278-Discover the Business Hero Within! – TTST Interview with Michelle (Silk) Eberhard Co-Founder of Ultimate Business Quest

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Michelle Eberhard has had a diversified corporate and entrepreneurial career. 

C.O.O of an award winning technology company and VP of Sales at an award winning nutritional organization.
From there, she went onto business consulting, mentoring, business investing and even became a serial entrepreneur. 

Current CEO and Co-Founder of Ultimate Business Quest. 

Fear is simply excitement without breathing

– Michelle Eberhard

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Wake up every day with a purpose. Be a servant to others through your passion

2. A goal is just a dream unless action is taken

3. If you notice your company is ‘leaking’ and it is your passion then shore it up to Level UP!

4. Ultimate Business Quest has 4 types of Archetypes: Warrior, Wizard, Jester and Bard.

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:13  

time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. We’re episode 278. And I’m super, super stoked to bring you this episode with my really good friend, Michelle Eberhardt. She is the co founder of ultimate business quest. They also have an awesome supplement line that I personally use. And I am I’ll tell you, I’m an affiliate for as well with the Ultimate Body quest but the ultimate business quest without getting too far into it with I’ll have the shell kind of explain it to you. It’s a super fun app on your phone, just Uber Uber affordable. And it really breaks down how to make business fun. And I’m gonna stop talking about right now because I want Michelle to explain it to she does, does a rockstar job of that. And I’m just so blessed to have her on. She’s partners with someone that I mentally respect with Dr. Travis Fox forgot more about anything medical than most of the people that I know. And for him to design these these apps and these supplement line is just fantastic. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend Michelle Eberhardt. Let’s level up. Time to shine in a podcast. Firstly squat, Scott Ferguson and I got my sister from another mister, my sister in iron. She’s in there she’s in the gym a lot. She’s jacking some Irish. She just won a big NPC national physique competition. People that follow me know that I compete for years, and whatnot. And this is some of these actually still rocking the stages in the the bikini division. A good friend Michelle Eberhardt. And Michelle is has had a diversified corporate and entrepreneurial career CEO, CEO of an award winning technology company and VP of sales and award winning nutritional organization, which we are going to dig into her the new app that they’re dropping, and also the supplement line that just really launched this weekend at her show. So I’m really stoked to get into that a little bit later in the show. You know, from there, she went on to business consulting, mentoring, business investment, investing and even became a serial entrepreneur which is Rockstar if you watching on YouTube, or any other Vimeo or any other platforms, you can see her accolades in the background which is just rockin rockin and she is the CEO and co founder of ultimate business quest, which we will dig into. And Michelle, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today. Podcast first you squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?

Unknown Speaker  2:34  

Favorite color? Damn, that’s a good question. I’m black, because I wear all of all

Unknown Speaker  2:42  

that like you needed to lean out to have that lean look. I mean, if you’re watching here, smoke she just she you need permits for those guns, you’ll get pulled over with those things. I mean, come on here. Let’s get to the roots of Michelle though. Like let’s let’s talk about kind of where you started and how you worked your way up into becoming a rockstar serial entrepreneur.

