274-Your Home For Water Yoga – TTST Interview with International Expert in Water Yoga Christa Fairbrother

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Christa Fairbrother is an aqua yoga coach and trainer who’s passionate about helping people get fit and healthy.

Christa’s an internationally recognized expert in water yoga, published author, and arthritis patient.  She makes her home in Florida with her husband, two sons, and piles of books with tea stains.

If you can breathe and have a brain, you CAN do yoga

– Christa Fairbrother

Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

1. Have confidence and be an advocate for yourself

2. When starting yoga, ask your instructor why yoga matters and how it can translate to everyday life

3. Christa’s style of yoga the head is always above the water

4. A good yoga instructor will see what ‘level’ you are at, synthesize your skills and communicate in layman’s terms what you need for your practice

5. Christa offers virtual practice for Water Yoga

6. Wisdom is gained by being a good listener. (listen with all your senses)

Level Up! 


Recommended Resources – Hover and Click

Christa’s Aqua Yoga

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Christa’s Twitter

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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)

Unknown Speaker  0:11  

time to shine today podcast mercy squat This is Scott Ferguson and welcome to episode 274 With my awesome sauce Aqua yoga sister crystal Fairbrother. Krista was a farrier, who put horseshoes on horses and it was just wrecking her body and she wanted to find a way really to kind of level up without to putting too much strain on her body. And she kind of was always kind of practicing yoga, but then she kind of was introduced to Aqua yoga. And now she takes what she was taught paying it forward and teaches people Aqua yoga and how they can benefit and spill over into their everyday life and how it’s just it’s not impactful. You don’t really put your head under the water at all with crystals practice and we’re going to get into all of that. I’m so blessed to have had this interview because it opened up my eyes to another version for me leveling up my temple as well. So without further ado, here is my good friend the Aqua yoga systat crystal Christa Fairbrother. Let’s level up time to shine today podcast versus five this is Scott Ferguson and you’ve heard me say how yoga really helped me level up get past major injuries internal been just really helped me level up and I do all my land. My yoga on land. Okay, my good friend here. Christa Fairbrother from Crystal Fairbrother yoga. She’s an aqua yoga Coach and Trainer who’s passionate about helping people get fit and healthy. Krista is an internationally recognized expert in water yoga, published author and arthritis patient. She makes her home in Florida yay, kind of my neighbor on the other side of state with her husband, two sons and piles of books with tea stains, I love it. And her reminder to you is yoga. Yoga, his philosophy is pretty clear. If you can breathe and have a brain, you can do yoga, being able to stick your foot behind your head is not a requirement. Trust me. I’m 61 to 60 That’s probably never going to happen. And that’s okay because there’s so many other benefits. So, Krista, thank you for coming on. Welcome to the show. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today. Podcast first spot. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why your price? I knew you’re gonna say it.

Unknown Speaker  2:29  

Your color is the pool gonna be right. I love it. Hey, it’s all about the Tirpitz.

Unknown Speaker  2:35  

Which sign are you just curious?

Unknown Speaker  2:37  

I’m a Capricorn.

Unknown Speaker  2:38  

Okay. Cool. Yeah, love it, love it. So you’re dealing you’ve dealt with and dealing with medical issues. That really keeps you from being a land lover with with yoga to the point of you can only go so far without really hurting yourself. So I’m thinking that’s what turned you to Aqua yoga. Is there a story behind that a really made your mind click?

