328-Make the Leap from Employee to Entrepreneur without the Headaches! – TTST Interview with Coach Tami Jaffe

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Tami is a career transition and business success coach, energy shifter and speaker who inspires successful professionals who are dreaming to resign and do something new.  Tami helps guide her clients through the sometimes overwhelming prospect of changing careers or starting a new business.

      I want to live inspired and share that fire with others

– Tami Jaffe

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Tami found that the more she rose in the ranks of the corporate world the less she liked the politics

2. A great coach knows that everything starts with clarity, asking the right questions and listen with all their senses

3. Don’t be afraid to get your ‘ask’ in gear

4. Live a life of good intention, explore your desires, be inspired and take action

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

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Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Tami,please introduce yourself that time to shine today podcast varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Oh, my favorite color. So I’ve always said My favorite color is red. Okay, and why is a great question I’ve ever gone into why. So I’ve always just been attracted to red. I love the power color of red and showing up in in things that are so

I love it. It’s in your color wheel. You know if you’re watching on YouTube or Vimeo squash is absolutely stunning woman but she’s very professional. And I thought you were gonna go with teal, or something like that. Because I’m seeing your shirt. I see the ocean kind of in the back. I just thought.

Yeah, it is like my second favorite, but like my lifetime favorite is read. Love it.

I love it. So Tammy, let’s get to the roots of your story. I’m curious to know, were you someone who was corporate and transitioned? Or like I really love to hear the backstory?

Yeah, so I am a recovering CPA, I started off as in accounting, and worked my way up through corporate, I made a few Career Transitions along the way, did a few different things, but ended my corporate career after 20 Some years as the head of real estate technology for the third largest real estate company in the world.

Wow. Wow. May I ask which one it is?

Tia Nuveen. Okay, wow. So I spent 10 years, my last 10 years in corporate with them and in the finance area. And then in technology my last four years there. And just realize, I got to a point that I realized I wanted to do more. The further up I got in corporate, the more I disliked some of the politics and who they, you know, wanted to mold you into someone that they wanted you to be wasn’t exactly the person that I my integrity wanted me to be. And so I decided that there’s something more for me out there, and started getting involved with coaching as well as energy healing, and realize that, you know, I had always called myself a mentor manager. When people asked me how what my management style was, I’m like, I’m a mentor manager, I’m going to help you grow, I’m gonna help you expand, I’m gonna see what we can do to get you to grow in your careers. And it was just that realization that it’s, that’s what I wanted to help people do. And so I stepped out into the coaching world and started that career.

Did you ever feel like a lot of times you’re given kind of like, quote, unquote, like free advice to people on saying, Man, you know, there’s something here that I can I’m a valuable resource for people that I can get paid for it. Is that maybe what you were saying anyways?

In some ways, yes. I mean, you know, I have a passion for leadership and helping people grow. And so there’s times where you’re looking at it and you’re like, Okay, can I get, you know, I got paid for my corporate job, but could I get paid in another way to do more of the things that I was really excited about, and less of the things that were just the monotonous Is day to day.

I love it. It’s like a mentor manager. I love that saying because like my mentor told me, one of my mentors said, you know, the more you mentor, the more immoral you become like, the more you say something, people will remember you, and they will pay it forward. I love that. I love that. So when you’re coaching, I do do a lot of more group or one on one right now.

I do mostly group I have a few one on one clients that are fairly large clients that I work with. And then I have a couple group programs that I help people in getting their business started

beautiful. So when you’re in that kind of discovery period with them will say maybe a one on one client, or even the head of like getting the group client started like, is there any secret sauce that you employ, if you don’t mind sharing to help them find that initial blind spot to start leveling them up?

