393-Breaking the Box: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Living Your Dream – TTST Interview with Julia Gentry!


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Introducing Julia Gentry, the remarkable Founder of The Dream Factory and Co, as well as the brilliant author behind the best-selling book in Christian Leadership, “Dream-I Dare You.” With a journey that began in real estate but led her to a state of complete burnout in her early 30s, Julia’s transformation sparked a “Midlife Awakening,” ultimately bringing her to where she stands today – living her dream. As a national speaker, author, business owner, growth coach, devoted wife, and homeschooling mom to five, Julia possesses the wisdom and experience to successfully bridge any gap.

  ‘Everyone has a dream, and the dream is not what we think it is otherwise we would be getting those results’

– Julia Gentry

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. It’s not always what’s happening around you that causes you to live in your ‘box’ it’s often the narrative you have within yourself that causes your limiting beliefs

2. Humans are often after the ‘finish line’ when God is after our heart

3. Build the character to be able to handle and accept the weight of the blessing God gives you

4. Create uninhibitedly so we can love unconditionally 

5. We should not be dreaming alone. Build a tribe or join one that will support you!

6. Make decisions on where you are going not on where you have been 

7. Disappointment is the number one killer of dreams – know the point of your dreams

8. The dream is a byproduct of your character, not your accomplishment 

9. The two hardest days are the day you start and the day you want to stop – KEEP GOING!

Level Up! 


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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Time to shine today, podcast, varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And I have my awesome sauce lady of the Lord. And like myself, my good friend, Julia Gentry from the dream factory company. And she, again, she’s the founder of the drink factory and company and author of a bestselling book and Christian leadership dream.

I dare you. And we’re going to have a book giveaway at the end. So make sure you listen to the end. She’s got a fantastic website. Don’t go there now. It’ll be in the show notes. But despite starting her career in real estate, that sounds familiar that people that know my, the, you know, my life and my journey as well.

And she started a career in real estate and then being completely burned out in her early thirties, only to experience a midlife awakening, and she can say that. Today. She’s truly living the dream. She’s a national speaker. She rocks the stage squad. She’s a fantastic author, business owner, growth coach, wife, and homeschool mom to five awesome kids.

And she knows what it takes to bridge the gap. And that’s what we’re [00:01:00] going to help you do today. And Julia, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself to the Time to Shine Today podcast, Varsity Squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why?

Julia Gentry: Hey, so you introduced me. So I have nothing else that I need to say.

Thank you for that introduction. My favorite color is orange. And the reason I love orange, one, it resembles our fire colors. But two, it is my color, Scott. And we’ll talk a lot about this, but I was a girl who grew up and was in the box, right? I didn’t, I didn’t want to be too much. And I always felt like I wasn’t enough and you know, all the stories that we tell each other.

And so for me, we joke, but I literally had a closet full of black clothes and blue jeans. And I mean, so much of my life was in this, just do what everybody says. You know, downplay it all. And so when I really started to shine, orange became my color and it has just stayed with us, even from a branding perspective.


L. Scott Ferguson: orange. No, I love it. You said orange, orange actually is a, it means kind of a fun color. Right. And I’ve saw, I’ve watched some clips of you rocking the stage and you’re fun. You hold it, everybody engaged, [00:02:00] you know, in squad. If you look in here, she’s absolutely stunning. But she’s also so well spoken and oranges.

Definitely in your color wheel. And I’m glad that you said that. So fantastic. So let’s get to the roots. I know you say you kind of lived a life in a box. Did you grow up in kind of a, like a strict Christian household or was it way away from that?

Julia Gentry: Yeah. You know, it’s so funny because looking back, I, my parents got divorced when I was five, but they did a great job even through the divorce.

You know, I was an only child. They found Jesus when they got a divorce, they had a crazy life up until that point. And What’s so interesting about my upbringing, Scott, is that I had a great upbringing. My parents did a great job with what they had. We have our survival stories and our, you know, barely making ends meet.

But for me, the reason that the majority of my life up until my mid twenties was so stressful was because I had limiting beliefs that I didn’t know about. So it wasn’t necessarily exactly what was happening around me that caused me to live in the box. It was the narrative that I had within me. And it’s when I actually started doing some of the work that now I [00:03:00] live my life doing for the world.

It’s when I identified what that was that it just made my whole upbringing make more sense. So my limiting belief caused me to be the perfectionistic one and do all the right things and say all the right things and make sure that, right, I had every T cross and every I dotted. And so that’s where it all kind of started.


