218-Beat The Toughest Obstacles – TTST Interview with Jennifer Loehding of Life By Design

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Welcome to Episode 218! Jennifer Loehding is a coach, author, speaker, and host of the Starter Girlz Podcast. She helps people strengthen their mindset and increase self confidence by teaching them how to sneak around sabotaging behaviors. Jennifer put a rare nerve condition into remission by doing a ketogenic diet for 22 months. A former marathon runner, and she built teams in multiple companies over an 18 year span. Currently a health and wellness enthusiast and loves coaching as well as mentoring. Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!

Fix the core – The exterior will not find the happiness you are looking for 

– Jennifer Loehding

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Chill out and enjoy your journey.  When you get stuck, ask!

2. Never take advice from anyone you wouldn’t trade places with

3. Do not be defined by your age

4. A great coach will not ask you to do anything that the coach would not do themselves

5. Create sustainable healthy habits for yourself

6. Jennifer will be remembered as someone who is authentic and kicked ass!

Level Up! 


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Jennifer’s book: Beat the Obstacles

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Jennifer’s Twitter

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Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:00  

Hey this is Jennifer Loehding and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson

Unknown Speaker  0:08  

time to shine today podcast varsity squad into Scott Ferguson. We’re Episode 218 with my starter girls my life by design, my good friend, Jennifer loading. She went through some crazy stuff in the first kind of chapters of her life and she’s going to go through with us how she overcame them, how she leveraged that they help her help people like myself, and hopefully you as well. She’s lives in the great state of Texas. She’s all about a being a podcast host with the starter girls podcast. And again, her website or her business is life by design. And it’s just a fantastic interview. It’s gonna go by so fast so but still break out your notebooks. Sit back, relax, because here comes my really good friend Jennifer loading from life by design. Let’s level up.

Unknown Speaker  1:03  

Time to shine today podcast. Firstly, squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And I’ve been waiting kind of with like a little cliche of bated breath. For my really good friend Jen loading. You is an awesome, awesome author, you have to pick up a book, a beat the tough obstacles. And you Mohsen, I will do a giveaway of the book at the end. So you have to listen to the end for the giveaway. But my really really good friend Joe Lynn loading is a coach, an author, a speaker and the host of the starter girls and that’s girls with a Z podcast. She helps people strengthen their mindset increase self confidence by teaching them how to sneak around sabotaging behaviors. She puts a rare she put a rare rare nerve condition to remission by doing a ketogenic diet for 22 months. She’s a former marathon runner, and she built teams and multiple companies over an 18 year span. She’s currently a health and wellness enthusiast and a love coaching as well as mentoring. And Jen, thank you for coming on the time to shine today. And please introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad the first What’s your favorite color and why?

Unknown Speaker  2:08  

They’re color blue, probably it’s between blue and pink. I say blue because it’s called but pink because it’s kind of sassy.

Unknown Speaker  2:15  

I love it. I love it in almost like a royalty kind of thing with blue and pink mix together kind of makeup off shade of purple. so fantastic. So let’s get like I read through your story on your about page. And it seems like you went through quite a health crisis. Can we kind of start there? And then kind of how you leveled up. And now you’re helping people level up as well.

