366- IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and Real Estate Investor Drops Tips to Level UP Your Focus and Discipline – TTST Interview with Dominic Triveline

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Dominic Triveline is a IFBB Pro bodybuilder, real estate agent and real estate investor.  

  Quote: Do a deep dive into your passion and live life on your own terms

– Dominic Trivelilne  

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Dominic’s competitive fire burns hot – he lives knowing he must do his best every day as there may be someone else out there outworking you

2. Dominic wants to be remembered as someone who left this earth a better place

3. The discipline of bodybuilding bridged his way into entrepreneurship. 

4. Dominic has a passion for wanting to ‘clean up’ the state of Michigan and he is doing it through investing in real estate and providing houses for the less fortunate

5. Do not compete with other people, competed with the person in the mirror

6. Be patient, work hard and enjoy the process

Level Up! 


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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

If you have great content regarding ‘LEVELING UP’ and would like to be interviewed on the Time To Shine Today Podcast Go Here: www.TimeToShineToday.com/guest

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

[Scott Ferguson] 12:09:35

Time to shine today podcast Varsity squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:09:45

This is Scott. Ferguson, and I got a little home cooking in I’m actually rubbing the Detroit where me and my boy here are from Dominic is trivoline.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:09:54

He’s like a little brother to me, but you know he just turned 26 here in 2023, and he’s he’s right around where I was when I was 2526, really launching. He’s a guy.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:10:06

That really doesn’t believe in, you know, punching a clock, he builds businesses.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:10:13

He is again a very driven individual. He is an Ifpb pro for people that don’t know that this International Federation of bodybuilding it’s the top cream of the crop that you go on and just to gigg your pro card is it’s not easy man there’s

[Scott Ferguson] 12:10:26

dedication. There’s other sports where you can practice and then go home at night and then eat what you want to, what not do to be a professional bodybuilder.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:10:39

You can practice, and then go home at night and then eat what you want to, what not do to be a professional body.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:10:40

Build your on point, you know, 24, 7, 3, 65, and then that the discipline that my guy dominate Cass here is outstanding this guy that wakes up every day unemployed.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:10:46

And what I mean by that is, he gets out there, and he and he makes his own business.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:10:51

He gets people to interview him to either sell a house for him, random a house because he is in the real estate business, and he’s also a fantastic, you know, personal trainer as well, which he he’s kind of phased out of a little bit.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:03

But he’s here for people that are in need, and he’s the biggest go giver I know at some of this, at his age.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:09

So, Dominic, thank you so much for coming out. Please introduce yourself.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:11

The time to shine today podcast versus squad. But first, what’s your favorite color?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:16

And why?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:11:18

Favorite color would probably be red, because my favorite car car is colored red.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:21


[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:23

Yeah, you know, what’s funny about that is right. If you.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:28

The reason why I asked the question. When I build all the marketing colors around the color right around.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:31

But 2. It’s like, I kind of get a personality for it.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:36

But like I know you like. I know that there’s a red side that you don’t want to go to with Dominic right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:42

But you’re so chill I was. You’re gonna say blue or something.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:44

But no, that’s awesome, brothers. So, man, how’s things going?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:11:48

It’s going. Good things are kinda moving along quickly.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:11:53

Business wise, and you know body buildings going well.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:57


[Dominic Triveline] 12:11:57

So, all things considered, things are going pretty good.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:11:59

Yeah, I mean, that’s kind of starting because I met you through the body building.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:03

Man. It’s kind of like a fitness family or fit family call it there in the in the Midden, for all you listeners out there’s Michigan, because it looks, you know, they commit, and we just kept hearing at the Gym.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:14

There’s these 2 kids that are kinda coming up. There’s this, can they dominate trivoline and Jordan Janowitz?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:20

And I’m like, who the hell are these guys I had to find out who they are.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:24

And you know, you see, kids that are that young in their cocky as fuck right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:29

And you’re not it, neither is Jordan right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:32

But you just you have that. Where do you get that demeanor where you’re so laid back, and such a lack of a better term narcissistic sport right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:44

Because everything is about you right? Where do you get that laid back? Humbled demeanor?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:12:48

It’s more of just like, you know, you’re not better than anyone else.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:12:50

Kind of thing, just because of what you do. And I saw a lot of that involved people that competed.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:12:55


[Dominic Triveline] 12:12:58

They thought they were, you know, the greatest thing ever, and in reality, you know the general public doesn’t really.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:13:04


