James Huber has over 28 years of coaching and athletic administrative experience at the youth, high school and college levels. James has devoted a large portion of his professional career towards developing youth through sport. Through 4D’s commitment to programming they have helped 12,000 + athletes yearly become the best version of themselves in and out of sport. James is passionate about sports, because of the opportunities it creates to make a huge impact in the lives of the athletes.
Train your mind and your body will follow
– Coach James Huber
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. No matter what you do, make an impact on others while loving what you do
2. When turning your children over to a coach ask them about the experience they are going to have
3. James version of a life well lived is to be of service to others, a vessel of God and to help transform you to reach your fullest potential
4. Your mistakes do NOT define you
5. The only thing that endures in life is your character
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hello my name is Jim Huber I’m with 4D athletes and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast my good friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:11
time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I am super stoked to bring you the second half of the for the athletes I was had the pleasure of interviewing Jason Holzer and I get to interview his awesome partner, Coach James Huber and they’re developing four dimensional balanced athletes and I want you to especially if you have children I need you to sit back relax and take notes because analogy I guess a coach Jim had drops are priceless and you can pay them forward to your children or other people that may have children as well. So without further ado, here’s my really good friend coach James Huber from 40 athletes let’s level up.
Unknown Speaker 1:00
Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson and I am stoked that I get the second half of an awesome tandem, which I was able to be privileged enough to be on their podcast for the athletes on April 21 of this year. You can go on YouTube and watch it fantastic fantastic time. But I have my boy Jimmy Huber here of 40 athletes and Jim has over 20 years of coaching and athletic and administration experience of the youth high school and college levels. Jimmy has devoted a large portion of his professional career towards developing youth through sports which we’re going to get into that part because kids are stopping way too early I believe 70% are stopping by age 13 or something like that. So through that commitment to programming helps 12,000 plus athletes yearly become the best versions of themselves in and out of sports. Jimmy is passionate about sports because of the opportunities it creates to make a huge impact in the lives of athletes and I again squad you got to break out your notebooks man and sit back and relax because I’m going to bring Jimmy on here and Jimmy please come on introduce yourself to time shine today podcast varsity squad but first What’s your favorite color and why below miser bliss
Unknown Speaker 2:15
serenity peace I just does that for me and I like that color
Unknown Speaker 2:20
and it looks in on your color we’ll look at your different shades of blue baby and said I have the Atlantic Ocean looking at right now and it’s also Blue Bloods this
Unknown Speaker 2:28
guy we’re on
Unknown Speaker 2:30
rockin it rockin in my local company here blue line that I support they do allow you guys also so I wanted to rock the shirt. So Jimmy let’s get into the the kind of the origins of what you’re doing and how you got started there brother
Unknown Speaker 2:45
you have for me as I you know I’ve been born and raised in athletics. My dad was a coach and a coach like you know, from football, baseball, basketball, I coached baseball in college and and I just was always I love sports was around sports and it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. For my life I wanted to be a professional basketball player and I realized I wasn’t going to be that I knew the impact my dad had on on individuals that he coached because parents would always ask my dad to help them and then kids would be like the impact that my dad had on them as a coach and what he did from there is their lives and I felt like that’s something I’ve always wanted to do make an impact on others through something I love to do which is the sport of basketball so that kind of led me into coaching and and administration type work in basketball.
Unknown Speaker 3:34
So let me ask you something I’m taking notes man so is this is this good stuff you said something is pretty important that what I’m hearing here, but what made you like even when you knew that you were not going to go pro make it to the show and 99.9% of people don’t in the breathes Earth on us on this earth here breathe air on this earth. What made you still committed and convicted to sports even when you knew you weren’t going to the show?
Unknown Speaker 4:05
Yeah, for me it’s like it was a passion I feel like in life like can you follow some you’re passionate about right you see so many people doing things that they don’t even like to do. And I would see that by seeing people and then for me it was like you know sports has taught me so much about life and it helped me become a more of a better person. And I always loved being part of teams love going toward common goals but I love doing it in something that I enjoyed doing which was playing basketball so to me it’s like a coach it and train others to do things at a certain level but also help them become better people in another sport that I felt like I was going to be excited and passionate about doing this right on that path
Unknown Speaker 4:46
of it. So what is your like? My favorite thing about sports Jimmy is that it is unscripted drama. Yeah, but it better be unless someone’s on the tape. But you know what I’m saying? It’s just gonna be just what did you love about sports bra.
