451- Stand Out, Don’t Fit In: Embrace Self-Mastery and Rewrite Your Life on Your Terms 🎢📈 TTST Interview with Dr. Agi Keramidas

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Dr. Agi Keramidas is originally from Greece and has been living in the UK since 2010. His  journey took him from being a dentist with a Master’s Degree to becoming a podcaster, knowledge broker, and author. 

He is on a lifelong journey of personal growth and self-mastery. Despite his formal education, he is a big believer in the immense power of self-education. He is a critical thinker and yet, at the same time deeply spiritual.

He is the host of the “Personal Development Mastery” podcast, and his mission is to inspire his audience to stand out and take action toward the next level of their lives.

“Growth doesn’t happen in a straight line—it’s up and down, like a rollercoaster. Embrace the journey, not just the destination.”
– Dr. Agi Keramidas

fERGIE’S tOP 5+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. Follow Your True Passions: If you’re feeling unfulfilled, take the bold step to pursue what really excites you. Life’s too short not to chase your passions. 🔥✨
  2. Invest in Personal Growth: Attending a seminar or workshop can change your life. But remember, it’s not just about feeling inspired—it’s about acting on that inspiration. 📚💡
  3. Challenge Your Limiting Beliefs: Identify the stories you’re telling yourself that hold you back. Confront them, rewrite them, and you’ll discover just how much you can achieve. 🚀✍️
  4. Be Consistent: The road to success is paved with steady, consistent effort. It’s the small, repeated actions that bring you closer to big dreams. 👣🏆
  5. Define Your Own Success: Success is about freedom—living life on your terms. Don’t let others’ definitions of success dictate your journey. 🌈🎯
  6. Keep Climbing: Life is a series of peaks and plateaus. Embrace the process, celebrate each peak, and stay committed to moving forward. 🏔️🎉
  7. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences: You are the average of the people you spend the most time with, so choose those who inspire you and bring out the best in you. 🤝🌞

Level 🆙


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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript


L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Time to shine today podcast varsity squad. This is scott ferguson and I reached all the way over to england Just so I could like bring my guy into the shine studios here. Dr. Eggy Karameetis, I might have butchered his name there because I kind of recorded this a little bit after but Doc is just absolutely fantastic his podcast Which is in the show notes, personal development Personal development mastery is top one, 5 percent in the world higher than mine.

Just kind of, kind of right behind Rogan and all those other guys. So his show is awesome. Drops some serious knowledge nuggets in this interview. He gave me a lot more time than we had scheduled. So I feel very blessed with that. You’re definitely going to want to break out your notebooks and sit back and relax because the the knowledge nugget city drops are just above reproach and if you like it or know somebody that needs to be leveled up Please share it with them Or if you like it, please subscribe or hit the like button My sponsors and [00:01:00] affiliates absolutely love that.

So without further ado Here is the host of the personal development mastery podcast and my good friend. Dr. Agi Keramidas Let’s level up

 time to shine today podcast varsity squad This is Scott Ferguson and I reached way over the pond over into England to get my good friend Agi Karamidas on Agi is a fantastic podcaster So his podcast is top 1. 5 I’m only 2. 5%. So he’s got me beat by a whole percent. And I think I took up a lot of his time kind of picking his brain and, and talking to him a little bit before we even fired up the mics, but Dr.

Agi is originally from Greece and has been living in the UK since 2010. His journey took him from being a dentist with a master’s degree to becoming a podcaster, knowledge broker. Author and best of all a mentor, because like we always say, the more you mentor, the [00:02:00] more immortal you become. He is a light.

He’s on a lifelong journey of personal growth and self mastery despite his formal education. He is a big believer in the immense power of self education. He’s a critical thinker. And yet at the same time, deeply spiritual, he’s the host of the personal development mastery podcast. Again, squad don’t go there yet.

But make sure you put it on your playlist at top 1. 5 percent globally. And his mission is to inspire his audience to stand out and take action towards the next level of their lives. So doc, thank you so much for coming on the show. Please introduce yourself to the time to shine today. Podcast versus squad.

