335-Helping Entrepreneurs Get Unstuck, Take Back Their Power and Create The Futures They Want! – TTST Interview with Author and Coach Mike Malatesta of Owner-Shift Coaching

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Mike Malatesta is an entrepreneur who has helped start, grow, and sell two amazingly successful waste management companies. One sold for mid-8 figures and the other sold for low-9 figures. Mike also created and hosts the “How’d it Happen Podcast” [200+ Episodes] where I explore stories, lessons, and wins with some of the most fascinating and successful people in the world. My new book, “Owner Shift – How Getting Selfish Got Me Unstuck”is a philosophical memoir that reveals the secret to why so many entrepreneurs get stuck and how they can SHIFT to get free once again.

        I don’t do this work to make a living, I do it to make a difference

– Mike Malatesta

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Knowing your ‘Why’ is critical

2. Sometimes you have to SHIFT to the direction towards service and prosperity

3. A great coach will ask questions and listen intently with all their senses

4. Mike likes to work with their clients on a personal level to Level that part of their life UP and then works to tackle their work life

5. We know what we want, we just don’t know how to talk ourselves into it. That’s where a great coach comes in!

6. Mike is not all about legacy, would rather be remembered for being kind

7. A life well lived is one where you live with options, not obligations 

Level Up! 


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Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Mike! Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast versus the squad. But first, what’s your favorite color, and why?

My favorite color is blue. For two reasons. One, the sky is blue. At least it appears to be blue to us. And second, I’m told that it complements my skin tone better than other colors in your

color wheel my hand like color. Really? Yes. I love it. I love it. I’m looking at this thing. It’s a huge saltwater thing called the Atlantic Ocean. It’s nice and blue. It’s my favorite color too. I love it, brother. I love it. So let’s get into I want to hear a little bit about these companies that you kind of helped sell. And that’s some big numbers that you put together there. For the waist measurement copies. I’d love to start there and then move into your building or your coaching company.

Sure, sure. So yeah, I started driving a garbage truck. Scott when I was in college, my junior year. Wow. And you know why? I don’t know. I just love trucks from the time I was like a little kid. And, and I thought, oh, it’d be cool to drive a garbage truck. And so I applied at a bunch of places and I was 20 or 19 or 20. So most of them didn’t hire me because I wasn’t 21. But one took it took a chance on me it was called a service company in Philadelphia where I grew up and I started driving and you know, it was like a real like job. You know, like I was working with people who this was their career. And I thought after a while I thought to myself, that’s pretty cool. I like the people here though. The mission is good. You know, the work is interesting. Yeah, it’s hard work. It’s interesting work. And that got me into the waste business. And then when I graduated from college, I got a job with a big company. In fact, my first job was just outside of Detroit. And I lived in I lived in Westland.

Oh, yeah. Well, that’s like, we might live there at the same time. You’re wondering what yours is. This? Yeah,

this was 1987. Okay, so 8788

I grew up in Plymouth. So you know, we’re well, okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

So, so I started there, and then ultimately moved around a few times with that company, brought me to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eventually, and I was doing great. And then I thought I was and then my boss called me up one day, it was actually St. Patrick’s Day 1992 and asked if he could come up and see me that afternoon. I said, sure. He was in Chicago. He came up and he fired me. And so I’d been in the Milwaukee area for about 15 months. Okay. Freshly married just before I’m moved here, and just had no idea what to do. And ultimately, through some, through some just really weird connections, I ended up starting a waste business but not a trash company. It was a, it was like a liquid waste wastewater business and basically dealt with factories with my pal, Butch Weiss, who’s passed away. And that was sort of the beginning. And then we were very fortunate grew that company over, had that for 22 years grew that company, to be a regional company throughout the upper Midwest and just had, you know, just dynamic, great people around around me that, you know, helped us pull off something I couldn’t have pulled off myself, Scott. And we sold that business to a big publicly traded company in 2015. And, and then a few years later, I started a similar business with a private equity partner this time, and we bought some companies merged them together, and then you know, started to improve them, professionalize them and, and we just got super lucky. About three years into that there was just and still today, there’s a real wave of particularly private equity, investing in sustainable companies, you know, recurring revenue, sustainable focus, and we just fit right into that wheelhouse. And we ended up having an opportunity to sell the company after three years for a really, really nice financial return. Nice. And yeah, so that’s, that’s what kinda got me too close to today. That was about a year ago.

