MATT THIELEMAN is a transformational coach, visionary, speaker, advisor, and author. Matt works with leaders and change-makers to help them live into their purpose more fully, and bring their masterpieces to the world. He educates and trains coaches to be world-class in their field, and help their clients reach their full potential. You can learn more about him at
He is the author of This is Coaching: How to Transform a Client’s Performance, Life & Business as a Master Coach & Warrior of Love.
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
- Live your life to support people, remind them how amazing they are
- A great coach will sit in the discomfort of their clients and help them grow into their own answers
- It’s okay to have a little conflict with your coach, yet do it through solid communication
- Matt wants to die empty knowing he gave so much of him to the world
- A standard for a great coach is to want to see their clients at their best
- You are not hiring a coach for their framework or their genius. The real work will come in YOU doing the work with your coaches guidance
- When starting to work with a coach, ask them that when your session or relationship goes sideways, how can you circle back, repair and move forward
- Take care of your body at a young age
- The power inside you was part of what made this universe, remember you have the power!
- Matt’s invitation to you is if you feel like something may be possible to take 5 minutes, tune into it that knowing that wisdom and get to know it!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen
Speech Transcript
L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Hey, Time To Shine Today podcast varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson, and I got to have a fellow Michigander Who also kind of left the state of michigan as well? That is just he out there really helping Coaches level up and also he has his own stable of clients as well that he’s helped them realize their ultimate human potential.
My good friend that Matt Thieleman he is Out there in the trenches with us coaches really helping and he’s also authored a book that if you’re a coach, consultant, or therapist, you really want to listen to this because I do have a free book giveaway and but his book has really kind of brought me back to the basics in my coaching as well.
It’ll also fire up ideas in your mind if you are a coach, consultant, or therapist to to really help your clients. So If anybody out there that really needs to be leveled up make sure you Share this episode with them or smash the like button or the subscribe button because my sponsors and affiliates really like that as well So without [00:01:00] further ado here comes my really good friend Matt Thieleman from golden bristle.
Let’s level up
Time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squad. This is Scott Ferguson, and I got a little bit of back home cooking. We both kind of left the mitten, or Michigan, as we affectionately, or the mitten is what we affectionately call Michigan. But my good friend here, Matt Thielman, just a rock star coach. Killer author.
If you’re a coach out there listening and you really want to level up your game pick up matt’s book Which will also have a two book giveaway on time to shine today’s dime at the end of this podcast So make sure that you’re listening but matt is a transformational coach visionary speaker advisor and author matt works with leaders And change makers to help them live into their purpose Fully and bring the masterpiece, bring hi their masterpiece to the world.
He educates and trains coaches to be world class in their field and help their clients reach their full potential. You can learn more about Don’t go there yet ’cause he is gonna drop some serious, serious knowledge and nuggets. But also with what I mentioned with the book giveaway.[00:02:00]
He is the author of Business Coaching, how to Transform a Client’s Performance Life and Business as a Master Coach and Warrior of Love in. Me 11, almost 12 year veteran of coaching and, and , if you’re a follower, , I get to coach some really awesome people. But the one thing that stood out that I actually read, I believe is on page 48 is your, your job is to love them and to challenge them, to remember who they really are.
without attaching yourself. And that is the model for every coach that’s out there. And that’s what I try to bring to the table. But I got to tell you, I was feeling myself a little bit through the years and really lost touch with that. Once I re implemented that, man, the coaching has just really been taken off again to where I feel it should be.
And Matt, thank you so much for coming out. Please introduce yourself to Time to Shine Today Podcast Varsity Squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why,
Matt Thieleman: It’s like a bright orange, sort of like your background, that, that color orange, it’s my bedspread. It reminds me just to like bring life to life.
L. Scott Ferguson: And orange is actually technically fun. And you’re, [00:03:00] you’re living out there in the Denver area now. And you got the Broncos with that orange as well, too, man, which is awesome, brother. Yeah.
Matt Thieleman: And the tigers, man.
L. Scott Ferguson: So that’s what we bonded about earlier. Thank you. Thank you. It was funny. If you look in the back there.