Unknown Speaker  3:03  

I actually started when I was 16. I crazy enough I went on the to Pomona drag strip. I fell in love with drag racing. So I actually became a drag racer when I was 16 with Super Comp dragsters. Wow. Yeah, I loved it. It was so much fun. And I got to be on the pit crew for David Baca, and started with that clothing line that he had. And then it just, it evolved from there. I’m like, Okay, what else is fast and fun. So I went on to managing a flight school and started to become a pilot. Oh, yeah. And from there, that’s where I really started to get like the real management experience and managing that. Especially the FAA, and following all the regs and whatnot. And, and then I got my first real taste of entrepreneurship where my mentor had this concept of a virtual office, kind of like, you know, those virtual suites where you have tons of businesses, so he had just the concept of he’s like, Hey, I need an office, but I want it to monetize for me. So here you go. I’m like, I have no idea what the eff I’m doing. I was 20 years old. So I built the company, without I mean, he was always traveling and whatnot. And I really started to understand how and what it took to build a business. So he was able to exit that company. And I was kind of sold with that company to the tech company. Yeah, it was like inherited. And they were like, Yeah, we don’t want you over here. We want you in our tech company. And so I moved up the ranks really quick. I was 21 at the time and CEO of the company, and everybody on the board was all male all twice my age. And so it was really phenomenal experience and but my body started breaking down when I got into court Britton in these corporate jobs because when I, when I like it submerged into a company, I own it as if it’s mine. And so I put everything I have into it, right? I really didn’t understand like a balance between what you know, taking care of me on top of, you know, being in business, right? I finally had this beautiful opportunity, somebody reached out to me and said, Hey, I, you know, got a referral, I’d really like you to do like a full financial audit on my, you know, plastic surgery company, I really look at the marketing and everything. And that’s where I really dove into being an entrepreneur. And then went into the whole consulting of businesses. And I’m like, there’s not enough of me to go around. I couldn’t, I couldn’t help all these businesses, my Max was 40 of because of how much I put into these companies. That’s a lot. Wow, oh, my gosh, it was nonstop. I was constantly traveling and talking, and I didn’t have a life and I had kids at the time. And it was, it was really tiring, but very fulfilling, I’m like, How do I hit the masses with this, because there’s so many business owners, that there’s just small fundamental things that if they were in place, when they first started, they wouldn’t have the issues and problems that they do, and have that massive cleanup or those massive issues. So the beautiful thing is, is that, you know, started my marketing agency and whatnot, and really started getting into the SEO world. And now I understood the financials is like, how do we actually blow up these companies to right, and my business partner now Dr. Travis Fox, and it, it was, it was perfect timing, we we looked at each other, he had a big Academy, that it was a $30,000 price point, my price point went to 30,000. For consulting, we’re like, we want to be able to help everybody. And I know that sounds like really ethereal and like, oh, but it was not a lot of people expecially starting business can afford a $30,000 price point. And he said, Oh, let’s go to a seminar, and you’re gonna get like itty bitty morsel that won’t even really affect your business and so much shit in the back of the room, and then pay another 10 grand. And then you can do another seminar is like, Oh, hey, and then our upsells in the back of the room, and you’re that that model drives me insane. Yeah, it

Unknown Speaker  7:26  

sucks. Oh, it makes me uncomfortable to Yeah, and it

Unknown Speaker  7:29  

doesn’t help the businesses and you maxed out your credit cards. And, and I’m like, Well, how, how really? Can we help the masses? So the fun thing is, is we we kicked out everybody, we we locked the doors, and we started drawing out a map. And that was a really fun, like, what’s the adventure of business? Like, why did you get into business in the first place? Fun freedom. And everything goes in reverse. When you’re an entrepreneur, it starts, you know, it’s the grind, it’s the and so we’re like, Okay, well, you know, pit of excuses. What kind of excuses do people come up with in business? If they have like a deadline, or they’re about to go to work is like, Oh, I’m sick. I would just call it what it is. I don’t want to go today. Right? Right. So we came up with this really fun gamified way to start your business and to expand your business. So that’s been a really fun journey, from start to now, so to speak, in business,

Unknown Speaker  8:29  

I love it. So when you start working, when you’re in kind of consulting, and now that you’re building this out to really help the masses a lot, what do you think, is the best process to be able to find their blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  8:45  

To find the blind spot

Unknown Speaker  8:47  

to find their blind

Unknown Speaker  8:48  

spot? Oh, absolutely. Okay, so everything starts with Financials. It’s like this beautiful blueprint. So for me, I can look at somebody’s profit and loss statement and their balance sheet and find where their company’s leaking. And, and that’s really where it begins of, and hard to explain without showing. But it’s, a lot of times there’s a bunch of hidden costs in like merchant processing. And merchant processing is actually where I pinpoint and start, because many people, you know, start with merchant processing. They’re like, Oh, I’m getting 2.3%. And it’s like, yeah, you’re really not sure. You know, if you look at your revenue, and then just do a quick, you know, a quick calculation, all those fees add up, and sometimes I’ve seen up to almost 10%. Yeah, and that’s,