L. Scott Ferguson: when, when did you kind of. understand that these limiting beliefs were kind of holding you back from your higher calling and and kind of what you’re doing

Julia Gentry: now. Yeah. So I am a huge proponent of understanding patterns even now when I’m talking, if you and I were, if we were to be talking and you were to be like, my wife and I got in an argument and we were, we were bickering about this thing.

I would say to you, Scott, is this a one off like you’ve never argued about this before, or is this a pattern? Are you like same thing, different day. And for most of us, we always go pattern, you know, like it’s, it’s just a pattern and patterns to me were became, become a fascinating idea because. It implies [00:04:00] that we’re doing the same thing, expecting a different result and being that we live in an information age where you and I could Google how to do anything different, you know, like how to make a million dollars, how to lose 30 pounds, how to be happier.

We’d have pages and pages and pages of answers. And yet. That information to transformation, you know, that gap is, I believe, bigger than ever before. So, that’s what I started to recognize back then, right? The more I Google, the less I know. Sure, exactly. I was so fascinated about that gap in my life that it’s led to not only figuring it out and identifying it and going, man, wherever I go, there I am.

And what is this pattern to ultimately developing a company that it walks people through that process and helps them live free.

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s beautiful. Like when you was, what did it feel like when you acknowledged the pattern that was holding you back?

Julia Gentry: Oh, you know, I mean, all the things, it’s like a party and you want to run [00:05:00] away in shame all at the same time.


L. Scott Ferguson: I was


Julia Gentry: to say that. You know what I’m saying? Like, you literally feel like. Everything is changing and I want to throw a party and then all of a sudden you’re like, Oh my gosh, this is a can of worms. And like, this is a bit, this is huge. What am I supposed to do with this information? It’s, it feels like that.

L. Scott Ferguson: It does. It does. Cause I bet I’ve walked your journey with that, like split parents, co parenting, you know, and I, you know, my dad, I love him. He’s my best friend. We talk every Sunday. And, you know, he worked on the line at General Motors. So his mindset wasn’t like, okay, let’s go out better, but let’s just survive, not thrive.

Right. And that kind of was instilled in me, like a badge of kind of courage was like, Oh, it’s Scott. Scott can’t have it. He’ll understand. You know, like if I can’t get him this and, you know, he’s changed so much since then. And, but, and I love him. He’s again, he’s my best friend from womb to tomb, but you know, it’s like I was kind of stuck in that pattern as well.

And when, you know, a mentor that said to me, you know, that [00:06:00] it, I don’t, I can’t remember the words that he said, but it clicked something and I felt. So much like crap about myself for living that way for so long. But at the same time, I had so much hope and ready to level up. That’s beautiful, man. We are like, you’re like my sister from a different mister, man.

This is awesome. So you work with with clients one on one or mostly groups or what, what’s the story there?

Julia Gentry: Yeah. So we’ve, you know, through the, through my process, we went from real estate to doing business coaching from business coaching. I started doing what we call growth coaching, but the last couple of years, we’ve really transitioned into our dare to dream conferences.

We have a dream Academy that we’re going to be launching mastermind groups. So I don’t do very much one on one coaching anymore. Because we’re just now seeing that we are just firm believers, right? That one, everybody has a dream and it’s dreaming is not what we think it is. Otherwise we would be getting those results.

So number one, you and I have a little bit of an uphill battle in this quick conversation, which is helping people identify that having a dream is, has nothing to do with [00:07:00] what you think it does. Or you’d have it, you’d be living it, right? But then the other thing that we recognize is that we should not be dreaming alone.

And so a lot of what we’ve done is shifted our, our business model to being in groups facilitating conferences, actually doing small groups, you know, meeting people, not only where they’re at individually, but whoever they’re doing life with. So that’s, that’s been a huge a huge change in the last couple of

L. Scott Ferguson: years.

I love that. So everyone has a dream and it has nothing to do with what you think it is or you would be living it. That’s strong. That’s huge. That is absolutely strong. So, then, when you’re maybe working in these group settings, what is the thing that stands out the most that you see as their biggest, we’ll call it, their biggest blind

Julia Gentry: spot?

Yeah, I mean, I would go back to, again, Mark Twain says, it’s a quote, a quote from him that says, it’s not what we know that hurts us. It’s what we think we know that just isn’t so. And I think that right in any time in a conversation, it’s, it’s the illusion that it happened. [00:08:00] And so I think oftentimes that we don’t understand that what we’re interacting with is our belief systems.