[Dominic Triveline] 12:13:04

They don’t care so I was like, I’m no better than anyone else for going to the gym looks and weights, you know, even being a pro bodybuilder, you know I do this for me, and no one else.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:13:14

So it was always just kinda for myself and.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:13:18

Yeah, it is body building. I’m sure you’ll agree, cause I’ve only been a stage handful of times.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:13:23

But it’s very subjective, right? I mean 1 99.9% of people on this planet will never get in their underwear.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:13:32

And get in front of a 1,000 people or more, and be judged. What kind of feeling do you get from that row?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:13:34


[Dominic Triveline] 12:13:43

You know it’s tough to say, because I never really fell in love with the competing aspect.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:13:49

No, I just love to work out. And then the competing was a way to show my results from working out.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:13:57

There is a competitive competitiveness side that I do like of winning.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:14:03


[Dominic Triveline] 12:14:03

Of course, on being the best, and I’ve been fortunate to kind of always be at the top in my career as an amateur.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:14:09

So definitely. The drive to win and be the best is always something that gives me a good feeling for sure.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:14:17

Yeah, you know. You come like me. You come from a lot of individualistic sports right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:14:25

You kind of grew up in Michigan, do the wrestling background family and right correct, and Greco Roman.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:14:29

Right? Yeah, yeah, mostly, Greco, and a little bit of freestyle.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:14:34

Okay. And do you like like that aspect that you can put the blame on absolutely nobody but yourself?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:14:43

Yeah, definitely. You know, it always came down to me. I was actually when I was in high school.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:14:49

I stopped wrestling, but I played football, and I was a field and yeah, I don’t know if I ever told you that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:14:53

What I didn’t know that. Bro, that’s awesome.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:14:58

So I was supposed to play college football and a couple of offers to play division, one football as a field goal kicker.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:01


[Dominic Triveline] 12:15:03

And I actually turned those down to pursue body building which has paid off.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:07


[Dominic Triveline] 12:15:07

But even as a you know, a field old Kicker is a best example. It came down to me.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:15:12

I either made it or missed wrestling, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:13


[Dominic Triveline] 12:15:15

I either won or lost. It was just me and the other guy.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:15:18

There was no one else, and body building. The whole preparation.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:19


[Dominic Triveline] 12:15:22

It all comes down to what I put into it. I find the same with business, you know. Whatever I put into it is what when I get out of it.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:25


[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:30

But I love that, and that’s why you’re successful at your age, you know. I mean, I’m not.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:35

I mean the squad that the kids, 26 years old, super humble.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:39

I’ve not met that many people at his age at worker.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:42

But you tried some Mars variety for all you younger listeners that are out there.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:45

He drives the nice stuff, lives in the nice places and stuff like that just to let you know that it can get done from a humble yet driven, you know, point of view in so what?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:15:58

Really like, okay. So it’s funny. I was listening to Librata interview Hunter Lebrota, you know, Dad.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:16:04

And it was just one of 2 2 families that are out there in the body building world.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:16:10

The Libras in the Olivia. Leave us right, so search your Olivia, Jr.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:16:12


[Scott Ferguson] 12:16:15

And senior, you know, in that, you know, Lebron is the only one that is placed top 5.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:16:21

Both, you know, father and son in places, so that’s just amazing.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:16:25

But he, a football player, you know, came up. He enjoyed the grind not so much the game right.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:16:31


[Scott Ferguson] 12:16:32

So what is it? But you still have a team aspect to they to bodybuilding. Who do you have on your team, and what roles do they play?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:16:43

You know, number one? Obviously my coach, who handles my nutrition, my training supplements every aspect of that, obviously is it’s the biggest piece, because he’s kind of driving the ship, so to speak.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:16:48


[Dominic Triveline] 12:16:59

And I’m just, you know, running the plays, doing what he says.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:02


[Dominic Triveline] 12:17:03

And you know anyone else that’s supports me, and that is there for me.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:17:08

During the process, and I have to show even people just telling me good luck, you know.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:17:13

Nice job things like that. Those are all part of my team.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:16

Your squad? Yeah, yeah, I’ve never texted you while you’re there competing in Pittsburgh.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:17:18

What’s going in? Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:23

It’s stuff like that image here or anything. Yeah, you’re probably like Ferguson.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:27

Just the fuck up. I’ll let you know when it’s done.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:29

It’s awesome, man that’s awesome. So.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:32

