355-Episode 355 – Recovering People Pleaser Working to Help You Tune Into Your Divine Inner Wisdom – TTST Interview with Author and Coach Amanda Kate

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Amanda Kate is an Author, Kinesiologist, Archetypal Life Coach, Spiritual Seeker, Mentor, Mother and so much more. Recovering people pleaser and self flagellator trying to make the world a better place and help people tune into their Divine inner wisdom and tune out the loud external influences that take us off our path.

You always know the truth and as soon as you tune in and ask yourself the deep questions the answers will come to you

– Amanda Kate

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. A great coach will listen to what their client is saying and what they are NOT saying. Listens with her ‘neck’

2. Being coached will not always get you to where you want to be. Luckily Amanda has different modalities that can help you!

3. Amanda wants to be remembered as a divine messy human who used her experiences to help others Level UP! 

4. Trust your intuition and act on it!

Level Up! 


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Amanda’s Book: Divine Messy Human

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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:10

Time to Shine Today Podcast Varsity squad. This is Scott, Ferguson, and I got my awesome sauce, Aussie, from down under it’s early in the morning, tomorrow for her.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:17

But I got my good friend a Rock Star coach, Amanda, Kate from Amanda, Kate Kinesiology and Coaching 

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:26

Amanda is an awesome, fantastic author, kinesiologist.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:28

Our archetypal life, coach, spiritual seeker, mentor, mother, and so much more recovering people she’s a recovering people, please.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:35

Are like myself, and self-lash you later, trying to make the world a better place and help people tune into their divine inner wisdom and tune out the loud external influences that take us off of our path.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:47

Now she hasn’t also booked. You have to listen to the end for the Free Book, Giveaway.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:52

It’s called divine, messy, human, but off-camera, she says, is another.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:07:55

Another title which I can’t really talk about it here, which is a fantastic book where she really talks about that we develop and hair embody messiness.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:04

The beliefs, programming the beliefs and program that do not serve our divinity but create our individuality and thank you so much, Amanda, for coming out.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:12

Please introduce yourself. The time to shine. Today. Podcast versus squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:15

But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

[Amanda Kate] 16:08:18

Do you know that changes daily today? It’s blue? Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:20

Nice. Nice. Yeah, it. I love that. You sort of change this daily, because, like moods can kind of take your places and and stuff that’s why I always say purple when it’s for me, because it’s like a red and a blue trust me I can get red if I need to but mostly I’m

[Amanda Kate] 16:08:26


[Amanda Kate] 16:08:37


[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:37

Just chilling out with the blue, so we’ll in purples regal and royal.

[Amanda Kate] 16:08:42


[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:42

So, yeah, I like that, too. So but let’s let’s talk about you.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:45

Let’s get to the kind of the room of you know.

[Amanda Kate] 16:08:47


[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:48

Maybe just a metaphorically messy life, in a sense.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:08:51

And what you’re doing to really help people, you know, level up

[Amanda Kate] 16:08:56

Yeah, for me, you know. I don’t think anybody finds the kind of path we’re walking unless they’ve been through some stuff.

[Amanda Kate] 16:09:05

So you know, for me it was. I was always sort of in that good girl, mode where I was looking after everybody, making sure that I was ticking all the boxes.

[Amanda Kate] 16:09:17

So the good life you know. I got good grades at school.

[Amanda Kate] 16:09:20

I didn’t act up too much. I told the line that my parents expected me to to when in a lot of ways it was, I guess, restrictive, because I there was just the expectation of performance, and you know, went to university went traveling with my sister.

[Amanda Kate] 16:09:40

Metaman got married. 2 kids, you know, we did the traveling, and I’d moved from Adelaide.

[Amanda Kate] 16:09:47

I never actually came back for them traveling. I lived in the Uk for about 11 years, and have just ticked over 11 years in Melbourne as well.

[Amanda Kate] 16:09:55

So still consider myself a bit of a gypsy, but in that move I was over the other side of the world from my family, and in quite a tox relationship, and it took its toll on my health.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:09:57

I love it.

[Amanda Kate] 16:10:10

On my life. I really really struggled, I think by the time we moved back to Australia for me, anyway, it seemed like that bit of a last-ditch attempt to actually try and save the marriage in so many ways.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:10:23


[Amanda Kate] 16:10:26

And by the beginning of 2,013 I was needing three-hour naps in the afternoon to get through the day, and this is coming from a woman who was self-study, motivated, loved life always active and it just I started going downhill and I didn’t even get it

[Amanda Kate] 16:10:44

Looked at. Then I just, you know, wrote it down to a couple of tough years and needing a little bit of time, and whatever else.

[Amanda Kate] 16:10:52

But it started getting worse and worse, and eventually I was getting blood tests and the doctors are like, you know, you’re the healthiest sick person we’ve seen like I don’t know what’s going on.

[Amanda Kate] 16:11:01

Your bloods are fine and I kind of was going. Something’s not quite right here, and one thing led to another, and I ended up seeing an Natropath starting down that natural healing route and started getting a few answers.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:11:14


[Scott Ferguson] 16:11:17


[Amanda Kate] 16:11:20

Then it got to a point where I honestly thought I was just a broken shell of a human being.

