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Welcome to Episode 56. From our research and my own personal experiences, you will take time to learn learn learn but never take action. Here is a regurgitated Knowledge Nugget to help you take that action. I’ve used it with success and hope you will also! Enjoy! Any questions,comments, feedback or opinions please email them to sf@timetoshinetoday.com
The smallest of actions is always better than the boldest of intentions.
– Thomas Carlyle
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways:
1. Strong character is not always doing what is fun and easy, monotonous grit is what builds!
2. Knowledge is only potential power. You must ACT on it!
3. The more positive actions you take, it becomes like a drug that’s good for you. The results will speak for themselves.
4. Keep doing it even when you don’t see any visible results!
Level Up!
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Speech Transcript
Welcome to time to shine today podcast episode 56 analysis paralysis my arse level up and put your knowledge to work. This is Scott Ferguson let’s fire up
time to shine today varsity squad This is Scott Ferguson and I am here with a time to shine today Knowledge Nugget regarding I kind of named this you know, analysis, paralysis my arse, level up and put your knowledge to work. A lot of times people will study, study, study something and then they don’t ever put what they’ve studied into action. And I will tell you right now that I am one of those people that has did that. Unfortunately, sometimes I still do
This podcast was something that I did I found out exactly how to do it. join groups forums, all the other jazz bells and whistles shiny objects, but I just never put it to work until finally my coaches like got that podcast launched. People are asking for it, people want it and I just decided to finally in December of 2019 do it and I had been really researching podcasting for since August of 18. So I just think I mean I’m in the almost 60 episodes in and I could be at 260 right now, not to say that how many episodes you have matters but I would had so much more knowledge nuggets dropped on you my squad, my listeners, I would have had so many more valuable knowledge nuggets dropped down you by my interviewers. I could have been lightyears ahead. But I think that I got stuck in the analysis paralysis. I’ve had it happen with getting my real estate license back in 1998. And it took me a year to really do it and start leveling up that business. But most of us know we need to make things happen to be healthier, to be happier to be wealthier, but we just never go through with the process to make it happen. It takes an action on that process, I should say, a lot of people will have the New Year’s Eve syndrome where you will have, you’re going to lose weight, you’re going to stop smoking and it all goes great, but then you quit. But this is even a little bit different than that where you just don’t even frickin start. So I’m going to tell you to get off your arse, level up and put your knowledge to work. You know, there’s people that teach it and there’s people that do it. There’s people like that or there’s people that do both Like say Pat Flynn from Smart Passive income or john Lee Dumas from entrepreneurs on fire. You know, they’re not just teachers, they’ll teach you to do it, but they’re actually doing it. What I can’t stand is these teachers that will teach you teach you teach you, but they’re not actually doing it themselves. You know. So, there’s a joke back in the day, I think it went something like, you know, if you can’t do it, your coach, so if you can’t play your coach, but there’s very few of those people that can really take it to the next level by motivating people if they haven’t actually done it. I mean, you have your Bella checks, you know, you have your high, high influencing coaches, but most of the coaches out there have did it like people like Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk. You know, people like that they’re out there. walking the walk. Okay, so one thing I’ve learned is it strong character is not always doing what’s fun and easy, and just getting out there and have a great time with it. The monotonous grit that comes with doing stuff. When it’s suck time when it’s just sucks and you feel like you’re at your wits end you feel like what you’re doing is not going to bring the fruits that you were 100% expecting it to bring. But you know, one of my people that I really respect told me to put this on my wall in front of me. Just keep doing it even when you don’t see any visible progress. Believe expect in receive. So if you have something you’re passionate about
get out there and do
it. Don’t start it and then go and binge watch the latest episodes of Ozark even though they do come on tomorrow and I’m pretty stoked about watching Ozark. I do love it. But I watch a show like that and then reprogram with some reading or some listening and I’ll get back on track but keep just Get Started. And when you get started if you’re not seeing the results that you were expecting to see right away, keep doing it anyways. Because you’re going to get in front of people, you’re going to use long as you keep grind grind grind in knowing that it might be monotonous, but it will pay off in the end. I found it with this podcast. I mean, I was getting nothing, no listens. But then all sudden, I started connecting with people, they started listening, they start sharing it with people now I got buku listens. Well, thank you all my subscribers and all my listeners, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without a little push. And then putting that knowledge that I’ve gained that 1415 months of knowledge into action. Okay, so I mean, Thomas Carlyle said,
the smallest of actions is
always better than the boldest of intentions. So take action in why you’re taking action. If it doesn’t pan out for you right away. Keep doing it. Okay, wisdom is knowing what to do next skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it. That’s by David Starr Jordan. He was a peace activist. But the virtue is in doing it. Okay. And I’ll tell you this, the more positive actions you take, it becomes
like a drug that’s good for you.
The more actions you take the results will start to speak for themselves. So everybody, let’s get off our set analysis paralysis
side. Let’s level
up and put what we learned to work
in the service of people. All
right, everybody, that’s a Knowledge Nugget that was dropped on me that I want to pass on to you. Let’s stay hungry. Let’s stay humble. Let’s level up our health. Let’s level up our wealth, because it’s our time to shine. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast proudly brought to you By Southern Nugent real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guests. If you like this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
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