Welcome to Episode 213! Tim is an entrepreneur/business owner with expertise in marketing and business growth. He has 20+ years of entrepreneurial experience with a passion for developing and growing businesses. He started Rialto Marketing in 2013 and has been helping service businesses simplify marketing so they can grow with less stress.Remember Our Troops! Enjoy!
Fundamentals are easy and really never change, do NOT skip them
– Tim Fitzpatrick
Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways
1. When hiring a company for marketing your business, ask them about their about their philosophy and approach to marketing
2. A great marketing company should be transparent.
3. Remember marketing takes time. – stay patient and trust the protocol and process
4. To grow as a person, practice patience and empathy
5. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Level Up!
Recommended Resources – Hover and Click
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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square
Speech Transcript (very little editing so not exact)
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey, this is Tim Fitzpatrick with Rialto Marketing and if you really want to learn how to level up your life, you should be listening to the time to shine today podcast with my good friend Scott Ferguson
Unknown Speaker 0:11
time to shine today podcast varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson and welcome to Episode 213. It’s been a minute since I’ve dropped a show been actually two weeks. I’ve never went two weeks before. But I wanted to revamp our little program here. And I think that you’ll love it and like it. And I’ve got great feedback so far. But today we have my man Fitzpatrick, Tim Fitzpatrick from reality marketing. Listen to the knowledge that I guess my boy Tim is about to drop here, man, we had a great fits and ferg conversation, his transparency shines through, I’m giving serious consideration to hiring this company for time to shine today because of the transparency how he takes the simple and the fundamentals and works them back reverse engineers and gets them into play. So everything works out. It’s so simple. So without further ado, sit back, relax, break out your notebooks, because here comes my really good friend Tim Fitzpatrick, from reality marketing. Let’s level up. Time to shine today podcast bursty squad, and I have my good buddy here. Tim Fitzpatrick, we got a little fergan fits time here. My man is here and you know what, I get stuck a lot. I don’t know about you listeners out there, but on information overload and somebody that and you can just it actually puts you in a paralysis situation where you’re like, Oh crap, you know, what do I do next? Why are people opening myself? Why is my marketing not working? Well, that’s where my boy Tim from alto marketing comes in. You know, Tim’s an entrepreneur, a business owner with expertise in marketing and business growth. He has 20 plus years of entrepreneurial experience with a passion for developing and growing businesses. He started reality marketing in 2013, and has been helping service businesses simplify marketing, so they can grow with less stress. I love that because I’m stressed every day about the growth of time to shine today. I’m just lucky to have you listeners out there and we’re gonna bring my good friend, Tim Fitzpatrick on Tim, please. Come on. Introduce yourself to the time to shine today varsity squad. But first, what’s your favorite color? And why?
Unknown Speaker 2:19
Okay, Scott, thanks for having me. Appreciate it. I’m super excited to be here. So my favorite color is navy blue. I couldn’t tell you why it’s just always clicked with me. So blue is blue is my my jam
Unknown Speaker 2:34
is just the way you just kiss my bike because I did six years in the Navy and you’re just saying that man or let’s get let’s get to the origins man of where you had in that lightbulb moment epiphany moment that got you to start re alto about eight years ago. Sure. So
Unknown Speaker 2:52
um, you know, I, the first business that I was a part of I was a partner in that I was it was a wholesale distribution company. We grew that business about 60% a year, we sold it. After nine years, I loved that I learned so much doing that. I worked for that company for another three years. And then interestingly enough, I got laid off. So company, the boss laid me off that that’s not as uncommon of a thing as some people might think. But after that, I decided to get into residential real estate. I had always been interested in real estate. And after about two, two and a half years, I was like, I can’t stand this. This is not my thing. It’s a great thing. For some people. It was not for me.
Unknown Speaker 3:35
22 years here. I’ve been a broker man.