[Amanda Kate] 16:11:28

I thought that I was not even really worth being here. My ex-husband would tell me all of the things that there’s not right with me, not, you know, but I wasn’t doing right.

[Amanda Kate] 16:11:39

That I wasn’t achieving enough for all of those sorts of things, and that I did.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:11:42


[Amanda Kate] 16:11:46

I felt broken, so I went to the doctor, got a mental health care plan, because, of course, I was the one that needed to be fixed and rang.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:11:51


[Amanda Kate] 16:11:55

A psychologist, knowing that she did mindfulness and assertiveness, training and worked in a much more holistic way.

[Amanda Kate] 16:12:04

And the receptionist there said, Look, we can’t get you in for another month with the psychologist and her next mindfulness.

[Amanda Kate] 16:12:10

Course doesn’t start till the end of the month. Do one of the a kinesiologist and I went.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:12:14


[Amanda Kate] 16:12:15

You know what I’m willing to try anything. And yeah, she was the first person, the receptionist at the psychology of place was the first person who asked me about my support structures, she said, who’s got your back, and I just burst into tears because I was like nobody’s.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:12:17


[Scott Ferguson] 16:12:35


[Amanda Kate] 16:12:35

Got my back I’m doing this on my own. I am the one holding up the house cards, and I’m crumbling, and the house of cards has fallen.

[Amanda Kate] 16:12:41

But first session of Kinesiology has changed my life, she said.

[Amanda Kate] 16:12:46

You have no idea how emotionally abused you are.

[Amanda Kate] 16:12:47

Do you? And I was like, oh, don’t understand! Tell me more, and I could see it in a number of relationships.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:12:51


[Amanda Kate] 16:12:54

But I didn’t see it in my marriage for another 4 months, and then it took me another 4 months or so.

[Amanda Kate] 16:13:00

To leave so. But within 6 months of that session I was studying Kinesiology, and it just changed my life, and that led into a whole bunch of other natural therapies that I tried, and eventually a whole bunch of them indifferent modalities.

[Amanda Kate] 16:13:17

Said you’ve got chronic fatigue, and that’s where all of that stuff back in 2,013, 3 years before, had all started they said, that’s why you don’t recover from your exercise the same way.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:13:20


[Amanda Kate] 16:13:28

That’s why you, you know, struggle to get through the day.

[Amanda Kate] 16:13:32

That’s why, even though you’re exhausted, you can’t sleep because I was in that adrenaline state of being wired and tired where I was.

[Amanda Kate] 16:13:39

You know, on this. It’s like you’re on caffeine.

[Amanda Kate] 16:13:44

You can’t quite sleep. It’s such a bizarre feeling.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:13:44

Right, hey!

[Amanda Kate] 16:13:45

It’s like that burnout feeling. And so all of a sudden, everything started just coming together

[Scott Ferguson] 16:13:47

Right. So real real quick, though, I’m gonna interject real quick

[Scott Ferguson] 16:13:53

Kinesiology is movement of the body correct

[Amanda Kate] 16:13:55


[Amanda Kate] 16:13:58

It is, but in our kinesiology it’s slightly different.

[Amanda Kate] 16:14:02

We look at movement of energy through the body. So we are looking at the energetic impulses and the emotional resonances that are stuck in the body, and we shift to them out vibrationally.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:14:03

Hmm! Got it

[Amanda Kate] 16:14:17

So we are looking at the way the body moves. But we’re also looking at the fact that quantum physicists have proven.

[Amanda Kate] 16:14:23

The universe is 4% physical matter and so when you look at this human meat suit that we’re walking around in, that’s 4% of the picture so what’s the other 96%.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:14:24


[Scott Ferguson] 16:14:33

Love it

[Amanda Kate] 16:14:33

And the problem for me was that doctors were looking at this 4% for me.

[Amanda Kate] 16:14:39

Now, when I work with clients, we’re looking at the mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, relational, sexual, like all of those different aspects of self that tie in to make us who we are.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:14:47


[Amanda Kate] 16:14:51

It’s not just looking at the physical. It’s all of it.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:14:53

So so with Camusiology. It saved you. But what was the spark that said, Hey, I’m going to do this to help others and save them or help them level up or help push them.

[Amanda Kate] 16:14:58


[Scott Ferguson] 16:15:05

In in to their outmost human potential

[Amanda Kate] 16:15:09

It was the fact that within those first 6 months, even though I was still in my marriage, and it was toxic as hell.

[Amanda Kate] 16:15:17

I had made groundbreaking awarenesses and shifts within myself, and I started to feel like I was getting an understanding of what took me to where I was.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:15:21

Nice. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:15:29


[Amanda Kate] 16:15:30

What got me that low, and I’d started climbing out of that really low pit.