Unknown Speaker  2:37  

Yeah, absolutely. Yes. Yeah. So I am nine years ago was diagnosed with a very rare nerve condition that affects the nerves in my case in the left side of my face, and all stemmed after I went through a minor dental procedure of all things, you go and you get a feeling done, you come out, like, you know, six months later, I have this disease that they can’t cure it. And so when it happened, I tell people, it really it devastated me because I went from being this very active person, you know, other than having migraines never really had a major crisis in my life to this debilitating disease that both personally and professionally ruined me. And so I spent four years of my life thinking that this is going to be the rest of my life. This is how it was going to be like I was gonna own this condition. And so really, the only way to treat it is they put you on tons of medication. And so I became an opiate person you know, that was what I was on muscle relaxers anti seizures, medications. And so I ended up after four years of really dealing with this coming to terms I had a choice to make there was it was either I was going to end it or I was going to go forward. And if you’ve ever known anybody or anybody’s ever been in depression, they understand the low in that that’s where I was. And so I walked into a doctor’s appointment, you know, which would be one of my final doctor’s appointment, the PA came in, said, Jennifer, we don’t know what to do with you. And so I just that day was a turning point for me. And so I ended up working with some holistic practitioners really diving in and doing my own research. And that just kind of led one thing to the next which got me to that ketogenic diet. And I tell everybody that was the short answer. There’s no short answer to getting getting Well, if you don’t get there by overnight, you will come out of it overnight, right? So I didn’t you know, transcendental meditation, all these different things I was experimenting with and through that process, I was able to heal myself get off all those medications but that nerve pain in remission, I remain both pain and medicine free today. That’s why I’m so excited about life because I get to live it. Um, but going through that it really it put a new lease on life for me and it really prompted me to want to dive in more, you know, on a on a personal development level spiritual level really understand what I’m supposed to be doing here on this planet. And just that kind of got me into coaching and really developing into that. So that’s kind of how I got here today. It’s, that’s the short version. But you know, it’s all a journey and we have to sometimes go through those processes to get to where we need to be were you doing before I was in that I was in a network marketing space. So I was in leadership position. Yeah, I was in a leadership position for actually just, here’s the funny thing. I just shut the doors to one of those companies after 21 years of being in that company, so 15 years and a leadership position. And I stepped down from that position during this crisis, because I realized that I could no longer I couldn’t lead with integrity, I couldn’t lead people where I wasn’t willing to go. And when I was just struggling to get out of bed every day and just survive, it was really hard for me to pour into other people when I didn’t have it there.

Unknown Speaker  5:35  

Yeah, but I love your transparency and your honesty, knowing that if you can’t take care of you, how are you going to be really able to take care of others? Which I appreciate that. So then what do you think as you move into life by design, what do you think makes a great coach? Or a great? Sorry about that? Yeah, I think,

Unknown Speaker  5:54  

I think the authenticity I think the ability to I tell people, you know, there are coaches everywhere. And I’ve always been the type of person that I’m a trailblazer. I’m never gonna tell anybody to do something that I’m not willing to get out there and do hence why I do a lot of different things. It’s not because I’m crazy. It’s just because I firmly believe in order for me to show people they can change the trajectory of their life, I have to be able to prove that I could do it. And so I think that authenticity that Ron is that, being able to say, Here’s where I’ve been, here’s what I did to get out of that. Here’s how I can show you to change your life.

Unknown Speaker  6:26  

That is fantastic. I mean, you’re just so authentic, authentic? So did you coach people one on one? Or do you have group coaching? Or what’s your story with your coaching?

Unknown Speaker  6:35  

I do a lot more one on one. I mean, we do some we’re starting to work on events within my podcast organization. That’s a whole another brand that we’re working on. And so things are tied to that. So we’re starting to do more like events where we are doing larger groups, but most of my clients are one on one and I just do really well when I can get in there and start peeling those onion layers, you know, and what do I need to do to get you from here to there you

Unknown Speaker  6:56  

love it. So what is your secret sauce, if you don’t mind sharing it, that to help them in their during the discovery period really find their blind spot?

Unknown Speaker  7:04  

You know, for me, it’s interesting, because people will come to me and they always come to me for one reason, I feel like they’ll have their reason that they need to work on but I’m such a holistic thinker. Like I tell people, it’s all about fixing the core, which is you You’re the circle, you’re the middle right, all the things on the outside that we put all our happiness, you know, quotient on, like, we we want to have a better house better job or money, better relationship, that’s where we think we’re going to be happy. But no, what I do is tell them, the goal here is we got to work on you, we got to get you strong, your mindset, your confidence, and I just I work on teaching them sustainable, healthy habit changes that they can maintain, so that when they get into these crisis, or when they need to level up, whatever that is, if they if they should fall off, they know how to immediately pick right back up.

