Brian G. Bachand is living proof that life is an evolution.
His own journey from being a priest to then an executive in New York City, Toronto and now founder of his own company evolution evolution.
He inspires professional leaders and organizations to shift from a belief of “what is the work” to “what is the mission” before them. He engages with leaders who feel isolated to align fully with clarity. His expertise in team management and recruitment of top-tier talent brings a refined insight on how to build a conscious culture within organizations.
Brian served as Executive Director at both NYU Langone Health and University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine, raising millions from investors. As Partner in Executive Search his mandate was on global recruitment for VP – CEO roles within NFP and Private Sector. His own firm, evolution evolution unites it all.
When you stand in your truth, embrace what is in your heart, then you are free to evolve
– Brian Bachand
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. Be authentic to what you desire and stand in your truths
2. Leaders own their stories, it sets them apart.
3. Make sure you cultivate inwardly
4. Brian has a mission to impact people through mindfulness
5. First ‘Evolution’ is your natural DNA, Second ‘Evolution’ is personally owning your story and choosing to get involved and Level UP!
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Brian Bachand and founder of Evolution Evolution. And if you really want to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:12
time to shine today podcast versus Why did Scott Ferguson and we’re at Episode 229, with my good friend, Brian buchon, from evolution, evolution, and there’s two parts to the evolution one was basically put into our DNA. And the other evolution is really personally owning your story and choosing to level up and that’s where I’m going to stop because Brian really gets into it. He helps people own their stories, be authentic, and level up their life. And that’s what we’re all about here. Time to shine today. So without further ado, sit back, relax, break out your notebooks, which I have two pages of full notes. I just couldn’t stop writing fast enough. I even wrote more after I read listened to our interview. So here comes my really good friend Brian buchon. From evolution, evolution, let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast, varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. Clay, a good friend of mine said when you stand in your truth, embrace what is in your heart, and you are free to evolve. And that is who you’re looking at right now. If you’re watching on YouTube, or any other video platforms, it’s my really good friend, Brian buchon. You know, he’ll say that there has been a natural evolution as humans, yet as individuals, professional and personal evolution is our own. You know, Brian is his journey is pretty, pretty unique. And it’s pretty awesome. He was a priest, and then an executive in New York City, Toronto, and now founder of his own company evolution evolution. He inspires professional leaders and organizations to shift from a belief of what is the work to what is the mission? So what is the work? What is the mission, he is going to shift you there, he engages with leaders who feel isolated and a lot to align fully and with clarity, he again, he’s based out of Toronto, he’s proud to be both an American and Canadian citizen. And Brian believes when we ask the question, What do I desire, the truth we intuitively lead us to embrace what is in our heart and evolve us forward. And Brian, thank you so much for coming on. Please introduce yourself the time to shine today podcast. Firstly, squad. But first, what’s your favorite color and why?
Unknown Speaker 2:17
My favorite color, Scott, first of all, great to be here. Favorite color is yellow, yellow. Yellow is a warm color. And it’s about creativity. And whenever I see yellow, I smile.
Unknown Speaker 2:30
I love it. I love it. And like you’re you’re handsome dude. And yellow is definitely your color wheel if you want to throw down, man. So I have a lot of yellows here with my man. So let’s get to kind of quickly through the origins. But what kind of led that a priest executive and devolution evolution.
Unknown Speaker 2:49
I know great story over a bottle of wine, there’s even more. You know, after university, I always had a desire of service had always been kind of a spiritual person. And it just fell call that at that time being Catholic. The only way I felt I could live that out was kind of becoming clergy. And, and it was beautiful. I have to say I was a happy priest. And I was really good at what I did four years in a parish. And then four years, I was selected by the cardinal to be as private secretary, which would be like his chief of staff. So when he went to the Vatican to meet the Pope, I was there when he went to the White House, I was there. And it was amazing. But that question of what I desire is something that I wanted to be truly authentic to who I was, I wanted to be able to love another person. I wanted to be free and stand in my truth as a gay man to be free. And I knew that my gifts could be used in the world in a different way. And so I made that courageous decision to resign freely and to begin a new life in New York City.