Unknown Speaker  3:04  

Yeah, it definitely. So like some people I started yoga for not knowing anything about it. And just for physical reasons, right? It’s important to share that because lots of people have different reasons for for starting yoga, and every reason that you have is valid. I was a farrier 30 years ago. So for those people don’t know a farrier is somebody who puts horse shoes on horses. machines don’t do that. Somebody still has to do that. That is not good for your back. And I’d heard somewhere that yoga was so I signed up for yoga classes. And I fell in love with it. Right? I changed careers. I went to England. I have a master’s in museum education. I had a couple kids. 20 years later, I’m still doing yoga. It’s like, okay, this is fairly important to me. I signed up for yoga teacher training. When I did that. You’d mentioned I had some health problems. I had a Lupus diagnosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, which is a systemic autoimmune disease. I was a little worried. I was like, Oh, am I gonna make it through yoga teacher training? I did. Okay. And I got a new diagnosis. It turns out I have a lot more arthritis going on multiple kinds of arthritis. So I immediately thought you know, the reason I’ve been able to do this for so long I you know, I was an athlete, I shot horses partay rode horses, you know, how have I managed to do this? It’s really because of the yoga and I gave the yoga practice the credit I immediately went to yoga for arthritis teacher training. And there I met a fellow Floridian who was a yoga for arthritis trainer. And she said, Hey, I have this weekly wine yoga in the pool night. And I’m like, why has no one ever told me about this? immediately signed up for the Aqua yoga teacher training and the rest is history, as they say and that’s really not my specialty and what I’ve run with within the yoga community,

Unknown Speaker  4:48  

with some barriers with people coming to you with like, how can I get a deep Strache? Or you know, because a Saunas are made for you know to go deep? can not control your breathing, but just let breathing flow. How do you handle those people? Maybe objection within also people that might be afraid of the water?

Unknown Speaker  5:10  

Great question. So first off, if you’re afraid of the water and you come to an aquatic class, my head does too, you are so brave, because that happens more often than you think a lot of people go and see a health care provider. And they’re told they need to do some exercise, but they have some other stuff going on. And they want that kind environment of the water. So they show up to water exercise, and they don’t know how to swim, and they’re a little uncomfortable. So you know, hats off to those people. So it’s important to recognize that, unlike say, standing paddleboard stand up paddleboard yoga, where you have a very strong likelihood of falling off and going splash every time. Yes, all the time. We keep our head out of the water. So for those people who are a little scared about the water, we don’t do headstand, handstand Scorpion

Unknown Speaker  5:52  

versions Down Dog.

Unknown Speaker  5:55  

Dog. And ladies, they don’t want to get their hair wet either. Right? Yeah. Right. So it’s a very kind and successful practice in that way for people who have that, that little bit of Tim and this about the water. And and so knowing that it’s like, okay, we can keep you comfortable there. If you’re wanting to more aggressive yoga practice, you actually have to be a little careful in the water because we have some properties of the science of water we have to think about, and you actually have increased joint space when you get into water. So right, yeah, yeah, your joint space, it doesn’t get bigger than it ever was. That’s not what I’m saying, right? shores your natural space. So you can potentially in a stretch, go up to 30%. bigger, stronger, harder, more than you would on land. So if you’re a person who has a real aggressive practice, you can get in the water and surprisingly hurt yourself. And your pain reception is dampened in the water, right? Hydrostatic pressure, that inward pressure everywhere does for you. it dampens your pain response. So you’re not feeling that like, oh, my gosh, I’m stretching to my end limit in the same way you put on land. Right? Yeah. So so a little bit of having to be careful there for people who do want more as we went, right.

Unknown Speaker  7:09  

Right. Is there like levels to Aqua yoga that you can kind of get to because it’s not a competition, but like, like I’m been practicing Ashtanga for has gone on this November be seven years, I’m only maybe three quarters away the primary series of us. Right? So is their level of stock? Well, yoga.

Unknown Speaker  7:30  

Okay, that’s a great question. So for those people who, you know, maybe new to the yoga tradition, and what yoga is, is there are different schools of yoga. And some schools have levels like you’re expressing I started yoga in iron Guardiola, which also is a school of yoga that has a lot of levels. There. Yeah, absolutely. Yes. So Aqua yoga is no there are no levels in the sense of you should be getting at the pool and practicing at your level. And given that your theme is all about leveling up, right? It’s your leveling up for you. And yoga, it should be what you internally need, right? It’s not set by outside level of competition. It’s not somebody else’s determination of what you need in yoga, right should be what you need. And in theory, all yoga is like that. But sometimes when we get in that place of competition, or we’re maybe kind of looking around off our mat if we’re inland. In the pool, we say stay in your lane, right? Right, right. So Leveling up is really a self determining thing for you, you are in charge of your level and you should be working to the level you need wherever you’re at.