Unknown Speaker 3:36
Yeah, there you go. So, uh, you know, I mean, there was aspects of it. I like and I learned a ton. Yeah, but I just, I had a hard time turning it off, you know, because like, when you’re in residential real estate, it’s like, anybody you run into could potentially be a customer. And I’m just like, I don’t I just can’t stand feeling this way. Not only that, I went from, like everybody wanting to talk to me, because I was selling home theater equipment, to Oh my god. Oh, yeah. There’s the realtor. No.
Unknown Speaker 4:04
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 4:06
Okay, so I was it just was not a good fit for me. And I said, Look, I gotta do, I gotta do something different. So at that point, I started thinking about what I loved about being in distribution, where my skill sets were. And that’s when I decided to move into marketing. It’s it’s dynamic, it’s changing all the time. Keeps me on my toes. And so that’s when I, you know, I made that shift. But, you know, Scott, when I originally made that shift, we weren’t doing what we’re doing now. You know, we’re offering comprehensive marketing now, working with a lot of service based businesses. When I first got into it, we were selling mobile applications into the K 12. Education space, okay. And about three years into it. Apple changed their publishing guidelines. And my business was like, shut down overnight, along with a lot of other people. So, you know, I had to make that shift. It was like, Man, I’m Super vulnerable are here to the policies of Google on Apple, not a good place to be. I need to shift, you know, and so I shifted within marketing to what we’re doing now. But my path has not been straight. It’s been a winding road like love it,
Unknown Speaker 5:16
as it should be. If you’re Yes, that’s what so why they named Maria alto?
Unknown Speaker 5:21
That’s a great question twofold. One, Venice was where the Rialto Bridge is in Venice. For those that don’t know, my wife, and I went there on our honeymoon, so close to my heart. But the other reason I love the bridge concept is bridges help people get from where they are to where they want to go, where they want to be. And that’s exactly what marketing does, it helps you get from where your business currently is, and grow it to where you want it to be so twofold.
Unknown Speaker 5:49
Love that. So what do you think then makes a great marketer.
Unknown Speaker 5:56
What makes a great marketer?
Unknown Speaker 5:59
Well, at its base level, one that gets results. There’s, there’s too many people that, you know, work with marketers, they’ve had bad experiences, they, they spent money, they didn’t get a return, they spent money, they weren’t sure where it was going. I can’t tell you how many people I talked to weekly. And they’re working with somebody and said, Well, what are they doing for you? And they can’t clearly articulate what the hell those people are doing. That’s a problem. You know, because, you know, you should, marketing is not everybody’s forte, and that’s okay. But marketing, if you don’t have marketing, in your business, you have nothing, you can have the best product or service in the world. But if you don’t have marketing, bringing in leads, that you’re turning into customers, none of that stuff matters. So you, at least as a business owner, have to have an idea of what your marketers doing for you. Super, super important.
Unknown Speaker 6:57
Okay, are you are you at, at reality? Are you guys pretty transparent on what you do? Because it seems to me from what I’ve heard, I’ve vetted you out a little bit that you guys will actually tell your clients pretty much what you’re doing, because they trust you to get it done. Because they don’t have the time to do it. Am I saying that? Right? Are you guys pretty? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 7:16
you know, you hit the nail on the head? Because so one of the promises that we make to clients is 100%. transparency, if you’ve got a question, just ask, okay, and my philosophy on on anything business related, but you know, with what we’re doing with marketing, we teach people what exactly what we do. If you want to take what we do and use it and you have the wherewithal and the capability to implement it. Great. You’re not going to be a good client for me anyways. Yeah. So we just we just give information away. And, hey, there are people out there that are going to say, I don’t have the time. I don’t have the capability. And I need a partner, I can rely on to that. And so yeah, here, we get a client, you. You want to work with us? Awesome. We’d be happy to chat and do what we can to help you. But I think we’re a lot of marketers go astray, is we they skip the fundamentals, you know, so there are great marketers out there great SEO people, great content marketers, great social people, you know, they specialize in those in those niches, and they do great work. But the problem is, if you don’t have the fundamentals that are laying the foundation in place first, and you just get tactical with social or content or SEO, they may drive leads, but it’s not going to be as effective as it should be. Because to me the fundamentals, I call them the marketing strategy trilogy, you have to understand your target market. You know, so Who are you? Who are your ideal clients? You know, how are you going to help those people? Sure. From there, you have to create great messaging that’s clearly engaging to that target market. And then you have to have a plan in place of how you’re going to get that message in front of those people. Well, if you’re spending whatever 1000 or 15 $100 a month on SEO, driving traffic back to your website, and you don’t really know who you’re trying to attract. Your marketing message on your website is lousy, you have no good calls to action. You’re wasting money you may be driving your your your traffic website traffic may be going up. But that doesn’t matter if you’re not converting that traffic to leads.
