282-Magnetize Your Audience and Make an Impact – TTST Interview with SIX Figure Speaking Success Strategist AmondaRose Igoe

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AmondaRose Igoe, “6-Figure Speaking Success Strategist,” is an award-winning speaker expert and best-selling author. She has been featured on CBS, NBC, FOX and in Chicken Soup for the Soul.  AmondaRose is the author of “Pain-Free Public Speaking” and “Share Your Story” and is a master trainer, speaker and coach. 

When your passion is the driver, your fear cannot exist at the same time

– AmondaRose Igoe 

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Balance the masculine and feminine when giving your speech

2. A great leader addresses issues with grace and ease to get stuff done!

3. Not everyone is going to love you. Let it go!

4. AmondaRose will be remembered as someone who believed in others more than they do themselves   

5. A great speaker will connect with their audience, compelling them to take action and show their expertise without overwhelming them

6. Also a great speaker puts the audience at ease and talks with them not ‘at’ them.

Level Up! 


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson, we’re episode 282. And I am so blessed to be able to live in the same vicinity as my guest here Amanda rose, I go speaker extraordinaire, somebody that will help you get on stage and make your passion your driver to help you connect with the audience compel your audience, educate your audience without without overwhelming them. And I’m just going to stop there because I have pages and pages of notes so if you’re really looking to level up and get on stage and share your story, please let us make a warm introduction to my really good friend of Mondo rose i go so without further ado, here is a map monda rose Igo a six figure speaking success strategist. Let’s level up to Charlotte a podcast firstly Soissons and Scott Ferguson and I have told my story about freezing on stage. Being a speaker and people that actually see me now they’re like there’s no way for you. You’re all over the place you’re fine but I’ll tell you what man like they it’s true that they say that people fear the public speaking more than they fear death. A lot of times getting up the publica union humiliated, my good friend Amanda rose here and actually she’s kind of a home girl here in South Florida. Not too far away, which is fantastic. But she also has a pretty cool story on her about page of her freezing and her taking that lesson not stopping leveling up and keep moving. Okay, so Amanda rose i Go is a six figure speaking success strategist is an award winning speaker, expert and best selling author. She has been featured as CBS, NBC Fox and in Chicken Soup for the Soul. Amanda Rose is the author of pain free public speaking and share your story. And I believe she also co authored a book that I read about seven years ago about getting the I’m going to actually tell you guys what it is because I’m like I know this name before media magic, I believe. Without further ado, I’m going to invite Amanda rose on it. Amanda, thank you for coming on. Please introduce yourself that time to shine today. podcast as you swipe up first. What’s your favorite color? And why?

Well, they’re kind of behind me. For the main one is teal and turquoise. I’ve been known to be airports with my teal suitcase.

Lilly Pulitzer.

Were no no. Yeah, I just love I love that. And then the magenta is and the Pink’s are my secondary color.

I love it. I love it, you rock the pink, I do rock pink too, as well, I get that skin color that I can actually pull it off. So seriously, thank you so much for coming. I respect you immensely with your speaking accolades and how you can actually level up people to speak and get their story across. And so I want to kind of get to the roots a little bit maybe about that story of you freezing and how you used what you learned from that to level up and to be the fantastic human being author, speaker teacher that you are now.

You know, I think things happened in our life for a reason. And those things often happen to us so that we can then help others when we’ve overcome that thing. So for me, my challenges with speaking started early on. When I was a little kid, I tried out for a play one time. And the second time I tried out for talent show. And both times the entire class laughed at me not laughing at me because it was funny. They literally laughed at me. And this paralleled and created a pattern with me where I would have autonomic nervous laughter. As an adult, I’d good networking means my hands would shake so bad had to sit on him. So the group changed for me was not because I thought, Oh, I could change this stuff. I thought this is how I was because they had a different plan for me. I took a job with a nonprofit organization and as a fundraiser, okay, they didn’t. They told me they didn’t tell me what to do the job that I literally have to stand in front of hundreds of people and speak. I had no speaking experience whatsoever. And I have to say my mama didn’t raise a quitter. So I could have quit that job and said, Sorry, you didn’t tell me I’m gonna go find another job. Or I could say, Okay, I’m gonna figure this stuff out. Right? And then I started to get when I learned what to do and what not to do. And I was amazing at creating the content for those presentations. That board members would come to me and say you need to teach everyone to do what you’re doing. I’m like, wait a minute, how did I go from this communication disaster to somebody who is really good at it? Yeah, and then that awakening stuff started within my mind, well, maybe this is what I’m here to do. And I walked away from that job 70 over 17 years ago, and I’ve not looked back,

I love it. And I took some honies that’s it’s to be able to do that. How did that first speech go when you’re up in front of all those people on your nonprofit?