But first what’s your favorite color and why

Agi Keramidas: my favorite color is orange. Or you can see it. Oh, that’s right. It’s

L. Scott Ferguson: in the book. And it’s quite hanging out because I’m going to have a bookcast.

Agi Keramidas: I’m not sure why I’ve always been drawn to it. Okay. Maybe it is. I don’t, I’m not sure it has a warmth. It reminds me of the sun, , that, that color, especially sometimes the sun can get [00:03:00] this orange color.

So, and

L. Scott Ferguson: it’s a fun color, at least here in the States. Like I went to this whole seminar one time about colors. The reason why I asked for colors is you learn a little bit about personalities. Plus we build your whole show. Formatting around your colors, , for the artwork and all that other jazz. So but it’s a fun color.

It’s like people are laid back. People like people that like orange and I know like you already, man.

Agi Keramidas: That’s great to know. I didn’t know that about. Oh, and so thank you for

L. Scott Ferguson: that. So let’s get to the roots of you a little bit. Cause your, your show does inspire a lot of people, a lot of people, including myself.

And , you have great guests on which I hope to be one day hint, hint, but no, like, seriously, like, where, where do we get our roots from? Because I know that you were kind of went to school to dig into people’s oral, , , in their face, the cavity in their face. But like, where do we go from there into what you’re doing now?

Like, really leveling up the masses.

Agi Keramidas: Yeah, [00:04:00] good question. And lots of things in there, but yes, I, as you said, I have, I started in my home country, Greece to be a dentist. Then I moved to the UK. I did the master’s degree in dentistry here. The, the transition and what took me Gradually out of there and into personal development in the beginning and then podcasting and then probably combining these two inevitably, the transition happened because at some point in my early 40s.

I found myself, it was just after I graduated from my master’s degree in aesthetic dentistry, instead of finding, instead of really wanting to apply what I have been learning for two years and have spent a considerable amount of money, I found myself completely Unmotivated, confused, unfulfilled, and I started looking for answers and then I discovered personal development and some books, some seminars, one thing brought to the other.

[00:05:00] I went to Tony Robbins event. Things changed quite rapidly there and discovered something that I was very much passionate about. About, and then podcasting came a little bit further. Sure. Down, down the line in 2018, I started my first podcast and then this podcast have now 2020

L. Scott Ferguson: just before the, the lockdown.

Good old, good old pandemic. So you, you, with personal development, you worked on yourself. that. Now, did I hear Tony Robinson there?

Agi Keramidas: Yes, you did. He had Tony Robbins. I went to his event in London in 2017. Okay. That was the very first time I went there and I had a big transformation or a light bulb moment that event with changed me very much.

Subsequently as as a person, sure. Very much.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, I’ve been blessed to open for him on stage a few times. One of his like 10 or 15 speakers that come on before. But you, you can’t help, but [00:06:00] be transformed with that. But let me ask you something about that. So you, you, you go there and you leave and you are fired up, man.

You’re like rah, rah, rah. What made it stick? Cause 1st, I’m going to get in shape by February 8th. They quit. Yeah. Right? So same thing, you go to the TR’s, , thing, Tony Robbins thing, you are fired up, but what made it stick?

Agi Keramidas: One thing, action, taking action immediately after leaving the event.

implementing because we were left not only fired up, but if we had done our work during the event, we would have had an action list written down in our workbook. So the difference between people who go back to their normal life, and for me in that particular occasion, was that I took action on those things that I had written down.[00:07:00]

And in particular, there was one thing that really changed things around, from being a very close, shy person. At that event, I discovered that this was a limiting belief that I had, and I was shy and kind. Close to speak to people. I thought that people were not interested. So what did I did as an action? I went to a public speaking event and then, , that really changed things very much because I, I took action despite the fear that I had, that was holding me back, but I knew it during the event, I knew very clearly that I have to do that.

The thing is that I did it and then that action led to momentum. And I think that is the key there that once you take some action, then momentum builds up and then it is easy. Then you don’t have to struggle to don’t get me wrong. It’s when I say [00:08:00] easy, that. It’s not challenging or it’s not out of the comfort zone, but you don’t have this kind of force against you.