Oh, such a great question. I love this. So I think there’s one thing I always say everything starts with clarity, right? And asking the right question. So many times people come in, and they’re like, I’m stuck. I don’t know what I want to do. I don’t know where to go. I don’t know what business to start. And so I’m always looking at where are the missing pieces? What are those missing puzzle pieces that they have? Where are they not asking the right questions, and diving deeper into what it is they really want and desire so that we can get them focused in the right area and not just jump into something because it’s trendy? Or that’s what someone else told them they should do. But we want to make sure they’re aligned with what? What’s gonna like light them up going forward? Yeah,

love it. Are you more of a coach or a consultant? Are you kind of a coach salted, I’m a coach called

coach at Illinois. I can’t even say it. But I’m a coach. And I figured

you were and the only reason why I say this, it’s like me. So like I coach CEOs of companies, and they’ve forgotten more about business than I ever will their business and a lot of reasons because I’ve been a real estate broker for 23 years. So if I’m coaching, you know, a high end agent or something, I can talk to them about the business again, salt a little bit, but coaching, I love how you go back to starts with clarity, and really digging for that blind spot. And you know, as a coach myself, I ask questions, I really don’t consult too much unless it partly is over. But with you. It’s unique because of the 27 years that you were doing the corporate world, you can kind of resonate with a lot a lot of the corporate people do. Right can that’s a gift for you. I love that. So Tammy, is when you start working with somebody, and you’re kind of in that discovery period. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

This is what I hadn’t thought of before. So this is like a question. Let me think so. question that I wish they would ask me. I think there’s just looking at what they need to be focused on. Right. Like, I think the question that I would like to hear from them is, how are how are you going to align and helping me with my desires?

Yes. Yeah, it I love that you say that there’s so much more that can be unpacked with that. But due to time constraints, but you know, it’s like, how, how would you qualify if you started? What’s your lineage Tammy? Like, that’s what, you know, I ask every coach, I have five coaches and I know their lineage. I’m a big football guy, you know, watch football and you know how head coaches come from different head coaches, their lineage? Coaching is well I like to know who they’ve came through what they’ve learned why their philosophies are in love. I love I don’t didn’t mean ask a question trip you up, but it does make you think in your next interview. So when do you ever coach companies? Like the companies bring it? Okay, awesome. I want to go here with you with this. Okay, so you get the CEO or the human resource. someone’s like, hey, Tammy Jaffe, coaching, we need her. Right? Because say sales is lacking or whatnot. When you’re brought in, and that sales managers in the room? How do you defuse that situation? If you don’t mind sharing? Because they’re coming and going? What if man, I got to deal with this lady? You know what I’m saying? Because the CEO and the higher ups are like, Yeah, we need to level this up. Yeah, no, they bring you in and they’re looking at how do you defuse that situation?

Yeah, great question. So I think one of the things that I’m always looking at is building that relationship with them first, right? They’re not going to open up to you. They’re not going to share what they want to do or what’s right going right and what’s not going right, unless you can connect with them. So coming in and finding that connection, understanding who They are getting to know them. And what it is they they want to create, right? I mean, everyone in every area, no matter who you’re talking to, there’s things that they’re not happy with, there’s things they want to change. And just because it’s coming from upper management, saying you need to make this change, or you need to this has been pushed down on you, doesn’t mean they don’t have desires as well. Right? And so, really getting to know them, getting to understand them and asking them, you know, I know this wasn’t an ad, I’ll be upfront with them. Like, I know, this wasn’t your idea. Right? So this may feel like an uncomfortable conversation to you, but I don’t want it to be. And so I want to know, from your standpoint, when we are done with this, what do you want to see as the outcome, right? If you could change anything that’s happening? What would it be?

I love that you get you’re asking gear you’re asking, right? Consistently, but you’re keeping them evolved in subconsciously, in a sense, asking for help from them. You know, it’s like, if you go to them and say, Well, I really need your help. They’re like, yeah, yeah, that’s cliche. But the what you just said, resonates so much. And I actually just picked up a really great step for a company that I’m have to go in with. Thank you so much for sharing that same. You’re an open book. I love it. I love it. So I mean, it’s some time you have you seen the movie Back to the Future? I have. It’s been a while. But yes, yes. Can you believe it’s gonna be like 40 years and 2025 will be for ourselves? Yes, yes. So it’s getting that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Right, let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old. Tammy and I don’t know if it’s Jeff yet. Let’s go back to 22 year old Tammy, and you haven’t met Glenn yet? or whatnot. You’re just kind of getting into the world? What kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on her to maybe help or not changing? Thank you, your legs freaking great. But that maybe helped her level up last year, shorten that learning curve just a little bit more?

