360-Rock Your Talks and Move Your Audience! – TTST Interview with Film/Television Actor and Author Tyler Foley

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Sean Tyler Foley is an accomplished film and stage performer and has been acting in film and television since he was 6 years old. He has appeared in productions including Freddy Vs Jason, Door to Door, Carrie, and the musical Ragtime. Tyler is passionate about helping others confidently take the stage and impact an audience with their stories. He is currently the Managing Director of Total Buy In and author of the #1 best-selling book The Power to Speak Naked.

 Talent has nothing to do why you would get the part (job), it gets you opportunity to be seen

– Tyler Foley

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Life happens for you not too you

2. We ALL have a story, do not fret to tell your unique story – the impact could be HUGE, you never know until you tell it. 

3. When you embrace your story makes you authentic

4. Be the person people root for! (The Golden Rule) – celebrate others successes 

5. Someone’s attention and time is a sacred gift, leave those people better than you found them!

6. Sean’s legacy will be lived through his beautiful daughter MacKenzie

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

Visit Sean Tyler Foley’s Site

Visit Tyler’s IMDB Page (Acting Credits etc)

Tyler’s Book: The Power to Speak Naked

Tyler’s Linked IN

Tyler’s YouTube

Tyler’s Instagram

Tyler’s Facebook

Tyler’s Twitter

Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout 

Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence 

Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

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Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

[Scott Ferguson] 10:05:56

Time to shine today.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:02

Podcast Varsity, squad. This is Scott Ferguson.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:05

I got my new friend that I am able to call Tyler Foley right now, but it’s actually Sean Tyler, Foley, and he’s got some pretty simple like action credits.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:17

The the guy is a is a total, you know, Boss Baller, and he’s acted in some pretty solid films.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:26

But he’s on somebody that wants to help you level up.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:31

And basically take it to the next level. With regard to your life, not being afraid to speak out, speak your mind in a way that really doesn’t piss too many people off.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:40

What if it does? And sometimes that’s their problem. He’s north of the border dude, spin on stages with, you know, 20 Robbins.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:47

It’s I’m just immensely respecting this guy, Mr.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:51

Foley, and I’m so blessed to have them on.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:53

And and Tyler, please come on, introduce yourself. The time to shine.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:55

Any, podcast, firstly, squad, but first, what’s your favorite color?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:06:59

And why.

[Tyler Foley] 10:06:59

Oh, easily blue, and it’s the color of the ocean, which I am a seeker of often, so that would be

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:04

Did. You gotta come down here? I’m looking at the Atlantic right now, brother, on the one side, and they need to get you down here

[Tyler Foley] 10:07:08

I know, I know, I I am Dallas, and you know I haven’t been to West Palm Beach since I think 28 team.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:17


[Tyler Foley] 10:07:17

I wasn’t on stage with, but attended date with destiny.

[Tyler Foley] 10:07:21

And that’s I. It was either 20, if 2018, or 2019, I think it was 28

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:24

Who we were there to save time right downtown.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:27

West palm at the convention center. That’s hilarious, man.

[Tyler Foley] 10:07:28

That’s right. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:30

I love it. Hello! Let’s get to the roots, man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:31

You did a lot. You know you’re some someone to do what you do lives a very audacious life man, getting out there.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:39

Lots of rejection, lots of victories, whether they’re little or big.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:43

But can we get to the roots of your brother? And just see where you started and how you’re getting up now to?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:07:48

Where you leveled up, and how you help others

[Tyler Foley] 10:07:50

So I started on stage at a very young age when I was 6 years old, was the first time I got a taste of an audience and I’ve been hooked ever since I was first in a in a Christmas pageant, in what would have been December 1985.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:06


[Tyler Foley] 10:08:07

And that was probably the the greatest influence in my life was being able to be on stage in front of people before I knew that I was supposed to be afraid of people when you were on stage, and so I never did develop that fear and instead develop the love of a crowd, and it’s guided basically, every decision i’ve

[Tyler Foley] 10:08:28

Made, since

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:29

Wow, so it, it’s like, how may I ask? How old you were?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:32

An 85. When you did this

[Tyler Foley] 10:08:33

Yeah. 6 years old, then 6 years old.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:35

Okay, so so you’re very young and naive for lack of a better term to really know what the the crowd is.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:43

So you use that to like move, forward in your life to you.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:48

Go in, and, you know, talk to people, or even audition, you know, for parts and stage, and what part?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:08:54

What is the biggest part of that that you take away to to be as as audacious as you are

[Tyler Foley] 10:08:59

Well, one of the interesting things that I’ve learned over, you know.

[Tyler Foley] 10:09:04

O, almost 40 years in film, television and stage is that talent has nothing to do with?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:07


[Tyler Foley] 10:09:10

Why you get or don’t get a rule. Talent is what gets you the opportunity to be seen, and I think so many people take that no, as a rejection and I’ve had the pleasure of being on both sides of the camera.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:17


[Tyler Foley] 10:09:26

So I’ve been a casting assistant. I’ve been a reader in the casting room.

[Tyler Foley] 10:09:30

I’ve done. Casting myself I’ve been a producer.

[Tyler Foley] 10:09:33

I’ve been a director, and then I’ve been in front of the camera as a performer and actor.

[Tyler Foley] 10:09:38

I’ve even done some stunts which was super fun, and in all of those cases what I found is that talent is why people will think of you and call you but talent doesn’t book you the role.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:09:40


[Tyler Foley] 10:09:52

Circumstances beyond your control are, and I’ve translated that into life, too.

[Tyler Foley] 10:09:58

You know Tony says it best we happens for you not to you.

[Tyler Foley] 10:10:03

And a lot of times those those things that are outside of our control are what influence those the the universe for really, for coming up and showing to you.