Whereas when you, like, when you start,

L. Scott Ferguson: the doubt goes away a little bit, right? Yeah.

Agi Keramidas: Momentum. And then it gets quicker and simpler.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s like, If I was to fly to see you in England, right? That plane, it takes so much to get it off the ground. That’s that action, right? But then when it’s up in the air, it takes so much fuel, takes so much energy.

Once it’s in the air, you, it doesn’t use as much fuel, you’re kind of soaring, but like you just said, challenges are going to come. If you go one degree off, I might end up in another country, right? So you have to course correct. A little bit. So I love that you said that. So tell me a little bit about the public speaking, man.

Tell me a little bit about that first time, because a lot of people, they fear public speaking [00:09:00] more than death. , So tell me a little bit about that first time that you went and then had to get up and present your two or three minute kind of. Speech because here we have what’s called toastmasters And like a lot of people will do that and it’s only like 30 seconds to three minutes a lot of time So what was going through your mind there because you were so uncomfortable

Agi Keramidas: I was very much.

I was one of those people that feared public speaking more than death. I was one of them so I went to a free event And then I took the courage at some point, the speaker said, who wants to come I want to volunteer to write something, put up my hand before really, I don’t know if my hand got on my, it was too late then.

And, , I, I realized that I didn’t die and actually I got a round of applause there, which for doing something very simple. So that’s a little bit of confidence, but I went to [00:10:00] a, a five day. Public speaking bootcamp. Then I did go to Toastmasters afterwards, but the first thing I did was those five days, consecutive days, Monday to Friday.

And that was because of the total immersion, , nine, 10 hours every day off. And it was a little bit of theory, but mostly it was talking, speaking, us speaking, , in groups of people. So that really I was very uncomfortable, , but what really made a big difference in me was the confidence I acquired when I realized that people would listen and they would say, Oh, I can hear you speak.

I could hear you speak. Carry on, please. There is more, , when you hear those things, it starts rewiring your, your beliefs.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right

Agi Keramidas: about it. But to answer your question, my actual first speech, the proper meaning a not any controlled environment,

L. Scott Ferguson: [00:11:00] right?

Agi Keramidas: Was in a, and actually it was a property investors or a real estate investors networking event with I was, I spoke in front of 40 people about mindset, not about property about mindset, which was my, topic.

And what I found was that once I started speaking, All the, the fear and the worry and even the internal dialogue disappeared and it was just speaking and being in the flow of it, which I was not expecting that, but it was, I was also very Excited. Shall we say, , butterflies and everything you could, some people will say I was very stressed, but no, I wouldn’t call it stress.

I would say it was exciting. Yeah.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Yeah. And it happens every single time you get on stage. Like you still feel that like I, , there, there’s a DJ out there, right? That plays music. His name is Steve Aoki. He’s the guy that threw his dad invented [00:12:00] Benny Hanna restaurants. And like, but he throws the cakes out in there and he, I, I ran into him at a speaking event in Vegas and he’s, , I picked his brain and he’s like, listen, whether I’m speaking in front of three people.

30 people, 300 people, 3, 000, 30, 000 people. It’s that those butterflies are still there and we kind of need those. Right? And that kind of leads into anything within personal development challenging ourselves. So why do you feel then doc that people that will go back to the New Year’s resolution? Why do you think people start something in January 1st?

And they quit it by the latest February 8th that it’s documented. It’s science. It’s , 87 percent of people

Agi Keramidas: have been there.

L. Scott Ferguson: Me too. Why do you feel that that is?

Agi Keramidas: I think it’s one of the two things depending, one is that they have set a wrong one way or the other resolution. So something that is not [00:13:00] what they really need to focus or maybe it is unrealistic or because they do tend , To set some unrealistic goals that you would like.

You can change everything overnight for a long time. It’s not exactly that. So one thing is one reason is this, that they do not set the right resolution right for them. I mean, at that time or goal, I think that matter, right? Or goal. Yes. Yeah. Some things are, , it’s, it’s a big thing on its own, but I think there is also another reason.

That they don’t stick to it long enough, or in other words, they give up. Before seeing the results, let’s say for example, you, you decide to go to the gym. All right. The 1st of January, I will start exercising and lifting weights. And by the 1st of February, so you have been into the gym a few times.