Well, I was smart enough to know, I don’t know what I don’t know. So I invested in myself personally, to learn some of the things that I didn’t know what really well, I did, because this was many years ago, right? So this was over 20 years ago, when Who Wants to Be a Millionaire was on TV. So I was talking about charitable gifts in annuities, one of the most boring topics in the world. Sorry, planners and stuff like that, but it’s boring. And I made a game out of it called Who Wants to Be a chocolate? Err. So here I am. 100 people plus in the audience vying to answer your questions to win this chocolate. And that way, they were learning information, but it was also fun and engaging. Wow.

Did you come up with that? Amanda rose? First presentation? I

did. Yep. You bet.

That’s amazing. That takes just for thought thinking and actually infusing fun into something. So on a personal level, are you kind of a fun person, some of this vibrant goes out? And I’m not saying get on the bar and dance. But I’m just did you get away from sitting on your hands as you get better at public speaking?

I did, because I didn’t really have a choice. Okay. Okay. So for me, my passion of serving people was much bigger than my fear. So when people think of fear, right, and it’s not the only reason people come to me, but it’s one of the reasons is because when you when your passion is the driver, fear cannot exist. At the same time, my passion to make a difference in the lives of other people was way greater than my fear,

that is amazing. And my lack of skills at the time, that is amazing. That’s putting that’s being such a servant leader. It’s what we go by here, the Go Giver, kind of standpoint of a lot of things, and just basically putting other people’s thoughts and ideas kind of ahead of your own fear and kind of makes you not scared like myself, when I speak, I kind of go into an alter ego, in a sense. I mean, when I walk into places of mind, it’s Mederos, I, you know, I kind of reserved, you know, I have to be some kind of a bigger guy, and I don’t want to come off as kind of like a bully guy, you know, I’m saying, I’m still a Midwestern guy loves to hug you, and have a good time. But I’m also reserved, so but when I get on stage, I kind of go into this different person, but stay true to my story. Is that any that? Do you kind of? It gets out of my own way. It’s that’s what I’m saying. Is that any part of your training that you do?

Absolutely, because we we need to bring our authentic self and there’s many parts of us.

Yes, right. It’s buried. So

buried. But I think speaking was one of the things that makes you bring your full self at some point, right, because it keeps calling you forward. So it keeps it keeps pushing you out of your comfort zone. And the more authentic you are to yourself and who you really are, the more the audience is going to resonate with you, because they’re going to feel you’re being true to who you are.

I love that. I love love that. Yeah, because authentic and I’m actually reading a book right now called Hacking hack, how to hack a human by my good friend, Seth Erickson, and he tells the exact same thing. But he’s a story, right? He owns he has a company called Storify. Fantastic company. But it’s about being authentic, true to yourself, be able to but still be able to portray things in a story that are going to keep people captivated in touch that emotional button, correct? Yes, yeah, that’s what I see with the YouTube videos. I’ve watched a few. It’s like you emotionally attacked me, in a sense, and that talking aggressive, I’m talking like, wow, I can relate to that. So tell me a little bit on how maybe you coach, actually, let’s go back. When you start bringing in somebody to coach them, or a group of people to coach them, what do you find is their biggest blind spot when they start their coaching endeavors? I’m sorry, just speaking in dollars,

not knowing what to say?

Because somebody can often feel like, oh, a great speaker, right? I’m really confident, comfortable and confident on stage. And I think I know what I’m doing. But when it comes to the material, they don’t know how to put a talk together. By throwing up a bunch of PowerPoint slides and calling it a day, right? There’s no audience engagement. There’s nothing that’s emotionally connect with the audience. So they really struggle with that. Because I think every presentation needs to emotionally connect with the audience. compel them to take the action steps that you want. And also highlight your expertise. Yes, it’s got to do all those three things. I like to say a great presentation to balance the masculine and the feminine. Right we have heart, right, which is the feminine, but they have strength and power, which is the masculine all great speakers know how to bring those two things. together, and having a great talk that does those things is key.

