453 – Angels on Earth: Training Dogs with Love, Not Treats 🐕- TTST Interview with the Dog Mystic 💫 Cherie A. Marquez

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Cherie A. Marquez, known as The Dog Mystic, helps families worldwide keep their dogs in their forever homes by teaching them how to train their dogs without the use of treats. As the author of *Happy Dogs = Happy Homes: Problem Solving Techniques Without Using Treats*, Cherie offers her proven methods for training dogs of all ages, sizes, and breeds, with no breed discrimination. Her focus is on building stronger bonds between pets and their families, ensuring a harmonious and happy home for everyone.

 “Dogs are angels placed on this earth to bring us into the present moment. They remind us to slow down, show love, and live in the now.”
– Cherie A. Marquez

fERGIE’S tOP 5+ Knowledge Nuggets and Take-Aways

  1. Make an Impact: 🌟 Cherie’s mission is to help as many dogs and humans as possible. Find your mission, embrace it, and make a meaningful impact on the world around you. 🌍
  2. Live in the Present: 🐕 Just like dogs teach us, being present is one of the most powerful ways to find peace and connection. Focus on the now, and watch your relationships and productivity improve. 💫
  3. Strengthen Your Connections: 💖 Deepen your relationships by connecting on a soul level. Whether with pets or people, the stronger the bond, the greater the outcomes. 🔗
  4. Customize Your Approach: 🎯 Not every strategy fits every person or situation. Just like Cherie tailors her dog training methods, customize your approach to suit your own needs and goals. 🛠️
  5. Patience Pays Off: 🕰️ Persistence is key. Whether it’s training a stubborn dog or achieving your goals, don’t give up at the first sign of difficulty. Stay patient and determined. 💪
  6. Be Clear in Your Intentions: 📢 Just like dogs respond better to clear, firm commands, life responds better when you’re decisive and confident in your actions. 🔥
  7. Set Boundaries: 🚶‍♂️ Know when to walk away from situations that don’t serve you. Whether in business or life, like Cherie firing clients, protect your energy and time. ⏳

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Music Courtesy of: fight by urmymuse (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/urmymuse/58696 Ft: Stefan Kartenberg, Kara Square

Artwork courtesy of Dylan Allen

Speech Transcript


L. Scott Ferguson: [00:00:00] Hey, time to shine today. Podcast varsity squad. It is Scott Ferguson and I have a really fun conversation. It’s a little bit off of. My beaten path of interviewing coaches, consultants, therapists, and whatnot. I got to interview a good friend of mine, Cherie A. Marquez the dog mystic the author of Happy Dogs Equal Happy Homes, which is a fantastic read which I have a book giveaway at the end.

And the knowledge legacy drops about really blending the human and the fur baby together to have a relationship of being in the present. Really showing the love and affection because nobody will teach you how to be in the present more than a dog. Trust me I’ve had on my whole life. I’ve had my stitch right now my my little pity and Cherie’s helped me out with stuff with training him.

So with Just break out your notebooks if you have a pet because she dropped some fantastic knowledge nuggets in here Or if someone with a pet That might be having a little [00:01:00] rambunctious time. Please share this episode with them. Cause I promise you it will help them as well. Or if you like it, smash the like button, smash the subscribe button.

Cause my sponsors and affiliates absolutely love it. So without further ado here, cause my really good friend, Cherie Marquez, the dog mystic, let’s level up.

 Time to shine today, podcast, varsity squad. This is Scott Ferguson. And I have a little bit of home cooking. Some of this fantastically awesome sauce friend of mine. Some of the, that I immensely respect someone that is just stunning on camera. If you’re watching on Vimeo or YouTube, but I’m talking about my really good friend, the dog mystic, Cherie Marquez, and Cherie is a dog mystic.

Like I said, she helps families worldwide. So don’t think that you have to bring your dog to her. Yeah. I mean, she’ll, she has a way to get it done. Hands on the dog, but don’t, you don’t have to live in South Florida like we do. To be able to work with Cherie and she’ll fill us in on that. But again, she works with them worldwide, keeps their dogs in your forever home.

So a lot of people are [00:02:00] just about ready to get rid of your fur baby. Make sure you call Cherie first because she has the knowledge nuggets that will keep that love going. Cause it’s the worst thing in the world to me. If you go to adopt and then you just give it up. Sorry. That’s just my opinion and sticking with it.

But she instructs dogs of all ages, sizes of breeds with no, no, no, no breed discrimination by teaching you how to train dogs without treats as well. And like her book, which I’m going to have a book giveaway at the end. It’s right here. Happy dogs, happy homes, problem solving techniques without using treats.