Yeah. I mean, the biggest thing is for me, because I’m an I’m an analytical type person. And I like to sit and think on things. So it would be you know, go with your gut, make the decision and move forward faster. That would definitely be one of the things that I would share with myself.

Oh my gosh, that was so fast. So go with your gut, make a decision and just go forward. Yeah. Love it, make

the decision faster. Love it.

I love it. And if you don’t know the answer, if you get stuck, and again, I steal this from my good friend, Leah Woodford from smartphone which I do need to introduce you to. Because I think you’d be great speaker for smartphone group. She’s she’s the one that gave me get you’re asking here. Right? So he’s like, just ask ask ask. I love it. So tell me how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date your expiration day life to end up there? Hopefully it’s way down the line. But how do you want Tamizh dash remember?

I always say you gotta live inspired right? So the inspired life and the inspiration that, you know, bringing to others bring it to yourself, getting inspired by what you do. Those are the pieces that I want to be remembered for.

Yeah, but I love you. So planting trees that you’re never gonna sit in the shade. Oh, that’s fantastic, man. So what do you think people maybe misunderstand the most about Tammy?

Oh, well, where do we go with that one? So, so many things. I think you know, because I do so much speaking and, and I love being in front of an audience and sharing my message that people think that I am very extroverted out there. And I think that’s probably one of the most misunderstood things when when people meet me in that world, that they kind of expected me to just be that way all the time. And I’m, I call myself the Omni vert, you know, it’s the mix between the extrovert and an introvert. And I definitely need my moments of quiet time and space and reflection. But that’s, that’s probably the one thing where people might get misinterpreted, because I love being in leadership in leadership roles. I was reading something about this interpretation of my name recently, and it said, throw me into a pack of wolves. And I’ll come off the leader. And I was at an event speaking last month in New York and things weren’t going well. And I just jumped in and I’m like, taking over and like doing everything that the organizers didn’t do. And someone came up to me and she’s like, this is your genius zone, isn’t it? And I was like, yeah, just throw me into a pack of wolves. And I’ll come out the leader like, that’s just how I am like, there’s got something going wrong. I’m going to figure out how to fix it to make things more efficient, but it doesn’t mean that I’m like that constantly.

Right? I love that you said that. You’re being and transparent about because I am exactly the same way. They’ll be like Fergie. Oh my gosh, yeah. And like it’s funny, like, I’ll work a stage. You know, I’ll do the stage and then I’ll do the the afterwards and meeting people and whatnot. But I usually jump right back to my room. Like, I’m not the guy that hangs out too much. I eat by myself a lot here in South Florida, because it’s so beautiful. And the nine to fivers are working and I can blast to be able to go and sit in the ocean and eat like I have absolutely no problem going into like a kava bar or, you know, just a nice Java place and relaxing. I love that we have that in common. That’s awesome. Yeah,


So what if anything, keeps me up at night?

keeps me up at night is worrying that. Something’s not gonna go right. Something’s that. There’s something more I need to do. It mainly, it’s always around, like, critical deadlines or things like that.

27 years of corporate greed. Yeah, it is. Right.

Yeah. And so, you know, most other things, don’t keep me up at night, like, you know, an amazing family love my family. And, you know, they, they’re the ones that I could tuck my girls in. And that makes me sleep. Well.

Were you in Glen, together when you made that switch from corporate into the, what was the support system like there?