Yeah. Oh, wow. So how do we run it rolling to the coach, I love that yes, shift in the name, because a lot of people say pivot now. I grew up with, I guess we can call it Shiva it these days, but you know, I mean, it’s like, shift is kind of my jam, like, I kind of grew up, I had to shift quite a bit, being in the real world, and even in coaching for the last nine years, you know, with, with have to shift and understand people’s, you know, people’s needs. So like, we get into coaching.

So I’m so glad you brought that up first, can I just spend a little time on shift? Sure. Because I, I agree with you. So like, the reason I think shift is the right word, in most cases is because normally, like I think of a pivot as something that goes around in a circle, or, you know, you always have one foot planted when you’re pivoting, right, like in sports or something, you have one flip planet, but oftentimes, in business, and as entrepreneurs, we need to move a little bit. And what I love, and that’s not a pivot, that’s a shift. And what I love about shift, and when you look at the book cover, like the shift is, is, you know, italicized sort of, almost took almost to sort of give you the impression of movement, but not always volunteer movement, sometimes you have to shift, and you have to be pulled, you know, in the direction in a new direction, because your mind doesn’t want to move, but you have to move for the business. So that’s why I left shift, or pivot. In the coaching business, which I call ownership coaching after after the book, I call it that, because it came from the book, Scott, I wrote this book, put it out in the world, and people started to contact me and asked me if I would, if I did coaching, and I hadn’t done coaching, and I never thought about doing coaching. And it’s it was just a really organic strategic byproduct of having written the book and people seeing you know, what some of my experiences were, how I’ve shifted over, or how I shifted over the course of my career to improve myself and to get out of what I call valleys of uncertainty is sort of the values that we drop ourselves into. And, and that’s where it came from.

Nice. Nice. And with coaching, are you more of a one on one coach or a group coach?

Yeah, at the time, I’m a one on one coach, okay. I like to cater to entrepreneurs or CEOs, they have to have the autonomy to change, not just the desire, but they have to have the autonomy, the power, I guess, to change. So I like to focus on those. And to me, I start with them, and if it goes into the business where they need help with that, fine, but I like to start with the person and make sure they know where they’re going. Make sure I understand what their goals are sure. And then get them on a path to it to making that future. Real whatever future they want. Beautiful. Yeah. And then then from there,

are you a consultant to are you a coach, are you a coach saltin are like what? Like, I’m a straight coach. I mean, I believe that somebody is has the hazard problem or issue or whatever. Out is inside them in the solutions there too. And like a good coach can bring out like a Tom Brady or Brett five or whatnot. Right? can bring that out with powerful questioning. Which one? Are you more?

I’m a coach, Coach. Beautiful,

beautiful. So what then do you feel? Mike makes a great coach?

Well, I think there’s a few things one for me and what I like to do, having lived in an entrepreneur shoes for almost all of my working career, I feel like I, you know, walk the walk, and I talk the talk, I’ve experienced a lot of things, a lot of good things, and a lot of, you know, maybe not not so good things. And I’ve been able with other assistants, you know, to figure out how to move how to, you know, how to capitalize on the good and how to move forward to improve the knots, the not so good. Sure. And so that, that you know, I think, I think separates me from a lot of other, you know, coaches, and I don’t mean separate, and he has better or whatever, it just separates me like I’ve, I’ve, and I tell you what, I made 20 some acquisitions in my career. And so I really am dialed into the mindset that entrepreneurs have around, not just the work and not just the pressures of the work and all that, but the value creation, okay, of the business and beautiful. That’s what I try to provide it. That’s what they want. That’s what I try to unlock. I want to

Sure, what makes a great coach.

Well, I think the biggest thing that besides the experience, I think the biggest thing that makes the makes a great coaches, asking great questions, and shutting up and listening. You know, I, I think I might have heard you say this on one of your episodes, but but but if not, I think you would agree with it. You know, oftentimes, we know what we want. We just don’t know how to talk ourselves into exactly getting what we want. Yeah. And so you know, I am not the guy that’s going to come in and go do this, do that, do this, do you have to consult, right? Yeah, I’m gonna, I’m just going to ask the right questions. And, you know, for so long in my career, I thought it was more important to know that I know the answers than it was to ask the questions, man,

yeah, yeah, it’s funny, as I keep on my clients, we don’t do affirmations for you powerful questions, meaning like, we set them up, because our brains are wired to problem solve. Right? So, you know, we instead of doing any kind of affirmations, we have questions. And then the more powerful Yes, question, the more your brain is going to work to solve that in somebody, I believe, you may agree with me or not, but I believe that when somebody comes up with their own solution, they’re more apt to just go after it, man, you know, if I give them what I feel is the solution. And they mess something like, Forget You suck. You told me this, you’re telling it themselves? Absolutely. So Mike, it when maybe you’re in a discovery session with someone that you’re making sure you’re the right horse for the course, you know, for their coaching? Is there any the secret sauce that you maybe you can share with the squad or listeners out there that maybe you help them find their initial blind spot that you’re gonna go after?

