Speaker  13:50  

You know, it’s so funny because I went through a really wicked operation in September. And so I have I just a really bad nosebleed. Like he just wouldn’t stop. And what it was is my septum was so deviated and my turban it was blown up and whatnot. And I would, and I have to wear a CPAP mask for sleep apnea, which I’m getting away from little bit slowly, but I’ve been wearing one for 15 years. And because of the nose injury, I couldn’t put my mask on, I’d be afraid. So I had a coach really helped me get around that part. But what really puts me out at night is consciously smiling. I put my mask on, I consciously smile, and I breathe deep into my diaphragm, and then pull it into my solar plexus, and I fall asleep. And it took that smiling to do that. It’s like you can’t be pissed off when you smiling. I’ve noticed you just can’t. I mean, you might be like, well, they’re scratcher, oh my gosh, but really, you really can’t be fully negative. You know, I’m not a person that thinks positive thinking is going to be 100% True. You know, but what is 100%? True is negative thinking, okay, 100% it’s going to be so I like to stay in the neutral area if things aren’t going as great as I want them to. But thank you for saying that about your smile, and I can see where people might constructively criticize you on it. But please, as my friend, my awesome sauce friend that I love so much, please don’t ever go away from that. That’s just awesome. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Yes. Okay, let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. I have no idea how old you are. I don’t want to know. But let’s go back to the 22 year old Diana. Okay, what kind of knowledge nuggets? Would you be dropping on her to maybe help her shortner learning curve level up in blaster?

Unknown Speaker  15:44  

Well, I guess in the sense of concerning and going back into my timeline, because I love how my life is turning out.

Unknown Speaker  15:50  

Right. Right. Absolutely plans

Unknown Speaker  15:52  

to do anything that changed that. I believe I was in the movie The watch how you maneuver.

Unknown Speaker  15:58  

Right? Right, right. Yep. You can’t talk to her. You can’t kiss her choosable timeline. Right. Right.

Unknown Speaker  16:06  

But um, yeah, I would say keep going. Um, keep connecting keep. Keep asking the why.

Unknown Speaker  16:14  

Oh, that’s it. That’s what I want to hear is a good friend of mine, Leah Woodford said, No, get your asking here. Because you know, you stay curious. Stay humble, stay curious. But ask all the time. That’s awesome. I was hoping I was gonna hear the word ask out of your out of your awesome mouth. So what keeps you up at night?

Unknown Speaker  16:39  

I sense that I do spiritual work. And I do connect to souls coronated and incarnate. In the past, it used to be spirits, okay, I did work on my my boundaries, because I feel that the universe and spirits and just all types of energy respond to what you’re giving off. So that’s why it’s another huge, huge reason, reason to maintain and be responsible for your own energy, no matter what is going on around you. And however anything is responding. I mean, that’s a great way to really reflect inwards, wow. But now, I would say, you know, before going to bed, just clearing yourself from the day. And if anything pops up that wish that you had thoughts about or you wanted to see differently, there’s techniques in which you can dissolve that. And then also then imprint, what you do want, and then just fall asleep from there. Because now you know that you shifted that internally and yourself. And not only does that in shift, shift within yourself, that shifts to everyone that you’re around, and especially if you do forgiveness for others, they feel that too.

Unknown Speaker  17:54  

Yes, they do. And that’s something that it’s just energy, because our bodies are complete sound, you know, they their energy, and they’re solid. So I really am a big believer in sound healing, and whatnot. So I love that that’s, that that’s what keeps you up at night, actually, because that’s a great thing, if it’s gonna keep you up at night. So what do people misunderstand the most about Diana? And that you smile too much?