So often we go, yeah, well, I would be living the dream if my husband would just get on board or, you know, I would have a better life if I didn’t have such a hard upbringing or if the economy changed or if I had more in the bank account. And what happens, Scott, is we actually start to live a life based upon what’s happening around us, which is fine.

We call that reality, right? It’s true. And most of us also live from our past. Right. Our past pain, our past hurt, past traumas, all valid. So again, in the short conversation, I’m not suggesting they’re not valid. I’m just saying that what’s happening is I’m taking my past and my reality and I’m throwing it on my future.

That’s what we’re doing, right? So the idea of dreaming is I have to be able to be aware of what’s happening around me and behind me, but then I have to be able to go so deep within me to the dreams that God’s given me, the visions, the potential, and I have to learn how to be bold enough, crazy enough, brilliant enough, right?

To bring that out [00:09:00] to the world around me, learning how to make decisions now based upon where I’m going, not where I am or where I’ve been. Right. So. Doing this in between relationships is like I got to deal with my stuff while you’re dealing with your stuff that we have to learn where we’re going, and then we have to do that together.

It’s peopling is hard, but, but when we

have a dream and we know we’re going and we recognize that okay then the point of this relationship is connection, we can do it well, we can do it wholehearted.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love it. It’s a lot of people like, you know, I have when I’m working with my clients and my coaching clients, I’m blessed to have is, you know, so many have a foot in the future, a foot in the past, like peel over the present, right?

And then, you know, it’s just the truth. And then I have to explain to him, you know, what’s happened to you is not what’s happening, you know, to you. And like my first meeting, if I am blessed to have enough to have a face to face, you know, clients here in South Florida, I go out to their car. One, I want to see what their car looks like on the [00:10:00] inside, because you can tell a lot about a person, how they take care of their ride.

And two, is like, we sit there and I put them in the driver’s seat and, you know, I said, this rear view mirror right here is small for a reason. Right. It’s a great place to learn from. It’s a great place to visit, but don’t live there. Right. This windshield is huge, scary, you know, it’s like, whoa, you know, but it will get you just this little dashboard right here.

I’m the GPS, right. I’m going to help you get there, but you got to, you know, put the seatbelt on, put the ignition in, you know, and get going. So in that just gets them set up for like, listen, man, what’s happening is ahead of us and we’re going to go after we can learn from this little thing back here. So I love that we speak the same way, same language on that.

So let me ask you something with working with the, you

know, the group settings and whatnot, and you have people coming up to you all the time, whether it’s virtually or, you know, in person, if you’re at an event, is there any good question that you wish? They would ask you, but never do.

Julia Gentry: Oh man. [00:11:00] Yeah. You know, I think for me, I wish that they would come up to me and that they would go, all right, I have a dream or I don’t either one.

Right. Because some people disappointment is the number one killer to dreams. Disappointment, because all of us have had one at some point in time. And a lot of times, right, I built the business and it failed. I got married and I got divorced. I wanted a baby and I couldn’t get pregnant, right? Like that is real.

And so disappointment keeps us from clarifying our new dreams, right? Or some of us are the dreamers that are like, I have a million dreams. And you and I were like, you know, you’re not doing any of them. You know, so I wish that people would come up to me and they would say, what’s the point of the dream?

Because my answer to them would be, well, the point of the dream is not the dream. The point of the dream is you. The point of the dream is your character. It’s not about when I get there, then I’m going to be happier. It’s going to be who you have to become. So that the dream is a by product of your character, not your accomplishment.

Wow. It’s a [00:12:00] by product, right? If I go great, whether I have one or not, what we have to understand is that we’re after the finish line. God’s after our heart. We’re after the dream. He’s after our character. Right. And here’s why is that we have a God that’s good enough to recognize, excuse me, goosebumps saying this because I’m in this process right now with him, but he’s this good that when he recognizes that the, that the weight of the blessing is massive, he recognizes that just because you get more money, doesn’t mean you’re going to keep it just because you get sober, doesn’t mean you’re going to stay sober.

Just because you get married doesn’t mean you’re going to stay married, that there is a difference between. Getting there and having the character to hold the weight of the blessing. And so I wish that I could help people understand from head to heart that it, yes, we need a dream bigger than this life to live for.