Oh, Glenn is an amazing support. I mean, he is my number one supporter. So, you know, for so many years, he actually share an office. So he is on the other side of this wall here. And so we are, it was fun, because, you know, he’s been the entrepreneur, he’s, you know, he’s a chiropractor, he owns his own business well, and in so for many years, it was, as he was getting his business started, we met even before he even opened his office. And so there was times where I was kind of the supporter for him. And as he was growing his business, and so it was a fun flip in some ways, where he was able to be the supportive one, and be be the one giving me the encouragement. But we also have an interesting relationship, because he is one of my clients. And I do coaching consult him and his business. And so we can run the gamut. We, you know, we work at home, we come into our office, we’re both you know, here together, but he’s seeing his patients and I’m in my office doing my things. I

love this to be a fly on the wall. One of those coaching sessions. Yeah. Yeah, I love my Susan. But I don’t know if I could coach her so much. Although I find myself doing that at dinner, asking questions. And like, kids, I’m like, Babe, I’m sorry, the right conversation for you at dinner. Right? Oh, so let’s take out of the next question. Anything electronic? Like nothing that you need every day. But what are three other things that you cannot live without?

Three things I can’t live without? I would say, You know what? I mean, I don’t ever want to live without my family. Like,

that’s probably a good start.

Yeah. You know, I think that there’s the peace of mind that part of my morning routine brings me some of the things that I do is I created the showers of blessing meditation that I lay in bed and do just about every morning, before I even get out of bed. And think about the blessings in my life. Think about what I want to create what I am grateful for. What’s going to happen that day that I want to be thankful for, and I’m excited about. And so I set myself up each day with that. And other thing I can’t live with that I don’t I’m like, I am a tea drinker. And I will say that

word is that works. Awesome.

Something that I probably if anyone who knows me knows how to live without it.

I love that you have that that morning show I have it my clients are required to do it’s called gratitude sandwich where, you know, I like it’s a three layer where the the top, which would be the bread I have, you know, set your intentions for the day, right? And then in the middle is what are you worried about? Like what’s going on? You know, is it your bank account is your spouse whatnot, but then you have to list 14 things and without any description of just just 14 things underneath that you’re grateful for. Right? And the last thing is to write a one sentence love letter to yourself that day. And what it is, is that so that three layer sandwiches squeezes out the middle of the worry. So I love that we’re kind of aligned on that. That’s beautiful. So Tammy Then what is she? I think I might know but what is your definition of a life well lived

my definition of a life well lived is living a life with intention with desire and being inspired by everything you do. So making it extremely intentional and understanding what it is you want to create how you want your life to look that vision you want and then taking the actions to make that happen

Wow, that’s awesome. It’s funny the last part is the most important well it to make it happen is taking actions you know this little six year old kid seven year old kid got me with a riddle the other day so there’s five frogs on a log four of them decide to jump off how many are on the log? And I’m like one he’s like no dummy that’s what he said no dummy there’s five they decided to they didn’t actually do it. Right so I love that you say that take them actually little seven year old called me dummy. And learn

so much from my kids. I use my talks.

I love it. Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We are back and I got Tammy Jackie from Tammy Chaffee coaching and Tammy you and I will meet up one day I wish it was like today because I’m going to be in Charlotte but you know another time we’ll meet up live maybe get you down here in Florida and on a stage and we’ll rock the stage when we can discuss these things. 1520 minutes, but you got five seconds with no explanations and they can all be answered that way. No problems you write or level up.

I’m ready. Let’s do it.

Tell me what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Stop thinking and start doing

Yes, sure. One of your personal habits you contribute to your success.

My showers of blessings meditation beautiful.

So you see me walking down the street like Fergie looks like using his doldrums a little bit? What book might you hand me

the one that I use right now with my people making that leap is the big leap

Yeah, love it. Great read. What is your most commonly used emoji when you text? Oh

pends on who I’m texting but it’s always a smile or you know the heart eyes.

Got it. Love it. Nicknames growing up

my last name was hammer so it was Hammer time.

I love it. Just checkers on monopoly

chess checkers or monopoly I love them all athlete like we love games. But checkers

but go to ice cream flavor.

Vanilla heat to

so easily and if you don’t feel like just having a meal you top it. I love it.

Yeah. There you go on top is good too.

Yeah, there’s a sandwich called the hammer Jaffe what is on that sandwich build it for me

to build it. So for me the hammer Jack was probably be vegetarian. So we’re gonna go with some avocado. Some yummy cheese. And what else we want on the sandwich. Below hummus

on there. Oh, hummus.