But what was it about? Body building? Man? It really got you, you know, said, Okay, you loved working out what? Not?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:17:40


[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:41

But was there anybody that got in your ear and said, Man, you need to compete?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:17:44

Or was that just something that kind of organically came over you?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:17:48

It just kinda came over time, you know. I started. I started working on my basement when I was 15, and I didn’t go to my first apple gym till I was 17.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:00

I was left in there, and someone’s like you should compete, and I thought I was a lot older than 17.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:07

So yeah, I don’t know. It’s like, really weird.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:18:07


[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:09

These dudes are on stage in their underwear, posing like I don’t know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:18:12


[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:15

And then, like, I started watching videos of it but start practicing, posing, I told myself, out of those.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:23

And it all just kinda I was like, all right, I’m I’ll do that one time, and of course I won.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:18:27

Love it.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:28

So I wanted to keep going, but it was just kind of a over time process.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:32

It was nothing like I rushed into, or wasn’t even looking to do.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:18:35

Right, you know, I’m gonna put a clip in this web page.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:18:39

Also squad. If you go down, and you’ll see Dominic. They when you had the placings.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:18:45

I believe it was either the 21 North Americans where you should, where I think you should have won, or at least got your pro card right.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:18:50


[Scott Ferguson] 12:18:52

But the square. His demeanor didn’t change from the time he won to the time that he didn’t win man again.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:00

Where does that humble? You? Said you only compete with yourself.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:05

But was there anybody in your past that instilled that that humble and gratitude because you don’t see it in people?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:11

Your age, Dominic. I’m sorry if anybody out there that I offended you. But were you raised that way, or is that something that someone said to you because it just doesn’t always organically happen?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:19:20

No, not really. I just always looked at it as like there’s someone else out there doing better.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:19:27

I’m doing more on a different level, and I’m not there yet, and that kind of goes with, like, you know, body building business.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:19:36

You know, I like cars and stuff and things like that, like there’s always someone out there at the nicer car.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:38


[Dominic Triveline] 12:19:42

The nice house, the more properties, there’s other guys winning the bigger shows.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:47


[Dominic Triveline] 12:19:47

So you’re not always on a climb to the top and I mean you may never get there.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:50


[Dominic Triveline] 12:19:53

But that’s what keeps us going.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:54

Love it! Man! It’s the journey. Dude, you know.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:19:57


[Scott Ferguson] 12:19:58

It’s the journey that in the stuff that you’re enjoying, I hear Squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:02

If you hear a little squeaky, squeak in the background that’s Dominic’s new pup, Enzo. Again!

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:07

He’s into nice cars. Enzo Ferrari, and you know I can hear him back there.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:10

So just gonna have to deal with it because I got my pipeline at my foot as well.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:13

So damn it, and I are both dog lovers. So okay, we’re gonna subway.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:19

Isn’t here a little bit into real estate here in a second, but the reason why I’m gonna do it this way is that body building pay shit.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:28

Compare less, your top, 5, maybe 10, and the thing is, I’m notice, in damn you can correct me if I’m wrong.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:34

But back when I was younger it was magazines. You didn’t find out who won the Olympia till 2 or 3 months later, unless you had called in to a big gym out in Venice California or something like that right everything is now, this whole social Media thing is now.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:48

now, now, but I’m noticing people that are.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:20:52

They don’t look the part. They don’t live the part, but they’re getting all the money and sponsorships from these companies when they should be, because their influencers have a lot of followers instead of using someone like you or not to say you don’t have the stuff because I know that

[Scott Ferguson] 12:21:06

you’re sponsored. What now? Right, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:21:09

What is your thought on these people that aren’t really doing the work that these companies are getting paid when it should be?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:21:14

The people that are out there grinding.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:21:17

You know, I unfortunately, I think that kind of fits in with today’s society of people not wanting to work for want.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:21:25

The to reap the results of it. And it’s kind of happening.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:21:31

You know it’s like steered me away from honestly.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:21:35

Little bit passion on it.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:21:36

Yeah, cause it’s just like.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:21:39

You’re not getting paid for what your job is, and that’s competing and doing.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:21:44

Well, you’re getting paid for entertainment pretty much.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:21:47

Right. No, I appreciate you saying that, and then that’s why squat he is segueed his life into, and I’m happy to have been a little bit of a part of it, and it’s nice to you know he reaches out to me, every once in a while with questions you know you’re rolling into