And I’ll tell you what, I read it on a way to a speaking engagement squad. And I came back in stitch was sick. But I still like kind of leveled him up a little bit with what Cherie dropped in that book. And Cherie, thank you so much for coming out and love, please introduce yourself to the time to shine today, podcast, varsity squad.

But first what’s your favorite color and why?

Cherie A. Marquez: Thank you so much. My favorite color is purple, purple, [00:03:00] purple, just because it’s, it’s bright. It’s a happy color and it’s shiny it’s shiny

L. Scott Ferguson: And it’s royal and regal because everywhere you look I don’t care if you’re looking in the old testament in the bible anything That was royalty had purple.

If you look at like a king game of thrones All the royalty was purple and for me, that’s my favorite color as well. It’s kind of a mix between blue It is a mix between blue and red Right and so blue is kind of chill and I could be that but there’s a red side to me that comes out when I Need it to be , so it’s a perfect blend but no purple is it definitely in your color wheel and Again, like again squad when it comes to like fur babies and stuff.

I have a massive crush. I’m a good friend Cherie, man She knows her stuff She’s given me dropped knowledge nuggets to help me with my stitch in the past and I’ve also like met her around and saw her on her YouTube channel And speaking in, in whatnot, and she does know her [00:04:00] stuff. So I’m super, super ready and excited to dig into this.

But Cherie, first, I got to know your roots. Like you wake up one day and say, I’m going to be a dog mystic, or were you born and leaned into it? Or what’s the backstory? So I have

Cherie A. Marquez: luckily always. animals. So just growing up, I’ve had dogs and cats and like, you name it. Like my, my grandfather used to race pigeons.

So there was a whole bunch of birds. And and then my mom also Allowed us to have a 20 gallon tank in the, in the, on the porch. So anything that we caught outside, bring it in and keep it in on the porch, in the tank for, about like 24 hours and then we would, we would release it back. So I knew I I’ve always wanted to be, do something with animals my whole entire life.

So I’m living my dream and, and it’s fabulous. When I transferred down to FAU [00:05:00] in in Boca I wanted to be a marine biologist. And just to work with, with dolphins and whales and the page full of, of science courses that have absolutely nothing to do with psychology and behavior. And it wasn’t for me.


L. Scott Ferguson: I kind of go back, like your grandfather legitly raced pigeons. That’s the thing. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Cause somebody, we, we had an argument the other day. Someone’s like, Oh, it’s turtle doves that took messages. I’m like, no, it wasn’t. It was pigeons. I was actually right about something. And I stood my ground on it, but like racing pigeons, like, is it like a, is obviously it wasn’t a website for it.

It’s something where you could find out, but like, it was a real thing. And did you like watch this happen and stuff?

Cherie A. Marquez: I was very young. I mean, like, , unfortunately he passed when I was, when I was three,

L. Scott Ferguson: but

Cherie A. Marquez: but I remember, I remember everything about him. That’s the amazing thing. So, I mean, like he’s always here, but I mean, like we just had that special bond.

So but in, in [00:06:00] regards to pigeons, they’re homing pigeons, so they know exactly like where their home is no matter what, so exactly how I’m not sure, but it was definitely interesting, , and, and it was great just to be at my grandparents house and be able to just go out to the coop and birds and, and the eggs.

So hold the eggs up to the light so you can see them like moving around.

L. Scott Ferguson: I’ve actually been able to witness that. That is it’s life. And , that’s what, yeah, it’s fantastic. And, and Cherie is really intuitive with kind of like, she was just talking about the retrograde and how my technology was messing up, but she’s actually like, I feel her vibe even through, , like my headphones, like we had lunch together and it’s like, I could feel her vibe.

She’s just such a good person. And, , I have to ask you though, animals, a lot of people that have the love for animals that you, like you do, they go kind of vet tech or veterinarian, what. [00:07:00] What took you away from that route? Or why did you not think of that route?

Cherie A. Marquez: Because I am, I’m too emotional in regards to the veterinary side of it.

Just to see animals dying and, or like, , in pain or the worst part about it, like, , if a person is doing this, like abusing an animal, then I have to deal with it. And, , I mean, that, that, that goes for the same thing as, as rescue as well. , you, you see the, the, the worst, the worst cases for both situations.

So in regards to The dog training, I was a teacher for five years for early elementary. So so I was here I was placed on this earth to teach and dog training was like the perfect, perfect opportunity to to use my skills and

L. Scott Ferguson: we’re blessed that you do love because it’s needed because especially for people, , [00:08:00] like myself as well.