Unknown Speaker 3:55
I love that stand up. That’s That’s fantastic. Took a lot of balls to do that, huh? Because they Catholic is pretty powerful and stuff like that you to come out and say you’re a gay man. And then really live in your truth was that like scary shit or what? You know, the
Unknown Speaker 4:10
thing is, I get asked that all the time. And I am one of the things I talk about, especially with entrepreneurs and being one is, you know, I made a conscious change. And it was a conscientious change. It wasn’t like overnight, I just, you know, I’m out of here. You know, I quit. I really took the time almost close to a year to work with someone professionally, I suppose a couple people really close to me to kind of peel back the layers of why I wanted to go. And obviously I was being groomed for a lot more leadership. And I knew that I had to look at that. So by the time I finally told the cardinal I was I wanted to leave and I started to tell family, I’d done all my inner work. So I was really in a great mindset to begin a new path and I was excited and
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Sir Oh, what’s your letter analysis paralysis that came with that, like you were thinking about it, but then backed off or like, was it just go all all forward? Like, how do you know I think
Unknown Speaker 5:12
what happened was when I started working for the Cardinals, it was an amazing life, right? Like we’re traveling all over it and my skill set was being used. But that’s when interiorly I started to recognize a couple things. One, I didn’t miss my life in the parish anymore, you know, doing baptisms and weddings and everything. So that was a sign that wow, like, I thought, as a priest, I’d always be doing that now more administrative, and I enjoyed that. Then at the same time, I started to see how isolating personally your life could be, the more you became a more senior leadership, and I didn’t want to be alone. And I wanted to stand on my truth. And I didn’t want to live in two worlds, you know, I wanted to be truly offline. That’s
Unknown Speaker 5:53
excellent, man. That’s actually a lot of people will walk that line and bounce that act, and you had a conviction to move forward. So let’s get into evolution, evolution, how do we get there?
Unknown Speaker 6:03
Yeah, so evolution, evolution is named twice for a reason. And the first evolution stands for the natural evolution as human beings, right? our own personal DNA, how a pandemic has impacted every single person on the planet. But the second evolution is the one that we can personally own, and choose how we want to evolve personally and professionally. And so I created evolution, because my life has been an evolution. And I love working with leaders, having been a leader and having supportive leaders. But I truly know the only way you can make the greatest impact is by doing some of that inner work to overcome some of the fears, especially if you’re an entrepreneur or founder to truly see where you want to move forward.
Unknown Speaker 6:51
Love it. So what then makes a great leader? In your opinion?
Unknown Speaker 6:56
Yeah, first of all, what makes a great leader is the first thing is own your story. You know, when leaders own their stories, they own who they are, that sets them apart, there’s no longer a mask, there’s no longer of Wow, he’s a great or she’s an amazing CEO, but I never got to know them, you know, those days of being disconnected it that’s not that doesn’t inspire, right, first of all, it’s owning your story. Second, it’s also making sure that you are cultivating an aspect inwardly, whether that’s meditation, whether that’s yoga, whether that’s taking, you know, time for self reflection, because leaders that do that, they are truly evolved leaders that are more in tune to themselves, the people they lead, and also for the clients that they serve.
Unknown Speaker 7:47
Love it. That’s amazing. So do you work with, like, one to ones a lot? Or what? What’s your story with you who you work with?
