Welcome to Episode 24. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to get answers to all your questions from people of influence? Even if they have passed on? In this episode we give you tips on how to do just that. Enjoy!
No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.
– Napoleon Hill.
Think and grow rich
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
- Envisioning your mastermind is a ton of fun
- You are chairman of the board at your own round table
- The people in your mastermind do not have to be alive
- Use the internet to do research on the people at your mastermind to see how they would
Level Up!
Recommended Resources
Robin Sharma: Who Will Cry When You Die?: Life Lessons From The Monk who Sold His Ferrari
Ryan Holiday: The Daily Stoic
Og Mandino: The Greatest Salesman in the World
Victor Frankl: Man’s Search for Meaning
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Speech Transcript
Hey, welcome back to time to shine today, Episode 24. Who is that your mastermind table? This is Scott Ferguson. Let’s level up.
Hey everybody, my varsity squad 40 fanatics Welcome back to another episode of time
to shine today a little Knowledge Nugget today regarding having your mastermind table and I have one that I started in 2000 the year 2000. My mentors kind of told me to read a book actually is a little bit before 2008 He told me to read the book thinking Grow Rich, but in there, the great Napoleon Hill said you must have a mastermind. One of the best quotes that I’ve ever seen in I guess if you want to call it a self help book or a self improvement book comes from Napoleon Hill and it goes Such, no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind. Again, that’s by Napoleon Hill. So what it’s saying is that a lot of times two minds are better than one, somebody that you can bounce ideas off bounce what your vision to level up is. And because a lot of times you’ll sit there and think you’re leveling up, but you’re really not pushing for lack of a better term, the envelope far enough and hard enough. And sometimes it’s because you just don’t know what to do. Sometimes you’ll get into a paralysis of not knowing and then you just don’t do it and you don’t take action. And what happens then is you delay delay delay and I always say for every day you delay the it takes you three days to get it back. So I know that From starting this podcast, I delayed delayed delayed, I could have been to 300 episodes by now. But I stopped and I delayed and I really did not push my envelope to the point. But I learned that when I reached out to certain people, they kept pushing me. And finally I did it. And I’m so glad I did it because of the how you guys are sending me messages and telling me how much you appreciate it, which means the world to me. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for that. So this kind of comes back to our roundtable and I have a guess it would be a you know, an imaginary round table, which is fine. I grew up in a family of blue collar people and I love them more than anything in the world. But prosperity consciousness was really not at the top of the list and priorities and I’m not talking prosperity with money. I’m talking prosperity, with health, with relationships with friendships, with the My relationship with God, everything. So I found out that I can actually have a round table of my own in the people don’t even have to be there. Okay? When you’re in a pickle or you’re in a situation where you don’t know how to get your way out of it, or again, like you’re wanting to, like I said, I wanted to press forward and even just start this podcast or invest in real estate, I needed help. Okay, so luckily, there are people that actually still still breathe air on this earth that helped me. And I’m forever grateful to them. But also, there’s times when I really want to level up, and I don’t have access to the people, whether dead or alive to pick their brain.
But what I envision pretty much every day now, I’ll have a roundtable session, even if it’s three to five minutes with people that I really respect. And I envision myself as the chairman of the board sitting at the head of the table in each one One of these people are sitting around the table. And if you’ve ever been to a networking event, everybody has to get up and give their, you know, 32nd elevator pitch. And I envision each one of these people giving up and give me their pitch, and tell me about themselves and talking about their company. And if I’m thinking through a problem in each one of those people gives the 30 seconds, I can go to that person, whether they’re dead or alive. I can reach out on this thing called the internet reads something that I think that person can help me to achieve. And then I implement it I take action, period. Okay. So a lot of people ask Fergie who is at your table? And I tell him all right, this is my table. Again. It’s a nice board room. With me sitting at the front, chairman of the board. Just Just like you will want to envision yourself. And at this table, I have Jesus. To me the greatest servant that ever walked the earth. Understand beliefs might not align with mine, but that’s fine. If there’s somebody that you like, they’re like Moses or Jacob or Gandhi, whoever, Gandhi’s actually at my table. Okay. Um, and that has so much perseverance. And it could just break you down with kindness and empathy. There’s nobody that I respect like that. Yeah, so I have Jesus. I do have Gandhi. I’ve Seneca, the great stoic. He’s really laid back with his writings pick up the daily store by Ryan Holiday and you can read a ton by Seneca and then Ryan kind of breaks in and tells you what his thoughts are breaking down Seneca which is a great book, Abraham Lincoln, the slave freer. I love little Martin Luther King at my table, someone to see epitome of Persistence that didn’t recognize failure. Got Bruce Lee be like water. You know formless. What I learned from Bruce Lee is you don’t ever take anything personally and just to adapt to your situation. I have augmon Dino that wrote the greatest salesman in the world, read his book, pick it up. It’s in the show notes. Love it. Benjamin Franklin when the founding fathers of my great country, the United States of America, Colin Powell, one of the best of wartime strategists. I have Viktor Frankl talk about purse perseverance through Holocaust read his book, The Man’s Search for Meaning. Again in the show notes. I got Tony Robbins, I guess I love it. I’ve walked on coals I’ve met him. Great guy. Always spilling great information and tons of knowledge nuggets. Sam Walton, the starter of Walmart, read his book. I think it’s called the American way. Fantastic Bill Gates, obviously Steve Jobs obviously. Ilan musk man he’s out there doing things with Tesla and he’s kind of like our Tony Stark you know, a little pun towards the Avengers there and he’s his vision for everything is huge and read anything that Elon Musk puts out Jimmy I have been
watched the documentary, The Defiant Ones guy was that guy was connected to so many people not just Dr. Dre, but you’re talking Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty Stevie next lady God guy in the guy founded a lot of talent. And he really taught me that you put blinders on you, that’s where I kind of get the duality of not giving a crap what people think as long as I’m not hurting them and I’m serving them along with serving as many people as I can, that that duality, okay, so lastly, Napoleon Hill who wrote the book thinking grow rich. And just like a networking event or a meeting where people don’t show up, I might throw a little prince Robert, Richard Branson in there. I have other people that I totally, totally respect from Randy Gage, Bob Burg, sometimes they’re put in there. But I just take my problem to that table. And I see how they would handle the problem. implement that into finding a solution for my problem. Because I love problems. I live for problems. I want problems to happen daily in my life, because then it gives me a chance to stay on my toes and to work through it. Because one thing you learn is that everything’s finite, whether you’re going through great times, or bad times, it all comes to an end. And it’s what you do during that time while you’re working through things or enjoying things is what’s going to build your character. Okay. So again, I urge you to study those people and then also go to the Time to shine today Facebook group group, it’s time to shade that time to shine today.com slash Facebook and tell us your people that you have year round table because I might want them at mine. And again, they’re not actually going to be able to be at the table. But because of our ability with technology to look into and look up, study these people, you can implement their protocol into how you can level up your life. Alright, so I went a little bit longer than I usually do. I’m one of my Knowledge Nugget podcasts, but this is a very important one to me. So make sure you get your mastermind group put together. All right, again, go to our Facebook group time to shine today. And tell us who’s on your mastermind. Alrighty guys and gals. Thank you so much for listening. Let’s get out there. let’s fire up. Let’s level up your health. Let’s level up your wealth because it’s your time Shine. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on our podcast, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio, or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope you will help support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends how to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host Scott Ferguson. Until next time, level up it’s your time to shine
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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