Welcome to Episode 74! I had the pleasure to have a motivating and stimulating convo with my good friend Angela Marie! Angela has a network marketing background where she excelled quickly. Now she pays it forward with your coaching company Find Your Purpose and Shine! She has been through hell and back and always progresses and Levels UP! Enjoy!
On your epitaph you want it to read you gave more than you took
– Roger Salam
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A great coach will bring real life experience to their clients and show proof of overcoming
2. Make sure you coach is utilizing the same content they are passing onto you
3. When you are stuck, ask questions from people that you trust and take action!
4. Get over yourself. Don’t take life too seriously!
5. No matter what kind of fears you are dealing with, go after your dreams. Take that one single step forward.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
Angela’s Linked IN
Angelas Instagram
Angela’s Facebook
Angela’s Favorite Book: Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
Host Your Podcast for Free with Buzz Sprout
Our Show Sponsor Sutter and Nugent Real Estate – Real Estate Excellence
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Angela Marie with find your purpose and shine. And if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to sign today podcast with my friend, Pat Ferguson. Hey, it’s time to shine today
Unknown Speaker 0:13
podcast time and I got a super fantastic, awesome sauce treat for you. I had a fantastic conversation interview with my good friend Angela Marie, of find your purpose and shine. She started as a network marketer and blew the doors off of every company she’s been with and I say doors she earned cars with each one of the companies. She’s going to share with you some serious knowledge nuggets about trusting yourself and take an action obliterating your fear. And I could go on and on but just sit back relax, break out your notebook take some solid notes because here’s my friend Angela Murray.
Unknown Speaker 1:06
Hey, time to shine squad podcast swatted Scott Ferguson and we are in like, day 560 of our quarantine here. And talking to my really good friend, Angela Marie. She is from eastern Pennsylvania, but she is a kick ass coach, and you’re going to find out why. And she always kind of asked the question to her people that is referred to her that What if she could show you how to transform your past and find your purpose in just 90 days? That’s strong by the way. What if you could stop the same thing from happening over and over again, decisions, drive commitment, be committed to yourself, you are worth it. Angela, my friend here is a transformation coach, speaker and author, which we’re going to have a giveaway so be ready for that. who’s an excellent mom to her three Children, eastern Pennsylvania makes yourself available to travel across the country, helping people become better versions of themselves. So, Angela, thank you for joining. Please introduce yourself but first, tell us your favorite color and why.
Unknown Speaker 2:16
Hmm, well, I would say my favorite color is blue.
Unknown Speaker 2:20
Blue. Awesome. And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:24
I don’t know why I actually when I was younger, my favorite color was purple. Growing up all my life, I love purple. And for whatever reason, I just like the word blue. I think it’s kind of like it. I think it pops. I think it’s classy. I think that it’s bright. Yeah, like I like the brighter blues.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
You can see here on our video here squad, but it would fit her color wheel. Perfectly blue. So blue is my favorite as well. I live like I’m looking at the Atlantic Ocean right here. And I love blue. It’s like wow. And that’s kind of my jam. But anyways, let’s go to your origins and kind of go back and start us what really got Angela into the coaching business?
Unknown Speaker 3:15
Okay, so that’s easy. That’s an easy answer. I was actually in network marketing for 19 years of my life. In fact, when I was 20 years old, I was pregnant with my oldest son who’s now 18 and I’m shaking
Unknown Speaker 3:32
my head here cuz she looks like a baby. You know? No offense to you Angela cuz I know that you kick ass and you get it done. But you look young anyways, go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 3:42
Oh, thank you. Yeah, I actually have a milestone year. birthday coming up on Friday. Bro.
Unknown Speaker 3:50
Yeah, you got it for you. I’m doing the math from your son. Not just you looking.
Unknown Speaker 3:57
But go right ahead.