[Tyler Foley] 10:10:15

And and that was a lesson that I got to learn very early and subsequently has served me for a very long time.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:10:21

That’s that’s amazing. That, like, there’s a a great book that I make every one of.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:10:26

My employees read, and I read it at least once a year.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:10:30

It’s called Go for no, it’s really going for that rejection right?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:10:35

It it and being okay with that, I understand that you were younger.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:10:38

So you really didn’t know the how scared that you should have been, you know, but like moving forward in life, you know, how did you handle rejection?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:10:49

And for lack better term keep that chin up

[Tyler Foley] 10:10:52

Well again. It became a habit. I was very lucky to to start young, and and it was never a thing that I was like pushed to do.

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:02

Was always the thing that I wanted to do. So I did.

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:04

My mom wasn’t a age, mom, the after the my first appearance on stage, which would have been December 1985, my father actually passed away.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:11:15

Sorry dude.

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:15

February, 1,986, and so my mom was a single mom raising 2 kids widowed.

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:24

And you know, really a trying to make things work and happen in the best way that she couldn’t.

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:32

And I never wanted for anything. My mom was an incredible provider, and and just just an I inspiration.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:11:35

Provider, yeah.

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:41

Frankly, and so for me, mom would. It was a thing where do you wanna do this?

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:47

And I’d be like, yes, I wanna do this. And then she’d say, Okay, and then she would make it happen.

[Tyler Foley] 10:11:50

And some. You know my aunts and my uncle would come together, and they try to get me up because I lived in a very small town south of our main metropolitan area, and I, you know, super rural, and most everybody was a rancher so so like you know, I was I was the Lcast.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:12:07


[Scott Ferguson] 10:12:09


[Tyler Foley] 10:12:10

Because I was this kid going in and singing the dancing hit in the in the city, in the hey?

[Tyler Foley] 10:12:18

Are you sure he’s okay? I remember my uncle. He always looked at me with a little bit of a side Iv, and like, I don’t know about this kid.

[Tyler Foley] 10:12:26

And but it was it it was. It was just how life was, so rejection was just kind of a part of it, and so mum would always prep me.

[Tyler Foley] 10:12:37

She’d be like, you know, you might not get the role.

[Tyler Foley] 10:12:38

And I’d be like, Yeah, that’s okay. And what was helpful was that I was doing steady at an age when very few other people would have been doing it at my age.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:12:41


[Tyler Foley] 10:12:48

So when I was going out to audition, it was me, and like 4 other guys, and I knew them all because we saw each other all the time.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:12:57


[Tyler Foley] 10:12:57

So like I knew when Dave was showing up. I knew when Jared was showing up.

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:01

I knew when Hannah was showing up, and we’d be like, Hey, did you hate to get that last time?

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:07

That thing that we did it’d be like, Oh, I got it or you got it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:08


[Tyler Foley] 10:13:11

I thought you get it right, and then we knew when somebody else was point to get it.

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:16

So I I just kind of learned that rejection is part of the process, and that for every no, I was.

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:22

I was very metric, oriented very early on, so I tracked all my auditions.

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:26

I tracked what my wardrobe was to the auditions.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:28

Wow! Wow!

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:28

I had a spreadsheet. I had a spreadsheet when I was like 10.

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:32

That wasn’t even an excel spreadsheet.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:33

I was. Gonna say, it’s probably written or typed up, or something

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:33

It was just that it was. My mom is an accountant, and so I had like this ledger that an accounting ledger that had all these fields, and so I would hand right in when I went.

[Tyler Foley] 10:13:46

What the role was for who the casting director was, what I was wearing, what time it was, and I started to see trends like I booked better on Fridays in the afternoon than I do Monday mornings.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:13:58

Wow, interesting.

[Tyler Foley] 10:14:00

It just, you know. And so it was just those little things where I was like.

[Tyler Foley] 10:14:03

So I knew against some of those things were outside of my control.

[Tyler Foley] 10:14:07

Some of them were, and I could only control what I could control, and so the rejection was never a problem, because I knew that I didn’t get everything.

[Tyler Foley] 10:14:16

But I also knew that I got some of them, and so it was easier to move on to the next one if you didn’t get this role.

[Tyler Foley] 10:14:22

Well, I’m gonna audition again. It’s not like the auditions are just magically gonna disappear.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:25

Right, that that’s so funny. Because literally this morning, Bro, like I do my morning readings, I win my morning day whatnot, and I read the George Bernard Shaw, the th that said, it’s okay to be on reasonable right.

[Tyler Foley] 10:14:26

They’re always gonna be there

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:42

You know, and like you can’t control the uncontrollable it’s like, Be that unreasonable person that just goes out and and takes what life gives you, a and and turn it around.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:55

You know it it to work for you, and that’s exactly what you did like.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:14:58

I hurt you a lot, and what you just said that you’d like to celebrate other successes, too, when you were saying Hannah.

[Tyler Foley] 10:15:03

Oh, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:05

And you know this and that and like. How important is that in life, especially if something is competitive as you are to seriously even consider celebrating other successes

[Tyler Foley] 10:15:16

Well, I think it’s important, because you never want to be the person that people don’t root for, because that that energy will come back, you know, and I I’ve always, you know I it’s that golden rule, do you want to others as you would have others do onto you and I want people to celebrate. My successes.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:23

Yeah, I dude

[Tyler Foley] 10:15:33

So I have to celebrate other people’s successes, and the other thing is to it helps.

[Tyler Foley] 10:15:40

It helps when you’re like, you know, if I don’t get it.

[Tyler Foley] 10:15:43

I want my friend to get it. Do you know what I mean?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:44

Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Dude.

[Tyler Foley] 10:15:46

And that, and so then you kind of rally, and you have the support group and then you have people to work with too.