I mean, I. Tell stitch every day, as long as I breathe air on this earth, nobody will mess with you again. , he was badly abused and , and me and him kind of talk to each other. He talks with his eyes and I talk with my mouth and we get each other. Right. But , it’s like a, there’s that huge love and affection.

I’m glad that you went this route because you just didn’t say, okay, I can’t deal with the, , the passing over and crossing over of our fur babies. But you said, listen, when they’re alive, you want them to live the best life possible and get along with their humans as well. So, with, when you start it in this, Kind of journey of yours you started you trained for five years What was the biggest kind of takeaway that you got from training that led you into opening up your business?

Cherie A. Marquez: Well the The teaching I was teaching kids first. So that training that training was absolutely amazing

L. Scott Ferguson: human kids

Cherie A. Marquez: human kids I was teaching kindergarten through third third [00:09:00] grade

L. Scott Ferguson: in

Cherie A. Marquez: a Montessori setting. So Montessori blends the

L. Scott Ferguson: blends

Cherie A. Marquez: the grade levels together. So I had, I had that experience.

It wasn’t lighting me up. It wasn’t bringing me joy. I wasn’t waking up like, yeah, like every single morning. And it wasn’t the kids. It was just, Everything that goes with teaching And like, , it wasn’t it wasn’t my passion,

L. Scott Ferguson: right? The connection wasn’t there, right?

Cherie A. Marquez: Yeah

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, you have to have that if , they say you you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life, which is kind of bullshit because because like you can love what you do, but then There’s business bills to pay and all that stuff that kind of comes along with it.

, once you’ve grown a business, but you love what you do, you’re just going to love what you do, period. And that’s the truth. So what kind of person, like what, what kind of people kind of like come to you, like on a [00:10:00] daily basis, like people, can you give me a kind of description of, , what goes on at your company?

So people out there can hear, say, okay, listen, my dog’s doing this. We need to talk to Cherie.

Cherie A. Marquez: So it’s a It’s more or less a different scenario for every person, but , when, when the person has a puppy and the puppy is destroying their house and they are going to the bathroom all over the place and chewing and jumping and, .

Running out the door and they’re calling me at their wits end and like, if you can’t help, I’m getting rid of the stock. But that’s, that’s my, that’s my mission is to keep dogs in their forever home by teaching people how to train their dogs without treats. And. , just create that everlasting bond with their dog and realize that you like they’re, they’re here, they’re angels placed on this earth to bring [00:11:00] us into the present moment, , you have the, the puppies and then you have the older dogs that are pulling too much on the leash or reactive on the leash when they’re on walks with, with other dogs, it’s not necessarily.

An aggressive stance, but it’s either excitement or because they’re on the leash and they can’t get to the other dogs, then, then it’s they’re reactive that way. Gotcha. So,

L. Scott Ferguson: why no treats?

Cherie A. Marquez: Because if you give your dog a treat for every single thing that they do, then they’re going to expect it. And then if you don’t have a treat, they’re going to look at you like, yeah, I’m not going to do that.

Because a dog’s mind and a child’s mind are almost exactly the same. So if they know they can get away with something, they’re going to push it for everything that they can. So.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah, I, I a hundred percent agree with that. And I was taught that I have no idea [00:12:00] how I was when I was young. So I, I got like stitch doesn’t listen the greatest, right.

But I do have on some clicker training, , on a couple of things, especially on walks, if we’re out hiking, like he hears it and he comes to me and stuff like that. But I have, like, I kind of let him get away with a lot, to be honest with you. If you were to come over, you’d probably jump up. He has some serious ups, right.

And kind of lick your face. Once he gets to know you, he’s super chill. I just never broke him of that. So, if I wanted to, he’s eight now, and I adopted him at one, so if I wanted to, at eight, is he, is it pretty already ingrained in him, or could someone like me actually train him to stop at the ups?

Cherie A. Marquez: It is, you, at any age, the oldest dogs that I’ve actually worked with are 15 year old dogs, and like, different 15 year old dogs from like different families.

Because I’ve been I’ve been training for 24 years. So 15 years old and the owners say [00:13:00] that like, oh, you can’t train him. He’s 15 years old, but he like, , he or she is, is feeling left out because of this new puppy. So I’m like, no, no, no. Incorporate. Incorporate the dog into the training, so we’re like, we actually incorporate the dogs with, with the puppy and it’s great though, because the older dog is.

It’s showing that like, all right, if that puppy can do it, let me show you exactly that energy.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. And they’re like

Cherie A. Marquez: on point. They’re perfect. So it’s never too late.