Wow. Wow. Let’s let’s back it up a little bit. You said connect with the audience there’s in there was two other things that you put after that.

Yeah. So connect, connect with them. Right? So do you have in your audience do things is important, right helping them involved in presentation is key. Right. So then you also need to compel them to take action, because there’s many speakers will go out and they’ll get share these great tips. But there’s no there’s no push forward, non aggressive push, push forward to get them to take the action steps that you want, you got to get them to be motivated to do it. Right. And the last part is to highlight your expertise. Highlight your expertise without overwhelming the audience by data dumping on them. Wow, yeah, right with too much information that makes your head spin.

Wow, I love that. That’s so when you’re bringing people in to whether it’s an audience that you’re speaking to, with leveling up the ladies or or anybody, maybe even a one on one coaching session for was speaking, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?

Great question. They would ask me if they never do. That’s a great question. I would say, How would you know whether something makes sense to share or not?

Love it? Yeah, yeah. I’m sorry. I’m taking notes. I got paid to squat. So I hope you’re taking them as well. Yes. Yeah. Because sometimes people and I did this before where I’ve got it up in front of a group of individuals. And I just in there froze, because I knew what I was saying wasn’t really resonating. In the sense, I saved it. But it it knowing what you just said with a Kinect can get them involved, compel them to take action. And with your expertise, you put those three together, you kind of have a story that you can roll out, correct. Yeah, yeah. It’s much

stronger that way. honest with you, and I’ll be honest with everyone that’s listening is way too many people think I’m a decent speaker. So it’s okay. It’s never okay. You always want to put your best because your audience deserves your best. Yeah. So okay, good enough. comfortable speaking is just not ever enough. In my opinion. I’m always fine tuning the my own craft. Even though I’ve been doing this for so many years. I’m always trying to push my limit. And everyone should always do that, because your audience deserves the best part of you.

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. So when you’re bringing the squad together that you’re going to teach? What do you start to make them make them more comfortable with your presentation style.

I would say people are really comfortable with my presentation style, because it’s very conversational. I’m very real, very authentic to who I am. The way that I deliver information. It’s also how I teach my clients to deliver their information is very conversational, and not talking about them. You’re talking with them. So I think most people vary just based on who I am and how I delivered they feel comfortable with me because they just feel like I’m just having a conversation with them, even though I know exactly what I’m going to say right? And where I’m moving each part of that presentation. But it’s very just like, just like you and I haven’t a chat today saying,

exactly. That’s what I tried to tell people like what do you think and I’m like, I’m just having a chat with people that are out there and I have the knowledge to be able to pay it forward to them because I’m regurgitating everything from people in my past that leveled me up and I’m actually writing a book right now called regurgitate because like you say, Tony Robbins regurgitated Jim Rohn back to Earl Nightingale back to wall. So all the way back to the Stokes, what we’re really doing is regurgitating things in a story that can really resonate and compel people to take action. I love that about what you just said. So what do you think your strengths are with speaking? And how much do you appreciate that? Oh, my God,

I love my strengths. I will say my trends show up in my own presentation. And in my, in when I coach my clients, I think we’re all given gifts and talents. I would say my number one gift, which is a combination, the two of them is my wordsmithing abilities. So I can imagine then I the client comes to me or even when I’m doing it myself, what does that audience need and from the moment they open their mouth to all the way to the closing to deliver it in the way that the audience is going to receive that information. Now even though I have a college education, I was not booksmart right I was BC sometimes a D student when I I didn’t read on A lot of books would somehow I gotta tell you, somehow I have an incredible wordsmith. But I will also use my intuitive guidance to help me create things that are in a way that the client or the audience wants to hear things. So for example, I’m working with somebody who’s an image consultant. So before we even worked on her talk, I was like, oh, what’s your opening? It just comes to me. Right? Exactly what she needs to do. And of course, she loved it. Right.

Right. Yeah. What do you think that comes from? Your spirit? Yeah. How about weaknesses,

my weaknesses. I did not see myself as a leader. Now. I saw myself as a leader when it came to running events, and running my programs. But I did not see myself a leader in my own business. So when I started hiring team members, I would be challenged with having conversations that were I had to address an issue. Gotcha. What do leaders know how to do they know how to address issues with grace and with ease, right, and get stuff done the way they need to get done. And so that was really a glaring red light for me and saying, Man, this is important for me to step this part up.