Unknown Speaker 7:57
Yeah, so there’s two areas. So I do right at this particular time, I do one on ones, one of my particular niches are new CEOs, or, you know, founders that have been around for a while they’re now you know, at a moment that they could really work with someone to go deeper. And I love that mentoring in that in that world with them. And, and what’s great about that is, you know, it doesn’t, I’m agnostic in terms of, you know, what area, whether it’s an asset management, pharmaceutical company, or not for profit, but for leaders that want to say, I really believe I have a mission, to make this company or organization the best and impact the people around me. And they have a new mindset that they want to bring a sense of presence, they want to bring a sense of mindfulness, they want to bring a sense of clarity to where they’re at. Those are the leaders I work with. And that brings me so much joy. And I’m in the midst right now developing programs, to work in workshops in groups, with leaders as well through some retreats. That’s, I love that. That’s awesome.
Unknown Speaker 9:07
So if you’re in the discovery period with these leaders, what is some of your secret sauce over evolution evolution, if you don’t mind sharing that maybe helps them find their blind spots?
Unknown Speaker 9:18
Yeah, absolutely. So one of the things I’ll share is, there was this one CEO, she hired me, and she was a CEO of a billion dollar publicly traded company, amazing human being, but you know, when you get to that level, you know, you’re pretty direct. And you’re pretty sharp. And I remember when she said, Brian, what’s the difference if I hire you, versus a company that I’m no longer and other people I said, here’s the difference if you work with me, number one, I am not going to be afraid to shine a light on some of the areas that you need to have a light shined on because as a CEO, sometimes everyone says yes to you. And you need someone that can really help navigate That number two, I’m a firm believer that who you are personally is deeply integrated into who you are professionally. Sure. And we have to make sure that’s aligned. One of the biggest things I do with every single person that makes a difference is the number one feedback I get is I begin every single session with my all my clients with a breathing technique, I actually teach them a breathing technique that does two things scientifically, it shows how it reduces anxiety, helps bring them focus helps them be more attentive it needs or techniques they can bring back into their life. And that has been so powerful, because the sessions go totally different.
Unknown Speaker 10:41
Believe it or not, I do the exact same thing. I do the full squad for a breathing method before every single one. And it’s funny when you get the alpha males or even alpha females coming in, I’m like, Listen, it’s gonna change your mind. It’s gonna change everything because I am 49. And I didn’t even start I just literally two months ago, my pranayama coach, hit my pelvic floor. And it took four years, you know what I’m saying? So breathing, just starting a session is actually a Brian. So when you’re starting to work with somebody, it can maybe still in the discovery period. Is there any good question you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 11:24
Yeah, you know, I think the number one question that I think is so critical, is that question of what do I desire? And what brings you joy? Sure. And I think that’s the second one, because
Unknown Speaker 11:37
they should ask you that or what? Yeah, your Well,
Unknown Speaker 11:40
I mean, they can certainly say, you know, say what has brought you joy. You know, if they asked me that what is brought you joy? Ah, gotcha, nice. He says, Joy is always an indicator of what brings you fulfillment and is attracting you to what you want to be and who you are. Joy is something that is not just, it doesn’t mean being Pollyanna, but it means being alive with using all of your skills with your values. And joy is what is one of the most important questions to ask what has brought you joy? Lord has brought you there.
Unknown Speaker 12:17
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So, Brian, have you saw the movie? Back to the Future? Oh, a long time ago. Okay. Let’s get in that glory with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old brain. What kind of knowledge nuggets we call him here. Time to shine today? What kind of knowledge nuggets? Would you be dropping on Brian? to maybe help them shortness learning curve blast through or level up? Just maybe just a little quicker? Yeah, sure.
Unknown Speaker 12:42
So the 22 year old, I would certainly say to Brian, listen, you have a deep sense of spirituality and sensitivity. But you can live that out without having to be a priest. You can incorporate that into your life now, as being a professional and being a business person. That would be one of the biggest things. Oh, it’s I think at that time, at the 22 year old, I just thought, Well, if you were spiritual, you were inclined to meditation. You just had to go in a religious life. And that’s not necessarily the case.
Unknown Speaker 13:15
I love that. I love that that’s transparent as hell, man, I really appreciate you sharing that because you walk that journey. I wouldn’t say loss, but you thought that that was the way that you could have incorporated in different ways without having to go to that. And I’m grateful I did. How many years? Were you in clergy?