Unknown Speaker 3:58
I didn’t have him when I was like 20
Unknown Speaker 4:01
Network Marketing where there take us. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 4:03
So I was network marketing and direct sales. And the very first company that I worked with was a health and wellness company. And that really was the turning point, the starting point, I should say, if you will, of, you know, really understanding what it takes to work from home, understanding how to be self motivated, and work around once my son was born, be able to work around him because I got started in a home based business when I was pregnant, because I wanted to be home with him. And initially, I wanted to make, you know, like $500 a month at that time now, we know that inflation doubles every 10 years. Right. So $500 a month, you know, almost 20 years ago was a like,
Unknown Speaker 4:42
that was a lot of money at some point. Sure, you
Unknown Speaker 4:45
know, back then, now, it’s like, What’s that, you know? So I wanted to supplement my husband’s income back then, and I did I did very well. I actually got to a point where I earned the car and then I stopped working That business because they had a car program. And the reason why I stopped is because I came across this other company. Of course, I had these, like, dollar signs back then, like, if I can make this much money now, which I was surpassing $500 a month at that time, by the way, right? horse? Yeah. And so, uh, you know, I made more than that, but I kind of had this like shiny object syndrome back then. So I got started in the travel company and a travel company. Why can’t I love to travel? Hmm,
Unknown Speaker 5:32
was it white TV? No, no, no, but I’ve heard of that.
Unknown Speaker 5:36
Okay, I know, I remember that from back in that and during that timeframe.
Unknown Speaker 5:40
Yeah. So I was excited about that. I actually was with them for 12 and a half years beautiful. And being with them for 12 and a half years, I’ve hit you know, top of the leaderboards i’ve you know, hosted presentation calls, training calls, on the job training calls. I was usually on about like three times a week or so. Those calls sometimes for if they needed fill ins I would fill in. Absolutely love doing that. And, in fact, when the market crashed in 2008, I made $53,000 in three short months. Wow, part time working 10 hours a week. Wow. Like, where else can you go to do that in 10 hours a week after a market crashes, right? But before that, I really hit a hit bottom, I was in a really bad spot, you know, financially, because of circumstances I got myself when I went through my divorce, got myself in a toxic abusive relationship and was in and out for about eight years of my life. And then from there, I you know, I had a daughter that was born with a cleft lip and palate. So that was rough, you know, emotionally on top of, you know, postpartum depression, all of that. And so, yeah, it’s been it’s been a rollercoaster ride, to be honest. I mean, I think That you can agree that life is a roller coaster ride.
Unknown Speaker 7:03
We fail forward, right?
Unknown Speaker 7:05
Yeah. Oh my gosh, I just said that yesterday, if at all, you just fail your way forward, you go going. So I worked with from there, I there was a couple of different changes in that side of that company that I didn’t agree with. And I got started with a CBD company earned my jeep in that program and three and a half months, oh, you know, hosting presentations, again, just trainings, things like that. And I love being in front of groups of people. And I love being in front of people. I love being on the phone. In fact, when I was a little a little girl, you know, I was always on the phone. And I remember one of my parents saying to what if you actually like you’re gonna start making a living on the phone or something like that. I don’t remember the exact words but I literally do.
Unknown Speaker 7:54
Right? Yeah. Right. You said you hold a lot of your coaching sessions via zoom or Skype or are we What not correct? Yep, zooms. Awesome. So
Unknown Speaker 8:03
what did your?
Unknown Speaker 8:05
Okay, let’s take it a step back, what was your aha moment then to kind of roll into speaking and getting that done? I can, you know, I’m part of some network marketing companies in the higher echelons of a couple myself, and I just kind of came naturally through time the speaking part, but I’m really interested in the coaching part because our listeners are, especially a secret sauce, you know, for somebody that has just crushed it in the network marketing I again, I don’t find any other business model that’s better, you know, the network marketing if it’s done, right. But you’re talking to somebody that has crushed it and earn three cars in such a short amount of time. Like, what was your aha moment?
Unknown Speaker 8:47
So nine years ago, I wanted to become a coach and I plugged in a personal development for 15 years of my life, but back then it wasn’t quite that long. And one of the coaches that I work with with Danny Johnson, she was my inspiration. And I’m like, I want to be like her when I grow up. Like I want to be a lot of people. Do you know who I mean? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 9:09
yeah. I probably want to be like her husband to her ex husband, right? Am I with the right Danny?
Unknown Speaker 9:15
Danny Johnson. Hans Johnson is her husband.