Unknown Speaker  18:24  

Yeah, I mean, I know. We all have our faults. And we’re all here to keep moving forward. And we’re all here. I mean, yes, I get answers. But everybody is on the same page, and everybody is able to and when I say that, I mean that everybody has the light within them. Everybody has love within them. I truly believe that as a core truth. So I think that if there is any misunderstandings, it’s something that I have to look at myself and reflect on, if I’m bringing something to the table that is being miscommunicated for them to not understand it. Granted, I can’t take responsibility for anybody else’s ways. They respond. But I do know that I can reflect out into my area and what’s around me in my environment truth so that we can all harmonize on the same frequency.

Unknown Speaker  19:20  

I love that in that that’s fantastic. same frequency. But, you know, the less humble more ego Scott Ferguson, when I was younger, would look at you, in my misunderstanding was like, how can she always be so freakin happy? You know, that’s what I would say at that. Now. It’s like I align with your energy because it’s took years I’m going to be 50 years old. It’s taken probably the last 10 years from really, really aligned with that, but that’s what I would have maybe misunderstood like how she’s so happy. You know, it’s a shitty day. I mean, you know, so no, I appreciate that. That, that energy in alignment, it’s beautiful. So, how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your income date and your expiration date your life date your death date, you know, on the tombstone, if you will, how do you want your dash remember?

Unknown Speaker  20:07  

Yeah, um I mean I would want really everyone to connect in words I don’t feel that at least that within me my experience that that’s the ending maybe for this incarnated soul as Diana Turner as we know it. So what I have to give to the world really is for you to connect to God and connect inward and to gain your own truths so that’s what I if anything to leave as my quote

Unknown Speaker  20:38  

love it I love that that’s fantastic because it connecting inward people are so apt to just connect out in act out and you see that energy but you you just you know you can sit there and like you say you can probably feel someone’s energy but much better than I can but I feel the energy and I’m like there’s there’s something that’s not there something that’s missing and that’s where someone like Diana squad can really help you align with so that that’s beautiful So Diana let’s take out anything electronic your tablet your cell phone your laptop your desktop, anything like try let’s take it out of this question but what are three things that Diana can’t live without

Unknown Speaker  21:24  

connection to God connection and God connection to God? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  21:29  

I love it because everything else follows along with that you’re gonna get I love it. I love it. So what is Diana’s definition of life? Well it

Unknown Speaker  21:38  

being the light Yes.

Unknown Speaker  21:40  

Yes in do you believe that when you say be in the light is the light is that the light that you shine? Or the light that Starly artery available are both

Unknown Speaker  21:50  

already available? I mean, I could say mine but that’s only my journey. Sure. Everybody has their own lights so I would say in their own light. It’s already

Unknown Speaker  21:59  

there. That’s it. They just have to let it shine as in time to shine today squad. I love it. I love it. I love it time to shine today podcast first you squat we are back with Diana so Turner and Diana we have a lovely enough lightning round you and I could talk 1520 minutes hell even an hour on some of these questions. But you got five seconds with no explanations you ready to rock? Yes. All right, here we go. What is the best leveling up advice Diana’s ever received?

Unknown Speaker  22:28  

A follow with a focus within Yes. And the thing Thank you God thank you angels because that’s where I got it from

Unknown Speaker  22:35  

beautiful. Sure. Whatever your personal happiness contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  22:40  

Handsome self reflection of it, love it. Love it. Then constant composite. Sorry,

Unknown Speaker  22:47  

other than angelic assistant dotnet suspense dotnet. And time to shine today. My shameless plug in my my website website just starting to like to go to level up.

Unknown Speaker  22:59  

Hunters healing calls or ceiling calls.

Unknown Speaker  23:02  

Okay. Love that. Put that in the show notes. Okay, awesome. Perfect. So you see me handling my doldrums. I’m kind of walk in my energy’s off. You’re like Fergie’s just not right today. So what book would you have me to maybe help me level up

Unknown Speaker  23:17  

first and give you a hug?

Unknown Speaker  23:18  

Yeah. Love you. Love it. Love it. I’ll take that over the book. Anyways, that’s perfect. What is Diana’s most commonly used emoji?

Unknown Speaker  23:31  

Their hands together.