Yes. Love it. That’s amazing. So Amanda rose, have you seen the movie Back to the Future A

long time ago?

Okay, let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the double Deuce the 22 year old Amanda rose. What? Knowledge nuggets. That’s what we call here time to shine do what knowledge nuggets you drop on her to maybe help her shorten their learning curve level up and blast through in life, maybe just a little bit quicker.

Yeah. And then one comes to my mind is not everyone’s going to love you and let it go. I really struggled with that. And that was also blocking me from being my authentic self. I was always trying to get every person in my audience ever to love me. And it’s impossible. They may not like me, because Amanda Rose is an unusual name. They might not like me, because I can’t say my last name I go. They may not like me, because I reminded my sister in law, they may not like me for any reason. Under the sun. It created right. So I can’t control that.

Right. Right. And I love that you said that because it’s something that I struggled with before and be like, Oh my gosh, criticism. Oh my gosh, what’s gonna happen but then I made a New Year’s resolution since 2009. And I’ve made the same one every year and it’s worked in spades for me is that I make someone smile every single day. And that unless I’ve hurt you or disrespect to you I give zero you know, what about what you think about me? I don’t care. It’s I am going to be who I am if I haven’t hurt you or disrespected you. And again, just let it go. I love what you said. So, Amanda rose. How do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date, your expiration date, your life date and your death date? How do you want that dash? Remember? It’s hopefully it’s a long ways away. But how do you want it remember

that it makes me emotional. She believed in others, even more than she believed in herself.

Yes. I’m glad

to clients on that on that perpetual cheerleader.

There too, right there with you with mine. It’s just like I love I love my clients. And I always say love your guts. I’m sure you I’ve said that to you. That’s my jam. It’s like I really do love people and it’s genuinely in love. I love that love let you see it. So Amanda rose, what keeps you up at night?

What keeps me up at night, and totally a front and honest and I’m amazing sleeper is when I when I launched something, will people want it? Yeah. I’m a truck. I’m the somebody who puts who trust my guidance. Right? I get a great idea. I run with it. And then I’m like, wait a minute, there’s not enough people getting it yet. What’s wrong with it? Right? I’m always spiritual let that go. Because I want to help so many people,

right. I love that transparency, too. Because I’m the same way where I if I hit with a maybe a client that I’m coaching it’s like me Did I did I do it? Right? You know, did I hit them emotionally where they needed to ask the right questions. Thank you for being transparent. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about a Monroe’s?

What I think people misunderstand the most about me. Well, that’s really that’s really interesting. I’m going to check in with my intuition because it’s eluding me at the moment. Oh, so sometimes what so But I don’t have hard times.

Thank you I love it. I love you think because when you’re up there and everything’s rah rah like I had I did speeches after friends died, you know and like you were human, you know people who get up in front of people and they think that oh this is yeah okay so let’s take out us equation family. Let’s take out like the basics of water food oxygen and let’s take out anything electronic meaning no phones, anything What are three things Amanda rose can’t live without

my husband. Okay. My two dogs, two adopted dogs okay. And living on the beach it’s my sanctuary. It’s my I put my toes in the water and any stress or anything else just lose my body.

I love it. Me too. I have to be in the ocean three times a week minimum. And just even if it’s a go dunk in in leaf that’s just because I know what the saltwater is healing me inside out of bad allergies. I go in there. It takes them away at least for three or four days. It’s just crazy. So what is Amanda roses definition of a life well lived,

life well lived. showing other people that you can have it all. You can have great relationships, you can have a successful career. You can have financial success, you can have awesome health. Yeah, have all of your heart’s desires. You just have to be open to receiving it.

Love it. Love it. That time to shine today. Podcast versus spa. We are back with my good friend Amanda rose. I go just speaker extraordinaire, awesome teacher awesome coaches. Fantastic, vibrant, beautiful person. And Amanda rose. We have a leveling up lightning round. And you and I could talk in each one of these for 1520. Maybe even an hour but you got five seconds with no explanations. You Ready? Ready? That’s level up. What is the best leveling up advice Amanda roses ever received? Hire an awesome coach. Yes, sure. One of your personal habits contributes to your success.