[Dominic Triveline] 12:21:49

Okay. Closed on an October 22.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:02

this real estate game. Now you start. What date did you buy your first property for as an investment?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:13

Okay. And how many do you have now?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:22:16

I just found out this morning. I got my 6. One. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:19

Sixth property. So okay, this again. Bro, getting on stage in your underwear.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:26

Again. I have experience with it. It’s scary as shit right.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:30

But now you’re dealing with things, with commas in it, and those you know, those numbers on checks and commas.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:37

What first of all, why, real estate in 2?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:42

What do you see as your vision for the future, with it for yourself?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:22:47

Why real estate?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:22:49

Real estate was kinda 2 major things that kinda triggered this when I was 19 I was training a kid.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:22:58

My age, was going to college. Who’s now one of my really good friends, and who doesn’t a lot of my real work up here for me.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:05

His name is Anthony and I was training them over in Kalamazoo, and I met up with him a couple of years later at Novi Powerhouse.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:12

He moved over there I’m like, what have you been up to?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:15

He’s like I’ve been doing real estate for 2 years.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:18

I paid off all my college debt 2 years, doing real quick it’s a lot of money and he’s like dude.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:23:20


[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:24

I’ve been telling you you should get into real estate, so I’s always kind of in the back of my mind.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:30

I always looked into it, but the biggest like change was when I was 21 I went to for my birthday South Florida, for the first time my life and I went to West Palm Beach, and you know from those that don’t know I grew up in a very small farm town

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:48

there’s no wealthy people. There’s no Mega mansions.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:50

I think the most expensive house in our town is probably like 400.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:23:54


[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:55

So I’m land at West Palm Beach International.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:23:58

Get off and I see all these giant buildings Mega mansions, all these nice cars, and I’ve never seen any of this, and I’m like man.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:06


[Dominic Triveline] 12:24:08

I want that kind of lifestyle, and then I was like, I don’t know how to obtain it, because I have no college degree I barely got through high school and body building ain’t gonna pay me millions of dollars.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:19


[Dominic Triveline] 12:24:19

So then I just kind of started looking into rich people. And what do they do?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:24:23

And it was like 9 out of 10 people they invested in real estate, and at first I just saw real estate.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:24:29

I’m like, oh, they’re all agents or something, but you know, I later figured out they were investing in in real estate, and then that’s when my like research started.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:34


[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:39


[Dominic Triveline] 12:24:39

And I actually didn’t start doing real estate for, like years later.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:24:43

But I was researching it all the time, learning more and more reading books.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:24:47

Things like that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:48

Sure it. What is your vision? Then, as you move forward?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:54

Okay, cause I’m a big believer in the people that I coach.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:57

Everyone’s like I have this goal. I had this full.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:24:59

I had this full. I’m more interested in your vision right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:25:01

Because vision, you can laterally move right goals is you work towards that done work towards this goal. Don.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:25:10

What is your vision? As you say, you’re let’s say it’s 2033, man, and you are 36 years old.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:25:18

What that’s weird to hear right? What he just think, man, I’ll be 60 something so.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:25:19


[Scott Ferguson] 12:25:24

But what do you see for yourself? Not only monetarily, but also with the rest of your life?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:25:35

I see myself, you know, hopefully known in Detroit in the city of Michigan, as, like the real estate investor that kinda helped clean up the city of Detroit for those that don’t know.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:25:48

I buy all these out in Detroit. Not the greatest areas.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:25:52

Clean them up, fix them up, and rent them out to people that are in need, which there is a huge need in the city of Detroit.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:00

So I do get kind of like satisfaction doing that definitely.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:04

In 10 years. I wanna be creeping up on that 1,000 units of properties.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:26:10

Wow! Nice man!

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:11

I had a really I had a friend that did 600 properties in 8 years.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:15

So I’m trying to follow in his footsteps, and what he did hopefully at that point 36.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:26:16


[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:25

I’m hopefully done with bodybuilding.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:28

I don’t think I got another time.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:26:28

Right. It’s a grind, man. It’s a grant.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:31

It’s I’ve been doing it for 10 years already.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:34

So it’s it takes a lot of audio hopefully married at well, will be married at that point and have have kids and be very financially well off, for sure.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:26:45

Little trivolines running around and stuff like that man.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:26:47


[Scott Ferguson] 12:26:49

That’s exactly where I would see if I was coaching you.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:26:53

You know, be, you know, mindset conditioning coach. That would be like that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:26:58