Unknown Speaker  7:49  

Yes, I love that. And like, you’re not so much a consultant, but a coach mean you give them a game plan, they’ve got to execute it, and you’re going to be there for them in an execution. That’s fantastic. You do that. I’m happy that you said and I love your transparency, and being authentic. So when you’re starting to work, it will stay in the discovery period. Is there any good question that you would ask you wish they would ask you but never do? Um,

Unknown Speaker  8:14  

I think sometimes they don’t really always know, like, where my heart like because I think a lot of times people look at me and they you know, they see that surface layer and like, okay, she’s gonna like this tough show, like, knock in there. You know. And I always say that when people really get to know me and they know where my heart is. They know that as a whole. I care about people. And so I think the question for me would be to know why, why is it I do what I do, because I firmly believe that when we are healthiest human beings, we have the ability to impact everyone around us that makes the world a better place all around.

Unknown Speaker  8:47  

Yes, absolutely. And again, you just went right back that you have to start with yourself. It’s like people think that selfish is a bad word when really in the dictionary squad you know, that it doesn’t say anything. It’s just you take care of yourself so you can help others level up. And that’s exactly what you know, Jennifer did. So Jennifer, I met at a networking event which I believe you live in Texas, I see her out at networking events in Florida, we’re wide open, you know, press and flash meeting people, what kind of things are people saying to me? Well, I shut my mouth and listen, that would make them a good referral contact or prospect for life by design with john.

Unknown Speaker  9:22  

I think anybody that’s looking for transformation, somebody that’s maybe looking for that balance, I don’t I shouldn’t say balance or harmony. I like that word so much better. But you’re my girl now. Yeah, find that harmony between work and life or just somebody that’s really just wanting to make that transformation change. Maybe they’re just not happy they feel stuck. You know, and that’s what I think a lot of people do. They go through, you know, I will say this, like we go to school to get these these so called degrees because we think that’s where the money is. We go in, you know, to work, we stay there for 20 something years, whatever. 30 years, hit that retirement space,

Unknown Speaker  9:54  

we realize we were never really happy. Where are we? Where are we going? What do we do? What do we do from here? So I’m that person that comes It says, hey, look,

Unknown Speaker  10:00  

you know what you can find happiness. You can find it wherever you are, whether you’re an entrepreneur or you’re working somewhere, it’s really about you changing your mindset. It’s about you, living your life. full capacity.

Unknown Speaker  10:11  

I love that. And it’s I love that you said harmony. Because a lot of people say balance and something I learned along the way that balance is zero, right where harmony I like it with my clients. I say, Listen, man, we have a jazz band right now you got a guitar, that’s, that’s your friendships, you got drums, it’s your money, you got the horns, that is personal relationships or whatnot. And if one of them is out of sync, it sounds like crap, right? So I love that you’re helping them become more conscious of the harmony in their life. That’s just fantastic. So Jen, I know that we’re probably close to the same age ish. If you saw the movie Back to the Future. Okay. So let’s see. All right, let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 20 year old Jennifer. I don’t know if it’s loading that then. But let’s go back to the 20 year old Jennifer maybe the 22 year old Jennifer, what kind of knowledge nuggets? Are you dropping on her to maybe help her level up? shorten the learning curve and blast through?

Unknown Speaker  11:08  

Oh my gosh, I love that question. Gosh, if I could go back and talk about everything that I know now that I would be like chill out Jennifer just freakin chill out and enjoy your life. I’m not kidding you. Like I would just be like, you want to do something? Go freakin do it. Yeah, having all these like roadblocks in your face. You know, I tell people all the time. You know, I live with this idea that if I want to do something bad enough, and there’s certain things I don’t want to do, like I don’t want to skydive. I don’t want to mountain climb. I have no desire to do any of those. But if I want to do something in business, and I’m really gung ho about it, yeah, I’m just gonna go for it. I just know failure is going to be in there. And it’s all going to be part of the process. But I’m going to gain something, some kind of knowledge by doing it.

Unknown Speaker  11:45  

I love it. I love and like when you fail, you fell forward, right? You just gained like you just said, gain that extra yard. So then, how can I ask this? So how do you want your dash remembered that that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and death date? How do you want john stash? Remember?

Unknown Speaker  12:04  

Am I allowed to set a password on this? Yeah, you are saying she kicked ass.