Unknown Speaker  8:39  

Love it. Love it. And so when you do your teaching, do you also do remote teaching it all if someone has a pool and you can follow along on their phone or their iPad or their laptop? Do you have that?

Unknown Speaker  8:52  

Yeah, actually, that’s a great I like that one of the few people in the world who has high speed internet access in my backyard pool. So I can actually help you like if you’re like, I want to do this at the pool, I can be in the pool live and show you one. Tech, if you’re at the pool, you don’t want your tech you know you don’t want to take your little laptop out to the pool where I get wet. Right? So the pool itself is a fairly low tech environment for most people. So if you have audio instructions you can use or you watch a video, you know at home in the confines of your desk where it’s safe without tech you take notes, you take those notes out to the pool, the water for sequences are available you know what they’re laminated so they last forever. So Tech is a little bit of a barrier but yeah, in this age of everything’s gone digital sure I’ve you know made it happen like everybody else

Unknown Speaker  9:44  

love it. I love it you you What do they call it now pivot they used to call it shift. Now you shifted your I will just call it ship it you did a ship it on that that’s awesome. I love it.

Unknown Speaker  9:54  

I love it. That’s a real close to I love it. We can all say

Unknown Speaker  10:00  

I love it. So I want you to puff your chest here a little bit, because you’re fantastic. I watch your videos on YouTube. It’s awesome. So what do you think makes a great yoga instructor? Whether it’s Aqua or online?

Unknown Speaker  10:11  

That’s a great question. I think there’s the ability to see what you have in front of you synthesize your skills and your experiences, and be able to communicate what that person needs. Well, I am not here to tell you what quote I see as a yoga teacher. And I think you need is I am there to serve you. So I need to know your goals, what’s going on with you what you need, and take everything that I’ve been trained and can offer and put it in service to you

Unknown Speaker  10:44  

love it. And you’re doing that through powerful questions, listening with all your senses. Because Yoga, you have to know I mean, Todd McLaughlin, he’s my, I call him my yoga coach. But you know, he is a master yogi. And I just remember him asking the questions that actually made frickin sense for me. You know, it wasn’t about hey, this is how we do it. And you have to follow along. He’s like, dude, let’s just find your your level is you have any questions? And speaking of questions, when you’re starting working with somebody one on one. Is there any good question that you wish that they would ask you, but never do?

Unknown Speaker  11:21  

That? Yeah, that’s a really good question. So the one that I wish people would ask is tell me how this matters in my everyday life? Yes, because that is what I’m all about. I told you, I was a farrier for a long time. And I think that really helps drive. You know why I like being a yoga teacher is yes, I want to help you in yoga. And yes, I want you to have a good time in yoga. But the reality is, is I want you to take the yoga and go home and be better in your life, be a better person be more comfortable, we have more comfort, right? And so I wanted always to be relevant, you know, you’re not raising your arms in a pose, because you’re going to look amazing and make the cover of Yoga Journal, you’re going to build those muscles and get the stuff out of your top cover it right when you record events. So I wish people would ask more questions about okay, you’re giving me this great information, how do I make it relevant in my everyday life, I try to, you know, offer them because that’s what I’m driving. But I wish more people thought of it from that perspective. In the get go.