Unknown Speaker 5:02
Yeah, I mean, I think for me is I think sports like, it’s the camaraderie that you develop with individuals, but also to I feel like, like we talk about coaching, coaching, so important, and we have coaching, a lot of times in sports, when you get older people like don’t a coach anymore, right? But that code says, somebody directs you, somebody lead you. And I felt like I had that guide through life. And I enjoyed that part of it, to feel like there was a mentor in my life to help me become the best version of myself.
Unknown Speaker 5:30
Love it. And so what then, do you feel makes a great coach,
Unknown Speaker 5:34
anyone makes a great coach is I think they got like, being a great leader, and a great leader, being a great coach, like it’s their teacher. They’re teaching people how to become better in life. But I think it says, Can coaches and the great leaders, what do they do they inspire people for greatness. They get people to do things they don’t feel like they’re even capable of doing or don’t think they can do or know they can do. And they can get them to level up like you talked about level up to become a great version of ourselves, whatever they decide to do in their life, and also to adversity is going to hit right. Sure. So a coach is able to guide them through adversity and know that we can bounce back. And we can ride the ship and continue to move on toward a common goal that we have.
Unknown Speaker 6:19
So then, what about slumps? Like everybody hits a slump, whether in life, yeah, sports is more magnified, especially in baseball or even golf. They don’t really call it a slump in golf. But, you know, if you’re not on your A game, you’re not bringing it every day. What is some coaching techniques that you use to help them bring them back to what you know what they’re capable of?
Unknown Speaker 6:42
Well, you heard a lot of times when people say I lost my confidence, I don’t have confidence here at all time. parents say my kids don’t have confidence. Like, they have confidence in Tyler shoes. They have conferencing ride their bike, they have confidence in something. Now go back to something that okay, shooting a basketball. Have you made a basketball before? Have you made a basket? Oh, yeah, you have to have you had success on game before you have. Let’s go back to those moments. And let’s get yourself back to that and think about what you’re doing, what you’re feeling in those moments, and go back to become that. And now let’s move that into the present moment. And I’ll tell people in athletics all the time. It’s like, I’ll tell kids, why do you shoot a basketball we’ll say to make it i goes, you don’t shoot it to make it. You should have because it’s a good shot, and you earn the right to shoot the shot. Let the results take care of itself. Because you don’t want athletics if you’re focusing too much on the results, you tighten up, and you can’t be relaxed in the moment.
Unknown Speaker 7:36
Love it. So how much of it is subconscious? Oh, it’s
Unknown Speaker 7:39
so much I I hear kids in camps all the time. Be like I can’t I tell them don’t say that dropped a tee. It’s not I can’t. Because you know your subconscious mind. People understand the subconscious mind every cell of your being. And a subconscious minds like the earth is totally immoral. It doesn’t care what you plant. It’s gonna grow whatever. And you’re planting seeds by what you’re saying, because it doesn’t know what’s real or imagined. So you got to watch what you say to yourself. Right? And the spoken word is so powerful like they say say sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. baloney. That’s That’s crap. words will hurt you
Unknown Speaker 8:16
were right. Yeah. Love it. It. So you’re when parents bring their kids into 40 athletes to get them leveled up. Let’s back this up. Why kids?
Unknown Speaker 8:28
Well, I just like like this thing about this. You’re in personal development history. Right? No, it’s a billions of dollar industry. There’s 88% of people doing like, what they’re doing their life. And personal development. People say, like I heard you talk about Tony Robbins, everyone’s they all say kids need this stuff. Right? The kids aren’t being taught, right? The level they should. And what’s the best time to form a kid’s brain? Their mind when they’re young? Yeah. When the first second, third, fourth, fifth grade, let’s mold and shape them now. Yeah, in this them for success early, instead of waiting when they’re 2528 years old. And now they struggle. They don’t know where they’re at, right? And they’re trying to find answers.