You’ve done your thing. And you look at yourself in the mirror and [00:14:00] you don’t see a massive transformation, you probably don’t see anything right after a month. You have put effort, you are tired, maybe you’re starting to get fed up with it. Mm. And then you say, what’s the point? This is not working. Or this will take ages.

And , it’s a matter of finding the what will drive you to carry on doing it. Until you actually, it’s that momentum we were saying earlier, because the moment you, you realize that, what, I feel good every time I go to the gym, then it’s not a struggle to say, Oh, how can I go, just go because , it’s that, yeah, you love doing it.

It’s it’s, you feel great. So yeah, I think these are the two main reasons. It’s a good question. I had never thought of this before. So thank you for asking.

L. Scott Ferguson: No, a hundred percent. And a lot of times that passion is just not there to back up their goal. Like they’ll say they, a lot of people will pick something that Everybody else is doing [00:15:00] right, which I’ve noticed in like, so like I have a lot of people that sit on their butt and they game all day, , on the on the video games and it’s what a lot of their friends are doing, right?

And they’re passionate about it cause they look forward to it. So what do you feel about them really getting with a squad or a tried to really help keep them accountable to a goal, no matter if it’s fitness or look at you and I, we started podcasting. And the reason why you’re at where you’re at and I got to where I got is because of our consistency Right, and that’s what it was.

That’s the bottom line So what do you think about in big I once I started getting a little bit of traction with my show People started kind of reaching out to me and I built a tribe around it and then kind of skyrocketed a little bit What do you feel about building a tribe and how could people go out?

And find a tribe, , or a squad of people to support them.

Agi Keramidas: It’s first of all, it’s very [00:16:00] important to be around the people that support what it is that you want to do. You gave the example of gamers or people who spend time with playing video games, which, , when you’re describing that, I mean, I can imagine a teenager doing that, but if we’re talking about, , middle aged People spend time with that for me.

It’s anyway, I will leave that aside, but I

L. Scott Ferguson: know exactly where you’re going. Cause I’m right there with you, brother.

Agi Keramidas: In terms, in terms of the, yeah, I will then come back. Since you’re right with me, I will only say that as personally, I will speak completely from my own personal experience and I’m not passing any judgment, but I am 50 years old.

I realized And recently the last few years, more and more, how brief is the time that I have, , my life is, I’m 50 years old. I don’t know how many more years I have, even if I have [00:17:00] another 50, it’s still running out. It’s always running out. So personally, and don’t get me wrong, I have played a game many years in my life.

Past, so I’m not,

L. Scott Ferguson: I’m 50. I’m 52, man. So I, I’m in that generation with you, . Right. So, and we look good for our age too, by the way, out there. So I’ll tell you that. Thank you. But no, so

Agi Keramidas: I don’t want to personally to waste time on, on an activity that, for me, it doesn’t lead anywhere. It

L. Scott Ferguson: doesn’t pay dividends on nothing.

On anything. Yeah. Right.

Agi Keramidas: You can for a bit if you want, but as an entertainment or, but, , being addicted and playing hours every day, I think that’s my personal opinion. Again, I’m not putting any judgment on anyone. But the tribe you asked about the tribe, if you are, if you’re people around, you are also of a similar mindset and habits.

You will inevitably carry on [00:18:00] doing that. So if you want to get out of a habit or even better, create a new habit, because that’s how it is easier rather than eliminating a habit, creating a new habit to replace that eventually. So for that habit, find the people and get connected with the people and Communicate with the people and become accountable to these people about what it is that you want to do and these people will naturally support you.

If you want to, I don’t know, quit smoking and you’re surrounded by non smokers. Oh, you’re going to quit very easily, but if the people around you all smoke, it’s very difficult. So always be aware of, , those five Rohn used to say. It’s, we become the average of the five people we spend most of our time.


L. Scott Ferguson: yeah.

Agi Keramidas: Look at [00:19:00] who you are and that is the average and make a list of those five people who are these five people in your life. And then you start to realize how much of their traits have become your traits and behaviors simply because , inevitably the, that’s our biggest influence. It’s other people, the people closest to us,

L. Scott Ferguson: right?

If they’re going to like in anything, whether you’re working out, let’s say you’ve made you, you’ve surrounded yourself with a squad or, , people you’ve, you’ve made great progress. No matter what you’re at, you hit a wall, , you hit that with it. There’s still another peak because people like you and I, and, and other people out there, they’re out there doing that.