Unknown Speaker  12:20  

That’s, that’s excellent. That’s beautiful, how it spills over and really helps you up, level up other parts of life, they do say you’re a farrier, and it’s like, you could probably bend down and grab that horse’s leg and bend it up and put the shoe on a little bit easier. You know, if you’re really practicing. So let me ask you something. I’m not gonna say yoga gets a bad rap, but lymphatic system is huge, you know, because your heart can pump blood. And it can cleanse your blood, but your lymph system needs certain movements to like, Okay, I rebound every morning for five minutes on a trampoline, okay? And what I’m thinking is, tell me if I’m wrong. But being a in aquatic, being aquatic yoga can actually help flush the lymph system, because you’re weightless in some parts of it. You know, because on a trampoline, you’re weightless for at least a second when you’re in the air, maybe half a second. But when you go down the trampoline, it’s four times the gravity. So it’s that that pumping action that pumps out the lymph system, because that’s the only way it can be cleansed. I was wondering, is aquatic yoga, good for helping cleanse out the lymphatic system?

Unknown Speaker  13:28  

That’s an excellent question. And your observations on that are really interesting. So it is an excellent way to do it. But the science on it is a little different. Because we have the hydrostatic pressure of the water, right? The air is putting pressure on us, but we don’t recognize it because it’s so small, right? When you get in the water and think about that feeling you have is like oh my gosh, I’m kind of like in a sock and I’m getting sucked in everywhere. Right? Right, a greater density of the water is what’s called the hydrostatic pressure and it’s making some physiological differences in your body, your heart is working more efficiently. Right because it’s now got that pressure everywhere. That pressure in Word everywhere is helping reduce any swelling. So a lot of what you’re talking about from lymphatic drainage is maybe some pooling in your feet right? Well because your hearts working more efficiently you don’t have that going on as well as it makes your kidneys more efficient. You know when you get in the pool and you’re like oh my god, I have to pee and I haven’t been hit very well. It’s everyone it’s not just you because our kidneys are more efficient right? So you’re filtering everything by stir in the water. So you’re getting the benefits similar to what you’re talking about from the anti gravity but it’s not really the reduced weight it’s that increase in pressure in the water

Unknown Speaker  14:45  

wow that educated me man I’m that’s a knowledge bomb right there. Knowledge and I love that I love it. So, Krista, like, how much do you appreciate your strength that you have within the team?

Unknown Speaker  15:01  

A lot. Yeah. I mean, cuz at the end of the day, that’s, that’s all you got is your skill. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker  15:08  

How about your weaknesses? Got any means is?

Unknown Speaker  15:11  

So that is a great question because my journey through yoga a lot of it has been about trying to develop some more self compassion for myself. Because if you we as Yogi’s are thought of as very like empathetic, beautiful people you know, it’s like, Hey, we’re human, just like the rest of us, I yell at my kids, I get annoyed when people cut me off in traffic, right? I tell people, I joke with my students, I don’t do yoga, because I’m good at it, I do yoga, because I need it, right. It’s like, I really need the yoga. So I have in my yoga work, I have really worked on trying to develop more self compassion for myself and my weaknesses and failures. And that, in turns actually makes me better with everyone around me with compassion for everybody’s failures and weaknesses, and we’re all just human trying to do the best we can. And we need to have grace for each other.

Unknown Speaker  15:57  

I love that. Because that only a byproduct of, you know, the being relevant to real life that goes back to that again, you know, it spills over into being able, like I’ve noticed with, I never had road rage, but I would yell at people in my car with my windows up, you know, and ever since early, through pranayama. And just the silence that Chaga puts me in, it’s like, I don’t really give a shit excuse my language like I did before. You know, I mean, trust me, I still get it, but it helps me control it. And care.

Unknown Speaker  16:31  

Still young, you still have emotion? Yeah, it helps you manage your reactions. You do a very challenging type of style of yoga. So when you’re going through this, all these challenges, you know, you have to check in with yourself and take that pause of like, right, can I do this? Yeah, I can do this. Keep going? Yeah, I can do this. Keep going. And it’s the same. Like when you’re in the car with somebody, it’s just like, Okay, I have a better sense of what really matters. And where I’m going to be in 10 seconds. And I don’t need to lose my cookies with this person.