Well, if it’s secret sauce or not, because I, to me, it’s just about like, first off that first conversation, I want to understand where they are and where they’re feeling on, like, the relative happy stage about where they are. And also want to get to is who I’m seeing right now and who everybody else is seeing is that really you? Or is that someone that you think you need to be in order to be perceived the way you think you need to be perceived. And then after that, I want to get to, I want to take them to a point into the future Scott where and I want and I want to, you know, ask them if you know if we were there, right now what would it look like? So whether that’s three years from now, five years from now, whatever, what would it look like? What do you want it to look like and how is that different from right now? And then we start building

Yeah, reverse engineer and a science you know, just bring him back and and get him going. So during maybe the discovery period with with a potential coaching client, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do?

You know? Yeah, I think I’ve never been asked that question. before so it’s taking me a little while

to lower your fun. Time to shine today.

Yeah, I you know? Yeah. So most people look at my resume or whatever. And as I come in to, to coaching engagement with them, and they they’re, like in their mind, they’re kind of like, if you know if this guy can teach me what, or helped me achieve what he achieved that will be a success, but they never really dig into the like the, like the Yeah, the process or the why that I went through? Why did I go through it? Yeah, so I’d say that’s probably, you know, one thing that’s maybe would be a good question to explore.

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I, I love when I’m asked my lineage of coaching a little bit just because I’m a sports not, you know, and like, you have like your, your coaches and their coaching trees, and whatnot, lineage. And then also, where do you see me in, you have a blueprint to go because I’m not cookie cutter man, like yourself as well. Like, I take them down their path. And, you know, we unpack a ton of stuff. And I it’s funny, you and I are like brothers from different mothers with regards to, you know, beginning with the end in mind, a sense, you know, they’re a little Stephen Covey out there, you know, where we’re, you know, seeing where they’re gone. And then just plan and plot and GamePlan for the route there.

But you said, you said something that I think it’s so important to really reinforce. You said earlier, like, it works better if it’s their idea. And I think that’s universal, not just in coaching, but in Lyon, with employees or anybody, right? If it’s my goal, it’s not, it’s not important to them, right?

Or even if it’s my goal for you. That’s right. Yeah,

right. Right. Right. It’s not a it’s not as important. And if it’s your idea, or, or your lead to, you know, be able to take credit for the idea. That is the most wonderful thing, because you’ll work your card for your own idea.

That’s it, man. That’s one thing I was taught years ago, even by I had had coaches since 1998. When I got out of the military, I hired a coach and she was super cheap, or whatnot. Now she’s a rock star you see on the cover of books and everything now, but she really set the tone where I was, everything was my idea. Everything was my invention. And she helped facilitate it, you know, with the with the questions that she asked, I love that. I love it. So what do you what are your strengths? Then I think I know you’re going to answer this, but what are your strengths as a coach?

Well, I like to think that my strengths are being able to ask the right questions, being able to listen to the answers carefully, being able to hear inside of those answers, what might not really be the answer, coming back with a question to clarify that or perhaps challenge it? That’s awesome, right? Yeah, I think that’s one of my main, one of my main strengths. And I guess the other is just the just just that I’ve lived it for so long. And I’ve been on both sides of the table. You know, not so not just an entrepreneur in my own business. But as an investor in other businesses, as an acquirer of other businesses, I just feel like that, you know, I just have a window into this, I won’t say the soul, but the kind of like the soul of entrepreneurs. And, and I’ve, and I went through my own discovery, like I went through my own, you know, you can read about it in the book, where I was deep into being an entrepreneur, but I was not getting what I wanted out of it. wasn’t getting what I wanted out of it. And that’s, that’s like, what you’re there for, to get what you want out of it. But so often, after we get started, we forget what we want. But it just takes over and then it just becomes what it is instead of what we want.

True. True.

What what find that?

What weaknesses Do you feel that you have as a coach up to this time, your your experience?

I think the amount of time that I’ve actually been coaching is

something that’s transparent, man, thank you.