[Tyler Foley] 10:15:53

That’s it, because it’s a small industry.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:15:54


[Tyler Foley] 10:15:55

Even when you get a big and you get out to some of the larger centers like New York or Hollywood, or you get out to, you know, in my case, Vancouver or Toronto, even as big as it is, it’s still small, like you know, you go from 4 people in the casting

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:08


[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:11


[Tyler Foley] 10:16:11

Room to maybe 15 people in the casting room, but it doesn’t take log to meet 15 people.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:15


[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:17


[Tyler Foley] 10:16:17

It’d be like, Hey, I? And we keep seeing each other over and over again, and you know I don’t ever want to be the one that somebody wants to push down the stairs so so

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:27

No, I feel yet on that. I I I’m the big believer that we can all come together and collaborate versus compete, and a lot of things, especially being a coach.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:37

You know I lean on other coaches a lot, you know.

[Tyler Foley] 10:16:39

Oh, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:40

If for advice, if I have a crazy coaching session, I might reach out to say Bobberg or somebody.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:47

Just be like, Hey, you know, this is what happened. And really because I didn’t try to compete with them as much as collaborate.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:16:54

And I love the love that you said that, and to be the person that people want to walk down the stairs with and not push down the stairs? Man. So who do you do you work with people, one on one Tyler, or what what exactly do you do to help people level, up then

[Tyler Foley] 10:17:07

Well, so my main training program is actually a large group program.

[Tyler Foley] 10:17:13

So we we modeled the power of influence over the path of my book.

[Tyler Foley] 10:17:22

The power of success, and typically, that’s about a 200 to 250 person attended event over 2 and a half days.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:27


[Tyler Foley] 10:17:29

And then we have a an extension of that that is dedicated to 80 people over the course of 5 days, because, again, I’m helping people public speak and if I can’t see you in front of a crowd it’s really hard for me to judge we can talk theory.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:45

All day.

[Tyler Foley] 10:17:46

All we want. You know what I mean. I can do one on one with you, and I can get you.

[Tyler Foley] 10:17:49

Comfortable, but until you’re standing in front of yeah, 500 eyeballs on 250 heads, you’re I don’t know where you’re at.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:17:55


[Tyler Foley] 10:17:58

And so it’s really important to me to have those larger venues that and it it brings the cost and accessibility to me down.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:08

Yeah, yeah.

[Tyler Foley] 10:18:08

So that you know, average person who’s struggling with this fear of public speaking or this fear of communication, this fear of public judgment, is really what it boils down to, so that we can address that quickly and in an accessible manner.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:18


[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:21


[Tyler Foley] 10:18:23

And then, yeah, I do one on one coaching, because you’d be ridiculous not to.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:27


[Tyler Foley] 10:18:27

And that’s always part of the business model. But that’s usually reserved for the people who really want to step up their game, and they want it, and they want it right now.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:32

Really want it

[Tyler Foley] 10:18:37

Right it. The the higher the price tag, the more the accessibility, and the more I can dedicate my time to you.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:42

Love that I love, that you you! You work both sides of the spectrum.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:47

I’m not the the mastermind or the speaking in front of people, yet is something that I’m aspiring to, but let me ask you something when you’re maybe working with that mastermind, or or even one on one.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:18:59

And what do you notice with people that are are really wanting to get their voice or their biggest blind spot?

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:06

Their biggest blind spot is usually that they feel that they don’t have a story right there.

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:11

It’s it becomes this comparison thing. And Tony is a perfect example of that.

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:16

So many people that come and work with me are like I want to be Tony Robbins.

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:21

I’m like you will never be Tony Robbins, and I’m not saying that to degrade you he is literally the giant in the industry, right?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:24


[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:29

Yeah. Yes.

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:32

And is Tony, and Tony is not less brown, les Brown is not Tony, Tony?

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:38

Is not Brian, Tracy, Brian Tracy is not Tony.

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:42

All those are individuals, and we know them by name, you know, because they have their own style.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:43


[Tyler Foley] 10:19:47

They have their own development, and then the next problem is that with that comparison people are like, well, you know, I wanna do it on this thing.

[Tyler Foley] 10:19:55

And I’m like, well, do it your way, Tony’s thing is, Tony Sting and it’s taken him 30 to 40 years to to really hone in on like I remember Tony Robbins from the Eightys as infomercials and getting as you know, unleash the power within

[Scott Ferguson] 10:19:57


[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:00

Thank you.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:08

Your former, so

[Tyler Foley] 10:20:11

Cassette tapes in his books on, you know, for 995.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:12

Yes, yeah. Waking the giant. All that. Yeah. Man absolutely

[Tyler Foley] 10:20:17

Yeah, I, get, yeah. And you, you get the you know, the the plastic case with 12 cassette tapes in it like I and I had those I had them in my 1986 Honda cord when I first started to drive I would listen to to Tony yelling at

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:37


[Tyler Foley] 10:20:38

Me from my radio. And so what I I tell people is that you need to embrace you.

[Tyler Foley] 10:20:44

Everybody’s looking for that authentic speaker, and what I don’t think a lot of people realize is that authenticity is synonymous with self-awareness.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:20:52


[Tyler Foley] 10:20:52

You know a lot of people are like, Oh, well, I you know I I I grew up in the military.

[Tyler Foley] 10:20:57

I’m a marine, and I swear a lot.

[Tyler Foley] 10:20:59

And so that makes me authentic. No, it doesn’t.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:01

No, no, I feel you right.

[Tyler Foley] 10:21:01

Swearing is not what makes you authentic. You, embracing your story, tell me why you joined the service.

[Tyler Foley] 10:21:08

That’s that’s a story. Because that’s gonna be unique to you.

[Tyler Foley] 10:21:11

Because, you know, we know that there are hundreds of thousands of dedicated men and women who have who have given their service to their country.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:19

6 tours. Here, baby, there you go!