Unknown Speaker  9:36  

yeah, that’s before you pay Uncle Sam. You know,

Unknown Speaker  9:40  

that’s a company killer right there. factoring. Factoring is a huge company killer that I’ve seen, like, that’s the only business that I haven’t been able to save that was on factoring and you can tell that right from the financials,

Unknown Speaker  9:53  

okay. And when they come to you, you’re starting when you are consulting, they’re coming to you And you’re starting to possibly take them on as a possible client or maybe even now in your life. Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  10:13  

Yeah, actually, um, it’s more of where do I, how can I improve? Because there’s a lot of egos that happen when you sit down and talk with somebody about their business because they, they take it so personal to the point where there’s its reaction, and they don’t want to know where they’re, so to speak failing, I hate that word. But that’s where they go in the in the conversation of like, well, I’ve failed, I didn’t you know, I didn’t do it. Right has nothing to do with that. Sure. If other experiences and every single person you meet, you can make, you can really gather information. There’s a beautiful question that we started to ask actually, just recently, that I love is what makes you successful. And it’s really taking the time to listen to every single person, because every single person has a different point of view, that you can actually look at and say, does that apply to me?

Unknown Speaker  11:11  

Right? Yeah, yeah, everything individual. And that’s what’s that’s awesome about me being a coach, and executive coaches, everybody has a different hat, I have to wear a different hat every day. You know, everybody has different egos that you have to work around. That’s one thing I really, really appreciate with it. So this, this, let you know, I’m gonna front load this will usually talk about the app in the in the back end or the products. But let’s talk a little bit about this app you have going on and how that can help companies level up, or individually. Sorry,

Unknown Speaker  11:43  

you teed it up so beautifully. So when you talk about egos and personalities, that is really where our app begins. Okay, and you know, the oh, I’m a red personality. I don’t know. Remember what the frick red personality means? I don’t remember the definition. I don’t know. I like. And it’s so combative of what’s your personality profile? Wow, that just kind of starts the conversation and starts the team building as a more of a friction. So what we have are the archetypes. So we actually do the profiling based off of archetypes. So are you a wizard? Are you a warrior? Are you a jester? Are you are you a? I said warrior jester Bard. So how do you actually take those personalities? And where do they go inside your organization? So everybody needs a bard, the one that, you know, knows how to tell a story. We know them as drama queens, or drama Keisha. But the beautiful thing is that if you don’t have a bard who’s going to tell your company story, right, how are they going to really own that stage?

Unknown Speaker  12:57  

Right? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  12:58  

So it’s, it’s a beautiful way and a fun way so that everybody’s kind of poking Oh, you’re the wizard. You know, the wizards, the ones that analyze all the data, they’re the you’re, they’re the data, people got it. And then your warrior is like, hey, everything, it’s not about, you know, the muscles and the strength and the sword and fighting. It’s, it’s the warrior’s heart, if you give a warrior a purpose, and they actually truly believe and own that part of the company of like, okay, I got it, I got the marching orders. I’m gonna go and hard, isn’t it? So it’s a beautiful way of starting to really team bill. And then you have, then you have your jester, and those are the ones that, you know, are the beautiful consultants, the consultants that are the, you know, the wisdom people, okay? And sometimes it gets so frustrating because when you’re in an organization when you’re doing these team building, or trying to figure out where people fall in your team, it’s so hard because the curtain personalities clash of there’s warriors that will punch adjuster, they’re like, oh my gosh, like you move so slow, like, it’s not all Zen. I gotta go you know, so it it teaches you how to manage each one of those archetypes in a really fun way and where they actually get placed in your business and what’s the most effective way of utilizing it? Based off of it so that’s your

Unknown Speaker  14:22  

type is like service

Unknown Speaker  14:26  

service, like customer service.