Unknown Speaker  12:12  

I love it. And she did it by being authentic, you know, in a place of service, versus a place of wanting to get something back. And we’re all open to reciprocation. But I absolutely love that. So Jennifer, what keeps you up at night?

Unknown Speaker  12:29  

Knowing that I can help people make change that I can make some small dent and especially in this crazy world that we’re living in right now. Like we feel so so many of us, I don’t know about you, but me I feel so helpless with everything going on. And I just feel like if I can make one little small dent in somebody’s life, just to teach them the definition of personal responsibility. What does that mean? It starts with you. You can’t expect anybody or anything around you if you’re not willing to do you. And so I always go back to the I talked about it in my book, you know, the masks on the airplane, they talk about when you’re on the airplane, if the cabin loses pressure, what do you do, you don’t have a mask to your neighbor, you put it on for yourself to help you

Unknown Speaker  13:04  

help other people. Man, that’s fantastic. I love that you’re selfish. And I am to trust them. And I say it and I wrote it a whole podcast about it. probably my most listened to show too. And that’s fantastic. So then what do you think people misunderstand about john the most?

Unknown Speaker  13:21  

I think probably that I’m hard and tough and I’m real. And then I’m not I just you know, I think when you go through things in your life that really drop you to your knees and they humble you. They make you look at life very differently. They make you embrace it and go you know it I don’t want to be defined as I tell people this all the time. I don’t want it to be defined by my age. And I’m like, wait, she is this woman that has adult children and therefore she’s supposed to look a certain way or act a certain way. No, I’m I want to live my life. I want to have fun. I want to go out having fun, you know? And so I think it’s just that we’re here for a short time. Yes. And she asked about that dash we’re here for a short time. What do you want your dash to look like at the end? Do you want to say you went through life and you just kind of fly? Or do you have gone through life and said you know what? I kicked ass.

Unknown Speaker  14:11  

Yeah, I love that. I love you. We’re like the same kind of covering the same sheets run the parallel around one of these days will intersect and actually meet and collaborate and I cannot cannot cannot wait for that. So what do you What’s one thing? What do you know for sure?

Unknown Speaker  14:28  

What do I know for sure that I will say that I have the ability to do what I want in my life. I have the ability to make the change. I’ve already conquered. I conquered that disease. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in life. I mean, I’ve been through divorce. I’ve done very hard things. That was probably the most humbling. The most difficult, challenging time of my wife and I feel like because I conquered that it’s like I can talk or anything. It’s like things like things come about and we got this.

Unknown Speaker  14:55  

You start pushing it through for yourself and then you have you I believe you have three children right. I guess Okay, so it’s like you look at shit man I got to level up so I can be here longer. The only way to do that is to be able to get myself right I love that so let’s let’s take out our cell phone. Let’s take out our tablet. Let’s take out the computer out of this good this question what are three things Jennifer can’t live without?

Unknown Speaker  15:19  

Can’t live without my running shoes. My watch. And my spiral notebook.

Unknown Speaker  15:27  

Nice. It was quick. I love it. I love what’s coming to mind fast. It’s funny I got the new rocket book. I don’t know if you have that. But it’s like I love that thing. I didn’t think that I would but I absolutely love and it’s one thing that I always mentioned that and chicken wings. Sometimes I just have to add the chicken wings. And I’m pretty much a snob on that. Hey, time to shine today podcast versus squad we’re back with my awesome sauce friend Jen loading from life by design and Jen, you and I could talk 1520 minutes an hour on each one of these questions but you have five seconds to answer them. They all can be answered in five seconds, no explanations and I will cut you off. I’m kidding. But No seriously, if we can just answer and quickly and just rock through these you’re ready to rock. Alrighty, let’s level up here. What is the best leveling up advice Jennifer’s ever received? Never take advice from anyone you wouldn’t trade places with. Oh my gosh. That’s fantastic. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. exercise every day. Yeah, yes. Other than your website Jennifer loading calm and that’s spelled l OEH. Di n g so Jennifer loading comm Of course time to shine today.com my shameless plug. What other website Do you like to go to? to level up?

