Welcome to Episode 120: Vimari Roman from Be Productive Coaching shares her journey from working in hospitality and turning the skills she learned in over 20 years to helping others Level UP! Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
A live well lived, is joyful, peaceful and without regrets
– Vimari Roman
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. A good coach listens, non-judgemental – give the guidance without giving the answer
2. Stop questioning yourself and just do it! Take the chances and risks!
3. She does not crave community, she creates community
4. Take action, the time is NOW!
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Unknown Speaker 0:00
this is the my Roman with the productive coaching and if you really want to learn how to level up your life you should be listening to the time to sign today podcast with my friend Ferguson time
Unknown Speaker 0:14
to shine today varsity squatty to Scott Ferguson and we are Episode 120 and I have a fantastic treat for you today with my really good friend v Mari Roman from be productive coaching. She is a coach that really takes her time with her clients or really digs into their past and helps them pull forward by guidance. She doesn’t give you the answers, but she uses guidance to help you find the best of yourself so without further ado, here’s my really good friend, my sister from another mister The Mary Roman from be productive coaching
Unknown Speaker 0:58
time to shine today barstools Squat is Scott Ferguson and I got my neighbor to the south was about 60 miles to the south. A good friend of Mario, Roman or Roman is a lot of people I call it but I’d like to kind of twirl my tongue every once in a while. I’ll try anyways. Not that that great, but she’s the founder of be productive coaching. And what she really does is he takes people that might be a little burned out and she likes to use the paralysis analysis like really reading too much into things and leveling up the career. And she, for lack of a better term dumbs it down as her expertise and helps them level up. So she like I said she helps them get out of an analysis or paralysis analysis gain confidence and take massive action to find the career that moves them. She found the be productive coaching in 2014 and serves clients from all over the world working virtually. With over 20 years of experience and leadership Omari has successfully mentored and coached hundreds that some serious credentials beats Hundreds of high performing professionals in various industries, assisting their transition to live exciting lives filled with greater purpose, career satisfaction and of course, the dollar higher pay. So bhramari I’m so stoked. Thank you so much for coming on. If you could please introduce yourself to the time to shine today squad but first, what is your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:26
I am wearing it.
Unknown Speaker 2:30
You sure pink? It’s red? Red. Okay, sorry. Yeah, it’s red. It’s okay. Um, you know, for a long time. It’s funny you ask questions for a long time. I would answer that question with I don’t have a favorite. right because I just love variety. And I just, you know, there are many colors that I like. But I in recent times, I think after I became an entrepreneur, and and trying to find my brand, I realized that red is my color.
Unknown Speaker 2:58
It is and it’s your your color wheel. It’s a powerful color. It’s a driven color. But it seems like you’re so a little bit soft spoken, maybe a light blue might kind of flow in there as well at times,
Unknown Speaker 3:09
soft spoken. That’s what
Unknown Speaker 3:15
we’ll call it carrying. Carry. So, a little bit of origins because you were in the corporate world did i do i am I saying that correctly? And then you got bored, right? Yes. Okay, correct. Let’s go there.
Unknown Speaker 3:27
So I, I say I grew up because I literally grew up in the hospitality industry. My father was a general manager for hotels, and my first job was at a front desk at his hotel, and I ended up falling in love with the industry. And although I wanted to originally become a psychologist, I, I did so well in industry that my career just really took off and I spent 22 years in hospitality, working with first and small family owned corporations in New York City and then when I came down to Miami I worked with senesce hotels. And then from there I went to Hilton Hotels.
Unknown Speaker 4:11
Well so you would think that like in the hospitality and working the front desk, psychology degree probably would come in with attack because I know your husband’s a realtor I’m a realtor by trade which my squad knows that but like work in the front desk of a hotel, you kind of have to have your marriage counselor had on you all the other counselors you were getting prepped to be apparently, you know, you’re dealing with stuff. Awesome. So let’s take it from there. So you had the 22 years in and and how did we level up into being a coach?