Yeah, we gotta have some sauce on there. Yeah.

Love it. Love it. So any favorite charity and organizations like you give your time or money to?

Oh, I love supporting kids. And so you know, the Big Brothers Big Sisters is an organization that I appreciate and love to support.

Love it. And the last question, you can elaborate a little bit on this one, but what is the best decade of music? 60s 70s 80s or 90s?

Oh, let’s go with 90s 90s Really?

Okay. I’m, I’m 50 years old. So like 80s. I graduated in 90. So yeah, 80s was like my jam. I did that. But if I’m working I put on the 70s. It’s just like as it takes me back to my mom and dad and just kind of chill him out. But I love it. I love it. So can you how can we find you my friend?

You can find me at Tammy jaffe.com.

And that’s your website? mijfe.com. Squad. Right? And it’ll be in the show notes. Yeah, awesome. It. And can you tell us a little bit about your corporate to cash jumpstart kit?

Sure, yeah, my corporate cash jumpstart kits for those that are wanting to make that leap to get out of corporate start their business and start it the right way or for those who have already jumped out and started their business and they’re just not making that consistent income. It gives you a jumpstart on how to get your clients how to understand where you need to be focused, what strategies you need to be doing in your business initially, so that you can Let’s go from employee to entrepreneur, make that leap. avoid some of the headaches and mistakes that other people make and do it the right way.

I love it. Is that available on Cami? jaffe.com?

It is or you can go to the Jumpstart kit.com. Daddy put

that in the show notes. Okay, awesome. Fantastic. Timmy, please do me one last salad and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action, I

share a quick story because we were talking about the lessons we learned. So I was talking to my daughter in the other night, and she always asked for a back massage and a foot massage. And as she was asking me or I was doing her back massages, I said, you know, I think you’re a pretty lucky girl because I don’t think every little girl is getting a back massage and a foot rub every night. And she looked up at me and she says, mommy, that’s because they don’t ask. So my suggestion for all of you is Do not be afraid to ask first get clear on what it is you need. Go out and ask for it and make it happen.

Yeah, it’s so in that’s awesome that you’re instilling in your children that it’s okay to ask. Because we’re born salesmen, right? I mean, salesmen and saleswomen. You know, like when you’re going through a line at the checkout stand, I had no problem asked my pops for payday candy bar or Snickers or somebody that you were always asking, but the thing is, and Shad Helmstetter who wrote the book, what to say when you talk to yourself something I read like every year, he says that 130 A child by the time they’re 13 is told no 135,000 times. You know, just imagine that just do programs salesman in you. Thank you for saying that to don’t be afraid to ask it clear and take action. In squad. That’s what my good friend Tammy does. And I have notes upon notes. Here where you know, she’s a recovering CPA of 27 years in the corporate world. And the further she rose in the ranks, the less she liked the politics, she wanted more integrity, you know, she got awesome support from her husband, Glenn, who I still can’t believe she coaches but that’s, that’s frickin awesome. You know, she took the mentor manager to the next level, it’s kind of stepped out and started helping others. You know, finding that blind spot. She starts by asking very powerful questions to get that clarity. She listens with her entire body, not just her ears, but even during this podcast was asking her questions. She’s listening with her neck, she’s really leaning in, she’s present with me. She knows she’s gonna be present with their clients. You know, she builds her relationships through in organizations and connecting really not intimately but business intimately with the leaders so they can get that vision and actually, when she needs help, she can get it from them. You know, she wants you to go with your gut, make a decision, strategically align that and move forward. You know, she is someone that will be remembered as that wolf that leaves the pack. She lived, inspired and share that fire that she hasn’t sided with others. You know, and again, she says living the life of intention, desire and being inspired, and most importantly, take action. Nothing can be done without taking action. That’s what my good friend Tammy does. She levels up her house. She levels up her well. She is humble yet hungry. She’s earned her varsity squad louder here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming on tabby. I absolutely love your guests. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future.

Thank you, Scott. It’s been amazing being here with you

soon. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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