Unknown Speaker  17:00  

Right. And to me that yoga was humbling, in a sense, because I’ve always been a combat athlete. And it was like, I really had to stand and maintain my lane and on certain things. But at the same time it like I was getting maybe bored with it, in a sense, right? But I would like I would liken it to like a locomotive like it takes so slow to get gone. Once it’s going. It’s good. So it’s like I tried to put my mind there. Sorry for rambling but I just I love,

Unknown Speaker  17:35  

like inertia you can recognize in yourself, right? That your level of inertia is different than some other people. Right?

Unknown Speaker  17:43  

Energy. Absolutely. So have you seen the movie Back to the Future? Of course, okay, let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old the double Deuce the 22 year old cars. What kind of knowledge nuggets? Would you drop on her to maybe help her shorten the learning curve level up and blast through just a little bit?

Unknown Speaker  18:04  

I would say have confidence in yourself and advocate for yourself. Wow. I think a lot of young women need to hear you are awesome. You got this, you’re gonna rock it

Unknown Speaker  18:18  

right? In as part of your practice when you’re helping people, not just with their physiological but help them build up that mental flex that mental muscle.

Unknown Speaker  18:31  

Absolutely. Yeah. So So yoga has eight limbs and the poses is basically just one limb. Right? There is a whole yoga philosophy that goes with it. And I frankly think and other Yogi’s do as well, that the reason yoga has lasted so long is not because of those poses. You know, you go to the gym and you do a burpee. Is it any different than yoga? No, we just give it a different name. Right? Yeah, you don’t do yoga because we got these amazing stretches, do yoga. We’re applying those amazing stretches in a context that helps you be a better person. That’s what really brings people back.

Unknown Speaker  19:08  

Beautiful. I love it. So yeah, it brings me back because it’s like yoga to me. I almost think sometimes it’s almost like golf, which I tried to play golf, where, you know, you hit that one good shot to keep coming back. Like I don’t have a practice where I don’t feel like it but I just will sit whether it’s down dog or even savasana where I’m just like in the corpse pose right? And just like I am this was good. He was like I want to come back and it releases physically the endorphins, but it also just gives that blood circulate. Thank you for saying that. So how do you want your dash remember that little line in between your incarnation date your expiration date, your life date your death day? Hopefully it’s a long way down there and your tombstone but what do you want that dash remember?

Unknown Speaker  19:53  

I want people to just really remember that I persevered. Okay, that it’s you know, I like to think myself as you know that I know you’re going to ask about the music, but I’m not an 80s gal that you know the tub something song, she gets back up, it’s knocked down again, you know is is just keep on keepin on.

Unknown Speaker  20:11  

I love it. I love it. So you’re like a 90s wanna like the 90s?

Unknown Speaker  20:19  

Love it. I am older than I look.

Unknown Speaker  20:22  

Okay, I’ll give you that I’ll be 50 in like 30 days. So I’m in bracing that and saying Bring it on. I love it. I love it. So who then has had the most profound impact on your life or your career?

Unknown Speaker  20:37  

That’s really great question. And I have to say that it’s more, I haven’t had that person that’s been that impactful. Like my entire life. I’ve had people that were very impactful in slices. From my story, I’ve done some really diverse things. I’ve lived in different places, right? So instead, rather than have that one go to person is I really like to be as broad in where I’m currently at, can really take in who’s there for me at any given time and really connect in that way.

Unknown Speaker  21:09  

I love it. Step back and look different parts of my life. There’s been some new showed up because I was open to it. You know, and I just, you know, got my asking year, if you will, you know, I really just started asking, you know, around and because I’ve just been a curious kid. And luckily, my parents didn’t tell me know that much. You know, cuz Kids these days are told no, by the time they’re 13, like 135,000 times, you know, we’re born with a problem, right? So it’s like I said, my dad would put the foot down, but he was like, Alright, dude, this is why you’re not getting that candy in the aisle, or this is why we’re not doing this and stuff. So, but I love that. So if you didn’t find yoga, or yoga didn’t find you. What do you think you’d be doing right now?

