Welcome to Episode 64! James Sweeney was on his way to a school that got hit with the Covid Virus, but took the time to be interviewed. His company designed a product that will help battle this terrible virus with his product that kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria that can spread the virus. He drops some solid Knowledge Nuggets about his past and products coming to market that we can use going forward for precaution. Enjoy!
People need to start being more concerned with air quality. Many diseases start there.
– James Sweeney
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. The human body sheds between 40-45 million bacteria and fungus an hour.
2. The United States needs to be less dependent on other countries and make more products stateside.
3. You have two ears, listen more than you talk.
4. People need to start being concerned with air quality
Level Up!
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Jim from healthy builds. If you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should listen to the time to shine today podcast with my friend Scott Ferguson. Hey, time to shine today varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson. And we are recorded this podcast, my friend James Sweeney back in March 17. And we’re just starting to roll into a lockdown of our pandemic, here with the COVID virus and Chim share some solid, solid knowledge nuggets about how the body works with bacteria, and how his product can help kill 99.9% of the bacteria that’s going on out there. How we need to be a lot more concerned with air quality around here because a lot of the diseases they start there. So Jim is with a company called home builds. And he’s out of Jupiter, Florida, kind of a neighbor here of mine, and he’s going to drop some serious knowledge nuggets on you. So Especially kind of this time of uncertainty. And hopefully we’re kind of moving out of this COVID situation, but he’s going to educate you. And I encourage you to listen to the whole interview, sit back, relax, take some notes, because here’s my friend James Sweeney.
Unknown Speaker 1:28
Hey, time to shine squad Scott Ferguson here in I am super privileged to be able to have a conversation that’s going to really blow your mind, especially with all this COVID slash Coronavirus. This going around and kind of hot in our days as we live to be a little bit more educated about what is going on in our environment in our world. I’m having Jim Sweeney from healthy builds. He is a partner of mine in a group called the veterans for network here in South Florida, and it’s never a better time to bring on Jim. He is a retired military officer with significant deployments overseas even in Africa. After retiring he started working with a series of products they, they turn into a unique program that keeps homes and offices biologically clean. He’s an experienced owner the demonstrated history working in international trade and develop Industry Skills and crisis management, intelligence analysis, operations management, analytical skills in a government master’s degree in International Relations and a business degree from the University of Nebraska. While there are some serious credentials, and Jim Welcome to the time to shine today squad if you could introduce yourself and first tell us your favorite color and why.
Unknown Speaker 2:54
My name is Jim Sweeney.
Unknown Speaker 2:57
I think that intro is pretty special. With that, and three bucks to get you a cup of coffee, Okay, I’m gonna say blues my favorite color. Why is that? I don’t know, my mom’s. Okay. And we live here in South Florida, which, you know, full disclosure peeps. You know, we’re kind of neighbors here in South Florida, me and Jim. So we got that ocean, you know, keeps us and keeps us centered, which is fantastic. But Jim, give me a little bit of origin of your story. Let’s talk a little bit about, you know, how you got to where you’re at there with healthy builds right now. While working in Africa, I knew I would. That was going to be some of my last work in the military. So I turned around and started looking at products that you could take back into Africa that were economical, and that would make a difference. So as I came back, I started that process and some of the products that I ran into are tied to our healthy bill. Some of them aren’t. But the first one that I ran into was this molecule that basically you can attach to a surface. And it keeps that surface germ free. That was, I saw as a real edge in Africa because when you go to a hospital in Africa, your whole family has to show up. They sit outside in the dirt and cook your food, they have to bring you water. It’s a completely different experience than anything in the US and the smallest things can make a difference. So the ability to go in and, and fog out a hospital and make those surfaces germ free. It’s persistent cleaning, it’s not like a disinfectant. It’s also not like a poison. So there’s no off gassing none of this. I didn’t know that at the time, because I learned about it. I did. So my thought process was there was a great way to extend the brand of the United States. With a US product success, and I’ve gotten much more into it, and we’ve taken it to another level. So what was the aha moment that said, Okay, this is what I want to do is serve people, keep them safe, keep them clean, especially in this literally right now in this day and age where, right now as we record this, it’s St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. And there’s quarantining going on and there’s curfews and everything else. That’s just crazy. But what was that aha moment? That got you to say, all right, I