And it’s not about the dream. It’s about our character and the process. The gap is actually more about character building and resiliency and recognizing that the pressure is a privilege. It’s not really about the dream. That will happen when you become who you need [00:13:00] to

L. Scott Ferguson: become. And you nailed it because when you, that, when you get blessed big time, right?

The weight of that is, is huge. And like you had said before, you like said, can of worms that opened up. You’re like, what now? You know, like, like making the first, like some business, I’m making the first million is easy. It’s. Making the more or, you know, or a music rapper or whatever, it’s like making that first album, you know, they nail it, but making that second one and keeping the momentum going is huge.

Right. So,

Julia Gentry: and here’s why I think that is, is because, you know, people will call this either imposter syndrome or self sabotage, right. But the reason that here’s how I look at that. People ask me that all the time. Yeah. But this self sabotage you’re like, but what’s saying that, let me help you understand what it is.

Self sabotage or imposter syndrome is basically the world around me is changing more than the world within me. And so I will do whatever it takes to get the world around me to be in alignment with whatever I believe to be true within me. So even if I make a million dollars, if I have an internal world that [00:14:00] believes that I’ll never have enough, I’ll make it.

Or if I get in an amazing relationship that they love me and care for me, but I believe that I’m not worthy of love. It’s only a matter of time before I will quote unquote sabotage it. Right. But all I’m doing is I’m just getting them to align. So again, if I recognize this, then I need to go, all right, then this is more about my character.

And so as I grow, and as I move towards the dreams, and as I start to see accomplishments, I have to always make sure that I’m asking the world around me, Right. To come in alignment with the world around me. But then I’ve got to make sure that every once in a while, the world around me is going to start to shift and I need to catch up the world within me.

And then as the world within me catches up, I need to raise the standard. And so it’s, it’s not about balance. I hate that word. I hate balance. We’re supposed to be balanced. It’s not alignment, it’s alignment.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love that you said you hate balance. We’re again, we’re besties now because like, I don’t allow balance in any part of my life or even my coaching.

I believe in harmony, you know, believe in, you know, you can liken it to a [00:15:00] jazz band where God and spirituals, the drums, personal growth might be the guitar, you know, a family might be the horns in and on and on to the eight pillars that, you know, we have, if one of them’s out of tune, it kind of sounds poopy, right?

It doesn’t sound that good, but. If you, you know, you don’t have to be Eddie Van Halen on the guitar, you know, you can just learn just enough to keep those things in harmony to keep it going. When balance equals zero, there’s no balance. And I love your alignment. That’s beautiful. So have you seen the movie back to the future?

Yeah. Okay. Let’s get in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double deuce, the 22 year old Julia. What knowledge nuggets might you drop on her? Not to change anything because your journey is pretty awesome, right? But what kind of knowledge nuggets would you drop on her maybe to shorten a learning curve or blast through maybe just a little bit

Julia Gentry: quicker?

Yeah. So it’s the same thing I tell myself, honestly, Scott, still 10 times a day. So we walk people through a process of. We don’t, we don’t talk about the concepts of limiting belief and visioning and things like [00:16:00] that. Anyone could do that. Like those are all sticky topics, right? But we actually walk them through a framework of how do you identify what yours is.

So my vision is a world where we create uninhibitedly because we’re loved and conditionally. So we live free. That 22 year old girl did not live free. She was really afraid to fail. She was afraid to do the wrong things. Right. And so. Had I known then that, dude, you are so flip in love, create unconditionally, do what’s never been done.

Right. What’s never been written. Like you are, there’s so much grace and so much love to make mistakes and to hit home runs. I would have been doing that back then. Now, to your point, I still say this to myself. I still will run up against my limiting beliefs. I’ll still start getting out of the box. Right.

And people, all the things like none of that changes, but it is still something I’m saying to my 36 or 37, however old I am, I still say it five

L. Scott Ferguson: times a day. Okay. Yeah. And [00:17:00] you said create uninhibitedly. Is that what you said? So we can

Julia Gentry: be, so because I am loved unconditionally,

L. Scott Ferguson: I love it. I love it. That that’s beautiful.

And yeah, I, I understand what you’re saying with that. Cause like, I’ll get into the points where I’ll get to an area where I think I’m there, but I’m yeah. Haven’t really arrived and we don’t arrive till it’s done, you know, and then, then God kind of takes us and then we, we live our eternal. But, you know, at 51 years old, I can look back, you know, and kind of, and kind of see where my Limiting belief Scott would pop up and then knowing that I wasn’t creating at that time, you know,

Julia Gentry: and I wasn’t sure that you’re saying that because I think sometimes someone could hear what feels to be a rather ambiguous statement, like the one that I said, right.