Unknown Speaker 9:10
Literally, their brains fully developed that 25 is what science is solid. So there’s so much of a sponge that you can instill in there and teach them to be the gatekeeper to their subconscious confidence. I love that you said that. I love that you said that. So when parents kind of bring their kids in, is there any secret sauce that you use it for the athletes to help them find their blind spots with their kids development because everybody thinks that their kid is the best. A lot of
Unknown Speaker 9:41
things we first do with parents like organization, we we really we do have something set up that parents can have for their kids, or we’ve set it up for like sports organizations. You know, coaches have teams can implement this with their kids, right? But we do have something like even for the parents. Parents have a hard time navigating their child through sports. They’re so emotional with their kids. And they are dangerous and the best ways to navigate and they’re following the masses. And like you said, 70% of kids are quitting a sport by the time of 13. But everybody’s got two kids playing year round sports. Right there, they’re pushing and pressing our kids to play these sports, some of these workouts and they’re putting their their maybe their limbic kerrison through their children. Yes, their children’s are getting burned out and don’t even want to play it anymore, right? And injuries, youth sports injuries are going up because we’re overusing our bodies at such a young age playing these year round sports, right? It’s more getting them to step back parents. Let’s think here’s we go through like 26 tips of how to truly navigate your child through sports. And to think if you’ll do these things, you’re gonna have a bad experience your children are and the coaches administrators have well in sports. What’s that number
Unknown Speaker 10:55
one tip that you start with?
Unknown Speaker 10:58
Why start with this? Know what it is that your child wants? The why, right? The why. And you know what, when you research and you ask kids survey data, right out surveys and questions, the number thing they want, is that fun? You want to have fun? Yeah, that’s the number one thing. So not Can you put them in a fun environment. I tell parents all the time, get him in fun environments, engaging and have them have fun. And then as they’re doing their navet, they’re like they’re doing these different sports, they’ll find out eventually, once they get older about 13 1415, what they’re passionate about, yes, then spend more time and energy in those areas, because they want to do it. Right. So what why, what does your child want to do? And why do they want to do it?
Unknown Speaker 11:43
know your why I love that. And it’s funny, it’s almost like going to college, like no one really knows that their major is, you know that you kind of feel it out for the first couple years, and then you grind out that major. That’s awesome. So when parents are dropping these kids off, Jimmy, not dropping them off, or bringing them to you to level them up? Is there any good question that you wish the parents would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 12:07
I think parents like to me, whether it’s me or going to say playing on sports teams, they need to ask questions. They need to find out like who’s coaching your child, I get it all the time, where people like what organizations I play for, okay? These are different organizations that do some good things, but the bottom line who’s coaching your child, and then you need to ask them questions about what’s their experience or background? What’s their philosophies in coaching, you know, in discipline, accountability, and playing time, are they going to run a bunch of plays and teach your child to play, you got to find out more about what your child is going to get in that experience of them playing and then I challenge parents go to practices, go to workouts and watch a little bit from afar. You can be on your phone, like you’re working, but then see if this is an environment that is good for your child to be in. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 12:58
So I’m just figuring out how to ask this with with regards to the parents that are there. Have you ever had any run ins with any parents throughout 40 athletes? Were not let’s go this way. What do you think gives? All kids brains are like a sponge. But why do you think some kids Excel on the mental side? quicker than others?
Unknown Speaker 13:33
Yeah, I mean, I think like, here’s something to consider. As a parent, I challenge all parents on this. Like I’ve been studying a lot about parenting about my child, I got an eight year old a five year old can hear it all the time. Like I tell my child on some day they I’m like, why do I love you? like do I love you for what you do? No, I love you for what who you are, right, your blessing from God. And I tell them when they go play guy, listen, you gotta go have fun, you’re gonna do your best. We’re gonna have a positive what attitude and be a great teammate, and let the results take care of itself. And I love you either way, right? Too many parents, they get so emotional, whether a child’s doing good or bad and kids feed on that. Yeah. And it’s just like listen, let your kid enjoy the experience the SOAR experience and they’re going to have highs and lows ups and downs. They’re going to learn life experiences through it, let them navigate through it but love them regardless where they they made they score 20 points or hit a home run or they struck out right on the same unconditionally. Then you know feel the pressure.
Unknown Speaker 14:36
Right? What do you what do you feel about everyone gets a trophy?