We know that the top of one, one peak is the bottom of another peak, right? Cause we’re always improving. Okay. When they hit that wall, what do you recommend to those people? Right, because again, my coach told me when I wasn’t making in my business. He’s just like listen man inch by inch It’s [00:20:00] a cinch by the yard.

It’s hard Right. So it’s like take a little bit at a time, a little bit of time. Right. And I, I coach from that as well. What do you tell, what is your advice for people, doc, that the people that hit that wall, , and they still want to keep going. Right. Like what, what would you tell that person if you’re just sitting in chat with them?

Agi Keramidas: Definitely. Thank you for the question. It is very, It’s inevitable to hit a wall or a plateau. I mean, that’s how it is. You can’t get any other way. Growth does not happen like lean in a leaner scale. It’s like it’s up and down and up and down. So the two things I would say first is reconnect with The reason, why, why are you doing that?

Because sometimes we tend to forget, we get more , tactical and we forget why we started doing it. And then we say, Oh, I haven’t hit that. milestone or that limit or I have hit it and I just [00:21:00] discovered another one. Why are you doing that? Reconnect with that. That’s the first thing I will say.

The second thing is, , what I have found and I have also experienced to be very common is let’s say you want to reach here. All right. And you carry on, you carry on and you reach here

L. Scott Ferguson: and

Agi Keramidas: you look at your state And you look at how much more you have to go and you say, No, I’m not there yet.

This is frustrated. I’ve hit a wall and blah, blah, blah. And then all the negative. So rather than focusing on what. The next big is or what you thought that you would have achieved by then focus on the progress that you have had until that moment, because that’s what we tend to forget. We tend to take it for granted.

I mean and I’m speaking again with personal experience, I’ve done. 420 episodes on the, on the podcast. There have been times that I thought, [00:22:00] no, I’m not satisfied with how the podcast is growing, but no matter how much you grow, you grow, there’s going to be, I mean, it’s human nature, , to want more and there’s nothing wrong with that, but I have to.

Appreciate first of all, what we have done and I think when we appreciate what we have achieved so far and reconnect with the reason why our purpose or the reason why we’re doing it. Then we’ll, we’ll carry on. And it, it’s a journey. It’s another big and another big. It’s, yeah. It only, it only adds when we decide

L. Scott Ferguson: it ties in.

It’s per, it is continuous improvement. And, and like if I was, if I was ever coaching you, I call it. Stacking dubs or stacking your w’s your wins, right? And i’m going to show if you’re watching on vimeo or youtube out there I’m going to show you the the squad of listeners and watchers out there is if I was if I had doc [00:23:00] as a coach, I would show them this this is what I would I would say it’s like listen You’re 1.

5 in the world in the world in all podcasters , that is something that you can really look on, don’t rest your laurels there, right? But know that you stack, you go back to like you said, go back to that purpose, that why, why are you doing this? And sometimes when you stack those W’s like you said, and go back and look at them, something might fire up in your brain saying, Oh, next.

Now I know what I got in the same thing with, that’s why a lot of fitness people they want pictures. Taken of their clients, ? Mm-Hmm. . If they were like, mm-hmm, 200 pounds and their goal weight is one 50, and , I’m not, I hit a, they hit a wall at 1 72. They can show ’em that picture. , they can stack those Ws those wins.

Yes. That, that’s awesome, man. So. How would you work? What is your advice for people that have kind of [00:24:00] a victim mindset? Now, I know off mic what you and I might say about that, right? But if you were consulting people, okay, and talking to somebody and you poured into it, I know a little bit it’s in your book, but like, how do you work with people that might have a victim mindset?

Everything happens to me. It’s never for them. It’s always to me too. How do you work with victims?

Agi Keramidas: I think what’s important To understand in that situation is that when we become the victim or consider ourselves to be the victim, we don’t have any power to change the situation because we put the blame or, , the responsibility or whatever to someone else could be our, , parents or the government or our boss or whatever.