Unknown Speaker 9:38
And if the fundamentals are there, and a shift comes up like what happened to you in wholesale, then you are off the map. If you put all everything into something I’m happy that you You said that so then when you’re bringing somebody in maybe in a discovery period fits what is there any secret sauce if you don’t mind sharing to help them find their blind spots in their marketing
Unknown Speaker 10:01
It’s really about one, it’s about asking the right questions. But the way, the way I look at it, is we just ask them what they’re currently doing, we try to, you have to get a baseline of where you’re starting from, or where you’re currently at, to figure out what you need to focus on and what you need to put in your plan to get to where you want to be. It’s like your GPS, my GPS can’t tell me how to get to Denver International Airport until I tell it that I’m starting from Highlands Ranch or Inglewood, or wherever it may be with your marketing, frankly, with any planning, it’s no different. Right? I need to know where you’re currently at. And the challenge that a lot of business owners have is they, they they get lost with the fundamentals. They’re not sexy, they’re not cool, right? nobody’s talking about them. They’re talking about oh, my God, you got to be in clubhouse, you know, or you got to be on Tick Tock. They’re talking about the tactics. What we’re really focusing on is making the old new again, right, we’re not talking about anything that’s revolutionary, the fundamentals in any discipline don’t change. You know, if I want to stand up to the plate and hit a major league fastball, the fundamentals of that they’re the same today as they were 50 years ago.
Unknown Speaker 11:19
Yes, they were.
Unknown Speaker 11:21
Right. And the other thing, too, is the fundamentals. They’re simple. Yes, they’re not they’re not overly difficult. That doesn’t mean that they’re easy, right? professional baseball player makes it look easy, because why they’ve been practicing the fundamentals day in day out, year after year, right? Or if you look at golf, right, all these professional golfers, they make it look easy, but what you don’t see is the hours of time that they spend hitting golf balls on a bradsby range.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
reps, reps, reps. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 11:49
that’s abs. And your marketing is no different. If you skip those fundamentals, you’re building house without a foundation. And your marketing becomes a crapshoot. Yeah, it just falls down on, inevitably, when they run into problems, right? They waste time, they waste money. And they go, what’s wrong? inevitably, you can trace that back to one of the fundamentals or multiple month fundamentals that were that were skipped or overlooked. But you got to come back to those fundamentals, then you can start to get tactical,
Unknown Speaker 12:21
God, it’s so when you’re bringing in, those are all fantastic. points. Tim. So you’re bringing in a new possible client, maybe, again, in discovery period? Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you, but never do?
Unknown Speaker 12:37
Um, I wish they would ask us how how we about are more about our philosophy and how we approach marketing. Right? Because the challenge that I think a lot of business owners have, when they think about marketing is we’re we’re an instant gratification society, we’re so used to getting the information we need quickly. And the reality is marketing takes time. Yes, there are quick wins that we can get. But a lot of the things that you’re going to invest in from a marketing standpoint, aren’t going to happen overnight. And so many people are impatient. And they expect immediate results. And frankly, you know, people in the marketing space have have created this problem. I think, too, because they’re always promising those those results. Oh, yeah, we can get you leads tomorrow, you know, or we can get you leads in two weeks. Well, that’s great. But it’s there’s always something that pops up. It’s never, it’s like it’s too good to be true. You know, and then I’m talking to people who are like, Well, yeah, I worked with so and so it didn’t it didn’t work. Right. You know, marketing as an investment. It’s like a flywheel. It’s not a light switch. You can turn on Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:57
Got it. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 14:01
I wish people asked about that.