[Amanda Kate] 16:15:36

Now the for a couple of years. There, I swear I was sort of bouncing on the bottom, and I find new levels of, you know, rock bottom.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:15:43


[Amanda Kate] 16:15:43

But this this was one of those things that yes, I was bouncing along and finding new rock bottoms, and also at the same time I was building this awareness of what was going on.

[Amanda Kate] 16:15:56

I was finding these tools that could help me. As I was bouncing along, so I was slightly less bruised and battered than I would have been had I not had it.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:16:03


[Amanda Kate] 16:16:05

It was this beautiful support, and because it’s done such an energetic way, you feel held.

[Amanda Kate] 16:16:15

It’s a really nurturing, nourishing you don’t have 15 min in, and then they’re kicking you out onto the next one.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:16:22


[Amanda Kate] 16:16:23

It is an hour session. It is a decent amount of time. So you can say what you’re going through. And then you’re setting goals for yourself and getting on the table and seeing what is standing between you and the achievement of that goal

[Scott Ferguson] 16:16:28


[Scott Ferguson] 16:16:38

I love it, I love it so. Do you work with a lot of one on one clients in Amanda?

[Amanda Kate] 16:16:40


[Amanda Kate] 16:16:45

I do? I do?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:16:45

Okay, let’s get into that. The the, the discovery part where we may be just meeting each other.

[Amanda Kate] 16:16:54


[Scott Ferguson] 16:16:54

Is there any secret sauce for lack of a better term?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:16:57

And also, if you don’t mind sharing that, maybe you help them identify that blind spot

[Amanda Kate] 16:16:58


[Amanda Kate] 16:17:03

A 100%. Because I’m not just listening to what they’re saying to me.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:08

I’m listening to what they’re not saying. I’m watching their body language.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:13

I’m picking up on the types of words they’re using.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:16

And so even yesterday, for example, had a client in who’s having issues in relationships.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:22

And there were just a few keywords there that I’m going.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:26

This is this is ancient childhood stuff. This is old stuff, and and it really and even for those people, you know, when I have mothers come in, for example, and they’re putting themselves last.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:17:27

Okay. Yes. Yes.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:38

And you can hear it in their languages. You can hear that they don’t think they’re as important as everybody else in their life.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:46

And I hear it very clearly in that one, because that’s that’s my downfall.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:17:51

Sure. Right

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:51

That’s my people. Pleasing aspect that comes through in that I am not a priority, and you can hear that sort of stuff.

[Amanda Kate] 16:17:58

I’ve had other clients who were in similar situations to me, where they have no idea that they’re gonna abusive relationships because it’s their normal and yet and so and I can see those patterns.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:05

Right, right.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:10

Right, love, it

[Amanda Kate] 16:18:12

And it’s finding the ways to ask the questions, because they have all those answers within them is how to bring those out

[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:17

Oh, absolutely! I’m a huge believer that the person that I’m coaching, whatever issues or problems they have, they have the answer within them as well.

[Amanda Kate] 16:18:26


[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:28

And my job is a coach, and what I love to do is help them find it on their own through my help and cause.

[Amanda Kate] 16:18:33


[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:34

I. I believe that if I tell somebody I’ve become a consultant, and I tell somebody what to do, they’re gonna say, I’ll furgy man.

[Amanda Kate] 16:18:40


[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:42

He sucks because it didn’t work, but if they say they come up with they’re gonna see it through to the end, which leads me to a question with you.

[Amanda Kate] 16:18:47

Yeah. Hmm.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:49

Is, you know, coaching and therapy are kind of 2 different things.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:52

Obviously you know that. But do you find therapy comes up?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:18:56

Is how deep that you go with your clients. They can.

[Amanda Kate] 16:18:59

Yeah, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:03

How do you handle that as a coach, and not so much a license therapist like?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:06

How do you hand that? I’m super intrigued because I’m learning right now

[Amanda Kate] 16:19:10

Yeah. So again, we have our scope of practice. So I don’t consider myself a therapist to me.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:16


[Amanda Kate] 16:19:18

Therapists work on symptoms. Therapists see your symptoms, and they want to get rid of the symptoms.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:20


[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:23

Hmm right

[Amanda Kate] 16:19:24

They’re not looking for the root cause. I want to know what caused you to have those symptoms.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:28


[Amanda Kate] 16:19:29

So you having inflammation in your body, I don’t want to get rid of the inflammation, because the inflammation is telling me that something else is going on, and the body is putting this padding into protector itself.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:35


[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:40

Love it

[Amanda Kate] 16:19:41

So what are you protecting itself from? And that’s where we use the emotional side of kinesiology to deep, deep.

[Amanda Kate] 16:19:48

Find out when it was put there, why it was put. There what emotion got it stuck and what stories you’re telling yourself around it, and then change that vibration, and even sometimes you get the emotion that stuck in the body.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:19:55

Love it

[Scott Ferguson] 16:20:03


[Amanda Kate] 16:20:04

It will create a huge shift just because they understand what was there

[Scott Ferguson] 16:20:08

I love love, how you just explain that you know you don’t wanna so much take away from things that are wrong with you because they’re giving us clues and how we can help you level up.