L. Scott Ferguson: So when someone comes to you and says, Hey, Cherie dog mistake, like, , they’re, they, they, maybe you’re in the discovery side. , session with them, like making sure that you’re, , what they want to hire.

Right. And you’re kind of talking about it. Like, is there any secret sauce you use during that discussion? Maybe Cherie that like helps them find that initial, [00:14:00] we’ll just call it a blind spot. That’s going on with, with the dog. Is there anything that’s in that discussion or what set or kind of secret sauce that you use to really find that out?

Cherie A. Marquez: Well, I mean, the main question is like, what kind of issues are you having? So what kind of issues are you having? And and then going from there and, and even if I’m giving legal little tips on what to do or how to solve it, then , it’s just, it’s just putting the confidence. And then to to show that I know what I’m talking about.


L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah. And then the proofs in the pudding I love that you’re backing it up with a lot of the social stuff because I know you’re not like I want to be on social all the time. Do you monster? Cause we talked about that, but at least I’m glad that you’re putting that content out and we’ve met like three years ago, I think we had lunch.

You spend a minute, right. And you’re like, you had talked about how I’m going to put this out. I think that’s just great that you’re starting to do it, , because then people can see, it kind of gives you that, Look, it’s true, , she’s the real deal. So What do [00:15:00] you think then makes a good, dog trainer or like To get to a level of the dog mystic that you are like, what do you think makes a great trainer?

Cherie A. Marquez: You gotta love what you do. You have to love animals and just to show your joy when When you see the dog is, is so important. I mean, like, , it’s, it goes for the same way as like, , a veterinarian, I mean, like, , there was, there was this, this one veterinarian that I think I, I actually took this, took a dog that I had in training to to that vet because the, they were extended hours or maybe like open on, on a Sunday.

And this, this doctor, this veterinarian. Literally like got on the floor and like the puppy like just

L. Scott Ferguson: That’s awesome.

Cherie A. Marquez: Pissed them all off. Yes. Like, I was like, Oh, that’s so cool. So I mean, like, , that’s, that’s the as much as I want to [00:16:00] walk into the house and introduce myself to the person, the dog is the one that’s, that’s greeting me first.

So it’s, it’s more or less like, Oh my

L. Scott Ferguson: gosh. You’re so right,

Cherie A. Marquez: , like, hi, I’m like, I’m saying hi real quick, but then like, , really get in that love it up on the, on the dog.

L. Scott Ferguson: Have you found that you can find out a lot about their human by the way they act? And the reason why I say this is that, , I, I coach, I’m blessed to coach a lot of people and a lot of them have pets and, , meet them one on one a lot of times at their house and I can actually have the right questions ready for my coaching after meeting their dog You know what i’m saying?

I can because they take on so many traits the dogs, of They’re they’re human or maybe even it’s vice versa But I just see I can actually tell what i’m kind of walking into or even when I was in real estate and I still am but When I would go places and like want to list somebody’s house I can almost tell the attitude of the person that’s going to be selling the house through [00:17:00] their dog , does that make sense to you?

Oh, absolutely. Okay.

Cherie A. Marquez: Absolutely. I mean it’s it’s the person it’s it’s the person that’s transitioning the the Behaviors of the dog, , and

L. Scott Ferguson: the energy that the dog picks up, right?

Cherie A. Marquez: exactly

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah

Cherie A. Marquez: yeah, because I mean like with the With the dog training it’s Easy to train the dogs, but it’s

L. Scott Ferguson: difficult to train the people.

Let’s go there because like how do you handle that because sometimes Something radical has got to kind of happen to make sure that the protocol that you’re putting in place Happens like how do you handle because you got not only deal with Lack of a better term deal with the dog’s personality, but the owner’s as well, So, how do you handle that?

Cherie A. Marquez: Well, I mean, in the beginning of my career then it was [00:18:00] I was more or less Trying to please the owners every way possible. But as the years progressed and as people just don’t listen and they keep on repeating their commands and, , doing things their way, instead of instead of the way that, that they should, then it’s, it’s more or less

Being blunt and honest with them. Are you? Absolutely. I’m totally honest with them. And it’s like, I’m walking into your house and let’s say like, , it’s the fourth lesson or something like that. Fourth lesson, the dogs are not listening. I don’t understand. And , he’s, he’s just. Not doing the commands.