Unknown Speaker 14:04
Like, I get it. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz it goes back to the fundamentals what you were talking about as well, Tim? So if you’ve seen the movie Back to the Future,
Unknown Speaker 14:12
yeah, it’s been it’s been a while but
Unknown Speaker 14:13
a minute, right? Yeah. So let’s get let’s get that DeLorean with Marty McFly. Let’s go back to the 22 year old Tim Fitzpatrick, what kind of knowledge nuggets we call him here at time to shine today. What kind of knowledge nuggets are you dropping on? The 22 year old Tim to help him maybe level up shorten his learning curve and blaster,
Unknown Speaker 14:30
I would say have more patience. You know, when I was 22, I was very impatient. And I was I was driving really hard while we were growing our distribution company. Um, but I also think too, that I I didn’t have as much empathy as I do now. And I wish that I would have been more empathetic at times to the people that I worked with. You know, to what they were going through, I think I would have been a much better communicator at that point. Well, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 15:08
you’ve listened.
Unknown Speaker 15:10
Unknown Speaker 15:12
look back. One of the things with patients, and actually looking through other people’s eyes, I don’t know if I will listen. But that would have been fantastic advice to my 22 year old self. So how do you want your dash remembered? You know, that little line in between your life date and death date? incarnation date, expiration date, how do you want Tim’s dash remembered?
Unknown Speaker 15:31
How do I want people to remember me?
Unknown Speaker 15:34
Yeah. How do you want that dash remembered on your tombstone? That little line between your life date and death date?
Unknown Speaker 15:38
Yeah, I am. I just want people to remember me as somebody that had an impact on their life, positively, right, in some way, shape, or form. That’s if I if I can do that, for as many people as possible, I would consider my life. One well lived, you know, it’s my what I’m going to tell you if we’ve got time until you short story here about relates to this. So my, my wife several years ago, this is probably six or seven years ago, my wife was in Costco. Our girls were pretty young at the time, they’re only 18 months apart. So they were both sitting in the cart. And this guy walked up to my wife and said, Oh, God, you know, gosh, your girls are so cute. They just they grow up so fast. Don’t Don’t take any minute for granted. And my wife said, Oh, you know, thank you so much. What? How old are your girls? He’s like, oh, they’re, they’re all in their 20s now, and my wife thinks about that one moment, all the time. And so it’s like, sometimes the littlest things that we say to a complete stranger have a huge impact on their life. So it’s, it’s not just those people that I come in contact with on a regular basis that I want to have an impact, but it’s just like, man, holding the door open for somebody at the grocery store. Right? And just and just saying something nice to them, can absolutely change things around for somebody like that. And we don’t even think twice about,
Unknown Speaker 17:13
you know, it’s funny, you say that, because my new year’s resolution was, you know, make someone smile every single day, and never met a stranger. That’s how I roll man. That’s like I love I love that you say that you come from such a great place of service. So that’s what keeps you up at night?
Unknown Speaker 17:32
Boy, that’s, that’s a good question. I’m not a lot usually. But when I when my I am, I’m one of those people have a hard time relaxing. So like, I feel like if I’m just sitting there doing nothing, that I’m wasting time, and I, I probably shouldn’t be it on time. But what keeps me up at night is my brain just running through all the things that I could do, should do with my business to continue to grow it. So it’s not one thing in particular, it’s just, it’s whatever is happening in my business at that point in time that I’m thinking about. So it’s my, it’s my monkey mind that keeps
Unknown Speaker 18:15
the monkey by is a broad blanket a service that you’re looking to really give. That’s fantastic. So what do you think people misunderstand the most about him?