Unknown Speaker  21:57  

Oh, I’d be making some bad choices. I would

Unknown Speaker  22:01  

even be in a wheelchair with that arthritis and stuff. I was thinking, you know, you never know.

Unknown Speaker  22:06  

You never know. And that’s why science what makes science so hard? Because, you know, you can’t, you can’t go back and do it a second time on a human. So it’s what’s the experiment is like, I have no control in I mean, as a scientific concept of a control study. So yeah, I think that my life would be in not as good a place I would have not made good choices. I wouldn’t be as stable, you know, emotionally in my family, in my physicality. So, love, it really helps me make some good life choices.

Unknown Speaker  22:38  

So that gap that comes between like yoga, and other talents, what, what is in that gap? You know, like you have yoga, you have the spillover. But what do you feel is in the middle of that, like me, I like it, it’s a hard question for me to even answer. Because there’s like Arnold and bodybuilding, like Arnold Schwarzenegger and bodybuilding and then what he did later in his life, whether you’re a fan of his or not, but like there’s people that have did that they’re passionate about yoga, but led to something else. What within that gap between maybe farrowing and yoga, do you remember the most?

Unknown Speaker  23:25  

Oh, in my international travel? Okay, nice. Yeah. Because that, you know, when you and lots of people say this, this is, you know, what a common axiom is it just opens your eyes to the world. You know, I was born in America, I’ve never left the country and, you know, you hear on the news, all these amazing things and places, and I’d studied art history. So I’d looked at these amazing places and works of art for years. And then this really big difference to see it on a slide on a tiny screen, an extra stand in front of a Van Gogh or right, isn’t it? Different? No, is just hands down amazing. And so mostly show, you know, it’s just blows your way

Unknown Speaker  24:04  

in and it’s what I love about you. And the reason why I can ask that question is a lot of people stick beliefs that they have, that are really programmed by their tribe, you know, like bliss or just like a poor excuse for not experiencing shit, you know, to stuff you know what I’m saying? It’s like you believed in the something where you kept such an open mind throughout your life, that you’re experienced a yogi experienced international travel in whatnot and that’s where I just like my part of my coaching what I do is you know, basically mindset values beliefs breakthrough you know, and stuff like that. So I don’t believe in in holding back that’s why the whole thing is leveling up. We’ve actually live it at time to shine today, you know, is taking us to the next level. So God, what is Christos definition of a life well live

Unknown Speaker  24:56  

Oh, how does a really good question I think it’s that you were Brave, and that you made those choices that you’re that tiny little voice inside, you was just like, you didn’t get to do this, you got to do this. And it’s so easy for others to say, don’t. And you just you met you make it happen. So like, for example, to do that international travel, I had to save up for two years and get a second job and sell everything I owned and find homes for all my horses and animals. And it was a process and there was so many times I could have said no and and really went in talking with others when it came to I came to realize it was just like, No, I’m just I’m the one doing this like everybody else would love to and wants to and and the only difference is I’m actually doing this,

Unknown Speaker  25:41  

right. Why do you think that is?

Unknown Speaker  25:43  

Well, we all we’re all different people and but as you spoke to it’s what are we choosing to value? And what choices are we making? And we’re all on a different journey, right? If I am not saying like if you’re like, Well, you crazy, there’s somebody listening you crazy yoga person, I can’t sell everything I own and move to another country and all this. It’s like, Yes, I was single at the time. I didn’t have kids that were sure. But you know, we’re all in a different place. But we all at every stage of our life have that little thing like, like, I’d love to play the cello. I’m making this one up, right? I have no musical talent. So for me, it’s not a music thing. But if that is your voice, what is stopping you? Right? There’s no reason you can’t rent a telco bar Leafstar library literally checks out musical instruments, right? And so what is what is stopping you from doing that? The odds are it’s not the person in the grocery store saying well, you can’t play the cello right? And have that conversation with them. It’s you internally are the one saying no, you you have no musical talent. Notice I’ve said that to myself. And so that one is one it’s like yes, I’m stopping myself from developing musical. Yes.