Unknown Speaker  23:33  

Love it. What was your nickname growing up?

Unknown Speaker  23:37  

Di n di Di n di

Unknown Speaker  23:39  

awesome. chess or checkers? I’m on the mood. Okay, very cool. I’m gonna check this guy just never got into too much. favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time and our money to?

Unknown Speaker  23:55  

I do have to give a shout out to Nami in South Jersey. Okay, phenomenal. I really I love working with them. I think that they hold the show that Diana not Nami and a m I

Unknown Speaker  24:09  

got it. That’s in Jersey. Okay, got it. We’ll put

Unknown Speaker  24:13  

that’s an I’m sorry. That’s national but there’s specific two areas. Okay. And I A the South Jersey.

Unknown Speaker  24:20  

Very good. Best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 90s? Okay, very cool. 90s started going on. I’m in the baby. But I grew up in age I graduated 9090. So it’s like the 80s was kind of my jam. So then how can we find you?

Unknown Speaker  24:40  

Oh, like off my website. Yeah. That net. Okay. On Facebook. Okay. Emily, and I’ll adjust like that assistance, but Instagram. Yep.

Unknown Speaker  24:54  

Okay, and all of those will be in the show notes and the light with an LLC. Is your Facebook Correct?

Unknown Speaker  24:59  

Oh, No, it’s angelic assistance with Diana but it does pop up on the top the light with

Unknown Speaker  25:05  

the light with NLC. We just need that for the link in the show notes so people will be able to click through and find you. That’s awesome. So is there any question that you wish I would have asked you today?

Unknown Speaker  25:16  

Um, well, in the sense of a book I could still give you though, it’s gotta be curious by Yogananda I found really influential, okay, especially to achieve certain goals. Okay. And Angel prayers.

Unknown Speaker  25:32  

Beautiful. I love it. Love it, love it. And Diane, do me a favor and leave our squad with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action?

Unknown Speaker  25:45  

Well, I know we talked about gratitude. And I know we talked about prayer which I wouldn’t say take those just ask ask as sit down even if you’re not believe in a creator or God just even if you sense talk to yourself, just get it out and ask love it and allow everything to maneuver and help you with the answer.

Unknown Speaker  26:11  

Wow. I’m writing some of this down. Right. Right here we go. And squad we just literally kind of had a free masterclass and my really good friend Diana here. And it’s it. I feel so in alignment with her. And her energy is just fantastic. And she’s going to have kind of like the whys and watts, don’t be afraid to ask yourself, the why you’re taking action, what is truth? What is knowledge, because there’s an inner part of yourself that will start feeding you the answers. If you really tune into that energy. You know, build your foundation off an inner knows ism, strength and wisdom. And that doesn’t happen overnight. But really work to really dig deep. Ask your creator for help, whether it’s God or whoever you do believe is your Creator, please do that. And if you keep on asking again, get your asking ear, keep on ask ask ask in the answers will emerge. You know the breath processes those emotions, so get into a really good breathing program. You know, when you give truth, truth comes back to you. So be truthful. And be authentic with yourself. Like my good friend, you know, Diana is you know, she wants you to connect inward with your Creator to gain that truth. And lastly, we said Ask a lot in this. Don’t be afraid to ask when we’re young. We’re programmed not to ask by our parents, if you remember going in the bubble gum line and ask ask ask. And by the time we’re 13 years old, at least my generation, you’re told no 135,000 times by the time you’re 13. So that can really set that negative connotation. But don’t be afraid to ask and really dig inward. And that’s what my really good friend Diana does. She levels up her house she levels up or Well, she’s humble. Yet hungry. She’s beautiful. I can’t wait to do some collaborations with you in the future now, neighbor. So thank you so much for coming on. I love your guts.

Unknown Speaker  28:07  

Thank you, everyone. Thank you kindness and shine. I appreciate it all. Awesome. My pleasure. Talk

Unknown Speaker  28:13  

soon. Okay. Okay. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.

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