And then, then I get the leash and the dog is on point with everything. And then they’re looking at me like, how did you do that? I’m like, well I’m not repeating my commands. I’m being firm. I’m making, I’m not giving up. And then, , they’re like, [00:19:00] oh, I’m like, well, that’s all they’ve been telling you because I’ve been like, , there’s certain, certain commands you can repeat and then other commands you don’t want to repeat.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Cherie A. Marquez: When he repeats it, sit, sit, sit, sit,

L. Scott Ferguson: all

Cherie A. Marquez: you’re doing is asking the dog, sit for me, please. And the dog’s looking at you like, whatever, I’m just going to do it when I want to do it. Not when you want to do

L. Scott Ferguson: right. Absolutely. I get that with Stitch. Cause , he’s a mix between, , a pity. And a shiny Sharpay.

So you have two of the most stubborn dogs that can be out there. Right. And I have got to be daddy disciplined sometimes. Like he knows, , it’s especially if, , it’s time for relaxation. I have to be like. , castle now. And I built him like a little area that I call his castle, , and I’m like castle now, and he knows that if it’s that, , I’m not like in your castle, in your castle, it’s like, I kind of picked that up, , from other trainers that I’ve seen, like you said, be firm, be convicted.

, be gentle. But at the same time, they know [00:20:00] that it’s what they’re going to be doing, right? Well, it’s also about your tone inflection.

Cherie A. Marquez: So he knows he knows your tone when, like in the very beginning, you’re like, go to your castle. Right. Go. And then he’s just like, and, and because you have, have any bully mix or any bullies in general are more stubborn than other breeds.

So they’re like, he, he hears that tone at first and he’s just like,

L. Scott Ferguson: whatever dude, goes

Cherie A. Marquez: right back to his

L. Scott Ferguson: bone. Yeah. But then as

Cherie A. Marquez: soon as your tone. Changes and castle.

L. Scott Ferguson: It’s

Cherie A. Marquez: firm. It’s like, oh man. Okay, fine. I gotta

L. Scott Ferguson: go. Make sure if you’re in kind of like a discovery conversation making sure you’re the right horse for the course It’s a saying that I use make sure you’re the right person to train their dog Is there any good question that you wish they would ask you but never do [00:21:00] good question?

Cherie A. Marquez: Well, let’s say if they choose, like, they asked me, well, why should I choose you over any other dog trainer? And I, my reply is. Well, I am not the dog mystic for any reason. It’s it shows in the way that I train you and I train your dog and just show so much compassion and love and teach you how to To gain that compassion on the soul level.

So you have a better connection with with your dog So you’re training the human along with the dog, correct? Like you’re training the voice and flat or the tone inflection And stuff like that like during your protocol of while [00:22:00] they’re a client, correct? Well, that’s so important. It’s so extremely important because it’s, it’s not about if I don’t train the people, then it’s pointless because, , it’s, it’s training them exactly what they have to do to, Deal with their dog 24 seven, or, , how long that they’re, they’re with, with their dogs, , because I’ve, I have gotten so many invitations on, Oh, you want to come live here?

Like live at my house for like a week, two weeks, if that, if I took people up on that, I would have two years worth of like staying in different people’s homes, you wouldn’t even have

L. Scott Ferguson: to get a new place like you just did. Okay. Gotcha. What do you think’s the biggest mistake outside of tone inflection that you’re seeing with people because let me [00:23:00] let me back up like I would ask you is like if I follow your protocol and do what you tell me to do, how long do you feel?

It will take to get to the point of what you and I talked about where I want to get to does that make sense That’s like that’s what I would kind of ask you. It’s like Cherie if I follow your protocol to the t and we do check ins like how would you do it with your business? Then how long would it take me, , take me and my fur baby to get on point That’s just the question that I might ask , and if I follow your protocol, a lot of times we’ll be like, how long is it going to take?

Well, dude, if you follow my protocol, right, then it’s good. And not going to, it will definitely shorten that learning curve a lot. But anyways, that’s just my, my kind of take, but outside of tone inflection, what other mistakes and tone inflection and treats, what other mistakes do you see? people making with their fur babies or even somebody that is.

looking to possibly [00:24:00] adopt, , what mistakes are you kind of, that doesn’t make sense. What kind of mistakes are you seeing in people other than the tone inflection and the treats?

Cherie A. Marquez: Okay. Well just to back up real quick on, on how long, how long it should take is like approximately two months to really

Consistently just learn certain commands, learn certain commands, apply it. And and then it’s all about consistency. It’s all about repetition and consistency on a single, like every single day. If you work with your dog, 30 minutes. 30 minutes is split it up into three, 10 minutes or two, 15 minutes.