Unknown Speaker 4:40
So I was 22 years in and throughout that career, I there were certain times during my career that I felt like I needed to do something greater that you know, I was enjoying it. I was really good at what I did. But the fear of I didn’t finish my college setting. Have my degree So that was a fear that creeps in quite a bit. And I found that anytime that I thought about wanting to switch careers, I didn’t know where to start. I just thought that not having a degree was going to hold me back. I didn’t know how to transfer my skills. And so I found myself at the 22 years at a position where I was the director of sales and marketing for a hotel. And I took that position because it was closer to home. And the they actually gave me the pay that I haven’t had asked for. It wasn’t a hotel that I wouldn’t normally go to work at just because most of my hotels were luxury resorts and in either Caribbean, or some type of beach destination and it was actually a hotel near the airport. So it was a totally different type of hotel, but I wanted to take the challenge because that’s how my board, okay, and so I took on the challenge. And immediately I knew why they offered me the salary that I asked for. I definitely worked very hard for it. I knew immediately it wasn’t going to be the right fit in terms of the company. However, I stuck it out because I’m old school, and I felt that it needed to look good on my resume that I was there at least a year. I was not one to jump around from company to company. And so that fear creeps in again, and that insecurity and I decided to stay and I was miserable for most of that year, working very long hours, not liking the culture that I was in. It didn’t agree with my values. And towards the end of that year when I was getting ready to quit. My boss at the time, who was the general manager basically showed his true colors to me. So his he had a different leadership style that I didn’t necessarily agree with. But he kept that away from me, because I was the director of sales and marketing and we were bringing in revenues and, and he really needed that. And so at that point in time, he was not happy with certain numbers. And he called me and blindsided me, I didn’t appreciate the way he did it. And immediately after I proved that his numbers were incorrect, he became defensive force. And from that moment on, we were like head to head we weren’t getting along, you know, I’m not a yes. Yes, sir. type of red.
Unknown Speaker 7:47
So we were, you know, we went to head to head we weren’t getting along, and I was getting ready to quit. I was going to be a year in November, but sometime I think it was maybe the September or October HR called me in And they gave me a nice severance and gave me a non confidentiality the sign and you know, I happily said goodbye. But I found myself at home, wondering, okay, well, what’s next? And I knew that I wanted to take a couple of months really to just decompress from that experience. I took those two months off. And I kept just thinking, where do I want to go next? And I couldn’t, I couldn’t find a hotel that really excited me. I couldn’t find a company that excited me. And that’s when I started to think about going into business for myself. I didn’t have anything ready. I didn’t have a business plan or anything. And then one day, the fear started to creep in again, like oh my gosh, this is the first time in my 22 year career been working since I was 15 years old, that I had don’t have a job, I don’t have a plan. What am I going to do? And at that moment, my phone rang It was a my first client. It was someone that was referred to me to help her. She was having a meeting. And as a director of sales and marketing, my focus was to bring meetings to resorts and hotels. And so we would bring incentives or meetings. And she was with a corporation that was looking to have a meeting. She had not planned a meeting in the past. And so a colleague of hers recommended that she worked with me and it was a colleague I worked with 10 years prior and just kept in touch through LinkedIn. And so when she called me, I what came out of my mouth was said I was an independent and that I could help her. So I don’t know that I always say that that was divinely guided because I was not independent planning on doing that. And that’s really where and be productive meetings and events took off. So that’s when I decided to start my wedding planning company.
Unknown Speaker 9:58
So you have 22 years old experience you are top notch people respect you in the business except for that one gentleman. So what did your family think about you kind of taken on this endeavor when you have all this experience in hospitality management? What was their take on it?
Unknown Speaker 10:16
So my mom was like, What are you doing? to go get a nine to five? You can’t do this. She, she was worried. You know, my mom’s a worrier. And her fear kicked in, right? My ex husband at the time was not happy about it. He wanted me also to go get a nine to five. And so I really didn’t have the support from from the family, but I was I was driven. I believed in myself. I knew that I had a very successful career, and I knew that I could do it on my own. Um, I just, I don’t know, I just had that. That shift in my mindset, that and really big desire to succeed. Yes, I said I will passion Yeah. I said I will do every I remember saying to myself, I will I am going to do everything I can not to step into another hotel and have to work at another hotel again.
Unknown Speaker 11:13
I love that. So you, you That was 2014 ish? No, that was in 2013. Okay, so 2013 so six, seven years ago, so you have some experience of coaching so what what do you think from it makes a great coach.
Unknown Speaker 11:30
I think the non judgment and and and really the listening part of it, and giving that guidance without giving the answers.