Unknown Speaker  14:28  

Yeah, service or, you know, can we do a time to shine today we you know, we do what we love in the service of people that love what we do. So I’ve heard the bird with the storyteller, the wizard with the, the background stuff, you know, the adjuster with maybe keeping things light and also kind of pushing through like, which, which one of the archetypes is about service?

Unknown Speaker  14:51  

Warrior for sure. And that’s where they connect with people at the heart of like, if they haven’t Drive or if they have a passion or, you know they have a cause. Warriors love a cause Where is you know, they put everything into it of like, okay, I’ve got to help animals or you know I love this, you know, nonprofit I’m going to go for it or I love helping people. That’s my drive. Right so that’s fullblown warrior.

Unknown Speaker  15:22  

Love it. Love it. So let’s go into a little bit about you that have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Oh, yeah. Okay, let’s get back to Laurie with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Michelle, what kind of knowledge nuggets you because you went through a lot of drag racing. By that time piloting or learning to be pilot. Let’s go back to 22 year old Michelle, what kind of knowledge nuggets we call them your attention today? What kind of knowledge I guess we could be dropping on her to help her level up last through maybe shorten the learning curve just a little bit. Don’t change anything. But maybe shorten the learning curve a little bit.

Unknown Speaker  15:58  

Fear is excitement without breathing. That would be my one tagline because I was very fearful when I was in my 20s.

Unknown Speaker  16:08  

Okay. Got it. I love it. So then how do you want your dash remembered that little line between your incarnation date and your expiration date? Your life date and death date? Hopefully it’s a long ways down the road. But on your tombstone? How do you want that dash? Remember?

Unknown Speaker  16:26  

Always having fun?

Unknown Speaker  16:28  

I really.

Unknown Speaker  16:30  

Yeah. I mean, when when I was in my 20s I wasn’t having fun. I you know, that was when corporate was really, you know, really strong. I had 11 surgeries. during that timeframe. I was oh my god, it was like it was like boom, boom, boom, boom. That car accident. When I gave birth it was messed up my neck and my back. Huh? Um, I small little laparoscopy died four times on the table. It was yeah, that was a whole new meaning of life. I was in my little mid 20s, kind of end mid 20s and was supposed to be easy in and out 30 minutes. Four hours later, I woke up and and I flatlined, and they had nicked an artery in in my body. And so I was bleeding out for four hours and lost all my blood in my body. And the doctor was like, Hey, you’re so young. I’m not going to give you a blood transfusion. You’re only point 05 points away from being mandatory. And build it back. And at that point, it was like the value of life was like, Oh my gosh, this is so it can go so quick.

Unknown Speaker  17:46  

And thank you. Yeah, absolutely.

Unknown Speaker  17:49  

One one trip on this beautiful, like adventure of a lifetime. Sure. No, it’s a theme park. So if you’re not having fun on your theme park, what are you doing? Are you just waiting to you know, to kick the bucket. Right? That does not sound fun to me. So I’m like, Okay, now it’s fun. Everything I do. I want to have fun.

Unknown Speaker  18:10  

Love it. Yeah, it’s funny. It’s like get busy living or get busy dying. Pull that from shot. Right? It’s like dude, li vi N like Matt McConaughey would say, right. So it’s like, yeah, you have to do you and I are like, separated at birth, kindred spirits somewhere. A lot of them. Right there. So what kind of importance? Do you put on sleep? Yeah, I hear long hours. I hear grind your go. But I’ve also heard medical stuff, you know, going on your life? What importance do you put on sleep and recovery? Well,

Unknown Speaker  18:43  

is it really interesting. So before when I was during all that stress, I would lay down and watch that ceiling fan like it was going out of style and like, oh my gosh, I can’t sleep. And it was a forced, like I was forcing my body to sleep. I’m like, I know I have to sleep. I need it. And I was so adamant about it. And now it is, hey, when my body needs it or when it like when I actually feel it and I’m really now in tune with my body. As they call it. Body report is colder. Actually. 34 Okay, gotcha. Okay. And you have 34 Yep. And so now it’s, if I want to nap or if I’m going to close my eyes for 30 minutes, I’m going to go do it. There’s no judgement about it. There’s no anxiety about it, but I’m on average, maybe 566 hours but there are times especially after competition. I will sleep the entire freakin day.