A lot of people like including myself would think that’s a little of his but it’s actually him and at a Tigers game, Detroit Tigers game in 86, was it Matt or 85? 86. That’s awesome. To the AL. We won the AL Central, but I think we lost the ALCS to get into the World Series in 86, I think, but I could be wrong.
No, 86 was the Mets in Boston. Boston won the division. Anyways, I don’t want to go down that hole. Because Detroit’s just been hurting for years here in sports, so. Indeed.
Matt Thieleman: Indeed. But hey,
L. Scott Ferguson: man, let’s like, I’m really intrigued about this. I told you it’s kind of a bucket list interview, , because I really have dug in, dug into your book and it’s really helped me bring me back around to the basics for myself and other coaches that I’ve actually referred your book to as well.
But like, you’re also out there transforming lives as a [00:04:00] active coach and whatnot with Golden Bristle, but you could just get to the origins of things and how you really leveled up to the point now where you’re really helping people reach their ultimate human potential.
Matt Thieleman: It’s, it’s been a lifelong journey.
The, I will fast forward very quickly cause we don’t have that much time. Understood. Thank you, brother. I grew up the, the, the picture of me is me, is my dad opening day 86. This is actually on the cover of the New York the Detroit news. So it was like, it was a cool thing. And that guy was like the love of my life.
Unfortunately, he also had bipolar disorder and was an alcoholic. And so I grew up. Like as an empath, like having to navigate a pretty turbulent household. And I say that it’s been a lifelong journey because basically I chose at some point to live my life, to support people, to remind people how amazing they are because so many of us struggle and.
Because I really believe that all of us have incredible potential. And so that led into education and [00:05:00] psychology and sociology that led to a career at first in marketing where really understanding people even more as a way for me to get money, power, and influence to, to save the world, if you will. And then I realized I was.
Having conversations with my marketing clients about organizational culture, about their business and their product, instead of about the blog poster is supposed to write. And I was like, something doesn’t fit here. Right. And so I started teaching mindfulness and corporations as a way to bring this new kind of tool.
This is about 2014, 2015. So right before, , before mindfulness was really huge, like this is a new tool to think about leadership, to think about, , how to get in touch with yourself and to lead the organization you want. And from there. People asked me to coach them and I said, yes. And probably like you, it was like, Oh my gosh, like this is really powerful.
Right. And I devoted my life to it after that.
L. Scott Ferguson: That’s amazing. So was it, you kind of working with people at that time, maybe with the intrapreneurship, like within their own jobs [00:06:00] and helping them level up. I love that. I love it. Cause if you can make them feel no matter where they are in the chain of command, like they’re running their own company, it’s, that’s just an amazing feeling, man.
And they take away with Then I guess I just jump right into it. Then Matt, what do you feel makes a great coach?
Matt Thieleman: I love that part that you pulled out. Cause I I’ve been really on this recently. If, if anyone’s been paying attention, I just started sharing a lot more thought leadership online. This, what really makes a good coach is.
Our ability to sit in the discomfort of our clients growing into their own answers. So, , I’m not surprised, Scott, you’ve been coaching for 11, 12 years. You’re really successful businessmen, , a lot of stuff. And so what happens for any of us as, as coaches and as leaders, this, by the way, translates to anyone in a leadership position, the more we learn, the more we want to share it.
And that’s a trap for coaches because our job is not to give our clients the answers is to sit with them as they do. [00:07:00]
L. Scott Ferguson: Bro, thank you so much for saying this man because I’m not a consultant. I’m not even a coach Sultan’s, right? I know that everybody feel everyone knows what they want. They just don’t know how to talk themselves into it, right?
But that challenge resides inside them the answers there, too And if you and I were to tell them because of what we pick up along the way right Matt They’d be like, oh go try this and they come back and be like Fergie. That was stupid. That didn’t work But if they come up with it Yeah, they’re gonna see it through right?
I mean they’re gonna push it because you’re gonna hold them accountable as a good coach Man, that’s awesome A great coach will sit in the discomfort with their clients growing them helping them grow into their own answers That’s awesome. Because when I I can’t wait to meet you, man. Cause I, I’m going to pick your brain so much and we’re going to bounce so much.