Unknown Speaker 14:41
I it that’s funny you say that. So I was doing a flag football. I was volunteering for my son, you know, eight year old and a five year olds I’m noticing the five year they were given these participation type stuff out. And at the end of the last game I told my wife I couldn’t get over to get in as I don’t worry about no big deal. She He’s like, no, it is a big deal to these young kids. And I started running over because some of these kids were coming. We get this we get this trophy and I’m like, like everybody thinks they get a trophy. And the crazy thing about it is check this out. My five year old, he did find they get participation medals, and all my son did get a trophy because they won. They won the league or whatever was and he’s a he’s a carrier we had in place my older son was playing he won. My eight year old didn’t get a trophy, right? He was all ups he was all disappointed. And we had to explain to him we had to listen you know Pat mahomes can see Geez, they play last year in Super Bowl. Yes. Yes, Tom Brady. They lost they didn’t get they didn’t get getting a Super Bowl trophy. They didn’t get a trophy. So I had to explain to him like there’s you don’t get trophies for always participating in a sport right? You got to sometimes succeed at what you do sometimes you don’t get it now learn and grow from it become better maybe get an X
Unknown Speaker 15:51
five thank you for saying that brother, man. I mean, that’s that’s that’s exactly what I was hoping to hear. And it’s true. You know, because of the kids I mean, they come that entitlement mentality and sports is the ultimate arena to magnify failure. You know what I’m saying? It’s like that’s they think that Gee, I’m gonna get a trophy that they’re not going to play to their ability I
Unknown Speaker 16:13
think about this people just you can just show up and get a trophy right go up in life and I get a trophy. Yeah, I just grow up in life and Scott’s work and I just sit around do nothing. Yeah, man. I get bonuses. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 16:24
that’s it work that way. I love it. I love it. So Jimmy, what keeps you up at night man?
Unknown Speaker 16:29
Truthfully, I don’t nothing really keeps me up at night. I go to bed and I lay down and I think for me it’s like before I go to bed, I do quiet mindfulness meditation type stuff, and I release things and I just know if I gave my best for that day I’m okay you’re good to go I’m gonna lay down and whatever it takes place gonna take place and God’s gonna provide and lead me and give me a strength and things are gonna work out it’s kind of good thing bad thing but I just I don’t get rough somehow. I lay down I go to sleep I’m out.
Unknown Speaker 17:02
love it love it and I’m getting there. It was a minute it took a minute for me to actually get there Jimmy now I kind of like like God I’m again everyone knows I’m God fearing dude. So I let God kind of handle the stuff the and I control the controllables and that’s that’s awesome. So you saw it you saw the movie Back to the Future right? Okay, let’s reverse it. Where we’re going we don’t need any roads. Let’s go in the future. 10 years with 40 athletes. What do you see?
Unknown Speaker 17:33
I’m seeing us transform over 100 million athletes worldwide infusing last culture sports and change and making four dimensional athletes not just physical athletes I feel like that’s what we do. But training the mind the mind controls the body so getting mindful athletes that understand their spiritual beings live in a body they’re not a basketball player, they’re not a football player, they struggle with their identity and then they also the environment the associations that they establish are strong for what they want to do in their life. So developing this four dimensional well balanced athlete that organizations are finding that this is important that we’re intentional about developing these skill sets to help these athletes succeed in and out of life.
Unknown Speaker 18:19
I love it and are you just regional there are you national right
Unknown Speaker 18:23
right now we’re we’re just based we’re based out of Kansas City workout folks in the United States and we got you know, some using it we had on the East Coast we had some nice using it California up in Indianapolis so we’re kind of in the United States kind of focus in that base right now.
Unknown Speaker 18:40
Love it. And so how do you want Jim’s dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date life date and death
Unknown Speaker 18:50
date? I mean for me it’s like this was a this was an individual that was a vessel of God that lived his life in service rather than through that transformed the lives of others to help them to live to their fullest potential.
Unknown Speaker 19:10
Wow that’s amazing man. So what do people misunderstand about you the most to me?