Unknown Speaker  19:42  

You also sneak a nap when when needed, right? Absolutely. Okay, good. Yeah, yeah, I’m a real big believer in the binaural beats. And you put like you were the head. We got to wear headphones just can’t hear it without headphones. And it just it’s a different volumes of the vibration and I just take a 10 minute nap. I feel like I slept an hour and a half. It’s all we

Unknown Speaker  20:05  

do. Yes. I love those those and then hypnosis scripts. Yes. Yeah, no, but I only listen to them from Dr. Fox like I won’t listen to it because I’m like I don’t know what’s in the other stuff of like maybe I’ll wake up and want to buy a cheeseburger

Unknown Speaker  20:20  

yeah do really shit they’re gonna throw in there Right exactly. Anything go murder your neighbor. I mean like, dude, like, seriously some serious shit. Absolutely. So then I know kind of talked about see, but what keeps you up at night that

Unknown Speaker  20:36  

actually nothing? I am more of Yeah, before? Absolutely. Like it was all the stresses of life, everything that you know was going on. Now I meditate every single day.

Unknown Speaker  20:48  

Isn’t it amazing, too. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about Michelle?

Unknown Speaker  20:55  

Oh, that’s a really great question. Um, I would say that a lot of times, I can come off really harsh and really just like, huh, like, I don’t be as I don’t go around the bush. I’m very blunt. And the misconception is, hey, it’s this is this pretty girl that hasn’t had you know, a hard life or has everything handed to her? That is the farthest from the truth.

Unknown Speaker  21:23  

Do you get into such a male dominated industries from the start? You know, you can sit there and say you didn’t I guarantee you dealt with sex and shit like that. I mean, dude, I mean, your drag racing, you’re a hot chick, so they’re gonna be like, damn, 16 years old or not. And then you went and sat in boardrooms with dudes that were mainly dude. So like, how did you handle that? By the way? Like, do I mean squat? If you’re watching she’s absolutely drop dead gorgeous. She’s phenomenal person. But how did you handle it? That’s why you understand what I’m talking about. If your watch Oh, like how did you handle it?

Unknown Speaker  21:56  

It was, um, you know, it living or growing up? In kind of in the ghetto, so to speak. Oh, fuck, I was a Long Beach, trailer park,

Unknown Speaker  22:10  

Pomona so you’re younger. Okay,

Unknown Speaker  22:12  

I drove I drove to Pomona. So we lived in, it was right next to Compton right down the street from Bellflower. So it was pretty rough area. And, and that gave me a lot of tough skin. And then after I was actually sent to a boarding school in New York, then that was the whole nother part. But even though it was so rough me you could it’s very much like a military or prison, right? And just that like toughness, and really being able to, you know, hold in the emotion, which I didn’t like, but Right, thought into corporate, it was okay, I didn’t go run off and cry. It was alright, at least I knew how to breathe. And there was I can’t even tell you how many comments I got. When I was in the supplement company. I was told constantly, everybody is upset that you’re a woman. And everybody doesn’t like that you’re young. So this you know, you being an executive is a lot harder for you. I was like, okay, then why did you hire me?