This is what I’d hope you would say, cause that’d be easy to get you there you wouldn’t even need me.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:27:01

But you know you, you deal with people like I’m sure you get approached all the time.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:27:05

Man about the way you look, and eventually it’s gonna be, you know, wanting to pick your brain right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:27:13

But that’s kind of side back into the fitness world.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:27:17

Just for a second cause. That’s where you, Major Bones and Whatnot.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:27:21

What do you think? People’s biggest? Blind spots are when they’re looking to improve?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:27:28

Their health and fitness.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:27:32

I think it’s just ignorance, and I don’t mean in a bad way of just like what overall nutritional health means and what health actually is.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:27:43

You know it’s and I find this very weird. If we look back in like the fifties and sixties before we had an obesity problem.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:27:51

Our knowledge of nutrition was terrible. You know it wasn’t really studied or known about, and now we have so much knowledge and so much studies done, and the large portion of the United States is obese, so it doesn’t so I think it’s really just ignorance.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:27:56

Yeah, right?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:28:07

Of what health and fitness, and being healthy really is.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:08


[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:13


[Dominic Triveline] 12:28:13

And we also see in society that we’re praising people for not being healthy, for being out of shape, which is sad as well cause it.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:21


[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:23

Yeah, leads to death. I mean, you and I could get killed in, you know God’s says, Hey, this car, crash or plane crash! That’s fine.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:31

But if he doesn’t, you know, we’re gonna live a while right and this is just killing people. And what I’ve seen a lot Dom is no, you mentioned that back in the fifties or whatever they didn’t have as much of this ultra high process, food you know what

[Dominic Triveline] 12:28:34


[Dominic Triveline] 12:28:45


[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:45

I’m saying like that’s in spite for those of you that don’t know out there.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:51

Ultra high process means if you’re cooking in your kitchen, it would be impossible to make the food that’s ultra highly processed.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:28:58

It’d be impossible to make it sites as Doritos in allrios and stuff like that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:29:03

That’s so good. That’s a perfect, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:29:07

Kinda answer what you see, because people are just uneducated, ignorant to the point, they just don’t know why they’re not making that progress.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:29:14

So so when people come up to you and maybe approach you again, we’re gonna stay in the same scenario.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:29:23

I know the questions that you probably get dude, and I’ll say it blly.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:29:27

Here, what are you on, man? What do? What are you doing, you know, for this stuff? Right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:29:30

But is there any question, Dominic, that you wish they would ask you?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:29:35

But never do that. You wish they would ask you.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:29:39

Yeah, and it’s all related to nutrition.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:29:43

I wish people would ask more about that cause. That’s like pretty much everyone’s problem that’s trying to get in shape.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:29:49

And I always say like when I hang around other pros and top pros.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:29:55

You know, we talk about 2 things we talk about nutrition like what we’re eating and our training.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:01

We never talk about what steps we take, or any of that cause.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:04

We realize that is such a small portion of the. So yeah, I mean, I would.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:06

It is dude. Thank you for saying that. By the way, it is.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:12

I hang out with Nick. I’m asking them what, how much each and what he’s eating, you know.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:15

Yes. About me. Training. Big Walker. Yeah. Sorry.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:17

Talk about Nick Walker, The Mutant by by the way, out there.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:20

Oh, by the way, his coach is man chance and gotta get Maddy shout out as well.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:22


[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:25

So I wish, like, you know, more people would ask about that cause.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:29

I do get like teenagers and kids in the under 20 s.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:33

Ask me how I did it, and they don’t realize I’ve been at it for 10 years.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:37

But they’re just asking the wrong questions, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:40


[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:41

Not the important stuff.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:43

Got it. That’s have you seen the movie you’re a lot younger than me down about double your age.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:50

But have you seen the movie back to the future?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:30:52

I’ve seen parts of it.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:53

Okay, this is dude. He gets a Delorean right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:30:57

Goes back in time. What? Now? Let’s get that delory with Marty may fly, man, with me, and you right now let’s go back to that 15 year old this working out in his basement with what you know 11 years later, right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:31:12

What kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on that dominant to maybe help them?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:31:16

That’s so much changing things. Your life is pretty damn good.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:31:19

Bro, but maybe help them shorten the learning curve, level up or blast through, maybe just a little bit quicker.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:31:30

You know, as far as a body building goes. Just okay. Cool.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:31:33

Life, baby, whatever you’re feeling.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:31:38