Unknown Speaker 13:31
Yeah, so is five years in the seminary studying and then I was eight years as a priest four years in a parish and then four years working for the cardinal. Wow, okay.
Unknown Speaker 13:40
Yeah, that’s almost probably 25% of your life ish.
Unknown Speaker 13:43
Yeah, I left. I was ordained when I was 27. Okay. Eight years after that, you know, left and went to New York. And, you know, you know, started a whole new chapter.
Unknown Speaker 13:55
Excellent, man. Excellent. So, what do you think people misunderstand about you the most? Hmm.
Unknown Speaker 14:01
You know, I think one of the things you know, sometimes this is the one thing that kind of irritates me, you know, I’m pretty, I’m a really positive person. And you know, and I know I’ve high energy in a positive way. But if you have a day that I’m a little quieter. People often say is everything, okay? Is everything. And sometimes I just, at first, I used to get really nervous about that thinking, Oh my gosh, I always have to project this like, outward energy in different things. When I think sometimes people think if you are always outgoing and positive, if you’re quieter one day, it doesn’t mean something’s wrong. It just might mean that I’m a little more reflective that day, or maybe something is on my mind. Or maybe I’m just human and I’m a little tired.
Unknown Speaker 14:48
Because I am a fireball somedays bro I’ll sit at a Kava bar here in in Palm Beach. It’s a nice little route drink relaxes me in the Fergie everything, okay? And I’m like, nothing’s perfect. Just right now it’s like cuz you As I walk in, I’m hugging everybody. Kissing guys girls on the cheeks. I don’t care, man. me. I’m a Midwestern, you know? Yeah. So yeah, that’s, that’s great. You said that. So then what keeps you up at night? You know,
Unknown Speaker 15:11
I have to say this and this isn’t to be an arrogant, pretty much. I sleep sound Dude, that’s
Unknown Speaker 15:17
a superpower. My girl can fall asleep. I timed her like eight seconds one time. Yeah, she was out, right? Like, that’s a superpower to me.
Unknown Speaker 15:25
Yeah, I’m really grateful for that. I think the reason is, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have things that like, wow can weigh in my mind, sure whether it’s a decision or I’m anxious about something. But if it’s really gnawing at me, I won’t be able to sleep. So I need to process that I need to talk to someone, or I need to be there. So I actually will sleep sound, I may wake up earlier, but I won’t have a restless night, because I’m actually processing or speaking to someone. And in doing that, and that’s been something I started really ever since I was very young. And I really am grateful. I think that’s been one of the hallmarks of my success is leaving to be an entrepreneur, that there’s always going to be issues, there’s always going to be stuff. Yeah, but you cannot let it take away the peace within you sure. When you die, your inbox is not gonna be empty,
Unknown Speaker 16:18
there is actually no matter what no matter how old you are. Exactly, no. So do you think that your time in the clergy helps you with that a little bit? You still give? turn things over to God? Yeah, so
Unknown Speaker 16:29
you know, I really do. It’s funny, I did an interview, a podcast interview recently, and it was about using intuition in business, okay. And when I went to Manhattan, I landed in the world of philanthropy. And I was a director of the American Cancer Society, this my first job, it was 2008, the economy tanked. But I remembered, like, just remembering intuitively a couple people I met that led to raising millions, just like in a different way. So my training as a priest, I really do believe helped me tremendously, you know, in terms of understanding people in a very high level, so when I would go into a boardroom or a board meeting, and I would just have this sense of like, Okay, this is there are bigger issues going on here. And I do not know how to take things personally how to navigate it. And I think it really did it really, really paid off. And also how to listen.