Unknown Speaker 11:42
Let them figure it out on their own with a little bit of a push. All right. I love that. So, if I am out at a networking event, and which down here in South Florida, it’s supposed to be at 25% 6075 Besides the right and I’m pressing some flesh, I’m meeting some people. What if I’m talking to someone when I want what am I listening for that would make them a good prospect referral connection for memoria be productive coaching
Unknown Speaker 12:15
someone who’s a high performance performer and is it’s not fulfilled, it’s not excited about the work that they’re doing. They just know that there’s something else out there. And they’ve they now have that enlightenment where they realize this is not what I want to be doing. But I have no idea but they’re stuck and they have no idea and I think the biggest thing is, most people think and I felt that way too. is am I going to be able to make the money that I need to make? That’s what I’ve been doing for a long time.
Unknown Speaker 12:50
Okay. Awesome. Love it. So when you’re bringing somebody in a maybe a discovery, and then you say okay, this person is can be a great fit for be productive. coaching or you’re going to be a great fit for them. What is needed you to share a little bit your secret sauce here, sister? What is your protocol, if you will for help being to find their blind spot?
Unknown Speaker 13:16
I you know, my secret sauce is that I big into their childhood, believe it or not. I go back to I start with When was the first time that you realize that you want it to be something when you grow up when you grow up. And then I go through the different stages of their childhood. So usually, you first say I want to be, you know, a child that may be five years old or six years old, may say I want to be a police officer, I want to I want to be a fireman. And then you know because that’s what they see. And then I I asked why. You know why was that an interest And then we go into like Middle School. And then we go to high school, you dig deep, dig deep, dig deep. And sometimes people don’t understand, like, why do
Unknown Speaker 14:10
you want to know what I was, you know what I wanted to be when I grew up back then programming facets that happened then that are making them what they are now, correct.
Unknown Speaker 14:19
salutely Absolutely. And there’s also a shift. So there’s a lot of people that go into a specific industry or they get a career, you know, they get a college degree in something because of their parents. Right. And not because it’s something that really they, they had an interest in. Sure. They and you know, it’s that’s a really difficult question to ask someone who’s just about to graduate a 17 or 18 year old, what do you want to be when you grow up? I mean, I don’t know how many people at that age, really know really know and are still doing what they decided that they wanted to do.
Unknown Speaker 14:54
Gotcha. So if you’re brought somebody on or less Let’s say you’re still kind of in the discovery process with them. But Marie, is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 15:13
Unknown Speaker 15:15
that’s a good. That’s a great question.
Unknown Speaker 15:18
A question today
Unknown Speaker 15:21
you wish to be I would be reaching out to you and say, Tell me about a fail. Where have you failed? You know, that’s what I want my coaching clients to ask me But yeah, differently because you’re in the hospitality industry where you’re having to turn it on every day. So but you know what? Give me a question that you wish someone would ask you, please.
Unknown Speaker 15:41
I guess what took you so long?
Unknown Speaker 15:46
That is awesome. That’s one of the best answers that question.
Unknown Speaker 15:51
That’s fantastic. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 15:52
because it’s, sometimes I find that I am working with someone who’s early in their career. has really figured it out that that’s not what they want to do. And they’re maybe in their late 20s or early 30s. And when I think about it, I wish I would have made the change then right? Um, so I think maybe, you know, I’m looking at your website right now. And it’s just like 22 years, this and this and with over 20 years of experience, and it’s, I mean, if you’re watching this on YouTube peeps, I don’t have any idea how she’s been doing anything for 20 years. She looks so young. Let’s be that Puerto Rican, which is fantastic. But
Unknown Speaker 16:31
yeah, I can see I can see that was that that’s a great question. Like what took you so long to understand that your coaching material but you are prepped, doing what you did for so long you prepped yourself to be a coach. That’s fantastic. So let’s get in our Marty McFly, you know who he is right? Okay, let’s get in our DeLorean. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Amari. What kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on her? With the experience that you have now
Unknown Speaker 17:03
stopped questioning yourself. Um, I would say stop questioning yourself and
Unknown Speaker 17:11
and just do it. Take Take the chances Take, take the risk because we learn from our mistakes you know, if you are making a mistake you learn from your mistakes, right? those mistakes help you continue to move forward. I love it and then we’ll be say here at time to shine get your asking gear. Yeah, ask for help when needed. There’s people there that are willingly they you know, you ask and it will, you know, really ask me you know, send it out to the universe to God, you know? They do. He does provide that’s for sure. So, okay, so now we’re going to move into your dash we talk a lot about the dash your time to shine today and the dash. I want you to tell me how you want your dash remember that little mark in between your life date and death date. How do you want your dash to be remembered? Byrd how maybe your epitaph How do you want for Mari legacy to be
Unknown Speaker 18:08
I want to be able to touch as many people as I can I want to be able to make a difference in every interaction that I have.