Unknown Speaker  23:23  

Because you’re a woman and you’re attractive. And you’re young. Hello. You know? Like, I feel

Unknown Speaker  23:28  

like, I’m still gonna do my job. And I’m still going to you know, I’m still going to say everything that’s on my mind. And if you don’t like it,

Unknown Speaker  23:36  

oh, you know what, I love that. I love it. And

Unknown Speaker  23:40  

but when I was when I started into the drag racing, every single person in there was like, Well, you know, this is really a man sport. You really got to get your feet wet. And I was like, Eff you on the feet wet. I’m diving in. I was like, Don’t that’s the one thing Don’t tell me. Don’t tell me get your feet wet or try it out. I’m like, oh, no, I’m winning now. And

Unknown Speaker  24:04  

I tell my clients, you’re passionate about it. Go, man. I love it. So let’s take out anything electronic and include cell phones, computers, laptops, tablets. What are three things outside of that? And also your food. Fuckin action, everything else like anything else. All that stuff. The common stuff out of it, including electronics are three things that Michelle can’t live without

Unknown Speaker  24:33  

nature either climbing in the rocks or the beach, those are things that Oh, I really and connection real true connection.

Unknown Speaker  24:46  

I can feel that. That’s awesome. And I’m looking at the Atlantic right now. You guys are in your cigar there can come over and visit a time here in South Florida. You know, so then what is Is Michelle’s definition of a life well lived. Hmm

Unknown Speaker  25:06  

um every day waking up and having a purpose for that day love it and not on autopilot

Unknown Speaker  25:18  

and I love it you know what? That’s funny coming from somebody like kindred spirit this went through prep you know what I’m saying? So you’re going through in squad like if you’re going into a show I was an 18 week prepper so I would start prepping the day after Thanksgiving and I would go all the way to March April for an April show which means you’re you’re dialed on and everything’s gets redundant so with you be in I’m going to follow up that question of life oh live with living life on purpose like would you be in a living that lifestyle you did a few shows what do you do to take the redundancy out because you’re waking up you’re eating five six meals a day praying in you’re doing you know closer to the show you’re doing two hours of cardio a day whatever you’re doing okay, I don’t know your protocol but you know this redundant What do you do to find purpose to step outside of that while your carbs are low? You’re depleted you’re feeling like shit.

Unknown Speaker  26:09  

So I get really really tired of the same meal like it ran out of me so I have been hell bent on finding sugar free and calorie free sauces to spice up my life and I have found them so that that on the meal side that’s what I do on the on the gym aspect. I’ve got to be switching gyms a lot. Like they’re just

Unknown Speaker  26:36  

different. They said that I did the same thing. No,

Unknown Speaker  26:39  

because I just can’t see the same people every single day and you know be talked to I’m like, Hey, I’m like I’m grateful to have like a conversation and a connection but let’s do outside the gym because I am just microphone.

Unknown Speaker  26:54  

Yeah, pulled down low the the earbuds in are on and it goes in Detroit. That’s where I grew up. I did most of my props in Michigan. And like I would have like, there was a Planet Fitness like literally a block away from my house that I would go do my morning cardio, right. And that’s how they pretty much allowed me to do because right because you can’t drop the weights. Right? Right. And then there was a Novi or there’s a powerhouse in Novi, Michigan, there’s the original powerhouse gym in downtown Detroit. So it’s like I did the exact same thing where I just needed to break that up, find purpose in other things and then still serve my clients that I’m worth. Thank you for being transparent with that. Time to shine today. Podcast. versie squad we are back. I got my sister from another mister Hiya, Michelle Everhart and Michelle, you and I could literally talk an hour about each one of these questions. But you got five seconds with no explanation, and they can all be answered that way. You’re ready to rock. Ready rock. Let’s level up. What’s the best leveling up advice Michelle has ever received.

Unknown Speaker  27:56  

Focus, focus and dedication. Love it.

Unknown Speaker  27:59  

Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. Meditation. Beautiful. You see me walking down the street or at the gym events and I Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums. He’s not in prep. You know, it’s just a regular day for him. He’s in his doldrums. What book are you handing me?

Unknown Speaker  28:18  

What would I hand to you?

Unknown Speaker  28:19  

What book are you handing me?