But like, I actually sit in my client’s car with them if I’m luckily to have them local. Right. And I sit in the passenger seat, they sit in the driver’s seat and I’m like, listen, let’s review your mirror. That’s small for a reason. That’s your past [00:08:00] that’s therapy. I’m not a therapist, man, right? This big windshield that’s vision.
It’s where we’re going. It’s scary. But since 2011, they’ve been putting this thing in here called a GPS, right? That’s me. I can’t buckle your seat belt if you want to start the car, put it in gear and go, but I can help you navigate there. You still got to do the driving. So I love that you just said a great coach sits in the discomfort of their clients growing into their own answers.
That’s awesome, brother. That’s awesome. So if you’re in a discovery, you. Kind of situation. They make sure you’re the right horse for the course, the right coach, and you also, are they the right client for you? Is like, is mind sharing any secret sauce on what you want to what, how you maybe your system to help them maybe shine a light on that initial blind spot that might be holding ’em back?
Yeah. Well,
Matt Thieleman: so this relates to that. You know, what makes a great coach is that people don’t. Think that they’re hiring me so that they can sit, they can come up with their own answers. They think that they’re hiring me for their [00:09:00] tools, for my tools, for my frameworks, for my genius. And so in that, in that first session is often like this awkwardness of like, Oh, you’re not going to tell me what to do.
You’re, you’re not going to tell me what I want. And so like, for me, it’s, it’s in that spot that I can say, look, like, what’s it like for you to have to come up with what you want, like, cause actually that’s the real work right now. So what’s it like to be in this discovery process, , If you want a coach, who’s going to give you answers, I can give you another coach is more of an advisor.
Yes. But if you want to sit with me, I’m going to love you the whole time and sit here to challenge you to say, I know you got it. And in order to really be in the practice of that, we just have to be patient. So will you be patient with me? And what if it takes two, three conversations for you to decide if we’re The right
L. Scott Ferguson: people to work together.
So good. I love that. You’re not even a coach. Salton. There’s a lot of people who will be like, , I’ll tell [00:10:00] people like, what do you think I should, especially if I coach a real estate agent, right? Because I’ve been, , licensed agent, which off Mike, I told you since like 1997, 98, right? So that’s almost 30 years, kind of over 25 years.
And it’s like, if you’d allow me to take my coaching hat off and I put on a consultant hat, which I’m still charging you for, , I can give you my ideas, but I try never to go there. And I love that. Love that you’re actually holding firm to this. This is awesome. So Matt, maybe if you’re still, not always, not always
Matt Thieleman: Scott.
I mean, , I’m like, I have to admit my own humanity to like, sometimes I fall in the trap. I’m like, Oh, I just told you what to do. I’m attached to you getting this direction. I’m at like. Like I fell into that trap. Yeah. I can, , how’s that going for you? Like, what do you see? Right. So, , just say like, I wish I was a hundred percent perfect, but I am not.
L. Scott Ferguson: I’m not. I’ll do a lot of what if we, cause it’s starting with a question, right? But you’re actually giving them what to do and it just hurts. But so if you’re in that discovery [00:11:00] conversation, so Matt, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Matt Thieleman: Yes. Yeah. So I often will bring this up. Which is what’s going to happen when there’s a breakdown, how are you going to screw this up? Or am I going to screw it up? Like, what if we could predict, and then how do we want to, what do we want to do with that? How do we want to go about it? How are we committed to repairing the relationship?
So many clients like me, like we’ll get in a conversation and want to impress me. They’ll want to be a good client. They’ll want me to say yes to them. And so they’ll be afraid to cause any conflict. And I would love if more, if more clients were like. Hey, so what happens when this goes sideways? How are we going to stay committed if they were to like, , kind of create that themselves?
L. Scott Ferguson: Wow, that is amazing. And every single, I always tell them kind of in the first session, it’s just kind of like a get to know you kind of feeling in a sense. I mean, we go deep, but the second [00:12:00] session is the hardest because I try to challenge them the most. If they agree to come on, if I’m feeling their energy to do that, but that that’s, that’s amazing.