The only way really to get control [00:25:00] of your life is to accept the responsibility that you have because no matter what the other people have done or doing, in the end, it is your responsibility. Experience and how you perceive these things. I wish Scott there was some , magic, instant trick or tip I could, I could offer to someone with a victim mentality.

But , that thing from that life is happening to you. To me, that is simply not right. You don’t have any power when you’re thinking.

L. Scott Ferguson: I just wrote that down, man. That that’s amazing. That it’s what is your definition of responsibility then?

Agi Keramidas: Response ability, your ability to respond, to respond to the situation.

That is you

L. Scott Ferguson: and I are brothers from different mothers, man. I’m telling you, dude, like that’s exactly, someone said, what’s your debt is the ability to [00:26:00] respond. One of my. Canned speeches. Is responsibility the ability to respond? That’s one of them that I speak on. It’s 100 percent sure that you take that So let’s have you seen the movie back to the future?

Oh, yes. Okay. Yes. Let’s get in that delorean with marty mcfly So you’re 50 now, let’s go back to the double deuce the 22 year old You don’t know at, , you weren’t a doctor yet then or anything, but let’s go back to 22 year old you, what kind of knowledge nuggets might you drop on him not to change anything?

Cause your life has been a really nice trajectory of learning and experiences, but to maybe help him shorten a learning curve or blast through maybe just a little bit quicker.

Agi Keramidas: Single most important thing I would say, even though I don’t know whether I would be heard, but I

L. Scott Ferguson: was just going to say, would you listen to yourself?

Agi Keramidas: Yes, I would, , it’s that I would take really needs time [00:27:00] to be able to pay attention. Put it in a way that is very influential and persuasive. But apart from that, I think the biggest lesson is believe in yourself and speak for yourself and what it is that you feel that is right for you.

Go for it. Despite if, if there are objections from the people around you, it’s only you that knows. What it is that you want, what’s in your heart, no one else, they might have the best intentions for you, but still it is your life. So I think that would be the primary. , ever

L. Scott Ferguson: since 2009, when I, we were talking off Mike, when I kind of lost everything, I rebuilt everything into service in, , I’ve made two new year’s resolutions every year since 2009, one makes someone smile every single day.

No matter what makes someone smile too, unless I’ve hurt you, disrespected you, owe you, or judged you. I give zero what, so what [00:28:00] would you think about me? I don’t care. There’s nothing that you can say. When I was younger, yeah, I could have been influenced by what other people say. Ego, all that stuff.

Not saying I don’t have an ego, because there’s times when I have to have one. But it’s been under control. I just don’t care. So doc, how do you want your dash? Remember that little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date on your tombstone. Hopefully it’s another 50, 60 years down the line.

Right. But how does doc want his dash? Remember?

Agi Keramidas: Yes. What a question. , what comes to my mind is what I always send my with the phrase stand out, don’t fit in. So I would like to be remembered as someone who indeed stood out and didn’t fit in. And of course, , there is a big explanation with these four words, but I think that would , to embody that and leave it and be agreed that [00:29:00] he was this person, I think that would be very much love it.

The answer to your question. No, I love

L. Scott Ferguson: it.

Agi Keramidas: What do you think people misunderstand about you? Hmm,

Hmm. I have ne never thought of it. Yeah. Before sometimes maybe they misunderstand the fact that I don’t necessarily, connect very easily with new people. I do, but not to like some other people that, , they’re not true networkers and

L. Scott Ferguson: connected like that. We

Agi Keramidas: connected yet, but I’m not like that with everyone.

There are people that are like that with most people. So that can be misunderstood for me that I am. , I don’t care or some other element, which is not necessarily like that. I, I just. , I have a filtering process and [00:30:00] it’s not necessarily an intellectual filter. Mainly it is, , the filter comes from my intuition.

Right. So maybe that’s what’s misunderstood, but it’s a good question. I’m, I will. I will ask myself. I will ask some people to get the answers.

L. Scott Ferguson: So that’s a great self reflection. I’ve asked people as well. , I do that. So in a sentence, what is The definition of success to you,

Agi Keramidas: the freedom to live the life that was meant for me to live.