That’s it. That’s all you need just to give them the mental stimulation because the mental stimulation of the training is, it gets [00:25:00] them more tired than just. Playing and, and playing with, with any toys

L. Scott Ferguson: and

Cherie A. Marquez: and then being firm, but then loving and then never giving up because the problem is people, if people are impatient and they’re, they’re trying to get their dog to do a certain command, let’s just say like the sick command and the dog is extremely stubborn.

They get frustrated and they’re like, all right, forget it. Right. One time, one time is all that was needed for that dog to remember. Their memories are absolutely amazing. So for that dog to remember, all right, cool. I’m going to be more patient than you. So let me just wait a little bit longer. You’ll give up.

I don’t have to do it.

L. Scott Ferguson: So

Cherie A. Marquez: never give up. Never give up. It doesn’t matter how long, [00:26:00] the longest time, because, because I knew the dog knew the sit command.

L. Scott Ferguson: Right.

Cherie A. Marquez: And it was a, it was a Basenji and Basenjis are, are stubborn dogs. Took me 45 minutes to get this dog to sit.

L. Scott Ferguson: Oh, I

Cherie A. Marquez: mean, , that’s, that’s an extreme case.

It’s not going to take that long. But I mean, like, , if your dog is extremely stubborn and looking at you like, I know, but I’m not going to do it,

L. Scott Ferguson: but you

Cherie A. Marquez: can’t, you can’t give up

L. Scott Ferguson: because I can wait you out, right. Do you get any pushback from people that are out? Out of their mind, if you ask me, and I’ll say that I don’t care that from people saying you’re taken away from their natural instincts

in what regard to train them, or like you’re training them because like some people [00:27:00] I’ve heard it. I’ve been around people like I don’t know why you train your dog if they’re going to jump and sniff and do this, then that’s what they do. , I don’t believe in it because, , we train our children, right.

, for certain things, but like, I’m just curious because it’s a different species and human. Have you ever had any pushback like that?

Cherie A. Marquez: Well, I mean, I’ve seen the destruction. I’ve seen the destruction that the, that some dogs, even if they’re teeny tiny to, , extremely large, but they can do to, to the homes.

So anybody that is saying, well, let them be dogs and let them do whatever they want. Then my response is, are you going to let a child just, or a baby? And this goes for the puppies, a puppy and a baby.

L. Scott Ferguson: Are you going to

Cherie A. Marquez: let a baby crawl around and put everything in their mouth?

L. Scott Ferguson: Right now? Nope. Nope.

Cherie A. Marquez: Okay. And so do you have a playpen for your baby?

Yes. Well, guess what? They got a playpen for [00:28:00] your dogs, right? , your puppies. So they’re not chewing on, on everything. You can save your furniture. They’re not going to chew on, on wires and , electrocute themselves. So, I mean, it’s the same, the same exact thing.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love it. And that’s exactly right.

Have you ever told anybody that they should not have a dog?

Cherie A. Marquez: I fired clients before.

L. Scott Ferguson: Okay. I know that again, I think that’s the purple color. Your eyes just went a certain way. When you said that, like you’re like fired people before, cause I’m, I’m happy that you said that that’s, that’s a hundred percent true.

So because it’s a waste of my time. It’s a waste of my time. If I’m going there a couple of times and they’re not doing anything that that I’m telling them to do, the dogs. Are perfect with me. And then they’re totally not listening and being totally disrespectful to the owner, because [00:29:00] I’m sorry, , you’re doing it to yourself.


Cherie A. Marquez: not following my, my rules. So this is what you get.

L. Scott Ferguson: And the owner is just lazy. A lot of times it just comes to that. It’s like, they want this, but they, they’re looking for that shortcut, that easy, instead of putting the time, like you said, the reps in as well. So. Cherie, how do you want your dash remembered?

That little line in between your incarnation date and your expiration date, your life date and death date. Hopefully it’s way down the line, but how does Cherie want her dash remembered?

Cherie A. Marquez: Keep smiling.

L. Scott Ferguson: Yeah?

Cherie A. Marquez: Keep smiling and

Be fair, be fair with, with

like the golden rule. Yeah. I mean, like the golden rule, treat others the way that you want to be treated. Yeah. I love that. And you do that, which is fantastic. How about like, is there anything people might misunderstand about Cherie?

[00:30:00] Even if, even if I’m quiet or shy, Or not necessarily shy, but just quiet and I’m observing everything. So yeah, I’m, I’m in the back of the room and just

L. Scott Ferguson: observing and just

Cherie A. Marquez: taking it all in.

L. Scott Ferguson: You’re not really being a bitch. You’re just really trying to be a sponge and kind of take it in and be like, Oh, and, and understand, , the stop.