Unknown Speaker 9:18
Oh, nevermind Ron Johnson, Danny Johnson from the Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Anyways, I got the wrong guy. I’m sorry, Danny, please forgive me.
Unknown Speaker 9:26
Sir. She, she really inspired me. I’ve been over 60 of her live training events. I plug into group coaching with her, as well as one on one coaching. I’ve hired three coaches in the last 15 years of my life. And I really want to do that honestly, nine years ago, but I didn’t know how and fear got in the way, you know, going out on my own right, because anytime you’re underneath a network marketing umbrella, you’re kind of like in that it was a safety net for me. And so about two years ago, I made a decision and that’s when I went You know what? I’m not gonna allow fear to hold me back anymore. I’m not going to allow other people to say you can’t do it, you’re never going to succeed. Right? You’re not good enough. You know, you’re not you’re not a millionaire yet. You know, that’s all like, just fake stuff, right? It doesn’t, it doesn’t matter, right? If you’re good enough, you’re good enough and you lead by experience, by example. And so I registered for an eight week boot camp, and with Vanessa Simpkins that program changed my life. 100%
Unknown Speaker 10:32
What was that for? Is that for coaching?
Unknown Speaker 10:35
Yep. Okay. Yes, it was called the 10 K and 30 day program. And she’s actually known as the bikini business coach where you can do your business from anywhere, including if you want to work like at the beach, you know, sure. And I love the beach. I love the water. I love the sand like Caribbean. And so that really,
Unknown Speaker 10:54
I don’t want to rub it in. Its little. I’m literally looking at it. That’s why I have it set up like I do in here.
Unknown Speaker 10:59
Go ahead. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker 11:00
Yeah, y’all have to turn it so I can see.
Unknown Speaker 11:04
So, so anyway, I, you know, really learn how to set up my signature program how to market. A lot of my coaching though, was marketing organically doing Facebook Lives and found that there was so many people following me for a long period of time. You know, hey, I’ve been watching you, I’ve been following you, you’re such an inspiration. And I started getting clients organically people reaching out. But we did learn how to run Facebook ads. I wasn’t the best at that. But I did grow my facebook group, I grew my business page. And like I said, the majority of my business has been done organically or referrals.
Unknown Speaker 11:41
But a lot of it come from your network marketing contacts from the past.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
Yes. Okay. Cool. Initially,
Unknown Speaker 11:50
yeah. So you dug into your sphere of influence, basically. So that’s fantastic. Anyways, go ahead, please.
Unknown Speaker 11:56
Yeah, so that’s really where it all really started. And so I learned how to Set up a 90 day program. So I have a 90 day program and a 60 day program which I decided to keep the 60 day for right now just to help more people but I’m after this whole core team thing is done. I’m gonna actually phase that out and then put together and mastermind I’m in the middle of working on that piece where I can put together a mastermind class and it’ll be a six month group coaching program.
Unknown Speaker 12:24
I’ll go beautiful, kind of like a zoom setup or something where during the excellent, excellent Okay, so tell me something a little what what do you think makes a great coach?
Unknown Speaker 12:36
Well experience number one, you have to have experience and I think that real life experience I don’t mean experience as in, you know, well, I did it. I dabbled over here or dabbled over here. I mean, it’s a true authentic experience for people that have been through the trenches that have been in that position where they were able to they started stumbling blocks. blocks in a row rows up, right, they hit opposition after opposition, they hit brick walls. And it’s funny, there’s a brick wall behind me. And, and, and then from there, you just overcome those things. Also what makes a great coach is somebody that’s going to hold your butt to the fire and not allow you to make excuses. Right? So, you know, think about this. You think about sports, right? football, basketball, baseball, like, do you think about the teams and the people that succeed? They all have excellent coaches are great coaches. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 13:31
Unknown Speaker 13:33
So you have to hold people’s butts to the fire. You have to have content that works and you have to be utilizing it yourself.
Unknown Speaker 13:41
So not cookie cutter, right?
Unknown Speaker 13:43
So you tailor it right to them.
Unknown Speaker 13:44
Okay, you got it.