Yeah, people might see that as a weakness. But I feel like if you ever hear that, that story about Picasso drawing the picture for a woman at a cafe.

It’s not me yours. Yeah,

yeah. He, he charged her a million bucks. That’s yeah, it goes for 1010 minutes to draw the picture. And she goes that you only took you 10 minutes. He goes now it took me four years. Yeah. And I sort of I sort of subscribe to, to that.

Yeah. But you’ve lived the Life, you’ve built successful businesses, which helps like my salary, and I still own over 100 properties, you know, real estate investments, you know, and I built that up. So that’s why I am not a consultant like, I am blessed to coach a couple of major league baseball players, a billionaire, you know, a very high work net worth individuals, and they’ll come to me with questions. I’m like, You know what, I’ve never been in a slump in my life, going up to the plate. You know, I’m saying I, you know, gentlemen, I’m like, you’ve forgotten more about business. And I’ll probably ever know, even though I have a little taste of it with with regards to real estate investing, but I just know that the steps that are there to help them get to places, that’s awesome. So Mike, have you seen the movie? Back to the Future? Yeah. Okay. Let’s get that to Laurie with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old, Mike, what knowledge nuggets? Might you drop on him? Not so much to change stuff, but maybe to shorten the learning curve last through and level up maybe just a little bit quicker?

You know, I, I mentioned it earlier. Like, when I was that age, there were two things that that were very important to me. One. I had to know the answer. And two, if I didn’t know the answer, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t. I wasn’t one of those persons who would be asked their way through it. But I would be I would be totally embarrassed by the fact that I didn’t know something, Scott. And that, you know, I thought that was a strength at the time, but now, but now of course, I understand what a weakness that was. Yeah. Nobody expected that of me. Yeah, except Except me. And, and I think I would have made progress faster. And I would have been better if I had learned and understood that a lot earlier.

So it’s okay to get you’re asking here. Ask man ask no frickin asked man. Correct. Yeah, absolutely. I love it. So, Mike, how do you want your dash remember, then that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date? And that that hopefully it’s way down the road? How do you want my stash? Remember?

I don’t want my dash remember? Well. Like to me, it’s just about I for one thing, I don’t I’m not I don’t subscribe to legacy. I think people often spend a lot of time thinking about legacy at the, at the, at the detriment of actually doing something meaningful all the time. But I think for me, I’m, I’m about I mean, really, I’m just about being kind to people and helping

the bad. That’s That’s enough said, Man, you know. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

I’m a quiet person, Scott. And I think that sometimes, and I’m thoughtful, like, and I don’t mean that in like a philosophical way. But if I, it takes me some time to process things sometimes. Sure. Because I’m considering them. And sometimes people mistake that for me being like, aloof, yeah, or angry. And it’s just simply not the case. But I have to really be aware of that, because people most people expect expect, you know, an immediate reaction to something. And sometimes it takes me a little bit of time to process that before. I have a reaction. I think it’s helpful to me overall, because I see a lot of people make mistakes by responding too quickly to things or they’ll say something that they regret or whatever. And that asked me, yeah, okay.

Because I never wanted that man in my younger years. I was that douchebag So absolutely, yeah.

So I tried to turn out to be a douchebag

you know, it’s like my, my mentor, you know, my coach should be like this man. One thing I admire about you just in our 25 minutes of discussion so far, or 20 minutes of discussion is that you have awesome pauses you know, that makes that to me, makes a great coach, because you are internalizing it on the fly, but you’re, you’re very like I’m not because they perfect, but you’re you are thinking it out in responding instead of reacting because I’ve tried to get you a couple times this interview to react because I’ve I’ve listened to you before, you know and I’m like, Yeah, this guy is unflappable, which is a strength, bro. That’s huge. I I admire it a ton. And I know that will make you a solid coach. So, Mike, thank you. What is your death? finition of a life well lived

ultimately a life well lived is one that you can live with options instead of obligations

LIS live with options not obligation to that solid Yeah. Oh my gosh. That’s man that’s amazing that’s I’ve never heard anyone say that before you know I’ve heard other people like oh the freedom to do what I want when I want where I want but you say live with options not obligations because you and me both know you know money is it’s nice but it really just gives you options Yeah, Mike that’s mind blowing bro sorry if I’m kissing up to you a lot but do that that’s chip row that is that is solid so time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We are back and Mike we’re gonna hook up one time because I speak in Chicago quite a bit. It’s not that far for me. Okay, you know, maybe you can come down and let me buy some dinner or something man and we can you know, talk over these questions probably 1520 minutes on each one. But in our leveling up lightning round you got five seconds with no explanation so they can all be answered that way. Oh, you’re you’re ready to level up.