What’s going to happen if things do go sideways? And how could we circle back to repair it? That’s that’s amazing. That’s that’s strong, man so have you seen the movie back to the future? Oh, yeah, of course. Okay, right 80s kid Yeah, right 80s kid. Love it. So let’s get that delorean marty mcfly, right?
Let’s go back to the double deuce the 22 year old matt What kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on him? Not to change anything outright, but to maybe help him shorten a learning curve, maybe blast through level up, maybe just a little bit quicker through life.
Matt Thieleman: I would, I would have him see how much like pain he was holding inside of his body. And to help him see at that point, it didn’t have to feel like that. I used to wake up, I was a college athlete. And played baseball [00:13:00] for fun through age 28. I’ll probably get back to him, but , for, for a while. And I used to wake up thinking that every day was pain.
That just like, that was life. Like I’m an athlete. I work hard. This is how life is. And. Both thanks to therapy and trauma healing, thanks to a change in diet. Thanks to changing a lot of habits. Like I realized like I can actually feel good in my body. And so just like to open that door to him a little bit would have, would have been really fun.
L. Scott Ferguson: Oh my gosh, that’s amazing that changed anything You just like they let this good stuff in if you don’t know how get your asking gear And like there’s people out there that can help you right? That’s right. That’s awesome So, how do you want then matt your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date life date and death date Hopefully it’s way down the road.
But how do you want your dash remembered?
Matt Thieleman: There’s a, there’s a saying die empty. And that, that’s one of my, that’s, that’s one of my [00:14:00] intentions is and similar to like, when I think about 22 year old me, I was a social media manager for Michigan’s business school at that point and had these skills, but then I doubted myself.
I wasn’t sharing myself. If I had started a personal brand at 22, I would, I would have a very different life. I think. Sure. And so there was so much that I kept bottled up. That was like, I see this in the world and I’m just yelling at my friends about this instead of actually sharing it more. And so by the, by the time I by the time I die, I would love for people to see this and say, Matt gave so much of him by the time he was gone.
And for me to be able to rest and say, I did my best. Right. And that is simply sharing my, my brilliance, my wisdom, my heart, my soul, being open hearted as much as I can. And. Trying, I, I say that my purpose here is to remind us all that we’re God. So yes. To do that on a daily basis, to see that in the best way.
L. Scott Ferguson: I can unpack that a little bit so people understand what you meant. Yeah. About being
Matt Thieleman: [00:15:00] God. So please, especially in the US we have a very, like, , Christian, like Christian idea of God. What I sim what I mean is simply like the, if there were, it’s like the force if you’re a Star Wars fan, right?
That thing that binds us, that, that connects us all is a reminder of that. We’re all connected to it, and in fact, there’s no way to get outside of it. Right. The, the, the, the bigger and smaller we go, the more we see, like, it’s all just weird little bits of energy. And so the power in that for me is to remind me that like, I’m never alone.
I’m never separate. And I have the, the power in me that created an entire universe inside of me if I want to tap into. Yes.
L. Scott Ferguson: That yeah, it’s exactly it’s like I love that you took away the religious connotation because I’ll even say to people that they’re sending in, , and I have to say, I don’t mean it for religious connotation.
It’s a sin is from the Greek word Sini, which means missing the mark. Right? So it’s like you don’t wanna wake up When we agreed to, okay, you’re gonna do the [00:16:00] cold plunge, you’re gonna do this, you’re sinning, bro. So, but if you set that in their mind, they’re like, wait a minute, I can’t sin . You know what I’m saying?
So I love it. Yeah, I love it, man. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about you?
Matt Thieleman: People can miss my heart when I get sharp, when I. It’s on either side. So for example, my 17 year old niece just was living with my wife and I, for a couple of months, she’s taking a gap year. And what I know that sometimes I can be like uncle Matt, who’s hard to please has high standards is rigid, high integrity.
And so people can miss the, the love that’s underneath that, which is. I have this standard for me in you because I see your best, because I see that you have infinite potential. And. I know that that’s available and I love you so much that I’m going to ask you to live this way. Sure. That, that can often be [00:17:00] missed.