I think I noticed it from you because, , I’ve met you at podfest, right. And you’re kind of like, what the hell is this place? I saw you kind of like. Observing and taking it because that’s me and my superpowers curiosity, right? So it’s like that’s where i’d like we’ll look at people and see and read their vibes and kind of see what it is and I can definitely see that with you where You never had like a resting bitch face or anything like that But you were like kind of like just there, , which was very cool.

How about like what is Your definition of a life well lived. Getting to getting to a[00:31:00]

Cherie A. Marquez: place where You I have passive income, I have time freedom, I have location freedom, and I can work from anywhere in the world because I have my phone, I have internet, and my mission is just to help as many animals and people as possible. You

L. Scott Ferguson: know, it’s funny. I have a canned response. I get interviewed a lot on podcasts and stuff where they’re like, so what’s your definition of success or life well lived?

I’m like living a life of options and not obligations. What I’m saying? I mean, I know I got bills to pay dude, but if I want to live a laptop lifestyle and go travel and speak and stuff like that, that’s what I’m going to do. That, that to me is true success. , obviously be loved. And give love and find that person for you.

And, but it’s, , it’s just, if you have, like you said, , getting a place where you have passive income, time, [00:32:00] freedom, location, , that’s, that’s it, right? I mean, that’s, yeah, it’s, it’s huge. So how about three things that Cherie can’t live without?

Cherie A. Marquez: Animals, my son. Yay. And well, it’s going to be four.


L. Scott Ferguson: my friends and family, you just say community, right? I mean, I love it. I love it. Love it. Love it. Time to shine today.

Podcast varsity squad. We are back in Cherie. Like we’ve talked probably. On some of these questions I’m about to ask you we talked at length, right? But today you have five seconds with no explanations And I promise you that they can all be answered that way. Are you ready to level up? Ready? All right What is the best leveling up advice you’ve ever received?

Cherie A. Marquez: Do what brings you joy because You only have one life to live.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Share one of your personal habits that contributes to your success [00:33:00]

Cherie A. Marquez: My morning routine is so extremely important. I I do my morning affirmations and into my water and then I drink the water afterwards.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Love it. Love it.

Which is interesting, but I love it. So there’s, you see me kind of walking at an event or you just meet up with me and like, man, for he’s in his doldrums. Is there any book that you ever read that really just flipped the script in your brain to really put you in a mindset, good mindset or gratitude?

Cherie A. Marquez: Book. I, I love, I don’t know. I love Marie Forleo and everything is figure edible.

L. Scott Ferguson: I’ve heard of that. That’s awesome. Your most commonly used emoji when you text

Cherie A. Marquez: happy face.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Nicknames growing up.

Cherie A. Marquez: Very,

L. Scott Ferguson: very, very share bear

Cherie A. Marquez: or love it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it. Do you have any hidden talent and or superpower that nobody knew about?

Well, until now

I’m an amazing hugger and I [00:34:00] love her. Yes, you are. I know that. Absolutely. Love it. Love it. Chess, checkers, or monopoly?

Checkers. Love it. Me too. Headline for your life. Excuse me? Headline for your life.

Cherie A. Marquez: Let’s see.

L. Scott Ferguson: Do what brings you joy. Yes, you did what brought you joy. I love it. That’s beautiful. Go to ice cream flavor.

Cherie A. Marquez: Black raspberry.

L. Scott Ferguson: All right, there’s a sandwich called the share bear. Build that sandwich for me. What’s on that sandwich? Hmm.

Cherie A. Marquez: Okay. Hummus. So like veggie, so spinach mozzarella and tomatoes and then balsamic, like in an amazing balsamic. oil and [00:35:00] balsamic and So like a whole good a whole bucket Love it.

L. Scott Ferguson: Love it favorite charity and or organization like to give your time and or money to

Cherie A. Marquez: clean water clean like don’t just there should be clean water Everywhere and worldwide

L. Scott Ferguson: 70s 80s or 90s?

90s. 90s. Really? Really? I thought you were going to go 80s, but why the 90s? Freestyle. Okay. I got you feel that feel that. So how can we find you my friend?

Cherie A. Marquez: So you can find me on the dog mystic. com. As soon as you go onto my my website, you can purchase my books, happy dogs, equal, happy homes. And then right [00:36:00] underneath there’s a free course.

And it is a problem solving techniques course that takes you through all the problems you maybe have.

L. Scott Ferguson: And then

Cherie A. Marquez: that, that leads you to other, other courses that I have.