want to make a difference with a product. Um, after I retired, I started up in business and my partners were more interested in money than I was. And I was really much more interested in in making a difference. And they made the decision to do roads because there was a lot of money in road construction and I’m decision to split off and work. Hospital hygiene just general hygiene because I saw it as a lifesaver, or a life extender. And I thought that was something I could, you know, wrap the last bits of my life around. So you had this product in Africa first. So I when I was in Africa, I got to experience it. And when I came back and retired in the US, I started looking at us based technologies that could help Africa. This was one of the very first ones I found. Okay, and was there any obstacles of getting did you develop an Africa and bring it here or you’ve had the ideas in Africa and brought in the United States and developed it in the States? So
Unknown Speaker 6:47
I was at while in Africa, I worked as an attache and I saw the different levels of poverty Where were the successes were how things really work and then came back to the States. Look for stuff that would work. I’ll give you a good example. They have a trade show in DC every year that I go to. And they’re, they bring out all these products that they think are great for Africa. Well, I normally walk through there and I might find one that really is. So in Africa, a guy comes out and he buys a bottle of aspirin. But you come up and buy one aspirin at a time and he basically puts it in your hand and you pay him for an aspirin and that’s his business. So you have to retool your thinking, I’ve got they got all these companies with reverse osmosis. One of the things that we’re going to do shortly, is our molecule just got direct food contact. So there’s a way to take sand and rocks and build a water filter. So what you do is the very bottom that you get a big, a 55 gallon drum, and at the bottom of it, you’ve got bigger runs. And then you get finer sand, mid, mid grade sand and then it goes to real fine sand on the top. You pour water in it, you put a pipe at the bottom, so the pressure pushes it out. You run that for two weeks, it grows a biofilm on the top, which will get parasites. So it catches it like a filter, in a sense. Yes, it’s absolutely a filter. It’s an old school. That sounds like something might it did when we were kids, like maybe in the scouts or something that we did where we’d filter water almost in a sense, we make it drinkable. It gets it about it. 90% so when we put our molecule on it, it’s it’s right at that 99.99% but that’s the kind of technology that works and, and part of it is you got to build it into a business something they recognize. I found when I projects over there, I I had buy in I didn’t just give things away because people don’t respect something. They didn’t work for When you work for it you respect Alright, so you’re the Tell us about your operation at home bill to who’s there who works with you? Who will you do strategically aligned with? We’re, we work with our companies, a small company, we got about four people in it locally, this one we picked up some former teachers, educators, my partner used to make the molecule that’s how I met him. He, okay, sold the company and now we’re just an application. And what do you mean by just an application? We’re no longer manufacturing the molecule directly he sold okay. So right now what we’re doing is we’re over the next two weeks, I’ve got appointments to three hospitals, three hospitals and a major gym in up in Georgia. Okay. We are today at For New Rochelle, we’re going to go up there and help the school district that got hit with the COVID. Okay, so we’ve already got product moving in there. We’re going up to, they’re bringing people in, and we’re gonna educate on how to use all this stuff. And from there, we’re going up to Wisconsin to help meet with mayo, people from the mayo from a series of government locations. And we’re going to talk about how to clean the air. It’s an airborne virus. How to treat these surfaces how to maintain your hands, so you hear him on TV now telling you to wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands. Sure. When we put it on our hands, we’ve got data that shows one one application we’ll keep hands clean for 24 hours. Wow. And how much percentage of the germs or whatnot does it actually kill is nothing really kills 100% right but like they’re like what, what percent Do you believe that your application would it would moderate reduction? If we look at it with the hand sanitizer label for bacteria? It’s right around 99.99. Wow, that’s strong. Guys. You hear that? So is this a is your product available to the public? Or is that mainly to, like businesses? Like you’re going up to New Rochelle, you’re going to help places that are stricken. Can people
Unknown Speaker 11:27
access your product? We’re we don’t have it right now out for sale anywhere. Okay. At one company that we’re selling to them. They’ve got a private label with us and I think they’re trying to take it into various drugstores. Okay, but what we do what we’re doing with it right now is we build it into our home package. We come in and treat the home they get hand sanitizer, we can actually treat your clothing through a laundry additive
Unknown Speaker 11:57
Unknown Speaker 11:58
when I took the troop When I tested this 10 years ago, I said the boy scout troop scout camp, and I treated my uniform. And at the end of the day I wore it every day I sweat through it about two three times a day. And when I came back, the clothing never got washed, but it didn’t stink.