L. Scott Ferguson: Dude, that, that’s super transparent. Thank you for sharing that. Yeah. That’s, that is amazing because it’s just, I want so bad. For people to want to really level up to their ultimate human potential, right? And it’s just like you just want to oh and so they’ll like see me and i’ll look at him They’ll are you disappointing me?
Absolutely not. I just know what you’re capable of and I really want you to get there You know, that’s amazing. So so if people really knew matt dealman, what would they know? So if someone really knew me they would know what?
Matt Thieleman: Yeah. Well, they would, I saw a lot of the stuff that I’ve shared, they would know that I’m a little human who is also God that I hurt a lot that I feel a lot and that everything that I do is in service of something bigger, something more for them.
Yes. Yeah, they, I do also a really good job of covering up how hard life can be for me. I make a lot of things [00:18:00] look easy.
L. Scott Ferguson: I was, yeah, I was going to ask you though, how are you with the reciprocation being reciprocated to. Yeah.
Matt Thieleman: I’m, I’ve been learning about the last handful of years in my life. How to receive from others.
Yeah, man. Good spot. It’s
L. Scott Ferguson: hard, bro. It’s hard when you’re a server, like, , I served again, I did hard target situations and Iraq, Afghanistan, somebody it’s like I serve, serve, serve, right. It was so hard for me. And finally a coach was like, listen, he coached me outside and it was like, Oh, just a one off someone I really wanted to talk to.
He’s like, see that sea grape, which is a plant on the ocean. Right. And he’s like, see that sea grape. He goes, we breathe in, out in what I’m like, action. What do we breathe out? Carbon dioxide. What does the sea grape breathe in? Carbon dioxide, freeze out action. It was that secret have a choice. That’s what he said to me.
I just clicked. He goes, it doesn’t have a choice. It just does it. So then I started really opening up. I’m still get a little, Hey, you want to give that to me [00:19:00] kind of thing? Right. Like you feel like an imposter, like, do you deserve it? But then, yeah, it really leaned into that. I’d love it. Love that you deal with that too.
So. Anything keep you up at night?
Matt Thieleman: Sometimes I eat too late or I watch TV too. You and I are brothers
L. Scott Ferguson: from another mother, man. I’m telling you, dude, that’s one thing, especially when you hit your late thirties, like you have to so watch what you eat before you go to bed. Like now I have to, I’m 51, I have to, or else I will get like four hours of sleep, , versus six or seven that I’m needed.
I think that’s, that’s transparent too. So what is, Matt’s definition of a life well lived.
Matt Thieleman: I’ll revert this back to my definition of success. To me, they’re, they’re very much the same and it success is merely our life well, it is merely having the life that we want. And like that, that is wild that this like is, I think really. Can be really challenging for us because [00:20:00] our society, our culture, our upbringing, tell us so much about how we should live, what a definition of achievement and success financially or impact wise should look like what our relationship should look like, what our body should look like, what our diet should like, all of that.
Right. And the more that we can let go of that and really tune in to what’s true for me, how do I want my business? What size do I want it to be? Where do I want to live? How do I want my relationships to look success is getting clear on those and then being the person who can create them. And I think that’s a way of life.
Well lived.
L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, I love that. And yeah, obviously people, they’ll have the vision, they’ll have the game plan, but then they, , they don’t take action and you have to be really do that. Right. And like, it’s scary, man. It is scary. Like my whole thing is like, after you serve the government for so long, the last thing you want to do is punch a clock, right?
It’s like be told what to do by someone else. [00:21:00] Right. And nothing wrong with the government because you have to have that because we’re protecting, , the greatest nation on earth. But It’s like, I just, I want to live a life of options and not obligations. That makes sense. It’s like, dude, that’s my definition of success.
Right. Do like what you said, what I want, right. In the service, , Steve robbery wrote radical leap, great book. And he says, I do what I love in the service of people that love what I do. Right. So you do what you love. You love authoring. You love coaching in the service of people that know you love coaching and know you love authoring.