Unknown Speaker 19:17
I think for me and coaching I’m very demanding. Right? And I think people think sometimes and nothing’s ever good enough. Or like he’s he’s like, you know, maybe it’s too tough. Sure enough for me is like I think people understand I love the people I coach so much that I want the best for them. Sure. I don’t want them to settle. Right I want them to reach for greatness. Yes for me sometimes that can be this maybe communicator seen by somebody they can see like, Oh, he’s he’s too tough
Unknown Speaker 19:47
or Yeah, they misconstrue your intentions because you just want to see great things happy happened for me. And we live by that, you know, Vince Lombardi quote that we’re never going to get perfection, right? But if we grind it out and kill As much as we can and do the reps that, you know we’ll get that greatness. Yeah, so excellent. So let’s get back in that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Jimmy, what kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on him to help him maybe shortness learning kuchler blast to maybe just a little bit quicker,
Unknown Speaker 20:20
I would tell him find out what you really desire to do what you’re passionate about. And then find out individuals that have done it and study and be mentored by them and do what they tell you to do. Love it and then don’t get impatient and try to chase the butterfly because this seems better over here right over here. This isn’t working quick enough and then you’re doing 1020 different things. stay the course you’re right yourself and understand that there’s gonna be failure that doesn’t mean that you didn’t succeed sure you’re learning and growing through that experience. And don’t give up on yourself.
Unknown Speaker 21:00
Love it you just open the door to that question the butterflies What about the the butterflies in the stomach? The kids get nervous you know at that age, you know, they’re so impressionable. What do you do to get those that when you’re coaching a kid up to maybe get those butterflies to fly in formation?
Unknown Speaker 21:17
You know, essentially say that anymore. What I do is I’d like that box breathing. Just breathe. Deep diaphragm breathing and just you know, deep breath.
Unknown Speaker 21:26
We talked about that in April. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 21:28
work, right. Breathe out for 404 Yeah, close your eyes, relax, see yourself doing great things. And then afterwards, I’m telling him like, Listen, whatever you do on this court, doesn’t define you. Right? This is about learning and growing. So if you make mistakes, Congratulations, congratulations make as many as you can. Yeah. But don’t beat yourself up and understand that your parents or whoever’s around you are truly going to feed you the truth you’re probably going to put a roof over your head right you’re not going to be you know on the streets without anybody around just because you miss a shot
Unknown Speaker 22:01
right? love it love it so what do you know for sure Jimmy?
Unknown Speaker 22:06
Well, I know for sure that I believe that I have a God that truly loves me and that’s here for me. And he guides me and will never leave me Sure and that’s all forgiving and knows that I’m not perfect. But was me for whoever I am and is always there for me when I need him
Unknown Speaker 22:23
right? You’re always progression and progression over perfection I love that you live that way. So then what would Jimmy’s definite definition of a life well Libby
Unknown Speaker 22:36
I think for me is just like every day waking up and just being the best version of me and just focus on getting 1% better each and every day. And that’s all
Unknown Speaker 22:46
love that 1% better totally live by that as well. Hey, time to shine today podcast varsity squad we are back with my good buddy Jimmy Huber from four D athletes. He’s molding kids minds he’s becoming immortal through all of mentoring he’s doing and Jimmy we’re gonna do a leveling up lightning round now you and I literally could talk an hour on each one of these questions. You got five seconds with no explanations. You ready to rock? Let’s go. Awesome. What’s the best loving up leveling up advice Jimmy’s ever got?
Unknown Speaker 23:21
train your mind the body will follow.
Unknown Speaker 23:23
Yes, sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success. my morning routine. Let’s elaborate on get up break the rules. Give me like a 22nd break down of your morning routine.
Unknown Speaker 23:35
I wake up, hydrate myself. Go downstairs, meditate. Pray upon that. I’ll read about 10 pages and then I’ll exercise for like around 20 minutes and then I do after that to do affirmations. You can run affirmations and do a little stretch and I’ll be done.
Unknown Speaker 23:56
Love it sounds a lot like me. I started adding rebounding and trampoline yeah clean out that limp system bro. Love it. I digress squad Sorry about that. I just wanted to hear it. Other than your website 4d athletes calm and of course time to shine today.com a shameless plug what website Do you like to go to to level up Jimmy?
Unknown Speaker 24:16
Darren Hardy
Unknown Speaker 24:17
I love Mario love me some do. You see me walking down the street? Body languages off like Fergie’s in his doldrums. What book are you handing me? Positive intelligence you go I’m gonna throw that in the show notes squat. That’s excellent. Jimmy what emoji to use the most when you text.
Unknown Speaker 24:35
I use the the one that has the black sunglasses.