Unknown Speaker  28:21  

Oh, what book? Oh, I frickin hate books.

Unknown Speaker  28:25  

You know what skip the question I thank you for your freakin transparency. I love it. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text? There you go. Boom. Nicknames growing up.

Unknown Speaker  28:40  

Silk, skinny legs.

Unknown Speaker  28:44  

What’s up with silk? I’m gonna break my rule here. What’s up with silk.

Unknown Speaker  28:47  

So I actually my business partner said working with you is smooth as silk. It just stuck. And everybody calls me self

Unknown Speaker  28:58  

name a memorable New Year’s resolution you made and kept. That’s funny. None not beautiful. Thank you for being honest. Like because I’d say the exact same thing. You know what for five embracing soul breaking matter leveling up lightning round rules. Like I make one. Now. There’s two of them that I make every year for the past 11 years. My coach got me out of this. Like I’d make someone smile every day. Unless I’ve hurt you or disrespected you insulted you in any way give zero fucks about what you think about me, as long as I’m doing long as I’m doing everything in the service of others. So that’s my two resolutions I make every year so I made you smile. So I win.

Unknown Speaker  29:41  

Every day should be a New Year’s.

Unknown Speaker  29:43  

Boom. Thank you very much. chess or checkers. Oh, really? Yes, that’s awesome. So favorite charity and organization like you give your time or money to mine. Beautiful. What is it?

Unknown Speaker  29:59  

It’s called roams foundation and helps us individuals that are survivors from sex trafficking, get into business and start a business on their own.

Unknown Speaker  30:07  

Wow. Is there a website for that? Not yet. No, actually,

Unknown Speaker  30:11  

I’m just I’ve just launched in

Unknown Speaker  30:13  

March. So get it to us. We’ll get it out. We have 150,000 plus subscribers. I want to get that out to them. Okay, last question. You can elaborate. We’ve been elaborate all the time. But let’s elaborate on this one a little bit. Well, what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s? Huh. 80s? What’s your thought? Your 16 years younger than me? How could it be? 80s

Unknown Speaker  30:36  

Oh, my, my brothers and sisters are a lot older than me. Okay, well, I grew up with it, and got stuck with it. So I didn’t know any better. And those

Unknown Speaker  30:45  

those gearheads that you’re working with are probably a little bit older than you to at the track and listen to 80s I love it. I’m a private I graduated high school 99 Right. So it’s like, I the 80s were my thing, you know, and so much shit happened, you know, in there. I mean, like, you had rap come out with the Beastie Boys and Run DMC. You have big hair don’t care, you know? Yeah, the glam bands, the rock bands, the metal bands. You had the Irish invasion with you to Duran Duran, like it’s just crazy with at Stan it’s the best decade ever, and I would relive it over and over and over. I love it. I love it. So how can we find you, Michelle?

Unknown Speaker  31:23  

Either Instagram silk FX official. Or my website is ultimate bought? I’m sorry, ultimate business quest.com.

Unknown Speaker  31:36  

Okay, let’s go through the app. How can people find your app? Is it available on all platforms right

Unknown Speaker  31:40  

now? It is. So we have two apps one is our beta. And our next one will be released by the time this releases and is called business empire. And it’s gonna be on Apple and

Unknown Speaker  31:51  

Google. Okay. We will put all of those in the show notes cuz I’m sure Michelle is going to definitely keep me up to date with this. So let’s talk about the the Ultimate Body quest supplement line. Oh,

Unknown Speaker  32:04  

frickin love it. So pre workout I absolutely can’t stand I don’t like the the flush that you get. And like the tinglies it’s like feel. And when you’re as you know, when you’re in peak week, you can’t have pre workout when you start actually getting prepped for a competition. Sure. Um, so I my first competition, I was dragging, I felt like crap, I couldn’t work. I had foggy CheMin Oh, it’s so bad. I’m like, I need to work like, like, our company is exploding. Like, I can’t not be in the space. And so um, we started playing around with all of our supplements and the formulas have been around for 40 years and you’re like, let’s make a few tweaks. And I started to take our supplements with my other competitions. Zero um, you know, I have my didn’t have any like, pre workout. I didn’t have any of the energy drinks. All I took was our Warrior Blend. And I still was able to 18 hour days no crash, no highs, lows. It was

Unknown Speaker  33:12  

just Dr. Travis put this all together. What is Dr. Travis make this or is it?