That’s awesome, man. I’m serious. We’re like attached. This is awesome, man. Fantastic. Time to shine today. Podcast Varsity Squad, we are back.
And Matt, when we meet up in Colorado, or if you ever make it down to Palm Beach. We’ll probably talk about some of these questions, 15, 20 minutes, an hour over a brain grenade or a kava or something, right? But today you got five seconds with no explanations, you’re ready to level [00:22:00] up and they can all be answered that way brother.
I promise you. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. Let’s do it. Put on that K college hat. You smarty. We were talking about that. I love it. All right, man. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Matt Thieleman: Oh, advice. I’m failing on this one in high school. My teacher said when I was upset about a thing in 30 years, how important will this be for your life?
L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. 100%. And love it. Sure. What are your personal habits that contributes to your success? We talk
Matt Thieleman: about sleep. I go to sleep nine hour. I’m in bed. That’s fine.
L. Scott Ferguson: Beautiful. That’s, that’s a superpower actually, , to be able to do that’s fantastic. So you see me kind of walking down the street or maybe at an event, or maybe we were just meeting and like, man, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit. Other than your book, what book might you hand me that really kind of.
Turned your mindset inside out in moving forward. Two books.
Matt Thieleman: One of the kids book called the monster at the end of this book. It’s the book I get for all my friends, kids coaching [00:23:00] book in 20 pages. And second, when things fall apart by Pema Chodron, it’s a Buddhist book and my most heavily gifted book.
L. Scott Ferguson: Yes.
Yes. I not dug into, it’s literally on my bookshelf, but I have not read it yet. But now that you said that it’ll be my next one. That’s awesome. So Matt, what’s the most commonly used emoji, if any, when you text. Heart. Love it. Nicknames growing up?
Matt Thieleman: I have big ears. So I would call elf boy and flops.
L. Scott Ferguson: I love it too.
I love it. So do you have a hidden talent or superpower that nobody really knows about until now?
My wife would
Matt Thieleman: say I’m a really good cook.
L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. Very cool, man. Awesome. Chess checkers or monopoly? Oh, monopoly. Monopoly. Headline for your life.
You are God. Yes. Yes. Any superstitions you leaned into at all? I
Matt Thieleman: can only set my alarms to
L. Scott Ferguson: numbers that add to 12. Hey, that’s fine. That’s fine. Thank you for being transparent with that. That’s awesome. Go to
Matt Thieleman: ice cream flavor. Fish food by [00:24:00] Ben and Jerry’s is by
L. Scott Ferguson: far the best. Love it. There’s a sandwich called the Maddie Flops.
Build that sandwich for him. What’s on it? Oh, it’s got to have bacon. Man candy. My dude. Love you.
Matt Thieleman: Yeah, dude. Probably like roasted turkey, bacon club with some delicious, like garlic, aioli, mayo thing. Sounds
L. Scott Ferguson: legit. Absolutely. Favorite charity and organization you like to give your time and or money to.
Matt Thieleman: Yeah, there’s one in Nashville called our kids. And they help child children, victim of sexual assault and abuse. Really amazing
L. Scott Ferguson: work. Donnie, put that in the show notes, please. Thank you. Awesome. And last question, you can elaborate on this one a little bit, but what is the best decade of music?
Sixties, seventies, eighties, or nineties.
Matt Thieleman: I listened to more of the nineties, but eighties, how do you beat eighties? Like sync pop weirdness, man,
L. Scott Ferguson: dude, there is nothing that will ever happen again. Unless this world gets blown to smithereens and has to rebuild. That will match the eighties. And I was born in 72. So I’m like a true, [00:25:00] I graduated in 90.
So it’s like, , you had the outs of disco invasion of rap. Right? , you had, , Beastie Boys were on DMC, then you had Big Hair, Don’t Care, Glam Rock, Metal you had the invasions from U2 and Duran Duran. Dude, there’s Culture Club, everything is in the 80s. That’s I’m so blessed. I got to live in that decade of decadence and actually be formed to it I think it like even with you being born in the mid 80s.