Unknown Speaker 13:46
Beautiful. So what is your kind of secret sauce to finding someone’s blind spot while they’re while you’re coaching them? Something that’s really dig in like, what’s your mind Because my listeners are always saying, Yeah, you’re talking to these coaches and whatnot, but they’re not really sharing too much about what they do. Like, what do you do to dig in with your clients to find their blind spots? You can help them, like your website here says blast through and transform them.
Unknown Speaker 14:14
Yeah. Okay. So initially, they schedule a breakthrough call. And in that breakthrough call, it’s a free call. So they can go to my website, book a call right there on the front page, go to my camera, it takes them right to my calendar. And then there’s six questions that I asked each person, right. And so that’s the first piece they have to fill that out. I go through it actually three times before the call, just to make sure that I got it. I understand it, I see where they’re coming from. And one of the things that I teach is how to reprogram your subconscious and law of attraction and I utilize that on a daily basis. So when it comes to law of attraction and affirmations, one of the things that I speak over myself is I love knowing that I’m attracting my ideal clients. So when I attract my ideal clients, those people that are coming to me I can resonate with them it’s amazing to me how their background matches so for those of you who are you know, that are listening right now law of attraction works all the time.
Unknown Speaker 15:19
slot you hear that? That just validates my knowledge, I guess that I put out there that what you think about you bring about and yeah, we in she’s a lot of it’s talking about feeling for which is which is just fantastic. Angela, let me ask you something. If you’re to look back, let’s take it let’s take a little Back to the Future Time Machine. Back to the 20 year old Angela.
Unknown Speaker 15:45
Yeah, what are you telling her?
Unknown Speaker 15:48
What kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on? 20 year old Angela.
Unknown Speaker 15:55
Wow. That’s pretty deep Scott. It’s time to shine today. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 16:02
What would I tell her?
Unknown Speaker 16:05
You know, what
Unknown Speaker 16:08
do you what you’re doing?
Unknown Speaker 16:09
I mean, how stupid she was, but I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t regret anything that I’ve been through in my life for years, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. And I wouldn’t be in a position to coach people from my experience, right? If I would have had it all together, you know, if I didn’t go through that divorce, and then didn’t go through that abusive relationship for eight years, you know, toxic, didn’t go through, you know, meeting and marrying a guy in six months and getting swindled out of over, you know, a lot of money grand right. You know, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today, if it weren’t for those choices. really understanding the law of attraction, how it works, how to attract healthy relationships to you, versus the toxic ones, right?
Unknown Speaker 17:00
That’s crazy. That’s That’s exactly what I would tell the young Scott I would be like listen man, don’t be afraid to you know get your ass in gear you know ask a lot of questions, but also don’t be afraid to fail and I think that you’re going to hit bumps no matter what and then that’s exactly I think that’s what you’re telling Angelo just fantastic win with you being a coach that had to the base of network marketing and I’m sorry I’m I’m a realtor by trade my squad knows this. I deal with luxury real estate here in South Florida every day. And we’re kind of on that rung of ladder like you have a car salesman here. You know, then you have the attorneys, real estate agents and network marketers. So we’re kind of that okay, which is no prob I mean, I I embrace it but with that being said, What’s the one thing that you think people misunderstand about you most?
Unknown Speaker 17:54
Unknown Speaker 17:57
Miss understand, okay. You know what? That That’s a good one. I would say people that think that oh, well, she should just be working with people that are in network marketing or direct sales.
Unknown Speaker 18:11
Love it. That’s a great answer. That’s beautiful. So let’s take our cell phone out of the equation. Okay, no cell phone. You don’t get any wish I could deal with just perfectly but no cell phone. What are three things Angela Marie cannot live without
Unknown Speaker 18:29
my kids.
Unknown Speaker 18:33
I’m 100% my kids. That’s the first thing that popped in my head.
Unknown Speaker 18:39
Oh, let’s see what else
Unknown Speaker 18:43
does a laptop count?
Unknown Speaker 18:46
You gotta have it. I get it.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
Gotta have a laptop. You got to coach people. You got to reach people. Right? You still have to make an impact,
Unknown Speaker 18:54
right? And so no like chocolate cake or chicken wings or anything like Though
Unknown Speaker 19:00
I you know, I was going food for a minute. That’s hilarious. Ah. Oh, it’s a toss up Scott. Between peanut butter cups and red velvet cake.