Unknown Speaker 17:25
Yes. Wow. Yeah, that’s a big, it’s huge. Then how do you want Brian’s dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date? How do you want that dash? Remember, Brother, you know, I
Unknown Speaker 17:39
want that dash remembered for two things. One, that is a living example of someone that truly lives their truth in joy. And number two, that I helped others to embrace their truth and live their joy in the way that they wanted to live out their life.
Unknown Speaker 17:57
Wow. So I knew you’re seeing a lot like somebody that’s really planting seeds every day of trees that you’re never gonna sit in the shade, huh? Like you’re good with that. Like, that’s, that’s awesome, dude.
Unknown Speaker 18:09
My philosophy is this. I know that there have been billions of years that have come before me and it will be billion a million years after me. Sure. I work is to impact the people right in front of me. Yes, this moment, but also the generations that will follow after that. Love it. Love it. So it’s good. Brian. Let’s take out of the equation. Let’s take out our cell phone tablets, computers. let’s eliminate those. What are in also your partner? Okay. Your Man. Let’s take him out of the equation. What are three things Brian can’t live without my journal. No, no, that’s fine. Yeah. Me too. I love my journal. And I it was a friend of mine that gave me a few years ago, this beautiful Mont Blanc journals a gift. And now those are the only kind of journals I use I different colors. That journal brings me so much joy everyday writing it. So that’s number one. Number two, I would certainly say this is such a small thing. I would say sunglasses, because I love walking. I love being outside. And that enables me just to be you know, without seeing the world fully. That’s awesome. Yeah. Last thing. Yeah. The last thing is probably a picture of my dad that he passed away, literally a week after I left the priesthood and moved to New York. And I have this beautiful picture of my dad that I just treasure and I want to make sure that’s with me because it just always reminds me he’s watching over me.
Unknown Speaker 19:45
That’s awesome. I really appreciate you sharing that. So what is Brian’s definition of a life well lived.
Unknown Speaker 19:54
Brian’s definition of a white life well lived is very simple. Is love yourself, so you can love others fully and help them truly live their lives at the highest level.
Unknown Speaker 20:07
That’s awesome. Yeah, it’s funny like that some people would be like, Oh, that’s selfish, but really you look in a dictionary and selfish doesn’t even mean anything bad. It’s really just you really take care of you. So you can provide that service and help other peoples live out their truth and that’s awesome. right thank you for being transparent that hey, time to shine today podcast varsity squad. We are back and I’m here with my really good friend Brian buchon. From evolution evolution, and Brian, we have our leveling up lightning round you and i, you and i could seriously talk an hour on each one of these. Okay, but you got five seconds with no animations. You ready? I’m ready. That’s right, my brother. What is the best leveling up advice Brian’s ever received? The best one leveling up advice.
Unknown Speaker 20:54
Leveling up advice is this just own it?
Unknown Speaker 20:58
own it, love it. share one of your personal habits that can contribute to your success.
Unknown Speaker 21:04
Yeah, every day I have a meditation meditation practice every single morning which is breathing and you know, meditating journaling. Absolutely. Biggest habit.
Unknown Speaker 21:15
Other than evolution, evolution calm and of course time to shine my shameless plug what other website does Brian go to to level up? You know,
Unknown Speaker 21:23
it’s a one that I’ve there’s someone I follow is called just ask a share, share Jones on LinkedIn. Love it. Love amazing.
Unknown Speaker 21:31
Yes, yes. You see me I’m walking around my nonverbal cues are off for he doesn’t look right. He’s in his doldrums. What book are you handing me? You know what book I would give you would be it would be the monk Who Sold His Ferrari? Yes. Robin Sharma baby. He’s coming on the show. I can’t wait. That’s amazing. Yeah. What’s your most commonly used emoji? Um, the most overused emoji? What’s your most commonly used emoji?