[Amanda Kate] 16:20:10

Hmm, hmm.

[Amanda Kate] 16:20:17


[Amanda Kate] 16:20:20

Yeah, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:20:20

That’s awesome. So let’s go back. You’re still kind of in a discovery period, with with a prospective client that to be.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:20:29

Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you during this period?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:20:34

But never do.

[Amanda Kate] 16:20:36

No, to be honest, I have this innate trust that things unfold the way they are exactly supposed to unfold.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:20:46


[Amanda Kate] 16:20:46

People come to me for a reason. They come to me over other people for a reason, the same way that your clients go to you over other people for a different reason.

[Amanda Kate] 16:20:55

Now there are also clients, and well, pretty much everyone. Actually, that I say Kinesiology on its own is not going to get you where you want to go.

[Amanda Kate] 16:21:04

Coaching on its own is not going to get you where you need to go.

[Amanda Kate] 16:21:07

We do need to look at different modalities that tie together and look at you in infant perspectives to be able to get you to that state of healing that you want to be in so I love working with people who are going to see natropaths or hypnotherapists or

[Scott Ferguson] 16:21:24


[Amanda Kate] 16:21:24

Acupuncturists, or other coaches and other healers, because one person is not going to be able to facilitate all of the healing that you need.

[Amanda Kate] 16:21:32

I speak my own language, and so it’s like your body is giving you messages in Russian and French, and you know Italian, and you only speak English, or whatever it is.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:21:40

Right, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:21:43

Right, right.

[Amanda Kate] 16:21:45

And so, you know, I might be the one who can translate the Russian, and you might be the one who can translate the French and somebody else might be the one who can translate the Italian so that you’re understanding what’s going on under the surface.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:21:55


[Scott Ferguson] 16:21:58

Beautiful. I love that I love it. So. Have you seen the movie back to the future?

[Amanda Kate] 16:22:06

Oh, God! Years! And years ago I couldn’t say that.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:07

Years ago. I’m 50. So I I was. I was a young man when that came out, so let me let’s get that delory with Marty Mcfly.

[Amanda Kate] 16:22:08

I remember much of it.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:17

Let’s go back to the double-duce. The 22 year old. Amanda.

[Amanda Kate] 16:22:20


[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:21

What kind of knowledge like. It’s not so much to change anything, because the journey is the journey.

[Amanda Kate] 16:22:23


[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:25

But what might knowledge like? It’s what you drop on her that maybe help her shorten her learning, curve, level up, or blast through.

[Amanda Kate] 16:22:28


[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:32

Maybe just a little bit quicker.

[Amanda Kate] 16:22:36

Do you know for me would have avoided most of the trauma in my life, because I had the intuition.

[Amanda Kate] 16:22:46

I heard the intuition. I did not trust it, and I did not act on it, but every single piece of intuition I ever got turned out to be a 100% true.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:48


[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:53


[Scott Ferguson] 16:22:59

Be real love, it dot

[Amanda Kate] 16:23:02

Yet, because of that external influence I didn’t trust myself that I was reading that intuition because my intuition was not going the way that patriarchal society wanted me to go.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:23:05


[Scott Ferguson] 16:23:15


[Amanda Kate] 16:23:15

It was going in this, you know, completely different way. It was for me to trust that spiritual side of myself in my own spiritual way, not the churchway that I was brought up in it was for me to understand my own connection to God, my own connection to the universe my own connection to that which is greater and if I had

[Scott Ferguson] 16:23:23


[Scott Ferguson] 16:23:27


[Amanda Kate] 16:23:36

Trusted it and acted on it, my life would have been completely different.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:23:38

I love it. I love that you’re transparent with that, and and then the lessons that you can learn on like really trust in your gut.

[Amanda Kate] 16:23:46


[Scott Ferguson] 16:23:47

You know that intuition, if you’re not sure about something, seek out people that maybe have walked your path or walk in your path, or professional, and I I call getting your asking gear.

[Amanda Kate] 16:23:52


[Amanda Kate] 16:23:57

Yeah, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:23:57

Ask you know and find out. I love it so. But how do you want Amanda’s dash?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:24:03

Remember that little lining between your Incarnation date, your expiration, day, your life date and your death day. Hopefully.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:24:08

It’s a years down the road. But how would you like Amanda’s dashboard number?

[Amanda Kate] 16:24:14

I think probably the title of my book sums it up.

[Amanda Kate] 16:24:18

Divine, messy human. We are all divine. We are all messy as hell, and that’s what makes us human and wonderful and gives us the experience we’re having here

[Scott Ferguson] 16:24:24


[Scott Ferguson] 16:24:29

In in your like using a sports metaphor like you’re gonna slide across home plate or cricket plate, or whatever the sport is there bombed in bruised but you’re gonna know that you’ve really planted trees.

[Amanda Kate] 16:24:39


[Scott Ferguson] 16:24:41

You’re never gonna sit in the shade of, because you cared enough, and and that’s fantastic.

[Amanda Kate] 16:24:44

Yeah, how do we

[Scott Ferguson] 16:24:46

So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Amanda?