Unknown Speaker 19:13
Wow, that’s a tough one. Those legitly a tough one. So what’s the big thing and I want to capitalize big what’s the big thing that Angela wants to accomplish in life?
Unknown Speaker 19:25
Wow, I want to impact millions of people that strong I want to get across stages with thousands of people. And I want to make the biggest impact that I could ever think or even imagine that I could do
Unknown Speaker 19:37
love that. I love it. So then what’s your definition of a life well lived,
Unknown Speaker 19:43
impacting millions of people’s lives.
Unknown Speaker 19:46
By experience, by my knowledge, right and just being there for people helping people get over their fears by their confidence and thrive in every area of their life. I mean, that’s my passion. And I’ve noticed that I even start doing it with my friends. So you just kind of even my kids, they’re like, Oh my god, Mom, you’re not coaching a coaching client right now. Yeah, but
Unknown Speaker 20:15
I’m coaching you
Unknown Speaker 20:17
know, I love your affirmations, I have my own as well, as long as you’re taking actions on the affirmations that are provided to you. That’s fantastic. So, we’re going to do what’s called my level up lightning round. And you and I could talk 1520 minutes, and each one of these questions, but my producer will kill me. So what we’re gonna do is we’re going to, you’re gonna give me five to seven seconds and there’s only five or six questions and we’re gonna blast through these. Okay? Okay, awesome. What’s the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?
Unknown Speaker 20:51
Get over yourself.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
Love that. That’s all.
Unknown Speaker 20:57
Get over yourself and find your purpose and shine is my As the title of my book, I love it.
Unknown Speaker 21:02
I love it in mind get out of your own way and I’ll send you the cover over the second question that I’m sorry that when God me, I love it. share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 21:17
Unknown Speaker 21:18
love that
Unknown Speaker 21:20
other than your own website which is find your purpose and shine, calm and of course time to shine today.com what is another websites my shameless plug by the way people? What is another website like you’d love to go to level up?
Unknown Speaker 21:34
Take your power back now calm. Have it? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 21:39
okay, not the book you’re reading right now. Not a book that’s like sitting on your shelf that never gets read. And people make up and say they read it. But what’s your go to book? Like the book that you’re like, boom, I’m in the doldrums. Are you one of your friends and you just stole it from others in your book. But you know what, what’s another book that you’d like to Go to
Unknown Speaker 22:02
LAO. It’s Rachel Hollis, Go wash your face.
Unknown Speaker 22:05
Really? I’ve never heard of them. I’m gonna have to get them
Unknown Speaker 22:07
girl wash your face. Sorry, girl.
Unknown Speaker 22:08
I’m gonna buy it and then I’m gonna put it in the show notes people because if Angela recommends that we all need to read it. What’s your favorite charity organization you’d like to support?
Unknown Speaker 22:20
Unknown Speaker 22:22
Couple of them. Shoot them.
Unknown Speaker 22:26
Definitely my church ministries of the church.
Unknown Speaker 22:32
Smile Train.
Unknown Speaker 22:35
That’s a big one. Smile Train is actually Yeah, my daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate, like I said earlier. Okay. So that that has to do with that organization. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 22:46
that’s fantastic. I’m sorry. Go ahead. No, no, no, please, please, please, please, sir.
Unknown Speaker 22:51
And king’s ransom foundation.
Unknown Speaker 22:54
And I’ll give you a couple extra seconds on that. What’s that one?
Unknown Speaker 22:56
king’s ransom foundation is for you. No obviously other countries, people that you know, kids being able to build orphanages, things like that.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Awesome. That’s fantastic. Such a go giver. Your heart is huge. All right, last question. What’s the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s? Ah,
Unknown Speaker 23:17
and it’s a toss up between 80s and 90s.
Unknown Speaker 23:20
And our good buddies then love that. So, Coach Angela, leave the time to shine today squad. One Knowledge Nugget that you do not want them to forget to take with them.
Unknown Speaker 23:35
Wow, okay, one Knowledge Nugget. What could that be? I’ve got a bunch of them.
Unknown Speaker 23:40
Pick your best. Give it it’s a great squad out there. They’re listening. They’re tuned in.