Unknown Speaker  16:40  

Um, oh my gosh, I’m drawing a blank. I’m drawing a blank on this. I like I will say I like john Maxwell stuff.

Unknown Speaker  16:45  

Oh, okay. We’ll just end it there. That’s awesome. So if you see me and you’re like, man, Fergie just looks like he’s in the doldrums a little bit. And outside of beat the top of the toughest obstacles. What other book would you say for you read this.

Unknown Speaker  16:59  

Um, I got a couple of my right now I’m reading Mark Manson’s book, but I like Jensen ciros. You are about as very James bishop. I’ve read a couple of his I got a lot of love it.

Unknown Speaker  17:09  

I love it. Love Jen, too. She’s fantastic. So what is your most commonly used emoji? Jen? Probably the happy face. Okay. Very good matches you. So don’t lie to me on this one. But if you can see physically, one age for the rest of your life, keep the knowledge you have now continue to garner knowledge and wisdom. What age physically would you stay for the rest of your life? I think I stay right where I’m at right now. Well, I say I say 48. Okay, I’m, I’m gonna be 50. And I would take 32 and a heartbeat just because it’s you know, I compete in jujitsu for years. And it’s like, I would love to have that 32 year old body hopping out of bed. Trust me, I get out of bed. my morning routine is like no other. But it would still take 32 all day. But yeah, I appreciate your honesty on that. So what’s your favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?

Unknown Speaker  18:01  

I am all over pets. So there, there’s like you’re in Carrollton. We’ve got one I donate to the local shelter. And then I have another there’s a couple other ones that I donate to

Unknown Speaker  18:10  

Love it. Love it. And you can elaborate on this last question, Jennifer. But what is the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s 80s? By far better have said that or else I’d fly to Texas and get you in a headlock or something because no the big hair don’t care. You had the British Invasion the wrap? Yeah. Yeah, we killed that ozone layer, baby. Even I did. I had the mullet and everything. It’s It’s fantastic. You have to repeat. Repeat for me one more time. So you wouldn’t trade places with who

Unknown Speaker  18:41  

trade places with anyone that you wouldn’t take advice from? Ah, gotcha. Doesn’t mean you don’t listen. You can listen to what they say. Right? You just don’t take that advice.

Unknown Speaker  18:50  

You don’t trade places. Right. I love it. I love it. So Jen, how can we find you my friend?

Unknown Speaker  18:55  

Go to either my website what you said earlier that Jennifer loading.com. And then of course, I’m on social media, too. It’s all under Jennifer loading some easy to find.

Unknown Speaker  19:03  

She’s everywhere. And you got to watch her man. She’s so awesome squad. She’s out there. She’s rocking it, posting just big smiling, beautiful pictures of her and of the people that she’s networking with. So, Jen, tell us about the book beat the toughest obstacles, please.

Unknown Speaker  19:17  

Yeah, absolutely. So that is basically a memoir. It’s a journey story of my journey. And I tell people that there’s seven chapters in it. The first chapter is the actual, like, what happened to me. And it’s so funny, because as I wrote that, you know, it happens. So I feel like so long ago now. And I made peace with it that when I wrote it, and it came back to me, like I got teary eyed look into that, because I was like, Oh my gosh, I forgot how bad that was. But the rest of the six chapters are all positive. It’s what I learned going through the process and you know, all the knowledge and then the last chapter just really kind of rounds it back out and tells you where I’m at. But it was so funny, because when the book launched it launched two weeks before I launched the podcast, but at the time that we wrote it, the podcast wasn’t even in the picture yet.

Unknown Speaker  19:57  

Wow. So tell us about the starter girls podcast.

Unknown Speaker  20:00  

Oh my gosh, yes, I want to start a girl. It’s my favorite project right now. So star girls is really it’s an empowerment movement. I tell people, it’s not just about the podcast, it’s a brand. And so there’s there’s three layers to that we’ve got the podcast, which is our entertainment, and our voice that was the vehicle, the platform to get out all my power and everything I’ve learned, you know, in my former company, and all of that. And then we’re also we’re doing workshops, we had an event. Last week, we’re doing another one, we’re going to be doing a live in person event soon. And then the last part is the charity piece that we’re lining up with. And we just actually found a charity charitable foundation that we’re going to be working with, that helps us get into college, helps them get scholarships, finds mentors for them, so that when they go through college, they come out there secure jobs.