[Amanda Kate] 16:24:52

Actually, because I’m quite tall. I often get told that I’m intimidating, and I don’t think that could be any further from the truth.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:24:58

Hmm! How tall are you?

[Amanda Kate] 16:25:02

I am 179 cm, which I think is 5, just under 511

[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:05


[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:08

Wow! That is tall. Wow! Very cool.

[Amanda Kate] 16:25:10

Yeah, and I used to wear high heels all the time as well.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:14

You you’d be taller than me then. I’m 6.

[Amanda Kate] 16:25:14

So that would freak people out because I’d be 6, 1, 60, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:16

One and a half, so I love it. That is that that’s cool.

[Amanda Kate] 16:25:19

Sorry. Yeah, so.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:21

But yeah, you know, I had the same thing, because, you know, I’m 6, one of 2 60, and I pretty well put together, and like, so when I walk in a room, I’m I’m the guy that’s like hugs.

[Amanda Kate] 16:25:29


[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:33

And so cause I don’t want to come cross. Is that bully? You know what I’m saying, and that’s it, plus.

[Amanda Kate] 16:25:37


[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:38

I’m from the Midwestern part of the United States where everyone’s really nice.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:41

They hold the door they give hugs, and I guess that that’s really helped me out a little bit.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:25:46

But anything keep you up at night. Now.

[Amanda Kate] 16:25:54

Look, I am my first thing to go when anything happens is I get insomnia.

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:02

That’s still my telltale that something’s not quite right.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:04

What do you do then?

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:05

So that’s that’s always gonna be. What do I do?

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:08

Then I pretend to sleep. I know that sounds really, really crazy, but I’ve had years of practicing pretended sleep, because if I pretend to sleep, maybe I’ll actually fall into sleep at some point.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:11


[Amanda Kate] 16:26:18

So it used to be that I’d open my eyes every 3 s and look at the clock.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:19

Yeah, yeah.

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:20

And what time is it? But now I just lay there with my eyes closed, and I’m like, Okay, just gotta wait till morning.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:24


[Amanda Kate] 16:26:27

Keep going.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:27

Yeah, you and I are like brother and sister from different misses, because we’ve locked a lot of the same path but I’m the same way with my sleep, and I found out I wear this aura ring right that tracks your sleep.

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:37

Yeah. Hmm.

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:41


[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:42

And even when I can’t sleep, even if I pretend to sleep, I almost put myself into a run state, you know, an alpha state.

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:50


[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:52

Maybe I guess that we what it’s called, or beta, one of the 2 and I’ll look at the ring, and I’m like, Hey, I did get some rest.

[Amanda Kate] 16:26:53


[Amanda Kate] 16:26:56


[Amanda Kate] 16:26:58


[Scott Ferguson] 16:26:58

I just didn’t get the deep, deep breath. So I love that.

[Amanda Kate] 16:27:01


[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:03

You said that again. That’s super transparent. So how about what’s purchase?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:10

Have you made? That’s a $100 or less in the past year.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:17

It’s really leveled you up

[Amanda Kate] 16:27:24

Goodness for me! I’m always buying books always.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:30

Well, beautiful, beautiful. You can buy 10 bucks for a 100 bucks.

[Amanda Kate] 16:27:34

I know. Yeah, look I, I’m oh, it’s rating and trying to Lem any things. And yeah, love it.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:35

So you know that that’s beautiful, awesome. I look

[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:42

If you saw my place right now, it’s it’s stacks other.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:48

I love to hold a book too. I mean, I’m kindle.

[Amanda Kate] 16:27:48


[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:50

Would love to do the kindle, but I I love holding a book as well.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:27:53

So what is Amanda’s definition of a life where lived

[Amanda Kate] 16:28:02

For me. It is learning to trust that intuition and acting on it, and remembering that your life isn’t supposed to look like everybody else’s, because it’s your holes

[Scott Ferguson] 16:28:11

Yeah, that’s yes, love it. I love it. I love it.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:28:16

And squad weird we’re gonna take my good front.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:28:18

Amazing, Kate, through our lovelying up lightning round just as soon as we get back from faking our sponsors on affiliate

[Scott Ferguson] 16:28:25

Tied to today. Podcast Varsity squad. We are back in Amanda, you and I, hopefully, we can break some bread some time, live.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:28:33

But you know, if we do, we’ll we’ll talk about each one of these questions, maybe 15 or 20 min, but with our leveling up lightly round, you got 5 s with no explanations.

[Amanda Kate] 16:28:40

Perfect. Yeah.

[Amanda Kate] 16:28:42


[Scott Ferguson] 16:28:44

It could all be answered that way, I promise you. You write a level up alright, give it a go.

[Amanda Kate] 16:28:46

Cool. Let’s give it a go

[Scott Ferguson] 16:28:50

I love that. What is the best leveling up advice Amanda’s ever received

[Amanda Kate] 16:28:59

Trustee gut

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:00

Yes, share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

[Amanda Kate] 16:29:07


[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:08

No, I love it, I love it. Thank you. No, no, I do.