Unknown Speaker 18:26
Boy, I don’t know. I hope I hope I’m not misunderstood.
Unknown Speaker 18:31
I think
Unknown Speaker 18:33
I think early on, like going back to my 22 year old self. I think I could come across cocky. Sometimes. I always saw it as being confident, but I have a very dry sense of humor. So sometimes I joke with people, and they’re like, Jesus, what do they really do? And they realize
Unknown Speaker 18:56
it was a joke, though. You’re like a jerk. You’ll be like a jerk. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 19:00
yeah. So that that is definitely something I don’t want to come across as because I mean, I definitely I’m the older I get the more I come from a pro service.
Unknown Speaker 19:11
Yeah. And like I used to think I was authentic when I was younger, but I was authentically an asshole. You know what I’m saying? And I learned from it I leveled up from it. So 10 Let’s take out our cell phone. Let’s take out our computer out of it. Let’s take out anything electrical. What are three things Tim can’t live without
Unknown Speaker 19:30
three things I can’t live without my family. First and foremost. And then I would say my my hobbies. So yeah, nature getting out in nature. Colorado. I love getting out. Boom. Yeah, my my mountain bike. paddleboarding. We’re just getting into paddleboarding. So I’m really looking for
Unknown Speaker 19:51
every morning baby. I’m on the chapter inlet.
Unknown Speaker 19:54
And then I would say exercise so I exercise every morning five days a week Hmm. That is my time. Nobody else in the house is up. It’s quiet. It’s the one time of day where things are. It’s my Shangri La. So that
Unknown Speaker 20:09
that’s awesome. Thank you for being transparent on that. And hey, we are back with my boy fits the fits and third time here, and I’m so blessed to have a guy here. Tim Fitzpatrick, from Aalto marketing on and Tim, we are going to have our leveling up lightning round where you and I could talk an hour, hour and a half on each one of these. Because what you’re doing is you’re blowing my mind I have two pages of notes squat and I hope you’re taking them to, but I you have to give me an answer in five seconds with no explanation. You ready to rock?
Unknown Speaker 20:39
I’m ready to rock.
Unknown Speaker 20:39
Let’s do this. Let’s level up what’s the best leveling up advice Tim’s ever received?
Unknown Speaker 20:45
Man the day you stopped learning is the day you die.
Unknown Speaker 20:50
Sure one of your personal habits that contributes to your success.
Unknown Speaker 20:54
Getting up early and meditating and exercising.
Unknown Speaker 20:57
Love it. So other than your website relative marketing, calm and also time to shine today.com shameless plug what other website do you go to to level up? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 21:11
boy, I don’t go to a lot of websites to level up.
Unknown Speaker 21:14
You just say Google’s fine, though. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 21:16
I yeah. I go to Google when I need it is Yeah, when when I’m looking for something specifically, I go to Google and then I branch out from there. But instead what I’m looking for depends on
Unknown Speaker 21:29
the site where I got it. Got it. You’re seeing me my doldrums quickly in these. You see me in my doldrums. Nick Fergie just saying ain’t right, right now. What book? are you hanging on me to help me level up?
Unknown Speaker 21:41
essentialism by Greg McCowan, boom,
Unknown Speaker 21:44
awesome. Awesome. Yes. Your most commonly used emoji. Smiley face. Love it. And Don’t lie to me, Tim, because I know your age. If you can say one age, physically, for the rest of your life and keep the knowledge that you’ve gained and continue to garner knowledge, physically, what age would you stay for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 22:04
Unknown Speaker 22:05
Yes, I always say 20 to 32. Thank you for being honest with me. Your favorite charity and organization you like to give your time or money to?
Unknown Speaker 22:14
Time to remember.
Unknown Speaker 22:15
Love it. Best decade of music 6070s 80s or 90s?
Unknown Speaker 22:21
Gotta be the 90s.