I just wish I would have learned to be more patient.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:31:42


[Dominic Triveline] 12:31:42

Yeah, that’s something. I definitely, personally struggle with cause.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:31:48

I want everything. Now you know what the success now, all the properties.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:31:55


[Dominic Triveline] 12:31:56

Now one first place, trophies, now but it I would have told myself, to be patient, cause.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:32:00

This is a a process. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:00

It’s a journey. It’s a marathon not as so much a sprint I know I’ve said it too many times since I told my put your client inch by inch right.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:32:09


[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:09

By the yard. It’s hard, and it is so damn true that you know it’s hard for specially when you’re younger.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:16

Yeah, the thing is physiologically, your brain isn’t even fully developed.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:21

Until you’re 25. Right? Physiologically.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:24

And that’s just crazy. Because these kids are out there and it’s what blows me away about you and some other of your generation.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:31

They’re actually getting out there doing it because a lot of people again, their brains are still mushy, like, seriously mushy.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:37

And it’s still building up and building up, and for you to like.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:42

Do what you did in the past, you know. 1011, 12 years.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:46

It’s freaking incredible, Bro, and I’m glad that you’re say, hey, slow it down a little bit like what we call get.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:51

You’re asking here like, ask questions, and shit. You don’t know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:54

Instead, trying to do it yourself all the time. I love that so dumb.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:32:59

How do you want your dash remembered that little line in between your incarnation date and your your expiration date, your life date and your death date hopefully.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:33:08

It’s a gaillion years down the road, but on your tombstone how does Dominic want that dash? Remember?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:33:15

Someone to be remembered as someone that gave that that shared my knowledge and success with others.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:33:26

I didn’t keep it all to myself. Sorry I gave back and help people out, and.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:33:33

That I was a kind and good person to everyone that was good to me.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:33:37

That’s awesome. Even if they’re not good to you.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:33:39

Yeah, right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:33:39

Just you just kind of write them off dude. It’s funny because I think I’ve told you I make 2 meters resolutions every year. One.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:33:46

I make someone smile every single day, and 2, unless I’ve hurt you, disrespect you or Ou! I give 0 shits about what you think about me.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:33:54

Period. I don’t care, but always given floor. That’s something that you do cause.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:34:00

You’ve even helped my oldest out with a couple of things, so I call it, as you know, your advice and stuff. And so let me ask you, Sam, you open the door to this like what does mentorship mean to you.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:34:16

I mean, it’s super important. It’s mentorship is someone giving back.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:34:22

Their knowledge to keep you from making the same mistake.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:34:26

They did, and I hope I can do that for someone else.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:34:29

You know when I?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:34:30

That’s awesome dude, that’s enough said I mean, you know my mentors told me that the more you mentor, the more immortal you become. Right.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:34:38


[Scott Ferguson] 12:34:38

So people remember you. Bro. On down the road and down the road, and might again I like to call myself a micro-influencer.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:34:45

I’m not big on social what not? But I have over 170,000 subscribers to my email list right?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:34:51

So as long as I can help a little bit out at a time. That’s huge to me.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:34:56

It’s like they pay it forward. I make sure that they do so dominant.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:00

What do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:35:03

Oh, they think I’m just a bodybuilder.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:05


[Dominic Triveline] 12:35:06

I’m just a meat, add cause that’s what most people normally for is just being a good body builder.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:10


[Dominic Triveline] 12:35:11

But such a small small portion of that!

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:13

Love it. Love is there, what supplements over the counter do you take pretty much on a daily to to help towards your vision and your goals?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:25

Give me some of the Rodney nutrition stuff that you’re taking.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:35:28

Yes, so for performance. Wise I use the raw nutrition product, which is my coaches.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:36


[Dominic Triveline] 12:35:36

Our owner of the company, raw nutrition I use, Korea team cause that’s studied since the seventies and supplement that works, and then any supplements are gonna aid in my recovery and performance.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:43


[Dominic Triveline] 12:35:49

So I like to use essential amino acids. I like to use intra-carb carbohydrate drink.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:35:55

Okay, is that for energy during the lifts, okay?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:35:56

Does that helps. Yeah. Helps keep me going during my session, and then I’d like to take something that increases blood flow cause that’s gonna carry nutrients to the muscle so product with like a dose of l citrine or glycerol in there like a good pre-workout

[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:06


[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:14


[Dominic Triveline] 12:36:16

for sure!