Unknown Speaker 23:47
I would say that no matter what to go after your dreams, no matter what kind of fears that you’re dealing with right now to go after it with all you got. And start walk moving forward. Walking, walking through your fears. Don’t allow fear to hold you back. Don’t allow lack of confidence to hold you back. And don’t think that you have to have it all together because you don’t. You can start a business you can start anything you can do whatever it is that you want to do. You just have to take that one single step forward and take action.
Unknown Speaker 24:22
inch by inch. It’s a cinch, people that’s what we always say. And by the yard, it’s hard. So we start, we start small, we’re going to move forward even we fail. We fail forward people. So that’s fantastic advice. Angela just gave us Angel, where can we find you?
Unknown Speaker 24:36
You can find me on social media on LinkedIn, and lemery. You can also find me in on Facebook, under Angela Marie, find your purpose and shine. I have a private Facebook group on there, but I’m going to be honest with you the easiest way just go to my website and all my social media is right there
Unknown Speaker 24:56
it is. It’s beautiful. And I’m gonna put everything in the show notes. So you’re not I can have any problem finding also her favorite book, wash your face by Rachel Hollis will be in there as well tell us about your book. Angela.
Unknown Speaker 25:08
So last year, I decided to write a book. And for about 10 years of my life, I was told you really need to write a book. And I went to a networking event, and I met another coach and another coach. There’s like three of us three different coaches. And they asked me, did you write a book? No, no, I don’t want to write,
Unknown Speaker 25:29
write a book. I just finished mine. So I can totally mines and publish it with a publisher right now. So I totally get with the process. But anyways, go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 25:37
Yeah. And I was like, I don’t know a publisher. I don’t know. I know nothing about writing a book. Right? And I still know very little about you know, writing and marketing and whatever. I just did it anyway. And that kind of goes along with just do it anyway. Get over your fears move forward. So what if so what if you fall right? When you fail your way forward, you succeed? And so I made a decision to write a self help book, it’s actually going to be a series Scott. This is the very first one that I wrote last spring. In fact, March of last year was when I started writing it. Remember, it’s actually here, get over yourself and find your purpose and shine. Okay? And it’s a series, it’s just a shorter book. It’s like 7475 pages, those are perfect. You know, my reason for this was just to grab as many people’s attention as I could love it, right. People that don’t like to read people that don’t have time to read, of course, now we do here in COVID-19. But, you know, originally, you had that excuse, right? Um, and so I figured if I could, if I could reach those people, even coaching clients, some of them didn’t like to read, but they read my book and like, an hour and a half, two hours,
Unknown Speaker 26:48
that’s great. That’s a perfect length, especially for a self help coach, you know, or somebody that’s information coach. That’s fantastic. And where can they finally can they? I’m sorry, go ahead.
Unknown Speaker 26:58
No, they can actually I’m going to be Be honest with you. Like I said, the marketing of this book I haven’t done every single one of my coaching clients gets a copy of my book. Okay? If they want a copy of my book right now, they have to order it directly from me. I do have a bunch of them on hand.
Unknown Speaker 27:12
Excellent. I’ll put that in the show notes. I’ll get that information from Angela and put it in the show notes. And people. This has been a fantastic and lightning podcast interview with Coach Angela Murray. And you know, she dropped some serious knowledge, I guess. But really, the one that really stood out is her drive her responsibility that she takes for actions which gives her the ability to respond to anything and no matter what going after your dreams with all you’ve got and walk through and just crushing obliterate fear in her getting up and starting her day with affirmations of that she knows she’s going to attract your ideal clients. Let’s put her where she’s at, put her at the level she’s at. She’s humble. She’s happy. She levels up her health. She levels up her wealth. And guess what you’re part of our squad. Oh, Angela. So we really appreciate this interview. Thank you so, so, so much for coming on and opening up and sharing some solid knowledge nuggets with us.
Unknown Speaker 28:09
Awesome. You’re very welcome. Thank you for having me. I really appreciate you and just everything that you’re doing to help people pretty awesome.
Unknown Speaker 28:17
Thanks, Angela. will talk soon.
Unknown Speaker 28:20
All right, talk to you soon. Bye bye.
Unknown Speaker 28:22
Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcasts. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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