And I want to live the word, the word freedom will go immediately with the word success and freedom. , it means many things. You can get an idea.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh, yeah. What I say when I’m asked that question is, Success is living a life of options and not obligations. [00:31:00] That’s what I say. What I’m saying?

It’s like, like options mean freedom, right? So, and I didn’t make that up. I regurgitated it from one of my coaches, what I’m saying? And, and the funny thing about that is, as you wrote a book, I’m writing a book. We have pocket, everything’s regurgitated, man. Like I regurgitate. What I might learn from somebody, Tony Robbins Regurgitator.

Jim Rohn. Jim Rohn. Earl Nightingale. Earl Nightingale, Wallace. Wallace, all the way back to Aristotle or whatnot. What I’m saying? We all regurgit and I’m sure they regurgitate something from the gods. You know what I’m saying? So it’s like we all are. So I love that. So the what is. Your definition of a life well lived.

Agi Keramidas: Fulfillment is the first word that comes to, to mind. Feeling, and that is, the life well lived, it’s not external. It is internal, because it’s different for a different person. Some person will need a certain level of, [00:32:00] opulence for that. Another person will need a certain level of, emotional commitment.

So that is, , very different for different people. But I think the common link is feeling fulfilled, feeling good about yourself, feeling that this is, this is it. I feel good, man. That’s how I can express it. That is a life well

L. Scott Ferguson: lived time to shine today, podcast, varsity squad. We are back in doc. I’m going to make it a point to meet you in the flesh one day in person. Okay. And we’ll ask some of these questions and kind of go back and forth over a cup of coffee or whatever our choice of beverage is, okay?

But today, you’ve got five seconds with no explanations, and they can all be answered that way, I promise you. You ready to level up? Yeah, let’s do it. All right. Doc, what is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Agi Keramidas: One [00:33:00] person once asked me, what is your podcast growth strategy? And I realized I didn’t have the answer.

So that was a great advice that I need one.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.

Agi Keramidas: Morning routine, 110%. Morning routine. Everything’s about that.

L. Scott Ferguson: Everything,

Agi Keramidas: yeah.

L. Scott Ferguson: So if you see me kinda walking down the street or at an event or something, you’re like, eh, Fergie looks like he’s in his doldrums a little bit.

What book, other than yours? Your own, what book has really turned your mind on,

Agi Keramidas: how to win friends and influence people. When I read that book, I was in my mid thirties and I thought, Oh my God, why did I not read this book 20 years ago as a teenager? It would have changed my life.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Your most commonly used emoji when you text? The smiley. Love it. Nicknames growing up?

Agi Keramidas: Not really.

No. No. [00:34:00] No, I, no, I don’t think I had any.

L. Scott Ferguson: No worries. Chess, checkers or monopoly? Chess. A hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. Headline for your life. Stand

Agi Keramidas: out, don’t fit in.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yes. Go to ice cream flavor. Lemon sorbet. Okay. Favorite charity and or organization you’d like to give your time and or money to?

Agi Keramidas: I have been there are a few.

The one that I comes to my mind now is Vipassana. It’s a world organization that teaches meditation practice and it is operating solely by donations.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Best decade of music? 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s?

Agi Keramidas: 70s, sir. 70s.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Love it. Yeah, I love the seventies because there’s storytelling in those, , and it’s like, I’m, , being 52, I grew up, I graduate 1990 from high school.

And so it was [00:35:00] like, the eighties was a huge decade, but I love the eighties. Don’t get me wrong. But the seventies is something, , my parents used to play it in the background, , it’s like, , stuff like that. So Doc, how can we find you?

Agi Keramidas: If you enjoyed listening this, then you will find me in my podcast, personal development mastery, which you can get whatever you listen to your podcasts and there is a website there.

I’m sure you will put everything

L. Scott Ferguson: will be in the show notes on that. Tell me a little bit about the book you authored.

Agi Keramidas: The book is, I, it’s my first book. I also did last, I published it last year, 88 actionable insights for life. Much of it was content that I drew from the podcast and it is very short actionable because that’s, that is the key word.