I’m ready to level let’s do this. Like what’s

the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Do it it’s sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

I wake up around the same time every day.

Beautiful. So you see me walking down the street and like Fergie, man, he looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit so other than owner shift. What book might you hammy to level me up.

I’m a big thinking grow rich person.

Ah, Napoleon. I love it. If you read I’m breaking my role here. But if you read Three Feet From Gold, I have. Yeah, it’s fun one too. It’s a business parable. I love Yeah, I love it. Beautiful. What’s your most commonly commonly and most commonly used emoji when you text?

I’m weak on emoji. I use like the colon and oh, yeah, I’m old school on that. So it sucks for emojis.

Love it. So I know round about your age here. So do not lie to me on this. Okay? If you can stay one age for the rest of your life, physically, physically. Keep the knowledge you’ve garnered and continue to gain wisdom. What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life?

What age should I stay physically? I’d say I would stay 5050 How old are you? I’m 56. Oh, wow,

you look amazing. I’m 50 So we’re close. We’re close. Nicknames growing up.

Mallow when I was in high school and then mal when I was in college law isn’t the only two I know.

Love it. Chess checkers on monopoly.

Probably checkers because it’s fastest. I

know. Right? Me too. I used to go to ice cream flavor.

I like I like to Nila

Blow Me too. Brother. Me too. There’s a there’s a sandwich called the mallow. Yeah, build that sandwich for me.

Yeah, okay. Turkey, roast beef, tomato, cheese, whatever kind of cheese you want. And then I would do that on a toasted like right cut in half.

My guy. Awesome. A lot of meat eater. Beautiful, favorite charity and organization you’d like to give your time or money to.

There’s a bunch of those. The X housing.

Okay, good. What is that? A break a rule again,

x housing is a it’s an Wisconsin group that helps people get out of renting homes and into buying them.

Beautiful. Thank you for doing that. Last question. You can elaborate a little bit on this one, but what is the best decorated music 50s 60s 70s 80s or 90s 80s?

For sure.

Once you graduated 45 ish.

High School. 8383 Okay,

my ladies 57 She just graduated. She graduated 83 I was so like what the 80s was the big hair don’t care. You know, you had the invasion from YouTube. And Duran Duran you had Michael Prince Madonna.

Yeah, but you also had ACDC Yes. And you had guns and roses

and our baby. Oh, yeah. I mean, you had the I loved Warren I love Winger. All of those bands do they get the 80s was it for me So Mike, how can we find you my friend?

It’s easy. Mike malatesta.com. That’s ma l a t e s t a.com. Everything that I do my podcasts, my book, my coaching about me whatever is right, right there and you can just check me out and connect with me if you want and

beautiful. It might tell us about own or shift the catalyst really to your coaching world, but like, you know, they got you a lot of people that come to you but tell us about owner shift?

Yeah, well, it’s really all in the subtitle, which is how getting selfish got me unstuck. And that sounds, you know, selfish is this sort of horrible word. It’s horrible because of the connotations that have been put to it. And it’s horrible because some people, you know, get called selfish when they’re really something else like narcissistic or

Yes, thank you, Mike.

But that, you know, when I say getting selfish, it’s all about what I’ve been talking about, you know, particularly from an entrepreneur standpoint, or anybody in life, what if you don’t know what you want, the likelihood that you’re going to get there is, you know, lower, it’s a lot, it’s a lot lower. But when you do know what you want, then you start to structure your time and your habits and your activities and your relationships and all of those things, to help you get it. But so many of us, you know, we we started a company, we get five years into it, and we’re doing all this stuff that we never thought we would have to do and don’t like doing. Everybody comes before us, which is what you’re taught and like servant leadership and stuff, right, everybody, because I think that’s all wrong. Unless I know where I want to be. Unless I’m selfish about that. I can’t help any

I do. I mean, even Webster’s the old Webster’s Dictionary did not put selfish as a bad word. You know. So like you said, a connotation and narcissism jackasses and whatever you want to call it. That’s what it’s what this world has put on. But you’re right. I mean, another cliche, you know, it’s like you put your mask on in an airplane actually match before you help other people. Sure. If you ain’t ready to rock How can you help especially as a coach to your brother, if you’re not point and have I’m not gonna say balance because balance is zero, but harmony in the pillars of your life, you know, and I like in harmony to like a jazz band, you know, where, like, the drums are my personal life that guitar is my financial life. You know, the horns are my friendships and whatnot, if one of them is out of tune, right, you need to do some selfish work on those to bring him into tune so you can play music, you know what I’m saying? So I don’t believe in balanced balances zero to me. Yeah, you know, but no,

it’s like balanced is like if you want to focus on balance the whole time. It’s like focusing on only doing what you love. Well, you’ll never know what balance is never know what you write, write. Those things just don’t knock on the door and come present themselves. You love it. Love it.