Unknown Speaker  20:41  

Wow. Wow, that’s fantastic. So is that all within the sort of girls podcast that we can find all of that?

Unknown Speaker  20:48  

Yeah, we’re just kind of rolling. I mean, the podcast is there. You know, I when I started it, I had a co host with me and then we were about the time the pandemic hit, we realized that our visions weren’t quite singular. And so we split ways. The distorted Rose was my my deal. I created that and so I spent from March until December, really grinding it out just learning how to produce that fine print. Yes, all of the podcasts are finally in November I talked about it’s kind of like a dating relationship. I had to get healed from the old the old mess before I could bring somebody on December rolled around. I was like, You know what, I’m ready to find another partner to come into this that can carry help me carry my vision forward. And so I brought my good friend, Briana realist, and she was introduced to me at the beginning of 2020. And great thing about her She’s a former top 100 finalist, American Idol season four back with Carrie Underwood present. So she comes from the entertainment industry. She and her husband own a restaurant here in Dallas. And so she’s a great strategist, which for me is huge, because I’m the visionary right, so we’re having a good time with it. Awesome, john. Yeah, that’s fantastic. Is

Unknown Speaker  21:53  

it out there?

Unknown Speaker  21:54  

It’s quite I do have a book giveaway the paperback version if you would go the first person that goes into any time to shine today social and just puts the word obstacles in there. So I know you’ve listened to the end of this show. You put obstacles in there then I will buy the book Jennifer will sign it to you and maybe she can pick up the postage If not, I can Venmo or the money but does that sound fair? Jen? Yeah, awesome. Awesome. So Jeff, or leave us please with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action on Hey, I’m

Unknown Speaker  22:26  

going to leave you with my motto that I say on my podcast every week today’s great day to be brave might as well start now you have the power to change your circumstances any day you decide what to do that day rise up be amazing be you Do you

Unknown Speaker  22:39  

love it and we just had a frickin masterclass with my really good friend Joe load loading, you know from life by design. You know, she believes that a leader is going to be authentic, she they’re going to have a rawness to her, though, she will actually do what she’s telling you to do. They she’s probably walked that path with the obstacles that Jennifer had to just blast through early in her life. So you’ve got somebody that’s really walked that path that fixed yourself was selfish enough to understand that she had to fix yourself and to move up and help level up and she’ll help you level up she was gonna remind you to fix the core, that exterior is not going to find happiness that the cars, the houses when it’s great to have and she’s not telling you not to have that but you have an enjoy and fully enjoy life. You have to fix the core. You know, she wants you to ask, why do you do what you do. And if you’re looking for harmony, in your work and life balance, please let us make a warm introduction to Jennifer, she’ll be happy to take a call with you after referral from us. She’s going to tell you if you’re getting started or if you’re a little younger or you’re just read resetting to chill out enjoy the journey things are gonna happen and you might not know the answers but like my good friend Leah Woodford says from smartphone group, get your asking gear, get moving forward, ask the questions. You know, she’s gonna be remembered as Jen kicked ass, you know her whole life and she had to to babble a blast through her obstacles that she had. You know, she’s gonna be remembered as someone that made a dent and she did that by inch by inch. It’s a cinch. She understands the by the yard. It’s hard. She did things slowly. methodically, she’s built up just like her podcast and whatnot and she won’t be defined by her age me and her from the same generation or whatnot. And I find sometimes that man I’m coming up on 50 years old and wow you know, but Jen and I we think the same we’re always progress. You know, it’s progression over perfection. We always want to move forward. And she said that not to take advice from someone that you wouldn’t trade places with. I think I nailed that. And that just really stuck out with me and Jennifer levels up her health she levels up as well. She’s humble yet hungry. She’s full of energy is all about harmony. I just love her gods. Thank you so so much for coming on, and spilling your knowledge nuggets. Thank you. Yeah, fine. Love you guys. Rock. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate. Excellent, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.

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