Unknown Speaker 24:39
Man. You have you said that to me yesterday, I think. All right, chess or checkers.
Unknown Speaker 24:44
Unknown Speaker 24:45
Me too, right? That’s too much like you can stay and do not lie to me on this, okay. But if you can stay one age physically for the rest of your life. Keep all the knowledge you’ve garnered and continue to gain knowledge. And wisdom what he’s physically would you stay for the rest of your life 1818 love it love it I say 32 yeah because my brain was in I was in my hair
Unknown Speaker 25:11
yeah I love it. Jimmy your favorite charity and organization give your time or money to Children’s Mercy Hospital.
Unknown Speaker 25:20
Thank you man. That’s awesome. Last question. You can elaborate on this one but what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s 70s 70s? Why?
Unknown Speaker 25:30
I like like zap one
Unknown Speaker 25:32
guy that’s cool man. masquerade shimmy huh? How old are you? 50
Unknown Speaker 25:36
Hi, I’m 50
Unknown Speaker 25:39
nice man cool You look fantastic dude right? Yeah cuz I’ll be 50 in February so like me and you’re like right there to
Unknown Speaker 25:48
say so listen a lot of like old rock so
Unknown Speaker 25:52
yeah my my dad is no lie. My dad was like hung out with Bob Seger like hung out with like Detroit area yeah man. So how can we find you Jimmy?
Unknown Speaker 26:05
You know pretty much 40 athletes calm my LinkedIn you can find me there under Jim Huber. Those are the main places and you know somebody want to reach out to me they can reach out to me at Jim at coach Schubert calm but those are gonna be the places
Unknown Speaker 26:22
love it and Jimmy leave us please with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 26:31
So I love john wooden so I’m going to as a coach so I’m going to give this quote famous fleeting money has wings popularity is an accident and the only thing that endures is character
Unknown Speaker 26:49
wow All right. I’m writing that down.
Unknown Speaker 26:54
I tell people all the time like you know it is Fame Fame is fleeting, right right name is one day one hit wonder you’re not famous again That’s right. And then money people are bankrupt one day the rich the next that comes and goes right yeah. is popular in high school. They go to college not popular anymore right? The only thing that does your life is character what is character is what you got to do and nobody authorities around your integrity What is it
Unknown Speaker 27:21
Wow, that’s amazing man in squad. We just got like a free masterclass in about 25 minutes from my really good friend Jimmy Huber here from 40 athletes who is making an impact on others. by loving what he does, he puts his passion out there and he’s helps others he believes that a good coach will help you become better in life and always strive towards greatness. You want you you yourself and also to work with your kids and knowing their Why do not push your kids and let them enjoy you push them towards greatness but do it gently while they’re sticking to their why and make sure that they are enjoying their experience you know if you’re going to come to somebody like 40 athletes which let me make a warm introduction to your squad to Jimmy and also Jason but ask them you know what experience their child is going to have find out the principals find out what their why for your child’s why to make sure that they align you know he’s going to reach 100 million athletes to help them train not only their body but their mind to level up. Jimmy is gonna be remembered as a vessel of God who lived in the services others and he would he’s transforming people to the fullest of their potential. And if you if you’re younger and you’re finding your way or maybe if you’re older and you’re redefining your way find that passion in the surround yourself with the people they’re going to help you level up and we’d like to say here from my good friend Leah Woodford to get your asking gear surround yourself with people that have did it and ask them you know how they did it because success leaves clues you know remember mistakes do not define you and they don’t define your children you know you’re you’re gonna fail fail forward. My greatest analogy is the greatest running back ever Barry Sanders from Detroit, but no matter how many yards he lost, he always fell forward at the end of the run. He wants to be best version of himself and 1% better every day. And he wants Manchu to you know train your mind and the body will follow. And lastly from the late great john wooden fear is fleeting. Money has wings fame. popularity is an accident. But character and integrity are everything. That’s how Jimmy lives. He rocks it he’s humble yet hungry levels up as healthy levels up as well. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. Jimmy so appreciate you. I love your guts man. We’ll chat soon.
Unknown Speaker 29:46
God thanks. Thanks for all you do.
Unknown Speaker 29:47
You bet brother by now. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate. Real Estate excellence who can be reached at 561249 7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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