[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:16

Right and that’s even great for guys. My age, if you know what I mean with the ladies.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:20

That sits your lean Bro. It does open up those blood vessels, Bran.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:36:21


[Dominic Triveline] 12:36:24


[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:26

It’s some good stuff right there. So then what if anything keeps you up at night?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:36:33

Nothing. Right now, thank God! Honestly, everything’s been going in a good direction.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:40


[Dominic Triveline] 12:36:41

I’ve been able to sleep sleep while.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:42

That’s awesome. Dude good deal, man. So what is Dominic’s definition of a life?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:36:50

Well, lived.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:36:53

A life well lived, is live in life on your own terms, doing what you wanna do when do you wanna do it?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:37:01

And it won’t always be that glamorous.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:37:04

There’s time for you gotta do shit. You don’t wanna do, but you gotta do it anyway.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:07

Right, right.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:37:08

My coach, manager, and always says, Do the hard stuff, and that was kind of related into a body building sense, like when you’re working out.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:11


[Dominic Triveline] 12:37:17

It’s easier to set on machines and do the hard exercises that you’re gonna get more reward from.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:37:24

And that kind of goes with life, too, you know. Do the hard stuff do this show?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:37:28

You don’t wanna do like, you know, it’s gonna make you better.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:28

Yeah, there’s a great book out there called, Eat that for frog, if you can eat that frog first thing, instead of put doing all the easy shit before.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:37:37


[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:37

No, I did. That’s awesome. And squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:40

We’re gonna take my good friend Dominic, through our leveling up lightning round just as soon as we get back from thinking our sponsors and affiliates.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:48

Time to shine today podcast versus squad, we are back and Dominic, you and I hate out quite a bit. Man.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:55

So I’ this full disclosure. We’re friends, and we probably talked about a few of these.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:37:58

You know, as we move along to life, but in the leveling up lightning round, you got 5 s to answer them, with no explanations.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:07

And they can all be done that way. You’re ready to go that’s level up, man, Dominic.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:38:09

Alright! Let’s do it!

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:12

What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:38:16

Do the hard stuff like I said earlier, do the stuff you don’t wanna do, and it’s gonna make you better.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:20

Beautiful, sure one of your personal habits I can contribute to success.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:38:27

My Dedication.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:28

Love it. So, he see me, or even somebody else. It’s really kind of in their doldrums a little bit and I know you’re a reader.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:38

But what book might you give them to help them level up?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:38:41

Rich dad for that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:43

My man, what’s your most commonly used Emoji, when you text?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:38:48

The laughing.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:49

Love it. Nicknames growing up.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:38:52

For sure, pretty much, was it?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:54

Love it just checkers are monopoly. I was.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:38:58


[Scott Ferguson] 12:38:59

Gonna say, you better say that, mother go to ice cream flavor.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:05

There’s a sandwich called the Dom. Build.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:08

That sandwich for me. Brad!

[Dominic Triveline] 12:39:10

Philly cheese steak, prolong cheese.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:14

Love it, love it, man enough said. Is there any charity?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:18

And an organization that you’d like to give your time or money to.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:39:22

Yeah, any mental health awareness.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:24

Thank you. Dude, that’s the hygiene’s huge. Bro. Thank you for saying that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:28

And, lastly, what is the best decade of music? Seventies, eighties, nineties, or 2 thousands.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:39:34

Early 2 thousands.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:35

Early 2 thousands, my man. So Dominic, how can we find?

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:40

How can anybody out there, you know, find your brother and get in touch?

[Dominic Triveline] 12:39:43

Best place would be Instagram down underscore traveling.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:46


[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:48

Spell that Truvolini for me done.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:39:50

Cr i v e l i n e.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:39:55

Love it. I’m gonna put a ask out there for Dominique myself, because, you know, Dominic is again.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:01

He’s young, he’s very aggressive.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:03

He’s humble, he’s he listens.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:07

And there’s any investors out there. That are looking to make a pretty solid return.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:11

That’s protected and secured by real estate.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:14

Please get with me directly, and I would love to make an introduction to dominant, because, for him to get, you know his first or next 6 years, or something, I can.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:22

I’ve only did 142 investment properties, you know, so that they’ve been under my name.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:29

I’ve been dabbled in other ones with other investors, and what not.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:32

But 142, and Dom is gonna blow me out while he is at 6 in 2 and a half months.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:38