Unknown Speaker 12:19
Unknown Speaker 12:21
Well, you can have your gym clothes for it, it’ll bring if you really oily it will cover up the molecule after about a week or two and Sure thing, but the odor is from bacteria it’s not from sweat, okay. In that bacteria so it’s obviously wouldn’t be able to put this out to the the companies or even the public but it’s all 100% safe for skin touch. Yes. Okay. Our if you turn around and look at we’re an approved enter ingredient for any hand sanitizer with operate with it with an FDA label. So they’ve already blessed it. Our technology has a direct food contact piece that’s granted by the FDA and the EPA, which is pretty unusual. Okay? the mildest possible. Later turn the market, right. We got a 40 year history. Okay. issues. Wow. Well, so is there any CCS way to say this? Is there any bureaucratic pushback on any of your products? Like, is there any people out there that are like, No, you know, now we’re in a pandemic, or whatever that word is where people are like, yes, bring whatever is going to help. But, you know, is there any pushback when we’re in milder times, if you will? I think there is because there’s, there’s always that we’ve gone into hospitals before and they’ll ask you to test on a specific bug. And then they want to test on a variant of the bug. So, I’m testing you know, if I test one, right, it runs me a couple thousand bucks and then you do and they’ll sit there and have you test an arsenal and never buy it. Really? It costs you a G. Yeah, right. big, fat gorilla for them to say no, it’s crazy. If you don’t make a decision you never get fired. I don’t know. I think big bureaucracies always. Turn the ship takes a while but your average human is the old pig pen commercial. We’re shedding somewhere between 40 and 45 million bacteria and fungus and our Wow, you playing with a disinfectant? It only works when it’s wet. And if you use it right you’re normally wetting the surface for 10 minutes. So if you disinfected once a day, the other 23 hours and 15 minutes, all those surfaces are loading with biology.
Unknown Speaker 15:05
Right? A hotel room.
Unknown Speaker 15:07
Within about six hours, your shedding of your biology will overcome whoever’s college he was in, right?
Unknown Speaker 15:15
Unknown Speaker 15:16
It’s a, most people don’t see or you know, we don’t see ourselves as a pig pen. But when we come into a house and we turn on a laser particle counter for the client to look at it, and they see particle counts at 400 500,000 particles per cubic foot, right? It technically.
Unknown Speaker 15:37
But there’s all kinds of yuck in the air.
Unknown Speaker 15:39
It there’s yuck and it’s just so crazy. The chemistry in that what happens with just like you said, like when you go into a hotel room, it’s like, your body kind of starts taking over what was there before, but also like, what’s really weird is that digressing too much here, but I’m just trying to explain how things kind of work, like you have a married couple that stays married for 20 3040 years, they almost start to look like each other, you know, because of the chemical reaction between the two that is, like they’re always, you know, on each other for lack of a better term, you know, they’re around each other so that, that what you’re saying it just makes, you know, perfect sense on, on what, what how your product can work to destroy what doesn’t need to be there. So what is your take, without getting political or anything on our situation right now with the COVID 19 or the Coronavirus? Like what what’s your take on it right now? I we’ve got a we’ve got a partner, Dr. Gideon wolf Hart, who’s head of biofilms research at Ryerson University and get in as always told us that sometime in our lifetime there There’s going to be a major, major event that will be similar to like that. 1980. I don’t think that’s what this is. I think they’ve approached it. Right? They shut things down, right. As soon as it happened, I think China did the China thing where they don’t tell everybody because there was a there was a PLOS article that came out in January. And it was talking about this novel, Corona virus infection while they get through close, you know, it’s a high end science piece to get through that, you know, that didn’t just happen that week. And they, they reported for the first time on the last day of December. So when you go back into that, that’s way back in October, November. Yeah. And then I hear there’s journalists missing and stuff that wanted to put it up. Yet I don’t want to digress into any of the stories and it’s just funny about the whole toilet thing with it being a respiratory, you know, infection but then I sat there I was talking to a hedge fund manager friend of mine from Detroit about that he’s like, you know, Scott, we’re pointing our finger so much at China and maybe rightfully so. But they do like 90% of the packaging for toilet paper. So we’re getting I guess that’s it. I think maybe people are buying it really for that maybe why because it’s funny we make the toilet paper here or Canada or somewhere they ship it to get packaged by Sharman and northern and they ship it back so they he’s like Scott that might be what it is. We’re pointing at it so much. They could just say a few we’re not gonna ship your stuff and then we’d be really using our hands for everything. Yeah, they they’ve had threats you know, they just came out with threats in terms of not providing
Unknown Speaker 18:53
antibiotics. Nice. They have
Unknown Speaker 18:55
heard that Yeah, but they
Unknown Speaker 18:58
they had a one of their guys And officials come up publicly and say that so well we know what’s going to happen. I’m certain that what’s gonna, what’s going to occur from this is one of the guys on our team is a pharmacist and he’s been squawking about this in my ear for years is that we’re too dependent on China. And, and right now, I think there’s like 100 plus drugs are in shortage in the US. Because they’re made over there, because they’re made over there. Well, it hopefully will start picking up the game to start making some stuff here, but that’s for another conversation.
Unknown Speaker 19:36
So, what is your
Unknown Speaker 19:40
definition of a life well lived? Jim.