Unknown Speaker  26:47  

I’m learning keyboard right now. And I’m learning Spanish because I have to expand my mind. It’s just our belief. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker  26:55  

we are our own worst enemy a lot.

Unknown Speaker  26:57  

Yes. I think that you’re I feel wholeheartedly and that you’re sinning if you don’t and what I mean by that is the Greek word origination of sin which is Cindy which means missing the mark. Okay, so it’s like I believe that if you’re not expanding and progressing and leveling the you know what up that you’re sending, and I mean, you’re put here with an ability to do stuff that’s what my clients do they love me you know, they hire me more or they fire me because that’s why I believe is we’re you know, fought for this country so you could kind of have the opportunity to do do what you want. And like I just I don’t get upset at them I just want them to understand that you know, your your past is never defined you and that being realistic is the straightest fastest road to mediocrity. You know what I’m saying? Like I want people to level up and I appreciate this conversation so much time to shine today podcast rescue squad, we are back and I got Krista Fairbrother. My Aqua Yogi Rockstar beautiful lady and you’ve listened to my shows. And I really appreciate that we’re gonna be in our lovely enough lightning round and you and I will will talk one day sometime and in we’re gonna like bounce stuff off each other and whatnot in live and in person. Can we take one of your courses or classes in person? But you and I could talk in 1520 minutes on each one of these questions but five seconds, no explanations. You know the rules, right? Yep. Awesome. Let’s level up. So Krista, you see me walking down the street in my doldrums not really feeling it? What book are you handed me?

Unknown Speaker  28:34  

Lord of the Rings. Love really? I

Unknown Speaker  28:36  

love that. Don’t ever say goodbye get it? Because I’ve read it so many lessons.

Unknown Speaker  28:40  

Yeah. And I everything and it’s so yogic Right,

Unknown Speaker  28:43  

sure one of your personal habits contributes to your success.

Unknown Speaker  28:47  

I brush my teeth every morning.

Unknown Speaker  28:50  

Yes. Nicknames growing up.

Unknown Speaker  28:54  

Oh, wow. Oh. Didn’t have one. Okay. Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t have one. I can’t.

Unknown Speaker  29:05  

chess or checkers. chess. Chess. Okay. New Year’s resolution in 2021.

Unknown Speaker  29:12  

Last year, not get COVID

Unknown Speaker  29:15  

Love it. Did you do okay with that? Not to my knowledge.

Unknown Speaker  29:19  

I medically vulnerable so I’m trying to love it.

Unknown Speaker  29:23  

What song blew your mind other than tough, lumpy.

Unknown Speaker  29:29  

I’m a really big Michael Franti sounds so fishy. ayondo sam so not necessarily one but he has so many check out his catalogue. Love it.

Unknown Speaker  29:39  

Most commonly used emoji when you text

Unknown Speaker  29:42  

the smiley face with the heart. I love it.

Unknown Speaker  29:45  

And don’t lie to me on this one. If you can stay one age physically for the rest of your life. Keep them knowledge you’ve garnered continue to gain wisdom. What age physically would you stay?

Unknown Speaker  29:56  

Oh, I’d go back to 25

Unknown Speaker  29:59  

Yeah, I’m good. I’m good. I’m 28 to 32 I don’t have the

Unknown Speaker  30:04  

knowledge I have now I’m not giving that.

Unknown Speaker  30:07  

love it love it. Love it. best compliment you ever received.