[Tyler Foley] 10:21:20

But each one no, and each one does it for a different reason.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:25


[Tyler Foley] 10:21:26

That is the interesting thing. And when you can come out and start speaking, that that’s when you start to find those other people who identify with that that’s when you start to find your your audience, your avatar.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:30


[Tyler Foley] 10:21:39

That’s when you start to find your tribe, whatever you want to call them.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:42

Yeah, love that man

[Tyler Foley] 10:21:43

Those are your people, but it come out and tell their story first and tell it in a way that is no Bs, no Fluff, and just make it happen that that’s when you have the real power within your story.

[Tyler Foley] 10:21:56

And that’s usually like, I said, the mistake that most people make

[Scott Ferguson] 10:21:59

I love that, and it’s so so true, because I tried, when I first started speaking, emulate people, and I had my speaking coach.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:07

You know. George. Say, listen, man, you are high energy, and you’re trying to not be those.

[Tyler Foley] 10:22:14


[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:14

Be yourself. I am, you know I I did 6 tours down range in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:19

I work that into my story, but I’ve also been a child. Slavery!

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:23

I was smoking in this country, and I use a lot of that.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:26

I mean I was on Frickin Ricky Lake in Montreal, and, like all this stuff back in the nineties.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:30

And it’s funny I did steal from Tony the the the trampoline.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:35

So I I saw rebound every morning 50 years old now, and I feel that, being 50 you know I’m laughing.

[Tyler Foley] 10:22:35


[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:41

People in their thirties because of it. So I start my presentations on a trampoline.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:46

I tell them whether I’m speaking about getting your asking gear or overlapping happiness, whatever I’m talking about.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:22:52

I’ve mounted the trampoline for about a minute and a half, and I’m like saying, Hey, if you’re an itch off the trap, lean, you’re at 0 gravity, you hit that trampoline, you’re at 4 times gravity it flushes out

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:01

Your limp system, but the best part about it, Tyler, is everyone’s heads are going like this.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:06

So they’re about to affirm what I’m about to talk about and it’s just worked for me, because the energy is there.

[Tyler Foley] 10:23:12


[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:13

I I’m rocking it. And with that let me ask you something with people.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:17

Maybe you speak in front of large crowds, or you have a big mastermind, or even your one on ones.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:22

Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:25

But never do.

[Tyler Foley] 10:23:29

No, the question that I wish they would ask more of is, What am I missing?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:36

Hmm as strong

[Tyler Foley] 10:23:37

It’s a question that I ask myself quite regularly, because I don’t know everything, and I think if more people would ask that question, particularly speaking in front of a crowd right like, because ultimately, if you are speaking in front of a crowd, you as a speaker have been given the greatest gift that any one human can

[Scott Ferguson] 10:23:51


[Tyler Foley] 10:24:04

Be given, and that’s somebody else’s attention in time, and you need to treat that like the sacred gift that it is.

[Tyler Foley] 10:24:13

And your only job as a speaker is to leave those people better than you found them.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:20


[Tyler Foley] 10:24:20

And if you’re not asking the question, what am I missing?

[Tyler Foley] 10:24:24

You’re very likely not serving them to your highest potential, and so it’s a question that I’m trying to ask regularly.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:27

That’s beautiful. Bro, right?

[Tyler Foley] 10:24:34

It’s not one that I would ask be asked of me, but it’s definitely one that I wish more people would ask of themselves

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:37


[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:43

Beautiful! Beautiful, have you you? You’re in the movie. So you’ve seen the movie back to the future. Right?

[Tyler Foley] 10:24:49

Oh, yeah, very familiar with. It’s one of my favorite of all time.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:50

Okay, yeah, right? My, too. So I can’t believe 38 years old.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:56

It’s gonna be 40 years old soon. That’s crazy.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:24:58

So actually came out. I think first year you got on stage for anyways.

[Tyler Foley] 10:25:01

It it is, it is. It was actually one of the first movies that I ever saw

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:03

So let’s get in that love it. I I love it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:07

So let’s get that glory with Marty Mcfly, man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:09

Let’s go back. So the double duce that the 22 year old Tyler, and you know you you’ve had a a fantastic life, man and whatnot.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:17

But what would you drop on him again? That’s so much to change anything.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:21

But maybe help the 22 year old Tyler, who’s maybe shortness, learning curve, blast through or level up, maybe just a little bit quicker

[Tyler Foley] 10:25:30

I would probably go see Dr. John D. Martini.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:25:37


[Tyler Foley] 10:25:37

Guys taken the breakthrough experience with one of the greatest.

[Tyler Foley] 10:25:42

Again, gifts that I was ever given. One of my mentors, Bob Corbett, who was instrumental in my development, at, you know, at a young age Bob really took me under his wing.

[Tyler Foley] 10:25:53

I had a medical incident when I was 17, that left me paralyzed on the left side of my body for over a year, and Bob and his wife, Dr.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:00

Wow, yeah.

[Tyler Foley] 10:26:02

Joanne Corbett and Dr. Bob Corbett really stepped in.

[Tyler Foley] 10:26:07

They kind of were the tip of the spear for my medical treatment.

[Tyler Foley] 10:26:13

They were really headed it, and and let it, and but before that Bob had been a father figure in my life for years, I was, you know, really good friends with his daughter and his son.

[Tyler Foley] 10:26:27

I’m actually I have the joy and the privilege of saying that I was groomsman at Jason Corbett, his son’s wedding, and I will be officiating his daughter’s wedding.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:35


[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:37

That’s awesome. Man

[Tyler Foley] 10:26:37

This summer. So I I’m very well connected with the family, but he gave me a ticket to the breakthrough experience with John D.

[Tyler Foley] 10:26:49

Martinia when I, when I was in my probably late twenties.