Or again, I grew up in the church. So I’ve heard all the scriptures. I’ve done all the things right. For me, Scott, I just want to tell you two areas that that [00:18:00] vision for my life has radically impacted us. Number one, it’s a vision that got my husband and I sober two years ago, almost to the day. We didn’t, we didn’t have a crazy drinking problem.

We joke, like I just drank often, you know, like Monday and Friday and is it three o’clock any day? And for all the reasons, like I’m rough around the edges or I just need to unwind or I need a break, or I just don’t want to be here. But with a glass of wine, sure. You know, But I knew that it was keeping me from really creating uninhibitedly.

And I knew it was an area I was fighting at the end of every day, right. Or in a room, it was like, I could be here, but not fully be here. And so when I actually took responsibility for the vision that I had for my life, that it wasn’t a nice idea, but it was like actually a standard for me to live in. It helped us get sober radically overnight, like cold turkey.

And then the other one was ultimately, you know, I’ve been in the marketplace being a growth coach and it’s once we sold everything and traveled the country in an RV [00:19:00] that I felt very led to write this book and to not only stay in the business lane, but to also be in the church. I would’ve never done that with that old mindset.

Never. Right. Because there’s rules. Sure. There’s rules to follow in business and in church until you’re like, no, you know, like there’s, there is Truth is truth and like principles are principles, and so I just wanted to kind of bring some application there because I think that Sure. Concepts are concepts until they transform the way that you make decisions.

Yes. Now we’re, now we’re playing ball. Now we’re in a totally different game, so,

L. Scott Ferguson: Love that. That’s huge. I’m glad that you guys did that too. And you get to live a little bit while you’re like, you know, kind of doing it as well. That’s beautiful. So how do you want Your dash. Remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date.

Hopefully it’s way down the road, but how would you want your dash?

Julia Gentry: Remember? Oh gosh. I just, every time someone comes into a room with me, I want them to experience freedom. That’s our message. You know, even when we say you come to dare to dream conference, you bought a [00:20:00] ticket to dreaming, we sold you a ticket to freedom.

I believe that we are living from victory. We live from freedom, right? Jesus died on a cross for us. That cost us nothing. That cost him everything. And now it’s just our job to hold the line. So my dash, I want people to live free period. End of the story. Yeah. Addiction past the past past scarcity, survival, all things around them.

I just want them to understand the depth and the height and the width. of true freedom.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. I love the depth, the height and the width. That’s awesome. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about you? Oh my

Julia Gentry: gosh, that is such a, that’s such a good question. I’ve learned this a lot in the last year.

We’ve grown massively. We’ve hired 14 members. And I think I was really afraid to step into this leadership role. I’ve been coaching running a gosh, a quarter of a million, half a million dollar coaching business all on my own without any help. And so when I started hiring team members that let people in real close.

And so [00:21:00] oftentimes my prickly edges is I love, I love hard. So I am prickly. And, and when you see me prickly. It just means I love you. Like I love hard. I love hard conversations. I don’t mind being mad. I don’t care if you’re like, that was awful. I’m like, I know that to me is connection. And so sometimes I think people go, Whoa, that’s a lot.

Or they reject, or they’re like, I don’t want to have this conversation to me. That is life. That is love energy. I think people would misunderstand my intensity for rejection when really it’s like Bear hug and just, let’s get up and

L. Scott Ferguson: let’s get there. No, I love it. Cause like Donnie’s on the screen laughing because it’s the same way with me.

You know, I can prickly is, is probably a easy word because I can, the military will come out and stuff. Cause I just want to serve so perfectly, [00:22:00] you know, that it’s like so, but no, they’re awesome. I couldn’t, honestly, I couldn’t do this without them now. So you know what? What’s your definition of a life well lived?

Julia Gentry: You know, I will never forget, this had to have been 20 years ago, because we’re old enough now to say that, right? I’m in a church service with John Bevere, and he said something that just stuck with me again. It was probably because of my right wrong behavior that I learned. You know, my dad was very much around, I don’t care what you do, just do the right thing.