[Amanda Kate] 16:29:10

Conscious, freighting.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:11

Psychedelic breathing every morning I get it. I love it. So so other than your own website, which is Amanda Katecom or.com that dot au

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:26

What other website might you go to the level up

[Amanda Kate] 16:29:30

Love a bit of Youtube. I follow a few astrologers and energy workers there.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:33

There you go!

[Amanda Kate] 16:29:36

So yeah. Can’t go past it.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:36

Beautiful, beautiful! You see me walking down the street, and you’re like, yeah. Fergus looks like he’s in his dull rooms a little bit outside of divine, messy human.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:48

What book might you hand me, or gift to me to level me up

[Amanda Kate] 16:29:53

I do love dare to lead Brene Brown’s book on daring.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:55

Hmm. Oh, yeah.

[Amanda Kate] 16:29:57

Leadership. Freaking. Amazing. Hmm! Also, either the alchemist or yeah, I love the alchemist, and I can see the other one, and I can’t remember the name of it right now.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:29:59

Yes, love it

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:05

Paulo love it

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:13

That’s okay. We’ll we’ll circle back.

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:14

The Kilojou, Brown, the Prophet, the prophet!

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:16

No problem. Beautiful, beautiful! What’s your most commonly used to mochi when you text

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:18

That’s the one. Hmm

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:22

The little smiley face, with the little blushy cheeks

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:25

Love it. Nicknames growing up

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:30

My partner just found this out the other day, because my parents were over a mom called me Kitten.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:36

Love it

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:36

Kate, and he went, and I didn’t know about that one

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:40

Love. It just checkers or monopoly

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:45


[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:46

Thank you. Awesome. Go to ice cream, flavor

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:51

Have to have dairy free ice cream now, and I just had this amazing soldier camera one which was them.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:54

Okay, perfect.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:30:57

Yay awesome. There’s a can. There’s a sandwich called the kitten Kate.

[Amanda Kate] 16:30:59

So I know

[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:05

What is on that sandwich

[Amanda Kate] 16:31:08

Well, it has to be gluten-free bread because of my delightful issues.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:10


[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:12


[Amanda Kate] 16:31:14

I would I would! I would chuck it full of salad and get a chicken and some dairy free pesto.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:21

Yeah. Me sounds good.

[Amanda Kate] 16:31:21

And yeah, get some nice flavor going. Probably a bit of chili, and that, too.

[Amanda Kate] 16:31:26

I like a bit of hate

[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:26

Little bit. Favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to

[Amanda Kate] 16:31:34

The ones that I tend to go to are the beyond blues.

[Amanda Kate] 16:31:38

Life line over here which are depression, help, lines.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:43

Love it, love it last question, that you can elaborate on this one.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:48

But what’s the best decade in music? 60 seventies, eighties are nineties.

[Amanda Kate] 16:31:53

Am I? Lab? Say all

[Scott Ferguson] 16:31:55

You can say, Oh, yeah, I guess sure.

[Amanda Kate] 16:31:58

I, I do. You know, when I was growing up, my parents had those like 4 CD sets of the best music from the Sixtys seventys.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:07

Great, alright.

[Amanda Kate] 16:32:08

They didn’t get the Eightys and mines, but so I used to listen to a lot of sixtys and seventys, and when I was when I was in my sort of clubbing days we always used to go to one, which was all the retro music, which was the seventys, and eightys, and so we’d go and dance to that

[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:12

Oh, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:20


[Amanda Kate] 16:32:23

But then I do like the ninetys, and on so, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:25

Beautiful! I love it, I love all music. I’m again.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:30

I’m 50 years old, so like I when I graduated in 1990, so like the eighties, is kind of my jam.

[Amanda Kate] 16:32:35


[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:35

But but I love all music. I love it, I love it so.

[Amanda Kate] 16:32:38


[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:38

I mean, how can we find you

[Amanda Kate] 16:32:42

The website you mentioned before Amanda Kate Com.

[Amanda Kate] 16:32:46

Au! So, remembering the.au for Australia, and I’m on all the socials, I think they’re all linked for my website.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:51


[Amanda Kate] 16:32:52

So that’s probably the easiest way to go to find me.

[Amanda Kate] 16:32:55

So you’ve only got to remember the one

[Scott Ferguson] 16:32:56

Yeah, and everything will be in the show. Notes out there squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:33:00

They’d be able to find Amanda. But, man, it talked to me a little bit about divine messy.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:33:04

And in what brought you to write it, and who would be the perfect reader for it

[Amanda Kate] 16:33:12

For me. It was the book that I needed when I was navigating this.

[Amanda Kate] 16:33:17

So it does get a bit deep esoteric, but it’s also high level enough that if you’re new to sort of the spirituality aspect, you’re not going to feel lost in it.

[Amanda Kate] 16:33:27

And I’ve written it in tiny sort of short chunk chapters.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:33:30


[Amanda Kate] 16:33:31

So people have been telling me it’s great, so they can kind of pick up.