[Tyler Foley] 10:26:52

Yeah, if I, if not into my thirties. And I remember going to it and inherently knowing the things that Dr.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:26:53


[Tyler Foley] 10:26:59

D. Martini was saying were true, because I had experienced it over the course of a decade, but it would have accelerated that learning curve a lot faster to have had somebody sit me down and explain it in John’s very masterful way sooner and I know like even in my late

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:04


[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:17


[Tyler Foley] 10:27:19

Twenties. I was very angry and very reactive.

[Tyler Foley] 10:27:26

And it had a negative impact. Weirdly. So like super weird, I am a goal tender in hockey.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:33


[Tyler Foley] 10:27:34

I love it. Canadian so obviously. I’m going to play idol, and I’m in an introvert and a weirdo.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:27:36

Of course. Right?

[Tyler Foley] 10:27:41

So I’m naturally a goalie, and I I was playing in a league, and you know, didn’t like it wasn’t having fun, and like lashed out at the League owner, and I remember I emailed him and said I don’t ever want to be associated with

[Tyler Foley] 10:27:58

your League again, because I’m not having fun, and you know it’s very powerful language.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:03

You told him right

[Tyler Foley] 10:28:03

Be remembered that that Lead Commissioner, when I wrote that email the League had just started up.

[Tyler Foley] 10:28:09

There was only 3 teams in the League. It had grown and expanded to be like 5 division with, you know, hundreds of teams and a buddy of mine Andy phoned me up like a decade later I’ve totally forgotten about this thing.

[Tyler Foley] 10:28:24

And he follow me up. He’s like, Hey, man! Our goalie got hurt.

[Tyler Foley] 10:28:26

Can you come in sub for us? I was like, sure he’s like you just need to fill out this form and get permission from the Lead Commissioner build out the form and the guy wrote me back.

[Tyler Foley] 10:28:33

He’s like. No, you said you didn’t want to be affiliated with my league, and I don’t want to be affiliated with you.

[Tyler Foley] 10:28:38

I. A decade later, and I was like I I have changed as a human being.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:39

Yeah, ma’am, things. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:44


[Tyler Foley] 10:28:44

But you know those those kind of lessons to learned earlier on could have saved a lot of headache later

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:50

Yeah. Man. It’s like a hammer and a nail man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:52

You could pull the nail the wall. Hold still there, Bro.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:55

And people. People see that. So how do you want your dash?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:28:57

Remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:02

Man, your life thing, your death date. How does Tyler? One is dash, remember

[Tyler Foley] 10:29:05

I I want it, remember, not by me, but by the contributions my daughter makes to the world, because I think she is my living legacy.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:11


[Tyler Foley] 10:29:13

So I want to be known as Tyler Foley.

[Tyler Foley] 10:29:17

Father to Mackenzie Foley, and because her her legacy will be the biggest reflection of what I have done in my life.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:20


[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:27

Wow! They’re this strong man. How about what do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

[Tyler Foley] 10:29:35

That I’m they think that I’m an extrovert.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:39

Really. Me, yeah.

[Tyler Foley] 10:29:40

Yeah, well, because you know, I’ve been on stage.

[Tyler Foley] 10:29:43

And and I really am quite lively. This is me at my most lowest energy.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:48


[Tyler Foley] 10:29:48

I was recording last night I had a podcast that I was recording at 2 15 Am.

[Tyler Foley] 10:29:55

My time, and and we didn’t get off until almost 4 in the morning.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:29:58


[Tyler Foley] 10:29:59

And and it’s 80’clock my time now, and I had, you know, to get my daughter up into school at 6, so I’m you know, pulling my best to to be alert, and I don’t drink coffee.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:09

You’re rocking it, man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:13


[Tyler Foley] 10:30:13

That’s the other thing, too. Like I am I energy without caffeine?

[Tyler Foley] 10:30:16

I’m actually allergic to caffeine.

[Tyler Foley] 10:30:17

So if I have to anything Cass needed, I know about it because I don’t sleep for about 72 h, so you know I got it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:21


[Tyler Foley] 10:30:23

I had to do me like this. And so, yeah, most people think that I’m an extrovert and the reality is, I’m an introvert.

[Tyler Foley] 10:30:32

And I think people misunderstand what an extrovert and introvert is.

[Tyler Foley] 10:30:37

An introvert doesn’t mean that I want to like shrink away.

[Tyler Foley] 10:30:39

And you know I I’m I’m quiet as a mouse, and do not wish to interact.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:42

Yeah. Great.

[Tyler Foley] 10:30:44

No, no, I I have no problem interacting with people. The problem is, when I interact with people, it drains energy.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:49


[Tyler Foley] 10:30:51

An introvert gets energy from being alone and extrovert this energy from people.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:30:53

Thank you.

[Tyler Foley] 10:30:57

And I I go. I do understand that like if I’m in front of a crowd, I think it’s my biggest expression of introvert nature, because I it usually like anybody who’s been on a big stage knows those lights go up and you don’t see anybody but you can feel them

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:03


[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:05


[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:16

Do it? Yeah, that energy

[Tyler Foley] 10:31:16

And it. And it’s being able to. Yeah, being able to feed off of that energy keeps me going.

[Tyler Foley] 10:31:24

But as soon as I get backstage I collapse.

[Tyler Foley] 10:31:26

I’m like I’m done

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:27

You. You and I are like brothers from different mothers.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:31

Man like I I am the exact. I’m the guy that will go to my copper bar like I’d like to drink.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:36

How it’s a rude. It’s good for you, and just sit there by myself with a good book.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:40

Bro, you know. And then people want to talk to me. I get approached because I know what I do with coaching and stuff.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:45

I do try to help as many people as I can, but I don’t like you both seeking that attention, and that’s just me.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:52

Other people that do. I have no problem with that. But that’s that man. We’re so aligned in so many things.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:31:59

So what is Taylor’s definition of a life?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:01

Well, lived

[Tyler Foley] 10:32:03

Oh, I guess it would come back to that dash right?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:07

They’d like Larry for legacy of your daughter. Man.