In squad I am going to do a good book giveaway on time to shines today’s dime. The first person who says level up shift level up shift in any of Pinterest. I don’t care if it’s Pinterest, I don’t care if it’s Instagram. I don’t care. Anyone The first one was that I’m gonna get a signed copy out out to Mike if you don’t mind just signing it and taking care of the postage or just Venmo you the postage, you know, but I’ll purchase the book and mail it out to a lucky listener. That would be fantastic. And if you know what right now the price on it to me is grossly underpriced on Amazon. You can pick it up for hardcover and Kindle under $7. Right now, people so get out there and get it purchased. I’m gonna buy my digital copy. Actually, I’m gonna just gonna do it right now. I’m gonna hit it. Yeah.

That was a fun experience reading the books. Yeah.

So I got that. And in. Do me a favor, Mike, and leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.

Well, this is this is stolen from or borrowed from Dan Sullivan, who’s the founder of a program called Strategic Coach and it is always make your future bigger than your past.

Yeah, yeah, we all regurgitate, you know. So you know, the book that I’m writing right now I have a business parable that’s done. It’s an editing right now. Which is helped by some big parable writers. So I would say I’m blessed with that. But the another book that I have is called regurgitate and you’ll be in the chapter Mike. So get ready to sign a release on that. So what I do is I take them and because I mean, if you look at Tony Robbins, right. I’ve been blessed to open up for him a couple times on stage, blah, blah, blah, but he regurgitates Jim Rohn Jim Rohn regurgitates Earl Nightingale Bill Wallace was only back to Seneca you know, so I love love that you said something that someone else that gave him the credit for where you heard it, but I guarantee here that somewhere you know, is well and squad we just had a really fun, the king of the pause and then I say that with all affection it just awesomeness with my good friend Mike here, you know, you know he got started in waste management. It’s hard, interesting, honest work that’s out there. People take it for granted. But if those People who aren’t around this world would be absolutely trash. You know, no pun intended, but he took that work ethic surrounded himself with the people the right people. And he, you know, was able to make some solid money on down the road. You know, he reminds us I love it that him and I agree that it’s about shifting and not pivoting. If Michael Jordan had the ball in his hand, he can’t fly, pivoting he’s got a he can only can’t double dribble he can’t do anything. But if he’s shifting and getting around and dunking the ball that’s where me and Mike see eye to eye on that and I love that yeah, you know you have to have an autonomy to change not just desire, you know, you I talk in podcast squad, about you know, you want you might have discipline but if you don’t have devotion, you ain’t gonna make it so you can have all the discipline in the world you gotta be devoted to what you want to level up on. You know in a good coach will find that happy stage will help you find a happy stage while being authentic listening my good friend Mike listens with all his senses not just his ears, I call it neck listening even while we were I was asking questions on here if you’re watching on video he leaned in with his neck to really get it pause and then did not react to a question he responded You know I just love that about him you know he reminds us that you know if you’re stuck on something don’t try to ego out of it. Or don’t try to play dumb don’t try to fake it till you make it get your asking You’re like my good friend Laura Woodford Lea Woodford passed down to me get your asking gear you know do stuff scared do it scared but if you don’t know get your asking here. You know legacy is not super paramount to my good friend Mike here you know he’s he wants to be remembered more Some of that’s kind of slid across home plate bumped and bruised but also was very kind and helping. I mean Mike won’t brag about this, but I really think that he’s planting trees that he’s never going to sit in the shade of that’s the way that Mike is not an ego guy. I love love this interview man. You know so like you level up your health you level up your wealth. You’ve earned your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Your humble yet you’re hungry. I can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future man. Absolutely love your guts.

Scott, thank you so much for having me on here and for asking me some great questions and for listening as well. It’s really, really fun. And I love that.

Awesome, man. We’ll chat soon my friend. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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