And it just created a lot of stress. Sure. But I remember John Bevere said one day At the end of your life, God wants to look at you and go, did you do what I told you? No, did, did you do right? Did you do wrong? He says, well, did you do what I asked you to do? And I just believe that God has called each of us to fulfill our space, like fill it, not to compare, not to look how big someone else’s, not to look at the industry, not to look at statistics, [00:23:00] not to look at numbers like God doesn’t live in that world.

And I just believe. That a life well lived is one that identifies the space that they were called to fill and they fill it with their whole heart.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love that. You can’t ask for more than that. That’s awesome. Awesome, Julia. And squad, we’re going to take my good friend Julia through our leveling up lightning round just as soon as we get back from thanking our sponsors and affiliates.

Time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squad, we are back. And Julia, we’re going to definitely connect one day, you know, face to face, and we’re going to like talk about some of these questions might take 15, 20 minutes on each one of them. But today you have five seconds with no explanations, and I promise you they can all be answered that way.

You ready to level up? I’m ready. Let’s do this. Julie, what’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received? Start and don’t stop. Yes. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Julia Gentry: My morning routine.

L. Scott Ferguson: Awesome. You see me kind of walking down the [00:24:00] street, and you’re like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit.

Other than the good book and your book, what book might you hand me to help me, kind of get me out of my funk and level me up? The 5AM Club. Ooh, yeah, Robin, baby. Yeah. Awesome. Love it, love it. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text, if any? Fire. Fire. Nicknames growing up. Julia Gulia. Truly from Never Been Kissed, right?

Love it. What is your hidden talent and or superpower that you have that nobody knows about until now? Oh man, I work out barefooted. Nice. I do everything barefoot. That’s awesome. Chest checkers or monopoly? None. None. Awesome. I don’t

Julia Gentry: like playing games. I

L. Scott Ferguson: don’t. Good. Headline for your life? Live free. Yeah.

Any superstitions? That there are superstitions. Go to ice cream flavor.

Julia Gentry: Almond milk, cookie dough,

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:25:00] nicknames growing up. Jules Jules. So I already asked you that. So let’s have the Julia Gulia sandwich build that sandwich for me. What’s on that sandwich. Oh my

Julia Gentry: gosh. Lettuce, every veggie you can think of, bison.

Ooh, there you go. And some salt,

L. Scott Ferguson: sea salt. Love it. Favorite charity and organization you like to give your time or money to?

Julia Gentry: Compassion International.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Last question. You can elaborate on this one a little bit, but what’s the best decade in music? 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s?

Julia Gentry: That’s so funny. I don’t know that I listen to any of that music, but if I had to pick, I would say 90s.

L. Scott Ferguson: Nice. All right. Very cool. Very cool. And Julia, how can we find you, love? Go to thejuliagentry.

Julia Gentry: com for website and every place on

L. Scott Ferguson: social. Yeah, and that is the T. H. E. Julia Gentry, which [00:26:00] all of her social is just rocking. So tell me a little bit about your book here. I dream in this dream dash. I dare you a wake up call to greater alignment in your faith, family, career,

Julia Gentry: and community.

Yeah. This book will change your life. And I know everybody says that when I write a book. You know, it’s actually a framework. It’s not what you think, but it’s a framework to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be so you can dream again. So at the end, very last part of this book, you will close it, knowing yourself better, being more aligned in mindset, heartset, and you will actually be able to put pen to paper on how to pursue the dreams that God’s given.


L. Scott Ferguson: love it. And Scott, I’m going to do. I just downloaded it on the Kindle. I’m sorry I didn’t read it before we got on on board here, but I’m going to do a five book giveaway to the first person. Let me get a see. We’re going to make it, make sure you’ve listened this long. Let me think. Let’s put in no limiting beliefs.

If you put that in any of our social, I don’t care if it’s Pinterest, [00:27:00] Instagram, if you text it to 561 440 3830. You know, limiting beliefs. I will get a copy of Julia’s book out to you. And Julie, you also have a mastermind coming up this year, correct? We have

Julia Gentry: masterminds. We are in a conference.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. And the masterminds is that’s that is that online?

Julia Gentry: Yep. If you go to dreamstormwithjulia. com, there is you scroll down, there’s a free training. So for anyone that’s listening, they can go there and they can sign up to join us every Thursday. I would love to have you as my guest.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. That’s dream storm. Dream storm. Julia. com. Beautiful

Julia Gentry: storm

L. Scott Ferguson: with Julia.

Okay. Dream storm. So like you’re brainstorming, but you’re dream storming with a dream storm with julia. com. Awesome. So November 2nd, you have a conference where the awesome Sean Bowles is speaking, right?