[Amanda Kate] 16:33:34

Put it down, and not feel like they got another self-helpful, and a lot of people have been telling you. There’s a lot of actionable stuff in there that they’re giving them some really good realizations.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:33:42


[Amanda Kate] 16:33:48

So yeah, it’s just there’ve been people who’ve picked it up who’ve been on the spiritual journey for ages.

[Amanda Kate] 16:33:54

And they’re like, Oh, my God! I love the way you phrase it, and people who are just are just reaching out.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:33:56

Love it

[Amanda Kate] 16:34:00

So there isn’t really just I guess, one group. It’s pick it up and see how you go with it.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:02

Right, but I love it, I love it, I can’t wait to dig into it myself and squat.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:09

I’m gonna do a free book away. On time to shine today’s dime.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:13

The first person that says I’m messy inside any of our social. I don’t care if it’s pinterest. I don’t care if you Texas to us email it to us, Linkedin, Facebook.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:23

Wherever you’re gonna see Amanda’s show.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:28

If you leave, I am messy. I the first person. Actually the first 2 people that do that I will personally buy them a book and have it shipped to you in Amanda.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:37

If you could. Pretty. Please leave us with one last knowledge nugget we can take with us, internalize and take action on

[Amanda Kate] 16:34:44

You always know your truth, and as soon as you ask yourself that deep question, you actually know the answer.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:47

Love it

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:54


[Amanda Kate] 16:34:54

So if we ask, do I need to believe this relationship? Guess what you actually already know?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:34:59


[Amanda Kate] 16:34:59

The answer to that. You just don’t want to answer it, or Rj, I’m not that happy.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:02


[Amanda Kate] 16:35:04

I’m a job again, you know. The answer is your body telling you, because that’s why the questions come in, and we so off ignore that, and we don’t take action.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:07

Yes, yes.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:12

This is that lovely? That’s exactly true, and squad we have had.

[Amanda Kate] 16:35:13

But take action because magic happens

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:19

I had a super impactational conversation. Why, you just picked up so many knowledge, and I guess and you guys just really had a free master class with like good friend Amanda, who, you know, she’s a people pleased are growing up.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:31

That was her thing, her identity, but it also made her live a restricted life that led her to toxic relationships, took out her toll on health and life, and she was the doctor, and the doctor’s like dude.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:43

You are the healthiest sick person I’ve ever seen, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:47

Nobody really knew how to really fix it, but she found Kinesiology, that movement of energy, the impulses and emotional resonates of what is stuck helps get that on stock.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:35:56

You know she wants you to really kind of understand of what got you to where you are and hit that low.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:04

And find yourself the help. Hopefully, it’s Amanda, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:08

Develop, develop a plan to get out of that rock bottom and build a awareness with the tools that she’s going to give.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:15

You, you know, and she would tell her younger self to really listen to that intuition.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:20

You know what they are saying. If you don’t understand it, find somebody again.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:26

Get your asking, gear. Find it? The answers are out there.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:28

People are willing to give it to you, you know, and she says that they, coaching and canines the algae alone will not get you to where you want to go, because they might get there.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:41

But there, she reminds us, this is what I love about her is that there’s other modalities, other places that you can go to really unlock what is stuck in your body and that’s what I love about.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:36:50

A coach like Amanda, who’s doesn’t have all the answers, and she admits it, and she’s going to refer you to people it’s just like, I do.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:00

You know, and she will be remembered as someone that’s divine, human and messy.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:05

You know she wants you to be your own self. Be authentic, and like her, very, very transparent.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:11

Don’t be afraid to share your story in the world.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:14

There’s people that want to hear it. She wrote a book that she wish she really would have read back in the day, and if she’s went through what she’s went through she can help you get through what you’re going through, and you always know your truth, and as soon as you ask yourself, to deep question about it you

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:32

Will know the answer, and that’s what my good friend and mandate does.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:36

Probably on a daily basis. She levels up her health, she levels up her wealth.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:40

She’s humble. Yes, she’s hungry. She’s absolutely stunning.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:45

I’ve you’ve burned your varsity letter here at times. Shine today.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:47

Thank you so much for coming on. Absolutely love your guts, Amanda.

[Amanda Kate] 16:37:50

Oh, thank you so much, and thank you for the work you’re bringing into the world.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:53


[Amanda Kate] 16:37:54

You’re so needed, so huge appreciation and love back to you

[Scott Ferguson] 16:37:57

You bet chat soon

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:00

Good day.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:38:01

Awesome. Do you have fun?

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:04

Yeah, yeah, love it. Love it. I love your energy. It’s awesome.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:38:05

Cool. Yeah, I’m gonna drop something in the text whenever you push, play on my show.

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:09


[Scott Ferguson] 16:38:14

It’s your voice that they hear. Okay, so you’ll this is this part’s not on video or anything.

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:22


[Scott Ferguson] 16:38:22

But I’m gonna hit record and you will just at your leisure you’re gonna say, Hey, hey?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:38:30

This is no mandate author of the Divine Messy or Ehesiologist, or whatever you want to say with that and then just the rest of you just need a little bit of that energy.