Unknown Speaker 18:17
Love it
Unknown Speaker 18:19
beautiful that is beautiful that’s that’s a total gold giver you know spirit which a lot of us saw here we really appreciate that so Okay, so let’s take out our cell phone let’s take out our laptop anything electronic there are three things for Mari cannot live without
Unknown Speaker 18:38
Unknown Speaker 18:40
We’re both doing it. Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 18:44
gotta have my coffee. I’m dark chocolate. Oh, there you go. Our chocolate. I just love my dark chocolate. Um
Unknown Speaker 18:57
your hobbies are given so well. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Thinking family or I you know, because clearly my family always comes first
Unknown Speaker 19:07
you know, and I I always say God comes first for me because I don’t have anything you know without them. And but the third thing that keeps coming to my mind is my, my prayer my prayer life. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 19:25
I would think with you in a sense it also community I think that you’ve been around people. Oh so much. You know what I’m saying that like from hospitality, you’re dealing with different personalities running through that door just like your hobby and I deal with different personalities when they’re purchasing probably their biggest investment they’re going to make up to that point in their life. You have a lot of emotions that come run in, you know, through that door. So I think that you crave community a little bit Am I right in that?
Unknown Speaker 19:52
You know, most people think I’m an extrovert, okay, because I guess I could be I’m a little bit of No, I don’t think and I think most of us have a little bit of both. And so I think as I’ve gotten older
Unknown Speaker 20:11
maybe I don’t crave that community because I’ve created community. Listen to that baller out setting right there. She doesn’t crave it because she’s created it. I love that. I love it. You know, use that don’t crave creates. Alright, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 20:30
I’ll give you credit on that. But, hey, so what is the big the big the big thing bhramari wants to accomplish?
Unknown Speaker 20:39
I want to be productive to be more than Samari. I want to be productive to I see a small firm where I bring on different coaches that have different strengths. And that can you know, we can all follow in the mission of Making a difference. And and bringing that excitement and that fulfillment to others.
Unknown Speaker 21:05
Beautiful, really beautiful. Just don’t be stealing mine. I’m kidding. That’s what we believe in here at time to shine today is really collaborate, set compete, correct, you know, and just kind of really help everybody level up work together help everyone level up. So for me, what’s your definition of a life well lived
Unknown Speaker 21:24
a joyful life, a peaceful life. And, you know, as far as I can remember, I used to always say a life without regrets. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 21:36
Love it. So we’re going to as we wind it down just a little bit, we’re going to move into our leveling up lightning round. So you and I could talk 15 2030 minutes and each one of these questions you got five seconds and we’re going to tie me I’m kidding. We’re not going to time you but just whatever comes out. You can answer all these off the top of your head. Okay, you ready? Yes. What’s the best leveling up advice from Ari’s ever received
Unknown Speaker 22:08
tell people about what you do. Love it.
Unknown Speaker 22:11
Love it, share, share, share, share. So, speaking of sharing, share one of your personal habits contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 22:19
schedule my alone time.
Unknown Speaker 22:23
There you go, will sabbatical for yourself. You gotta have them. So other than your website and of course time to shine today’s website my shameless plug. What other internet resource do you go to level up?
Unknown Speaker 22:36
LinkedIn. Okay, there you go. That’s how we met.
Unknown Speaker 22:41
Not the book you’re reading now or like any like flavor of the month. What’s the one book that someone’s in the doldrums are really looking to level up like mindset travelers get by Andy Andrews, you know are the go giver by Bob Berg. What is the book that you might hand somebody and say read this other than the Good Book the Bible but Other any other book?
Unknown Speaker 23:03
Yeah, you know,
Unknown Speaker 23:07
because of what I do. Um, and it’s an it’s an assessment slash book, because you can learn about your strengths. It’s a Strengths Finder, and it’s a Gallup Strengths Finder. I love it. And so that directly relates to what I do, if you will, finding their strengths.