Julia Gentry: Oh my gosh, it’s going to be fire. I

L. Scott Ferguson: love it.

Julia Gentry: Tell us a little bit about it. Yeah. So we have a two and a half [00:28:00] day complete immersion of the work.

So when you start to read the book, cause I know everyone’s going to start reading it, you’re going to go, Oh my gosh, this is a lot. And I would love to experience this real time. That’s what the conference is designed to do. It actually walks you through a process real time. in an experiential fashion. Plus we have incredible worship, Sean Boltz, insane sponsors this year.

It’s going to be

L. Scott Ferguson: amazing. And I love it. And I’m just going to tell you a squad that you have to get there. It’s on Julia, the Julia gentry. com. It’s on the homepage, actually. And the prices are phenomenal. I’ll tell you that right now. So you know, I’ll also, if you listen to this, cause this will probably, let’s say it’s August 3rd.

So I’m just going to drop in a couple of weeks. So more than enough time, I will do two standard early bird tickets for anybody that wants to go just reach out to me directly. And I will do two standard early bird tickets as a gift as well. So Julie, can you do me one last solid and leave us with one last knowledge nugget we can kind of take with us internalize and take action on.[00:29:00]

Julia Gentry: Yeah, I would say again, the two hardest days are the day that you’re going to start and the day that you want to stop. So it’s simple, stupid, hard, Scott, but start and just don’t stop.

L. Scott Ferguson: So I love it. And I just had a super fun conversation. I had like pages of notes with my good friend here, Julia, who kind of lived a life in a box, had loving parents that co parented her.

But she also not say that the parents did it, but she had some limiting beliefs. She, she was kind of a perfectionist and she was always saying kind of the right things. And what she really noticed is the patterns that she had really fascinated her. She was doing the same thing in. Expecting a different result, but it’s kind of goes along the lines of insanity as well, you know, and right now we’re dealing with information to transformation.

It’s really bigger than it has ever, ever been. And Julie reminds us that, you know, everyone has a dream, but it has nothing to do with what you think. think it does or you would actually be living it. That’s a deep statement. And [00:30:00] that’s probably going to kind of go on the quote page for her. But with that being said, we, we can’t really do it alone.

That’s why we surround ourselves with people like Julia, her squad, you know, the time to shine today squad is as well to really make sure that you’re kind of focused on where you’re going along the way, cause you’re going to hit bumps in, in bruised and sliding across home plate. You might score and that’s what you want to do, but.

It’s going to be challenging during the times, you know, in also between Julie and I, we kind of realized that what’s happened to us is not what’s happening to us. And she dropped that peopling is hard. I love that that she actually dropped that. That’s fantastic. That, you know, disappointment is the number one killer to your dreams many times.

And the point of the dream is not to dream. I’m just going to stop butchering that. The point of the dream is not, is not to dream that it’s who you have become. The dream is the byproduct of the character, not your accomplishments. You know, we’re after the finish line. God is after our heart. So just [00:31:00] remember that, you know, he might lay a huge blessing on you, but there’s going to be.

I’m not gonna say consequences is gonna be challenges that come along with that huge blessing. You have to make sure that you have the squad around you to help you level up through that blessing. And, you know, stay humble. Like I didn’t, if you know my story and Julia wants us to create Unin uninhibitedly so we can love unconditionally, that’s just fantastic.

I just have tons of knowledge on this. All I know is that Julia’s planting trees, she’s never gonna sit shoot. Oops, sit in. I’m gonna have to bleep that out, that. You know, she lives for the intention and not for the attention because she could be out there doing this, but she’s bringing like Sean Bowles to rock the stage, she could easily do this, but she does it because she has the intention of really helping you level up.

And she wants to also remember that God wants you to fulfill your space, not compare yourself to other people and try to be them but be yourself be unique and just. Also serve the hell out of any ability that you can, you know, in the two hardest [00:32:00] days that we have are the days that you start and the days that you want to stop.

And again, your vibe attracts your tribe, get the people around you like Julia, like our squad here at time to shine today. That’ll help you see things through. And that’s what Julia does. She levels up her health. She levels up her wealth. She’s humble. Yes. She’s hungry. She’s absolutely stunning. She’s earned a varsity letter here at time to shine today.

Thank you so much for coming on Julie. I cannot wait to collaborate with you, my love. Oh, likewise. Chat soon.

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