Unknown Speaker 19:44
You know, I think if you can turn around and look in the mirror and and see you’re on the other side when you greet your maker and your parents. Mm hmm. And they give you a thumbs up. That’s it, huh? That’s it Your servants So many people with what you do and it’s just amazing. You’re doing it so quietly, you’re kicking ass but you’re still doing things so quietly, can what would be the gym of now go back and tell if you can go back in time or write a letter to the younger gym say the 25 year old gym? What would you tell him? You’ve experienced a lot. We haven’t even we’re leaving a lot of the military stuff off the table. But I mean, you’re you’re an officer in the army in the you’ve seen some stuff like like myself, so but what would you go back and tell the 25 year old Jim, I think with your experience now, I think I would go back and say you know, you’ve got two ears. Listen, more than you talk. That isn’t, did you hear that squad? Listen more I always say to each mode we say I even said in a podcast. two ears one mouth for a reason. That’s why I’m not my mom but a friend of mines mom used to tell him that I don’t get my mom credit for that. Even though she did have some great great sayings, so Jim, let’s leave our cell phone out of the equation. What are three things? It can be a people place or thing and noun three nouns that you cannot live without
Unknown Speaker 21:15
a pool.
Unknown Speaker 21:19
A Nebraska football
Unknown Speaker 21:21
Husker okay.
Unknown Speaker 21:25
A good steak dinner.
Unknown Speaker 21:27
Oh, I mean we can we have to definitely hang out now.
Unknown Speaker 21:32
Awesome. So with your
Unknown Speaker 21:37
with your profession.
Unknown Speaker 21:41
you’re answering a lot of questions, obviously. But is there one question that you wish somebody would ask? But they never do? Absolutely. And I think that question is, it relates to the air and we are at a point Where, I don’t know if you recall the Ebola virus where you’ve got folks out there and PEPFAR and they’re telling you it’s not airborne. But if you’re read the studies coming back after that two years after it, right, they showed that both the West and the western version and the Zaire version of Ebola stays stay viable in the air for 90 minutes. It’s all in the air for nine. All particles point three micron in size and below, can stay suspended in the air almost indefinitely because they’re under Brownian motion. They don’t have enough mass to really have gravity effect them. So the government really hasn’t taken note of that, and they always try to tamp it down. But you know, how many people sit on a plane and there’s a guy eight rows back gag? I mean, you’re going on No. Five to get sick? Yeah, yeah. We all intuitively know it, right? But they think that the population is A panic will run their head into a wall and I don’t know where you’re at. You think that you wish more people really asked you about air quality? Absolutely. Okay. You know, that’s, that’s fair enough. And we’re gonna move into our leveling up lightning round. Okay? And there’s four or five questions I’m gonna ask you and I could talk for 1520 minutes on each one of them, but we’re going to limit you to seven seconds. Max no more. All right, brother. Yeah, you’re ready. All right. What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 23:33
Unknown Speaker 23:35
Exercise. There you go. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 23:44
I exercise almost every day.
Unknown Speaker 23:46
Beautiful. Yeah, you’re you’re pretty well put together I get to see Jim. You know, you know, once a month minimum and he’s he’s pretty well put together. recommend a good book that you like to go to if you’re just it’s a motivational book if are one that you really enjoy that you like to go back to? I think I’d probably go back to that hobbit series. I’ve read it to my face so many times. I love it. Like, I liked the story. We watched the movies, we’ve read the books. That’s awesome. There’s actually really good lessons in the Hobbit. That’s awesome. Okay, what’s your favorite charity or organization that you support?
Unknown Speaker 24:24
Saw warrior foundation. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 24:28
Unknown Speaker 24:31
last question, the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s. I’m going to have to go with the 90s. Okay. Wow. All right. Very cool. So tell us where we can find you, Jim. I’m going to have all this in the show notes by the way squad. So make sure you go down there and get educated.
Unknown Speaker 24:52
We’re at healthy builds
Unknown Speaker 24:56
to calm and to Nothing number two builds all one word to calm, okay? And we can help with asthma, allergies, pregnancy, diabetes. If you’re worried about COVID, we can help with that. But we can make your we’re that intersection of environment and health, and we can do it in your home, your office, and we can make you safer and your family
Unknown Speaker 25:24
safe. And who is your perfect referral?
Unknown Speaker 25:29
You know, if that’s the thing is is that it impacts everybody. What we found is when we go in and do one, they refer us 234 times. Gotcha. We almost don’t have love it. Okay, squad I just wanted, like I’ve had a whole sheet of notes here, speaking with my good friend, Jim. And we always are wanting to say here at time to shine today that we want to surround ourselves with people that stay humble yet stay hungry. They’re always top fiving the level up their health, they level up their wealth in. Jim, you’re the epitome of that, my friend and you’re part of our squad now, and we appreciate you coming on and spilling some solid, solid knowledge nuggets about keeping us healthy. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 26:17
You’re welcome. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker 26:19
Take care now. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. Proudly brought to you by Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will Support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating until your friends have subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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