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:36


[Scott Ferguson] 16:38:39

So people, you know, keep listening. That’s all. Okay. So I’m going to hit record.

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:40

Yeah. Awesome.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:38:44

And you go at your own leisure

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:47

Hi! This is Amanda Kate, author of Divine messy, human.

[Amanda Kate] 16:38:52

And caninesiologist and coach. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time, to shine, podcast with my incredible friend Scott Ferguson, he is fabulous, and we love.

[Amanda Kate] 16:39:05

The work he’s bringing into the world. Let’s level up

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:07

Beautiful. Thank you so so much. Okay, I need you to look at the camera.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:11

Don’t look at me, but look at the camera, the camera, the perfect hold it!

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:16

Smile, that gorgeous smile for 3 s. Ready! Go

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:20

Awesome. Okay? And then Donnie’s gave me the so he’s drawing up a release for you.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:28

So I just need. So we can use your awesome voice in your beautiful mug, like everywhere that that we put it.

[Amanda Kate] 16:39:28

Yep, beautiful. Yeah. Oh, good. All the things. Yep.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:36

And I’m also I’m gonna launch this one you’ve heard of. Xm radio right?

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:40

Satellite, right

[Amanda Kate] 16:39:43

Yeah. Yep.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:43

Yeah. So I have a channel on satellite radio.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:47

So I’m gonna make sure that this is played on there, so you can tell all the people in Ossie Land to listen to it as well but we’ll probably drop it.

[Amanda Kate] 16:39:48


[Amanda Kate] 16:39:55

Awesome. Yeah, send me the links, and I’ll share them away.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:39:56

Yeah, beautiful. You’ll get that for sure. You’ll get links to everything.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:00


[Scott Ferguson] 16:40:01

It’ll probably drop it the first week or second week of February.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:04

Yeah, beautiful.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:40:04

But you’ll know, because you’ll start in inundated with emails from us.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:08

No, that’s perfect. That’s also love sharing them all.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:40:08

So you’ll know, you know. So. But thank you so so much for coming on. And if you ever needed, if I could be of service duty here, State side for anything, please let me know. Okay.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:13

So, yeah, that’s great.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:19

Yeah, absolutely. Look, I, I’m really at the moment I’m working on manifesting a speaking gig, so I can come and see some of you incredible podcast hosts that have had me on.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:40:28

Oh, awesome! So what are you doing to manifest speaking gigs

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:29

So yeah, want to hit some stages.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:35

Well at the moment, I’ve had my first 2 paid ones coming through.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:42

So, yeah, look, I’m just, I’m keeping my eyes and ears to the ground at the moment I’ve start.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:47

I haven’t really done much research yet, but that’s where I’m starting to have a little look at, and my book’s gone in some awards.

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:53

So I feel like that’s gonna start opening things up.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:40:54

Nice nice

[Amanda Kate] 16:40:57

But we shall say, Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:40:58

Do you? Do you have a sizzle reel in a one sheet

[Amanda Kate] 16:41:04

No, not yet, because I I’m one of those speakers who keeps forgetting to actually record the speeches that I do.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:05


[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:12

Okay, when you do remember, send some of your sizzle real. But it’s done.

[Amanda Kate] 16:41:15

Yeah. Yeah. Awesome.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:17

Okay. And then also and I want to put you in touch with this guy is, do you know, Dale, side bottom he’s an awesome he’s an Ossie, and he speaks everywhere in Australia.

[Amanda Kate] 16:41:28

No, I don’t. Alright. Okay.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:35

Dale side bottom. You can look him up if you, if you go to my podcast just put in Dale side about him, you can hear I’ve been on his show.

[Amanda Kate] 16:41:37


[Amanda Kate] 16:41:42

Yep, yeah, I’ll have a look. Yep.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:43

You interviewed me, and everything else but I’ll work no play.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:47

It’s nothing like the do dresses like this on stage.

[Amanda Kate] 16:41:50

I love it awesome.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:52

He’s awesome. Talk about energy, it was one of my favorite books from a podcast.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:41:55

Interview, and, like I will put you in touch I’ll I’ll put you in touch with them.

[Amanda Kate] 16:41:58

Cool. I will touch face.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:42:01

Let me make warm introduction, and then you guys can take it from there, cause I love that guy.

[Amanda Kate] 16:42:07


[Scott Ferguson] 16:42:08

I mean, I love him like we’re we’re kind of like brothers that Deborah met because our energy on stage is the same and everything else. So I’ll put you in touch with Dale. And then, yeah, if you again, if you ever need anything please, let me know okay.

[Amanda Kate] 16:42:11


[Amanda Kate] 16:42:19

Yeah, no same same. And if you’re ever in Australia, come, come, come, visit

[Scott Ferguson] 16:42:21

Awesome. Oh, yeah. Definitely. Come, visit, awesome. Not love your guts.

[Amanda Kate] 16:42:25

Fantastic. Take care! Lots of love, bye.

[Scott Ferguson] 16:42:27

I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.

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