You got the taste of it, into the 90s So, what? It’s like to work, like a lot of these generations that are coming after that’s , I do a lot of my pro bono work is for the younger generation right now, where I coach them up and, and say, listen, my life’s going to punch you in the mouth, you just get ready.
You better be ready. So I love it. So Matt, how can we find you, my friend?
Matt Thieleman: Yeah. On golden bristle. com. That’s my business website that has all my social handles. Or if you just Google my name, I’m very Google able. [00:26:00]
L. Scott Ferguson: So, or I have to ask you, I’m going to go off script here, but I have to ask you the origins of golden bristle.
Where did that come
Matt Thieleman: from? I’m going to on video. I’m going to show you, I have a tattoo here. That’s a rune. That is a rune for harvest. I’ve had this not on my body, but in a little charm since I was 10 and. Golden Bristle is a translation of the Norse word Gullinbursti, who is he was a golden boar who is the pet of the God of Harvest.
The God of Harvest is named Frey. And Gullinbursti, wherever he walked, the sun shone and flowers bloomed. He literally created abundance wherever he went. Plus he was like a badass warrior paw. So he had, he had love and warrior at the same time as, yeah, really impactful for me.
L. Scott Ferguson: That’s amazing, but it so golden bristle is taken from what word again golden bursty golden bursty.
Love it, man Yeah, that’s legit and like unpack a little bit about like especially if you’re a [00:27:00] coach therapist Parent anybody that’s really having to be an influence on people’s lives you have to pick up this is coaching by by matt teelman and matt like Let’s dig into this book a little bit. To me, again, it brought me back to basics, but there’s some advanced stuff in there too, but like that really brought me back.
Let’s unpack this. What was the origins of it? What got you to write it? If you don’t mind just sharing that with us.
Matt Thieleman: In 2021, I was CEO of a coaching network called Pylea. I left at the end of the year, took a month and a half off. Kristen and I went to Hawaii where we got engaged. We’re now married. It was nice.
Literally the last morning I woke up at 4am cause we had a super early flight and the book I will, I’m going to use the word was channeled through me. I like, I saw 80 percent of the outline of the book. There is like a voice in my head that said, you’re going to write a book this year. And I was like, okay, I got up and I told Kristen, I’m writing a book.
And then I wrote it over the next six months. Oh. Yeah, that’s, I don’t, I don’t know how that’s the
L. Scott Ferguson: [00:28:00] answer though. That’s amazing, man. Like I actually went to my editor and I added your names. Obviously you’re going to get something to sign off on. Cause I’m adding, I wrote a business parable. That’s being like a hero’s journey.
Right. And That’s the only kind I usually like to read so much, , like Bob Berg’s a go giver or, , something like that. Right. And I actually added a couple of quotes from you into it. So I was going to surprise you with it, but I have to actually get your signature to be able to use your name at the back end of the book.
I’m surprised now. So, yeah, but yeah, it’s, I mean, so you just kind of. It fell out of you, like you almost threw up onto your keyboard in a sense, right? And it just kind of came out and then you just got it arranged in six months or so and went to market with it or Legit.
Matt Thieleman: We got on the plane and I hand wrote 80 percent of the outline.
So it’s, , the outline of the book is not, not a traditional nonfiction book, right? I don’t have like a, here’s my thesis and supporting blah, blah, blah. It is literally the energy of a coaching journey. And [00:29:00] all the aspects of that journey. And it’s a number of really short, short chapters awesome page to a page and a half.
And so every day I just got up and I wrote one and then I would feel into, okay, what feels like it’s missing here. Or I’d have some crazy stuff go down with clients and be like, Oh, I need to put that in the book now. Cause it’s happening. And, and I just kind of let it be what it was. But my intention was exactly as you said, is someone who might not sit down and read a whole 300 page nonfiction.
And just cause I get mired down in those, but to have a quick hits, that is as if I’m speaking to you on the fly. So you can really just, just apply it immediately.
L. Scott Ferguson: Dude, I can tell you I’m reading, I’m not done with it. Like, I mean, I done with it because I read it, but I’m not done with it. Meaning like, so Ryan holiday has got a great, great book called the daily stoic.