[Tyler Foley] 10:32:08

I I will have lived a good and well lived life. I will have had my time to shine if I’m remembered as my daughter’s father, because that’ll be the ultimate testament to you.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:19

That’s awesome dude

[Tyler Foley] 10:32:24

Know me and my growth is being able to teach my offspring how to do that and see her succeed.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:33

That’s beautiful. Man!

[Tyler Foley] 10:32:34

And and I really do. I want to be. I I don’t know what my daughter is destined for.

[Tyler Foley] 10:32:40

She has so many interests, and and we try to encourage them all, because I don’t know which one’s gonna stick.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:43

That’s awesome. Right?

[Tyler Foley] 10:32:45

But you know I want to see her do great things, is all parent, but

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:48

I’d love to do. I love that you’re doing that, just letting her kind of explore, and like your mother did.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:32:55

In a sense, where she’s just like, you know, Sean Tyler, do you really want to do this?

[Tyler Foley] 10:32:55

Oh, yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:01

You know. And when you’d said yes, she bought in and made sure it happened.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:06

That’s what you’re doing. That’s beautiful.

[Tyler Foley] 10:33:07

Well, I never forced it either, like if I didn’t wanna do an audition.

[Tyler Foley] 10:33:11

I didn’t do it, and and the best and worst part is my doctors followed in my first step.

[Tyler Foley] 10:33:16

She got her first commercial when she was 11 months old, and and she loved auditioning for a long time.

[Tyler Foley] 10:33:22

And then, you know, Covid hit. She was 4 years old, and and all the moved to the studio because we were all self taping, and and she rapidly hated it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:24


[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:27


[Tyler Foley] 10:33:31

I heard her joy when she was auditioning, was getting to see the other kids in the room and getting to see her friends and making friends on set and very similar, actually, because every time she would audition with somebody she’d want to get their name and we’d have to talk to their parents and can we have

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:39

Yeah, just like your daddy, yeah, yeah.

[Tyler Foley] 10:33:48

A play date, because I want to know, and if she got a thing she was happy if somebody else got a thing she was happy, you know, and and then, when that social interaction shouldn’t wanna do it anymore, she’s like daddy no and I was like, okay, you know, and our agent, would phone her and be

[Scott Ferguson] 10:33:55

Yeah, that’s awesome.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:01

It’s beautiful, so it should

[Tyler Foley] 10:34:05

Like, you know, I’m submitting, and I was like, until we can get in person auditions.

[Tyler Foley] 10:34:10

She doesn’t want to do it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:10

And it’s like a chip off the old block, in a sense, and squad.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:16

We are going to take my good friend here, Tyler, through our leveling up, lighting round just as soon as we get back from thinking our sponsors and affiliates time to shine today.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:25

Podcast firstly, squad, we are back in, you know, Tyler, you and I.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:27

I’m sure we might cross pads now, I’m sure we have.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:30

We just never connected before. But you know, maybe we’ll sit down having a beverage or a bite and maybe discuss some of these questions.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:37

Take 1520 min, but now lightning around, you got 5 s with no explanations.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:43

You ready to rock

[Tyler Foley] 10:34:44

I’ve born ready. Scott, do this

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:45

Born ready. Love it! I love it, Tyler. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received

[Tyler Foley] 10:34:54

Rapid fail

[Scott Ferguson] 10:34:56

Love it sure, one of your personal habits contributes to your success.

[Tyler Foley] 10:35:02

Constant reflection and diorizing

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:05

Love it so. If you see me walking down the street Furkey looks like he is in his doldrums.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:12

What’s one book that’s really inspired you to level up that you might hand me other than one.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:16

Than the one you wrote

[Tyler Foley] 10:35:18

Other than the one that I wrote. Yeah, I can. I can.

[Tyler Foley] 10:35:21

I give 3 cause I can do it in 5 s. The fools progressed by Edward Abby.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:22


[Tyler Foley] 10:35:27

The compound effect by Darren Hardy and the 4 agreements

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:28

Brendan or Darren Hardy. Oh, yeah, I love it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:33

I love it. I always had Victor Frankel in there with a as a man think it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:37

I love that as well, so what’s your most commonly used Emoji?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:40

When it, when you text

[Tyler Foley] 10:35:42

Eggplant. No, I can’t back that up either the thumbs up or the winky face

[Scott Ferguson] 10:35:49

Nicknames growing Up.

[Tyler Foley] 10:35:51

Oh, I had so many pancake spud, but full fully the list goes on.

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:00

Pancake was favorite, though

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:00

Love it. Chess checkers are monopoly

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:05

Oh, I love all 3! Chess.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:10

Beautiful. Go to ice cream, flavor.

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:15


[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:15

Me too awesome. There’s there’s a sandwich called the Spud Folds.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:21

Build. That sounds for me.

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:23

Oh, that’s easy. Spud Fulls has

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:29

Fried, not fried egg, but a scrambled egg, and the this tiny potatoes, hash brown potatoes.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:36

Okay. Oh, yeah. Dude

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:38

The diced cubed ones with a little bit of hot sauce, some bacon, and this will sound weird.

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:44

Some refried beans on a flat brown

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:47

Love it, live the you put some man candy, bacon on there.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:36:51

Beautiful favorite charity and organization. You’d like to give your time or money to

[Tyler Foley] 10:36:54

Made by mama. It is a local charity here to Calgary it is 100% volunteer owned over 98% of donations go directly back to the charity, and and I would I live, weed and die by them.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:09

That’s awesome.