L. Scott Ferguson: And I love the emails that I do get from you because they’re all informative and they have knowledge nuggets in there for you really, , level up the relationship with your fur baby.

, I think that’s incredible. And also tell me a little bit about this awesome book, like how it kind of came about. Like how you got it written. And I mean, I just remember the excitement that you had coming out when, when you wrote it. Yes.

Cherie A. Marquez: Well it’s just an accumulation of everything that I have been doing within my years of, of dog training, but it takes, I took the spiritual side of it because it’s teaching you the, like, we’re all interconnected.

So. , you have to allow the [00:37:00] animals to bring you into that present moment and, and just they’re angels. So it’s teaching you how important it is to build that connection with, with your dog. But it also goes through problem solving techniques. It goes through healthy things like what’s healthy for your dogs, what’s unsafe for your dogs.

Thanks. And, and then it ends with like an ending prayer. And that is absolutely amazing.

L. Scott Ferguson: I mean, you cover everything from piddling to approaching dogs. I mean, everything was included. I literally, I mean, I had a long flight to Seattle where I was speaking and , I, I read some caught some Z’s and I finished the book before I got to Seattle, , so it’s, you keep us engaged in it and it’s fantastic the way it’s written the layout, the format, even the cover, it doesn’t feel like, like a cheesy book, man.

It feels great. So congratulations on this is huge and squad. I’m going to do a. [00:38:00] Three book giveaway for the first. Or the first three people that Oh, last thing real quick. I got to go back. Cause there are videos in the book as well with QR codes, , within the book itself, which I thought was pretty fricking key.

Thank you for doing that. That that’s amazing. It’s keeping to each, each learning style. And that’s, that’s another thing, because it’s kind of like a question and answer. Question and answer book. So if you’re having a problem with one specific issue, you go to the table of contents, you go to go to that page, you read the information, and then most of the, most of the problems you can.

Cherie A. Marquez: Do the qr code to to watch the video that goes along

L. Scott Ferguson: such a brilliant thing to do. That’s that’s fantastic and squad i’m going to get back to my giveaway three books first for three people that put the dog mystic in any of our social or if you text [00:39:00] it to 561 440 3830 Or just email us, the dog mystic and we will if you’re one of the first three Then I will personally purchase copy and have it mailed out to you.

And also the i’m gonna do a five kindle giveaway five Kindle book giveaway for the first five people that put in ShareBear that is in there. That’s C H E R B E A R. If you put that in any of our social or text that to us or email it, then I’ll get you a Kindle copy out to your email.

Obviously use the email that you use for your Kindle as well. And Cherie, if you could do me one last solid and leave us with one last knowledge nugget that we can take with us. Internalize and take action.

Cherie A. Marquez: Okay. So just realize that dogs are creatures of habit and they’re [00:40:00] angels placed on this earth to bring us into the present moment to create that everlasting bond.

And take the time, be in the present moment, allow yourself to, to literally, even if it’s for five minutes, sit on the floor, start petting your dog, put your phone away and be in the moment.

L. Scott Ferguson: I

Cherie A. Marquez: love it.

L. Scott Ferguson: I love it in squad. I love this conversation with my good friend, Cherie, , the dog mystic, her grandfather raised pigeons, , which is so cool.

I know she was young, but all of that stuck in their reticular activating system or RAS that just remembers everything about that, , and that gave her really leaned into a love for animals, , she was too emotional to be a vet. , so she went an even better route to help people really connect with their pets.

And that’s the true, so true that, , my dog, my Stitch makes [00:41:00] me feel so present in every moment that I’m with him. Because I, , I take the headphones out and no phone. We go for walks. At least one of our walks a day is just him and I chilling, kind of doing our thing. every, every dog is different, just like every human’s different.

That’s what makes Cherie great about being able to really get to know your fur baby, and also get to know you to see how the best mesh possible for you to be able to have the right tone inflection. , to be able to have a bond and a, and a forever relationship with your fur baby. , and lastly, she wants to also reach out to us humans to really kind of live a life well lived of, , always be smiling, be fair, have a servant heart, get to a place of options, not obligations.

, she’s living with intention and not attention. She’s doing things for the intention of really wanting to have that bond and have you present with your dog. Then. The attention. Like, look at me, look at me. ? [00:42:00] But again, an author of a fantastic book, she levels her health. She loves up wealth.

She’s absolutely beautiful. She’s one of my good friends. Thank you so much for coming on, Cher. You’ve earned your varsity letter here at Time to Shine Today. Thank you. So again, thank you so much for coming on my love.

Cherie A. Marquez: Thank you so much. You bet. Chat soon.

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