Unknown Speaker  33:20  

Yeah, so Dr. Fox is more of a mental doctor. You actually have a chemist and a doctor. That’s the compound pharmacist that is one of our business partners. And so it’s been phenomenal because those blends have been unbelievable, especially the we have a queen balance for women hormones and a king balance for man hormones because your hormones are all out of whack when you start working out, especially at this level.

Unknown Speaker  33:47  

Absolutely. You know, I went to have to get some one some free samples and I’m gonna buy some for my mom, my lady, she’s 57 and she’s a warrior. She kicks ass she I can’t keep up with her at the gym. She’s a monster. Right? But like it’s just getting that time of her life. You know where I think that the Queensland I think bring me out to get some of that. Absolutely. Take some notes from the year everybody

Unknown Speaker  34:12  

and then you you don’t get all cranky and swings and no one wants to be around you.

Unknown Speaker  34:18  

Like ooh, gotcha. So leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget. Michelle if you don’t mind that we can take with us internalize it take action.

Unknown Speaker  34:31  

When you have a goal, a dream and aspiration and it can stay there unless you put action towards it and and really take that to the next level where we call it. Alright, let’s have fun in this fantasy gameplay and really bring it to reality but that’s the same as your dreams. So I love how you brought up the New Years. It doesn’t have to be Hey, this is this is my plan for this new year. Hey, if you stumble get your age Back up

Unknown Speaker  35:01  

you can see right yeah. Oh, I can see where this whole damn thing so we’re good I can listen if anyone has a problem tune off, so I’ll get

Unknown Speaker  35:12  

your ass up yeah well with that goal that dream you have one frickin life will love you if you want that goal if you want that dream if you want that frickin trophy if you want to have a business, go for it. No one is going to stop you and no one’s going to get in your way other than yourself. Yeah, and the story regardless of what anybody says, blind them out who freakin cares? Is that their life? Is that your

Unknown Speaker  35:39  

zero? I get zero I love it and squad. We literally had a masterclass for my rockstar, good friend Michelle ever hold and she everyone wants to fund in the freedom but you’re gonna go through grinds and find excuses is someone like Michelle that has helped people level up and she they come out with an app to help people level up, you know, if your company’s leaking, you know, they want you to short up, you know, and if you feel like you’re gonna fail, fail forward, move forward. You know, ask yourself, you know, how can I set my frickin ego aside? Get my asking gear, ask questions to help level up my business. Her game has awesome or her app has awesome archetype profiles from the bar, the wizard, the jester in the warrior, she broke them all down. I can’t wait to get the app today. You know, just remember she said that fear is excitement without breathing. So get your frickin breath in gear. You know, visit Wim Hof visit other breathing exercises that can really help level up your life and United is actually the most viewed podcast I’ve ever had. With over I think it was 200,000 was with me doing a Wim Hof Method. And it’s just really what it can actually do to really level up your life. You know, she’s always gonna be remembered as someone who always had fun. The ups and downs she blasted through. She woke up every day with a purpose. And she wants you to set huge goals for yourself. But also take action. Remember when we say a goal without a plan is a wish. So put the plan together and take action. That’s what my good friend Michelle does. She levels up her house she levels up her wealth. She’s humble yet very hungry. She’s always moving forward. I’m blessed Nora can’t wait to collaborate with the future. Absolutely love your guts. Michelle. Thank

Unknown Speaker  37:25  

you. You’re awesome. brother from another mother as

Unknown Speaker  37:29  

ride sister from another mister. I’ll talk soon. Bye. Thank you. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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