[Tyler Foley] 10:37:09

I think they’re doing incredible work and need more people to know about it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:12

Love it? And last question, you can elaborate a little bit on this one.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:16

What’s the best decade of music? 60 seventies, eighties, or nineties?

[Tyler Foley] 10:37:19

All seventies. Yeah, so sixties has all that classics but seventies had the diversion that created all the great music of the eightys and nineties.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:21

Seventies, really alright!

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:31


[Tyler Foley] 10:37:32

All that I I’m a ninetys fan, but all of the nineties bands can trace the roots back to the imitations of the seventys bands.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:38

All of them. Yeah, the the greatest storytellers were the seventies man, you know, with with crochet, and you know, or even the Zeppelin, you know, or just their their stories.

[Tyler Foley] 10:37:40

They were trying to do

[Tyler Foley] 10:37:43

Yeah, I would agree.

[Tyler Foley] 10:37:48

Zeppelin, Dylan, you know you get yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:51

Dylan. Yeah.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:53

Gordon Lightfoot, even

[Tyler Foley] 10:37:53

All of those classic albums, those that yeah.

[Tyler Foley] 10:37:57

Oh, gor, yeah, thank you for shouting out to to Canada, because Gordon’s a hero of ours.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:37:59

Oh, dude! I got to meet him when I was 7 years old, is like the highlight man I was like, oh, Edmund’s Fitzgerald!

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:06

I know this song, Dad. He’s like, wanna meet him because my dad was a huge Guy security man. He’d be works security, probably. But

[Tyler Foley] 10:38:08


[Tyler Foley] 10:38:10

Yeah, I I half of my Canadian history I owe to like what we’re singing about. It.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:15

Dude. His stories are amazing. Man! I don’t care if his carefree highway Sunday doesn’t matter, and even is like less well known songs.

[Tyler Foley] 10:38:19


[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:25

I’ll still they’re beautiful. So how can we find you, brother?

[Tyler Foley] 10:38:29

The best place to go is my website, which is Sean Tyler, Foley Com.

[Tyler Foley] 10:38:35

Shawn is spelled the proper Irish way.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:38


[Tyler Foley] 10:38:38

Sean Ty Lerfo Lewis Com.

[Tyler Foley] 10:38:42

Very likely they’re going to be able to find that in the show notes.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:38:44


[Tyler Foley] 10:38:44

So what, I would ask of your audience right now. Scott is before they go to my website.

[Tyler Foley] 10:38:50

They’re already on yours, and so if they’re about to scroll down to the show notes because they’re like, Hey, this Tyler guy sounds interesting, and the power to speak naked, I gotta see what the cover of that book looks like.

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:01

And you, do you really, really do before you get to the show notes?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:39:02

It’s cool.

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:06

There’s a little bar right above them, and it has a grouping of stars and a little thing that says comments.

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:11

And so if you’re listening to time to shine right now, and you’re like, Hey, this is really good, and I love what Scott’s doing, and I love the energy that he brings every day because it brightens my day and allows me to level, up and shine please please please tell him

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:29

That those stars, aren’t there for decoration. Those stars have a functional use.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:39:32

Grow. You’re amazing. Man, wow.

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:35

So if you could click the fifth one over and give this podcast a five-star review, and then tell Scott why?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:39:41


[Tyler Foley] 10:39:42

Cause that comment section isn’t blank for a reason.

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:46

It’s their filled with words of encouragement about what you like about this show.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:39:46


[Tyler Foley] 10:39:52

So if you’re enjoying time to shine, what was your favorite episode what’s one of your best takeaways?

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:57

What was one of the best book recommendations that you got from this?

[Tyler Foley] 10:39:59

What was some of the best advice that you heard be specific, because that will help Scott level up.

[Tyler Foley] 10:40:05

It will help him get bigger, better, greater. Guess, because you’ll know how to tailor that, content to serve you the listener.

[Tyler Foley] 10:40:13

So it serves everybody here. It helps you get better content out of this.

[Tyler Foley] 10:40:16

It helps Scott level up and get the guests that are going to serve you better.

[Tyler Foley] 10:40:21

It helps me because if we’re getting more five-star ratings, that means this show will have more traction, which means that I will have a higher probability of being heard.

[Tyler Foley] 10:40:33

So as a thank you from me for helping us all. If you come to Sean Tyler Foleycom, and remember it’s spelled the proper Irish way.

[Tyler Foley] 10:40:42

Scan tiler f olei com. If you come to Sean Tyler Polycom, add my thank you, or giving Scott a five-star review, and only if you give the five-star review, I will give you a free Pdf download, of my number one bestselling book the

[Tyler Foley] 10:40:58

Power to speak naked, I will also give you access to my drop.

[Tyler Foley] 10:41:00

The Mic speakers program, which is 7 videos, 5 min each.

[Tyler Foley] 10:41:05

So you can learn everything you need to in a week about being a better speaker.

[Tyler Foley] 10:41:10

So they’re very click actionable, implementable items.

[Tyler Foley] 10:41:14

5 min each. You watch it for a week. You will be a better, stronger, presenter.

[Tyler Foley] 10:41:19

That’s my gift to you for free plus. We’ll give you access to my endless stages.

[Tyler Foley] 10:41:22

Facebook group where I go live every Tuesday at noon, Pacific, 3 Eastern time, and do a 20 min live training on whatever happens to be the topic in the group that day.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:41:33


[Tyler Foley] 10:41:33

But you only get those gifts with a 5 star.