So if there’s any other investors out there that are looking to make a solid return, I’m not gonna talk numbers now. They’re looking.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:45

Let us make a salary. Return. Call me at (561) 440-3830 and I’d love to put you in touch with my good friend Dominic.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:51

I trust them. If you know we’re looking at getting some investment deals ourselves.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:55

And some of the properties. He’s dealing with me personally.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:40:58

So, Dominic, if you don’t mind.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:03

Please leave us with one last knowledge. Nugget we can take with us.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:06

Take action on and internalize.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:41:12

Hmm! One last little bit of knowledge would be, you know.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:41:18

I always say, live life. Like I said earlier on your own terms.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:23

Love it.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:41:23

I really believe in that you know. I see a lot of my friends get caught up in the rat race of the go to school, get a job 9 to 5.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:31


[Dominic Triveline] 12:41:35

Retire. Put your money in the stock market kind of thing.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:36

It should hold.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:39

Right. I love it.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:41:40

They just come in that rat race for the rest of the life, and I never hamster wheel, so to speak, and I never really believed in that.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:43


[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:48


[Dominic Triveline] 12:41:48

It just didn’t sound appeasing to me to, you know.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:41:51

Go to school, get a job worked there for 40 years, 9 to 5. Retire if your 401 K. Is okay.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:55


[Scott Ferguson] 12:41:59

No, that’s the awesome, awesome advice that people, you know get out that rat race and squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:04

We just had a fun conversation. Really, really, good friend of mine, Donald Trump, and I have Bb.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:09

Pro real estate, investor, real estate, agent, and also another ask out, there is if you’re in Michigan, in the tri-county area.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:15

Even the Quad county area, you know Wayne, Oakland, Mccomb, Livingston, Whatnot, and you’re looking to purchase.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:22

You want a solid agent, let me put you in touch with my good friend Dominand Dom Nick, you know he reminded us that you know, don’t so much compete with other people.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:29

Compete with it yourself. Compete that dude that’s in the mirror every single day.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:34

You know, the results are gonna come. But the works gotta be done.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:38

So while you’re doing that work, enjoy that journey, he reminded us.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:41

As you’re going on, and if you are competing, remember that there’s other people out there that are doing the reps.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:47

They’re putting the reps and doesn’t have to be in any kind of sports.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:50

Really, they put the reps in in work as well beat that dude in the mirror so you can sit up there and compete and make those people that are out there doing the reps.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:42:59

Your colleagues also. Not just your competition, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:02

If you’re into something, do a deep dive into your passion.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:06

That’s what Doninik did. He just saw something. He’s like.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:08

Wait a minute, landed must Palm Beach. He’s like Dude.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:10

This is crazy. I want this. He did a deep dive.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:13

He got his asking gear and asked, you know, people, I was blessed enough to live here in Palm Beach, so I was able to hang out Dominic for a little bit when he was down there.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:22

You know, his goal really is to to turn Michigan around a Michigan’s been on the turnaround, but it needs these neighborhoods the people that are having a hard time, in this economy to have affordable housing so again, if there’s investors out there let me make an introduction.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:36

To Dominic cause. He wants to help clean things up.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:39

He reminds us to be patient with yourself. Do the fricking work that doesn’t mean, sit on your ass.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:44

It means do the work, but be patient for the results, because they will come.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:49

If you do the work, you’re going to be remembered as somebody that gave back the knowledge.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:43:53

It’s given to him. Dominic stands on the shoulders of giants that are helping him to see ahead and he’s going to be that giant where people are going to stand in his shoulders, as well, you know, again, like we say the more.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:03

You mentor, the more immortal you become. He wants to live life on his own terms, there is no clock to punch.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:10

My dude is like me. He wakes up every day, unemployed.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:14

He needs to go find something to do, find someone to hire him, and there’s no better feeling in the world, and that comes with confidence from the reps that you put in in life.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:23

And lastly, but not leastly at all, do the hardship first, if it’s hard, get it done because your day is going to feel a lot more productive and a lot more accomplished. And that’s my good.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:34

Buddy Dominic does. He levels up his health, he levels up as well.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:37

He’s humble, extremely humble, yet he’s hungry his orders varsity squad letter here times shine today absolutely.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:44

Love your guts, brother, always be there for you, and I appreciate your friendship, and for you coming out.

[Dominic Triveline] 12:44:46

Appreciate you having me on Scott.

[Scott Ferguson] 12:44:48

You bet chat soon, brother.

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