Going into the beach, as we mentioned before, and just letting it stress out. Yep.

Love it. Other than Amanda rose.com and also my shameless plug for time to shine today.com What website does Amanda rose like to go to the level up?

What website do I like to go to to level up? I just love Audible audiobooks.

Yeah, there you go. Love it. Love it. Love it. You see me walking down the street for us a little bit in his doldrums. You want to hand me a book? To level me up? What

is it? Hiring the heavens by Jean Slater?

I’ve never read it. I’ve heard of it. Put that in the show notes. Awesome. Thank you. What’s your most commonly used emoji when you text?

The heart with the smiley face with hearts all around it?

Love it. Love it. Nicknames growing up.

Pajama Bird by my uncle Dominic. That’s

chess or checkers.

Chess. Okay, no, no checkers.

I’m a checkers guy to favorite charity in organization like to give your time or money to

Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, the largest animal rescue in the nation.

Love it. Love it. Love it. So there’s a sandwich called a Mondo domanda. Rose what’s on that sandwich?

On that sandwich? I am a vegan. So it’s vegan cheese, vegan burger and vegan mayonnaise.

Love it. Love it. Love it. Last question. You can elaborate a little bit on this on the what’s the best decade of music 60s 70s 80s or 90s 60s Motown? Love it Motown. I’m from Detroit. Thank you for saying that. That’s awesome. So Amanda rose. How can we find you?

They can go to Amanda rose.com. I’m going to spell it out. A M O. n da ROIC. It’s like Amanda with an O in the middle. Amanda rose.com.

Love it. And then let’s talk about a little about what you may be able to offer our squad today.

Yeah, so this is super exciting. I have because many people would like to know when it comes to speaking what are their strengths? And what are their weaknesses? So I have a speaker personality quiz. And they can go to Speaker personality quiz.com to get that actual quiz. And it looks at what your strengths are, what do you really great at and what do you want to do so that you connect with the entire audience because not everybody has the same personality as you so you got to be able to connect with what they

need the most from you.

Love it, love it and they can find that where again, can

you please repeat that? Speaker personality quiz.com

Wow, you got that URL? That’s pretty darn good. That’s amazing. So and also spot all of that will be in the show notes along with her two books. I want to do a giveaway for the pain free public speaking to the first person that puts connect and compel can and compel in any of our social media links, puts it in the comments and I will personally buy the book and Amanda rose hopefully will autograph it and John Hancock it and we’ll get it out to you so just put that connecting compelled into the comments, no matter I was pleased to be one last salad and leave our squad with one last Knowledge Nugget they can take with them internalize and take action,

that perfect

in my life, I’ve been able to accomplish what I’ve been able to accomplish because I’ve been willing to take the next step, whatever whether it’s to apply the principles we talked about or something else you have to take the next steps. And when you do when you take that next step God Spirit universe whatever will call you call it will take two or three but you have to take the next step. I

love that. I love that and squad. I love that you said take the next step because that’s what I want you to do is go over to that link that we shared and take the next step if it resonates with you wanting to level up your speaking and I love that she says take the next step because like we say inch by inch, it’s a cinch by the yard attire, you just have to take that next step you know Amanda Rose is someone that is happier when she’s helping others she has a passion for serving bigger than her fear. You know you don’t know what to say when you’re speaking let’s get with Amanda Rose and her company and she’ll teach you how to connect get involved compelled to take action with her expertise you know she wants you to remember if you’re getting there speaking you want to balance the masculine with the feminine So speak to the entire crowd. You know, you know she says leaders address issues with grace and ease to get stuff done doesn’t mean it’s easy. But you the address them and they take action and they get moving forward. And she’s gonna be remembered as somebody that believed in others more than herself and I think that’s just a huge Go Giver thing to say and she does the proofs in the pudding. And you know, not everybody is going to love you. They’re not going to get you just let it go do and follow your passion. You know, and she wants to just remember that you can have it all in no matter what your passion is find somebody if it’s speaking and want to get on stage and level up your speaking ability. Please let us make a warm introduction to Amanda rose. I go and Amanda Thank you. Rose, thank you so much for coming on you level up your help you level up your wealth. You’re humble yet you’re hungry. You’re in your back yard your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. Thank you so much for coming. I love your guts so much. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on top to shine today, please visit time to shine to date.com Flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like where you’ve been listening to it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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