[Tyler Foley] 10:41:38

Review. No. 5 Star Review, no gifts for you, and I’m serious about

[Scott Ferguson] 10:41:42

Thank you. Yeah. I’ll check in the mail man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:41:45

I know I really really appreciate that, brother. Let’s talk, you know, kind of a really abbreviated version, because I know your time’s critical today.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:41:52

But the power to speak naked. Let’s dig into the little bit, maybe like in a bridge kind of version of that, because I want to put anyone to put Spud folds Spu dfo les.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:42:03

I don’t care if you text it to our team.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:42:06

Put it in, pinterest instagram. Wherever you go.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:42:07

See, this sweat falls out I’m gonna get Shawn on my dime to mail you out, assigned copy of this book.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:42:14

But can we dig into the book just a little bit here, Sean or Tyler

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:16

Yeah, sure. So the nice thing about the book is, it’s basically my training course transcribed.

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:24

Because that’s how we wrote the book. I didn’t write the book.

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:26

I spoke the book, and we had the training course long before the book ever came to be so.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:42:27

That is awesome. Dude. Wow!

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:33

What we did was we took literally hundreds of hours of me is through training sessions, and took the best of the best of the best.

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:39

Every once in a while, lightning strike, and I stay.

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:41

Something really smart, and I’m so thankful that I have a team recording me because otherwise I’ve never remember what I said.

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:48

And so we’ve compiled it all into this book.

[Tyler Foley] 10:42:51

10 chapters, they’re really really easy to read. According to my publisher, this is our 114 min read, which is like 2 h under 2 h.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:43:02


[Tyler Foley] 10:43:02

So this is the kind of thing that you can sit down on the beach with, and you’ll get a lot of looks if you do.

[Tyler Foley] 10:43:07

I’ve got pictures of people doing it. It’s hilarious.

[Tyler Foley] 10:43:09

You can sit down on the plane. You can, you know, read it a couple of times within your office, on your coffee break, and it will.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:43:14


[Tyler Foley] 10:43:18

Either 10 chapters ought to be a more confident speaker.

[Tyler Foley] 10:43:20

How does frame your story, how to tell it powerfully, and how to really make an impact with your audience?

[Scott Ferguson] 10:43:25

Is that you on the cover, brother?

[Tyler Foley] 10:43:27

Wouldn’t it be awesome? If it was I would I would.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:43:29

Jack jacked.

[Tyler Foley] 10:43:31

I would love to. Yeah, I mean that guy works out. He’s got some pretty nice lats.

[Tyler Foley] 10:43:36

No, I I that is a stock photo purchase from Jeff Bezos’s site, and Jeff won’t let me advertise my book on his site because it breaches his nudity policy

[Scott Ferguson] 10:43:47

I feel, yeah, I feel, yeah. So give me one last favor before we get shot.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:43:52

Here, Tyler, leave us with one last knowledge. Now that we can take with us, internalize, maybe take some action out

[Tyler Foley] 10:43:58

Absolutely so I will leave you with one thought, and we alluded to it at the beginning.

[Tyler Foley] 10:44:05

You have a story to tell. You have no idea the impact that your story could have until you tell it.

[Tyler Foley] 10:44:15

The biggest disservice you can do the world is to not tell your story, and if you’re trying to be a leader, leaders are the ones who have the bravery not to do the hard thing, but to say the hard thing.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:44:19


[Scott Ferguson] 10:44:29


[Tyler Foley] 10:44:31

And so, you know, if you really want to be a powerful and authentic speaker, the thing you’re afraid to say it’s probably what your audience needs to hear

[Scott Ferguson] 10:44:40

Absolutely and and squat. I I took my the good friend, you know Tyler here a little bit long time.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:44:46

I really appreciate. It is time. But you know he was a guy that was on stage before he knew what was like, what it was supposed to be to be afraid.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:44:53

So he just let it for lack better term. All hang out, man.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:44:56

Here reminds us that talent has nothing to do with.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:44:59

Why you get apart or achieve something that gets eyes on you for you to go in and show out to them you know, reminded us of, you know. Tr.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:10

Saying, a life happens for you, not to you. You want you to be the person that people root for, not want to push down the stairs.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:18

You know, follow that Golden rule. As he said. You know he reminds us, you have a story, you’ll tell that unique story.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:25

You know you never know who it’s going to be able to impact, you know.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:29

So get out there. Hire somebody like you know Mr. Foley.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:33

Here, and it and get up in front of people to help them.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:37

Level up their life, you know. Ask yourself, you know, what am I missing? You know.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:42

Sometimes attention in time. You know, it’s a secret gift to leave those people sacred gift.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:45:49

Leave those people better than when you met them. Whether you’re on stage or you’re in a coffee shop like my 2 New Year’s resolutions every year is to make someone smile every single day.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:00

And of course, unless I’ve heard you offended, you stole from you, or something like that, I don’t care what you think about me.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:06

So it’s okay. If you get rejected when you’re trying to talk to people learn from that experience.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:11

That’s what you know Tyler wants you to do.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:13

You know he want. He will be, remember, is someone that left a fantastic legacy through being a great father.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:20

I mean, this dude is planning trees. He’s never gonna sit in the shade of.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:23

And I’m going to reiterate. You know you have a story to tell.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:27

The impact could be huge. You’ll never know it until you tell it, and he reminds us that leaders say things that a lot of people will never say Be brave enough to be respectful about it.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:41

Squad. But say, what needs to be said, and that’s what my good friend, you know, Mr.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:45

Furley does. He levels up a south. He levels up as well.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:48

He’s hungry yet. He’s humble. He’s earned his Varsity squad letter here at time to shine today.

[Scott Ferguson] 10:46:53

Thank you so much for coming out, brother, I absolutely love your guns.

[Tyler Foley] 10:46:55

No, Scott, it was my joy and my pleasure, and I’m I’m so happy!

[Tyler Foley] 10:46:58

We were able to make this work

[Scott Ferguson] 10:47:00

Awesome, brother. We’ll chat soon

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