It is not about passing on knowledge. It’s about reading something that will click and you will say, okay, I’m going to do this and as a result of doing this. Then, , [00:36:00] ts happens. Love it. As a matter of fact I am very happy to offer the, the electronic version of the book. Okay. As a gift to your is it PDF listeners?

PD version. It’s A-A-P-D-F version. Yes. Love it. Yes,

L. Scott Ferguson: and I love that Kindle finally got it right, that when you upload a PDF in, you can highlight it. You can swipe like it’ll, it’ll remember the last page you read. That was the thing. I’d get PDFs and I’d be like, oh man, I’m gonna have to like, write down on a piece of paper the last page that I read.

Now they got it right, man. You upload a PDF into Kindle. Finally you can highlight it and it’ll go from, no, it won’t, it won’t if you, you have to put it on a specific device by a Kindle device. So it can only be highlighted on that device, but it’s, it’s, it’s great. And squad, I’m also going to do a two physical book giveaway for the person, first person that, that puts, I [00:37:00] don’t know, let, let’s just say mastery.

Mastery in any of our social, I don’t care if it’s Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn. If you text it to 561 440 3830, I don’t care who’s who puts mastery in there. The first two people are going to get a book mailed out on time to shine today’s time. And also we’re going to, when that stops, when we do the, the, the two book giveaway, I’m going to do five Kindle versions.

For mastery as well. So you might end up with a Kindle version. But just remember, you’ll get a free one from the doc here. So care, Mr. Karamita. So he’s given away a free PDF, but if you’d like it on your Kindle or, , two books, just make sure you put mastery into any of our social media and doc.

Give me one last solid, please. And leave us with one last knowledge nugget we can take with us, internalize and take action on.

Agi Keramidas: Thank you, Scott, very much for this conversation. And this was a incredible, I [00:38:00] appreciate very much your questions and your presence. You’re welcome. The, what I would say.

So my question to someone listening right now is do that thing or that idea that you have been thinking about for a while now, but it’s still just an idea. You have not done it or taken action on it. I will invite you. To take a little bit of action towards it today, it doesn’t have to be anything big, research the internet about it or pick up the phone and make an inquiry.

It’s something simple and see how that simple thing can Start to create momentum and before it, things change.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s like that plane taking off, man, or just that first step or that first walk into the speech room over there, right? You just took that one little one. And Squad, I just had a super fun, super educational chat with my really good friend, , [00:39:00] that, , he found himself unmotivated, a little bit confused.

, he started really diving into his own personal development. He took action immediately and implemented what he learned from TR’s seminar. And he took little baby steps again, inch by inch. It’s a cinch by the yard. It’s hard. , the doc here, he shyness was his limiting beliefs. He got in, he just dove into the public speaking again, little ones at a time, which built his momentum.

Okay. He wants you to set your goals and stick to them. And when you hit that wall, build that squad around you. And they’ll help push you through. And then when you hit that plateau, remember what you have accomplished. Reconnect with your why. Why did you start this? And again, I call it stacking your dub, stacking your wins.

, when you, it reminded us that when you are a victim, you don’t have the power. to change your situations. So, just make adjustments, not excuses. That’s what winners do. They make adjustments, they don’t make excuses. , believe in yourself and for yourself, [00:40:00] despite what other people think about you.

That was a great nugget that the doc dropped on us. He wants us to stand out, don’t fit in, , but always come from a place of service. I mean, my My good friend here, he’s planting trees. He’s never going to sit in the shade of, and he does stuff for the intention, not the attention. You don’t see him out there being rah, rah, look at me.

He’s actually digging in and he mentors a lot. And again, the more you mentor, the more immortal you become. People remember you and it came from you. You just keep pouring into people. And lastly that idea that’s been stewing in your mind, if you’re not taking action, take that one little inch, that one little step and then build that momentum.

And that’s what my good friend does here. He levels up his health. He levels up as well. He’s super handsome, dude. He’s well spoken. He’s out there doing it. I absolutely love your guts, brother. Thank you so much for coming on.

Agi Keramidas: Thank you very much, Scott. Thank you. You’re

L. Scott Ferguson: welcome.

Agi Keramidas: Have a great day. 

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