Unknown Speaker 22:00
I would certainly say a smiley face. All right, my man. Chess or checkers? checkers are Me too. Brother King me. I’ll take it. So you
Unknown Speaker 22:12
know, Don’t lie to me on this one brother. Okay. If you can be one, stay one age physically, for the rest of your life. Keep all the knowledge you’ve gained, and continue to garner knowledge and wisdom. What age physically? Would you stay for the rest of your life? What age? I would say? Yes, I would say probably 40. But when you ask your age, I’m 49. Oh, yeah, we’re the same age. Wow. Okay. interesting answers. You don’t look that Okay. Very cool. Okay, Scott, you just I can’t hear you now. Oh, can you hear me? There you are. Now you’re back. Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay, favorite charity and organization like to give your time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 22:50
Absolutely. I’m the chair of the board of access employment. It’s the only organization I would ever consider doing that. So let’s expand on it. What is access employment? access employment is an organization that helps newcomers and immigrants here in Toronto, find employment and we work with all the major companies and organizations in Canada. Beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 23:09
Last question, you can expand on this one as well. But what’s the best decade of music? 6070s 80s or 90s? I would say the 88. Same age, like 90 9089 or 90. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So it’s like, Me too. Me too. Big hair don’t care yet. rap. You had the Irish invasion with you, too. You had the crew motley crew you had the camera. We had everything in the right. Yeah, I used to love the music. I loved it. I love it. I love it. So Brian, how can we find your brother? Absolutely. There’s
Unknown Speaker 23:42
two ways you go to my website evolution evolution, which is going through an evolution right now and all being updated and changed but you can email me there at Brian at evolution, evolution calm. Also, I’m super active on LinkedIn. Send me a message say that you heard me on the podcast here and you are welcome to connect and I will connect back.
Unknown Speaker 24:01
I love that. I love that Brian, in all the in squad all of that will be in the show notes as well down below. Brian, leave us with one last knowledge Nick Lima. Hold on a second. Do you have any courses that you’re offering right now? At the moment? There’s no courses that I’m offering but there will be coming up? Make sure that we’re notified because we’ll drop this a little bit down the road and if you haven’t done let us know and we’ll put that in the show notes as well Brian thank you in that favor. They need to ask if you leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 24:33
Yeah, so you know this what I will leave you with is this. Sometimes you have to let memories be memories and live in the present. So you can create the future that you want. So often we we look back and we think I want to recapture this moment or I had this I don’t want to do that. Let’s go present visualize where you’re going.
Unknown Speaker 24:53
I love it in squad we just got another free masterclass from an awesome guys. my really good friend Brian was Sean V squared. I call him here from evolution evolution and he’s gonna go evolution evolution, b squared, five ushant. I love it. He grew up with a desire for service. You know, he wants you to be authentic to what you desire and stand up for your truths and within your truths, you know, have a conscientious change. You know, it’s evolution, evolution, evolution is a natural personal DNA. That’s the first evolution that we have the wrong still within, there’s evolution, which is what you personally own and choose to involve yourself in. You know, he will say that leaders own their stories, that’s what sets them apart in they cultivate inwardly, you know, and if you have a mission, you know, you want to impact people through mindfulness. And you want to level up and do it maybe a little bit quicker and shorten the learning curve. Let us introduce you to my good friend, Brian, we can make that warm introduction. I’m sure he’ll carve a little bit of time for you. You know, he says that joy is an indicator that brings that brings in fulfillment. So be alive. Use your skills to help people, you know, be a living example, live in your truth. And also help others live in theirs, when they have their with the chance and then also let memories be memories. Still create your future. Like we say, don’t live leave, you’re sitting in your car, you have the big windshield in front of you. But you’re always living that rearview mirror, leave that there. You know, maybe pull forward some really good memories, but create your future going forward. That’s what Brian does. That’s what he will help you do. And he levels up as healthy levels up as well. He’s humble yet hungry. We’re blessed to have you on. Thank you so much for carving the time, Brian. We can’t wait to collaborate with you in the future brother. Absolutely. What a gift. Thank you so much about my friend. Talk soon. Bye. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you have been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine.
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