Unknown Speaker  30:11  

Oh, that you’re fun.

Unknown Speaker  30:14  

I love that. Thank you. So, Krista, how can we find you?

Unknown Speaker  30:20  

The easiest way is my website which is my name, Krista ch ri sta and Fairbrother is just like it sounds F as in Frank, a ir brother not calm.

Unknown Speaker  30:29  

love it love it. And is there anything we want to offer the squad right now of listeners.

Unknown Speaker  30:34  

I have a bunch of free Aqua yoga videos that you can watch for free so if you were in Florida, you know and so it’s January I recognize it might be a little easier. Right you have access to an indoor pool up north. Watch the videos take notes take your little notes to the pool don’t don’t make that be the barrier. Don’t make tech be the barrier. Just take the information to the pool

Unknown Speaker  30:56  

squad. You got to go to this website Krista Fairbrother calm which will be in the show notes. And she’s actually looks like she’s doing savasana here on water noodles. And that’s just awesome. I never even really thought of that. And that’s something I’m going to try you know that’s fantastic. And do me one last solid crystal leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget you want us to take with us internalize and take action.

Unknown Speaker  31:20  

That wisdom is gained from being a good listener not talking all the time. For half an hour.

Unknown Speaker  31:28  

No, no, it’s you know what in Yeah, listen to this. Yeah, and God or your Creator gave you one mouth and two ears for a reason. It’s cliche, but it’s true. And we like to practice listening with our neck you know the people that I train the train on a coaching with me and the people I talked to like you’re really listening and using all your senses, and I love that in squad we had a awesome masterclass with my awesome sauce friend Christopher brother Chris Fairbrother yoga, and she’s opened up my eyes and want me to just run out really and try Aqua yoga. I know it’s gonna have so many benefits for me. You know, she was a farrier, you know, the people that put the shoes on the horses in her back and body was just getting racked. And she found yoga and it helped her level up when she moved into the Aqua part. Which you squad you know me I’m all about sound healing and water healing. Like I’m literally getting done here and jumping in the ocean just because of the healing elements that I have. That the ocean gives me and that’s what Christa kind of pulls together with yoga, saunas or poses to help heal you. You know, she wants you to ask if you’re gonna hire Christa or hire another yoga instructor. You know, tell us tell me how yoga matters in everyday life. How can spill over how that sounds or the poses are relevant to things you might be doing during your day and how it’s gonna really help you level up. You know, she wants you to have confidence and be an advocate for yourself. No, there’s no shame in your game. Everybody has a gift, bring it cut negative beliefs give your if you will, that hey, but you know, as I say that, I You can’t be 100% positive all the time. 100% positivity does not work all the time. But what does is 100% negativity, okay, so stay neutral, understand the negative, but work to progress level up and move forward. And the best way you could do that with your body is let me introduce yourself you to somebody like Krista, your life well lived is someone that’s being brave that really conquers their fears, like we say face everything and respond or face everything and rise, fear. We know that fear is a physical emotion that things can be conquered just with how you’re standing, how you’re breathing, and guess what squad Yoga will help you with that. So she’s fantastic listener. She listens with all their senses. She asked the most powerful questions, she’ll get to that level. She levels up her house, she levels up her wealth. She’s now a really good friend of mine. She’s an advocate for awesome life. She’s beautiful, humble yet hungry. Thank you so much, Krista for coming on. I love your guts so much.

Unknown Speaker  34:14  

Thank you. I really appreciate the opportunity to talk with you.

Unknown Speaker  34:17  

Yay. Can’t wait to talk soon. See ya. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast. proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence that can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust. If you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show By supporting them if you like what you’ve been listening to it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it I’m your host Scott Ferguson and until next time let’s level up it’s our time to shine

You’re welcome. Talk soon. You bet. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by Sutter in New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot stutter in nugent.com If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com Flash gust, if you’d like this up, so please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting that. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up it’s our time to shine

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