Right. And then Robert Green, who actually mentored Ryan holiday, kind of backed it up with. The daily laws right which is awesome read so I read that that and [00:30:00] now I add The short chapter from yours as a coaching refresher and then there’s another one that i’m reading about speaking on stage Broke down just like yours.
It’s just on my Kindle, just, , just kind of fly through them. So, and then, yeah, it’s awesome that you just did amazing with it. And thank you for getting that out to the world, man. So if you could, Matt, please leave us with one last knowledge nugget. We can take with us and take action on please.
Matt Thieleman: for anyone who’s listening, Scott, you mentioned that some of your folks, they see that something else might be possible, right? The invitation I have is to take like five minutes just to feel that part of you over the next week. Just tune into it, tune into that pain, that knowing, that wisdom, whatever that is, and get to know it.
Because that is probably the real you. And the more you can pay attention to it the more it’s going to speak and the, the more you’ll move towards the life [00:31:00] that you want. I think. Yeah.
L. Scott Ferguson: That’s, that’s so true. Cause the intuition generally is never wrong. It just is, that it’s going to work for you, but people, again, that’s like, like Mike Malatesta said to me, I said it earlier, , as a coach, I immensely respect and also, and he’s like, listen, everyone knows what they want.
We just don’t know how to talk ourselves into it. So it’s sitting in there. Right. It is just sitting in there and squad. I just had a gang kind of a bucket list situation here Super fun conversation with my good friend. Matthew. I mean he was a lifelong journey of almost kind of healing He’s an empath who had to navigate a turbulent household and he really took that energy and he kind of Transform that into himself out to others and just became like a fantastic.
There’s other stops along the journey, but it’s probably really, as a coach and really serving in the helping people level up, he loves to say that, , he’ll sit in the discomfort of his clients while they. And really, he listens with his neck. I can just see him [00:32:00] in a session where he’s really leaning in and really getting them, not just the words that are coming up, but the, the, the, the eye twitches, the ear movements, the touches of the face, , he’ll sit in that discomfort with them, letting them grow, like really in that gestation period.
And he’s helping water and fertilize and whatnot and like letting them, letting it come out. Of them again, listening with your neck, that that’s something I could just really picture Matt doing. ? And you’re gonna get stuck in coaching relationships. So if you have a coach out there, and I know that my clients are probably listening to this, we’ve gotten stuck.
, and I’d love, maybe even start off in our coaching relationships to my current clients right now, to maybe go back and say, Hey, how can we. Really set up a protocol to know which way we’re going to go when we get stuck when we might get I’m saying this quotes mad at each other or just the energy’s not there Matt really brought that up as something we could front load and really get out there, He wants you if you’re younger or even if you’re older and you’re holding that pain inside [00:33:00] find a way really to Really work it out of you.
Your intuition is kind of sitting there telling you stuff as well But There’s people out there that will listen to you. So like my good friend, Leah Woodford would say, get your asking here, get, let me make a warm introduction to Matt. If you think that it might be a right fun discussion for you or not fun, but a discussion that will serve you.
And if you see something that you feel will work for you. that you think is possible. Take five minutes a day to really tune into it because Matt reminded us that is the real you. That’s the authentic you really wanting to burst to the surface. Remember at 12 a. m it’s freaking dark people. Okay, it’s not just light.
You got to go through your dark times and really get that worked out. Let me get you with Matt or a coach like him that will help you get to that sunlight. When you plant a freaking seed it’s underground, it’s dark. You’ve got to fertilize it, , water it. And that’s what someone like Matt does.
He helps with that gestation time to help you become the ultimate you. And [00:34:00] Matt, you level up your health. You level up your wealth, , you’re hungry yet. You’re humble. You’re a handsome dude. Thank you so much for coming on. And I hope to collaborate with you in the future at some point, whether it’s on the page, the stage or the mic one way or another, I’ve got to collaborate with you, man.
And so thank you so much for coming on. You’re in your varsity squad letter here at time to shine today. And I just love your guts, brother. Thank you. I love it. Thank
Matt Thieleman: you, Scott. I’m so excited to meet in real life too. Awesome. Chat soon.
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