Unknown Speaker 22:22
Unknown Speaker 22:24
You had some Nirvana, like opening up the 90s you know? That’s right. That’s all bro. Good stuff. So Tim, how can we find your brother
Unknown Speaker 22:31
best place for his Fergie’s to go to realtor marketing calm. So it’s r i a l to marketing.com. And I know give you a link with some special resources for your time to shine today, listeners that will help them with those fundamentals. So they can pop on over there and get that free stuff to help them get going.
Unknown Speaker 22:53
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. So Tim, can you leave us with one last Knowledge Nugget we can take with us internalize and take action.
Unknown Speaker 23:00
Yes, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci said that. Don’t overcomplicate things, we got to keep them simple, because complexity is the enemy of results. So boil things down to their most simple form, you will be far more effective.
Unknown Speaker 23:18
So simplicity is the ultimate
Unknown Speaker 23:20
sophistication. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 23:23
Oh, that’s strong, man. love it love in squad. We just got a free master class for my good friend Fitch, Tim Fitzpatrick, from reality marketing hear that, you know, he had to make a shift away because he’s seen in these big companies. were literally cutting in and saying, Hey, dude, you can’t do that. You’re making too much success. So he had to make a shift away. And so we thought of the bridge concept within marketing and bring in two points together. You know, good marketing is going to get great results. I mean, da right. But Tim’s company does it and they’re very transparent. Basically, you build do it and you’re like, dude, I can do this. And then you try to do it. And then you might have success, but I guarantee you’ll be going back to Tim because there’s a lot of moving parts that is in there. He said he likes it likens it to a flywheel. You know, he’ll tell you that bad marketers, marketers skip the fundamentals. You know, he wants to bring what was old, new again, to help you grow. You know, the marketing strategy trilogy, trilogy, Martin, you know, your target market, great messaging, and your plan is paramount to your success to grow your company, you know, reality will ask great questions of you to set up your baseline and help you start to level up, you know, and again, we’re going to go back to fundamentals. They’re easy, so make sure you don’t skip the fundamentals. I mean, you see, you go to a basketball game, hockey game, whatever in my life is jujitsu. It’s like we still drill the armbar every single day. And that is the most basic movement, but we do it because we’re going to get in competition, and you’re going to see it the fundamentals are key, you know, if you’re going to work with a marketing company asked about their philosophy and their approached approach to marketing and make sure that they stay on that baseline of fundamentals. You know, remember also marketing takes time. Okay? stay patient, trust realities protocol and process, they will get you there. He would tell himself like I would tell myself, I don’t know if I would listen but the Be patient, you know, have empathy for people, whether you’re 22 or 102. Those are exactly what you need to do. You know, he’s going to have an impact positively on people’s lives, you know, and he realized that what he says, has an impact on every person he meets, he wants to smile, open the door for you, compliment you and want you to never stop learning. And lastly, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. In other words, and time to shine today lingo dumb it down, get it, make it simple, Tim, you level up your health, you level up your wealth. You’re just you’re fantastic human being you’re humble, you’re hungry. You’re just just awesome. And I can’t wait to collaborate and send awesome people your way to help them level up, brother. Awesome.
Unknown Speaker 25:55
Thanks for having me for again. Appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker 25:56
You bet man. Love your guts. I’ll talk to you soon. You bet. Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of time to shine today podcast, proudly brought to you by southern New Jersey real estate real estate excellence, who can be reached at 561-249-7266 and online at www dot Sutter in nugent.com. If you’re a business owner or professional who would like to be interviewed on time to shine today, please visit time to shine today.com flash guest. If you liked this episode, please subscribe on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify iheart radio or wherever you get your podcast. There’s a link in the show notes to our website. Also there you will see a recommended resources. We hope that you will support our show by supporting them. If you like what you’ve been listening to, it’d be great if you could just give us a five star rating and tell your friends to subscribe while you’re at it. I’m your host, Scott Ferguson. And until next time, let’s level up. It’s our time to shine.
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