Unknown Speaker 23:26
And because I did have another one, though,
Unknown Speaker 23:30
and I just read it recently, essentialism by Greg McCown. Um, I found that that’s the book everyone should be reading right now. Love it. Love it. I just came across a new one too. It’s called boot in the badass,
Unknown Speaker 23:44
fantastic book. Okay, let’s take a look. So tell me what is your most commonly used emoji when you’re texting?
Unknown Speaker 23:53
I think the prayer
Unknown Speaker 23:56
I love it. So if you could be one age for the rest of your life, what would it be? The age that I am now 42, right? Look at your 42 I mean, like, I always say, like, between 28 and 32. I’m 48 You know, I’m 49. So it’s like I, I always kind of go back that just for the way my body felt like I still take care of myself today. Great, like, the body field.
Unknown Speaker 24:21
I agree, because I was doing my yoga this morning, and I was a little right. So, I guess body wise it would be in my 30s I feel early 30s. So maybe 2028 and 30. Gotcha. But mind wise, I would say and spirit wise. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 24:42
Right now you got that. Now, Love it. Love it. So what’s your fair favorite charity or an organization you’d like to give your time and or money to?
Unknown Speaker 24:53
So I would say
Unknown Speaker 24:57
it’s my local church. So I might say Martha’s, and then I, I do I am Catholic, I do contribute to dynamic Catholic. Beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 25:07
If I love that last question, what is the best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s? I’m a 70s girl. Oh, you go Oh, my god This sound is was like every kind of decades 70s 80s and 90s or so transitional, right? That’s your disco. Like I had like your classic rock and the night into the 80s with your British bands you too and then you know, Irish bands or whatnot and big hair bands, you know? And then the 90s bought us Nirvana and Pearl Jam. And so it’s like, yeah, I mean, I love the 70s that’s what I have on every morning. I have it on I Heart Radio 76 Yeah, I love 70 bhramari. How can we find you? You can find me on my website. So be productive coaching. com, LinkedIn. I’m a big LinkedIn user. So connect with me on LinkedIn for Mari Roman And I’m also i’m actually I’m all over social media so I do have an Instagram as be productive coaching. Facebook is also be productive coaching. And my Twitter is be productive Mia, Mia, I put that in the Twitter wise in my
Unknown Speaker 26:16
because, you know Twitter only allows a certain No. And when I first created my Twitter was when I first had my first company be productive meetings and events in Miami. In Miami. Okay, well, that’s why I was be productive Mia,
Unknown Speaker 26:33
so I feel you awesome. So you’re gonna write a book or what I want to it’s been a dream for me. I think with your story, kiddo, you need to write one. And I would almost write it in a business parable. Like I would almost write it as in somebody that came up through the hospitality business and who like the mentors you had to have had mentors show up in your life that we didn’t even discuss this because I my time constraints, but I’m sure that I think that you should definitely read but conveniently You know, I would be happy to put you in touch with the people. Oh absolutely because that’s something I love writing I just haven’t figured out which is the first story to tell yeah yeah, you have to so leave the time to shine today squad with the one last Knowledge Nugget you want them to take with them internalize and take action on memory
Unknown Speaker 27:23
take action now the time is now.
Unknown Speaker 27:25
The time is now and I love that squad is the time is now and we just had basically a full blown masterclass with my sister from another mister Bukhari. She’s fantastic. She’s vibrant, she’s fiery, she doesn’t have like she, as a coach. She’s coaches without judgment, and she gives guidance but never gives the answers and that is the sign of a great coach. You just don’t want to be told what to do. You want to figure it out by yourself a little bit, you know with the guidance and if you’re stock, you need that guidance reach out to me and I can gladly put you in touch directly with Mario although all of her information down into the show notes, she’s a coach that really digs into people’s pasts. She really cares. And she wants to know how you were formed so she can take that, put it together with her expertise and help you level up and move forward. And she said, don’t crave but create. So if you don’t really want some go create a go make that life that that you want. She wants to be more than from Mars she wants to touch and help people in live life with no regrets in Vermont. He is humble yet hungry. She loves her health. She loves her wealth. She’s part of our squad now. Thank you so so much for coming on for our It was our pleasure. 100% Thank you for having me. I really enjoyed it. Thank you, Scott. Take care. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate Real Estate excellent who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com slash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see our recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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